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posted on September 25, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Steinegger */

@Danack well… you can use valgrind with --tool=callgrind and --dump-instr=yes --collect-jumps=yes to get the same result
Can't live stream the beer afterwards though.
@JoeWatkins saw that earlier and it makes me happy, seems so obvious
oh, right, back to talk writing ...
yeah, great idea ...
(did you see that? that was a krakjoe ellipsis ...)
I saw it ...
if you end your sentences like this, you sound like krakjoe ...
the space gave it away ...
IRL I say dot dot dot at the end of every sentence ... sometimes mid sentence ...
@Fabor lol
@JoeWatkins I do too sometimes… but much more rarely than in chat though ;-)
@bwoebi But you miss the space. ;-)
@kelunik Just forgetting it sometimes …
@ThW it's a very important moment in PHP history
@JoeWatkins what were you pinging me about there?
@Andrea which important moment in PHP history? launching php6 :P
@NullPoiиteя PHP 6 was important
the fact it failed, too
I wonder how many books aren't published about PHP 7 because of 6
@PaulCrovella :D
@Fabor lol
@Fabor i bet they have written it before even php5.5
@Andrea ah I was wondering if we knew of a way to symbolize a trace in a build without -g ...
I don't need it now, but still, if anyone knows of a way to do that ...
@PaulCrovella how many 'PHP 7' books will cover procedural 5.3, I wonder
ctrl+f 'scalar type'
posted on September 25, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by rola */

@Jimbo going to look at a 600 bandit this afternoon ... nothing special, should be alright for starters tho ...
@JoeWatkins bandits are good, but highly recommend something faired if you're going out in winter on it for the wind protection
I don't do winter or rain, it tried to kill me ....
probably next month will be the last I ride this year ... then april/may-ish I get it out again ...
Fair weather biker, tsch :P
it's fun, but it's not worth dying for ... I'm just not good enough at it yet ... might not always be like that ...
The devil has reserved a special place in hell for the person(s) responsible for apple horrid deployment scheme for ios apps
did you see on the news about the biker who spent a few hours in a ditch with a broken arm while the ambulance and police decided who should go get him ?
@bwoebi => {} you mean?
@LeviMorrison right.
Nope, but I have seen some horrible biker videos. Now I only go fast on straight lines when there's no other cars about, and always slow down for junctions where cars can pull out
Oof, nice
@bwoebi I guess Anatol wants type declarations as well for short closures.
I am going off, have a good weekend all.
@LeviMorrison yeah
That bike sponsored by Fanta?
yeah, really nice, he chose a ditch over hitting oncoming traffic ... I'll bet his arm didn't even hurt compared to the emotional trauma of laying in a ditch next to his smashed bike ...
@Fabor or he moonlights for rac ...
you can't miss it though, which is what you want ...
So, I've actually been thinking of selling the car + bike, so I can save money for my first house, and getting a push bike on cycle to work scheme
It's a 1000W (electric) bike that does 35mph ;-)
/me ignores @Jimbo
Haha, or I might just keep it @JoeWatkins, I don't have my own hoos :-(
they are very different things ...
seriously, I won't talk to you anymore if you sell your bike and get one of those things, also I might send people to attack you and throw it in the bin ... because I'm petty ...
do you really spend mortgage money on your bike ?
it gets you about 1% closer ...
I never did mortgage money in the first place :P
and you'll have no friends ...
@JoeWatkins Why no friends? It's not that gay
Looks alright tbh
how much will it really save, it might make the deposit easier and maybe the first month, but you're not really going to be any closer to owning your house ... not really ...
@Jimbo I ride a bicycle to work each day. Granted it's about one mile, so it's not very far :D
@JoeWatkins Well, petrol or train tickets = £8 per day = £160 p/m
post a picture of your proper bike, so people can compare it ... there isn't a comparison ...
Is not a fair comparison
exactly ...
one is a beautiful machine, the other is a thing ridden by people who like sandles and trees ...
Well, I have been thinking about at least selling the car, and just having the bike + push bike + moped
+ I like trees
what about bad weather though, even if you're super brave there are days you just can't ride ...
I ride in all weathers, good tyres don't let you down, just have to be a little more careful on corners, you'll be going the same speed as cars on those corners anyway. Can ride through winter as long as it's not ice, and work from home sometimes too
Have winter ridden for years, not that bad tbh
some days there is ice, those are the days I'm thinking of ...
Yeah, ice days are definitely work from home or train, or car
Still discussing things atm, there's also the option to keep car + bike + moped + push bike and just wait another 8 months lol
do the waiting thing ...
if you get a mortgage, when are you going to be able to buy another properly decent motorbike ...
I'm 27 man, waited a long time :P When I get a mortgage, I expect to be able to pay a 4 grand deposit within 6 months - I'm on 42k
I won't be able to get a new one for years yet, and you'll have to cut my hands off to make me let it go when I do ...
Then I can finally get that ducati....
/me dribbles
actually I dunno about a new bike, be ages before I can just pay for one, but HP is not too bad ...
HP is fine, I did that for all my previous bikes :-)
£100 a month to ride nearly anything from suzuki away here ...
Yeah, that ducati is £149 p/m
(with a 2 or 3k deposit though)
Cheaper just to get a loan
yeah but depends what you're going to do after the three years are up ...
if you stay with suzuki (or insert manufacturer) they'll give you a good price, because they'll have serviced it, and you get another new one ...
I'm gonna look at hp next year, I doubt I'll ditch the first bike, but might drop it in a car park, and wouldn't want to devalue a new bike ...
the dealerships on the island will do almost anything to sell a bike ...
Yeah, just go somewhere where they treat you right
I bought my bikes from Blackpool Honda, that's 3 bikes, 2 brand new, apparently that makes me a "really good customer"
But the second one needed new £600 downpipes that rusted through within the first 6 months, and my RR has mismatched tyres on
Not going back there again
Good morning
there's only a main dealer for suzuki, I think, but there's a few other dealerships that cover a few makes ... the suzi one has a real good reputation, I'll probably go there ...
morning @ircmaxell
school run, then off out, lataz ..
@JoeWatkins which grade are you in?
@AlmaDo 4th. He's an over-achiever
@ircmaxell I see
@AlmaDo sarcasm is a tricky minefield to maneuver ;)
@Riccardo990 Sounds like you didn't include the script where you define that function before calling it.
could you please answer the question so that it would be easier to me to approch your solution
@Riccardo990 No, because the question is has nothing to do with pdo or geocoding, as the title misleading represents. It's just a fatal error for undefined function. My answer here should suffice to help you debug that. No need to clutter SO with those kinds of questions. It will likely be closed anyway.
Good morning
@Sherif I'm really using geocode to try to convert a given street address into lat and lon
so I might be wrong but when I asked the question I did believe it had to with geocode
@Riccardo990 I understand that, but your question is asks nothing about geocoding.
Does anyone know how in Autoconf to generate stuff from file pattern matching. e.g. if there two files tests/drawtest.c and tests/wandtest to generate:
	tests/drawtest \
this is for a Makefile.am file
@Sherif how can you tell it? within the code a geocode function is declered in order to convert street address into lat and lon by means of geometry location
I curious... how many of you are self taught vs having a formal CS education.
er, possibly automake even.
@Riccardo990 please learn how to format your questions correctly
@PaulCrovella that might be true but it's a different topic I have a major problem to fix here
@Riccardo990 How can tell that you didn't ask about geocoding? By reading the question in which you do not ask anything about geocoding.
@Sherif isn't this a conversion from street address to lat lon and formatted address?
$lati = $resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
				$longi = $resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
				$formatted_address = $resp['results'][0]['formatted_address'];
@Riccardo990 I'm unable to parse that sentence. I'm not saying your code doesn't have anything to do with geocoding. I'm saying you didn't ASK anything about it.
@Riccardo990 you're the one asking for help, do yourself a favor and ask well
@PaulCrovella I tried really hard to ask well and I haven't asked a question for months and soon after the asking I was immediately down voted this is merciless
I am a beginner and this is a fact
It's also a fact that I answered your question.
Perhaps focus on what you need help with next and post another question geared towards that.
I tried to do my best to be clear and this is a fact too
@Sherif I do thank you for your efforts
@Riccardo990 The best way to not get your question down voted is to make sure your title tells the reader exactly what problem you're struggling with. If you find yourself struggling with more than one problem, post more than one question.
For example, your question here should have had the title "Undefined function error"
Since that was the actual problem you were dealing with.
@Sherif I immediately correct the title then
People will find it easier to gather more information about your problem with followup questions when they know what it is you actually need help with. If they find they can't even understand the problem they either move on or down vote the question.
title corrected
I also entered php and geocoding since it's relevant to me
@Riccardo990 "PHP" is already in the tags, don't put it in the title. None of geocoding, pdo, or google-maps is at all relevant to the error you're receiving - remove them.
@ircmaxell I wish ... I'd love to spend my days pretending I'm spiderman, or a helicopter, or a spidercopter ... omg spidercopters ...
@PaulCrovella what tag shoud I use could you please tell me my friend?
just leave
thank you
and about the title?
remove " php geocoding"
undefined fucntion error while?
the title undefined function error already exists
that's why I entered while in order to add something else
undefined function error while attempting to convert street address
@PaulCrovella is this good?
quite frankly it doesn't even matter, the thing can probably be closed as a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/12769982/… anyway
just wait I didn't notice a question asked earlier
I was unawere of that
I'm gonna delete my question soon
and what next? how can I ask for help if something has been asked before
yaaaay! Happy frydai room0b1011
@Riccardo990 I think you're so focused on asking a question that you've forgotten the reason why people ask questions in the first place. Maybe you don't need to ask anymore? Maybe, just maybe, you already have an answer and you've forgotten the part where you take that answer and try to fix your problem? Do you think that's possible?
@Riccardo990 ^ what he said. Also read this answer to "How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?"
your above suggestion was Sounds like you didn't include the script where you define that function before calling it.
@all just a quick note to say I'm out for a bit to deal with some RL, I should be back in a couple of wks, keep the #11 dream alive, keep on rockin' in the free world, all that jazz
peace out
@DaveRandom ohnoes, there goes room 11
<insert image of hippie here>
later @DaveRandom =] good luck with rl
/me downgrades openssl because stupid lib requires >=1.0.1 in configure … and compile fails with 1.1.0 …
@DaveRandom couple of weeks? :(
@bwoebi That sounds almost hilarious...
going now but may drop in later for a bit if I can
@Sherif ssl.cc:87:18: error: member access into incomplete type 'ssl_session_st'
(struct type was made opaque in 1.1.0)
ugh writing talks is hard
well, so much for being on top of libssl
maybe I should just crib @ircmaxell's definition of a 'type' outright
@bwoebi minor versions are actually major versions in OpenSSL, bugfix ones are minors and then there's a,b,c,d,.... ;-) And not to forget Ubuntu still uses 1.0.1e with a Ubuntu patch version...
@Andrea Tell me about it!
@kelunik shit on the package managed openssl…
I don't think people realize how much work can go into giving a talk in public until they try it.
guys http://pastebin.com/rHM21A2A why do i get
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{ line 95
my procrastination habit is really hurting me here
@Lynob You forgot to close the the parens
if (isset($_GET['email'])
You're missing one ) there ^
true i forgot my glasses :)
use any editor with proper syntax highlighting and it'll point stuff like that out for you
You know there is a reason why curly braces for block statements should not be on their own line. That's one of them.
That's the hardest thing for me to adopt to with PSR
cleaned out brother's laptop .. and it's even still working
cleaned physically or just got all of the porn off of it?
one last question guys and sorry if im annoying you, why the edit form isnt showing? no errors? you noticed any errors in the form section pastebin.com/rHM21A2A, there was an open brackets which i closed at the end of the file, other than that, didnt notice anything
@Lynob turn on error reporting an all will be revealed... you are missing a closing parenthesis.
@Orangepill Why use a linter when you can get someone on the Internet to do your linting for you?
@Orangepill Just don't do it. ;-)
@NikiC will PHP 7 parser be available as an API that returns an AST?
@JoeWatkins I am both horrified and excited by that cross-breed. When do we start production?
@elyse As of now, only as an extension: github.com/nikic/php-ast
@Sherif s/try it/try to do it right/
@Andrea go for it.
@NikiC RFC for 7.1?
@ircmaxell I've ended up not using it because it's not quite a fit for what I'm doing
but thank you anyway
@Andrea well then, boo to you
@kelunik I just need to get one of those tools that reformats my code to a given standard.
@ircmaxell :<
class Failure implements Throwable extends Yolo {}
@NikiC nice :)
I want to extract classes and type hints.
brb going home
@Orangepill symfony has one that works pretty well, here's the dot-file I use: github.com/ircmaxell/php-cfg/blob/master/.php_cs
@elyse use reflection then
@ircmaxell Maybe... Though the structure feels a bit too unstable yet
Nice… took me just 2.5 hours to compile a simple application ._. (struggling with idiotic configure, pkg-config, bad openssl version etc.)
I've introduced AST versioning to deal with it
But before getting it into core I'd like to get closer to the final form :)
@NikiC well, considering beta for 7.1 is about a year out (based on past trends)...
@Orangepill For amphp we use PSR-2 except for that braces on a newline thing: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/.php_cs
@kelunik I always thought it was odd to have the curly brace on a newline for function definitions, but nowhere else.
I just went with it because it was the accepted standard...
Only PSR-0 and PSR-4 are actual standards..
@kelunik @ircmaxell thanks
@ircmaxell that willl ..uh.. fail ? (:
@AlmaDo shhhh :-P
it will also fail since you can't implement throwable
today I stumbled over the (unset) cast somewhere in the php docs..
what is its purpose? 3v4l.org/YnOgT
seems like using it would be the same as null?
how do I convert day of week to numeric, like this "Monday" will be 1 ?
@RonniSkansing it's for when you want to inline some function call that has wanted side-effects but returns something that isn't null when you want null right there... I guess
echo date('w', 'Monday'); it gives me error
You added abit of sense to it.. I must never have been in a situation where I wanted/needed that
And missing the imagination to see a "valid" example
@RonniSkansing ask @bwoebi, he used it in prod a few weeks ago
@FlorianMargaine In prod? nah…
Just very shortly and replaced 5 mins later^^
Did it feel good?
any use cases left for (binary) cast also?
screw that.
In case you wanted to do something that sucks - PHP's got you covered.
javascript question: Why when I click on the button (for first time), page will be refresh(very very fast, in 1 mili sec) ? jsfiddle.net/dxezwwou/3
@ircmaxell I don't want to execute any top-level statements.
@elyse then don't put them in the file
I don't control the contents of the file.
@elyse Composer contains within it a regex for extracting classes from files apparently.
Or I can just use the parsing library. vOv
docs.hhvm.com/manual/en/hack.enums.php hack y u mek me so jelouse
@Jimbo this made me choke on my coffee :( +1
Is there a sane cross platform way to detect at compile time if long long is bigger than long?
who murdered room 11? tough crowd today
@sajad the page isn't refreshed... the display of the text box just gets turned off
Fridays.....all the people who are normally here are pretending to work so they can leave the office early.
Unfortunately I'm still in the office and will be late tonight, writing this talk :-) (and shit, live streaming :'()
@sajad event.preventDefault(); makes it so the default action (posting the field to the server) is not done
you're like mini-ircmaxell now eh, @Jimbo?
@CarrieKendall You. Where the shit have you been? Dirty C++ programmer
Nice, you got it? :P
@Jimbo i was actually much dirtier than c++, i was in c# land
i had to sacrifice so many goats to m$
@CarrieKendall Nah, I like C#, it's alright :-) Goat-oriented programming
it's a great language
@JoeWatkins Congrats man! :D
They are still accepting goats..
@Jimbo :D
I thought they required human sacrifice now
nah, since their mass open sourcing, they actually will accept chickens
Page A has session_start() and a login which makes an ajax call to page B. This sends a response and depending on this response it will redirect you to page C or not. Before the response, I'm setting a session variable, but this doesn't seem to be carried over when you get to C. What am I not understanding?
the packaging system is a pile of crap right now though, so goats are still preferred
cool ... lowers the barrier for entry.... and solves that whole problem with hiding the bodies
@Jimbo i am back in the land of suckage with my new job :)
@JoeWatkins wow =]
@CarrieKendall Welcome back, does this mean more StackOverflow? Symfony?
for sure
taking a break from stackoverflow main though
Thought C# pays more, was it just a contracting job or part-time or something?
it was a government job
which was decent money, but there was no real monetary compensation for kicking ass and working hard
so, i got a pretty substantial pay increase by finding a workplace that actually cares about quality and leadership
In js, does window.location.href still carry the session?
i said actually actually like 6 times, actually
@AmericanSlime it should... not to sure about a header redirect though
@RonniSkansing :D
@CarrieKendall hey there!
hey! happy very belated birthday :)
@CarrieKendall congrats!
I was going to say, if you're still interested in coming to NYC, I've got a few job openings :-)
but sounds like you've found something good anyway, so awesome!
got a link?
i am just curious, i am not really interested :)
how's your new job?
going awesome!
really enjoying it
what are you doing day to day?
not coding
but doing all of the management stuff. Working out processes, org structure, culture, etc
and architecture
cool, are you missing coding or do you get enough outside of work?
I'm tackling interesting problems, so no
that's really awesome
i am doing very similar things on a smaller scale
I have to run to a meeting, but nice talking with you again, been too long!
i'll be around more, happy friday :)

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