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'SELECT max(column) FROM table' works fine for me, but how can I select the 2nd, 3rd, 4rd, 5th highest entry and so on?
@CodeVolunteer are you asking how you can order the results, with a limit on how many things are returned?
@Danack My column has integer-values in it and its highest salary is 700. Now I would like to get the 2nd highest salary, which is 690. But how can I select it?
@CodeVolunteer stackoverflow.com/questions/8149175/… which contains an example query. But you could also consider reading the select query entry in the MySQL manual
@Danack Okay, thank you :-)
anyone know how to match a wildcard in a filename using sftp?
lol figured it out
would anyone know how to pass a variable into sftp with bash?
dear o' dear, what a day
good morning
has anyone here ever played with zint (a barcode generation library/tool)
@simplycoding what are you trying to do?
@taco o/
@ircmaxell did you see this yet? wordpress.org/support/topic/…
dat attitude
> When you publicly disclose a security vulnerability, you aren't the hero saving the day, you're the villain who has just put everyone's site (and sometimes their livelihoods) in the line of fire.
anyone here good with xcache? my xcache admin says the my cacher is disabled, but I have absolutely enabled it through php.ini and i have no idea whats going onnn
@ircmaxell any ballpoint pen can pop a luggage zipper, these locks weren't doing much of anything to begin with
Locks only exist to keep honest people honest...
@PaulCrovella they now can be opened without breaking this stuff :P
which means opening/stealing/closing :P
Much like cars stolen without signs of theft action - insurances won't even pay for that
@Ocramius popping a zipper doesn't break it, just run the head down and back up again to rezip
or just down if you've got heads facing each other like most luggage
eih, mine doesn't have a zip, luckily
but indeed, point taken
@Ocramius have you heard about lock bumping
@Orangepill yes, works on every door of my house
most of all but the most expensive locks are subject to it.
yeah, well, mechanics are... mechanics
"Publicly disclosing a security vulnerability doesn't make code spontaneously happen,"... no, and keeping vulnerabilities a secret is Security through Obscurity... which is worse than no security, because it causes complacency, allowing those who ARE equipped to exploit vulnerabilities more time to exploit more systems...
most effective home security system imo is a big dog.
the most effective home security system is living with gamers
some whom are up all night
@ScottArciszewski dogs are scarier then most gamer's I've met... and they usually smell better
I'm about to buy a new house, so security is on the forefront of my mind right now, too
I'm looking into security + home automation
ok well I don't live with any furries
but if I did I'd make the obvious joke there
@ScottArciszewski check
girlfriend is simply constantly alert.
I'd like my house to know I am home when my or my wife's cell joins the wifi network. I'd also like to make sure my IP cameras push video off site
I'm thinking of having 3 zones for audio so the audio follows me, but decided headphones work for now as that is overkill
@taco Maybe overkill, but imagine having a theme song when you enter a room...
lol, you've convinced me. Done.
@Ghedipunk The Imperial March
I was thinking Eye of the Tiger given recent copyright infringements... but The Imperial March is always a good classic.
I think I'm going to put an Amazon Echo in 3 rooms so I can use spoken commands, though. Don't want to pull my phone out just to turn off the lights
@Ghedipunk I think my theme song would be, "Do you want a taco??"
Oh, before I forget, and while I'm new enough around here for it to be written off as just being a dumb newb...
taco cat backwards is sdrawkcab tac ocat
i knew that
Umma Gumma :D
I'm the only person I know (in person) who likes that album...
sounds like squirrels having an orgy
There are some gems on there... Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun and the first song are good ones.
Meddle I think is probably the most underrated though.
I think this barcode requirement is going to kill me...I can't find any library the explicitly states that it supports the format I need
barcode requirement?
There's always the GD Library and some vector math...
I have to generate a linear omnidirectional gs1 databar (expanded)
(I know, worst case scenario...)
not enough in the budget for that low level of development
zint looked promising but it's not producing anything readable and I don't know enough to know if I'm stupid of if it's the tool (pretty sure it's me)
So, opinions time, please... I want to write PHP extensions, but don't want to learn the nitty gritty ugly details, would rather use C++ than C, and performance is nice but not a driving factor. Anyone have strong feelings, positive or negative, towards PHP-CPP?
Not my area
I don't know enough to be useful I'm afraid
that's what she said
Hey guys
but I used her anyways
@Orangepill metafloor.github.io/bwip-js/demo/demo.html just pick "GS1 Databar Expanded" - according to databar-barcode.info these are already omnidirectional and by "linear" I'm presuming you just mean "not stacked"
@PaulCrovella You are the man
the lib used for that demo is github.com/metafloor/bwip-js, btw
shit.. it's js ...I can probably run it through rhino..
does v8 have a stand alone command line interpreter?
ohh hell yeah... suboptimal but it's a solution.
@Orangepill That's what my wife said when she saw me the first time
didn't realize you could embed v8 in a c++ app.... why has noone made a javascript php extension
you could embed your javascript in your php in a block of javascript in your html
I was joking actually... but I might just have a use case
I can't help but look at our house we are closing on soon, and today on Zillow the "pending offer" text popped up. I'm weird, but it made me smile and I couldn't help it
Congrats on the house, @taco
Thanks, @taco
@taco sorry... congrats... I was looking at javascript inception
Congrats, taco. Sorry, was looking for a suitable rageface to match the idea of Javascript inside of PHP...
indeed, congrats @taco. I was busy glaring enviously as I live in an area that's far too expensive to own a home in.
This js is messy.... I think I know why : This code was automatically generated from: Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript - Version 2015-08-10
@Orangepill does zint with -b 31 not give you the right format?
@PaulCrovella Output is not visually matching the sample I was provided by customer assuming the same inputs
but the bwip-js demo matched?
Looks to
I need to print it out so I can get it to a reader
well, at the very least it means the customer sample is more-or-less verified, which is good
/me never trusts that shit at face value
It's been verified on there POS system... so it should be good... doesn't mean that they are misreporting the symbology though
The results look promising but I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow before I can test it on a reader, the two that I can find right now don't support that symbology but things visually appear to be correct.
@ScottArciszewski yes I am. I am simply in my troll account.
Which you should be able to figure out if you are clever...
@PaulCrovella ` zint --gs1 -b 31 --directpng -d "[93]1234123412341234` is what I was using
@PaulCrovella have you used zint before?
no, but playing with its windows app now
and it's giving me the same thing as bwip
something must be baked on my install then
I don't see a raft of people bitching about it so I'm assuming its me or my environment that's got stuff fubar'd
this is what I get with zint -b 31 -o bar.png -d [93]1234123412341234
@PaulCrovella I think the issue is the --gs1 switch.... I got matched input between both libraries when I dropped it
the way the docs read, that shouldn't have mattered... but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I kinda want you to continue with the javascript in php route anyway, just for the absurdity
Ive done a create javascript in php and throw it over to rhinojs via the shell before... not the most efficient solution.
spinning up a jvm is never fun
That was for a barcode as well... believe a PDF417
find yourself generating a lot of barcodes, I take it
Not too often... just enough to be annoying.... probably once every two years I have to solve for a new one
and they are usually throw away solutions for short lived data processing type work
I can live with a program that I'm going to run only a handful of times taking 20 minutes instead of 3 if it saves me 3-4 hours of coding.
"advance slim raspberry ketones" wtf kind of keyword targeting is that??
raspberry is my second favorite flavor of ketones
whoo hoo...I think that flag will get me the Deputy badge
I spent way too much time in my younger years working with methyl ethyl ketone... ketones are fucking nasty
Brainf on the 404 page...
I'm still in awe that there exists a program that converts Postscript Programs to Javascript
morning Joe
anybody know how to create packages for php?
hello? :(
help :'(
does anyone have any idea on creating logs in creating a package?
can you help me?
have you tried creating a package?
sorry :(
@germikee what kind of packages? you mean extension or something other?
@JoeWatkins moin
something like that
using composer
extensions != composer
well theyre not extesions then
i need to make a package using composer
where i could also create logs
do you have any idea on how to create logs?
$h = fopen("log.txt", "a+");
and then frwite and fclose
actually im new to php, i dont have much knowledge on the logs yet but how do you create logs? like in laravel. logs are made in the startup/logs folder
learn php first
@NullPoiиteя ^this
can you explain to me how logging works in php? :)
@Stricted so i learn php first :D
funtion log ($message) {
$h = fopen("path/to/yout/log.txt", "a+");
fwrite($h, $message);
logs are just "shit you write somewhere" - there's nothing special about them. Could be stuff you're writing to a file, database, syslog, whatever.
damn screen freezed and I lost all 7 crons I wrote
bah definitely not my day
sorry it wasnt for you
oh.. thanks @NullPoiиteя
@JoeWatkins Is there a switch to close php memory leak checker? I want to use valgrind to check it.
Seems won't work. Still print Freeing.... Stafs
show me command you are using ?
USE_ZEND_ALLOC=1 valgrind php7 psr4loadertest.php
0 disables, 1 enables
is php7 a binary ?
or a shell script ?
if USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 is in env, it does not use zend mm, and will not report leaks ...
ln -s /usr/loca/php7-debug/bin/php /usr/bin/php7
by 0xD0AD11D: ???
==5714== by 0xD0AD186: ???
==5714== by 0xD0ADCEA: ???
==5714== by 0x887439: ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_HANDLER (zend_vm_execute.h:835)
are you debugging an extension ?
How Do I know ??? these marks file line?
the module is unloaded before valgrind can print the traces
same happens in gdb ...
Like this ?
ZEND_DONT_UNLOAD_MODULES=1 USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind --leak-check=full php7 psr4loadertest.php
Many many thanks joy! :)
posted on September 10, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by PhoenixTalon */

I will never understand why people use @
I mean, why not deal with the errors instead of just silencing them :(
my boy is 6 today, there will be cake, yay ...
@Epodax I use it in example code all the time ...
while (@$i++<10)
because less typing than for (...)
Sure, if you are testing / developing, and you are AWARE of it, but I see far too many who use it to silence errors instead of handling them, and then ask why their code isn't working.
@JoeWatkins Grats :)
@JoeWatkins mhm cake
yeah is bad form, unfortunately nobody sets up php for themselves, if they did, they would see the difference between ini production and development and see you're meant to have verbose errors in development ...
@Stricted inorite
Morning guys please check this code
function verify_login($name, $password){
	global $connection;
	$query = "SELECT `Name`, `Password` FROM `dqotgflc_pos` . `users` WHERE `Name` = '$name' AND `Password` = '$password'";
	$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
	if(mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0){
		echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">";
		echo "<b>Username or password is incorrect</b>";
		echo "</div>";
		$_SESSION['Name'] = $name;
		$_SESSION['Time'] = date("h:i A") . ' ' . date("d/m/Y");
		header("Location: dashboard.php");
Why isn't it redirecting to "Dashboard.php" ?
It's working on my localhost
It's working on a server of one domain
@ZahidSaeed pls use pastebin.com or something like this
But the problem is I have uploaded the same code to another server
Well, if it's working multiple places and isn't working in a single case, perhaps it's not a issue with the code, but the server?
@ZahidSaeed So maybe theres a server based problem?
@Epodax I also think the same thing
What do I say to them to fix this issue ?
If I click the login button, the value of the $_SESSION['Name'] gets assigned
But the page is not redirected
It just refreshes that page again
I assume you have turned on error reporting and checked the error logs?
But if I click that button again then it redirects to the dashboard.php page
Any idea why is it happening ?
@Epodax ok I have turned on the error reporting by:
ini_set("display_errors", "1")
Now where are the error logs saved ?
It says:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dqotgflc/public_html/pos/public/index.php:24) in /home/dqotgflc/public_html/pos/includes/functions.php on line 18
Ding ding ding ;)
@Epodax Why is it happening ? How do I resolve it ?
@JoeWatkins How many do you have?
There can be NO visual browser output before a header('Location: ... ');
So you need to find out what is outputting something for the browser before your header, the error is even telling you where to look.
@Epodax I know that. But I have included that code on very first line
@ZahidSaeed Well, the error is telling you where to look, so find the file and go to the line and investigate :)
@ZahidSaeed you probably have output buffering turned on in the config on the two working environments
@Orangepill Should I turn it off ?
morning. is there something possible like this: SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE first-column = ? LIMIT 1
but the best thing to do would be to find the culprit ... (hint it's on line 24 of index.php)
first-column should be always the first column in database
@Orangepill Yes. Output buffering is turned ON in the config of the other two servers
@ZahidSaeed Instead of just "making it work" the ideal solution (as @Orangepill said as well) is to find the reason WHY it's happening and then correct it.
@Epodax Yes I understand and indeed it is the best solution
@ZahidSaeed Look on line 24 of /home/dqotgflc/public_html/pos/public/index.php ... regardless of your output buffering setting that should probably be dealt with.
@Maurize LIMIT 1 should select the first one - but you might use ORDER BY along with it depending your case
@Ekin Forgot to say I need the column name.
@ekin he wants a way to use the first column... not the first row.
Oh okay got it wrong then it's 5am
I need to select all data where "first column" is value
The name of the first column can change so I need to be dynamic
@Maurize I'm not aware of a way to do that without lookup up the meta data of the table.
@mauize yep... think that's the only way.... a smarter approach would be to create a map that has your first column keyed off of your table name.
I would advise against using a variable as the table name unless it's included in a whitelist of valid tables.
since you can't use a placeholder for the table name a whitelist will help you guard against sql injection
jackpot, got it without meta.
Good moaning
@JoeWatkins Congrats!! :D
@Orangepill Actually I wanted to throw an error into the DOM if the username or password is incorrect
But If it is correct then I can't use header()
What would I do ?
Hi Guys!
Anyone familiar with Datamapper Pattern?
@Starx Did you mean Regex ?
@ZahidSaeed No
@Orangepill full set, one boy, one girl ...
Anyone DataMapper Pattern?
Ask your actual question instead of a generic can i ask question and if somebody is here and wants to help they will
@Starx @tereško knows a thing or two
hello. anyone know how to log errors in file?

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