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@Jimbo pretty intresting question, altough I don't have the knowledge to give you a usefull reply on things like that (yet)
Thx for FB information @XanderLuciano
Are there people here who used Laravel AND Symfony or Silex?
SMTP not working in live server. Any one can help me?
@vipulsorathiya Provide us your error.
in laravel 5.1
@vipulsorathiya Define "not working"
@vipulsorathiya -- Checked your env. setup?
What error you got?
Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com [Connection timed out #110]
@Duikboot yes. its work in local but same code not working in live server
@vipulsorathiya Are you using the right port? AFAIK Gmail SMTP only works encrypted and thus does not listen on port 25.
i used 465 port
Yep, that's the right one. Any firewalls?
I use: 587
timeout indicates that the connection to gmail cannot be established, so look for DNS resolution errors, firewall blocking rules, stuff like that.
[email protected]
Usename here is without @gmail.com
@Duikboot Are you sure? I thought that was required, because of Google Apps e-mails [email protected] (but maybe it defaults to gmail.com).
@Duikboot no i used full email. my code is as per above
i also try port 587 but till not working
I am sure, my mails are working, yes.
'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), so not SSL.
@Duikboot you mean i use MAIL_ENCRYPTION tls?
You are using SSL, as you mentioned above
Hi, does such questions like this fits SO? stackoverflow.com/questions/34872937/…
Disclosure: I'm a php-amqp contributor
@Duikboot no till not working with tls
@zaq178miami Yes, because it involves tools mainly used for programming purposes.
@zaq178miami well, borderline
this question demonstrates no basic googling at all
i have an answer - required dependencies doesn't match, but this is what listed right here - github.com/pdezwart/php-amqp#requirements
\o/ 60% Aerys coverage
i wrote that damn readme because i was fucking tired to be a monkey answering maching
@bwoebi awesome. Any plans to release some close to be stable version? I was looking into aerys to use it my project.
@zaq178miami I won't tag a 1.0 anytime soon (there are still some minor things which are BC breaks to be resolved or at least discussed), but I can tag a 0.x if you wish?
I plan to go 1.0 sometime this year, but I can't really tell you when ;-)
Also: still more coverage needed ^^
can any body help me with this question?
Q: Unable to display data in separate columns using UNION in mysql?

user3295583 I have written a mysql query that is getting data from two different tables stock_list and selected_items using union.From stock_list I am getting SUM(qty),SUM(weight).From selected_items I am getting COUNT( barcode ) and SUM( weight ) both based on a specific date.And the last quer...

@zaq178miami also, it's not yet completely bug-free, but it should be already a pretty pleasant user experience ;-)
@zaq178miami anyway, pushed a v0.2.0 tag :-)
@bwoebi, i'm fine with using master, but some minor tag may be useful
10 secs ago, by bwoebi
@zaq178miami anyway, pushed a v0.2.0 tag :-)
@bwoebi, I'm not a genius and doesn't have much free time, but if there are anything i can help with - let me know
the target use case is to use aerys for application server to host v8 js sandboxes
@zaq178miami well, you probably help me most when you have an actual use case for aerys and find bugs for me ;-)
especially if you don't have too much free time^^
i can dedicates hour or even two per day for aerys, i guess. Anyway, i have to start using it while at this time I'm clearly will not provide reliable performance with starting whole app on every request with php-fpm.
"I'm clearly will not" … sorry, I'm not sure what you're telling me?
@bwoebi An actual case for Aerys?
"Any sort of web application that's not WordPress" is a good starting case.
@MadaraUchiha web applications with real world usage you are motivated to develop ;-)
@bwoebi I don't use PHP as much as I used to anymore
But Aerys would be a very interesting addition to any MVW type web application written in PHP.
@bwoebi, i mean that I will use aerys regardless it stable or not because I'm not happy with php-fpm approach to write "born to die" app
With Aerys you can finally have a memory persistent model.
Anybody knows the name of the webtool where you can paste a composer.json file and get the vendors as zip file?
here is real use case
@MadaraUchiha Finally have "MVC" :D
But then again, with the right architecture Ratchet can do that
i have multitenant app, and starting base app takes ab 0.2-0.5 on dev server
@Jimbo The use of MVC in the PHP community as a marketing term is so badly abused, I doubt PHP would ever see actual MVC.
@Jimbo isn't that websockets?!?!
Although @bwoebi How do you handle cases for long sync actions? Like PDO or file access?
so on every request that 0.2-0.5 sec added to response delay, which goes far before the timings i really want - no more than 0.1 for a bare helloworld app
@MadaraUchiha the advantage is that you won't have to reload each time from shared memory or disk, yeah.
@bwoebi Yep :) As long as you handle the bi-directional communication properly between view and model, win
@MadaraUchiha simple: you don't do long sync actions. You do async actions.
@bwoebi Say I wanted to query the database
How would I do that?
@MadaraUchiha there are async support for mysql and pg
Say there isn't
but not in PDO
hence we have helper libraries (amphp/mysql, amphp/pgsql or amphp/file) to do it.
Say I need an operation that PHP can do, and is sync by default.
I have to add another library?
because if you do sync operations, you have lost and block the whole server.
Or worse, write one?
If you need to do long sync actions, because there isn't an async action available for the I/O, say it's some proprietary protocol, then you can always use a messaging protocol to talk between the event loop and a distributed queue
@bwoebi Obviously, I do a lot of NodeJS
than you block whole main thread. like in other platforms, like in node
@zaq178miami The difference is that in node everything is async by default.
put blocking operations in a queue have another process to pull from the queue
Database access is async, file I/O is async, the request/response cycle is async
@MadaraUchiha not everything to be honest
and you can still run sync operations
@zaq178miami Everything important.
@MadaraUchiha In case there isn't, sadly, yes. But the most significant things (db, raw socket and file I/O) have libs…
@zaq178miami The option is given, but it's not the default.
@bwoebi And how did you implement the async operations?
Promises? Callbacks?
@MadaraUchiha that's true and I've got your point, that was just an example.
Promises, no callbacks.
@bwoebi Interesting
Throw safe? Chainable? The whole deal?
yes, yes, yes.
i.e. will they pass the Promises/A+ test suite?
(I know it's for JavaScript, but it's language agnostic really)
@MadaraUchiha You could use amphp/thread to offload it to a worker thread.
@kelunik No, no, no, please no.
No threads.
The entire point of event loops is to provide an alternative to async via threads.
Because threads are a nightmare to maintain and control
@MadaraUchiha $promise = yield $dispatcher->call("function_name", $arg1, $arg2), it's not that horrible. :P
@kelunik It is if "function_name" is impure.
@MadaraUchiha Sure, as long as you have async libs, use them.
If "function_name" has side effects, you're screwed.
@kelunik is it php7-compatible? I see no travis integration for it, any plans to add?
@bwoebi $promise->watch()?
What does that do?
@zaq178miami There's a branch: github.com/amphp/thread/tree/upgrade. Not sure if it's working. Should work with PHP 7 and Amp 1.
@kelunik, awesome
Also, what's $cbData?
i.e. when would you use it?
@MadaraUchiha Promises can be updated before they're resolved for progress updates.
@kelunik do you have plans for travis integrations?
@kelunik That sounds horrible
@MadaraUchiha when you don't have a Closure with bound state, but want to add information about the Client in an onReadable watcher for example
@MadaraUchiha Why?
@kelunik A Promise is nothing more than a proxy for a value. You can't "run" a Promise, a promise can't "notify" you of updates
A promise is a value... eventually.
@MadaraUchiha github.com/amphp/aerys/blob/master/lib/Server.php#L503 here $client is the $cbData
That's it.
A Promise has 3 states, pending, resolved and rejected. It starts at "pending" and can change its state once to one of the other two.
@MadaraUchiha it's an abstraction of Promises recursively returning [$data, $newPromise] when you aren't interested in the notifications
@bwoebi I see
Why not use PHP's closure?
i.e. use
@MadaraUchiha I said, it's the alternative; we support both writing styles ;-)
I see
Any particular reason to have the resolution handler handle both error cases and data cases?
i.e. why not this:
public function when(callable $resolved, callable $rejected = null)
Then you can do things like this trivially:
@MadaraUchiha example for the watch()ing: github.com/amphp/artax/blob/master/README.md under "Progress Events" subsection
  ->when(function($whateverResult) {
    // ....
  ->when(null, function($error) {
    // ...
@bwoebi But a Promise doesn't have "progress", you're leaking abstraction.
If you want a progress, return an Observable
That's the correct abstraction for an asynchronous operation that has multiple stages or events.
@MadaraUchiha that's the goal. I'm leaking abstraction for those who want these updates.
@Jimbo it's easier to ask here
30 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
If you want a progress, return an Observable
@MadaraUchiha Our Promises are basically ObservablePromises, simplified into a single interface.
@nikita2206 Sure man, this isn't easy to set up :)
@bwoebi The two aren't really compatible
It's an interesting idea, but it looks to me like you can't really take the best of both worlds
@MadaraUchiha Don't know, but I just see that it works nicely for at least 2 years ;-)
In your case, I'd opt to always return an Observable (because a Promise is merely an Observable with one element), than invent a hybrid interface that kinda does both
@MadaraUchiha And where's the exact advantage over ->when(function ($error, $result) { /* ... */ }) ?
Don't get me wrong, the project is amazing and it's a blessing that someone finally did it
@bwoebi No if ($error) { .. } abominations?
Also, this ^
4 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
  ->when(function($whateverResult) {
    // ....
  ->when(null, function($error) {
    // ...
Imagine a more complex case
@MadaraUchiha not quite an abomination. Experience told me that you often want to do common cleanup after a promise, regardless of the result.
  // .....
  ->when(null, "handle_all_errors");
@bwoebi If your final error handler returns a promise, it will always be resolved
you have the if(), but it avoids you of adding the abomination of a separate closure definition you have to put at both operands
  // .....
  ->when(null, "handle_all_errors")
@bwoebi But error handling is always a different concern
@MadaraUchiha are you now conflating a ->when() with \Amp\pipe() ?
@bwoebi I'm used to .then()
So maybe
In JavaScript, as long as you return a Promise object from .then(), it's chainable automatically
@MadaraUchiha That way it's easy to miss the error case. Usually you should use generators / coroutines anyway.
right, and then() is commonly expecting a new promise to be returned, right?
@bwoebi Correct.
which when() isn't.
You don't have to, but then you lose chainability.
if you need to chain, that's what \Amp\pipe() is for
@bwoebi But why separate the two?
@bwoebi Which is not really chaining.
@kelunik it is?
If all my async functions return promises (as they should!), then I can chain them all by default, for free
Nope, chaining means you can append something and another thing, you can't do that with pipe. You have to nest it.
Having an async function without returning a Promise is as idiotic as creating an async function without providing a callback parameter in the signature (in a callback oriented style)
@kelunik wat
@MadaraUchiha An advantage is that when the promisor is stored somewhere and you like to put multiple actions on the original value. Then then() won't work.
@bwoebi So use closure
Or coroutines
pipe(pipe($promise, ($result) => 2 * $result), ($result) => "Result: $result");
Or that third parameter
Using short function syntax, because used to ES6.
@kelunik Oh my god :o
So you haven't solved the callback-hell problem at all
@kelunik well, you wouldn't quite nest it though…
And I would never use pipe for chaining, just for simple transformations.
that's the point of it.
How do you do this?
I'm not a fan of promise chaining in general … if you need to, be explicit
@bwoebi Why not?
sry for breking into, but is using md5 to generate unique connection id is a good idea - lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_7_0/ext/interbase/interbase.c#921, or should I use stronger hash function?
does the connection id need to be kept secret?
Are you using PHP 7?
@MadaraUchiha do what?
I like it, but it makes it really easy to miss errors.
@kelunik that's part of why I don't like it actually ;-D
@zaq178miami Hashing something doesn't make it more unique.
@zaq178miami do you want something unique or something random?
@Leigh question is about both php 5 and 7, i'm making a change to extension
  .then(dbRecord => validatePassword(dbRecord.pwdHash, password))
  .then(passwordValid => respondWith(passwordValid))
  .catch(err => respondWithError("had an error. " + err.message);
@bwoebi ^
@vipulsorathiya U fixed it? ( Are you good at Laravel ? )
i want it to be unique and not floating credentials around // @kelunik @Leigh
Where getUserByUsername and validatePassword both return promises
connection id, and unique ... use an int and increment?
@zaq178miami then don't use md5.
@kelunik here is changeset - github.com/pdezwart/php-amqp/pull/194/…
posted on January 19, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by cvor */

@MadaraUchiha then(respondWith)
@FlorianMargaine Go away
@MadaraUchiha learn how to code
@RonniSkansing U there ?
But at work atm
When you will be free ?
@zaq178miami oh, I see, I didn't check the lxr link before. Just use the username/pass as the key for the hash table, without using md5. The hash key is turned into an int anyway
Have some questions
@FlorianMargaine I did it for clarity's sake because 1. it's an example 2. it's unclear what validatePassword resolves with, and 3. PHP is retarded and can't pass functions as objects (only as strings)
$dbRecord = yield getUserByUsername($username);
try {
    yield validatePassword($dbRecord->pwdHash, $password);
} catch (Exception $e) {
@MadaraUchiha ^ basically
@MadaraUchiha always finding excuses :D
@bwoebi Alright, here's a slightly more complex case.
@Leigh to do that i need to keep credentials stored somewhere anyway.
@MadaraUchiha you'd really just not use the Promise API. The Promise API is targeted at low-level mostly.
@MadaraUchiha Or use Amp's coroutines:
$dbRecord = yield getUserByUsername($username);

try {
    yield validatePassword($dbRecord->pwdHash, $password));
catch (InvalidCredentialsException $e) {
    respondWithError("error: " . $e->getMessage());
let users = ['user1', 'user2', 'user2'];
  .then(allUsers => allUsers.filter(user => user.isActive));
  .then(allActiveUsers => respondWith(`I have ${allActiveUsers.length} active users`));
@bwoebi Oops, typing too slow.
BTW with coroutines in JS, that would be
@zaq178miami that user/pass is going to be stored anyway, you're passing them to that function
// first case
async function validateAndRespond(username) {
  try {
    let dbRecord = await getUserByUsername(username);
    let passwordValid = await validatePassword(dbRecord.pwdHash, password);
    return respondWidth(passwordValid);
  } catch (err) {
    return respondWithError(err);

//second case
async function countActiveUsers(users) {
  let dbPromises = users.map(getUserByUsername);
  let allUsers = await Promise.all(dbPromises);
  let allActiveUsers = allUsers.filter(user => user.isActive);
$promises = array_map(function ($user) { return getUserByUsername($user) }, $users);
$promises = \Amp\filter($promises, function ($user) { return $user->isActive; })
$users = yield \Amp\all($promises);
respondWith("I have ".count($users)." active users");
@MadaraUchiha ah, you apply filter on the result…
I think the library requirement here is... dangerous.
@bwoebi Same effect.
well, then you can use the good old array_filter ^^
@MadaraUchiha hmm?
Not dangerous in the security sense
But dangerous in a sense that it would be daunting to need to include libraries to perform these tasks
@MadaraUchiha Promise.all() is the same, just as static method instead.
It's expected of Promises to be able to do most of those things
It's expected that promises are monoids, they can be composed effortlessly
which they can?
It's expected that you can aggregate them, at the very least with Promise::all() and Promise::race()
$users = yield \Amp\all($promises);
^ that's exactly what I'm doing too?
@bwoebi What does \Amp\all return?
twitter's down, now I have to actually pay attention in lectures D:
@MadaraUchiha a Promise, obviously
(also, PHP supports namespaced functions? Neat!)
@MadaraUchiha since PHP 5.3
@MadaraUchiha yeah, just not autoloading
@Andrea Ah, right
Also, it's not expected that you throw extra responsibilities on the Promise such as notifying progress
That's a breach of contract.
@Andrea just be involved in this chat, that's also a great type of Procrastination ^^
@MadaraUchiha but composer has "autoload": { "files": [ ... ] }, so
Nevertheless, I still think that this project is totally awesome and totally called for in PHP
@MadaraUchiha you don't have to use it. It just works greatly along with the core Promise functionality.
Don't take my feedback as "this is crap and you should feel bad", because it's really not :)
@bwoebi $promises = array_map("getUserByUsername", $users) :P
@kelunik hehe
@kelunik Passing functions by string always makes me shudder.
@MadaraUchiha I didn't. You are just discussing the differences to Promises/A+
@bwoebi No, not just to Promises/A+
@MadaraUchiha sorry, not first-class functions for you ;-P
@ZahidSaeed in bout 3 hours I will be sitting at home and relaxing
Promise<T> is a very well researched and known type
It's very well defined.
but feel free to ping with whatever, I will get back to you asap ;)
Thanks np
@MadaraUchiha as said, you can work perfectly with the promises while ignoring the watch(/notify on Promisor).
PromisesA+ merely define the minimal expected contract of JavaScript libraries that implement Promises, to ensure interoperability
@MadaraUchiha Not changeable before Amp v2 anyway.
I'm probably missing something, why do your promises have to be the same as other peoples promises, if they do the same thing?
@Leigh They need the same contract
@Leigh Because then you can have libraries that use Q's implementation of Promises, and Bluebird's implementation of Promises, and you can use the native implementation of Promises, and they can all work well.
Mind you, they aren't all implemented internally the same, but they follow the same spec
For example, bluebird has extra features like promise.map() (equivalent to .then(result => result.map()) and Promise.settle() which is a Reflection utility for promises,
Promises/A+ defines the interface for a Promise
Different libraries are free to provide a concrete implementation of that interface.
So how does that bluebird promise get into PHP? :)
@Leigh I never said that a Promise implementation in PHP needs to adhere to Promises/A+
@MadaraUchiha If you code strictly to the Promise interface, you can't use map. :P
I'm merely asserting that Promises/A+ is a good interface to follow
@kelunik Right
You can only use that if you know you have a bluebird promise on your hands.
But you can absolutely use .then() for all promises.
That's probably the main reason, why Amp defines such things as functions instead of in the interface.
And they would all behave the same in the sense of order of execution and async queuing.
@kelunik functions === static functions
@kelunik Precisely.
You can have public methods that aren't a part of the interface...
There's nothing wrong with it, and if your consumer knows the type of Promise they have, they can use the specific features.
Just like normal interface/implementation relationship.
@MadaraUchiha If PHP had covariant return types, it'd be useful.
Can be used polymorphically, but not required.
@bwoebi The separation between an Observable and a Promise is as important as the separation between an array of values and a single value.
@MadaraUchiha Let me disagree
@bwoebi You can disagree all you want, that is by definition of both the Promise type and the Observable type :P
It's more comparable to an array of values and an array where you only can access the last value.
@bwoebi No, a Promise by definition is an observable with only one value.
It's how those types are defined, it's not my opinion.
That's as what the Amp library defines a Promise though.
@bwoebi I that read wrong
What's as what the Amp library defines a Promise?
A promise is a holder of a future final value and counts as resolved or rejected when such one is passed.
@bwoebi Right, and an Observable is a collection, in time, of future final values, each count as resolved or rejected at the time they resolve.
An array is a collection in space, and an Observable is a collection in time.
@MadaraUchiha except that watch() is live and you only get values if you watch while values are happening.
it's not a collection.
@bwoebi Sure it is. It's a collection of events, that arrive when they arrive.
It's exactly the case for an Observable.
we have a separate class which does what you describe: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/PromiseStream.php
which is actually collecting the events.
@bwoebi You're confusing the term "collection" with an actual, physical array.
You don't need to store anything anywhere for there to be a collection in time.
An observable can be (and often is) infinite.
@bwoebi Just that PromiseStream doesn't allow multiple consumers.
not quite. I mean that you can consume() the array and wait for the next result.
@MadaraUchiha And our Promises are not infinite, they're not Observables.
@MadaraUchiha Our Promises aren't quite designed to be infinite (could be misused though)
@kelunik An observable doesn't have to be infinite.
It can terminate gracefully or due to an error.
But it can also be without an end
For example, messages from a websocket can be modeled as an observable stream.
I know, our Promises can be abused as observables, but you really shouldn't do that.
Even a single HTTP request can (and is) modeled as an observable stream of all the state changes in the request.
@MadaraUchiha and that graceful termination (or due to error) is basically exactly what is why you still have when().
That's exactly how the new .fetch() API in JavaScript works, by the way.
@MadaraUchiha A single HTTP request is more a ObservablePromise.
@kelunik Any Observable is an ObservablePromise.
50 mins ago, by bwoebi
@MadaraUchiha Our Promises are basically ObservablePromises, simplified into a single interface.
Maybe we should have Promise and ObservablePromise and Observable (similar to current PromiseStream)
^ as said
@kelunik ObservablePromise is redundant if you have Observable
@MadaraUchiha Does any Observable have a resolution value?
@kelunik Here:
function ObservableToPromise(observable) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    observable.subscribe(o => {
      if (o.ended) {
        if (o.error) { reject(o.value); }
        else { resolve(o.value); }
A super naive function that takes an Observable and returns a Promise.
By the way, it's mainly for practical reasons that these two things are merged into a single interface … like you can always call watch(). E.g. when you return a Failure, it's a Promise, but not quite observable. But for simplicity, you can also call watch() on it.
The promise resolves with the last value.
@RonniSkansing I'm using wordpress. I created some custom taxonomy in custom post type. I printed the data on the website using WP_Query() and attached the link via the_permalink() method. Now if I click that link the index.php page just refreshes.
We'd else need a special class of ObservableFailure etc.
@RonniSkansing Nothing else happens. The user doesn't move on to the next page.
@bwoebi What's a Failure?
Another class?
@MadaraUchiha implements Promise and is already rejected at creation time
@bwoebi So... basically...
basically a failed promisors promise, yes
static function rejected(err) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
@RonniSkansing I searched and got to know about different types of templates like page template, archive template, taxonomy template etc.
But how will I know wordpress will try to find out which type of page in my themes directory ?
just saying, … it makes things easier to handle.
Therefore I should create that file and edit it @RonniSkansing
from a purely theoretical standpoint I'm absolutely agreeing with you @MadaraUchiha that it would be two different interfaces.
@bwoebi It's not theoretical, that's pretty much how everyone else are implementing their promises (or Tasks, which is like a promise with only one subscriber)
@RonniSkansing Right now, I created taxonomy.php and single.php
But the wordpress is moving to single.php file. Isn't it supposed to be taxonomy.php instead ?
@MadaraUchiha Which is not the same as a resolution. Imagine something like function process() : Observable<ProgressEvent> { ... }
Resolution type should be different than the observable type.
@kelunik .. No, there's no good reason to do that.
@MadaraUchiha Jup, Failure is just a shorthand.
@MadaraUchiha If you want to resolve it to the processed image but want to show progress in form of % processed?
@kelunik You can emit objects, you know
Moreover, you can combine different observables into one stream
Can someone explain my why array to string convert error appears on this:
		$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE Ticket = ? LIMIT 1");
		$result = $query->fetchAll();
		fputcsv($file, $result, ";");
@MadaraUchiha hm?
@MadaraUchiha I still stand by the point that from a practical perspective it absolutely does no harm to have both in the same interface.
@Maurice Debug your code

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