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archlinux here
@hakre how do you find new magento?
@Xorifelse these days we all use either linux or bsd
every android phone is running linux, every apple device is running bsd
@zaq178miami what would you like to know more specific? what's your magento 1 experience?
Yeah, but no Apple for me ;)
@hakre ah .. ( however some people believe Ubuntu is for beginners ;-) )
@Shafizadeh true, but unity is also a very nice interface
@Shafizadeh it's for beginners and extremely lazy people
@hakre cat /etc/issue
Its just too bad they focused on their mobile so much
@Shafizadeh well for that box I set it up because a friend wanted it to have, so I keep a similiar system, I personally would have chosen the green one instead.
@hakre i'm not magento1 guy at all, i'm curious about what do you think about e.g. interceptors, internals consistency and so on
@Xorifelse what is "unity"?
The desktop environment Ubuntu uses
@tereško Why lazy? I think lazy people use windows, no linux
@Shafizadeh "unity" is three different (and completely separate) thing these days: ubuntu dekstop environment, game development engine and a .NET container
@hakre ah, and something else, that OS is for your server or your local system?
@Shafizadeh that's a notebook I also do some progging, not a server system.
@tereško interesting ..!!! they are really separate
@hakre ah, but you don't see any icon on your desktop? I mean when you open a folder, you have to write CD a that path?
@zaq178miami it's effectively magento 1 with an updated codebase. as the update is rushed (and the big fail in m1 to not update the codebase at least in iterations) there is a lot of bloat, and it overall feels bulky to handle.
@zaq178miami I don't think this has been discussed
@tereško True, when I say Unity I usually refer to the rendering engine.
@Danack Hah. That's easily solved by ignoring those people.
@hakre i know what magento2 is, used to work in ebay on magento2 project. I'm just curious what experienced developers think about it internals.
@Shafizadeh I also have two terminal GUIs on the desktop, if you meand that by cd. One is Guake and the other one is called Terminator.
@zaq178miami Bloat for what the win is. But there is some win compared with a Magento 1 project. It'll be interesting to see how the market adopts to it.
Just tell me your operator system has a visual UI or not? (I mean is graphical)
@zaq178miami Like any library, any experienced programmer would say the same. Using a widespread library has it risks. If a leak is found, your website is viable to its leak as well.
Secondly, you need to update it when you're able to.
@Shafizadeh I'm using a mouse occasionally if that is what you're interested in. Ubuntu nornmally ships with a window manager, IIRC it's called Wayland.
@hakre Wayland is still not concidered stable
@Xorifelse are you familiar with m2 internals?
Ah .. ok
@zaq178miami Absolutely not, I've developed my own CMS system and have no need for it. However that that not mean that I have sometimes peeked in their system to get idea's
@Shafizadeh there is a huge difference between "server" and "desktop" setups for operating systems
But for both, you need to find out which package maintainer is taking care of the PHP bits.
@tereško What do you mean exactly?
Servers have many clients, while on the desktop it's mostly your own.
@Shafizadeh I've installed Arch, meaning it ships with nothing and installed a graphical user interface called Plasma 5. For me it works perfectly, but with Linux YOU can decide what graphical user interface you want to install.
@Shafizadeh Or nothing at all
@Shafizadeh SSH for the win
@hakre Also you said a funny thing :-) you called "notebook" (while your meant was "laptop"). In Iran "notebook" is what people write in it using pencil
@Xorifelse Ah I see
@Shafizadeh google "plasma 5" and check the images
that's what "linux desktop" setup looks like
ow .. seems nice
I thought is is just a back screen containing some white text
@Shafizadeh When I worked at Dell Inc.. I was specifically told to call a "laptop" a "notebook" because people would think a "lap" "top" would be placed on top of your "lap". This way, heat would build up and your system would crash or even burn.
or try "gnome 3" .. that's a different desktop environment for linux/bsd , @Shafizadeh
Because there was 1 incident in the USA of a person who let his "laptop" burn on his lap and got burn wounds..
I was thought that "laptop" === "notebook:
or "xfce 4," or "fluxbox", or "e17" or "lumina desktop"
youtube and Iran doesnt really work
@Shafizadeh Yeah, here, too. But it's also a synomym for laptop I think. Like the typewriter you have for a trip (back in the days)
Sorry about that then
Correction then: google.nl/…
^ Why did it spoil my country...
@Shafizadeh I don't even own paper and pencil
This brings me on an idea..
Write PHP code on a type writer
@hakre I see ...
@tereško Do you mean you don't have a paper and pencil?
Ofcourse we do, we just dont use it
@Shafizadeh nope
@Xorifelse Why? I think using a paper sometimes is more better than microsoft-word
@tereško May you please tell me a synonymou for "own" ?
"Something you have" would be a synonym
"I own a box"
"box is my property"
ahhh got it ..
I'm not denying that a pen and paper can be usefull, but when I dont have them on me and I need to take a quick note I'll just grab my phone
... there really are not good synonyms for "own"
just like there are no good synonyms for "run", "breath", "live", "fight" or "kill"
it's one of those basic words
A good synonym would be "mine"
@Xorifelse ok, lemme ask another thing, why did you use "would be" instead of "is" in your sentence?
@Xorifelse not really.
@Xorifelse how complicated compared with pen and paper.
Alright hold on
@hakre first of all. You've got to have them on you
@hakre :)
@tereško That pen is "mine".
yes, but "to own" is a verb
@Shafizadeh because IS would define it as 100% true, its like being cocky
also, @Xorifelse, you can say "this child is mine", but it would be really fucking wrong to say a"I own this child"
While infact a synonym cannot be quite the same
I've got to say that cracked me up
.. I am know to do that
@Xorifelse Oh ... So that is the difference ..! I learned a new thing tonight which was a big-question-always-in-my-head :-)
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 moein
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 Oh, your name is too long ..!
@Shafizadeh "would" has various interesting uses in english language
Yes, I hate that word
for example, while the following sentences ask the same question the tone is radically different
"would you like some tea?"
"do you want tea?"
@tereško Are you sure this is correct? "would" is the past of "will", right?
:p @Shafizadeh raghuvanshi is my last name I just combined my first and last name
yes, no, sometimes
I have a Controller called `BaseUploadController`. inside that I am doing some basic validations. After the validations, if i find an error i want to call another controller (*which is the one mapped to **route** inorder to load the page with default values*) named as `UploadVideoController`. I wrote this in `BaseUploadController`and I am getting error InvalidArgumentException in UrlGenerator.php line 603:
Action App\Http\Controllers\UploadVideoController@loadWithFailedReason not defined.
return redirect()->action('UploadVideoController@loadWithFailedReason', $reason);
@tereško ok .. never mind. I always don't read those sentence which are containing "would" :-)
I am using Laravel 5
^ there is your problem
@CrazyNinja Isn't 1 controller enough?
@Xorifelse I'm new to this. I really can't figure out how to do that using a one controller. Because I have a separate controller to do the basic validations and another controller to load the view with default values.
why would you even do validation in a controller?
Means, I only want to validate when the form is being submitted. Otherwise I'll just call the load with default data
@CrazyNinja My CMS system has a controller that controls the buffer output and controls where the client needs to go
@CrazyNinja For example, if an error occurs on any of my systems the client is redirected to an error page.
@CrazyNinja On the other hand, I can perfectly understand if you're "extending" your validation class
@Xorifelse In my case , what I have is a file uploader. I am checking in my validate controller, whether the file is valid or not. If not, I want to go to the same page with an error message
@Xorifelse opps! nope. I just given a named as a validate controller.
@CrazyNinja validation in based on domain rules. It has no place in the controller.
@CrazyNinja That's not correct. Put together what belongs together. The controller normally is that boundary, that is the common task of one level: Input, Processing, Output. You sure create subtasks with all those three, but not on the controller level.
So one controller for one operation.
@Xorifelse I'm pretty sure you can control the buffer output and where the client goes in every controller. That's just common output.
@hakre Common sense*
However, I've build more into it that I actually should
I was looking for re-usability
@Xorifelse no, I meant that controlling the buffer and redirects / navigation inflection are common for different controllers, so common tasks / output (not sense ;))
this is my method in load with default data controller
public function loadWithDefaultData(){
    	$subjects = DB::table('subject')->get();

    	$age_groups = DB::table('age_group')->get();

    	return view('unicon_admin.uploadVideo')
    			->with('agecat', $age_groups)
and in my other controller I have this piece of code
@Xorifelse That is a common mistake ;) Common sense helps to minimize and even prevent such a common mistake :D
public function validator(Request $request){
    	print_r($request -> subject);
    	print_r($request -> ageCategory);

    	$file = $request->file('videoFile');
    	if ($request->hasFile('videoFile')) {

    		print_r("jude file is there");
    		$destinationPath = storage_path() . '/uploads';
    		$file->move($destinationPath, $file->getClientOriginalName());

    		print_r("file is missing");
    		$reason = "File is missing. Please choose a file less than 500MB in size.";

    		redirect()->back()->with('error', 'Something went wrong.');
@CrazyNinja Does DB::table('age_group')->get(); make a sepparate SQL query?
@Xorifelse yup
@hakre xD
You know what I meant
@CrazyNinja That's quite inefficient
@Xorifelse At least let's just pretend until we find out otherwise :)
Oh no, you didn't
@CrazyNinja did hakre went there?
I think he did
@Xorifelse nods But I want to solve this problem somehow before i meet my supervisor with few hours from now. Need some help. Plz
few hours? Ohh, I'll brb cig time
can you tell me, why this is not working?
return redirect()->action('UploadVideoController@loadWithFailedReason', $reason);
@Xorifelse not really, you can do one DB query with a single (global static) function call with one parameter only (I don't know why Laravel is that complicated it still needs a ->get() while it's intrinsically clear that you want to get data from a database by default as the database is there to provide data.
@hakre as you said, if I want to write my whole backend stuff in a single controller, I want to repeat that querying two tables explicitly from the code.
basically, I need to re-write the body of that method again

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