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Well, I'm going to launch it
@Andrea what about ==?
thinking about the security issues that pop up with hash comparisons
@Ocramius the RFC covers that (by stating it doesn't)
== sucks but it's a separate issue
I was thinking of 123123123 == "123123123abcabc"
you know, security shite
anyway, alright
@Ocramius yeah, it sucks
but in that case what we really need is to return false... producing a notice isn't as big a help
incidentally I had to specifically exclude that in the patch
@Andrea eigth RFC in eight days \o/
@bwoebi :D
yeah, a lot lately :/
I wonder what the 9th day of RFCmas will bring
I feel like we're shortly before the 7.1 deadline… lol
@bwoebi another poorly-thought-out idea? ducks
no :-D
@Andrea The tags look pretty broken on mobile
missing: list of current stars, clicking on the arrow doesn't go up enough
@bwoebi there is a list of stars, but you have to go to the hamburger restaurant menu for it
I mean the list of the ten most relevant new stars
clicking on the PHP (room chooser) creates a white layover, I can't remove it except by opening and closing the main menu…
well, the list of stars includes the ten most recent, and the rest...
But at least it's ... still not usable as I don't see the text window while typing :x
Issue only happens when you change orientation while typing
@Andrea why is that not ideal that is_numeric_string_ex considers trailing whitespaces as non-well-formed?
@bwoebi because it's counter-intuitive given it allows leading whitespace
@Andrea oh, t does… well, …
@Andrea I had marked the last one as NaB! Were you blind?! j/k
@bwoebi :D
@Andrea quick reminder please… bugs.php.net/71306 is intentional, right (and NaB)?
@bwoebi unfortunately.
/ and % don't line up because they're not actually complementary
@Andrea I thought though we had decided to kill that warning, but that was reverted later, right?
% is like intdiv(), because PHP
@bwoebi yeah
we currently have the worst of both worlds
Maybe that should be RFC number nine :-D
I think a RFC will be required as it had been controversial last time…
@bwoebi no, because IEEE 754 has negative zero
@NikiC references :<
@NikiC add unref(); :)
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ php -r 'var_dump(--0.0);'

Parse error: parse error in Command line code on line 1
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ php -r 'var_dump(+-0.0);'
^ this is the weird thing
(older build btw.)
but in general, --0.0 is parse error, while +-0.0 isn't
yeah because it's interpreted as pre-decrement
(because parsed as decrement, I know, but…)
… but that just seems inconsistent :-P
incidentally since -0.0 didn't produce negative zero, +-0.0 is pointless for demoing the issue where +(-0.0) doesn't preserve negative zero
so that example would be better as +(float)"-0"
what's the point about unary plus at all?
(except as hack for numeric cast)
no idea
oh, I suppose it's useful as a redundant sign
$directions = [
    [-1,  0],
    [+1,  0],
    [ 0, +1],
    [ 0, -1],
that's useless.
If you really need a sign, prefix it with a zero…
that makes it octal :)
anyway, gonna go do slightly more enjoyable things, gn
Me too… going to read a bit before sleeping =)
Someone ought to say in the nicest possible way that the Friends class stuff is quite unlikely to pass.....
Wondering what @ScottArciszewski thinks of hynek.me/articles/storing-passwords
Hi everyone
@Danack "A lot of work doesn't make bullshit any more acceptable." \s
possibly, just possibly, slightly more nicely than that.
hi guys, was wondering if it's true that PHP is slower than other languages
@Danack I need to come up with a "no" as well, tbh. I'd rather have protected classes or something like that, than public things that talk to each other
i just got into php and I am a beginning programmer but heard from seniors that php is too heavy... what's your thoughts on that?
@mush depends on what you compare it to… but it's faster than most popular interpreted languages.
Java, C++?
these aren't interpreted
@mush it's a lot slower than a lot of compiled languages, it's the same speed or faster as other 'scripting' languages.....but for most peoples use cases (building web sites) it doesn't matter.
@Danack I'd absolutely not complain if PHP were 3 times faster.
right... when does it matter for example? Apps?
@Ocramius Feel free to steal this - something like 'the previous discussion was interesting, and although the friendship crap is a potential solution, there seems to be more consensus behind the "package private" idea.......'
@mush physics simulations....
Big Data.
Share/stock trading apps where 1 ms is vital.
right, i got you
i hear a lot of people say that Java is more suitable for security programmes... why do they say that...
@Ocramius The package private stuff is worth reading as it would probably be very appropriate for Doctrine...
It's appropriate for pretty much any abstraction that wasn't "designed for the world"
like "yeah, we wrote these classes so we use them, NOT YOU."
@mush Because it's completely compiled it's easier to "prove" that a java application is 'correct' (whatever correct means). Whereas PHP can fall over in the middle of an application because of an error condition which a compiler might have caught.
But it's not as if Java is security hole free - foxglovesecurity.com/2015/11/06/…
@mush you can fuck up very badly with Java too… Java is just better suited for implementing custom crypto (because of fixed width integers) (which you shouldn't even do…), but in general, no
right, but with the good architecture and team, it shouldn't really make a difference then which language is used for security programmes?
correct (as long as you're not going to try to write your code in Pyth (no, not Python. Pyth.))
why not python
Python isn't a problem
I said using Pyth were an issue.
oh, i see...
what do you think of computer science courses, do they prepare well for careers or is there a lot you don't learn in these courses...
@bwoebi Mostly completeness. Like, when you want to be explicit. This number is not only +1, it's ++1!
haha :-)
It's one more.
@mush they are needed for some stuff, but at least for web dev, they rarely provide practical information
But again, as an university student, the stuff you learn at lectures should be complimentary to what you learn on your own
so most of the learning is from your own projects? So did it happen for example for you that you just dig in to stuff and don't really know how to get things done and then find answers and progress yourself without outside help and master things gradually...?
@mush they help you in case you don't want to remain the little programmer. You only need to be a bit smart to write great code, but CS courses will learn you the theory how to solve certain problems.
@mush to really understand things, you often need to implement them.
is it the methodology that you feel people benefit from most? Like a certain approach in for example problem solving that is taught that leads to the advantage ?
@Ocramius My thought is simply "yeah, I should really get hot on making PASSWORD_ARGON2I a thing in 7.1
@mush No. I meant certain problems. Specific applications like programming language optimizations (there you have to know some theory or you'll probably be lost), which algorithms exist (giving you clues what the optimal solution will be), helping you with understanding side-effects affecting performance … but after all, you still need to read up a lot on your own. It gives you a lot of starting points though.
I see... Makes sense
@mush from that or from reading about approaches online
@Ocramius yea, just approaches online makes it sometimes hard to separate the good from the great.
There are good computer science courses, but most CS lectures come from a different era. I'd never let someone fresh from a CS degree work on my websites without strict supervision by a self-taught senior.
@Ocramius that's interesting
what kind of problems do you usually see from having fresh cs graduates work on sites?
that you don't see from others?
@Ocramius You mean fresh graduates with not much experience outside from uni?
@mush I'd guess, practical experience lacking.
@bwoebi no, I just wanted to be provocative ;-)
but practical experience lacking, will that really cause big issues
or is it just efficieny issues... taking more time to solve things etc
The problem is that the CS student may be great at spotting optimization flaws, doing big-O-notation analysis, planning how to implement a particular function. They are not taught issues such as XSS (for web dev), business value analysis, clean architecture design (OO/fp), project organization, etc
well yeah, they studied CS not programming
It's basically as if they went to class to learn to be a plumber, and they only had shown them slides of the tools :P
I've seen a problem for many years. Basically some of the CS grads I've worked with had a problem where all they were taught was "When you see this problem, this is the solution" when confronted with a problem where there was no clean solution possible, they pretty much didn't know what to do. I've literally had someone (employed by the company) refuse to work on making a tool, because the correct way to make it wasn't obvious...
@PaulCrovella exactly
Whereas myself, who studied chemistry at university, I have the opinion that, if at the end of the day, nothing is on fire or dissolved into a pool of sludge on the floor then the solution to solve the problem was acceptable.
That makes perfect sense
the "solution" - I see what you did there
i guess solving problems, in any context, is per definition not a matter of right or wrong solution, but rather the most effective solution
@Danack yeah, just the whole disks wiped, but no fire =)
so if there is no solution, how can someone say the solution is not right
There may be no correct solution, but approximate ones
@mush most effective in this case is the right one.
yea, but no one could say a solution is not right if they can't solve the problem
i guess, the initial problem is solved, but there may be another problem that occurs, so there is a shift from solving problem A to problem B
at least, that's what I believe, i think problems are highly relative and can only be seen in the light of the goal... So if you come closer to a goal but there are still other things to be done to reach the goal, that's progress to me :)
^ that's the funniest shit I've read all day
speaking about problems, I have an issue that I can't seem to get my head around... XML seems valid to me but get a 1002 xml invalid error. Remember i am a total beginner :)
(see full text)
wat is "preg_replace('/(<\?xml[^?]+?)utf-16/i', '$1utf-8', $response)" ?
Changing charsets like that is very unlikely to work...
it worked for me in other requests
thing was, I got a parser error
@Danack it's likely to work just fine, up until it doesn't
and by using that, I got it working
all other requests are working fine now
suggestion: disable external entity loading :P
just this xml request bugs me
@mush If the document is really utf-16 to start with, you'll need to do more clever stuff to change it from utf-16 to utf-8. It is likely errors when there is a non-utf-8 char in the response.
Maybe cross your fingers and set an accept header for utf-8 and hope the remote server can serve it?
i'll give that a try @Danack thanks for the tip
do you think the xml invalid error has to do with this?
or am I missing something obvious
Your hack will work, right up until the time when there is a utf-16 character that is not valid utf-8 - I suspect that is what you're seeing.
Stewart Lee on Political Correctness
mhm, i set the header to utf-8, still getting the same error
3 hours later…
For an extremely small value of "work". The only utf-16 sequences that are likely to be parsable as utf-8 are ascii codepoints, and even then you have a null byte at every other octet.

My *hope* is that the thing he's replacing is actually just an embedded URL query param, like: <?xml ....blah... ><node><othernode url="http://example.com/blah?eo=utf-16"/></node>
i just want a very simple blogging platform with a markdown editor something like this igor.io/2014/12/18/stack-machines-compilers.html do i have to write one myself or is there such a simple solution ?
'cause that could work fine. It's hard to tell since his patten is SO vague. And the [^?]+? sequence is questionable as fuck too. He probably meant to escape that second ?, 'cause all he's saying there is [^?]*
@someone It exists. I don't know what it's called, but it certainly exists. Google to the rescue.
@Sara its really plain and awesome look igor.io/archive.html
@someone I'll pass.
hey can anyone help me with a mysql query?
Q: Query to get all the rows that have the same date with respect to their invoice numbers?

AndroidNewBeeI have table from which I have to get invoiceNo, Sum of all the weights, count the number of barcodes and the last value in sum_total from table called selected_items for a particular date. SELECT invoiceNo, SUM(weight), COUNT(barcode), sum_total FROM selected_items WHERE date LIKE '07-Jan-2...

Good Morning Anmol
hey anybody home???
This is my mysql table
This is the query I am using SELECT invoiceNo, SUM( weight ) , COUNT( barcode ) , sum_total
FROM selected_items
WHERE DATE LIKE '07-Jan-2016'
GROUP BY invoiceNo
This is the output
My goal is to get the last entry in the sum_total column but ORDER BY id DESC isn't working for me
what? stop. operator overloading? where?
i need a help in php
which program should i use to read internals news without getting cancer?
is anybody available?
i need a help on handling est and edt time zones in php
newyork time
@GugankumarP what specifically are you trying to do?
can anyone please help me with this
A: How to loop through a code in Codeigniter for every user?

David VincentIf that is how you calculated all the time, maybe you should make a function with attendance as a parameter. And then you can get list of user as attendance and looping it public function calculatedTime(attendance){ //Your coding here } and You can looping it to get the time foreach($logina...

i have a controller that sends a array of logins and logouts to view. There i calculate the total worked hours of the employee for now i using dropdown so whoseover's name was selected that person's total hours were calculated.
Now i want to calculate for all the users in database
So i guess i need to loop thought the code for every user but don't know how exactly i do it
i am doing some schedule based on NY time, in my program i set some time ( ex . 2.00 pm ) that starts schedule. i handle this by converting the time into UTC as 19:00, but for EDT zone when converting 19:00 UTC into NY time means it will return 3:00 pm EDT. So it shows one hour delays on schedule.
So Please help me to handle this situation. @jbaf
@GugankumarP You shouldn't use EDT or EST. Instead, use an actual time zone like America/New_York. Then your conversions to and from UTC will be more accurate.
@jbafford am tried that one but my confusion is " If i sets time as 2.00 pm ( for example today )it converts into 19:00 UTC ( because now it is EST on America/New_York ), but for may month when converting 19:00 UTC into America/New_York it returns 3:00 pm ( because may month is EDT )"
@GugankumarP yes, that's correct behavior, if what you're doing is saying "January 8 19:00 UTC" and "May 4 19:00 UTC".
You probably need to take into account the user's local time and timezone.
@jbafford can you help me handling this part,
i used cron scheduler for doing this one, it executes every one minute
it executes the query if January 8 19:00 UTC equal to current UTC time
January 8 19:00 UTC it is stored on DB when creating schedule.
In another issue is if the user created a schedule on EDT zone like May month, it should be execute based on presets time only not by zone, that is the problem actually
Good Rebecca morning
@GugankumarP It's a bit unclear what exactly it is you're trying to do. If it the user says "May 4 3:00 PM America/New_York", then that (or the UTC equivalent) is what needs to be stored. But you need to use America/New_York for calculating the time, and not EDT/EST, because "May 4 14:00 EST" and "May 4 14:00 EDT" are not the same time.
@jbafford Actually, now i am creating a schedule with time of 2:00 pm EST ( it should execute on 2:00 pm everyday ), i stored into db like 19:00 UTC. Now it is working well. But for May month, when converting the same value into current time it returns as 3:00 pm EDT. But i scheduled it for 2:00 pm only.
@GugankumarP What exactly are you putting into the database?
input => 2:00 pm
DB => 19:00 UTC
for today basis
Ok. That is insufficient. Because 19:00 UTC is not always 2 pm in America/New_York. What you need to store is 2:00 pm and the user's time zone (America/New_York, and NOT EDT or EST).
Or you need to store the full date and time (in UTC).
@Leigh can I convince you to change your vote on php56timeline, so that you can vote for 1 year support option in the second part ?
damn! putsmail.com <3 Really like that website to test html emails ( just sharing here )
Oh btw, it's RebeccaDay
@JoeWatkins fyi, I voted for 2 years security after support extension because it will stick around for a while anyway
LTS distros provide their own sec fixes, we don't have to care about those ... the only reason it should stick around outside of LTS distros is that we are still providing sec fixes ...
long goodbyes are hard, let's just get it over and done with I think ...
I agree with it partly, but just because it's a major release bump
otherwise I would have voted for not extending at all
that's what I wanted to vote for, but there is no point, because second option will win ...
a no vote is a yes vote for second option ... strange kinda voting, but whatever ...
also, a thought to precedent should be given, if when 8 comes around, everyone can say "we had two years last time, we need at least that this time" ... because 8 will be legitimately much more complex than 7 ...
that will be bad, and by the time 10 comes around, there will be 4 or whatever years of sec fixes and not much reason for the industry to upgrade from 8 ...
afk, school run
@Sean seems I havn't >< makes you wonder what people are bothering with in the first place..
it's like saying you don't like red, so others shouldn'tuse that color.. your old enough to ignore it if you don't like it...
@PeeHaa \o/ where's the beer?
@FlorianMargaine hey man, it's not to late, if you want to talk about it.. there are also certain numbers you can call if you feel that way :O
@Naruto First some coffee
@Naruto I don't do php, so I'm fine
@PeeHaa I never drink coffee ><
@Naruto WAT!?
7 mins ago, by Naruto
@PeeHaa I never drink coffee ><
I just don't like it ><
The rare occasions I drink coffee, there is more suga in it than coffee :P
posted on January 08, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by charliemini */

Not a coffee fan myself
Hello everyone
Nothing happened. You saw nothing.
@NikiC @bwoebi @other max input vars 10000 is utter bullshit right?
Where does the default (1000) come from?
Though, seen the new PSR-10 proposal? Weird as hell.
@Sean You're a stupid brit I wouldn't expect anything else :P
cc @Danack @DaveRandom
Oh sorry. cc @Jimbo
cc @salathe
Damn I'm a minority
/me applies for a uk greencard
Yeah, go vote positive on the CoC RFC
@PeeHaa That is true, a nice cuppa is sometimes what the body needs. Much prefer hot chocolate though. Sometimes my 10 year old self likes to shine through.
Speaking of cuppas... brb having an earl grey mhmm
*chortles at @PeeHee while supping a hot cup of breakfast tea*
We have one of those water machines in the office that gives immediate hot water, and it's actually hot enough for a good cup of tea
@Jimbo My faucet does that
@PeeHaa Bet that's instant boiling though, takes your face off with the steam coming off it!
Yeah it is / does. :)
@Wes Oh god. That will stick in your head for days...
you get used to that when you are a regular of this room. hard alcoholics help though
So you get addicted on the channel, the channel gets you addicted to the music the music makes you addicted to alcohol you go to rehab you come back to the channel.
"circle of life" :P
mmmmh banana wait
@TiagoMatos pretty much, yeah :D
@PeeHaa <shakes fist> why I oughta...
mogguh sire
@TiagoMatos That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
@DaveRandom if you need it, I will corroborate your story in court.
Nah, I'll just go on the lam
Will have to google that one. ;)
Learned something today. Good day.
@Sean lol :D
@Danack PHPSC wouldn't want to see another DI talk would they
You did yours last year, they'll probably want different ones
@Naruto Mornin'!
hey, im trying to make an internal booking system for a meeting room.. now im trying to figure out if the room is taken from a time to another time and if not, then let the user book the room
my current if statement:
if($Old['ToTime'] <= $_POST['FromTime'] && $Old['FromTime'] >= $_POST['ToTime']){
echo "Event can not be created.. Event already exist: FROM: ".$Old['FromTime'].' TO: '.$Old['ToTime'].' ON: '.$Old['Date'];
but it adds records anyways, what would be the correct statement ??
the time is: HH:II
maybe the new time only fits one of those parameters?
its currently booked at 14:00 to 15:00 but your new booking is 14:30 to 15:30.
Hey guys. A little off my field(iOS developer). Anyone here might help me with lil something?
Hi, does anyone can suggest reason for such error "undefined symbol: spl_globals_id" during custom extension loading?
it looks like my extension tries go get loaded before spl, but I don't see any exact reason for that.
it's php-src master branch built in Rasmus php7dev box
@zaq178miami , Sorry for interrupting. By chance, did you ever used a web sockets or encountered real time tasks?
@TiagoMatos It's a pretty old/unused expression, something I associate with movies from the '60s or something
Sometimes I forget that not everyone is English... :-P
Any chance you might help me with something? Should be quick rean & answer question
@zaq178miami would love to open a quick chat if it's fine by you
@zaq178miami I'm actually an iOS developer so i'm off my field this one lol
just drop it here
@zaq178miami are you building as static or shared? (your custom ext, that is)
@zaq178miami Basically i'm trying to develop very simple real-time multiplayer game. I tried fireBase and PubNub. But it's always come to the same result - problem handling multiple requests.
@DaveRandom are you from the 'isle'? or her children?
Let me explain - each "game" constructed with just two players(not more). If 4 players logs as the same time. And each player look for a "match". player one might match with player two.while player two might match with player three, and so on. How can i avoid this? (real-time?)
@DaveRandom, shared. It's fine on ubuntu with PHP from Ondrej's PPA (launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php-7.0)
but for some mad reason it fails in Rasmus box
important note: I built 71 zts and run 71 debug zts (71 stands for current master)
now re-creating whole box to test again
@zaq178miami I take it you defined SPL as a dependency in you zend_module_entry struct?
that's it, i guess, i didn't
@zaq178miami Posted above explanation
static zend_module_dep myext_module_deps[] = {
Then put myext_module_deps in the 3rd element of your zend_module_entry
@DaveRandom, thanks! This is definitely a must, I missed that completely.
@TiagoMatos Manchester, UK
@zaq178miami No worries :-)
@zaq178miami I'm not sure whether the order of extension= defs in php.ini is significant or not, can't remember. That also could play a part.
@DaveRandom If you not mind, can you give your opinion of initializing SPL_G() masks outside SPL module (basically, running this line lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_7_0/ext/spl/php_spl.c#769)
@DaveRandom we got the world's longest alliance, so in a way we are all English :P
@DaveRandom I guess it doesn't matter in this situation while spl is core extension
@zaq178miami I don't really know much about the internals of SPL, that's a dark and scary place. Not sure if @JoeWatkins might be more help.
True of internals in general actually, esp. in 7, I've not done much work on it recently
btw, are there any explanation why __debugInfo() userland method ignored if get_debug_info handler defined internally?
same for __invoke() and get_closure
That's @Sara's domain, I think she implemented that
@roimulia so you basically want to prevent matching one user with more than other one?
@zaq178miami exactly, lol.
@DaveRandom, thanks, I guess she'll be pinged, yes?
@roimulia so what exact problem? you match a pair and then drop other kinda-matches
pretty dirty solution, but this is how some projects deal with concurency
i guess this is how EA's SimSity buildit handle purchases
@zaq178miami the problem is that each users looks for a pair. so nothing gurantee that player 1 will match with player 2. while at the same time player 2 already match player 3
@zaq178miami Yes, I think she's on california time (GMT - 8) so prob not awake atm
@roimulia, another approach is to properly handle matches on server side
I wish i could. But i don't have an access to it
@I'm using fireBase or PubNub SDK's. I think i canno't access it
but if have only N clients, N > 2 and want to match exactly 2 clients, not respecting which one, then just let run some round-robin request and when you get response, run some kind of handshake
@zaq178miami what's round-robin requests if you may expand?
so smth like hi Jane, hi Mia, hi Sindy, then when some of them reply, just ask, "let's go out tonight", and then if she's ok with that and doesn't already accepted someones proposal, go and date
@zaq178miami that's Tinder
lol, I didn't mean it exactly
@zaq178miami I thought about that as well, but in case Jane "sent" someone a proposal. and at the same time someone sent her as well.
@Gordon original idea was from dns round-robin
So jane asking out jenna. and mike asking out jane.
Conflicting again
send some timestamps
that is concurrency magic
@zaq178miami , Can you please expand about timestamps and concurrency(which i have no idea what is haha)
take in count when request was sent, so each client accept that request which comes first
and i guess you can google smth like "stable roommate problem"
@zaq178miami i can try assign a var at the client side, which indicates if "proposal is running" maybe?
@Sean and a good morning to you 2 :)
But still i can't figure how to handle "multi sending" when you getting the proposal and proposing the same time
I normally just brute-force randomly (don't tell anyone) :)
how many clients do you suppose to have?
hmm many
lets assume worst(actually best haha) case - 100 users loggs the same time and searching
@roimulia does the user pick who they want to pair up with?
100 is like... pick kitten in zoo shop
@BobNocraz nope, it's random. But i'm thinking about adding a "pop up" to "confirm start playig" for the handshake
if you have no extra requirements (ping distance, geo, interests, etc) just ... let random bruteforce do the magic
@roimulia then why not just let the server queue the requests and then just pair them with the next user ?
@zaq178miami Can you please expand about bruteforce?
In computer science, brute-force search or exhaustive search, also known as generate and test, is a very general problem-solving technique that consists of systematically enumerating all possible candidates for the solution and checking whether each candidate satisfies the problem's statement. A brute-force algorithm to find the divisors of a natural number n would enumerate all integers from 1 to n, and check whether each of them divides n without remainder. A brute-force approach for the eight queens puzzle would examine all possible arrangements of 8 pieces on the 64-square chessboard, and,...
@BobNocraz I'm iOS dev. I'm using FireBase/PubNub if you know about them. They are fair easy to intergeate but i dont have access to the server-side
ah, that stinks. well then, brute force sounds about right. you could attempt like a double hand shake. user arrives and asks all users to pair up. the first positive response is accepted with another handshake. during the handshake, requester and positive responders are all 'inaccessible' until receiving the second 'all-clear' response ?
if you get all negative responses then ask again. could be intensive if quite a few users at once all shouting to each other 'PICK ME!' but I don't know
@BobNocraz Yap, I have a shared-hosting server
Starting to think to create this my self on my server
All this SDK's and nothing ahah
@PeeHaa some sort of HashDos mitigation…

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