I have there some quantum bug I cannot repro (as it seems to happen inside exception trace generation of a parse error happening due to incomplete file while checking the newest git repo out…)
everything is hinting that somehow there must be two things pointing to the same chunk of memory…
@Danack Funny, thanks for helping me with my question...................... I was pretty clear in the first part what exactly wasn't working. It's still writing to the output buffer after I close the connection and do an ob_flush()
Woops, that should've been "@LGL the mere fact that your getting a connection means your security groups are correctly configured, now you need a mysql user and password"
@JakeSylvestre Not trivial ones. I strongly recommend not doing the 'continue to process stuff in the background of a webserver'.....it is just a flaky thing to do really. Having a background processor that is run with Supervisord, and having the jobs to be processed put either into a proper queue, or just Redis, is far more reliable.
And to be clear, there may be a workaround to fix it quickly - but I don't know it.
@Danack That's definitely the non-immediate goal. I'd like this up by the end of the week though. Any suggestions on how I could better word this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33225107/… . It's just odd how it worked on my old server configuration and not this one.
@Danack I'm still fairly new to SO, so feedback would be much appreciated
@Orangepill need suggestion from you as per your exp. Is it good to create own architecture or adopt ready made like zend, laravel or others and make functionality on it?
with a couple of good libraries you can get most of what any framework offers without having to live with the design decisions that the framework imposes.
I have created template engine code. Can I ask question on code review site? Or where can I get suggestion about my code? like optimization or other things?
Handlebars is another one that I like for templating... used correctly you can make isometric templates (ones that can be rendered either server side or client side)
sir this is an off topic question. i am doing freelancing parttime now they have offer me fulltime position. i wanted to know one thing weather i can show this experience or not
@AnmolRaghuvanshi holy crap that's a lot. i lost 12 kgs in the last 5-6 months though :P then despite the efforts i stopped losing weight, so i kind of gave up
Actually, it's the trendy thing currently to like using a framework, and to evangelise it, without actually knowing what it's doing and how poor it's doing it
Actually, it's the trendy thing currently to not like any particular framework, to evangelise not using any particular framework, without actually knowing what you're doing and how poorly you're doing it.
Some good developers, and a bunch of people who come across as condescending particularly when any framework is mentioned. Whether that's deliberate or not, I don't know. :)
I feel like a kid building a lego house when it comes to learning with PHP. I know enough to build a nice looking house. Naturally, It's not perfect so I want to learn about different blocks, or methods on how to stack blocks efficiently so I can be a better builder. However, I'm in a playgroup of kids in years above me, and every time I pick up a new block someone comes and slaps it out of my hand and says I should never use that without saying why.
Depends on specific needs. Laravel fits a purpose like a fast-food fills your stomach. Is it quick and easy? Yes, is it sustainable long-term? No. Organically grow your own framework or source the best libs to sow a nice foundation to which your project will come to fruition.
That said, if one were to explain in detail why Framework X had failing Y, Z and Banana; we'd be here all year.
@Jimbo Haha, for what it's worth I have never used Laravel. Not even to look at the code to see its quality, or its packages to see what useful things it offers, or its community to position myself on a pedestal above theirs.
If a client asked you to bring him a pumpkin, you could buy some generic one from Tesco and it'd be okay. Or you could grow your own and bring him something perfect or terrible.
@Sean Fair enough. It advocates serious architectural problems, like global state and 'facades', or did at first before it backed out of things like that and now provides alternatives - the others shouldn't have been there in the first place. Active Record (coupling domain to persistence) is heavily advocated and the argument is "it's easier for users" (bollocks). It's intentionally designed to couple every part of you to the framework with no escape
Add to that that the owner of it is an egotistical, arrogant asshole who has genuinely been horrible to other members of the community on twitter (I've seen him be an ass to Phil Sturgeon - saying "I'm going to stop you coming to this conference") and things like that...
It also steals ideas without attribution - I guarantee he robbed the auto-wiring injector thing from Auryn, nothing else out there does that and hasn't until that point in PHP land
Basically, all the things I like about the community - advocating best practice, helping each other to progress and succeed, it doesn't do, and I won't back something like that. For both technical and moral reasons
No probs, sorry if that was a bit ranty. I was fine with discussing it's technical downsides with people until I saw the owner effectively bully other people online. I took that personally even though it was nothing to do with me, I just believe in what's right :)