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there are so many warnings in php compilation that looking for actual errors is nearly impossible :(
yeah, though the engine is pretty clean today (not totally, but better than before)
@Wes I know that feeling. I compiled php7 from src on my laptop and kept note of all the steps, and 3 days later on work computer I followed all the steps and there were errors all around...
i'm trying to compile an extension but it's not getting created. gah
regarding 7.1 deprecations. how about moving this to a (disable-able) extension / pecl ? php.net/manual/en/ref.calendar.php
@Wes Why? It's there and working right?
@Wes unless you have a better extension in mind ..
@samayo don't keep notes - just put all the commands into a script that you can just run again....
@Danack isn't it a bit strange to have that in core? it's not shared
@Wes The issue is that once something gets into core, the burden for 'proving' that it needs to be removed becomes really high, and there needs to be a clear reason for removing it.
@Danack haha, a year ago I created a repo (now removed) called centomatic which installed everything from php, nginx, mariadb, fail2ban .. but abandoned it for some reason.
Just "well, it shouldn't have been there in the first place" isn't a high enough burden imo.
@Danack i'm not saying it should be removed, could be shared and enabled by default
@Wes can you articulate what benefit that would bring over what is happening now?
you can disable it :P
idk, i always felt it was a strange thing to have in core and not shared
to be fair, if the session ext can be disabled, so should the calendar.
yeah.....the problem is that just making any changes in a code-base that is as large and as widely used as PHP has high costs. e.g. the Debian + other people who maintain their own version with separate patches applied would suffer from having arbitrary changes that don't bring clear benefits.
that was my point
stupid question, after i did buildconf, conf, make, stuff, what should i do before attempting to compile again? there was a command like buildconf clean or something but i don't remember it lol
There's make clean, but you shouldn't need it.
It should pick up the stuff to recompile automatically...
when should i run that kelunik ?
You should only need make clean if something is being weird.
oh. okay
/oh right you're on windows.....ten times a day!
is there a way to recompile a specific ext only?
@Wes if you link it statically, then without running make clean it will recompile changed files only
(but that is error-prone)
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'E:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc14\x64\Release_TS\ext\ds\src\ds.obj'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\x86_amd64\link.exe"' : return code '0x49d'
And if you redo ./configure with an extension newly enabled/disabled - it will just compile the code needed.
that's the error i'm getting
can I use if() inside an array declaration like this?
@Wes puphpet.com ? just to let you know, one of my life goals is to never have to work with shitty Microsoft tool chains ever again.
@treblaluch no.
hey guys, i've found this: stackoverflow.com/questions/16261126/… but how would you do this not match the users together. but matching a user to specific information. based on that users input.
Just set stuff to a temporary var, or just do:
    $data['mboard'] = $mboard;
also - don't abbreviate words like motherboard.
@Danack oh, why is that?
> Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
Code is harder to read than it is to write.
Avoiding typing those letters saves about 2 seconds.
Having to stop and guess that mboard means motherboard costs far more time over the lifetime of the project.
so i should use $m instead?
somwhere in britain a table was just flipped
@AdrianSandu hi, what's up? I'm not very fluent with amqplib, spent most time with amqp contributing to php-amqp. For AMQP protocol or RabbitMQ related questions it normally doesn't matter. Anyway, feels free to drop a question here. One of the rules of this room is don't ask to ask, just ask. Very nice one, btw.
Stupid markup wont turn it into a link unless you add http(s)://, because github, I guessed https, I was wrong
what is the difference on using: $myClass::function($foo); and $myClass->function($bar); ?
offtopic: what is the idea of putting rebecca.blackfriday everywhere?
class Foo{ static function staticMethod(){} function regMethod(){} }
$myClass = "Foo";
$myClass::staticMethod() ;
$myObj = new Foo();
but, you shouldn't use the former
@zaq178miami that's not off topic
its a time honored tradition to post links to rebecca black's friday on fridays in room 11
Is this a cause of why the Earth spins and rotates?
@zaq178miami you should read this to get better understanding of it bit.do/why-rebecca-black-on-fridays
hell, I thought something wrong with my DNS provider or ISP
@SergeyTelshevsky very impressive. Especially second paragraph on page 42.
much better even then any of ACM papers
Actually makes a lot more sense now lol
Frydai \o/!!!!!!!!!!
That's so Tuesday
glibc? again?^W^W ah that the same buffer overflow problem from few days ago
Hmm, IOContainer I can't understand it 100%.
glibc, the heart of everything
someone motivate me to finish list() keys
yes the RFC was accepted but I still need to write more tests for edge-cases
@Leigh EVIL
@SergeyTelshevsky I don't know why I thought that was going to b e something else
> Researchers have discovered a potentially catastrophic flaw in one of the Internet's core building blocks that leaves hundreds or thousands of apps and hardware devices vulnerable to attacks that can take complete control over them.
Christ, what an opening statement.
@Sean Justifiably so, it has pretty horrific potential, and really not hard to exploit in the grand scheme of things
@Sean is that about that rebecka black link?
(government controlled ISPs for example, would have no problem)
@DaveRandom :)
What's the easiest way to check if glibc is installed and its version if it is?
@Sean apt-show-versions libc6 if you have installed apt-show-versions.
@Sean ldd --version
> $ ldd --version
> ldd (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.15-0ubuntu10.13) 2.15

Guess this box is safe.. in an outdated kind of way.
> The code that causes the vulnerability is only present in glibc's copy
of libresolv which has enhancements to carry out parallel A and AAAA
queries. Therefore only programs using glibc's copy of the code have
this problem.
Is there any easy way to determine that?
If you're on a LTS or EL distro just make sure gcc is up to date
Name        : glibc
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.12
I'm even safer than @Sean
@Danack maybe with nm ?
$ nm  ~/php-src/sapi/cli/php | grep getadd
                 U getaddrinfo@@GLIBC_2.2.5
although not sure what those numbers are for
$ ldd --version
ldd (GNU libc) 2.22
@Sean actually wait - it is in versions from 2.9 - and 2.15 is after 2.9
Oh I see, yeah I read it wrong. 15 > 9, not 1.5 < 9 :P
Bugger then
@Andrea you or your alias?
@FlorianMargaine they are me :)
@Andrea Happy new avatar .. :)
@Danack if only
it's fitting that PHP's mascot is an elephant. Elephants never forget, and ElePHPants never fix bugs
@NikiC can we eventually deprecate the "binary-string prefix" (b"str") in 7.1?
@Danack I think we might take reasonable action there tough
@bwoebi why?
it can't hurt to keep it, we may do a PHP 6 some day.
@Andrea One reason would be to set a higher barrier to ever do a PHP 6 again…
@NikiC I'm not so sure. There is some behaviour that people might want to keep....i.e. outputting in a particular 'non-conformant' format where the output is being consumed by a 2nd legacy application.
and otherwise it's totally redundant…
Namely, for fputcsv what I'd do is a) Make the escape character actually be an escape character (i.e. something that is prepended to the enclosure character or the escape character) and b) Make the default escape character ". This will keep the behavior close to what it currently is but fix the \" case and at the the same time it allows you to specify \ as the escape character and get a behavior that's actually correct if you use \ escaping
well, I'd like it if we made u"foobar" instantiate a UString in future
The current implementation is truly ridiculous in that you can use it with neither " doubling nor \ escaping. It will break both on some inputs
@NikiC you wanted to deprecate the (unset) cast?
Hmm, WRT The whole references thing, if you have a large amount of data in an array and you want to pass it to a function to be modified (and you're in PHP 5.5), wouldn't byref make sense? As then you're not having a second copy of it? (Or am I confused as to when a copy is generated)
@NikiC also the weird string interpolation style "${var}" in favor of "{$var}" (especially as the former is weirdly limited) [not so sure though, as isn't this for varvars?]
@bwoebi I'd be fine with that as it's truly useless, and worse, misleading
@NeoThermic it's not copied normally due to copy-on-write. When you pass an array to a function or store it in a variable, it won't be copied unless you modify it at some point.
@Andrea, mm, but that's my point, if you have, say, 10k records, and you pass them into a function that takes the array and replaces IDs in the array with their values, because it's modifying the array, byref means you don't need a copy of it.. right?
(by ids in the array, I mean ids in the values rather than the keys...)
@NeoThermic Oh, you want to modify the original array? Yes, making it a reference might make sense in that case
(basically think hydrating a recordset of IDs with names)
It's memory vs cpu time at that point right?
Though unless it makes a huge difference I wouldn't recommend it, references make for nastier code
i.e. if I have limited memory and unlimited CPU, then byref is more useful to me, but if I have unlimited memory and limited CPU then byval might be better
@NeoThermic copying also costs CPU time
@NeoThermic in either case using a reference would be more performant, since it avoids making a copy
it's something I wrote a while ago, hydrates records in chunks of 10k, can hydrate over 300,000 records and write out well-formed JSON (I had to write my own streamable json writing function) and never goes over 85MB of memory used... :P
@NeoThermic You're not wrong, but I tend not to have that many 'plain arrays' of stuff. Instead I have ResultSet objects or similar, and those have functions for modifying their internal state. In this particular case though you might want to chain generators, to avoid having any array at all...
objects might be more memory-efficient here
I did try a few approaches, but the initial rows come from a PDO connection.. :|
at the expense of CPU time, you can convert the rows to objects
are you using 5.x or 7?
5.5 :|
I'd like to eventually get to 7, but I have a crappy lib to deprecate on the way :P
you'll get quite a memory usage reduction just from switching to 7 :)
@NeoThermic Going to 5.6 should be nearly painless tho
Mach: lib is stuck on 5.5, so no.
replacing the lib gives us the ability to go right into 7
but it's a few weeks of work, and sadly the priority isn't there for it because 5.5 still has sec support
(but that does at least give it eventual priority)
If I could go to 5.6 I'd be there already :)
@bwoebi Good idea. I've added it to the TODO list for now: wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_7_1#suggested_deprecations
What are you using that's incompatible with 5.6? Am curious
@NikiC :-)
pdflib with a licence for versions up to the 9.1 version (which stops at 5.5). To upgrade the licence is expensive.
@NikiC uh, you want to remove aliases?
nooo, I like sizeof :P
@FlorianMargaine That list is just things that people suggested
I may or may not include them. Pretty sure won't include some of them ;)
@NikiC regarding and "${${expr}}". … you can also write "{$${expr}}" properly?
@bwoebi Actually it should be "{${expr}}", that was a typo
ah okay
@FlorianMargaine But sizeof is one I might actually want to remove...
Can we deprecate count($string)
@NikiC yeah, the string interpolation stuff shouldn't be deprecated either imho...
I hate sizeof()
@FlorianMargaine Why?
I hate sizeof() too, it's just totally different from C...
@FlorianMargaine Exactly...
@NikiC way too much used
At least the first two variants of that syntax just don't make sense
If it were just ${expr} and would actually mean that, fine
${expr} is like bash's, so fairly often used
But here ${str} does not actually interpolate the variable with name given by constant str
@NikiC it's misleading
it'd be cool if we had a sizeof() function that estimated the total memory usage of a value in bytes :D
@Andrea sizeof($string); even more so, and I bring it up because I'd seen it used before
@NikiC for (unset) please mention that it's not just useless but misleading. Any reasonable person would expect it to be related to unset()
@Andrea yeah
I currently have a project that works in 5.5.x but is there a good reason to change to 7 at any point?
@Programmer It's faster!!!!!!!
@NikiC it makes a stronger case for removing it
Is it significantly faster though?
@Programmer type declarations!
@Programmer sometimes 100% or more
@Andrea I like "100%"
Well that's upsetting. Thanks for the news.
technically correct
@FlorianMargaine best kind of correct!
@NikiC only*
(technically correct is the worst kind, but don't tell anyone)
@Programmer Because it's a number greater than 6
Oh yeah that reminds me
I need to rewrite UString at some point
After all those other things...
I didn't realize 7 was being released a month after me starting this project.
@Programmer But you didn't use 5.6 either
Q: JQuery plugin does not change value of pass parameters in my plugin

AryanJquery plugin is not accepting parameters that I pass using like this: $("p").myplugin({ foo:bar,foo1: bar1}); For example my plugin like this : $.fn.myplugin= function (parms){ var def = {foo : "foo1",foo2 : "foo4"}; // do stuff return this; } So problem is value of foo is ...

@NikiC yes. … or better from compiler actually. Parser might be invoked with token_get_all() I thought?
@Leigh I'm not sure why that happened either.
@bwoebi Good point, updated
posted on February 19, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Dpz */

never knew about the (unset) cast. is there any usecase for that? I don't get it :)
> The (unset) cast casts a value to null. This means that (unset) expr is simply an expression that always returns null and has no other side effects. Apart from being useless, [...]
@Nanne There's no reason to know about it. Purge it from your mind :)
Anyone have experience with PHPExcel and getting .xltm to work?
@salathe haha, will do. Might be good to mess with collegues though.
@NikiC AFAIK, there are many people who switched to curl or some library because they don't know about $http_response_header … how much usage does it really have in the wild?
I've never seen it TBH…
@bwoebi somewhere between non-zero and "whoa".
I'll admit to using it a tonne...
... in the early '00s
I'm certain some of that code is still in the wild, somewhere :)
I use it when I don't otherwise need curl or some lib
I prefer http streams over curl
A lot of my forum posts from back in the day were like, "you know you really don't need to use curl for this... followed by a basic stream functions example"
you know it's old when someone talks about "forum"
the only thing I dont like about $http_response_headers is that it magically comes into existence
"Dude, the forums are too slow... hop on to IRC/ICQ for a minute" :P
@Gordon that's the best thing about it!!
@salathe heheheheheh
At least it's not a superglobal? ;-P
@Gordon that's like errno in C
speaking of global...
@FlorianMargaine yes and I dont like that either
not a single � in there, I'm not buying it
@Leigh wtf is that!?!?
@Leigh That is pretty cool. The 3D in ASCII alone makes it awesome
Not sure, but if you hover over the different languages in the bottom right it highlights part of it
@Leigh Your biggest problem is you already have a Friday link for essentially the same thing :P
I don't have a friday link...
that's not a friday link
@Machavity that's not Friday...
@Leigh it looks like an alien
Good morning
Question to @german people: "Das bullshit" oder "Der bullshit" ?
@AlmaDo Der
My colleagues say "der"
@FlorianMargaine You're french... isn't that le bullshit?
so I should say "Ich habe einen bullshit", not "ein bullshit" .. odd
@AlmaDo an indeterminate adjective going along with bullshit? nah
@AlmaDo No, you should say "speak English, assholes"
@AlmaDo more context please ^^
@AlmaDo der
ok, thanks :)
@AlmaDo but definitely don't say Ich habe einen bullshit ^^
someone just asked for help with a bug in a closed source extension that I cannot have access too ... can anyone do that ?? am I stupid for having to say "I'll need to have a look" (they refused) ...
@JoeWatkins well, you could look at the asm … but I strongly advise against that as it'll probably cost about 100 times as much time ^^
and what would lead you to refuse ... I don't get that ... if you're lost enough to approach me on IRC, having not spoken to me for probably years ... then you're obviously in the shit ... just gimme access to the thing and I'll fix it ...
I dunno why I'm annoyed ...
@JoeWatkins they maybe have a NDA…
(and taking it way too seriously^^)
paperwork bollocks
@JoeWatkins no, you can't. Require the source code or you're not going to be able to help.
hmmf people ...
@JoeWatkins feel free to tell to contact me.....
if they're looking to pay someone to work on it.
As I'm able to sign paperwork bollocks.
didn't even get that far ... it would probably only take a few minutes of my time, I'm not gonna ask anyone to compensate me for less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea ... that would be awful ...
@JoeWatkins that money directly translates into more tea though
Found the English person - gives project estimates in units of Tea.
should have a 4 cup minimum charge anyway
@JoeWatkins I'm sure you are a veeeery slow drinker? :-)
@bwoebi why?
PyHP.JS is a thing - a real thing. PHP file -> interpertor in python -> run in JS. http://github.com/juokaz/pyhp.js #phpuk16 @juokaz
@AlmaDo because it sounds ridiculous
@bwoebi perfectly valid for me.. eh.. you've ruined my day :(
@AlmaDo What exactly did you want to say then?
@Gordon "Highly unstable..." ... well I would expect so
@Gordon Haha, I like the "Why" github.com/juokaz/pyhp.js#why
@bwoebi that I have a bullshit
in the code I mean
@PaulCrovella it results in javascript, so its unstable by design
hold up. we gotta try running it with php.net/manual/en/book.v8js.php
@AlmaDo why are you linking to facebook-feed-my-mom-posts stuff?
@PaulCrovella That's only because PHP is unstable
haha, beause ctrl+c remembers the last thing :(
can't remove it
it supposed to be my tiny approach to say a phrase in German
@AlmaDo I don't think you can have "a" bullshit. you can't count the bullshit
dunno about that, I have at least 5 bullshit in what I'm working on right now
Hi guys I edited php.ini and I commented extension=pdo_sqlite.so but I still i got the following error php startup unbale to load dynamic library /x/x/x/x/x/sqlite.so
i think I have a deja vu
if u cant help just ignore my question and live your life
if you dont like my messages, ignore them and live your life
grabs some popcorn
@Oldskool won't be entertaining ;) I am heading home now to enjoy the weekend.
Hey guys, I applied for this job position and I finished the test that they've sent it to me but as a last requirement they want me to put it all in a WordPress plugin that will be accesible through a custom location /exercises so when I access www.mysite.com/exercises they can see my job. I created the plugin but I dont know what to do now
I think that I would need to create a new route on the the plugin activation
Hi guys I edited php.ini and I commented extension=pdo_sqlite.so but I still i got the following error php startup unbale to load dynamic library /x/x/x/x/x/sqlite.so
@ELOISSIFIAhmed do you have the pdo_sqlite.so file in that directory?
yes but the error show that sqlite.so doesnt exist
@ELOISSIFIAhmed check the permissions of that directory
but still got the error that referer to a domain
a new error?
no the same error
@bwoebi I think @FlorianMargaine's point about many people using ${var} because of bash is valid. What do you think?
pdo_sqlite and sqlite are different things
@JoeWatkins In php.ini there is pdo_sqlite.so but the error shows that sqlite.so is missed so I create one but still got the same erro
@NikiC not sure if I can agree … after all bash has also syntaxes like $() for subshells etc. If our general syntax were more bash-like, okay. But ${} is just leaned a bit from bash with different semantics … so, no, not really valid.
@ELOISSIFIAhmed I can't understand what you are saying
@ELOISSIFIAhmed You can't just "Create one". You either have the module or you don't :)
But you might still need to install the SQLite module by the sound of it.
I ve looked into php.ini for sqlite.so extension but its doesnt exist
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Is it listed when your run php -m (or run phpinfo()).
And most modules (on Linux systems anyway) are not loaded directly in the php.ini, but through includes.
@Oldskool found it when I run php -m
@ELOISSIFIAhmed OK, well then it's installed at least. What OS do you use?
@ELOISSIFIAhmed OK, do you have anything like this?
$ cat /etc/php.d/sqlite3.ini
; Enable sqlite3 extension module
Should show similar output (and that file should exist).
no doesnt exists :/
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Hmm, OK. Does $ grep -ir sqlite /etc/php.d return anything at all?
has anyone ever written a polyglot PHP and bash program?
bonus points for perl compat too
@Oldskool nothing
@Andrea you mean using php -r in a bash script?
I have, yeah
@FlorianMargaine no, I mean a program that is valid in both PHP and bash
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Do this from the command line rpm -qa php-pdo
# <?php
echo "foo";
posted on February 19, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Tipsette */

@Machavity I have a bunch of projects on the server I dont wanna loose my job installing or upgrading
although it will print #foo in php :/
@ELOISSIFIAhmed That doesn't install anything. it checks to see if you have php-pdo installed
@Machavity LOL
shut up, foo!
I just got an email from someone calling themselves "commsexpress". @NorthbornDesign what's a "sex press"?
@DaveRandom I dunno. Probably made from the same company that gave us Expert Sex Change
@DaveRandom no, pen island
@DaveRandom Haha, yeah that's a classic. "Your pen is our business" is just an awkard slogan in that regard ;-)
don't you know how to read?
> We Specialize In Wood
> Handling The Big Jobs, Too
@JoeWatkins Hahaha
@DaveRandom it's communist sex press
I want to refresh my existing page on submit button. what is best way?
@user2885237 what?
on click?
@user2885237 yes on click of submit button it should retrieve data submitted.
@user2885237 any suggestions, shall I share code with you, will you suggest?
@user2885237 normal form action or ajax
I recommend learning how it works
@user2885237: through normal form action
I have used header location to reload my page
but it doesnt reload
<form action="wowSamePage.html" method="POST">
  <input type="submit" />
And why should that not reload?
my page consists of google map....so it reterieve value from db and marks it on map
why do you want to refresh the page then?
so first i take the location in form, display in map then update db at submit and then reterive back this locaation on the same page
Put your code on pastie.org
<script src='http://pastie.org/10729249.js'>
re: your link in internals mail
@Leigh oh cool
Funnily enough, the "broken" implementation came out with more entropy per byte :p
@Leigh probably within error
of course, happy accident

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