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@user3833682 when you click on an avatar you can invite people into a new room for your problem (just don't invite people why aren't helping you)
@SaeedAnsari the socket will need to be remade every time it stops working. Which will happen for various reasons.
@user3833682 remove echo pre and all just print_r($role) and see what is says
@Danack is it safe to use sockets.io for live notificaitons ? and avoid long polling
@Danack ??
What the heck do you mean by is it safe?
Q: What are the responsibilities of php module on receiving http request?

overexchangeXAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). In XAMPP installation, I see that httpd.exe is installed with php module php5apache2_4.dll. My understanding is, If a user agent does the form submission using an http request , then, httpd.exe receives that req...

@Danack I mean if I use sockets.io for live notifications what will happened if sockets disconnects ? will it stop my whole system? or just notification part?
@overexchange it's still a dupe. the flow is explained in the linked question
8 mins ago, by Danack
@SaeedAnsari the socket will need to be remade every time it stops working. Which will happen for various reasons.
The socket will stop working when it feels like it. You will need to re-open it. And what happens to the rest of your system depends on how you have programmed your system.
@Danack I got it already I am asking should I use sockets or need to look another solution like pusher ( Paid service )
Isn't that question best answered by yourself? I mean, whether to spend money or not is a rather vital choice.
@Epodax yes I will first implement sockets and will see if it works weill thanks @Danack for your precious knowledge
posted on January 04, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Shadam */

@Gordon Sorry I dont see the flow, because the linked question does not answer it
I had been thru that linked question
> When you run PHP as a module, PHP literally sits inside your web server - it starts only once, loads its settings and extensions only once, and can also store information across sessions. For example, PHP accelerators rely on PHP being able to save cached data across requests, which is impossible using the CGI version.
> Using PHP as an Apache module (called mod_php) : the PHP interpreter is then kind of "embedded" inside the Apache process : there is no external PHP process -- which means that Apache and PHP can communicate better.
yes that is corrrect, but this is not my question
so apache starts, loads the php module and then delegates any php requests to the module for processing, then the module gives the response back to the apache and the apache serves it to the requesting client
Hey Hi Have Some problem with SHA512 Hashing in php,
Above is link to my code and it gives output given below:

where as online hash calculators give output given below:
oh ok
@Gordon so you mean, if the request URL has some php request then only the control goes to php module. Is that correct?
stackoverflow.com/questions/34590358/… How the blib did this get 7+ upvotes..
@overexchange see httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/developer/request.html or apachetutor.org/dev/request. this is all really easy to google.
Hi guys can you pls recommend me a tutorial about PHP login,logout time and storing it in database
@Pretorian google.com?
thank you
well I can't find a decent one
@Pretorian - Do you know how to store data in a database?
Then simply modify your login script to store the date/time in a database table column; and similarly with your logout script...... storing data in a database on login/logout isn't any different to storing anything else in a database
@Epodax Better yet, why is it still open?
@MarkBaker sick tutorial :)
@Machavity It isn't.
@Machavity That too
@MadaraUchiha Much love for that <3 It was bugging me.
@MadaraUchiha I see what you did there ;)
Can Any one help me with solving my issue regards to SHA512 Hashing
uggggh finally I somewhat woke up \o/
drugs are bad m'kay
@PeeHaa So you've been sleep writing all this time? you might want to get that checked out.
I was awake, but not really
@PeeHaa isn't that how you always are?
@Gordon @PeeHaa is a perpetual state of Schrodinger's Sleep, both awake and asleep at the same time
hello guys, does Mess Detector works with PHP 7?
@kodeart Yes
Dat problem description...
$user->$email is probably why, but hell if I'm throwing a bone to that question
thanks PeeHaa.
this directive here won't skip the php7 right? github.com/manuelpichler/phpmd/blob/master/.travis.yml#L13
Not sure why they still have their config like that, but if works just fine for me.
excellent, thanks again :)
So, the $0 backreference in a preg_replace replacement returns the "whole match", including lookaround parts; doesn't this seem wrong? 3v4l.org/XRWoZ
Also, happy new year!
Also, I'm Dan Lugg :-P
Hey Dan
I see your site is coming along nicely :P
To verify my identity, please accept the following passphrase: fuck fuck cactus fuck, poop dick cactus
@PeeHaa If by nicely you mean partially, then yes, thank you.
/shrug, holidays.
@PeeHaa lol /cc @Jimbo
@NorthbornDesign what is CarData Consultants doing?
consulting cars, obviously
@Gordon Vehicle reimbursement for companies; handling and calculating employee reimbursement for using their own vehicles rather than company fleet vehicles.
@NorthbornDesign aha. interesting.
@NorthbornDesign ah. It makes much more sense after your edit.
@Gordon Yes. Brains-on-the-wall interesting. Twelve gauge paint brush.
Seriously though, it's pretty neat. There's just some serious improvements that need to be made.
@NorthbornDesign the backref doesn't include the lookaround, preg_replace only replaces the matched part of the string, which you're replacing with itself... 3v4l.org/nNWCj should clarify it a bit
@PaulCrovella That explains it perfectly.
@PeeHaa I think you can unpin
@NorthbornDesign who cares. it's a $0 backreference. if it's free, don't complain ;) gnahhaha
@Gordon Did you drop your humor back in the blue room?
@MadaraUchiha he never had it to begin with
@FlorianMargaine Explains why I haven't found it there.
posted on January 04, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by eXes */

@MadaraUchiha I cannot access the Blue Room anymore, so you have to use the search function to check whether I dropped it somewhere
@MadaraUchiha I am rubber, you are blue
Whatever you say bounces off of me and turns orange
Is there a defacto closed-source commercial/proprietary license that covers: no redistribution, no relicensing, etc? Essentially a "buy it and use it and that's all" license?
well, copyright covers the "no" bits by default
Hmm, I think I'm just looking for something to swap out for my default MIT template in /LICENSE, or would I not need anything then?
without a license nobody can do anything with it (use it or otherwise), though if what you're talking about is public on github there's a kind of default license you agreed to release your stuff under that lets people fork stuff
@PaulCrovella The GitHub ToS allow users to fork and edit repos within GitHub even if no license is included.
(i.e. that is what you agree on when you put your code up on GitHub)
that's what I meant, yes
Q: Multiple columns VS one big-capacity-column?

ShafizadehI have a table like this: // table_A +--------+---------------+------------+ | id | short-text | long-text | +--------+---------------+------------+ int(11) varchar(200) text // <= type Note1: Always one of sort-text or long-text is NULL. Never both of them aren't cont...

A user tells me that doing new "\\Loggers\\{$param}Logger" implies the use of reflection in the background (no more details). I can't find something either confirming it false or true, and I don't know what really happens in the background. Am I just being trolled?
Tell them it's dynamic class resolution not reflection.
Also, eww?
said user dislikes factory with lots of if/else
I dislike users.
function createLogger($type) {
    $knownClasses = [
        'Foo' => '\Loggers\FooLogger',
        'Bar' => '\Loggers\BarLogger',
        'Quux' => '\Loggers\SpanishInquisitionLogger',
    if (array_key_exists($type, $knownClasses)) {
        return new $knownClasses[$type];

    throw new UnknownLoggerTypeException("USERS SUCK!");
I dislike markdown in here.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier and I agree with them in the sense that whitelisting stuff is best done with, uh, a list, rather than if/else.
hello when i run my php script it redirect to hostinger.co.uk/error_403 .but how can see the error .?
@FastSnail On a live site, you should be reporting all errors to error log files stored on your server somewhere
@Danack I wonder if they knew that was their point
@Sean but i cannot find i searched .
screw whitelisting, let 'em catch the error if they fuck it up
@FastSnail BTW, the error is 403 Forbidden? Seems like it could be a server problem over a PHP one.
Especially if it's redirecting and you don't know why
@Sean this is the site simultase.esy.es/myproject/install/index.php when i add details and submit it redirected to 403 page.i want to know where is the problem.site work normally
instantly tries '; DROP table users
@MadaraUchiha fyi with regards to GraphicsMagick, I've been doing a bit of tidyup on the extension. If all you need to do is resize images , or simple cropping or other basic stuff it might work okay. But it's missing so much stuff and seems even flakier than ImageMagick.
@Danack Gotcha
Anyone know of tutorial/guide to setting up SMTP on windows 10 for php mail?
@MadaraUchiha This is an example of what apparently no-one else has reported upstream in the past 8 years
11:11 am. starts electronic 8bit music. /me feels like yeah bring it on
@SuperNoob Use PHPMailer. No SMTP server needed
I'll look into that, thanks!
@SuperNoob That's going to be painful
*.ext doesn't match .foo.ext files?
You're better of using an external mail service
@SuperNoob Setting op mail on win desktop is a pita
All it has to do is send the mail.
What could possibly go wrong.
Sometimes you get to do things right...sometimes you just have to hack.
Or you can just pay a small fee to have a working solution, and not have to fuck around with email servers.
Well let me ask you all this, how much of a PITA is it to use the office 365 API to do it instead?
@SuperNoob If you want someone else to SMTP for you consider Amazon SES. Can send via SMTP or API
I'm writing an app for someone else, though, so it's hard to use paid services...this job is slowly becoming a nightmare.
Then PHPMailer will be your solution. It opens a socket directly and communicates over that socket
> I'm writing an app for someone else, though, so it's hard to use paid services
You're doing it wrong......increase your rates until they want you to re-use as many other services as possible.
I've only been doing freelance for about 3 months, so I am still making a ton of mistakes.
am i doing a redundant thing if I build my route based on folder/file path pattern instead of class/method pattern?? so like /location(folder)/store(folder)/stock(page)/id(param)/(param)...
I really underestimated the difference between working on a single application for several years, and working on several applications for a short time.
@Andrew why is your routes reflected by the folder/file pattern at all ?
@Danack dont rmb what went though my thought, maybe I thought the class/method way will coupled the flexibility of URL rewrite :(
Why the actual hell does PHP need to trim newlines after a ?> close tag?
@NorthbornDesign because it goes back to HTML mode. Just don't use closing tags if you don't want it to go to HTML mode.
@Danack But "HTML" mode isn't always HTML :-/
Foo Bar <?= 'Qux' ?>
Zip Zap
Foo Bar QuxZip Zap
Aside from adding a trailing space after ?> or appending "\n" to the output string, there's no way to preserve the linebreak?
apparently ....which is a bit shit.
is it often that controller and the view is in 1:1 correlation ??
Foo Bar <?= 'Qux' ?>

Zip Zap
@Andrew No. There are usually more views, if nothing else due to all the error conditions that a single controller action might encounter.
Hey guys, I have an array ['Duck', 'Chuck', 'Luck', 'Cherry'], then I have the pattern "_uck" where underscore represents wildcard for any character (but only one). How could I return an array of matching values (Duck, Luck) ?
mind that there can be several wildcard characters used
@falnyr read the manual about preg_match
Wrong room lol
was going to say.....
@Danack I am using preg_match quite a bit, I just thought there will be a way to use it like in MySQL
@PaulCrovella That's a pain in the ass, but yea.
@Danack thanks :D
@NorthbornDesign I'm tempted to write a ditch-html-mode rfc, if for no other reason than to spice up internals for a few days.
@PaulCrovella Please.
ini_set('trim_newlines_after_close_tag', 0);
Hey, did somebody notice a bug on ctype_alnum function?
posted on January 04, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by PP_RhuM */

It has different behaviors according to the operating system.
On Linux, ctype_alnum(-1) is false, however, on Windows, it passes as true.
Apparently, on Windows, the value is taken as a long, and it is not converted to string for the correct assertion.
I've got this by accident. In my compiler, -1 was the representation of EOF, and, while, on the lexer, buffering an identifier, I was caught in an infinite loop always buffering EOF because of this.
Is &copy; interpreted as (c) or © in a legal context? In other words, does the entity reference imply the character equally?
^^ Sorry, misfired on the enter key.
(c) is for text documents that don't support the real char.
Okay, there's no peculiarities of encoding or such when the document is interpreted by a human. The intent is clear.
yes. it represents the thing that says "ayyy copyrighted" in the documented, and should be renderd as © if possible or (c) if not.
@NorthbornDesign btw you should look at github.com/danack/jig for templating....it's guaranteed to be 95% free of bugs....documentation should be online tomorrow....
Neato :-)
Will investigate
here I was expecting 95% comments and whitespace
> If an integer between -128 and 255 inclusive is provided, it is interpreted as the ASCII value of a single character (negative values have 256 added in order to allow characters in the Extended ASCII range). Any other integer is interpreted as a string containing the decimal digits of the integer.
which extended ascii table is used for this?
bad ideas: merging two logical volumes, when the one you care about is the last one…
@PaulCrovella There's only one extended ascii table -everything else is code pages... Or so I thought.
@Danack 8th bit stuff varies
255 can be ÿ or a non-breaking space, for example, depending on who (which charset) you ask
1 hour later…
Any body who works in NZ?
Nice holidays?
Yea thanks, did almost nothing but play borderlands with the gf
how about you?
nice :p great, had some time away from any computer. was troubling yet quite nice
did a firecamp for christmas. that was a lifetime first
So did you enjoy it, the firecamp?
yeah! It was kind of unreal. Normally, at that time of the year, there's like three feet of snow everywhere...
@NikiC ping
@Andrea ping
@ircmaxell hi!
@Danack there's ASCII, there's ISO 646 variant systems, there's supersets of ASCII, and there's also non-ASCII-compatible encodings
@Andrea no there aren't.
2 hours ago, by Danack
The IBM PC had its own encoding, codepage 437, which was an ASCII superset
UTF-EBCDIC is a character encoding used to represent Unicode characters. It is meant to be EBCDIC-friendly, so that legacy EBCDIC applications on mainframes may process the characters without much difficulty. Its advantages for existing EBCDIC-based systems are similar to UTF-8's advantages for existing ASCII-based systems. Details on UTF-EBCDIC are defined in Unicode Technical Report #16. To produce the UTF-EBCDIC encoded version of a series of Unicode code points, an encoding based on UTF-8 (known in the specification as UTF-8-Mod) is applied first. The main difference between this encoding and...
@Andrea still here?
@ircmaxell yep
@Charles my favourite encoding :D
well, that or Shift-JIS, they're both masterpieces of unfathomable complexity
@Andrea PM on IRC?
or if not IRC, some other medium
@ircmaxell IRC works
Hey all - any ideas on how to loop through an array X elements at a time? Say go through the first 100 elements, then continue through the next set of 100?
@ircmaxell pong
@KevinMurphy Sounds like a job for array_chunk
@Charles perfect, thanks!
exactly what I was looking for.
@NikiC IRC PM?
or actually, gchat
@ircmaxell stop hiring everyone
@FlorianMargaine I'm not, though I would in a heart beat if I could
would you?
if I had the right business justification, yes
I mean, @NikiC is clearly a wizard, but business-wise, I don't know his worth
Hello Guys Making your own SSL certificate is hard???
@FlorianMargaine my ultimate goal is to get a business where I can hire OSS devs to just be themselves (just work on OSS, or whatever they want)
@ircmaxell nice :)
Can i make it online??
ok. is it View or Views. It's the application View, but there are many Views. In the View are many different aspects of the application presentation. but the same could be said of Views...
@UmerAsif what is the "it"?
@ircmaxell I'm sure the problem is not you, but Nikita (who wants to do Uni first) :-D
@ircmaxell I'd be amazed if that were to happen…
it's my hope
@bwoebi I actually have a business plan lying around that would do it
I just wonder where the money to pay them would come from…
Yeah, it sounds really great.
@bwoebi well, it wouldn't be "do nothing" 100% of the time
it would be more akin to "consult 20% of the time" to pay for the other 80%
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Collective nouns ftw - It's the "view layer". Or "View tier" if you want to differentiate from "layer" which implies depth, and "tier" which implies order.......shitty diagram coming later...
ah, makes more sense
@ircmaxell Predictorama: everyone is about to be surprised by the number of a-holes coming out of the woodwork.
@Danack Yeah I kinda prefer that... view of the matter
@ircmaxell I'd prefer we'd live in such a perfect world that it'd be redundant by itself…
@bwoebi I don't disagree
but we don't live in that world
@ircmaxell you can only exclude people with karma. Everyone else can still spread negative tone on internals (and other php.net related platforms) though.
It is a SSL certificate @tereško
@ircmaxell I'd prefer if there were a way to ban people from internals if they don't behave there. AFAIK, behavior regarding commits etc. is pretty much of a non-issue… sure there are sometimes little deviations form ideal behavior, but nothing serious.
@bwoebi which is why there is a specific section there for banning people from internals
@ircmaxell I must be missing that section?!
/me can't read
though, aren't the worst ad-hominems off-list usually?
@bwoebi still applies to the CoC
does anyone use an IDE (except vim) for php-src?
Nope. It uses too many macros and custom configure/build stuff to work well in IDEs.
@Asgrim evening James - I don't but apparently jetbrains.com/clion is a decent C ide......I actually just use PHPStorm as a pure editor when dealing with internal stuff.
@Danack heh hi Dan, yeah I tried opening it in CLion but it seems to kill it
Oh.....It's probably trying and failing to understand the code.......that's not entirely surprising. Turning on "Power save" mode turns off all code understanding and would probably allow you to use it as just an editor.
btw @Asgrim do you know if your previous employer in Brizzle is still hiring?
@Danack they were when I left, no idea if they still are, but I can probably find out; you looking?
@Asgrim yes please, my lack of money is becoming a bit of a problem.
@Asgrim no. we all use vim
@Danack I've sent off an email, I'll let ye know when I hear :)
@NikiC no. I'm definitely not that jerk using vim…
@ircmaxell I like it, though may I suggest adding a section about conflicts of interest on the response team?
@Charles yeah, that's on my list. That, and discussion the transparency expectations
Are there sane reasons to return a HTTP response where the protocol of the response doesn't match that of the request?
1.0 vs 1.1
interesting, I don't think so, I think you should always operate within one context unless you have a negotiation method (like Accept)
I know there's a very few things related to keeping connections open, gzipped encoding that AWS has been known to do, that I don't care about...I was just wondering if there's a less obscure exception to the rule.
@Danack apparently php7 changes exceptions handling php.net/manual/en/function.set-exception-handler.php Tier exception handler type hints an \Exception whereas 7 gives an \Error, throwing fatal on 7. not exactly sure how to approach this
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