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function( callable($a, $b) : int $callback = function($a, $b) : int { return $a+$b } ) {
   // wtef we're doing
^ cat we_should_be_banned.php
@marcio 😍
function( callable($a, $b) : int $callback = ($a, $b): int ==> $a + $b) {
    // fixed
ah, sooo much better now
function(callable(int $a, int $b): int $callback = (int $a, int $b): int ~> $a + $b) {
    // fixed
I'd like it if you could make function constants
const DEFAULT_CALLBACK = (int $a, int $b): int ==> $a + $b;
function (callable(int, int): int $callback = DEFAULT_CALLBACK) {
function(callable(int $a, int $b): int $callback = (int $a, int $b): int 💩 $a + $b) {
    // really fixed
const FOO = () ~> print "hey";
FOO(); // call to undefined function FOO ... :-D
@PeeHaa (int $a, int $b): int 👉🏼 $a + $b
you'd have to ($a = FOO)();
@nikita2206 You mean (FOO)();?
@Andrea The second char doesn't render fo me :(
oh yeah right
At what point do we run out of sensible ASCII operators and start delving into Unicode?
@AllenJB maybe with Rust 2.0
@PeeHaa skin tone indicator
(print (FOO) (BAR)); … woops that looks LISP-y^^
on systems with proper support, you see a light brown-coloured right-pointing hand
The amount of stupid being added to unicode stuff is soo stupid
not really
Lets implement moronic charcters and unify all asian languages because reasons
@PeeHaa I don't like Han unification, but at least we have selectors now :/
Emoji were a sensible addition. Unicode already had smileys
"Emoji were a sensible addition" Strongly disagree
It would make an awesome terrible password meter though
@Andrea so, you're saying that it was a bad idea to add smilies at all to unicode? Fully agree.
@bwoebi no
"Your password must consist of one upper case, one lowercase, one punctuation character, one number and one emoji and has to be at least 13 characters long"
@PeeHaa so we shouldn't add Arabic because poorly-written PHP apps will accept it in passwords?
We shouldn't add Chinese because Westerners don't know how to input it?
@PeeHaa (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) Fu!!!111!!
We shouldn't add emojis
Why shouldn't we add emoji?
Pile of turd is just full retard
Why? We already have the Chinese character for 'shit'
Yes, but that is you know. An actual language
@Andrea Why should we?
Oh, time to recommend one of my favourite books again: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemantics
Systems develop goals of their own the instant they come into being.
Systems tend to expand to fill the known universe.
Systems attract systems-people
There is no language with the 💩 in it
@PeeHaa so are pictograms
emoticons and the like have been in use for a long time
Which also doesn't make sense
@PeeHaa what?
@Andrea Yes like :)
Or :-)
@PeeHaa Even more complex ones have been in use for like billions of years
Not ☺
@PeeHaa ASCII is quite limited and is not the only form emoticons have taken
Stop inventing stuff and implement stuff actually being used
@PeeHaa that's what Emoji are
The unicode people just a looking for ways to prevent them from becoming obsolete
they are not an invention of the Unicode consortium
@PeeHaa What? They wouldn't go obsolete, unless the last 20 years is reversed and people stop using graphical emoticons
@Andrea 💩
@Andrea Yes they are
@PeeHaa jesus christ do you research shit before you spew your opinions
Just check out the latest additions
@PeeHaa There's some stuff added to fill in gaps
s/added/made up
so the Latin alphabet was invented by the Spanish, then?
@Andrea 😀👉🏿💩😡
I've done my research thank you very much
And that shit is imo just retarded
@PeeHaa what's 'retarded' about it?
The focus on the wrong things
Okay, what's wrong with adding more food items?
It's a frequent complaint from people who actually use emoji.
I don't even
basically, get off your high horse
Yeah sorry you are right
How could I be so short sighted...
@PeeHaa this croissant is too pale, we should make diverse tones of baking
What would I do without 20 different hearth icons
I don't get upset when we standardise other people's writing systems
@marcio hehe
@PeeHaa not the invention of the Unicode consortium
Did I say that?
No, but it's sort of implied
Well I didn't say it so don't put words in my mouth I didn't say please
Either way I'm done
@Andrea each thing added make it more costly to implement unicode correctly.....continually adding stuff continually adds cost. And doing it piece-meal makes it so that an application released last year, might not be able to display 'text' written by an application this year.
@Danack sure, but such is the cost of dealing with humans
Making it so you can't make any guarantees about whether you're displaying text correctly is bad.....
Humans are messy. Humans are complicated. Humans don't fit neatly into programmers' and mathematicians' neat little boxes.
@Danack Point in case: every windows version
@Andrea Not necessarily. They could version it and only release new symbols occasionally.
@Danack Which is exactly what they do
Instead of this constant drip.
Their release cycle is similar to PHP's
> Bengalis were forced to make similar orthographic contortions just to write a simple email: ত + ্ + ‍ = ‍ৎ (the third character is the invisible “zero width joiner”).
They shouldn't have been forced to make contortions.
encoding does not need to match user input
that being said, yes, diversity in the Unicode Consortium is a serious issue
Not all the problems have easy answers though, alas
They could deunify Han, but that would be a complete mess
It was basically a point of no return the moment they decided that would be an awesome idea
@Danack Can I gTalk it to you?
@PeeHaa at least there's variant selectors, but yeah :/
@Andrea users of emoji would like to have pictograms for every single possible item and action on earth…
🌚 :D
@bwoebi so would speakers of Chinese, and we don't have a problem with that
Unicode's mostly Han characters
@VeeeneX I'm waiting for the moment I only can see empty squares while reading the web :P
@PeeHaa have you tried del C:\Windows\Fonts\*.* /Q /S
@Andrea speakers of Chinese usually use a very restricted subset of the possible chars…
@bwoebi this is not true
@bwoebi it will get to a point one will need speech to emoji translation
@Andrea I doubt deleting all fonts makes it better tbh :P
@Andrea in writing, on the computer, obviously.
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
@VeeeneX I'm waiting for the moment I only can see empty squares while reading the web :P
that's what you wanted, right?
oh lol
hi everyone
@bwoebi most writing only uses a small fraction of the available characters, yes
but this is true of any language, to some extent
@Andrea you mean any language having a larger character set? yeah
I have a problem with a bookmark system that I'm trying to build. Anyone can help me?
@bwoebi it applies to English too, but to a lesser extent
though more to words than to characters
@Andrea speaking of ligatures etc.? Or what exactly?
@Overnet It helps if you are more specific
@PeeHaa Build a DM plugin for SO chat. :P
@Fabor :)
Just talk in emoji and nobody will understand you
Negative. Build the plugin -_-. It'll be good times. :P
@PeeHaa Thanks. I have in an intern search engine in a application that go to find in a MYSQL database data and print as link in the search result. If you click on the link you can view more information of this data extract from database.
I want to give the possibility to users when click on the star button to bookmark these data in a new bookmark table stored in mysql.
After a research I saw that I need to build a table for bookmark and create an ajax/jquery request when an user click on the star bookmark button.
@Overnet That sounds about right
@PeeHaa yeah you can see on the right what I'm trying to build
And what is the problem?
I don't know or don't find if exist a function that put these data on a bookmark table
👋. This ⌚ I had 🅰️ 💬 about emoji. It was pretty 📉 and resulted in 👿 👪. This is 🅰️ ⚠️ as I just want ✌️ and this doesn't 👂 ▶️.
standardisation is good. if a language or communication medium you don't like is standardised, tough. millions of people use it, they deserve to reap the benefits you've had from having your language standardised.
@Overnet It should be easy enough to do it yourself
What specific part are you stuck with?
The table I think that is easy to build. I don't know how to insert this data with a OnClick function or in other way.
With this echo I print data:

<? echo ucfirst(strtolower(stripslashes(str_replace("\\0","",addslashes($cargetdocuments[TituloSumario])))));?>
@Andrea I wish my language would just die tbh :P
$argv is always array of strings?
@PeeHaa cherish your language!
Dutch is fantastic
a world where everyone speaks Standard English is a boring one
Ugggghhh what a horrible horrible language
if only for the lack of accents
@PeeHaa plompzakken
Accents are nice… to confuse writers and readers.
God, of all words you have just picked one of the best :D
@PeeHaa I think that exist a OnClick function as (<img src="img/star.png" alt="" onClick="" />) that insert data in a table that I want. Or other way to do this.
don't make friends with Dutch people, you'll learn words for unusual sex acts
The only problem is they tell you the word afterwards.
@PeeHaa I don't know if I explain how I'm trying to do :(
@Overnet In general is is bad practice to use inline onclick handlers
@Danack I can gTalk you the details if you like.
Let me setup a small example @Overnet if you promise to find out the rest of the stuff yourself
@PeeHaa because Fabor didn't reply to a specific message, it shows up like he was responding to "The only problem is they tell you the word afterwards."
@PeeHaa Ok :) I hope that this help me :)
eh lel. yeah chat...
sometimes… I wish… certain things … never were named………
hehe ^
Oh yeah
Don't Google that word.
@Overnet give me a moment
@Andrea I did… sigh.
(this is what happens when you fail to add content warnings...)
@Andrea a little friggin' late for that
@PaulCrovella I am very sorry D:
@PeeHaa Sure. No problem. And thanks for your help and your time.
@Fabor amusingly, I am not capable of gtalk with my main gmail account. Basically it's an old account that has Google Apps enabled on it, and when they did the great merging of gmail with all other apps, stuff got borked, and everything that is Google+ related doesn't work for me. Can you just DM me your phone number on twitter and I'll give you a call tomorrow?
@Danack Can do. You're okay with it being based in my location?
Gtalk? Didn't they kill that off?
It's all plus now.
No more YouTube comments, just Google+. No more Google Profile, just Google+. No more GTalk, just Google+.
@Fabor my main priority is to find something interesting....
No more + in search queries D:
nah, gtalk got folded/rebadge into "hangouts"
I'm a little glad you said that.
$ sapi/cli/php -r '$true = ^$a ^$b $a; var_dump($true(1)(0));'
@Danack @Fabor your discussion is a bit weird, looking at the previous context of the plompzakken....
Emily-style short closures! @bwoebi
(That's equivalent to $a ==> $b ==> $a)
@Andrea wow, that's cruel.
Think of ^ as λ
Could someone explain me this? preg_replace("#\((.*?)\)#", "15", "test(14)"); # result: test15 | expected: test(15)
@bwoebi cruel?
@bwoebi Is that one of those dirty Dutch words?
@Andrea yes. To my brain.
It is one of those dirty dutch words
etc. @Fabor
is there any ?
can i have one simple question here ?
yeah, but only one and you just used it. sorry.
What's 2+2?
@PaulCrovella Beat me to it..
@Andrea seriously… first time I saw it, I had read that as $true ^= $a ^ $b $parse error
Just one question mom, all I want is question. I'm not on drugs, I just wanted a question.
can i lol ?
@Fabor ;-)
/me gives @Danack a pepsi instead
Ayan, don't ask to ask a question, just ask :)
where fb save our message ?
in db or in txt file
To .... THE CLOUD.
cloud ??
@Aryan Seriously though they use lots of databases and caches for speed.
like ?
HBase is what they use for messages I think
did they use comet right ?
sry do they ?
@Aryan .....are you learning stuff from a book? That phrase is quite out of date.
Anyway, anyone mind explaning me whats going on with my regex? Kinda driving me crazy since regex101 tells me it's correct
no no i dont like books ahahaha
so they use db ?
And they use websockets rather than comet due to performance.
@icecub show it
ok ty
preg_replace("#\((.*?)\)#", "15", "test(14)"); # result: test15 | expected: test(15)
no they dont use socket
Q: How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification?

BillyI have read some posts about this topic and the answers are comet, reverse ajax, http streaming, server push, etc. How does incoming mail notification on Gmail works? How is GMail Chat able to make AJAX requests without client interaction? I would like to know if there are any code references ...

@icecub obviously. you are replacing the whole pattern, not just the $1 match
@Aryan "answered Jul 6 '09"
2 mins ago, by Danack
@Aryan .....are you learning stuff from a book? That phrase is quite out of date.
so now they use socket ?
Ah. Thanks a lot @bwoebi :)
@Overnet this should get you started or at least give you some direction to search on the web
whts tht
@Aryan Let me give you a tip that you can use for the rest of your developer life free of charge
@PeeHaa Thank you very much. I hope to find the solution
1) open your browser 2) ctrl+f12 or whatever give you your browser's dev console 3) ? 4) profit! @Aryan
@Overnet Good luck
? Something not clear?
@PeeHaa Thanks and have a nice day.
@Aryan What isn't clear?
@Overnet np
everything u told
You don't understand the word open?
btw now we are chatting with webscoekts ?
But if you are interested:
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
1) open your browser 2) ctrl+f12 or whatever give you your browser's dev console 3) ? 4) profit! @Aryan
Everything you want to know is right there in your own browser
dev console ??
in inspact console ?
yes or whatever it is called in your browser
Hint: there is a network tab
i am using chrome
and its only console written here
No there is not
yes there is
stackoverflow use ajac
ok. In that case your browser is broken or you are doomed
mean long polling ?
yea stackoverflow use long polling
@bwoebi Think of ^ as λ, like in lambda calculus
^$a ^$b $a is like λa.λb.a
I see what you mean, but it confuses the hell out of me...
I now truly see why we need the separator between params and code.
php activists
@bwoebi would it be clearer as ^($a) ^($b) $a? ;)
@Andrea yes.
but still not optimal, I think.
@LeviMorrison sigh?
morning @LeviMorrison
I had this wonderful technique worked out for high performance function calls in a dynamic language, and then I looked at closures and realized that the ideal closure technique wouldn't work in the model.
which onw ??
If I chose closure by value it would work, though.
i hv question
And morning :)
can anybody look at this code?
I actually need to create a html table using some echo
I need edit and delete at the end of each row and for each row a column
i.e. name|lastname|address and so on
my pam module makes me go in a login loop
Hi. Why does something like
' $sql = $this->DB->query()
->where("chartContext = ?")
->orWhere("x = ?")
->orWhere("y = ?")
->andWhere($this->DB->query()->expr()->notIn("charts.chartId", "?"))
$fieldStmt = $this->DB->prepare($sql);
$fieldStmt->bindValue(1, $field->getId());
$fieldStmt->bindValue(2, $field->getId());
$fieldStmt->bindValue(3, $field->getId());
$fieldStmt->bindValue(4, implode(",", $foundIds));
not work in Doctrine, when i just want to find all rows in my DB, that are either linked to $field->getId() via chartCo
not fun to go in rescue mode ^^
@Shiuyin can you look at this page?
@Riccardo990 yes?
and than please look at this pastebin.com/AThyQsrA
as you can see I can't create a damn table
where each row has its own column and on each row you have edit and delete
@Shiuyin do you have any idea?
@Riccardo990 don't understand your problem
can you see the table at the first link I sent you?
column name and then all of the names column lastname and then all of the lastnames
I wish something like this
@Danack BTW when you ring tomorrow I will pass you on to el boss. He'd better explain the role initially than I will. You can ask me general questions too of course.
@LeviMorrison well yeah, closures complicate all the things
such is life
Haskell has it easy because of immutability.
@Andrea hai qualche idea?
Just close by value since it the code would behave exactly the same if it was by ref or some other means.
Haskell does have mutable values, but you do that with an immutable "reference"
@Riccardo990 do you know that romans colonized half of the known world, and that not necessarily if one is named andrea is italian
also don't fucking randomly ping people.
oh, that's Italian
@Abe i'm not fu randomly ping ppl
I didn't realise that until you mentioned it (and yes, I'm not Italian :p)
@Andrea I was mistaken question was do you have any idea?
fyi room owners - Riccardo has already been banned from one room today for being annoying. Apparently he is a slow learner.
have you considered looking at the HTML source code
the issue should be obvious if you look at it
@Danack thank you for your advice
@Andrea I'm doing it right now

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