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What's a ghost's favorite data type?

spooky scary scalartypes
@Andrea stackoverflow.com/questions/33169450/… Why would resource even be a scalar type
@NikiC it contains no zvals
@Andrea It don't?
Resource = shitty object
@NikiC yes, but it's still scalar
I really wish a resource really were opaque to PHP code... $resource1 == $resource2 is about the only meaningful thing that could be done with it, besides passing it to something that actually understands the resource.
it's an indivisible thing, like atoms
@Andrea Yes ... resources are exactly as indivisible as atoms are.
@NikiC Do they also break down if you apply to much force to them?
@bwoebi They break right into integers... which people then happily try to use, and get angry at library maintainers when they can't turn those integers back into resources.
@Ghedipunk actually, that's useful for mapping these.
I'd rather have an opaque hash than something that looks like people can do arithmetic on or compare for anything other than equality.
@Ghedipunk like that spl_object_hash bullcrap?
Similar, but without any reuse...
@bwoebi yes
gist: 376861cc0b96ab9e512f, 2015-10-16 20:35:31Z

$promises = [

// I expect to be able to do this...
Promise\all($promises)->then(function ($first, $second) { ... });

// ... but instead it ends up being like this:
Promise\all($promises)->then(function ($results) {
    list($first, $second) = $results;
And reading on a bit more... not based on its location in memory.
anyone have insight on how i could deal with this ^ ?
@Ghedipunk Reuse is important
Long running code can easily overflow the resource handle space, because it has no reuse
If the system's ID for a resource gets reused, then yes, by all means reuse the hash...
@shadowhand If you're not too invested in Guzzle then github.com/amphp/artax
not interested in switching, thanks
i just want some kind of alternative that doesn't force me to unwrap using list()
@Danack also it looks like Amp has the same (stupid) behavior
list($google, $bing) = (yield Amp\all($promiseArray));
@shadowhand function unpacked(callable $fn) { return function($args) { return $fn(...$args)); }
@NikiC i know, right!
Promise\all($promises)->then(unpacked(function($first, $second) {}));
Reuse means I'll have to make sure that my library tracks and appropriately discards resources associated with user objects, or users might find a long-dead session resurrecting itself...
actually... i see what you are getting at here
yes, this might work
(I'm not complaining, now that I recognize the point of reuse... Just making a note that I've got work to do.)
except that it still requires me to push unpacked() into every bit of code that i want to unpack the result of all() with
which is not an option in this case
php needs multi-return!
@shadowhand Write a function that covers the whole Promise\all->then(unpack( chain?
@shadowhand Promise\all($promises)->splat(function (...$args) { ... })
That works in Icicle :)
what's the technical name for "...$args"?
Argument unpacking, though usually I see it called the splat operator or scatter operator.
okay, so what i want is the opposite of this
Promise\all([$promise1, $promise2, $promise3])->splat(function ($one, $two, $three) { ... }) would apply the resolution value of the three promises as the three arguments to the function.
right i get that
@shadowhand As in a function definition? Variadic operator, function (...$args) { // $args is an array }
Guzzle\Promise doesn't have this
You can implement that yourself with Guzzle if you want.
Just a sec, I can show you the code I used.
i feel like i am missing something really obvious... i just need to to figure out where to inject my code
so that my then() calls are resolved with splat
@Trowski that would be awesome, if it's simple enough
Promises\all($promises)->then(function ($values) use ($onFulfilled) {
    if ($values instanceof \Traversable) {
        $values = iterator_to_array($values);
    } elseif (!is_array($values)) {
        throw new Exception(sprintf(
            'Expected array or Traversable for promise result, got %s',
            is_object($values) ? get_class($values) : gettype($values)

    ksort($values); // Ensures correct argument order.
    return $onFulfilled(...$values);
Where $onFulfilled is the function you want to call.
yeah that doesn't help me
Switch to branch v0.8.x if you want the 5.5 compatible version.
within the context of my app, i can't really unwrap this differently... i really need a higher level way to do it
looks like i'll have to live with the current version
until Guzzle implements a Promise\splat(...)
I think you could implement that function yourself.
I think you'll be waiting a lot time otherwise :)
So you want to be able to call $object->fixtures($promises)->then(function (...$args) { ... });?
i want to be able to call: $object->fixtures($promises)->then(function($first, $second) { ... });
i know exactly how many promises are being input in this scenario
What becomes of $this->fixtures?
is called later on
Ah, alright.
the calling code is inputting a set number of things, and pulling them out after resolution
Would accepting the function as a parameter to the fixtures function be acceptable?
$object->fixtures($function, $promises)
not really
is how i use this
Are you on 5.6?
hhvm ;)
Also acceptable :)
You can just use the splat operator in the function you pass to then().
$object->fixture($promises)->then(function ($result) {
    return someFunction(...$result);
but someFunction is unknown
there's no ideal solution without writing my own custom version of EachPromise so far as i can tell
quite a rabbithole
The function to be called is in some variable when fixtures() is called I assume.
i'm going to do: then(unwrap(function(...))) as the least bad solution
How do you eventually assign the function to be called when the promise from fixtures() is resolved?
@shadowhand Wherever you're calling $promise->then($functionToCall)0, instead use this:
$promise->then(function ($result) use ($functionToCall) {
    return $functionToCall(...$result);
$functionToCall is in the calling scope
i don't have access to it
You mean the calling scope of fixtures()?
Is there a way to duplicate lines in PHPstorm? e.g. from:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
to produce:
Line 1
Line 1
Line 2
Line 2
@Danack you could search for \n (enable regex), click find all, and use Ctrl+⇧+D
of course it would only work in case PHPStorm has multiple cursors
Or use a macro I guess.
@Danack atl+shift+click (or alt+click, depends on your keybinds) at the end of each line, shift+home to select, copy, end, enter, paste
@Trowski right, the calling scope of fixtures
fun with multiple cursors
"figured as much" means "figured as well" ? or means "figured a little bit" ?
@PaulCrovella I think you can use Command/Ctrl + D, no need to select+copy
@PaulCrovella are you a wizard?
@Sajad "figured as much" is an expression with same meaning as "thought so"
@Sajad "That matches my assumptions" or "I guessed accurately." "Figured" here being nearly synonymous with "guessed" and "as much" would be a close to "accurately"
@Danack Yes.
or you would say it is a shortened form of "from as much as I could figure out on my own .."
@Ghedipunk s/guessed/assessed
I've been around too many people from the south-east region of the US... They don't put high value in actually assessing things...
So when I hear someone "figure" or "recon", my auto substitution is "it matches my prejudice so I won't question it."
(cries) it seems i can't use then(splat(function() ...)) because it causes some kind of early return and the inner code is never executed
I should answer something
:P Mine is +40 today, and I'm having a great day.
200 and you get a fancy badge
Does the definition of "today" follow UTC?
actually for the fancy badge you need to get 100 such days
@Ghedipunk IIRC, yes
hey, some of our standards might be a little lower.. ain't no shame
well nevermind then.. naptime!
anyone good at sql joins?
SELECT * FROM `instructors` `instructors`.`id`=`instructor_skills`.`id` WHERE instructor_skills.skills LIKE '%%ark%' && (`instructors`.`zip` =12345 || `instructors`.`zip1` =12345 || `instructors`.`zip2` =12345 || `instructors`.`zip3` =12345 || `instructors`.`zip4` =12345 || `instructors`.`zip5` =12345) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0 , 10
Six "zip" fields? And nobody thought to normalize this?
zip - zipcodes
I believe that only 10% of the SQL world knows what DB normalization is
That's what I assumed...
i was going to do that after i got it working for 1
it was a hard drive leak
you know two joins
Alright, so... Assuming that in the future, the tables are "instructors", "skills", "instructor_skills", "addresses", and "instructor_addresses"...

SELECT DISTINCT i.someIdentifier, s.description
FROM instructors i
LEFT JOIN instructor_skills is ON i.id = is.instructor_id
LEFT JOIN skills s ON is.skill_id = s.id
LEFT JOIN instructor_addresses ia ON i.id = ia.instructor_id
LEFT JOIN address a ON ia.address_id = a.id
WHERE a.zip = :zipcode

Will provide all instructors and their skills where at least one of their addresses are in the zip code being looked up. Will not list any homeless inst
Also assumes you're not using the zip+4 scheme, and you don't want to use this outside of places reachable directly by the USPS.
@tereško ah I see, tnx
@Ghedipunk thanks :-)
@Ghedipunk i figured it out from the mysql documentation sorry for not telling you
@tereško do you know where scrutinizer gets its rules from regarding code quality?
It seems I can not use superglobals in the constructor, or inside methods ..
well, and the scrutinizer is correct
you shouldn't be having global variables in your constructors
how else am I going to introduce it then, without constructors or inside methods
btw: I have read a year or so, how super globals should always be injected via constructor or through function parameters
pass them as dependencies
passing them as dependencies is what constructor injection does!
or setter injection
// Bad
class Router
    public function generate($path)
        return $_SERVER['HOST'].$path;

// Better
class Router
    private $host;

    public function __construct($host)
        $this->host = $host;

    public function generate($path)
        return $this->host.$path;

class Controller
    public function myAction(Request $request)
        // Instead of
        $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;

        // Better (assuming you use the Symfony2 request)
That is what I got from scrutinizer, they don't show $request->query->get('page', 1) is getting the get attribute, which is the focal issue here
where did the $_SERVER come from in Router::generate() ?
That is not my code, that is what scrutinizer displayed that I "learn from". It is their dummy example.
where did $_GET come from in Controller::myAction() ?
That is not my code. My code just uses the constructor to inject some globals, and scrutinizer detected it and showed me this half-cooked example.
superglobals are just another type of global variables
should have kept reading :P
what is your actual code?
All those 3 examples are bad according to screwtinizer :p
// example 1
class foo{
	function __construct($get, $post){}

new foo($_GET, POST);

// example 2
class bar {
	function someMethod($get, $post){}

(new bar)->someMethod($_GET, $_POST);

// example 3
class baz {
	function x(){
		$this->get = $_GET;
can someone create a print_r tag?
.. I am not getting through
It must be a bug, or some sort of a new programming fad by those new hipster wannabe programmers who just throw of new words and make up rules just to make things harder again for everyone.
@tereško in a nutshell, scrutinizer does not want you to use superglobals anywhere, in anyform.
Globals, even superglobals, are evil... but MUCH less evil than bad rule fads.
^ the piece of code causing the problem
no, it's not
the problem is where you use that class
@samayo mhm… INPUT_GET filter_var… mhm…
@bwoebi no server, files and cookies yet.
@samayo for cookies read the server array… for files, doesn't pho://input help… and for server… eiih…
just don't use scrutinizer!
@bwoebi to many false positives?
@ThW right.
better too many false negatives than too many false positives
depends the change recognition in scruntizer can work both ways
scrutinizer was good in the past, now it complains too much for the wrong reasons
@ThW give me 2 weeks. I'm almost finished.
true story
@samayo I did optimize FluentDOM using Scruntizer, but because it implements the jquery api it always complained.
@ThW How much did it give you? I don't see any ratings on it
the jQuery api has to many methods
ouch! It is good in real world values, but compared to how everyone who puts the badge has 9-10 ratings, it makes yours look like 4.1 :/
Not sure if there is a way to exclude specific files but ... that would help
it would not help me, FD is developed against defined apis (jQuery, DOM LS, ...), most of the downvotes are from that. So you get a classic case that all the ratings are relative
I saw a new movie last hours. it was very good. I suggest to see it ... Inception (2010)
@Sajad yeah, that is a nice one
@ThW not that I know
btw I got a 3d printer goo.gl/photos/Gc5yyMbkuUvnHuEHA
@ThW what?? you bought a 3d printer?
that is the current iteration of my elephpant cookie cutter
that is so cool. I don't think we have them already here, or I would have bought one no matter what.
til: phpunit has no method to check for array type
@samayo assertThat()
I was looking for assertIsArray() assertType($array, (array))
the second one doesn't make sense though :/
@ThW good one.
I guess I am among the very few people who did not read the entire list of assertions
quite the opposite i think
most assertions are just shortcuts for assertThat
@shadowhand Can't you just use something like this:
$functionToCall = function ($foo, $bar) { ... };

])->then(function ($result) use ($functionToCall) {
    return $functionToCall(...$result);
@NikiC, Hi, as to get_gc object handler, it looks like gc_data should contain only unique zval objects and no dups allowed, right?
@NikiC, also, you told that gc_data_num should be uint32_t, but get_gc receives just int and internally gc uses int - lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_gc.c#713, so what is right? In examples you gave me int used (by spl structs)

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