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2 options i guess.. simple foreach or use php.net/manual/en/function.array-filter.php
Yeah, I'd probably go for array_filter.
how would you do it?
Can I show code?
Read the docs first :)
thats why I linked it
or array_search and unset
$array = array('0' => '2', '1' => 1, '2' => 23, '3' => 45);
I did
Meh. Something like this i guess:
$array = array('0' => '2', '1' => 1, '2' => 23, '3' => 45);
aray_filter($array, function($var) {
	if ( strstr($var, '1') ) {
		return false;
	return true;
@DamienOvereem return strstr($var, '1')
so basically this is the array vasriable
Which contains the array
Thx Madara :)
I am confused how to take out the 1 from this
better, shorter indeed. Was a notepad quickie ;)
You should just try it jay
I have been
This is my last thing and my project is done
$array = array('0' => '2', '1' => 1, '2' => 23, '3' => 45);
aray_filter($array, function($var) {
	return strstr($var, '1')
So that
@DamienOvereem Format your code
And read the documentation i linked
paste, ctrl+k, enter
oh nice
didnt know that worked
$array = $this->input->post('action_to');
			array_filter($array, function($var) {
				return strstr($var, '1')
@Jay Basically.. if array_filter's callback function returns false, the value is discared from the array
do $array = array_filter(.....);
so this:
$array = array_filter($this->input->post('action_to'), function($var) {
				return strstr($var, '1');
dont you hate it when the boilerplate for an anonymous function is longer than the actual logic inside?
$array = array_filter($this->input->post('action_to'), function($var) {
    return strstr($var, '1');
That seemed to remove the 1
That should work for you Jay
that seems to keep the 1
morning chumps and chumpettes
That code just gives me this
Array ( [0] => 1 )
It should do the opposite
@Jay $var !== 1 instead of strstr
if you want it the other way around, return !strstr($var, '1'); would work
@DamienOvereem why are you using strstr for that?
He wanted to drop all the values when they contain a "1"
so 1, 17, 81 etc
Sublime update, unbinds ctrl + alt + p to select project. WHY.
Moin 11
your guys are legends
Thanks aloy
np. Have fun with your project.
@jay by contain you mean when it's exactly 1 or when the value contains a 1, e.g. 11, 21, 31?
I meant it shoudl remove the 1
which it does now
that doesnt answer my question
heh.. if it -only- needs to remove the 1 .. stuff can be a whole lot simpler indeed :)
@Sean I got a lovely note from Royal Mail, they want an extra £19 and for me to walk 2 miles for the the privilege of collecting something I've already paid for
facepalm @ my total misunderstanding of the question
@Jay $input = $this->input->post('action_to'); $index = array_search(1, $input, true); unset($input[$index]) would be another option
If you only need to remove the exact value "1" .. then return $var !== 1; is your answer
I need coffee.. brb
@Leigh Damn that sucks ): A bloody joke, that's what it is
There's a form you can fill in to say you returned the goods and claim back the VAT / customs duty
@Gordon such an ugly one
hi im stuck at making an uploaded codeignter projet working on local
what is the best practice to upload a project from server to local
how do i properly name a non-typed version of a typed(generic) class?
class UntypedFooBar{} // does this sound ok?
class FooBar<T> extends UntypedFooBar{}
(cc @nikita2206)
@Wes it's supposed to be just class FooBar<T>, and then you specialize on it
T is supposed to be the type
@Wes might 'Specific' be a better adjective?
Oh wait I misread you
@nikita2206 i want to keep the typed version being "Thing" and the non-typed being "NonTypedThing" or something
@Wes you mean that NonTypedThing doesn't take type parameters at all?
If yes then this class could be called specific class (opposed to generic)
hi im stuck at making an uploaded codeignter projet working on local
what is the best practice to upload a project from server to local please help
@Wes type is a technical aspect. in general, prefer domain names over technical names. can you somehow express the UntypedFooBar without technical lingo?
@ELOISSIFIAhmed you asked that already once.
I need an answer
@ELOISSIFIAhmed please dont spam them room just because you need an answer.
no one in here needs to help you. and the more aggressively you spam, the less likely anyone will help you
@nikita2206 generic refers to the definition. new GenericStuff<Foo> is not "generic" at all
@Wes yes, that's what I was assuming as well
@Gordon AnonymousFooBar maybe?
@Wes what is foobar exactly? the concrete one you are dealing with? another option might be to name it foobar and put specialized names on the typed foobars instead
You are probably writing documentation or examples code? Maybe share it with us
Do you guys have any suggestions for a "test-suite" of sorts that would be reasonable to implement in legacy code where unit testing and the likes is a dream of the future? End-to-End, End-to-Edge ?
@DamienOvereem integration testing? you want to test f.e. API endpoints?
Hi i need an urgent help..
looking for a rule for everything @Gordon as in php won't work having more classes with the same name (autoloading and things). like how you do it in c#
class Foo{}
class Foo<T> : Foo{}
Amongst other things, but yes. There is a rest API to be tested. Some internal application service objects.
@nikita2206 nope, implementing Generics in php :B
@Wes Overloading is the bane of my existence in Java
@Wes oh you're still at it :P
But also internal processes.. like "renewing contracts", "sending invoices" etc.
Overloading methods is bad enough, Overloading classes? pls stahp
No dependency injection.. and most code is dependend on databases
@DamienOvereem There's no magic to testing legacy code.\
@MadaraUchiha what are you even saying
Using PHPunit atm, but since "mocking" is close to impossible.. i need to basically write SQL queries to prepare the database for a specific test..
You take PHPUnit, roll up your sleeves, and write crappy tests
Guess we are on the "right" path then Madara ;p
crappy tests we have
@DamienOvereem you'll have to create a 'test' database and run tests that would touch only this DB. Then you just need to trigger those 'processes' and check if what they've done was right
In hopes to stabilize your confidence enough so that you can start refactoring without breaking too much
@Wes typically, your Foo in that example is a Map, List, Array or other Collection and the T indicates what it contains. You can easily do a generic Collection in Php and then name the concrete one after the objects it contains, e.g. class Servers extends Collection
By "crappy" I don't mean you have bad practices and write however you feel like
Yeh. it's basically the path we are on.. It just feels so off that the mind starts to wonder if there is not some magic thing out there to make it all go away :)
I mean you abuse the PHPUnit framework to test highly coupled components
When you have those "affixing tests" in place, start refactoring your code to be more testable in better ways.
@DamienOvereem it seems the thing you don't like the most is fixtures in pure sql?
@Wes Misread, please ignore :D
@nikita2206 Do you know anyone who likes fixtures in pure SQL?
Thats part of it yes. I even have to deal with code that does sql, html output, form handling etc al lin one. From the good old php <5 days
Madara described it perfectly though. We are forcing PHPUnit to do stuff improperly. So badly that I was doubting if we were doing the right thing.
Guess I have little choice for now then
@Gordon can't think of a good name because no name would make sense without referring to types. one is basically Collection<?> (java), the other is Collection<T>
$this->getMassactionBlock()->addItem('Exports', array(
'label'=> ('Exports'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('what should be the url if i want to call a function which is in the controller file of Order Grid'),

i-e Path for controller file is \local\Magento\OrderGrid\controllers\Adminhtml\IndexController.php
@DamienOvereem you need to split your problems and solve them one-by-one. First for the sql problem I see only one solution right now, but it's quite heavy (but would still work), you could use DataMapper/ActiveRecord (read Doctrine2 or Propel2) solely for creating fixtures - that would be actually pretty readable
@DamienOvereem Have no doubts, those bad tests are supposed to be temporary
Until you can bring the rest of the code up to speed and have proper tests in place.
i know it might be silly but i am new in magento
The word "supposed" is always scary as hell though. :)
@DamienOvereem Yup
@Wes yes, so do it like in my example then? name the untyped Collection and the typed on after the object the collection contains.
I'll take a look at Doctrine/Propel nikita. I've had a very short runin with Doctrine, but Propel is entirely new for me.
@DamienOvereem Then with html problem the best way to go is Selenium-like testing, but that should be a dedicated test suite for Selenium-testing (I would suggest here looking into Mink and Behat)
Thx for the suggestions. I'll take a look at the parts
@Gordon it's generic. Collection and Collection<Server>, not ServerCollection
Luckily i've been able to pull some parts away from the way-to-big base of code. Another alternative would be to pull away functionality to dedicated applications and eventually replace the crap that i sleft.
( it's the reason why i gave the thing a REST api, so I could pull away some code entirely from the crappy base of it all)
@Wes not sure what you mean. Collection<Server> means the Collection contains only Servers, so name it Servers
oh well, time to do some reading. Thx for the advice
@Wes if you are on 7 and dont want to create a class for Servers use an anonymous class
@Gordon argh. i'm not extending Collection, i'm creating Collection, a generic class. i'm implementing generics in php
@tereško you're running at 3440x1440 right?
@Wes in userland? Oo
yes. it's not that bad :P
how? are you sealing the collection to the first type added or how do you do that without introducing new syntax?
Clearly uses eval to dynamically register a strictly typed new class.
Google input is unselectable for me, is it for you too?
@Shafizadeh because you can type right into the address bar of your browser
$map = HashMap(Text(), Seq(Integer()))();
$map[u('text')] = ArraySeq(Integer())(10, 20, 30);
$map[u('rofl')] = ArraySeq(Integer())(40, 50, 60);
@Gordon Yeah ... But when I type into address bar, google opens on the "web" tab .. Maybe I want to search in the "Image" tab directly ..
this is what i'll have eventually
posted on February 15, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Usher */

goddam it I cant index my site in google
@Sean nope, no eval. I only use annotations to check inheritance and compile files the first time they get required. but once compiled it will run in pure php
\o Jimbo
@Andrew I think you really should improve your sleeping system ..! You have to try sleep at night and wake up at morning (this is the advice of dermatologist, psychologist, hair doctor and my religion)
@Gordon it's an experiment though, but could give a solid idea of what generics should look like in php
@Wes ping me when done :)
@Shafizadeh I have been trying for couples of weeks....but I always end up struggling in bed at night and cant sleep
Yeah I understand ... I had the same problem already ..
it will require ages to finish probably, because it's part of a bigger project (collections, scalar objects, unicode strings). i try to work at it every time i have some free time
...but i don't have much of that :B
Im a bit stuck with some logic, have a value $blah = 15; I would like to increment this value from 0 to 8 every day. From 08h till 17h
when it's the new day at 08h or 09 the counter should reset
@Shafizadeh I actually find myself very sleepy after few drinks, but I dont want to be addicted to alcohol, which pretty much just an alternative of sleeping pill in this case..
@Duikboot since it's the hour of the day, why dont you determine it with date('H')?
$from = date('h'); trying it :)
@Andrew Yeah I hardly think using alcohol be a good solution in this case.
@Andrew 5km run before bed and problem solved. you'll sleep like a baby
@Wes True .. But I think he don't wake up anymore :-)
for just 5km?
5km .... You know what are you saying ??? it is too much
5 km isn't that much :D
I ran 2km last year and I slept 18 hours after that (and when I woke up still I needed to rest)
@Wes true, exercise is a good alternative
I try about 8 or 9, 3 times a week.
pastery.net/nyekkm @Gordon Some thing I came up with...
Going to watch deadpool tonight!! YEAH!!
If theres a skatepark nearby, I would properly do that every night till Im sleepy..
5km...is too much for now :D...
start with less then :)
I prefer start with 1km @Andrew ..! (don't forget listening to music during running)
2km last year :D if you run on a yearly basis clearly even 100m are hard. you could jog, or walk, at first :D
Ignite makes me run superfast!
@Wes :)
audiobooks rock
@Duikboot What's "Ignite" ?
I feel kinda dangerous running at night with music on... you never know who is watching you XD
@Shafizadeh Music band :D
Don't worry about running at a public place .. all safe
@Duikboot ah :)
@Duikboot Well me to :-)
@Andrew true. i used just one earphone occasionally because of that... not much crime here but you never know
Also this is a good solution ^
walking listening to audiobooks was one of the most relaxing experiences of my life
Never done that.
@Wes What do you mean "audiobooks"? What's their fields? Academic? Novel?
there is a service named audible for audiobooks i guess...
orwell, hemingway @Shafizadeh
i'm pretty sure orwell is banned in iran :B
running itself is fun :D, I used to run alot...when I was till a teen
but also stuff like the hitchhiker's guide. which i've enjoyed a lot
Well I think our interest is really different ;)
hi guys need help routing doesnt work in codeignitr when I downloaded the website from web server to local
when I add index.php in the url it works
I detect a good point ... These operations aren't optimize: <= and >= .. Because they mean two conditions, like this:
if ( $i >= $j ) {}
if ( $i > $j && $i == $j ) {}
And here is a solution to optimize it:
if ( $i > $j - 1 ) {}
enjoy it :P
urm ... nah ...
In propositional logic and boolean algebra, De Morgan's laws are a pair of transformation rules that are both valid rules of inference. They are named after Augustus De Morgan, a 19th-century British mathematician. The rules allow the expression of conjunctions and disjunctions purely in terms of each other via negation. The rules can be expressed in English as: The negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations. The negation of a disjunction is the conjunction of the negations. or informally as: "not (A and B)" is the same as "(not A) or (not B)" also, "not (A or B)" is the same...
tnx ^
How can I store the output of a python script in a php variable after executing it?
I am using passthru to execute the script. it's executing but it's just printing the statement which is inside python script. I want that into a variable inside php. I used `$output=passthru(<file-name.py>;
but output variable is empty.
@driftking9987 what does the "see also" section of the manual page say php.net/manual/en/function.passthru.php ?
git.php.net/… … bah. First I had PHP 7-only code there. Then I downgraded to 5.5. Then I was asked to downgrade to 5.4 … and now Xinchen downgraded it to 5.3
Anyone who needs 5.2 compat? :x
isn't 5.3 EOL?
it is ..........
Theoretically doing that would make life easier for people doing backporting shenanigans.....
5.4 is EOL too...
@Danack, thanks a lot. working now.
@bwoebi revert, revert!
@salathe hehe
what are people using to write php-c? is there any recommended IDE or do they all suck when it comes to that?
@Gordon latter
@Gordon vim or perhaps CLion if they fixed working with macros
@Leigh yes I am
Hi everyone! Does anyone know why a php file would be adding a random string to the end of a link so that when it displays live on a website the link is in fact broken
What is the output of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for these two URLs ?
you should be able to check it yourself
@TimSalabim unless you have session.use_trans_sid enabled php will not do that. and even if you had it would not break the link
@Gordon - I have simply added this to a php file for a social media icon. How do I see if this is transid
@tereško I'm in the middle of coding, I cannot open a new page and check it .. (I'm able to check it but now I'm busy)
@Gordon - This is what I added
<li class="et-social-icon et-social-instagram">
<a href="http://instagram.com/literally.loulou‎" class="icon">
<span><?php esc_html_e( 'Instagram', 'Divi' ); ?></span>

And the link comes out as - http://instagram.com/literally.loulou%E2%80%8E
@Shafizadeh REQUEST_URI will also include the query string
Composer autoload not generating namespaces is always PEBKAC?
@Andrew Which part of "localhost/search?q=arg" and which part of "localhost/search/arg1", Do you know?
@TimSalabim the link apparently contains a left to right mark at the end
@Shafizadeh http://website.localhost/personal/email/?q=asd => [REQUEST_URI] => /personal/email/?q=asd
@Andrew Got it .. tnx
@TimSalabim so it's not PHP adding that. You put it there when you put the link.
hi everyone!
@Andrew So this code strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); wiil be true for this URL: localhost/search/arg1?, Right?
Well, My routing system is shit ..
Hii everyone want to ask something is it right time :D LOL
@Gordon - It is not visible in notepad ++ in the php file....
i want to implement screen sharing in my webapp. never done it before so suggest me where to start
@Shafizadeh I have similar in my route haha $this->url = strpos($url, "?") !== false ? strstr($url, "?", true) : $url;....
@TimSalabim yes, because en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-to-right_mark is an invisble control character
@Andrew Well this doesn't work correctly .. Because sometimes the URL is clean (not containing arguments) and one argument is containing this ? ..!
Thank you so much @Gordon !!! I will be reading
@TimSalabim the quick fix would be to replace your <a href="http://instagram.com/literally.loulou‎" class="icon"> with <a href="http://instagram.com/literally.loulou" class="icon">
@tereško do you have any application that lets you run "fullscreen windowed" at less than full screen?
@Gordon - That worked. I retyped the last couple of characters but didn't cut out the whole line. Thank you... Glad I learnt what has done that in the past too
@Shafizadeh in my case, I grab everything before the ? if ? does not show up, just take the whole url
@Shafizadeh whats not working??
@Leigh no. What problem are you encountering?
@Andrew I need to apply a difference between these two kind of URLs: (one of them be true and another be false)
@Shafizadeh 1) what is the difference between the two of those? 2) write code to implement that description.
@tereško I'm anticipating a problem before I buy the monitor. With two screens it's pretty easy to have something running full screen on one, and a browser etc. on the other. With a single screen I'm going to be stuck with alt-tabbing out of full screen things like games
@jbafford The first URL is to search "arg" in the database and show all results, But second URL is one of those results.
@Shafizadeh ok, so?
@jbafford Well I need to detect the URL refers to which page? SearchAll or SearchOneSpecific? How to detect that?
!!man did @PeeHaa do that yet?
@Shafizadeh look at the requested uri and parse it.
I have been drinking instead :)
instead of man you could also implement github.com/tldr-pages/tldr
@Shafizadeh if( isset(explode("?","localhost/search/arg1?")[1]) && explode("?","localhost/search/arg1?")[1] != "" ){ //code here }
@Shafizadeh the first one should populate q=>arg in $_GET, then second one should remain empty in $_GET
@jbafford Here is my current code:
$Search_All = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') ? true : false;
@Leigh ah, I see what you mean. The answer is: no, there is nothing like that.
But I think this returns true for this URL:
@PraveenKumar Why should I explode() the URL according to ? ?
@Andrew Do you think I need to check it like this?
@Shafizadeh You wanted diffrence between
if(count($_GET)) { }
@PraveenKumar Yes - But this symbol ? isn't always at the end of URL
and my condition gives you that
but now mine seems wrong for localhost/search/arg?asdqwf
for that i gave you isset(explode("?","localhost/search/arg1?")[1]) &&
@Shafizadeh depends how you want to deal with that information..
this will check if index [1] is present or not
@Andrew I don't want any information .. Just I need to determine the URL is which kind? like this: ?q=arg1&s=arg2 OR this: /arg1/arg2
@Sean Wait, there's Java code people CAN maintain? That's a pretty bold assertion there, buddy...
@NikiC did you get my message on skype?
@Shafizadeh if i understand correctly, if the $_GET is repesented, do the search, else show arg page?
Yeah maybe this approach is fine ^
@Gordon he has skype? Why did no-one tell me… Stupid IRC ^^
hi guys can you please check my code
$url = '<img src = "'$imagepath'."/".'$filename'" style = "width: 40; length: 40;">';
i got this error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$imagepath' (T_VARIABLE)
@Ricardo obvious missing dot is obvious
what do mean where? in that line you show. you don't expect me to pinpoint you to the character, do you?
protip: use sprintf instead
ok thanks
is this what you mean '<img src = "'$imagepath.$filename'"
please tell me
sorry for being a noob
s/being a noob/not taking the effort of googling something
!!docs sprintf
[ sprintf ] Return a formatted string
@Ricardo why don't you get yourself the PHPStorm EAP? It has syntax highlighting and will easily tell you the exact position your code is wrong,
ok thanks guys :)
aw deer, there is new "world of batshit" video
@PeeHaa I have to say, I almost kicked before I noticed that this isn't a room I'm a RO at.
help vamps
Oh :) Meh it hasn't been vamping for too long afaics
The (at least mine) vamp meter wasn't (completely) filled yet
@MadaraUchiha the occasional help vamp isn't a problem ^^
How to improve this and replace all spaces with dash ? Actually I need to add this (\s*) and replace with $1 to that regex, is that possible?
I want both that regex and this:
input: this is a test
output: this-is-a-test
you should use preg_replace() and only look for whitespaces
Well, do I need another regex for doing that? (separately)
the "example #5" in that page should give you a good idea for "how"
@tereško Got it .. tnx
posted on February 15, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Pop */

@Feeds wheres the love...
4 hours of backlog grooming.. I need a good laugh. Someone make me laugh.
@DamienOvereem 4 hours? Damn, your team should groom more often ;-)
More scrum experience would help some people aswell :)
We do grooming approximately once every 2 weeks with the entire team, takes about 30-45 minutes. Keeps it fun for everyone.
@Oldskool you sure about that? (first hit in google is something related to children..)
@Naruto In our case, yes. Nobody complains about the grooming sessions ;-)
Yeah, I don't mean the pedophile stuff (or whatever it is, a colleague once mentioned it, but I don't care to look it up).
@DamienOvereem what's "backlog grooming" ? Is the some type of manscaping?
@Oldskool so basically it's bonding? ^^
It's where we all come together, get naked and puck the lice from eachothers butcracks
seems like something to propose in our company ^^
I feel sorry for anyone here that visualizes much.
no you don't
do I say, I write code or I write codes ?? sry english is not my first language..
you write code
what are you trying to say?
Writing codes can be valid, but when you are writing stuff like PIN numbers ;-) 1234, 2345, 9876 ... then you're writing codes ;-)
But when in a programming perspective, it's singular.
if someone ask what do you do? then I would say I write code ?
then if I code, I would say I write code...?
Or: I'm a programmer.
haha nice
Might make more sense for someone not having an IT background ;-)
thanks guys :)
haha. and mornins
@Machavity haha
@Machavity TEH CODEZ... hmm, seems simple enough to me ;-)
@Oldskool :P
I just found out theres a post on SO for an exact question as mine just asked..o.O
Q: Armchair Linguists: 'code' vs. 'codes'--or why I write 'code' and my manager asks for 'codes'

UkkoI wanted to tap into the collective wisdom here to see if I can get some insight into one of my pet peeves, people who treat "code" as a countable noun. Let me also preface this by saying that I am not talking about anyone who speaks english as a second language, this is a native phenomenon. Fo...

disclaimer: I didn't read the content, only the title
lol, if my manager would ask me to bring him codes, I would just open all my running projects and print it :D
I would bring him a cake :P
only clueless people say "codes" , when referring to programming
@tereško hehe I just wanted to note ^^ … you edited ;-D

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