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@tereško so you do know php, probably even better than devs themselves :-P
@KamilTomšík , did you understand the context ?
he was asking about shared cache (within same app) between multiple objects
@Incognito since @tereško didn't help you a lot, dependency injection is way of organizing your code-units, kinda declaring what your class needs in order to be functional. if you can give a hint to dependency-injection-container it can instantiate whole app including its all subparts. for example if you need database connection in controller (or some data-abstraction layer) you'll include that in constructor and that's it, when controller gets instantiated, db connection will be there
if you're getting that controller instance from DIC, of course.
@KamilTomšík , dependency injection as nothing to do with DIC
and he does not even have MVC ... so what the hell are you regurgitating there ?
@tereško you seem like having a hypertension :P
@MelvinProtacio He argues and is rude a lot. That's just tereško.
@LeviMorrison LOL, it's like he's always been like that
@tereško yep, relax - you can express your thoughts flawlessly in 4 languages, well I'm capable of doing that only in czech, my english skills are still very limited. my point was not about DI itself but rather about its real outcome.
i notice how instead of saying "you are wrong" you both are just bitching ( @MelvinProtacio & @LeviMorrison )
@tereško and MVC sucks from my point of view, you should already know that. (which makes your MVC-reaction useless)
@tereško I didn't do either. I just shared my view of you to Melvin.
@KamilTomšík this had nothing to DO with mvc .. so why the hell you bring up controllers ?
please go and read the original question
@tereško just wanted to let you know that you have the option of not taking the issue or the question too seriously
3 hours ago, by Incognito
I'm looking for some feedback on code... I have an OOP problem that I want a better solution for, I feel like mine is wasteful and inelegant.
My question was about a cache over multiple objects to prevent me from running to the database each time.
@tereško exactly, I haven't read that, not going to do that. Stop being rude and I won't complain ;)
here is the start of the issue .. please read it
And I wanted to clean up my OOP design as I felt it was inelegant.
@tereško not in any way did i say that you are wrong :P
@KamilTomšík why shouldnt i be rude to people who start talking crap before reading the issue ?
@MelvinProtacio yes , that was the point ... you both were just bitching about the tone
@tereško not to me, I totally don't care about your attitude to me :-)
@Incognito can you provide code-sample?
@tereško I have read over this, which talks about dependency injection. Am I correct in saying the core idea is that I pass a dependency to the object, or create a container to manage that for me?
you do not need to create a container
@tereško oh, sorry. I just wanted to make sure that the room is still a good place for newbies and hospitable for those who seek information or help :P
@Incognito yep, you can do it by hand or you can configure container to do it for you
@KamilTomšík I posted up further up, I'm presently trying to make it work with DI.
@KamilTomšík Here
@Incognito if you need caching for multiple object , you just provide each of them with an object which is responsible for the caching .. that is the point of "dependency injection"
@MelvinProtacio , neither @Incognito nor @KamilTomšík is a newbie
@Incognito first of all - consider full-page caching, it can seriously clean up your code and give you better performance boost
@tereško So I would just do $foo = new Foo($injectedDependency) ? Or perhaps with a method call instead.
yeah , kinda
you write :
@tereško then change the statement to the latter
I have something like that going on already.
@tereško for those people who seek information or help
$db = new PDO( ... );
$user = new Users( $db );
$doc = new Documents( $db );
@Incognito however easiest improvement would be to create cache and then pass it to both objects during their creation:

$cache = new Cache();
$obj1 = new Obj1($cache);
$obj2 = new Obj2($cache);
@KamilTomšík It's JSON data that's getting output at the end of an API.
@Incognito you can full-page-cache even json output
why would anyone one a full-page caching at this stage ?!?
it almost seems like you have no connection to reality
he wants to cache the results from DB
to lessen the requests to the database
@tereško yep, and guess why... because he wants to render them in some format, hm?
@tereško So what I have right now implements $cache = new Cacher(), then calls $foo = new Foo($cache) directly after, is this along the same lines?
most db queries are 1:1 to http responses
@Incognito , yeah , kinda like that
@KamilTomšík That's flatly not true.
only , instead of storing it all in some magical array , you should try to use APC
@KamilTomšík It adds 30 seconds of overhead in my use-case.
ever thought about looking at EXPLAIN results ?
30s overhead seems a bit harsh
@tereško I have a bunch of classes that build my object, but one of them does a table lookup to translate one code into another code, if I have to look up 50 of these in a API request it takes like 30 seconds as each request translates 3 codes: 150 db requests.
I wanted to make the cache so I don't have to fully re-write those objects, and make the trip to each table only once.
150 DB requests ?!?!?
you are clearly doing it wrong
That's the way the classes were made.
I'm trying to make it right :P
I don't want to re-write the classes, I'm just trying to replace their DB code.
if it was a horse , i would suggest to shoot it
@Incognito Generally it should be 1 request that uses joins and unions to get all the information you need
@LeviMorrison Oh, I know it's terrible, this is why I'm trying to replace it.
emm ... @LeviMorrison , UNION usually makes things only worse
@Incognito Fix the problem, don't bury it deeper.
I'm just looking to do better than the cache I dreamed up earlier.
@tereško Sometimes that's the only option. UNION is usually better than performing the queries separately and doing the union yourself.
cache is something that stores data between http requests
@LeviMorrison The cache is generally a good solution, each class takes an object of encoded data and decodes it, except these 3 sections require DB lookups.
@tereško So what should I call this instead? I'm trying to replace dbLookup($specialCode) with AlreadyLookedUp($specialCode)
@Incognito If your problem was simply that you have 1,000,000,000 users connecting and you want to ease the database server, then caching would definitely be a solution. That is not your problem. Your problem is that 1 requests takes 30 seconds.
Hey guys
not sure how you would call it , but i would use a different approach
you have multiple lookups to the table
lets say user details .. again and again and again
it would make sense to create an user object , which on first use looks up data , and then just stores it locally
@tereško Aye, basically each Foo object previously queried the DB, and there may be 3 Foos, my new method of pre-fetching the Database objects only makes the trip once for all of them.
then you only need to pass around that User object
So I haven't been to in a while; can anyone tell me how often people post answers with links and example code from the PHP manual without addressing the original question?
A: How to find the unique elements in two arrays in PHP?

Electronick Example #1 array_diff() example <?php $array1 = array("a" => "green", "red", "blue", "red"); $array2 = array("b" => "green", "yellow", "red"); $result = array_diff($array1, $array2); print_r($result); ?> Multiple occurrences in $array1 are all treated the same way. This w...

It's not realistic, I'm using over 30 000 codes, what ones are unpredictable on any given day.
> if you are not sure , put it on fire
In a given day 500 lookups are done over 30 API calls, which translates to 1500 database queries, I'd like to make that 30 queries. Perhaps I should call this a pre-fetching results?
kinda , yes
Oh yeah. Hence: pre-fetch and cache my database stuff.
@BoltClock I see "here's the link k thx" quite frequently, but there's a lot of better stuff out there as well.
@BoltClock It's common to link them without providing the example code. PHP users are . . . not usually educated.
@BoltClock that is a dup anyway
@BoltClock I think that's actually addressing the original question though...
@ircmaxell The first revision.
Oh, let me check
still sort-of answers the question, with a little interpretation, but I can see your point
I would let votes be the decider there. I don't think it needs moderation, as it does technically answer the question, it's just not spoon feeding
When somebody flags answers like that (that particular one wasn't flagged though), I'm usually undecided what to do.
Just a thought.
@ircmaxell Yes, exactly.
I am disappointed in CSS3. There should be a selector for everything I want. There isn't :(
Something like label[for]:target([aria-required='true'])::after should be possible :(
Wait, that's not quite right either. That would still style the target. I want to style the label.
Good evening experts
I am trying to learn DDD
As in, the debugger?
DDD is used for several things.
Domain driven design
I have a class DrivingLog (aggregate root) and this class contains a list of drivingrecords. Each drivingrecord as an environment/condition attached.
Is it correct that the repository class should operate on the aggregate root
If so, would there be correct to have a method that get's all drivinglogs that has drivingrecords with a particular environment/condition OR should it just return a list of drivingrecords?
@LeviMorrison What exactly do you want to style? (Sorry, huge fan here. I'm curious)
@BoltClock Basically, I want to style label tags who's target has certain attributes/properties. Oh, that input tag is invalid, so my label should reflect it visually too. Oh, it's required? Let me dynamically add (required) to the end of the label.
@LeviMorrison :target doesn't have a functional notation so I'm not sure what that [aria-required] attribute is supposed to refer to.
@LeviMorrison In that case, not possible in CSS3 :(
That was wishful thinking, but it still doesn't give what I want.
@BoltClock That's why I'm sad :(
Nobody who knows?
I am trying to think of a work-around
@Bob I'm not very familiar with DDD, sorry.
Ok :)
@BoltClock If the label followed the input, we could use [aria-invalid='true'] + label[for]:after
@LeviMorrison Aw :( Hopefully we see CSS4 selector implementations within the next year or so.
@BoltClock Is there even a proposal for such a CSS selector?
@LeviMorrison In CSS4 you could do label::after! /for/ [aria-required='true']
@BoltClock I'm not familiar with that one, where is it documented?
The draft has a section on something called a reference combinator: w3.org/TR/selectors4/#idref-combinators (Editor's Draft dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors4/#idref-combinators)
Actually I'm not sure how the subject selector would be used with pseudo-elements...
Well, they are theoretically chainable. Order may matter, though.
Yeah I'm not sure if it's label::after! or label!::after. In the 2011 working draft, I think it would have been $label::after.
I guess we'll have to wait and see if they change it again.
What's the point of the !?
It's the subject selector.
Currently you can only apply styles to the element that matches the rightmost selector. Having the subject selector around means you can change it so the style applies to something else, like parent! > child or previous! + next
It's basically everyone's dream come true
Yes, yes it is.
Various proposals for something similar have been shot down over and over again.
Maybe this one will make it.
@PeeHaa Uhhh, let me ask the SU mods
@BoltClock either that or just offtopic
@PeeHaa I know, just checking if they want it
Anybody in here got mod_fastcgi working with apache 2.4 by any chance?
@BoltClock According to w3.org/TR/selectors4/#subject, it is $
@LeviMorrison Yes that's the 2011 working draft, but it's been changed in the 2012 editor's draft
I assume it won't carry over to the next WD
It used to be ? either before or after $, so obviously they're having some trouble deciding which symbol to use
You are correct.
I wonder why they are having so much trouble
I think $ makes the most sense, but even then it's like . . . huh?
That's because of regular expressions, $ denotes something captured.
The reference combinator is pretty awkward too.
I don't care how that one is implemented insofar as it is.
All areas of forms become so much nicer to deal with.
I don't have to add any classes. I just have to use good, valid markup with state and properties aria.
@BoltClock I would prefer functional pseudo class over the current spec, though.
Hmmm... they've been at it for years, actually. Now I know why they're having trouble.
The subject selector was once a pseudo-class in the CSS3 spec, 13 years ago.
label[for]:reference(:matches([aria-invalid], :invalid))::after
Hmm, but what if I want to style the input?
That's easy: input[aria-invalid] lol
Yeah but that's regardless of the presence of a label, which would be slightly different.
I see your point but I don't think it has that much value.
But I guess label[for]:reference($:matches([aria-invalid], :invalid))::after ?
However, I think a difference function would be more appropriate
Was anyone here contacted by Mark Brown @ Windows Azure?
[aria-invalid='true']:referenced([id]), perhaps.
Well, never mind
@PeeHaa He has no confidence in his boolean logic.
Hrm...do you guys think this is a dupe of that
@CharlesSprayberry Yes.
@LeviMorrison Yea, that's what I thought too
@CharlesSprayberry I think the formal grammar would be:
Hahaha yay I just got a downvoting spree by Spencer Ruport :-)
@PeeHaa haha
@CharlesSprayberry On second thought, no, they aren't duplicates.
@LeviMorrison Yea, its borderline
The deciding difference for me is "Will this question generate the same answers as that question?" In this case: no.
Do you guys use Form Builder in OOP PHP?
@PeeHaa I'll keep an eye on this.
If you see more than 5 downvotes in succession, raise a flag.
@user791022 If that is some specific class, no. The idea, yes.
@BoltClock Neh it's ok. It happens sometimes. Unless there comes a time that I can change my rep to real currency I don't care :) Thanks anyway though
@PeeHaa Revenge downvotes are still a matter of concern though. But I'll see how this goes.
@BoltClock I might post one last comment on it: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/106704/revenge-downvote
@PeeHaa What about?
@LeviMorrison "What Idea" you mean?
@user791022 Use a class to write HTML forms instead of doing it by hand :)
Commented on Ruport's question :) He might learn something
omg I still think that WAT talk is damn funny. But the thing I wonder is: why no WATs about PHP? Too easy target? :)
@PeeHaa I don't think that's going to turn out well.
@PeeHaa Something like that :)
@LeviMorrison Or perhaps because the fact it had to be short ;)
@user791022 By the way, in my opinion code.google.com/p/php-form-builder-class is garbage. The API makes too many assumptions, namely that you use jQuery.
@BoltClock Is there anything in particular to do to stay on top of CSS selectors?
@LeviMorrison What do you mean by "on top"?
@BoltClock Knowing about CSS4, etc.
Do you read blogs? mailing lists?
@LeviMorrison I usually just read the spec and the mailing lists (because I can understand the specs). For compatibility charts I go with QuirksMode, caniuse.com and the SitePoint Reference
The www-style mailing list has been much busier lately
@BoltClock Who knows when it will be implemented, but CSS4 will hopefully be able to do what I want. It's SUPER common to need them, so it's a shame we don't have any sort of implementation.
Sadly, vendors and authors are moving too quickly while the standards are moving too slowly.
Actually no, some vendors are too slow
Shall we say one vendor?
@LeviMorrison All of them. Uhmmm MOST of them
@PeeHaa Are you kidding? Many of the CSS3 must-haves were introduced by implementations in browsers. They were ahead of spec.
Well, Microsoft is catching up, but I'm not banking on CSS4 selectors being implemented in IE10/IE11, Fx 15 (aside from :-moz-any() becoming :matches()?), etc
@BoltClock I doubt we'll have css4 in IE 11 either. It may not even be finalized by then if there is more trouble with subject and reference operators/functions.
I wish Microsoft would do the world a favor and not release any more IE versions. Future Windows OS ship with Google Chrome or SOME webkit browser.
@LeviMorrison for some things that is true. However the fact that they are ahead of spec also slows them down. E.g. when everyone has there own implementation of something it takes long to scratch that and come to a spec
@PeeHaa Didn't take webkit very long. Mozilla is a bit slower.
@LeviMorrison I have to admit, hardware accelerated everything in IE on my PC is pretty addictive
Overkill, but damn is it addictive
@BoltClock I almost never use Windows. Wouldn't know :)
To be honest, I'm not liking any of my Linux distributions that use GNOME 3, and I especially don't like Unity.
They were released prematurely.
@LeviMorrison What distro(s) do you use?
@PeeHaa Fedora 16, Ubuntu 11.10, and openSUSE latest (don't remember its number).
I did use Windows a little bit last week. It was awkward for me.
I am almost tempted to ask a question about the performance of the * selector used with any classes, attributes, IDs, pseudo-classes or pseudo-elements just to troll everyone. Something like "Is there a difference in how browsers match *.class and .class?"
I need to compile this. . . how do I even begin to do that on Windows?
(I'm usually one of the people who go apeshit on premature optimization questions)
@LeviMorrison That's what I have when using Linux (atleast the GUI), but I do try it once in a while.
@BoltClock answer:no; rant on CSS optimization
@LeviMorrison The issue with this kind of question is that it can only be answered by people familiar with layout engines. The rest is speculation and nagging.
So yeah pretty much what you said.
@PeeHaa Eh, its GUI is not great. GNOME 3 is a step backwards, imo. However, the terminal is SOOO powerful. I'm sure Windows is too, but it's like they don't even want me to use it.
@BoltClock Do you know of any CSS performance issues? I only know of overall rendering ones which are fixed by declaring layout.
@LeviMorrison I can only agree with you about the terminal it fucking rocks.
@LeviMorrison Not really, but even with hardware acceleration I'm sure transitioning multiple alpha-composited layers (shadows, RGBA/HSLA, opacity, etc) will be super taxing.
Alpha-blending anything is annoying no matter the platform.
:/ why does stacked hate Joomla
@HowdyMcGee hellow to you to
I hate Joomla
(Disclaimer: I have never used Joomla enough to care)
its not that bad
because it is humongous thing , with bad code and worse community
then why is it so popular!?
@BoltClock Actually, you just reminded me of the only CSS performance problem I've had. On Mac Safari (don't remember version) if I specified an inner box-shadow using the webkit declaration and the w3 one, it was very, very slow. The fix? Remove the webkit declaration lol
It wasn't even on transition.
@Howdy_McGee You can ask the same thing about PHP itself.
stacked loves PHP
@LeviMorrison Yes, box shadows had a number of performance issues. Firefox still has trouble scrolling some of my position: fixed box shadows smoothly.
@HowdyMcGee , for the same reason why jquery and codeigniter is popular : people are stupid
just hates joomla like universally i think
@Howdy_McGee False. We absolutely hate PHP. Some of us also love it.
.. and for the same reason why they believe that bible is word of god ( because it says in the bible that it is so )
@Howdy_McGee php sucks. You know that right?
@tereško how is fracture coming along?
i had no idea my mind is open now
@markustharkun slowly , i had to delete all of it because of serious design flaws
beside .. im kinda short on time =P
@tereško I hate deleting my own code.
@LeviMorrison Is it bad to improve something?
i rather like deleting mine. it usually means i've found something way better. :)
I feel like deleting all my PHP and starting from scratch with static HTML
it's no so much "deleting" as zip it and drop in the storage folder
The last time I maintained a static HTML site was when I was 10.
@PeeHaa It's worse than admitting failure. To me, it's like saying my code was so bad it should not even stick around to learn from; its very existence has negative impact..
And yes, I have deleted my code.
can you find some code that you wrote 6+ month ago ?
find it .. and look at it
and then tell me, that you still want there to be a shred of evidence, that you were the author of that atrocity
@LeviMorrison I just like to look at my old code and think WTF I'm a fucking moron. And the good thing is: it still happens :-) So I happily delete it and never make the same mistakes again. (mostly that is :P) :-)
I'll gladly admit authorship of bad code on the condition it is absolutely obvious to the viewer that I do not endorse it AND that they can find out why.
@tereško ;-) that's exactly my point, you may be a brilliant theoretition but you you should stop 'hating' and 'judging' every community driven open source project out there. because it's great that these things exist, if everybody was like you, none of it would exist!!
I had to take a close look at typo3 workbased and it really sucks too and all extension suck big time... but it's great that these tools exist. they have a practical purpose even though they don't comply to your extremely high theoretical standards.
// Actually an Easter egg
catch (Exception $e) {}
I still have this in my production code. The Easter egg logic is in the client side.
Hello guys, I was wondering what would cause my sites on my unix dedicated server to not recognize the default php.ini file?
@Matthew Simply because a different one is being used :)
@tereško Also, most of my code from 6+ months ago deals with a large legacy codebase. It WILL be bad because it has to integrate with it. I'm proud of it, actually.
is there something that I can do via SSH to my server to revert all my sites to reference etc/php.ini
@LeviMorrison Ah cool, when you wrote class to write HTML form, did you add code validation on top of?
@Matthew ... "dedicated server" and "all my sites" ?!
@user791022 Yes. I'm not going to give you my code because of the other active topic right now. It should not exist. I would redo it :)
I am not asking for code ;)
for example my drupal 7 site is telling me that it is referencing etc/php.ini but I make shnages to that file and nothing happens.
Just getting general ideas
@Matthew Oh, restart your server.
@Matthew , what changes ?
of you are changing the setting for dealing with errors , then you are out of luck .. drupal overrides them
@user791022 Yes. In fact, I would go far enough to say that you must be adding validation.
Same class or seperate? Eg: FormClass.php and ValidationClass.Php
@LeviMorrison upload_max_filesize = 60M and post_max_size = 80M but my sites are displaying 2mb
I will restart the server and see if that would do it.
@user791022 Oh, personally I have it set up so elements have validation, not the form as a whole.
you do not need to restart the whole server
only the apahe/lighttpd/nginx
@Matthew ! If you thought I meant the physical machine, that is not what I meant! I only meant apache or whatever is your web server.
I just got the Vox Populi badge but I have only cast 21 votes today
Q: Erroneous Vox Populi badges awarded

Charles SprayberryI was just recently awarded the Vox Populi badge on both programmers and meta. However...I've only cast 1 vote today on meta and 0 times on programmers.. How was I awarded this badge?

There are three posts on meta that were created within the last 3 minutes lol
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
@LeviMorrison well I have restarted Apache and still the same outcome
@CharlesSprayberry I was just awarded it too :)
@LeviMorrison yep, me too
Hrmm...with so many questions I feel compelled to delete mine
@CharlesSprayberry Go ahead :) Mods will appreciate it.
Ah, nevermind. They got to me first :)
I think mine is still better though. I provide visual proof! ;)
Someone is going to get the 'fat finger' award.
@Matthew do you still need the php.ini in place for some other site? If not why not simply replace it with the one you want to use
but couldn't it be the other way around
or symlink it
that we're getting the batch because there was a bug which has been fixed now
and we should have had the vox populi all along and it's being post awarded
because I'm sure I should have got it long ago...
@PeeHaa but this makes no sense
I'm never been told I've hit the vote limit. Does it say anything? Or just fail silently?
@LeviMorrison it tells you, I've reached it a couple of times
@tereško I should read everything before I hit the send button :)
@LeviMorrison the first time I hit the vote limit it gave me a badge.
Looks like most of the badges involved with vote counts are going nuts.
@CharlesSprayberry that's because the votes on deleted posts are re-integrated, isn't it
and that's on purpose
@PeeHaa , it's not like i can blame you , the whole issue makes no sense .. why would you have "different sites" using different php.ini files
@markustharkun Yea, I see the meta post on integrating deleted vote counts. But, hrmm...that's kind of cheating the badge imo.
on something called "dedicated server"
@tereško I guess that depends on the interpretation of 'dedicated server'. I can have a dedicated server (dedicated to me as a person) that I host all of my sites on. No other person uses it. So it is shared between sites, but dedicated.
@CharlesSprayberry oh, so that means my vote limit badge is not really due to reaching the limit? I didn't think I made 40 votes already today, but I also know how quickly I lose count.
@LeviMorrison , with multiple sites using different php.ini files ?
@mason81 You can check. At the top of the site hover over the arrow near your username. You'll see how many votes you cast for the day/week/month
@tereško Maybe. I can conceive of an example, but I don't know if in practice it would make sense.
@CharlesSprayberry oh I did not know that. Thank you for the helpful tip! :)
I would say it is definitely a bug though. Hopefully they'll get it fixed and rescind the awarded badges.
@mason81 No problem.
@tereško I have a dedicated server with 1&1, so that mean I am not on a managed server. On this dedicated server I have various virtual hosts and web space
How long should you give a newbie to improve his question in general?
@PeeHaa I'd say 1 day after comments are made . . . maybe that's too hasty.
an hour after he respond the the warning
> This copy of Windows is not genuine.
@LeviMorrison , this is why you should always pirate the Business version
it was most of the things you could ever need from your windows .. and the WGA protection is a joke
@tereško It's actually a work-issued computer. I need to bring it up with them. If it's not legit, I will definitely report them and move companies.
I haven't really liked the job anyway. That would be a good reason to quit.
Q: modern use of addslashes() ,register_globals() and magic_quotes. Is it safe?

Damien PirsyI hope this question isn't too borderline or off-topic; being quite unexperienced in Wordpress I delved into its code base to study its code and its workflow, and I was quite astonished when I saw that: They implements register_globals (an excerpt from wp-includes/class-wp.php): // The query_...

^ Interesting question.
They all suck would be the correct answer
yes .. i just earned for following @PeeHaa's link
Yeah my links just rock ;)

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