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@ircmaxell What has to be converted up? You mean like fix BC breaks? In any case, I can imagine that converting up will be more problematic, at least with the current setup, as the AST does not save formatting information (for backporting this is less of an issue as the resulting code is not supposed to be read)
Has anyone ever tried Kargo Event?
@NikiC true...
@nikic: updated my blog post to link to yours!
and btw: very well said, I agree 100%
@TheoG It would be nice to have, but I don't know your audience, so I don't know it the is an option (going js only)
@PeeHaa just playing around with some other ideas... im going to try and submit the form to the same page... catch the variables before they hit <html> and then redirect with seo freindly urls... not sure if thats going to work though
@PeeHaa but then why would the page 404, and not throw a php error?
@TheoG You could just check for the $_GET vars and change the into some nice SEO url and do a redirect(); (don't forget to add exit(); after the redirect)
ok nice will look into that now @PeeHaa
@ircmaxell btw, the conversion in its current state (what I have locally) already works for some degree on Symfony. I.e. After running it on all files and patching some file up and running it again on the cache, it actually shows a page without errors ^^ Though, admittedly, this is on PHP 5.3, not PHP 5.2 (couldn't set 5.2 up yet). But it shows that the conversion from namespaces to pseudo namespaces works with a few complications.
@Neal I suspect it doesn;t have anything to do with the upload, but rather something else. 404 === page not found (unless you set the 404 header yourself somewhere)
@NikiC what are pseudo namespaces?
@PeeHaa now i see what you mean by the exit :P
@TheoG :-)
@PeeHaa I am not throwing the 404 at all
@PeeHaa Foo_Bar instead of Foo\Bar. In that particular case its Foo__Bar though, to ensure that it doesn't clash with normal pseudo namespaces ^^
@NikiC Aha you mean normal namespacing ;)
@PeeHaa Yes :D
Okay, how to I get Ubuntu 11.10 non-server edition to use PHP 5.4 in apache2?
@NikiC nice...
Initial google search was fruitless.
@LeviMorrison good luck. That's why I use CentOS for my servers
@ircmaxell Unfortunately I need to use Ubuntu in this case.
@LeviMorrison Can't you just compile stuff on ubuntu?
@ircmaxell +1 for CentOS
@PeeHaa I compiled it, I just don't know how to tell apache2 to use it
I know ithas to do with handlers
and mimes
And now I'm leaving again. I'm like a chat ninja. In and out.
That's about it.
@LeviMorrison How does it run?
@PeeHaa So far just tested out CLI.
Night everyone
@LeviMorrison Have you already added:
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Yeah, but how do I tell ^ to be PHP 5.4
Good night @NikiC
nite @NikiC
@LeviMorrison Are you trying to run multiple versions of PHP?
@PeeHaa Yes.
@LeviMorrison Sorry can't help you. I simply resorted to installing fcgid and php-fpm.
Actually now that I think of it I didn't use fcgid, but mod_proxy
@Neal ? still a 404?
which technique is better : storing sessions into a db or storing sessions to a specific folder not the general used temp folder ?
@sorin I'm not an expert, but probably the latter.
@PeeHaa just found a way of doing it... not sure if its the best way though... let me know what you think
@PeeHaa si :-(
@Neal Do you have a simple piece of code so I can reproduce or is it part of something bigger?
@PeeHaa = i made the form submit to another php file which took the $_get from the previouse form... i then used php to create a seo freindly url back to the same page... the htaccess then did the work... is this ok you think?
will google count i as multipul pages or anything you think?
the php file i sen it to had the following code
$catv = $_GET['category'];
$minv = $_GET['min-price'];
$maxv = $_GET['max-price'];

header('Location: http://localhost/plaza/topdeals/' . $catv . '/' . $minv . '-' . $maxv );
@TheoG as long as it is a 301 redirect google thinks it fine
@PeeHaa what you mean 301? how would i do that in the php file which does the above?
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header('Location: localhost/plaza/topdeals'; . $catv . '/' . $minv . '-' . $maxv);
@PeeHaa you're missing the http://
I am
@sorin depends on your requirements
ok interesting... so even if you did loads of searches it would still be ok? google would be anoided im 301ing all the time?
basically i want it to be as seo freindly as possible
no ?&JDF+£JKSD in the url
you get my drift ;)
@TheoG that's a bad joke
lol :P
@TheoG SEO shouldn't be the main goal of something, but rather usability
@ircmaxell first of all I want security
@PeeHaa I think I might have found the error
@Neal Tell me
in sessions
@sorin Then get off of a shared host
@ircmaxell when you said earlyer to PeeHaa that missed the http:// where was that he missed that?
@PeeHaa here:
in the location header
2012-03-06 21:33:13 POST /index.php/SocketMessage/uploadFile F=true 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.11+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/17.0.963.56+Safari/535.11 404 13 0 687
Thats in the IIS log
i don't understand it
so is this correct?
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header('Location: http://localhost/plaza/topdeals' . $catv . '/' . $minv . '-' . $maxv);
@Neal So you are on Windows AND are using IIS? Yuck! ;)
@PeeHaa ... yes im on windows
oh thats wierd sorry i see what you mean... it removes the http:// from the link
wtf is that url coming from /index.php/SocketMessage/uploadFile ??
@PeeHaa Thats the url
@PeeHaa IIS7 is good
@ircmaxell It is? I haven't had to use it in ages. Think the last version I used was 5.something
What's so good about it?
6 sucked
7 is actually a pretty smart design
ok... but why am i getting a 404? :-(
thanks @PeeHaa and @ircmaxell big help! all working really nice now
@TheoG np Don't forget to spread the word that the PHP chat rocks ;)
@Neal the log won't tell you that
@ircmaxell then where should i look?
perhaps it's a setting in IIS that throws 404s on posts that are too large?
@PeeHaa yeah definatly does. Will chuck a brick through the nabours window to let them know... lols
@ircmaxell but i set the ini post size = 4G
@Neal That's PHP's side. Not IIS's
And also you can't post a 4gb file into PHP on windows. The most you could ever do would be 2gb, and in reality less than that (practically, I'd be surprised if it was more than 1gb)...
@ircmaxell Well I am only testing 30M
Where is the post limit settings in IIS. i tried looking to no avail....
@Neal IIS may have a configuration...
I have no idea
but I'd be very surprised if it didn;t
I can't seem to find Docs on it...
anyone know which php.ini setting would call php_sys_stat in php5.dll?
@PeeHaa hmmmm
sys_stat? c function?
@neal it looks like the exact same problem as you have (404ing)
@ircmaxell im not sure what it is exactly. it says the proc jumppoint php_sys_stat could not be found in php5.dll
correct, because there is no function php_sys_stat
it's a macro
which expands to php_sys_stat_ex
$sti = '/images/landingpages/' . $image;

if(file_exists($sti) == false)
Why does the file_exists() return false, even when the file exists
@ircmaxell but what would call it? im pretty sure its something in my php.ini because i copied my old one from 5.3 over to 5.4 and that caused it.
@Karem have you tried an absolute path?
Yes i tried the whole url.. nothing
$sti = 'http://tilbudibyen.dk/images/landingpages/' . $image;
@Gordon nothing, that's a compile error
tilbudibyen.dk/images/landingpages/sushi.jpg <- as you can see the file exists, but it gives me false anyways wtf
@Karem It's rather a RTFM than a wtf
I already have it open
and where do you see a path using http:// ?
no where.. just tried, but it doesnt work without it anyway
@PeeHaa maybe
@Karem So again have you tried an absolute LOCAL path?
@Karem Show me the path
$sti = '../../../images/landingpages/sushi.jpg';
sigh someone invent a php.ini update script pls
@Karem that isn't an absolute path
@Gordon Sure np I'll just put it on my todo list. Can you wait a couple of years ;)
@PeeHaa /home/tilbudibyen/public_html/home/tilbudibyen/public_html/images/landingpages/s‌​ushi.jpg
and still nothing
@PeeHaa can you do it naow? :)
@Gordon lxr.php.net/opengrok/xref/PHP_TRUNK/TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.h#134 If you got that code, you're pretty much screwed from a compile error. I'd suggest reporting it as a bug
@Karem /home/tilbudibyen/public_html/home/tilbudibyen/public_html/images/landingpages/s‌​‌​ushi.jpg that doesn't look right
@ircmaxell im using the fresh binaries from php.net. let me first try with the vanilla php.ini
@Gordon: I see what happened!
now it works :) thanks
give me one sec
5.4 changed it from a function to a macro
you're loading an extension (dll) that was built against 5.3, but trying to load it into 5.4
@ircmaxell that's odd because im pointing the ext folder to the 5.4 folder
it might be zend debugger
either that, or the windows build of 5.4 is broken (which would render this a bug)
@PeeHaa got a really simple question... i have a string which is called 'name of product' how do i replace the spaces with -'s
swear i have done this before just being really stupid and cant find it
@ircmaxell the error wont show with vanilla ini
@Gordon So you're ini is loading an extension that it doesn't like
can you diff those two extension lists?
@ircmaxell i could, but its working now :)
@ircmaxell or do you want know for sure?
@PaaHaa no worries found it ;)
For the record, it's such a nice feeling when you make what seems like a major change to the implementation details of a class, make a couple of quick alterations to the relevant unit test cases, and all your tests pass.
Ah, loose coupling feels good.
@rdlowrey :)
@ircmaxell it was definitely the old Zend Debugger DLL
i've added that one back into the php.ini and then the error pops up again
changed it to the 5.4 debugger now and all is well
It has a section on motherboard beep codes that lists, for each beep pattern, a song that syncs up well with it.
@Gordon Ah, so normal expected behavior
@ircmaxell yup
@ircmaxell thanks for helping though
I was curious, as that should never happen, so it was almost a broken build :-P
teheee. the internal webserver is nice
@rdlowrey What about events setUp and tearDown (tearDown would replace shutdown)?
Does anybody now whether there are non minified versions of SE js files anywhere?
@LeviMorrison I had only named it shutdown because it directly replaces register_shutdown_handler, but since we're frameworking it up, might as well use those names ... easier to understand. I like it.
@LeviMorrison I'm actually almost finished with an improved rewrite of some of the Closure rebinding functionality. Would you say notify the mediator of app.setUp after app.Ready? Or do you think app.setUp should replace app.ready altogether?
@rdlowrey chain: app.setUp, app.ready, app.tearDown
That's what I'd expect, anyway.
@LeviMorrison Money. I like that because app.setUp listeners are a great way to eliminate some of the methods hardcoded into the bootstrapp App class
Quick question:
I'll hit the app.setUp later this evening. I'm nearing completion on an epic 3000 word wiki entry on the event management topic as well. I'm planning to finish that, draft some code standards and complete the changes to the Mediator class tonight.
@rdlowrey After I require '../includes/bootstrap.php'; (which includes artax.php), what exactly has happened?
@ircmaxell You're the best :)
@LeviMorrison The Artax\App has loaded all config settings, registered any autoloaders, setup the dependency injection container for use, attached all event listeners to the mediator, (will soon have) notified the mediator for app.setUp and app.ready
@rdlowrey Thanks.
And you have a single variable, $artax, in the global namespace
In addition to the couple of constants specified in the boostrap.
 * Exposes magic access to protected/private object properties
 * @param string $prop Object property name
 * @return mixed Returns the value of the requested property if it exists
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException On non-existent property request
public function __get($prop)
  if (property_exists($this, $prop)) {
    return $this->$prop;
  } else {
    $msg = "Invalid property: artax\App::\$$prop does not exist";
    throw new \OutOfBoundsException($msg);
I think if the property exists, then it wasn't magic, right?
Or does that expose private variables as well?
@LeviMorrison different context
since __get is called if it doesn't exist or is inaccessable from the callee's context
Ah, didn't know that last half. Makes sense.
Allows for public readonly type of behavior.
Hey guys
quick question
how would i get the data from this; $getfiles = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM files WHERE email='$email');
because it selects all
how do i split the fields out
@rdlowrey What's the point of:
$cfg['namespaces'] = [
    '' => AX_APP_PATH . '/includes'
? Is that where I've stuck my filesystem that corresponds to my namespace structure?
@HarryBeasant Don't select all the things and only select the columns you need?
this; $getfiles = mysql_query(SELECT filename, size, hash, downloads FROM files WHERE email='$email');
how do i get each one
row by row
There is an example that shows how to get the fields from each row
Also, look at choosing a MySQL API. The one you are using is outdated.
@LeviMorrison Artax\App automatically registers the class loader for the Artax namespace. Any other namespaces specified in $cfg['namespaces'] should just specify a key => value pair corresponding to 'namespace' => '/hard/path/to/namespace'
So that your class loaders are automatically registered for you. The empty key corresponds to classes in the root namespace \
jitsi.org/index.php/Main/Features seems to be a pretty nice multi IM
@rdlowrey So if I had something in pear, for example, I could declare it with 'Something'=> '/usr/php5/pear/Something'?
@LeviMorrison yup
Or leave off /Something?
sorry, yeah, leave off Something
The autoloader expects a directory matching the namespace name to exist in the specified path
Darn, I don't get to write another autoloader that works exactly the same as the last three I've written.
It's actually not quite complete -- I need to adjust the specification of the $cfg['namespaces'] elements to allow for custom directory separators. Like for libs that use _ in the class names as namespace separators
But that's trivial. I may be able to knock that out tonight.
I'd worry about it later, honestly. Unless you feel like doing it, of course.
It'll happen soon either way ... but I'm gonna hit the gym and get some dinner. I'll be back to the grind here around 830 eastern, 630 mountain if you have any more Qs
Also, for routing, why don't we specify the regex inline?
What about using this? doc.nette.org/en/auto-loading
@Levi Morrison
@Andrew123321 At the moment, my project has a submodule, and I don't want that submodule to have a submodule. It'd be ugly.
@Andrew123321 My thought on that is that a universal class loader is so trivial to write myself I wouldn't want to outsource it :)
@Andrew123321 It's funny they state: "get rid of all require" and right after that "We can load Nette Framework with a single command: require 'Nette/loader.php'" :)
And ewwwww, static: Nette\Environment::getRobotLoader()->register();
@PeeHaa Well, it does have to be loaded . . .
@LeviMorrison ofc I understand it. I just find it funny
@LeviMorrison I'm open to any and all suggestions on the routing front. It's been considered more than the http package, but not significantly. So just take note of any suggestions for that kind of stuff
But I'm out for now. Catch ya later team. Literally.
@rdlowrey Enjoy the gym :0
@rdlowry: Well, this one is pretty sophisticated. I think writing this api.nette.org/2.0/source-Loaders.RobotLoader.php.html would take some time
@Andrew123321 Parting shot: I'd say a universal class loader shouldn't be sophisticated
@rdlowrey Why not?
There's no need for sophistication. It's a simple operation. Google PSR-0 and you'll see a good example of a single class that is maybe 75 lines of code that can autoload any sane class naming convention
@rdlowrey sorry about Nette\Environment::getRobotLoader()->register(); It is old way, it should be removed
@rdlowrey That's true. This one is universal, but cached (speed remains the same) and gives you a lot options
@Andrew123321 My projects don't have a lot of dependencies, and the DB is certainly my biggest hold-up. Caching the class will have little savings at all for me.
@rdlowrey translating _ in a class name is not a sane class naming convention IMHO (if it's namespaced)
can some1 please @mention me. I want to test something
@PeeHaa sure
I find this interesting: wiki.php.net/rfc/splclassloader/vote
Everyone on that list that I've communicated with in any way voted no.
@LeviMorrison :-P
@ircmaxell I've since forgotten why I voted no, but it doesn't matter because everyone I know voted no.
I know why I voted no
because it wasn't interoperable, and ignored other methods in favor of one implementation (going as far as to prevent other implementations from playing nice)
Also, I wish all RFC's required a 2/3 approval or higher.
If I'm an organization and 1/3 of my volunteers were against something, I'd sure pay attention.
they do
According to wiki.php.net/rfc/voting, they only need 50% + 1 for non-language changes.
> For these reasons, a feature affecting the language itself (new syntax for example) will be considered as 'accepted' if it wins a 2/3 of the votes. Other RFCs require 50% + 1 votes to get 'accepted'.
but I see your point
Perhaps one day I'll be glad I got something approved because of the policy, but I don't like it.
Also: SPL related stuff: would it require 2/3 vote or just 50% + 1?
I REALLY hope it is 2/3 . . .

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