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That generics RFC… I'll just everywhere specify any (or whatever it's called) as generic parameter and it'll always work… There's no real point in this RFC… It just adds Generics for the sake of Generics… \cc @LeviMorrison
Really… 80% of the time it will be annoying, 15% not inappropriate and maybe 5% gives a real hint.
@bwoebi what are you talking about?
omg php becaming java
with tons of boilerplate code
main RFC which should worry core team must be consistency across functions
<td>B. </td>
<td><input type='radio' name='option_no_3' value='Rs. 9,040' checked='checked'></td>
<td> Rs. 9,040</td>

Why my radio button is not getting a default value?
@ShubhamNishad what did you mean?
@kirugan to give a default value to radio button we do checked='checked', right?
@ShubhamNishad well yes, but i test your code it`s fine
on which browser? I'm using Mozilla firefox
for me it's not fine.
<td>... how adorably pre-css....
@Sara css is too difficult for me :P
are you sure, that input inside the form?
@ShubhamNishad Nothing wrong with good old tables and forms, just been awhile since I've seen 'em :)
@kirugan there is no form
try it with form, maybe this is case
1 min ago, by Shubham Nishad
@Sara css is too difficult for me :P
hire a developer
@bwoebi Nope, that's not how it works or do you always leave out type hints everywhere?
@Sara Hope you don't mind a random question - do you happen to know if there was any reason to split these things into separate functions, rather than having a single 'to_closure' function which can take any appropriate param? docs.hhvm.com/manual/en/function.hack.inst_meth.php docs.hhvm.com/manual/en/function.hack.fun.php
@tereško :P I have no money either. So gotta do everything on my own
@Danack inst_meth … instant methamphetamine?
I like the fun one. A boring old string? turn it into **FUN!!1!**
/poajsdpoajspdoj markdown
hm... does anyone use hack at production? (except facebook of course)
probably some, but I suspect that a large part of those companies also have hack-contributors
Has anyone here tried hack? It actually looks really cool to me
php's lack of care for types has always bothered me, being that i learned oop in java
Learned Java, used Java, angry about Java [being to pedantic about types].
I`m wondering is hack compatible with php 7 code ? Even so when php 7 eventually will be released, is there any hack pros (except speed of course)
I totally don't understand how we can write C… without generics.
@bwoebi what about macros ?)
@kirugan gcc -E file.php | php ;-)
@kirugan Generics are apparently a nice feature of hack
@Sara I actually lol'd and spat Ribena all over my white sofa :-(
@samrap i bet code became more difficult to understand
Are you talking about in hack or with types in PHP?
I think if PHP has a use strict mode that required types it would be a nice feature. Maybe not for variables since that could clutter code, but as return types and parameter types it would make for more readable code imo
They already have type hinting, i wish they allowed it for primitive types also
@kirugan Nope, not everything: 3v4l.org/D0g8W
@samrap 7 does
Evening all
@DaveRandom allow primitive types in hinting or have a 'use strict' mode?
@samrap Both.
@kelunik thanks! good resource btw
@samrap Both, but the latter doesn't do what you are inferring, it affects how the former behaves
Ah I see. Could have sworn I read through the new PHP 7 changes and didn't see anything about that haha, where is the official docs of changes?
Wow wiki.php.net/rfc really needs reorganising
@samrap Docs not live (or even written, for the most part) but look through the RFCs
@DaveRandom thanks, wasn't planning on going out tonight its been a longg week, guess I know what I'll be doing instead ;)
@DaveRandom php.net/manual/en/migration70.new-features.php already pretty complete…
wiki.php.net/rfc/scalar_type_hints_v5 wiki.php.net/rfc/return_types are the ones you'll most likely want to read first re: above convo
@bwoebi oh cool
I really need to get back into paying attention to docs, not contributed anything to PHP for like a year or sth
Or any OSS in fact :-(
I want to eventually contribute to a language and it will most likely be PHP
@DaveRandom you could start with your libdns bug^^
> The ^ operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example ^1.2.3 is equivalent to >=1.2.3 <2.0.0 as none of the releases until 2.0 should break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety in mind and treats ^0.3 as >=0.3.0 <0.4.0.
Yeh I was looking at that before, not sure why ANY isn't working, looks OK to me in terms of defs, probably a stupid buffer consumption bug, that's what most of them have been
Composer lied.
@LeviMorrison Why?
All these cool features traits, generics, new typehints ... it make sense only for experience programmers .... the most useful RFC will be consistency across php functions (yeap I know it breaks BC) it will be more useful escecially for newbies
That or it didn't error correctly.
Determing which now.
@kirugan I've mellowed on this point over the years, but it doesn't actually need to break BC if namespaces are used
You are allowed to use multiple version constraints, aren't you?
Still not in favour of doing though...
@LeviMorrison yes. Syntax is like "some/lib": ">=1.7, <1.7.3 | >1.7.3"
@bwoebi random_* needs an update :-)
@kirugan I still need to go to the docs about every 5th built in PHP function I use to remember the damn order of params
@LeviMorrison They'd presumably have an or relationship though
Or ` "some/lib": "~1.7, !=1.7.3, !=1.7.5"`
@samrap what IDE do you use?
well its sad guys .... thats why I start to learn python
@Danack I've tried ^5.4,^7.0 but maybe I shouldn't be using comma?
Denotes PHP 5.4+ but less than 8.0
^5.4 | ^7.0 maybe?
a little bit of sadness in this friday -> phpsadness.com
@Danack ST3. I'm of the "no IDE" crowd for sure
@kirugan py is an awesome language in many ways, but it's not without its problems and oddities
but yea, it does autocomplete so idk what my problem is haha
@DaveRandom any examples ?
maybe it's the actual names of the functions i forget
yea thats definitely what it is
Null coalesce operator. PHP 7 won me over already.
I hate max version constraints on php repos… always need to use the oldstable php use composer and try the new code…
> This package requires php ^5.4, ^7.0 but your PHP version (5.6.8) does not satisfy that requirement.
@LeviMorrison I hope composer breaks this on purpose, max versions are really a pain.
The | instead of , did the trick.
Which is a bug in my opinion.
In predicate logic , also means OR :(
(Actually maybe it is AND)
@LeviMorrison Nope, comma represents and there.
here it seems to mean AND.
(Memory is failing me)
I'm actually really happy about this.
in what case is the spaceship operator useful
But please remove the max version unless it's known to break.
This confirms that nobody is actually using this repo despite the star count and packagist hits. Or at least if they had issues they didn't report it.
I am fairly sure it used to work, so maybe they fixed a bug in newerish composer versions?
@kirugan Well the big obvious one is 2 vs 3, but there's also smaller niggles like the optional arg for range() being the first arg, and fuhm.net/super-harmful (cba explaining myself, article is way better than I would do justice, TL;DR inheritance does some surprising things when you start overloading stuff)
@DaveRandom thank you I will read it

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