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^ ok :-)
also I think it is "none", correct?
@samayo Check out MSI. Should be half that
@Machavity MSI has weak battery life
I bought an XPS14 a couple of years ago. Brand new, the wifi was broken. Would fall out of the hardware list. Dell India tech support tried to convince me it was my router...
Why isn't there a tool available yet to calculate the formula of pseudo random number generators?
@Machavity the XPS14 is not in the same league as the Dell XPS13 or the XPS15. It is different.
@DNC wat?
laptops are such a waste of money, you just end up throwing it in the bin ...
@John If you mean OPCache, then yes. It takes my page load time (in an admittedly crappy VM) from 500ms to about 8ms.
@Danack When you create a "random" number, is isn't random but it uses a formula, I am looking for a tool that can calculate this formule by feeding it with some values
that's a pretty nice one, but if you're going to pay for it over two years, by the time you've paid for it, it will be pretty crappy @samayo
@JoeWatkins cough "Buy a Mac". Actually a Mac probably isn't right for you.....but I'm using a 5 year old mac and it's working pretty good, particularly given the amount it's been used.
there are no macs powerful enough for me :D
An i7 man I see ;)
I think that's probably still the best one you can buy ... it was a few months ago ...
when the next one comes out, I'll be selling one of my children ....
Hello guys, PHP7 is releasing tomorrow. But i just found PHP7 release at github. What is it? github.com/php/php-src/releases
@atif Same thing. Just compile it yourself
it might release tomorrow ...
@DNC - most modern PRNGs use the Mersenne Twister algorithm
@atif how about just waiting till there's an announcement on php.net?
please do that
@atif - that github repo is the official PHP github repo.... you didn't find the release, you found the tagged source
@atif - But until its announced, it's still subject to change
is a mirror actually ...
@JoeWatkins - mirror of the private svn repo
no, mirror of the public git repo
doesn't matter really, you're right ...
I thought the master was still svn
wait for release ...
php-doc is still svn
@MarkBaker, yes and this is going on for 10+ years, by now there should be a tool where you can fill in some values and it calculates the main formula the prng uses
@MarkBaker From wikipedia cited: "The algorithm in its native form is not cryptographically secure. The reason is that observing a sufficient number of iterations (624 in the case of MT19937, since this is the size of the state vector from which future iterations are produced) allows one to predict all future iterations."
Calculating the formula is meaningless.... the formula is the MT..... you mean predict the next value
@Danack But what is the process to activate / install OPCache?
@John The easiest way is to install a version of PHP that ships with it by default, and then turn it on in the config file. php.net/manual/en/opcache.installation.php
I guess some mathematicians somewhere might have done so
"by now there should be a tool " - entitled much.....
Yes, I mean to predict the next value
So there may well be a tool, but it's the type of thing that so few people would be interested in that I doubt it's easy to find
Academic interest perhaps, universities that have groups of statisticians and mathematicians might have written something I guess
@DNC exactly what problem are you trying to solve here btw?
@MarkBaker any advice for me how to find it? 2 days of googling didn't gave me luck
@DNC that's why I ask before googling ;-)
@MarkBaker that's very much not true
OK, I'll add security groups as well
@Danack I build a device which can open car and garage doors because of a bug, now I am working on a simple and cheap plug-in device which will prevent users from criminals taking advantage of that bug
But how many tools are there to predict the next random number given a large enough sequence? It's still a niche interest
@DNC there are, depending on what you used to generate the random number. For example: bishopfox.com/blog/2014/08/…
@MarkBaker a lot of them actually
it's not really niche, it's very much used in real world attacks
How do you actually define a "random" number ?
what would be the most (regcognized) online php certification?
@happy why?
@ircmaxell because I learnt by myself but would like to learn more in a way it would be recognized
@happy ZCE
@happy no certification (especially online ones) are going to make a difference. Contributing to open source, or working professionally are the best ways to do that
@ircmaxell I sometime feel like an impostor because I do not held the paper sayin I know this
@happy Yeah, Zend certification is the most widely recognized PHP certification.
@happy we all feel like impostors. And the piece of paper doesn't really make a practical difference. But if you want to get it for yourself, then go for it
also, @JoeWatkins and @salathe the elephpants thing got denied. Zend asked "what's in it for them". They don't think that showing gratitude for the project and version they are profiting off of is "sensible"...
@ircmaxell - so what does untwister do? Blast through different seed values producing lists of values for each, and then pattern match against the target sequence?
@MarkBaker that link describes how it does it
I have the piece of paper, and still feel like an imposter..... especially late afternoon/evenings in here
@ircmaxell I am concurrently annoyed, and not surprised ...
@JoeWatkins I'm beyond annoyed
Thanks for the answer, it is comforting to know I am not alone feeling like an impostor :)
@JoeWatkins I'm completely and utterly pissed off
to the point where I'm thinking of resurecting the letter to ask them to remove their branding from the engine
but also to go after the PHP Group for not defending the trademark and making it meaningless
@ircmaxell Zend? or some individual?
If Zend won't go for it..... I'm sure a kickstarter to generate enough that it would allow all the devs to get one, plus all the backers would work - doesn't make you any less p***d off with Zend, but would let the community as a whole show its appreciation
@MarkBaker the thing is it has nothing to do with giving back to the contributors
@ircmaxell You'd not only piss off Zend with that, but every single extension maintainer, I guess. the Zend prefix is in nearly every single fcall etc.
I'll hapilly do a kickstarter, but it isn't about that
I'm not sure what will be effective ...
@happy - as Anthony points out, public github repos of your work, and contribution to OS projects are worth more than certification, and teach you a lot more as well
@MarkBaker thanks
it has to do with Zend taking credit and profiting off of the community without even having the decency to make any sort of gesture of friendliness. It's like they're pissing on us without the courtesy of calling it rain...
and thanks to everyone
@JoeWatkins it wouldn't, which is why I likely won't, but it's insane
there is no zend engine, you can't download it from zend.com, you can't use it by itself, it's a totally meaningless concept, other than for the purposes of marketing the services of a few internals devs ... it's pretty annoying that their name is on it at all ... I totally get that ... but asking them to remove it won't work I don't think ...
plus it won't get me a ruddy elephant ...
; disabled in XAMPP 1.7.2 because incompatible with PHP 5.3.0
why are you using 5.3?
I just found in my php.ini .. will this work?
nope my php version is 5.4.7
why not upgrade to 5.5 or 5.6, so you can use the builtin opcache
@JoeWatkins no, but I think it's fubar that they get free advertising. Other companies contribute more (and have over time) yet don't get the same opportunity there. And those other companies have a better trackrecord of giving back to the community
@ircmaxell this is because my server php version is 5.4 so I also have to keep the same . and I cant update my servers php version bcoz it will break most of the functionality
why not upgrade your server?
what will break?
the main reason is client has many applications that is running along with mine which I don't have access to make any changes.So eventually I can't.
you can use pecl package for opcache in 5.4, it's probably in a pretty crappy state ... never tried it ...
I can't really think of any major breaking changes between 5.4 and 5.6
(there's no reason to not upgrade, I don't think)
There isn't really. The big gotcha in 5.5 for me was the /e deprecation
@Machavity that makes sense.But ....... ...please tell me about eaccelerator?
@John opcache replaces eaccelerator (and it's part of PHP core so it will be supported in the future)
eaccelerator has been dead for some time (I used to use it myself a long time ago)
APC was still working with 5.4 wasn't it IIRC
yeah, the original author started working on what we call opcache today ...
(dmitry wrote mmcache)
APC did work with 5.4 but the last release was unstable. I'd go with the PECL opcache instead
@MarkBaker not stable, I don't think ...
@JoeWatkins - If nothing is resolved with Zend, and nobody starts a kickstarter, you can have my php7 elephpant - He's called Somerset, and I know you'd take good care of him
Anyone knows what fbc originally meant? (the identifier we normally use for zend_function *)
function body cache?
@John does your last name start with B?
Hi guys, I am trying to contribute to this project and the author says use DI like other parts of the code github.com/beberlei/metrics/pull/37#discussion-diff-40410512
@ircmaxell sounds reasonable
@DNC sorry?
posted on December 02, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by r940 */

@John There is a chance we know eachother, so is it John B?
@DNC but why do you care?
Using laravel and carbon. My model has a timestamp, which laravel converts to carbon object. If I try $model->date->hour=1 it doesn't set the hour, but if I do $date = new Carbon() and $date->hour=1 it sets the hour to 1...what am I missing here?
magic = evil
magic = evil
laravel = magic^2
therefore: laravel = root(evil)^4
And that won't stop me using Laravel
the funny thing is that everyone I know falls into two camps: either "who cares, I'm going to use it because it makes my life easy today" or "I know the pain it will cause in the future, hence it's a good idea to avoid it as much as possible"
Sure, and I'm the guy who chose to use it. SO in that case, any idea what I'm missing in this situation where apparently can't use carbon setters?
@ircmaxell what's funny about it?
@MarkBaker that's super nice of you ... I can't take a toy that you named, I'll get one, don't worry about it ;)
@bwoebi there's a strong implication in that realization, yet I don't know if the implication is true or if it's just bias
Joe - There's plenty of us out here that appreciate all the work that you and Anthony and everbody else has done to make php7 happen; and while a php7 elephpant is little more than a token gesture of thanks for all that effort, the least we can do is ensure that you get one
@ircmaxell I guess: bias.
@MarkBaker but for all things to be fair, you would have to make sure a huge list of people get one, and you can't do that ...
if only a kickstarter wouldn't result in more profit for zend ...
@NikiC Is there any particular reason why we disallow string keys in unpack arrays, when we're relying on the order and not caring at all about the keys…?
@ircmaxell how many elephpants do you have? :-)
@JoeWatkins I know at least one somewhat serious apc bug for 5.4 which was fixed in trunk but never released.
so I wouldn't use it for 5.4
Do zend get kickstarter profits? Or is the php7 license there so a kickstarter couldn't replicate the php7 elephpant without paying them royalties?
@MarkBaker If they trademarked the icon or plushies that would mean they get royalties. But a generic PHP7 elephphant wouldn't necessarily require one
@MarkBaker oh well, I was thinking they are the only ones with elephpants already manufactured ... but I guess you could do it yourself ... I think you gotta pay Vincent, but not Zend, to manufacture them ...
@Machavity - that's what I was thinking, the holder of the plushie templates is elroubio, so it's his blessing that's needed to start a new campaign
@JoeWatkins why would Zend get any profit from an elephpant kickstarter?
@salathe because I thought the money raised would be used to buy from zend, because I didn't think it through ...
they wouldn't ...
@Machavity I like this one better
it's all going to Open Goodies, AFAIK
@MarkBaker In theory you could make a new template. But then you have to source a vendor somewhere and get a cost per unit. They're selling them for €20
@samayo Haha, my elephpant in a gimp ninja suit
@salathe do we have that one for sale?
Open Goodies is something to do with Vincent @salathe ?
I can't find his name ...
@JoeWatkins open-goodies.com look under "Team" :/
Hmm… anyone happen to know of a Linux distribution that has version 4.4rc3 of the Linux Kernel?
@samayo No, it was a logo just for @JoeWatkins
ah there we go ..
Sadly my new laptop's wireless driver doesn't work until that kernel.
an awesome logo
Upgrading to 4.4RC3 on Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 failed :/
if you're under the age of fourty, you will probably live long enough to compile a kernel for yourself ...
I have nothing useful to say, in case not clear ...
does the php7 elephpant have zend logo on it ?
/cc @MarkBaker
@JoeWatkins yep
user image
Nice :)
my requirements have changed .... I want a php7 elephpant that does not say zend on it ...
I'm sure we could unpick the stitching :P
is there a function (similar to strchr in behavior) that gets a slice from offset 0 up to the first occurrence of the given substring? or strpos + substr ?
like_this_one('abc_stuff_bar_baz', '_') // abc_
@Abe what do you want if the substring isn't in the subject string?
@salathe just asking if it exists... trying to write this to be as fast as possible
I think a php7 elephpant with the elephpant logo instead of the zend one would be a great idea..... gives us recursion.... elephpants all the way down (except for those d*** turtles)
@bwoebi in total, 11 or 12, including 1 big one
@Abe yeah, so strtok() or strstr() might suit I guess
@ircmaxell And I thought Juliens 6 elePHPants were already impressive :o)
The php7 "community elephpant"
@Abe substr + strpos should do that.
I have 8 elephpants myself
I have 2 pink, 2 blue, 3 purple, 1 red, 1 green, 2 black, and 1 large purple
@Oldskool wanted to avoid the double iteration. i don't use these functions often, and the c naming doesn't help me remembering what they do :P
I can't think of another logo ... how about embroidering a random internal devs face ... dibs on the first @NikiC, @bwoebi and @Andrea elephpants ... just in case that happens ...
@JoeWatkins do PHP on one side, and 7 on the other
@JoeWatkins Not sure whether I'd like that u_u
Edgar (orange); Petra (black); Philippa (Purple); Satchmo (Yellow); Bix (Blue); Lawrence (Red); Barry (blue); Priscilla (Pink); and Somerset (php7)
@JoeWatkins I read that as meaning, a devs face instead of an elephant
oh, I forgot about the orange and yellow
because suddenly I got bored with elephants and now just want to mame other internal devs ...
thanks @salathe strstr is what i was looking for :D
so, 2 pink, 2 blue, 3 purple, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green, 2 black, and a large purple
@JoeWatkins we really should do the internals deck of cards again
whoever flagged that, please don't
> you cannot kick suspended users
php-src top trumps would be a great game
He posted the same thing in 5 channels. Once the pattern was obvious he was toast
@JoeWatkins Dmitry Stogov: code power 100
Pierre: Ability to make sense: 0 - 0.1%
@JoeWatkins Not true.
Dmitry Stogov: twitter power 1 - apparently he's now fallen to the dark side and set up a twitter account
Stas: Disagreement Capacity: 100%
@bwoebi I can never make sense of Pierre, I'm sure he's great guy in person ...
is possible to enable/disable php code written in a html file with JS?
@ircmaxell what's the most inclusive figure you have for number of contributors to 7, inc doc stuff and web stuff and everything else ?
@ircmaxell #challengeaccepted
If js is writing that PHP code client side (in the browser) then it shouldn't run.... so what do you want to disable?
krakjoe: average time to notice huge problems in APCu: 3 years
i started to make a pokemon cards generator canvas app for the html room regulars once... still have it :D
... but that's actually a job more suited for @rlemon
already a diff of 1000 lines… (without vm_execute.h) … I'm wondering whether the small improvements will be significant enough…
@salathe SO WANT
I have a foreach inside my view file (MVC architecture) and my controller has a switch. When I require the view from the controller and that foreach is calling for a variable which is inside the switch case, this one appears as undefined, because initially I'm not in that case, so I don't have this varable declared.

I want to comment/uncomment enable/disable that foreach and once I click and then enter to the switch case, prior to do the case operations, enable that foreach.
@JoeWatkins somewhere around 300
@bwoebi so you got far enough to determine there will be improvement, or still guessing ?
@JoeWatkins still guessing
because I changed some structures that I need to make everything work at once because it doesn't even compile yet :-(
@ircmaxell ahahah awesome
@ircmaxell have you ever looked into the costs of elephpants ?
@JoeWatkins but it might be worth it, it's affecting every single fcall…
@JoeWatkins I've compiled one before, but it was the same version I was already running and just enabling new features.
@JoeWatkins it's not cheap, minimum order is like 1k of them
Hmmmmm.... reminds me.... I've made some mods to the round() function, added PHP_ROUND_UP and PHP_ROUND_DOWN to do the equivalents of floor() and ceil() but taking precision into account, so for example round(555, -2, PHP_ROUND_DOWN); would give 500.... I shouldn't need any RFC or anything for that, should I.... just post it as a PR to github, with an Issue/Feature Request... and leave it for somebody to decide if it's worth it or not
@MarkBaker I know it's a bit messy but I want to conserve that switch case
@ircmaxell At SensioLabs customs seized a larger amount of elePHPants, I've heard :-(
@MarkBaker I would do a quick RFC
@MarkBaker I'd do a PR and mail internals.
OK, conflicting advice here :)
I know I got stung by UK customs with my last larger shipment of elephpants - I'm dreading the arrival of my mammophps in March/April next year - it basically added 20% to the costs
bobs way of doing things sometimes involves piping php.internals to /dev/null
uuuuhm ^^
paraphrasing a thing you said once ...
"/dev/null likes to listen to your arguments ..."
@Danack When I ask for an Interface, I want an abstract factory (interface) to build and return an object that implements that interface. My thoughts: Firstly, alias abstract factory to concrete factory, then (2) delegate Interface that I want returned by the factory interface's create() method. Am I close?
@JoeWatkins that indeed sounds like me … though this isn't a very nice way to say it^^
Won't an RFC automatically require all the aggro of a vote, etc..... I understand that being needed for many changes like scalar and return type hints, etc. but something as simple as two new flag options for an existing gunction it feels like overkill
I kid, I kid
I guess I'll look into an RFC tonight
no not necessarily, it might not need an RFC, but they are good for bringing attention to things ... not everyone watches bugs/issues on github ...
PR+RFC I would ... even if RFC is sparse, if you get asked to expand it you can ... if you get told you don't need it then no bother ...
these minimal things tend to anyway have no opposition at all… You maybe even you directly commit it (to master!, to 7.0 would require some internals mail at least, even if self-contained) and nobody complains.
but does it support sharding ?
It's replicated automatically across every accessible server on the interwebs
My /dev/null is your /dev/null
If you md5 the contents, the hashes should be identical
The title wasn't chosen by the OP ... but whatever ...

One very loud, but nevertheless inactive internals developer from Zend is hardly able to talk authoritatively about the direction of a thing that is controlled by the votes and actions of hundreds of other people, only a handful of which he holds sway over ...

It is only fitting that it is mostly about the past, and opinion ...
bit harsh ?
I shouldn't reply while I'm annoyed about elephpants ...
Well there weren't exactly any questions about the future of PHP being asked
Thanks for the feedback and advice on RFCs, guess that's what I'll be doing this evening
@JoeWatkins No-one cares about the future of PHP, it's the future of elephpants that's important!
@Jimbo I'm not not sure what real problem you're asking.....you don't have to use interfaces to factories unless you really want to...you could just use a function...
$injector->delegate('FooInterface', 'SomeSpecificBuilderFunction');
But yes, if you need to be able to swap the factory more dynamically, then yes you can do that with a bit more setup:
function SomeFunction(FooFactoryInterface $fooFactory)  {
 //use $fooFactory to make the thing.
$injector->delegate('FooInterface', 'SomeFunction');
$injector->alias('FooFactoryInterface', 'FooFactoryImpl');
Ah, the delegate has to come first?
Nope.....any order should be fine. What is the exact problem you're having?
I have an interface for a factory. I have an interface for an object. When I ask for the interface of an object, I want the delegated factory to build the relevant one. I think.
@Jimbo No.....delegate to a function that takes the factory as a parameter....and alias the factoryInterface to the correct impl.
The extra 'jump' function allows Auryn to resolve the dependencies without needing the config of Auryn to be complex.
@Danack Okay, basic question. Can I delegate a callable for an interface
Yes. You can delegate anything that Auryn tries to resolve.
@Jimbo I think I've linked this to you before. This way of having defining all the injection params and then passing them in one go to Auryn, is working really nicely for me.
Yeah I saw that, but I have my nice little YAML parsed way of doing it that I'm pretty happy with, I just add / remove to/from it and it works :-)
> my nice little YAML
We're basically doing the same thing, except I'm using a vastly superior format
Which either needs to be parsed each time it runs, or you need to setup caching.....
Whereas my way transparently gets cached by PHP........
I got caching ;)
@Jimbo s/sup/inf/
@bwoebi s/inf/extracted from his post/
Hi guys
I'm able to use redis in terminal on my server but not from website? Any ideas?
@bwoebi explaining the joke kinds of kills it.... but: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=posterior
If I php redisfile.php this works
@moh.ABK How about saying what the actual problem is rather than just the symptoms, so that people don't have to guess?
e.g. I cannot connect to redis, I think it's setup correctly, but the error I'm seeing is x.
@Danack yeah, just that posterior format reads a bit weird…
if I had to guess ... and I do ... you didn't restart the server after loading extension in configuration ...
@Danack but doing www.example.co.uk/redisfile.php gives ERROR 500
Removing the redis code and the site works
I installed it using the guide wiki.bitnami.com/Components/…
error logs should tell you what really happened
@moh.ABK depending on which library you used, you could probably also catch the exception it might be throwing to find out the error....but yes Joe's guess seems likely....
Or just put it in the wrong ini file for your web servers ini file.
we're featured on symfony.com/download ... I'm gonna be busy handling our load the next few days...
yeah, it sure is
@FlorianMargaine ?
posted on December 02, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Vooodoo */

@ircmaxell I work for platform.sh
ah, awesome!
github.com/php/php-src/releases/tag/php-7.0.0 this release is final right? Congrats guys!
Hello!!! can someone please explain to me the http entity?? I studied but its confusing..
@JoeWatkins from AssertionError,
[message:protected] => assert(false)
[string:Error:private] =>
what is 'string' used for?
oh, it's also in Error
Trying to register at wiki.php.net/?do=register with just 4 fields to fill in, and all filled in correctly to the best of my knowledge: keep getting a "That wasn't the answer we were expecting" when I submit, not the most helpful of error messages :(
@whatever ?
http entity?
What http entity? Is this a request for a tutorial on the http protocol?
Or are you using some library that has an http entity class?
@whatever could you be more specific?
I have read some tutorials but not sure
@whatever refine: which part do you not understand?
There is request and response so that is fine.. what would be the entity then?
Q: What exactly is an HTTP Entity?

helloThereWould someone please describe to me what exactly an HTTP entity is? I am reading the HTTPClient documentation, but I do not really understand what that means?

Yes I read that before.. @happy
@whatever Entity is an optional payload inside an http message
if present. It seems to be the entire request or response without the request or status line
it would be like: you have a mother and a father but together it is a family
so what is the request or response then?
an entity?
it would be the header within the response
you transfer the request but not the entity
so what is the entity if it is not trnasferred?
Good Morning @PeeHaa.. :D
I hope evolution is doing fine on your side...
No errors... :)
whats up
trying to figure how to not have nake new()s in some classes
what about you?
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier what's the problem with these?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier got home from work a couple hours ago.. just tuning out =)

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