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its not a proper os
@Gordon wtaf
@DaveRandom its apparently just a glorified file explorer
It doesn't have core OS functionalities.
/me wonders how many people understand what "operating system" actually means
Haha this. thecodinglove.com/post/139479826042/… One of my project providers asked me to learn python and HIPPA compliance in a week time to do a project he already promised a client. Didn't do it ofcourse, he had to find a guy to keep his BS promise.
I wonder if some people think it's just any system which "operates"
and the other developer is full of BS. Server not secure at all. permissions are all over the place.
u wonder in php room ha
Since Windows frequently fails to operate, I guess that's not actually an operating system
sometimes works system
It's a poorly-written low-level virus
umm... I was trying to build a server using pthreads ... my main class is this one gist.github.com/gourabnagDev/b18dfe54892c85451234 and I use that class in here gist.github.com/gourabnagDev/ee459c9f81790b6377f5 . well the script starts normally and whenever I access this error gets printed in the terminal gist.github.com/gourabnagDev/7f4819a2a4e61c30f31a ... any guess what it is cannot get it....
<insert Oracle bashing comment here>
@Saitama /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ - you know there's such a thing as declaring variables, right?
There's a reason that PHP Storm warns about that stuff...
that was just to suppress the error variable might have not been set
and i am sure that it would get set... anyway the execution doesn't even reach that thing
Yeh, so declare the array before the loop..
$head = $headers = []; at the top of the function is all that is required
Quit it with the IDE-oriented programming ;-)
:P alright !
    while(($client = socket_accept($this->socket))) {
Makes no sense
@DaveRandom star-worthy, really
You don't want to start the same thread every time you get a client, you create a new thread and start it every time you get a client
Well, technically you don't want to do either, but for the purposes of learning how pthreads works that is what you are trying to do at the moment
@littlepootis :-P
hmm alright ! thanks .. !
It's funny, half the times I ask a question here I get what seems to be a complicated answer because of the definitions and end up researching for 30 mins longer till I understand it. How long till I understand this sh*t normally.
Literally never. New concepts are difficult, if they were easy they wouldn't be new concepts.
Also, pretty much no-one on earth understands the intricacies of parallel and/or asynchronous processing, they are very difficult, they don't fit into anyone's mental model of the world
No-one can multi-task thoughts, no matter what they claim
I struggle with synchronous thought tbh.
aaaand that's why we say the wrong thing when someone's talking, just last night my gf was saying something while i was thinking and response was something along the lines of, take the potato out of the driveway.
meant to be car. not potato ofcourse.
Interestingly though there's some good theoretical research in to how our brain interprets multiple stimuli
Or something where you're not paying attention. Example when your gf says something and you go "what?" but by the time you finish saying what you realise you heard
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it requires a lot of practice.
Yeh but that's only possible because the brain has a shitload of separate "CPUs". Only one of those is dedicated to consciousness. It's like in GUI applications where one thread is responsible for the GUI, the part that the user experiences, and often other threads have dealt with something a long time before the user is made aware of it.
the biggest load of bs is when I read "they finally discovered how to use 100% of the brain" freakin morons, it's always being used 100%, just for different things, not all of it is supposed to be used for memory and cognitive ability.
if 10% is cognitive, and 90% is sensory stuff, it's still 100%.
become a vegetable and use 100% for cognitive ability, no senses and speech etc.
@littlepootis The practice is simply training your brain to offload the work to another part, outside consciousness. You will never be able to consciously do more than one thing at once. Try paying attention to your breathing and doing any other thing at the same time.
You will quickly find that you are struggling to breathe, and nothing else has happened
Sorry for being off-php topic, last bit to this, the coolest thing about perception is speed reading. They tell you to not read the words and say them in your head, you're supposed to read text while saying E I O U in your head so you don't say them in your head, and with practice, you can read a page a second. It works in the form of having your brain interpret text as images so you build an image in your head and just "understand" what was on that page and can recite what you read.
photographic memory
@DaveRandom there's no clear definition of consciousness as of now
Consider it "what you are paying attention to and fully experiencing" for the purposes of that experiment
@Darius I tried that and found that my reading comprehension dropped to a very superficial level
@Darius I speed read and I when I just started, I used to stop breathing to end those voices in my head :P
was just starting out*
Interesting, I never got into it too long so I never noticed a change, all I know is I didn't retain much of anything at all when I was doing it or I didn't do it long enough. I had a friend that was ridiculously good at it though
asocial as a downside, but they had that skill.
Although I haven't seen any significant increase in my speed, my comprehension has greatly improved.
hi guys
i am writing data to csv file currently doing this in php
after sometime i am getting timeout error
i want to track how many rows of data are written to the file
set_time_limit(0); ???
shall i pastebin the code
@ramsai cat /path/to/written/file | wc -l will give you the number of lines in the written file
in unix-aping oses
@Gordon how do you remember such commands ??
@Saitama Not too hard, just use them sometimes.
@Saitama well, cat is easy to remember. everyone likes cats
not cat i told about wc ... :P
wc -l is easy to, just stands for "word count -lines"
i am in ubuntu /nginx/php/mysql
my stack
i love cats in fact i have 2 cats!!!
thnx @Oldskool
@ramsai good. so do what I suggested.
@Saitama they're commonly used
wc is word count, -l options gives no. of lines
i have never used wc actually.... never felt the need of it...
You miseed out ;)
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|'
@ramsai what did you type?
what ?? piping gives error ??
root@wds-Lenovo-B490:/var/www/datayuge# | wc -l
I have to do a simple count where a field = 'xyz' in SQL. should I use groupby for that?
@ramsai You need to do the cat part as well.
| expects input
5 mins ago, by Gordon
@ramsai cat /path/to/written/file | wc -l will give you the number of lines in the written file
lol umm ... @ramsai type the whole command that gordon told
you're feeding it nothing
cat yourdumpfile | wc -l
nothing is piped into it
@Duikboot No, simply SELECT COUNT(something) WHERE field=xyz;
i have been observing this php room is turning into more kinda *nix room
my file name will be dynamic like recharge_date time.csv
so how can i do this at cmd?
@ramsai your PHP script should've written a partial file
Before it timed out.
nope it didnt write anything
A flush toilet is a toilet that disposes of human liquid and solid waste, by using water to flush it through a drainpipe to another location for disposal, thus maintaining a separation between humans and their excreta. Flush toilets can be designed for sitting (in which case they are also called "Western" toilets) or for squatting, in the case of squat toilets. The opposite of a flush toilet is a dry toilet which uses no water for flushing. Flush toilets usually incorporate an "S", "U", "J", or "P" shaped bend that causes the water in the toilet bowl to collect and act as a seal against sewer gases...
no file is created
Then you have another problem.
then write it
then your php script is not working correctly
Perhaps the input you're trying to feed into your script is too large and causes a memory limit to be triggered.
check the error logs
@Oldskool pls
this is in error logs
/03/03 16:43:18 [error] 7171#0: *10 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /datayuge/datayuge.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "localhost"
my code is calling third party api 3 times
i will give the pastebin link
Got it
/app # ls -al phantomjs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 67932064 Jan 25 01:01 phantomjs
/app # ./phantomjs
/bin/sh: ./phantomjs: not found
what happens when you use the built-in server?
@Saitama yes, wc is also water closet. so you can build an easy moniker by remembering that you need to put the cat into the water closet to count lines in a file
EPIC @Gordon !!!
gonna remember that for the rest of the lifetime
> No cats were harmed while running this command
@Saitama did you see my code
Umm.. I am lil bit busy atm...
@ramsai the connection timed out. your upstream doesnt seem to respond. check your php error log instead of the webserver log.
i have given the message from php error log
@ramsai That's not your PHP error log.
That's your nginx error log.
(And I hope you didn't configure PHP to write it's errors there, as that would be a mess.)
yes i think
i didnt find any error logs
@Oldskool so what i need to do now?
try restarting your computer..
@ramsai Find your actual PHP error log. Something like this should give some clues: egrep -ir '^error_log' /etc/php*
or this php -r "echo ini_get(\"error_log\");"
@Leigh head phantomjs?
I am trying to insert into db using codeigniter but getting slash added ahead of double quote
or this php -r "echo ini_get(\"error_log\");"
add this to my file starting
i tried it in cmd
nothing i got
@FlorianMargaine it's due to alpine being compiled with musl libc, and phantomjs was compiled against glibc, so missing some symbols - and I really don't want to compile it myself in a docker build, takes hours
Jimbo this is third or fourth time you linked closed vote to same question anything serious abt that question :P
@Leigh oh, fun
/app # ldd phantomjs | grep Error
Error relocating phantomjs: backtrace: symbol not found
Error relocating phantomjs: backtrace_symbols: symbol not found
Error relocating phantomjs: __rawmemchr: symbol not found
@Saitama CLI ususally doesn't have an error log, since it just spits out errors to the screen.
hmm... didn't know about that...
@ramsai Try that egrep command.
Is there any way to set the umask of php-fpm without having to set it in the init script?
cc @DaveRandom? @Danack?
I could be sober-er
egrep error.log
is this correct?
18 mins ago, by Oldskool
@ramsai Find your actual PHP error log. Something like this should give some clues: egrep -ir '^error_log' /etc/php*
spent like an hour doing the whole screencast thing ... then "we'll just make here and do a quick test" and everything went wrong ...
stupid re2c missing and bison wrong version, but the build goes ahead, so the changes just didn't work, completely silently ... stupid php ...
and also, me...
when i go with above command i got beloow message
grep "ERROR" /tmp/file | sort | uniq -c | sort -r:
/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf:error_log = /var/log/php5-fpm.log
@PeeHaa Not that I can think of. Depends what you want to do, if you want to set it for all scripts executed by a pool you could use umask() and auto_prepend_file but that's equally awful
@DaveRandom God damnit. That is even horribler
@ramsai There you go. Check that file: /var/log/php5-fpm.log
didnt find anything with this file
@JoeWatkins it doesn't matter. when you do live coding in a presentation, people will expect things to go wrong. and they will go wrong. but people will still love you just for being brave enough to try.
@PeeHaa Add an fpm conf setting.
yesterday, by PeeHaa
@DaveRandom You know how git works don't you :P
@PeeHaa add a 'auto-prepend-file' script and do umask(0755); in it?
[02-Mar-2016 11:17:36] NOTICE: configuration file /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf test is successful
it is the message i got from the error file
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
@DaveRandom God damnit. That is even horribler
dd if=/zero/urandom of=/dev/sda count=666
cut short the thing though, I wanted to explain stuff a bit more ...
Great minds.......need more coffee.
@DaveRandom hehe
@Danack :-)
should have tested there first ... span up an old vm and only wrote the patch an hour before doing the thing ...
it's all @PeeHaa's fault ...
most things are
php5.6 support buffer function
are you phpPluginMaster's brother?
i have custom lots of plugin
@QueryMaster I realise English may not be your first language. However you will need to write more clearly if you hope to have people respond to your question.
what exactly are you trying to say? @Danack
Is "php5.6 support buffer function" meant to be a question?
it's... pretty clear. if your read the sentence two or three times I'm sure you'll understand. @QueryMaster
I think you guys have not understand my question @FélixGagnon-Grenier
2 mins ago, by Danack
Is "php5.6 support buffer function" meant to be a question?
Actually this one was not my question. @FélixGagnon-Grenier
So... what was your question then? it seems you wrote three things:
> Hi
> php5.6 support buffer function
> i have custom lots of plugin
exactly none of that is a question sorry, I'm having a cranky morning. please, post your question.
wonder if google translate creates that type of translation or if trying real hard to write in english
or stubborn and not using google translate only to make us ponder at what the question is
@DaveRandom ok that sucks cock. puat on the list of things to do when I retire...
so what i need to do now?
how to log the errors in php
@PeeHaa that one shouldn't be super hard
I might even want to do it if you open a bug
@PeeHaa why put it off so long? just go to a gay bar and get over with it
@FlorianMargaine will do
can i ask you something? @FélixGagnon-Grenier
@QueryMaster we are trying really hard to make you actually ask your question for several minutes now
@PeeHaa the eloquence with which you communicate is inspirational ....
loud lulz were had
I wish people wouldn't star stuff with swears ...
I don't care about swearing ...
but kids hover around me and I don't really want them reading that, if I can help it ...
I just need to know about what future is PHP because many of the programmer switched in mobile development and cloud computing ... i just here to know what you guys have thinking about the PHP and what scope is it in future. @FélixGagnon-Grenier
@JoeWatkins you can (and should, if you think it's worth it) unstar messages
swearing does seem to be an easy star bait
@FlorianMargaine feels dictatorial ... I don't want to do that ...
@JoeWatkins I always found it weird that people try to protect kids from swearing. Just makes them more excited when they learn a new swear word...
they hear me swear
Is there any good workaround for those incorrect number of months: 3v4l.org/8da5U
all the time ..
@JoeWatkins the D in BDFL doesn't stand for Democracy
!!urban bdfl
aww crap @Jeeves you drunk again?
a childs impression of the internet is shaped by what you allow them to see, they both access the internet supervised, but come into my office all the time, to ask me what my favourite color is, or which power ranger is best ... and I'd rather not have to remember to need to switch my screen ...
@Patrick because it sets the rules of what happens at home.
if you swear around them, you let them think that it's ok to swear
@JoeWatkins then what is the difference with reading swears?
I don't think my brain would be able to cope with all the stuff I'm constantly learning now, and having to look after another little human being. I can barely sort myself out, and I'm 27....
@FrankLiepert Yes, use UTC timezone: 3v4l.org/KOpdr
then don't swear around them and set a good example?
But hiding it from them like the beeping on us tv... That's just weird and makes them want to taste the forbidden fruit
@PeeHaa also seems to want to taste the forbidden fruit once he retires, so that's just human
150 different PHP versions support
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I don't wear swears on my t-shirt, or use them in normal conversation, and nor do any of us ... a million things are said in here a day that are worth staring without needing to include what we would normally, out of courtesy, , if it were an external link, most probably ...
@JoeWatkins feel free to unstar in a bit it or censor it in a way so that the joke is not lost (I am responsible for the first star)
@Oldskool: 1 + 4 still look wrong compared to the others.
swearing is definitely not nsfw imo
It's more about non-text media
@FlorianMargaine checked
well, I dunno ... all I wanted to do was get people to consider what they are starring, consider that it lingers a long time ... not denying it's funny, not asking anyone not to swear .... but it would be nice if that sort of thing wasn't front and centre ...
I swear in here all the time ... hope I'm not coming across as a dick head ...
@JoeWatkins just clear out the irrelevant things every so often, wouldn't hurt. Like rebecca links after fridays and all the jokes
I don't want to have "that conversation" with my daughter because of something she read in a chatroom she saw on my screen ...
Then unstar it. I don't think anyone will mind.
I will never unstar rebecca
@Jimbo you're not a room owner
so you will never unstar anything :P
I bet there's a chrome extension to replace swear words on the page though.
@FlorianMargaine You can unstar by re-clicking the star on the right
@Jimbo ah, yeah, the unstar we're talking about is the RO unstar though
@FlorianMargaine Actually I was room owner, but about 2 minutes after getting it, having been in here for years, Anthony came in and removed everyone's privileges an re-gave them out, me not included :P
Yeah, Jimbo was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You remember that though, shows what people think :-)
@Jimbo "It is too late to undo this operation"
@Patrick Ohh, non-immediate ones, okay
thank you, whoever done that ... sorry to whine ...
it was @Jimbo.
@JoeWatkins If nobody says anything then nothing will get done
I wish more people spoke up about it
@Gordon Got your phpuceu tickets?
I start using SSH a lot, and using scp -r commands as well. How do you guys manage this so you don't have to type everything? Are there aliases you use to make 'Life more easy/faster' ?
@Duikboot I use WinSCP myself. It's more like a FTP program and does an excellent job
And works closely with putty...
@Duikboot put them in a script and then just run the script?
yeah this is the list of things that work with putty
- winscp
that is all ...
Porfiles are pretty useful
- binaries distributed with putty, possibly
That's awesome :)
thanks a lot.
that SSH alias config is something I will use forever from now on.
@Jimbo yes, but no flight or hotel booked yet. I am still undecided whether I want to spend 750 bucks for the conf
which mostly depends on whether the wife and I will connect the conf with a longer vacation
@Gordon That's what I'm doing, 5 days over there
You should take a look at airbnb, never tried it but looks really good
@Jimbo if we go, we take the son and my mom with us. not sure airbnb is the right choice then.
@Gordon I don't think you stay with random people, I think you rent out the whole place?
or maybe I don't know how it works
both is possible
both options are possible with AirBNB.
@JoeWatkins :P
I saw you can get villas for 120 euros a night
thinking of cancelling my hotel that I booked for a good villa if I can find one :)
@Jimbo the conf hotel is 90 bucks a night
@Gordon It's a shit one though
@Jimbo you'll be piss drunk anyway, so why bother? :D
What's the location of the conf?
Haha, but only for the conf nights, the other nights hiring that 750cc bike, hot air ballon ride, and a few other plans
Lol :D
@Jimbo nice
@DaveRandom Nice
I realise that I am technically an adult but I like Pixar films god damn it, and I'm not afraid who knows it!
This is maybe not the best place to ask this q, but maybe someone knows. Is it possible to play a .mp3 file via command-line on a rasberry using php? Client Requests song ->php search in my Dir´s for the correct files -> exec(). OS would be debian. I guess this works, but I can´t test it right now. does someone know?
This is literally my most anticipated film of the decade: imdb.com/title/tt3606756
@DaveRandom You aren't an adult, but even if you would have been no need to be afraid
you need a hobby
@IntercoolerTurbo I am almost certain that VLC will be a good jumping off point
it does seem we will lose the coding love fine gifs...
It has an extensive command line interface and I would be very surprised if it can't do that
@DaveRandom Ah great idea. Thank you, I will try it!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the majority seems to think that they are not fine gifs
@IntercoolerTurbo @IntercoolerTurbo foobar ftw!
Oh windows only
That sucks
Such a nice player
yesterday, by Danack
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I still pronounce it 'fucking'.
far fetched bad joke of mine, if you have three clicks of your life to use

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
We don't enjoy i.imgur.com/Q3cUg29.gif in here, we practice a different kind of sadism
Is github running like shit for anyone else?
@CoderDudeTwodee Here's a link to the answer stackoverflow.com/a/35774426/2370483
:P @Machavity

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
A CSV that doesn't use commas is an abomination.
@Fabor csv is an abomination
tab delimted txt is the only true format
YAML plz
DIE plz
Where's that yaml guy?
The baby-faced ladies man with the beiber haircut?
Hey you all! I'm testing some e-mails send by PHP and often I use www.mail-tester.com to check if SPF etc is OK. But mail-tester.com is not receiving my e-mail. Even if I send an e-mail from gmail, it does not receive it. Might it be broken?
How apt :P
yes it might :)
^ that
Does anyone know an alternative for mail-tester.com?
I have no idea what mail-tester.com is
I don't know the page, but it is quite slow from here (netherlands). wouldn't surprise me if something is borky over there
You can send an e-mail to mail-tester.com and it will analyze the e-mail and tell you what is wrong with it. SPF, DKIM, SpamAssassin
Lol, they have a loading-bar with an actual snail on it. That's cynical...
@Nanne, I'm also in the Netherlands, site is quite slow indeed
Jun 1 '15 at 13:58, by Dan Lugg
someone explain what yaml is?
@Darius it refers to a person and means "yet another markup loser"
kk thanks!
but dont take my word for it.
posted on March 03, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Stéphane */

posted on March 03, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by The coding love */

@Darius Requires an understanding of the fifth circle of Hell and the ability to write regex that parses markup
So... wordpress? lol
shortcodes and regex ftw
aaagh!!! That word! Killing my eyes...
@Darius No, that's the 7th circle, where people are stuck in an endless loop trying to make Wordpress secure from demon hackers
Good morning
"But we released a patch for that!" "Yes... but only 32% of users installed it. Bwahahahaha! Back to the patch writing for you"
shit it is morning.. yet another night i failed to realize.
morning irc
who's still using SSL 2.0?
@tereško Email servers...
@tereško This explains it better than I could in chat (and isn't TL;DR) security.stackexchange.com/a/116323/83382
I found an alternative for mail-tester.com => isnotspam.com
@Machavity then it's the wrong solution
it should be "fire Bob"
Anybody knows something about FF's hsts preload list?
to query se's api for all so question with at least one close vote
@Timo002 that is actually a cool service, thanks for the link

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