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@Gordon I remembered that func and was playing with some other question (another regex the HTML dom until it cries)
@tereško, hey i've search some about sanitize and learned about mysql_real_escape_string() and it's ok now, that comic helped me a lot. lol. Ty.
who ever said that was a comic, that was an excerpt from the online manual
@Malixxl then you next step would be learning about prepared statements and PDO
yu want a comic? Ill give you a a comic. A boy is digging three deep holes in his backyard and his mom comes out and says "well well well"
you should not write new code in 2012 with mysql_* functions
quite newbie about php, what should i use insted of mysql_ ?
the oo alternative
all that procedural crap has an oo alternative you can use
you see, php was born in a puddle of piss and is slowly crawling out of the toilet
@Malixxl php.net/pdo and prepared statements
aight, ty for advices.
Hey @cHao I have one more problem
There are two additional fields on my form called Location and RoomType
The SQL now looks like this: SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE Facility1 IN ($inList) OR Facility2 IN ($inList) OR Facility3 IN ($inList) OR Facility4 IN ($inList) OR Facility5 IN ($inList) OR Facility6 IN ($inList) OR Facility7 IN ($inList) OR Facility8 IN ($inList) OR Facility9 IN ($inList) AND Location LIKE '".$Location."%' AND RoomType LIKE '".$RoomType."%' ORDER BY CONVERT(Capacity, SIGNED) but it doesn't seem to consider Location and RoomType in the search!
seems to me like a DB design issue
whenever you start adding digits at the end of table fields , you are doing it wrong
additionally , why would you need to select room type with LIKE ??
and same goes for location field
Location and RoomType come from drop-down fields
so what
What would you recommend?
    LEFT JOIN RoomFacilities USING (room_id)
    LEFT JOIN Facilities USING (facility_id)
    LEFT JOIN Locations USING (location_id)
    LEFT JOIN RoomTypes USING (type_id)
WHERE Facilities.type IN ( :type_list )
    AND Locations.title = :location_name
    AND RoomType.title = :type_name
ORDER BY Rooms.capacity DESC
Thank you so much!
<offtopic><rant>WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER, EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CREATE A /tmp PARTITION OF ONLY 250 MB ON A FREAKING 2TB SYSTEM!?</rant></offtopic> My gods, I'm going to murder my predecessors if I ever meet them again.
emmm .. i do so .. only on a 4GB virtual OS
Yeah, just keep in mind that there are files that can be larger than 250 megs that you might need to stick in /tmp.
actually , if your system need more space , it will expend a bit
IIRC , OS borrows from swap or/and root ( as in / ) file system
That is not my experience.
Partitions are partitions. The stupidly small /tmp partitions set up by my predecessors have bitten me twice this month alone. It's getting silly.
might be just the freebsd ( or UFS in general ) behavior , since it doesn't use partitions as such
all file systems are on a single partition , separated in parts called "slices"
1 hour later…
Hi guys, quick question...for those who are strict about initializing variables on a page, do you just initialize as needed or use a function?
anyone use wordpress for any of your basic sites like a portfolio site of yours which contains a few pages?
5 hours later…
can we strip tags line by line or return something so that the tag values will be readble seperately
@pbvamsi , you mean php.net/strip-tags ?
@tereško which is evil :)
morning by the way :)
@NikiC , the link contains not only the name of function , but also comments
i assumed that OP is not mentally retarded , since he/she/it was able to find this place
@tereško yes. when i strip the data all the elements are getting clubbed. i wanna read each stripped line seperately
@tereško all the tag values came into single line, so is there a way by which we can add a delimiter at end of each tag stripping or storing into array
3 hours later…
hi all
i have one question i have one website but it has some javascript can google crawl that site or can we force google to crawl
I have a query where i join a table called notes, and i want it to only get the most recent entry/last, how do i do that.
would somthing like this work
Left Join _notes (SELECT * FROM _notes ORDER BY desc _note.Date LIMIT 1) ON _leads.ID = _notes.Lead_ID
How can I know the size of flv size from url? for example: domain.com/video.flv
@StephenWolfe , and what should it be doing ?
if you want the last entry , you should look up the last sequence number for that table
I am making a report to print out all the client info, but the notes table has many entries, all i want is the lasted entry
or , if you are one of the poor bastards stuck with mysql : LAST_INSERT_ID
I was looking at MAX()
I am joining lots of tables, but its only the notes table i need the last insert for,
now i do not know , if you did or did not understand , what i wrote ...
Well would last insert not just give me the last insert into the notes table
I need the most recent note entire while it being relative to the client id
I think i have to do a select within the join, but i cant get it to work
i think, from now on, i will just ignore people, who are too stupid to understand the answer
@tereško LOL
don't be too arrogant :P
@MelvinProtacio , i might be arrogant , but was i wrong ?
@tereško probably yes, probably not :D
you misunderstood the meaning ( and with that - the role ) of the first part in that sentence
@tereško How did i misunderstand ?
How can I know the size of flv size from url? for example: domain.com/video.flv
@user1123379 , you cannot
you have to request file from the server , and size of it _should_ be in the header
btw , @MelvinProtacio , every time i look at your profile picture , it reminds me or Santorum's pictures
( as in Rick, not the other meaning )
@tereško who's Santorum? or what? :))
who : republican presidential candidate for USA
what: you don't want to know
@tereško LOL
Good afternoon
Anyone know how to write a SQL subquery that can use a field in the main query as a variable?
For instance,
SELECT user_id, pID as crafted_creature_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) total
from user_plans
where user_id=???
GROUP BY user_id
HAVING (count(user_id))) as item_count
from user_plans
??? should be based on the current user_id
item_count.total should be what you are looking for
additionally , i would JOIN the subquery
I didn't know I could join queries from the same table
So I apologize, what should I do exactly? Remove the where clause and put item_count.total?
have you actually learned SQL ? ( as in "read a book" not as "copy-pasted crap from google results )
lemme see if i can rewrite this
Not read a book, I know about joins and what not but I have never dealt with subqueries before.
I can get around selecting/inserting/doing whatever...
the subquery itself returns the right results, just don't know how to use that as a column in the main one since it returns more than 1 row
hmm .. no ... i cannot write you the query , because i do not know what you are actually counting there
Actually thanks, I just realized I was doing it wrong, the duplicates should have been based off a combination of 2 fields and looks like there are none.
My intent was to merge those duplicates into a new column called item_count
but not necessary anymore ;)
I just had to write this cause the guy didn't use proper boolean logic
CASE consumable
END AS consumable
posted on February 22, 2012 by blog.phpdeveloper.org » PHP

Well, I’ve been a little lazy around here and haven’t posted since the beginning of the year. I figured I’d fix that by posting an update about a few things going on around here. First off, since the schedule was just released, I’ll mention that I’ll be presenting at this year’s Dutch PHP Conference with three different sessions (well, kind of just two): Agile Applications with ExtJS and

Good Morning
hey @ircmaxell
What's going on?
@NikiC Congrats on hitting 20k :)
@CharlesSprayberry thanks :)
finally ;)
@tereško i still havnt solved my problem so im going to rephrase it on stackoverflow and link it in here.
Q: Need help trying to extract the latest note for each client ID in SQL query

Stephen WolfeHi not sure what I should be doing here as never had to make a query like this. What I need to do is join a table called _notes with _leads, Each client has a unique ref and they have several notes in the _notes table. What I want to do is produce a query that will show all the fields in _lea...

hey all, this may be a little off topic, but when someone says you have to "convince the proxy to rewrite efg.com links to appear as abc.com links, then rewrite requests back to the original domain", does that mean I have enable mod_rewrite engine of apache2 and use regular expressions to achieve this task?
thanks for any response
@JohnMerlino Don't know, sorry.
Just posted my parser project on HN: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3621035 :)
@NikiC :)
I have php scripts working in cgi
@LeviMorrison nice!
However, I can't get them to run by calling /usr/bin/php-cgi and sending the environment variables. I have to directly execute the file. Lame-sauce.
@LeviMorrison what you mean by directly execute the file? other cli?
No, by sticking #!/usr/bin/php-cgi at the top of the file and then executing it as if it were a program.
When I do it the 'normal' way, I get "No input file specified"
that's not good
Custom C web server fail!
@NikiC I'm going to be starting a new project based off your parser ;-)
@ircmaxell iei :)
What is it?
@NikiC Bah, it works in my simplified script. Time to pull out a debugger, I guess.
gdb ftw
(or msvc ftw, depending on os :D)
How do you debug a child process ? o.0
Nvm, stackoverflow answers it.
I have a new idea: Abstract Call Trees, adding dynamic dispatch to abstract syntax trees. For dynamic analysis of code. That is all...
@ircmaxell Not sure I understand that :D
@NikiC It's not finding the file, even though it works in my test script. Very odd.
That's ok, I'm not sure that I do either
Returning 404 from the CGI.
Assuming my std::strings are okay, see any problems with the following? It segfaults:
    for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
        std::string header = strHeaders[j];
        headers[j] = new char[header.length()+1];
        header.copy(headers[j], header.length(), 0);
        headers[header.length()] = NULL;
headers is a char**
@LeviMorrison Isn't there some method in std::string to convert it to c string?
@NikiC Yes, c_str(), but the only difference I can immediately see between my example code and my production is that my test code uses normal char* from teh get-go, but production converts std::string down to char*.
@LeviMorrison Probably again an issue with out of scope variables as it was last time ^^
Which is why I'm going to try to copy them properly. My code segfaults, though :(
Just saw it.
which line?
headers[header.length()] shoudl be headers[j][header.length()]
lol :D
why are things like that always so hard to spot ...
And now CGI works!
By the way, I am getting extra credit on this project for implementing php cgi. It used to be a requirement, but the TAs spent so much time helping people with it that they decided it wasnt' a core requirement. We only have to implement normal CGI. lol
I'm like
Why else would I want cgi?
Python? maybe . . .
Heh, I wish we had your kind of universities here...
Programming a server is just such an awesome project
btw, did you already benchmark it? :P
oh, and you obviously also want to implement fcgi, don't you? :P So that PHP runs fast :P
I have benchmarked it
It's faster than Apache . . . when it works.
I've fixed a bunch of bugs
Need to re-evaluate.
It's really not that hard to beat apache.
Apache is loaded with features. Mine isn't lol
It was actually a homework assignment to benchmark it against apache and write a report on it.
what -C did you use for the benchmark?
-C? I used JMeter to run the tests.
which concurrency I mean
Not sure what that means. Used 10 threads for Apache, 10 for my server, and JMeter used 100 to try to overload them.
It means how many connections you opened at the same time ;)
Now my github front page is filled with "xyz started watching nikic/PHP-Parser n minutes ago" :)
Well, I'm going to find something to eat. Congrats on the PHP parser stuff.
could somebody drop me a mail at [email protected] (conent irrelevant)?
I kinda have the impression that the redirection to my mail stopped working as I'm not getting mails from the bugtracker anymore
@NikiC Gratz
Wow, 44 watches in 30 mins?
@NikiC Sent. And cool parser!
@Incognito Thanks
Looks like the redirection does work ^^
The bugtracker simply doesn't like me
Someone probably goofed around with your settings :P
I'm looking for some feedback on code... I have an OOP problem that I want a better solution for, I feel like mine is wasteful and inelegant.
I'm writing up an example of the situation.

//This exists once
class Cacher{
  var $cache;
  function QueryDatabase($list){
    /*Some stuff happens, returns data*/
  function Cacher($data) {
    $this->cache = $this->QueryDatabase($data);
  function lookupCache($whatever) {
    return $this->cache($whatever);

//This exists n-times.
Class needsCache{
  function needsCache($index, $cache){
    return $cache->lookupCache($index);

//How they get implemented.
$cache = new Cacher($listOfThings)
$listOfThings = "Big hash table";
Any feedback would be appreciated, basically I don't want to pass the cache object into each new needsCache obejct, I'd like to simply call it, but making needsCache an extension of cache means I re-build the cache each time so there's not point in caching.
what problem are you trying to solve ?
i really do not get it
first of all , since PHP5.0 was released , the constructor is not a function with same name as the class
instead it is public function __construct(){}
and yes , there is a destructor available too
@tereško until 5.3, it can be though. 5.3 was the first to change that
@tereško also methods and properties should have visibility (no var)
@ircmaxell Well, only in namespaced code
can .. but shouldn't
@Incognito , it kinda looks like the last time you picked up php was pre-2005th
few things have changed since then
and besides that .. what exactly is this code supposed to do ?
are you intending to write a wrapper for APC ?
@NikiC I may write a PHP formatter using your code. Rather than specifying changes to existing code, it simply converts the syntax tree into the desired format. Much prettier than other implementations, I think.
@LeviMorrison Don't think that it's suitable for that as it drops too much info
E.g. I don't preserve comments (only doc comments, as they are often part of the code)
Well, under my current thinking, docblock comments should be all you need except when you are teaching something.
But I see your point.
How hard would it be to include comments?
Or would that simply defeat the purpose?
I haven't had a chance to look directly at your project, by the way.
I was just looking at some nastily formatted code and thought to myself: self, I wish there was a good PHP formatter.
@LeviMorrison Not hard, would be just the same as with doc comments
@LeviMorrison But another issue is that one usually wants to preserve the spacing of the original file to some degree. E.g. one usually wants to preserve empty lines as they have meaning ;) And that info is dropped too ^^
But sure, one could hack all that into it too ^^
Preserving empty lines outside of strings is pretty pointless. It's just formatting. I can specify empty lines how I'd like instead of how the original author thought.
hrm, right to some degree
still people usually group related statements into blocks with empty lines in between ;)
@ircmaxell btw, how far is ircmaxell.com?
I've got the data feeding the DB
now just to build the interface
Joomla! <- never understood the point of the exclamation.
@tereško I want to build a cache of data that gets called from SQL which is used later down the line, but I don't want to change the classes that use the cache other than preforming a lookup rather than running to the database each time.
@ircmaxell nice :)
anways, got to go now :)
@NikiC ciao
@LeviMorrison it's part of the trademark
@Incognito , do you know what "dependency injection" is ?
@tereško is a habit from C++'s class foo { public: foo(); ~foo();}
@tereško Invoke the thing when it's needed, but I don't know how to make that work here.
no, it is not
and since you do not know what it is , i honestly doubt that i can help you
1 min ago, by Incognito
@tereško is a habit from C++'s class foo { public: foo(); ~foo();}
.. and this kinda means that you have never learned php .. you are just pretending that it is C++ with variables that begin with $ and replace all . with ->
Somewhat, I understand you can use __magicWhatever, I just don't like it, which is the wrong thing to do.
@ircmaxell Right, but now I feel like I should be happy whenever I say Joomla! but that's not how I feel about it at all.
@LeviMorrison LOL, then point completed
Anyone know if there's a way to get offset information for APC about a specific key?
@ircmaxell I had a bad experience with it back in its early stages. I should probably give it another chance. I should also give Drupal and Symphony second chances as well.
I'm not arguing
hi there.
I'm trying to locate some place in the manual that explains the syntax of {} for names (e.g. variables or properties) like ${substr('hello', 0)} being the same as $hello.
My next assignment in my Internet Programming class is to write a PHP application using MVC techniques. I am slightly annoyed, and slightly relieved. Annoyed because it's more MVC, but relieved because I could do this assignment sleeping :)
The part that comes most close is Variable variables, but it does not discuss that kind of {}.
@hakre The only thing about it I've ever read on php.net is that article.
> In order to use variable variables with arrays, you have to resolve an ambiguity problem. That is, if you write $$a[1] then the parser needs to know if you meant to use $a[1] as a variable, or if you wanted $$a as the variable and then the [1] index from that variable. The syntax for resolving this ambiguity is: ${$a[1]} for the first case and ${$a}[1] for the second.
Or at least not fully. It says something about it in the part about ambiguity.
Right, that part.
I've never seen any other docs on it. Maybe someone else knows.
I searched a lot, could not find it so far. Related questions on SO only tell how but do not link the docs which I think is a bit of a pitty.
Maybe the docs are due for some revisiting.
^ statement is always true . . .
since when is viper codepad down? I really miss it :(
disappointed with what?
Empty repository :(
@hakre viper and codepad have been giving me bad gateways since yesterday
@gordon: Thx for the info.
@LeviMorrison Maybe use one of the forks: github.com/johannes/php-src

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