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A: How do I declare a 2d array in C++ using new?

Levi MorrisonThere are two general techniques that I would recommend for this in C++11 and above, one for compile time dimensions and one for run time. Both answers assume you want uniform, two-dimensional arrays (not jagged ones). Compile time dimensions Use a std::array of std::array and then use new to p...

I revamped that answer a little bit with a diagram.
I appreciate any new feedback.
off topic @LeviMorrison
@3.14159265358... Indeed, it is.
i hate how you think a value is there but it's not
@ThW nice
2 hours later…
Thank you @Andrea for making PHP awesome!
@Ocramius any tips about how to wrap services methods inside transactions?
class MyService{
    fn doSomething($params){
        $this->transaction(function() use($params){ // START TRANSACTION

        }); // either COMMIT or ROLLBACK
yo o/
2 hours later…
ohai sara
ohai joe
look at this ...
> Optional typing of object properties and variables (only if this makes improvement)?
not sure if serious suggestion ... in the general case, it can't possibly improve performance can it ? it can only improve performance coupled with other optimizations like ADD_INT_INT, or eventually a JIT ...
or am I wrong ?
I'd love optional typing, but can't imagine a way for it to improve performance, which seems to be the only way we can have it in the near future ...
at least I can't imagine a way for it to improve performance on it's own ...
@Sara I'm talking to you mostly ... in case not clear ...
I am trying to add articles (image and text) on a laravel project and those articles should be displayed in another laravel project . The problem is that I am storing the link (public/uploads/image.png) of the image to the same database but when I switch to the second project the pictures are not displayed is there any suggestions on how can I solve this poblem ?
@JoeWatkins Sorry, was tabbed out. No, I don't see that as a perf issue for PHP any more than function parameter type hints were about perf. It is a matter of type safety though. If your program assumes $this->userId is always an integer, it helps ensure that as an invariant if the engine enforces it.
1 hour later…
@kelunik morning
@zaq178miami int is right. It oughta be uint32_t, but this is PHP, so it isn't
@zaq178miami If you hold onto the same data twice, you can have a duplicate zval in there. but usually unique
@LeviMorrison Why is make_unique not in the initializer?
Why do you return rows & cols by const ref?
@NikiC what's the relationship between __construct and the create_object handler (if any)? Should I be allocating a buffer in create_object or in __construct? My hunch is that __construct won't be touched if created internally via init_object_ex or whatever.
@rtheunissen yes, you can't assume that __construct will be called
If you depend on any initialization done with __construct, you must check for it in every method call
Okay, so for something like a buffer allocation of a given capacity, which could be determined by a __construct param or as a default internal capacity, should I be allocating that in create_object or in __construct? Currently allocating in create_object, and reallocating in __construct if that capacity > default capacity.

Would it okay to allocate in __construct only, and make sure that I also allocate the buffer whenever I create an internal instance (after init_object_ex)?
@rtheunissen No, you'd have to add a check for whether the buffer is allocated in all your methods
So the reallocation is an okay tradeoff?
@rtheunissen It depends. For buffers with capacity it may be okay to just leave it at NULL, because capacity bounds checks will prevent dereferences implicitly. But if you don't want to think about that the reallocation sounds fine
@NikiC, thanks, so am i ritght that having duplicates zval is ok (regardless the reason)?
@zaq178miami yes
@ThW The printer is dope.
hi guys
Afternoon guys.
whats up?
is there any way in query where we can find exact number of rows between row_id 100000 and row_id 200000 where row_id is primary key of the table...?
Using SQL queriers.
*SQL queries.
can you suggest any example..
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE row_id > 99999 AND row_id < 200001
Will return the count
ohh that was just stupid question ... BTW!! thanks
for your help
Did it work?
Damn my hosting is getting up my nerves.
any problem?
I cant check my db
Service temporarily not avialable
to read all mails
@Naruto Nope. Link?
morning o/
@Abe o/
Is the 409 Conflict response code suitable if for example something in the request did not conform to some business rule? For example a user is trying to send a message to someone who they are not connect/friends with
> This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request.
> Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.
So I would say no
@PeeHaa Hmm any other ideas?
@tibanez Just show a user friendly warning that they can't send.
@tibanez 403?
Web Application Development
Implement the knowledge gained in “Business Skills for e-Commerce” and develop your own web application using the world’s top ranked language PHP.
I'm already using 403 forbidden for if the user is not allowed to do a certain action. In a way they are not allowed do this action but the thing is my Angular app has an HTTP interceptor that when the response is 403 it redirects to login so I don't want to mess with that
IT Society — Teacher
I teach my juniors at school how to develop websites. This is voluntary work.
Guys, is that professional to show in your portfolio?
@HassanAlthaf some crazy text they have on that page
@RonniSkansing Of course, that is called marketing by lying.
@HassanAlthaf Dunno. I never look at stuff like that
They will teach a bit of eCommerce and how it works.
I cant decide if I should take it.
It will be 20 months, part time, saturday's 8.30 am to 5.30 pm -_____
They give discount to Diploma students, but I bet it wont be more than 10%.
Oh no sorry I have 401 if the user needs to login and 403 when they try to do something they are not allowed to do. I will go with the 403 since when they response comes back to the app it will not throw them to the login and I can display a message
i hate cryptography
is there any way we can get last inserted element key in multidimensional array? and array item could be of any number / not pre defined
@NullPoiиteя there's nothing counting the last element of multiple arrays simultaneously.
You just can get the last inserted element of a single dimension/array via end().
thanks, looks like i need to write more loop
@HassanAlthaf not sure if that's a good course, but having domain knowledge for a programmer is more important than programming itself
Earth and The Sun have a pretty big affect on most peoples daily lives
eheh, fair enough
Please can someone tell me why my question might have been down-voted? stackoverflow.com/questions/33185926/…
@Jodes maybe, too much text.
next time make your question simple and concise
@Jodes it's more a code review question
Hmm, not sure how to make it more concise without losing the essence. Is there a way to migrate the question to code review? I'm guessing it's bad to copy and paste!
just delete it and ask it on code review. I tried to migrate it, but code review site is not on the options list
Ah great, thanks - will do - thankis @samayo, @abe
why we can not have &$arr[0] ?
@Jodes also don't star irrelevant stuff here
> Don't star messages that are too specific to understand in general context, or random messages without interest.
Please only star messages where most of the visitors can relate. The star function is not similar to a "like" so please don't abuse it.
Ok, sorry
@NullPoiиteя, you can have =& $arr[0] in an assignment, is that the context you were thinking?
@NullPoiиteя in which context. you shouldn't use references at all
I just happened to read PHP's manual on references php.net/manual/en/language.references.php, it goes into real depth
Just yesterday
Not something I care to use much lol.
Wheeee, PHP is segfaulting when I'm trying to log out from a locally hosted Laravel application
Actually, it's crashing whenever the user model is being saved
It just happens that logging out does that
Cool, found the bug. I was accidentally refactoring some code and accidentally renamed a function to call itself in an infinite loop
Weird that PHP doesn't crash with something more informative though
on a related subject "user" is not a model
Eloquent ORM by default names its models after database tables
Eloquent is an AR based ORM, which combines persistence and domain logic in same classes (which violates several OOP pinciples)
classes should not be named after tables
and model is not a class
In an MVC, the model acts as the data layer, and represents information, no?
in MVC you model is what contains all of the domain business logic
you basically have presentation layer (containing controller, views, templates and other interface stuff) and model layer (containing domain logic, application logic, persistence and relates stuff)
"data layer", when done properly, would be just the persistence logic implemented using data mappers
basically, please don't learn about MVC from frameworks
that's like learning ecology from BP
a framework will always try to sell whatever it has as "mvc"
... also, I need to go shopping .. try reading PoEAA book in the meanwhile
Is it me or is reading a tweet about PEAR like watching an episode of The Walking Dead?
PEAR 1.10.1 fixes nasty bugs and improves BC - Official Blog of the PEAR Group/PEAR President http://planet-php.org/~wls
@Gordon well, someone is still using it probably .. along with their PHP 4.* codebase
"improve BC" -> "We also re-added the PHP4-style constructor for PEAR_Error for backwards compatibility reasons – classes in many PEAR packages still use it."
that says A LOT about the relevance of PEAR
that "someone" is likely to be on your electricity grid .. or bank account ... or something else critical but outdated
and it's not likely to get better
@tereško I don't think so. If it's critical, it's probably still running on COBOL. PEAR is way too new
well, I have worked on two legacy codebases which relied on PEAR: from a multinational insurance company and from a mobile telecommunications operator
the bosses up top have NO interest in spending money to upgrade that crap
I attached that file to my website, now I want to know, which size is calculated for users when open my site?
your hard drive has a 4KB block size
so what is 1.77 ?
that the size of the content
ah ok tnx
@NikiC out of interest: how long will you be studying?
the block size of your HDD defines what is the smallest size unit that can be used to save stuff
@tereško ah I see, so 4kb is minimum
@Sajad think of it this way: you have 4 bottles (each can contain volume of 2 liters). You need to but 0.5l of coca cola and 2.5l of milk: how many bottles will you need
2 !
I got your point
no, 3, because you cannot put cola and milk in the same bottle
ah ah ! milk is 2.5, yes 3 bottles
so there is waste space! I hate that, It is something like IF() statement for me ...
you need to read about partition tables
jees .. people, understood this crap at age of 16 ... which was bout a year after I had used a computer for the first time
I passed a lesson in university named "Storage and Retrieval". It was related to "partition disc"
@Gordon approximately two years
you should ask for you money back =(
anyway, , shopping
WOuld someone assist me with this form ajax submission JS/PHP
trying to pass data_fields to php $('form').submit(function(e) {
// console.log('submitted');
var data_fields = {
name: $name.val(),
email: $email.val(),
password: $password.val(),
contact: $contact.val(),

url: 'ajaxjs.php',
type: 'post',
data: data_fields,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (data) {
I know how to do it with serialize() but trying with json
@Phreak ask it in the js room.
too lazy to fetch it for you
its js and PHP
@Phreak json_decode? Or otherwise say what your actual problem is.
how do i pass to php
how do i access the data_fields var in php
@Phreak try reading blog.teamtreehouse.com/… Or any other tutorial
why not do some research
the jQuery docs and PHP manual are surely good places to look to see how to deal with JSON
@Phreak I don't know what you want exactly, but you can pass data like this:
data : {"var1": value1, "var2": value2},
right now i'm just trying to echo it in the php file.
and in php file you can do this: $_POST['var1'];
so in mycase it would be $_POST['name'], $_POST['email'] since i already set the key value pairs above
do i really need this part dataType: 'json' ?
If you use json_encode($data) in PHP file, then yes
@ircmaxell I have really a bad feeling about this smile, please don't make me weak (no confidence to myself), However, yes I know, my level is really more down than you and what I say is funny for you :(
smartgit vs sourcetree
@samayo cli
@samayo cli
I have been using cli for so long, I am just getting tired of typing ..
I have smartgit and sourcetree right now, trying to choose one from.
Also, ssh-ing via putty or any cli is making me mad by quitting the session every 1-5 minutes randomly. I can't fix this bug no matter what I do :/
@samayo cli (+ screen on remotes for most cli tasks)
hello, guys , what is the best free api for PHP based web development for ubuntu
sorry IDE
best IDE for PHP in ubuntu
for free
@sivashanmugamkannan do you really need a full IDE?
yes ,, but a free one for a longer development,,,
@tereško do you mean of IDE is "Integrated development environment"?
yes like , eclipse , phpstrome ,
so what is "full IDE" ?
there are only two: PDT and Aptana
@Sajad it's a thing that includes full debugger, built in webserver, sftp integration ftp integration got integration svn integration, documentation integration, docblock parser
... I kinda suspect that he would use only ftp integration
Can someone point me to PHP7 extension that uses threads internally and written in thread-safe manner? Any extra information on this topic will be also appreciated. //cc @JoeWatkins
@te i have heard about both , but which
which one is best
use the one you like better
thank you ,,@te
I have inventory sale form where I am selecting items from list,
I am getting there values and assigning the same to newly created textbox by clicking on each item using javascript
how to pic it in php
@sivashanmugamkannan Emacs and Vim.
Also learning how to type may help. An IDE won't teach you that.
Mornings again room
Hello PeeHaaPee.
Heya @Elyse
> phpstrome
Is that like Stromae programming in PHP?
@tereško ah I see
PHP est formidable.
> there are only two: PDT and Aptana
@FélixGagnon-Grenier do you know any other free IDEs on linux ?
ccccccccombo breaker
I used netbeans once
tangentially .. it makes for a really shitty php IDE
yup. but it was easier installed on my BSD box than others at that time
hell, I don't even think it has a debugger support
GNU/Linux is an IDE.
one might say advanced ide
I need to a math formula for calculating this: suppose I have 5000$, And I put them in the bank, bank gives me 22% profit every month. (almost 91$ for each month). Now the point is here, the profit will be add to the main money every month. for example, I have 5091$ after first month.

So, is there any formula for calculating the amount for 12 month ?
Compound interest is interest added to the principal of a deposit or loan so that the added interest also earns interest from then on. This addition of interest to the principal is called compounding. A bank account, for example, may have its interest compounded every year: in this case, an account with $1000 initial principal and 20% interest per year would have a balance of $1200 at the end of the first year, $1440 at the end of the second year, $1728 at the end of the third year, and so on. To define an interest rate fully, allowing comparisons with other interest rates, both the interest rate...
oh yes, seems you got it
I will just wait till you read the article
also, 22% from 5000 is 1100
1100 / 12 = 91
that's not how I understand 22%/month
Loop over all the months. :P
It is the bank-accounting-system in the Iran
@FélixGagnon-Grenier he's saying 22% is the nominal apr
@tereško Thanks, that was helpful
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ah, so how much is in your country?
though you're right that financial institutions often ranges their interests over a year (for instance, your credit card, at 18%, means 18% over the year) what you mean is probably 22%/year, separated over each month
(I was trying to get there @PaulCrovella, thanks :))
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes exactly I meant was this
aka A.P.R
I like wikipedia, it is really comprehensive
sometimes even comprehensible
@tereško one question, why you never don't say "your welcome" or "no problem" when someone tell you "thanks" ?
there's also simple.wikipedia.org which can be handy when things go over your head
@Sajad dunno .. probably because I am impolite
I disagree
would you target that disagreement?
@Sajad he sometimes does… but probably only when he really means it.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier sometime "answering" to people make them more happiness, however I mean is about chatting, not posting
he isn't impolite, just not superfluously polite
@bwoebi agreed
> somewhat related
@bwoebi well .. I get superfluously polite, when I am really pissed off
@tereško to hide your emotions?
imo, there are an awfully huge crapload of ways with which people from different culture feel happier or not. since it's not really practically possible that we'll learn each and everyone of them, what about not taking it too personal in chat.
Less than 3 weeks until 2000 days concecutive
moreover, maybe the person who just answered is now afk, or got a phone call, or really had just this time to help you.
@ircmaxell you mean less than ten weeks until 2048 consecutive? :-P
(how have you managed to not skip a single christmas day for like 5 years!!?)
that too
Hello everybody
Has somebody figured out how to send a mail in php to outlook and make it go directly to the box instead of the junck. My team and I have developped a php script which sends mail to the inbox of any mail reader exept outlook. Outlook always puts the mail to span
@NikiC That one is for code width reasons.
@NikiC Is there some reason you don't like that?
@JohnMax That can have at least 100 reasons...
Q: How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?

Leon BambrickThis is a tricky one and I've always relied on techniques, such as permission-based emails (i.e. only sending to people you have permission to send to) and not using blatantly spamish terminology. Of late, some of the emails I send out programmatically have started being shuffled into people's s...

I have reasons that I don't feel strongly about and would rather hear your side first.
@bwoebi it's probably more to do with my subconscious trying to keep the pray stationary
.. or the reptilian part of my brain
@NikiC I mean, atoms as classically understood :p
atoms in the sense of "atomic operation"
@Jodes thanks
@Abe got work done my boss helped, he has no knowledge of php but written really awesome algo
what was it?
he created folder structure from aws bucket , he has done it using recursion ( though i was trying same)
and than he brough cold coffee for all of us :D
@Andrea atomic ops are just as stable as the CPU is…
:D seems a nice guy
he do that almost every day.. really awesome guy :)
@NullPoiиteя who?
@LeviMorrison So split initializer list to multiple lines?
@LeviMorrison I just don't get why you'd ever want to do that
You don't return a size_t by const reference unless you have a reason
@tereško btw, why do don't search for a job on the stackoverflow career?
@Sajad no. I used an online jobs board in Latvia.
@Sajad because they dont replay :/
SO career page is more US. There are almost no jobs posted from other places.
@NullPoiиteя are you living in india right?
@Sajad yup
"similar" means "exactly identical" or "look like" ?
look like
hey guys
@samayo tnx
how to connect h2 database in php?
JDBC H2 Database
@Sajad always ask questions like that, which two choices. So, I can drag one word to the textarea and click 'send'.
@samayo ok :-)
@NikiC I can't seem to find them but I know I've used functions that take them as const ref. At the moment I can only find one that does by non-const ref: std::align.
@NikiC That coding style drives me crazy.
Guess I'll remove const &.
Q: PHP connection to H2DB H2 database

dendiniHow can I connect PHP to an H2 database, so far I tried starting the embedded server with a $ java -cp h2-1.3.172.jar org.h2.tools.Server Web Console server running at (others can connect) TCP server running at tcp:// (only local connections) PG server r...

@LeviMorrison You don't like modern C++ much, do you ^^
@NikiC I love it, but that's not a modern thing. That's just a style thing.
Just put it on one line.
In my source files I just do long lines.
But on SO the long lines are bad, and splitting it is stupid.
Furthermore Clang++ and G++ both optimize this away.
@LeviMorrison If it needs to be split, gotta split it
"sounds" sometime means "seems", true or false?
Imho bad style to use assignment if you can initialize
@tereško It's customised to your location. Usually.
So I guess there's just no people near you advertising on SO.
@Danack you obviously do not live in a 2mil country
I'm not even complaining about you not using uniform initialization there :P
php problem of the day 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.9.5
@samayo Use the logs Luke.
^ that
@Danack Luck?
Nah, there is nothing in logs. I checked.
In neither the nginx or PHP log?
Some weird error in nginx, but nothing related to this.
the error is coming from php, but for some reason nginx takes over and does not provide any info.
I have no clue why almost ever software behaves strangely when I use it.
racism maybe
That can be altered with fastcgi_intercept_errors off; in the nginx config.
It would be a good idea to make an integration test for your nginx + php setup using php.net/manual/en/function.trigger-error.php to make sure that errors are logged correctly on your server.
@Danack I disabled that, but still I am getting 502 Bad Gateway even for notice errors, is php7 still using etc/php.ini for the config?
It depends how it was compiled. You can find which ini file it's using with php -i | grep ini
Yeah, it is still in etc/
maybe a reboot will help :/
user image
Morning @jimbo.

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