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@Danack ah these hidden references ;-D
I must be full retard, I just go it :D
...no, it means never go full insert subject matter here.
That is what I got, albeit 10 minutes latter.
I could push these all day.
thecodinglove.com/post/126989291096/… -- wish I could do this to him(the client) right now
this is off-topic, but does anyone know what time stackoverflow uses? I'm seeing their internal stuff has switched over to the next day. When its many hours away (my time)
Probably UTC.
thanks. yeah that actually makes sense now, cause UTC is 12:44am
@Idealcastle your servers should always work in UTC
going to bed. gn @all
@Abe too much sexiness.
It could use a border between the tabs tough.
weak orange one
Everytime I see Robert I giggle unintentionally - 36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m303y38OJy1r5cocdo1_500.jpg
I can't blame you
I always feel like he's on loan from something like Slayer: youtube.com/watch?v=YUPoi16rTqU
haha yeah
/me is feeling nostalgic
have you heard slash with myles kennedy?
world on fire is a good one
nope .. lemme check
that pretty nice rock'n'roll
good morning
@samayo You talking about me?
Anyone online?
.. been going through my childhood memories: Not Failing
I would like to use "do_action" wordpress kind of function in other language. Is there any idea logic or idea. Actually I want want to make my own small plugin based system. and looking for make some architecture.
I'm assuming you mean something like the command pattern
and imo I don't think wordpress is a good project to draw inspiration from
Can you give me some other project for good beginning for pluggable architecture. I want to start from scratch.
I want make something like I can inject anything anywhere almost with plugins or some class file.
I think Symfony2 Event dispatcher might be a good place to start
@tereško that reminds me this one (quite unrelated though, not sure why) youtube.com/watch?v=cfOa1a8hYP8
ok, that's strange
lol yes it is
also, that guy looks REAAALY high .. which might be the reason
Thank you so much for ref. Yes I would like to make code extensible and easy to extend with plugin. but is there any real like small demo with code. it would great. I am not getting what kind or oops funda I can use.
yes he's pretty much a freak there
@Orangepill just realized you are kool aid :P
I once thought you made that logo by yourself
only thing I actually know from Radiohead is "Creep"
that one is good with wine
aw hell, it's 5AM already
that'll be how I feel in a few hrs as well
ok Europe, we need to take a nap
good nite teresko
I had a coffee an hour ago :(
@samayo... Hence the "Ohh Yeah!!!" in my profile
I never had a Kool-aid, I only saw the logo somewhere
Is it like the Tang drink thing @Orangepill
Nothing special... just flavored sugar water
like tang but more flavor options and more sugar
weird name
a generation of american's growing up on kool aid is probably a major contributing factor to the obesity problem in the states
it's like lemonade... but kool
really? I thought it was the fast food culture.
But then again, I don't see that many obese people here in Europe, so it must be it
kool aid is like a gateway drug ... then you graduate to the greasy goodness that is fast food
@Ekin this one is more appropriate to your current situation probably: youtube.com/watch?v=jufT3v1roaU
haha agreed
If I'm making an API, rewriting all the codes of their site (js - ajax - php), making ios android versions of it, making a report builder for internal use
what am I - in terms of developer titles? (except that I'm stupid enough to accept this job)
never really cared for titles so not really sure what would I be
full stack web developer?
okay that makes sense yeah
What criteria do you have to meet to be able to refer to yourself as a "software engineer"
i mean as opposed to a developer.
does anybody know why $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] would include my url? and nothing after the question mark?
ahhhhh htaccess
@Orangepill quora.com/…
so many opinions
^ not sure if there is an exact 'criteria' mentioned on that link
I know... that's what I'm seeing too...
I think I am justified in referring to myself as an engineer but I feel a little like an imposer using that term
@Orangepill impostor syndrome isn't uncommon in this industry
@PaulCrovella yeah... it doesn't help that I'm in a position where I'm the only dev on staff... day to day interaction with other devs is non-existent
that's why I'm here :)
@PaulCrovella What do you see as the primary distinction between a dev and an engineer?
Primarily, at least where I'm at, just the title. If you're looking at an organization that has different positions for both, their job descriptions are what's going to matter.
Aside from areas where professional certification is required to claim an "engineer" title, you're not going to find a clear distinction - or even a consistent guideline
Hell, my last job I spent years as a "systems analyst" and I still have no idea wtf that even is. I did software development - engineering, programming, firefighting. Shit's nebulous, man.
It's good to hear that from someone else...the distinction seems pretty subjective.
i dont know what is it but i have it stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/site-analytics \o/
show off
@PaulCrovella yaa shameless show off :P
I'm surprised aol is still a thing
weird that bing shows up in both columns, unless the left is somehow non-search traffic
@Orangepill may be either aol is smart or people who use it are dumb
Stackoverflow connected more than nokia :P
i need help in js guys
Morning nullpointer
someone can help me?
> ▲ Don't ask to ask, just ask, and ask once! ▲ If you need help, post a minimal example of your issue, please. devdocs.io documentation often helps.
@FiidoFirdauz ^
Lol so mean :/
how is that mean?
also, there is a js room
how to control by timer using js? I have button and 2 div display.
Eg. Div1 and Div2

In div 1 there is button, however in div2 there i set display: none; .
How i want to show div2 display as block and div1 display as none.? using js timer
@FiidoFirdauz try asking same question in Lounge<C++> and you will know what is mean
I understand @nu
i just joking chillax
There is no ppl in js room sad.
So i hope you guys can help me out. please
Thanks i go check it now
@FiidoFirdauz whats the problem in setting css by js ? selected.style.display ?
Thanks senior :)
It working
see you can fix at your own with little more google
cuz im not good at finding :/
I love you all senior
not body is senior :) senior feels like senior citizen
A: Php, why is "global container" bad, and how to avoid it?

decezeEssentially this is a service locator or service factory. You may even call it a dependency injection container. That in itself is perfectly fine. It's great in fact. The problem with it is that you call it statically! You should be injecting your dependency injection container into your class: ...

"Essentially this is a service locator or service factory. [...] That in itself is perfectly fine. It's great in fact."
I downvoted for him saying service locator is great, did I get something wrong?
Q: Like operator in CakePhp is not working

vinay singhI am implementing autocomplete Jquery UI in CakePhp. For that I am writing query script which is not working. I am amazed why it is not working and returning a blank array. Below is the code of controller function: $city_term = strtoupper($this->request->query('term')); $params = array( ...

Check my question above
@vinaysingh - You are writing wrong query.
I know its wrong thats why its not working. Can you suggest me actual query?
@vinaysingh now this may be a bit harsh, but the only question you wrote was: "Am i writing wrong query?" in the comment you made. the answer is yes
@vinaysingh so you should edit your question
@MarcelBurkhard If you can articulate why using a service locator might be less than great, it'd be worth leaving a comment.
@MarcelBurkhard thanks buddy. Can you mention the mistake? I am editing the question
@PaulCrovella because one does not see the dependencies of a class in its constructor?
@MarcelBurkhard I corrected my question. stackoverflow.com/questions/32449616/…
@vinaysingh no you didn't. There still is no question
Now check I have added comment.
@Bugfixer It will be very much helpful if you can correct the query. I am a noob in cakephp
@MarcelBurkhard Are you there?I am waiting for your answer.
@vinaysingh I don't know cakephp
You have said my query is wrong. Was that some kind of joke?
@Sanjeev I was thinking this chat group is helpful for php developers. But i am seeing people laughing at each other. Why it is?
@vinaysingh muhahhahaha lol rofl
"Fix this for me" is not a good question
instead, try to distil what you're asking down to the minimum essential idea to get the question across, and then ask that.
The benefit there, is 98% of the time as you're trying to distil it down, you'll find the answer yourself
@ircmaxell I am not asking to write my complete code. Stackoverflow is a question answer site. and i think i have asked a question!
@NikiC what do you think about that <= issue? My instinct is to just merge it with the <=
@vinaysingh so you just flagged my massage
@vinaysingh Stack Overflow isn't a question/answer site. It's a community of developers who help each other. The important thing to understand is that we help others to build up a knowledge base of content. Meaning that every question that's asked helps someone in the future, that's why we answer it.
Mornin' all, can I ask a quick Slack related question if anyone uses it? Or should I look for somewhere else to ask?
So my question will not help anyone in future?
how to get google plus friends list in my website?Is it possible?
Really no need to flag that message guys - thanks :)
@JonClements we know :-)
well, most of us at least :-)
Well... I'm addressing the people that flagged/validated it that I suspect don't know :p
if you have hunger within
you'll surely find the solution yourself
I am finding error in my code from last 24 hours. Is this not a hunger?
I am amazed that people are down voting my question without giving me proper reason. Should i ask like "How to" ?
> Describe the problem. "It doesn't work" is not a problem statement. Tell us what the expected behavior should be. Tell us what the exact wording of the error message is, and which line of code is producing it. Put a brief summary of the problem in the title of your question.
And your question contains:
> For that I am writing query script which is not working. I am amazed why it is not working and returning a blank array.
anyway, I am off to dinner
@ircmaxell Thanks for this link. I have edited the question. Please look at it. stackoverflow.com/questions/32449616/…
it has the same problem as before. You haven't actually described the problem. You haven't actually provided all of the code (hint: db schema and a few sample rows would be needed as well). You haven't actually stated what you've tried (and how you've determined it's a problem rather than just that you haven't read the docs).
It's still a "fix this for me" question. Which isn't healthy for the community, hence the downvotes
Okay. I thought giving more code will be useless and make question heavy to read.
@vinaysingh I saw your question and it does need serious grammar checks lol I meant what you trying to ask doesn't feel after reading the same
lol okay vinay allow me to do some work for you for free :D
1. $city_term = strtoupper($this->request->query('term'));
and the Output is..?
@Sanjeev No no i can give you money if you really solve. LOL
@vinaysingh so this code is producing [] or a blank screen
Its open source lol buddy, chillax and enjoy debugging line by line
^ really hard to parse :/
@Sanjeev Its giving the string what i type
i m using crome developer and seeing it in network tab of crome.
string(5) "DELHI"
lol @NullPoiиteя
@Sanjeev complete response is this. string(5) "DELHI"
<div class="cake-debug-output">
<span><strong>/app/Controller/SearchschoolController.php</strong> (line <strong>91</strong>)</span>
<pre class="cake-debug">
Give a man a fish, and all that...
Come to malaysia @NullPoiиteя ^^
$this->Cityinstate->find('all', $params)
@sanjeev What is correct syntax of writing like query ?
is this working fine? I bet NOT
I've never really looked to hard at cake before.... it's shit
@pill: the ORM is awesome indeed
@Sanjeev I am using mongodb. Is this problem related to mongo
why not learn more instead of asking dumb question ? i see no sign of debugging by you
Because i have used correct syntax. Instead query returning blank.
Really vinay?
you are using NoSQL with PHP?
:D :D :D
@NullPoiиteя I have debugged man. My $this->Model->find() query returning null.However data is in database exist.
Yes. There is a mongo driver developed for cakephp by some Japanese.
man, wandering in here ya never really know which room 11 you're gonna get
@PaulCrovella it used to be better! it used to better! .. i miss old room 11 :(
@vinaysingh mongodb has no concept of a like.
See, this is why your question was bad. It didn't contain the information required to answer it.
@NullPoiиteя I miss the days before we drove good developers (like Volker) away...
I am soooo winning ...
class My extends Threaded {
	public function method($i) {
		return 1 * $i;

class Test extends Thread {
	public function __construct(Threaded $threaded) {
		$this->threaded = $threaded;

	public function run() {
		while (@$i++<1000000) {
			$this->threaded[] =

$my = new My();
$test = new Test($my);

real 0m2.178s
user 0m2.085s
sys 0m0.092s
^ PHP5.6

real 0m0.460s
user 0m0.399s
sys 0m0.060s
^ PHP7
I think that constitutes a win
@ircmaxell Thanks for this info.
Can't write a query in a framework that pretends to have an orm against a datasource that pretends to be a database.
if feels bad when we see all of this happening and can not do anything :(
@Sanjeev Database query in cakephp is database depended?
@JoeWatkins you should put your resume on careers.stackoverflow.com
Good morning
well I'm out.. good night people
@Orangepill later
morning. Dear Coders, a question for php opcache:
Maybe I am the moron coz Cake users ORM and Mongo uses NoSQL
Q: MongoDB configuration in CakePHP 3.x

Jamshaid TariqAll data I found on the Internet is about CakePHP V2. In V3 I can't configure MongoDB. I dont know what to Write in the ClassName? My Default Configuration is as follows: 'Datasources' => [ 'default' => [ 'className' => 'Cake\Database\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cak...

Can someone please help me how to debug PHP7 stuff with phpStorm? I'm using Vagrant + phpStorm just fine, but I cannot use the run/debug features. It complains like this PHP Warning: substr_compare(): The start position cannot exceed initial string length in /home/vagrant/.phpstorm_helpers/phpunit.php. Also at the end it yields Cannot find PHPUnit in include path (.:) <-- PHPUnit v4.8.6 exists globally on the virtual machine
how can i parser 10GB xml file
hello, abhi the vandetta
i tried xml reader
moin all
oing joe
@Sanjeev it's for python
Any chance I can use phpdbg in phpStorm?
none I'm afraid
there was going to be, but they went another way ...
this is sad. it looks like a great tool. why is that?
I'm not sure what happened ...
I think they started writing their own debugger iirc, I can't remember ... or they stuck with xdebug ...
I'm uninterested in IDE's in general ...
so now we are stuck with xdebug to be ported/built for php7
or it's time to learn some cli-fu with phpdbg
moar amazing numbers ...
 Performance counter stats for 'php -n -dextension=pthreads.so ../pthreads/time.php':

    14,547,244,407      instructions:u

       2.133205136 seconds time elapsed
 Performance counter stats for 'php time.php':

     2,525,791,532      instructions:u

       0.501464325 seconds time elapsed
posted on September 08, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Brutalibre */

I think I am going to do a talk: life of an if statement. Going from declaration to parsing to compilation to the actual ASM generated to the machine code, to cpu pipelining and down to individual atoms in a transistor...
Definitely can do 5 minutes on that, but can I do 40
Basically this in talk form:
"Brian Greene knitting furiously"
@ircmaxell it does sound interesting ... but for php conference, I'm not sure ...
I have a mail in my inbox, and I quote: 'What does the input (search box) do?'
Pfff, some people :(
It sits there looking rectangular, wishing it was somewhere else... somewhere tropical.
I'm not rectangular ;)
dang it's already 4.40am..
night all (mornin' for most)
@JoeWatkins not sure if it's a conference talk
hello! i have a question about php exceptions... i primarly work with java where are two main exceptions possible - one that you just need to throw exception and the program still run, and the other that the exception is thrown and program halt. in both cases there's no catch part. is in php anything similar to the mentioned concept?
@bitNinja Do you know mongodb to cakephp converter?
@vinaysingh ya
@bitNinja Can you reference me the link?
Link for what ?
@bitNinja Link to converting the query dude. My Mongodb command is: db.citytable.find({
"city": "del%"
}, {
"cityname": 1
Morning everyone.
Hi. I have to overwork a PostgreSQL-Database Inserter-function. My task is to add an update, if the value is already in the database. Can you look over this 2 Lines and tell me, how i can do this?
@ircmaxell o i c, screencast then ?
@ircmaxell I'd rather merge it with the "correct" version. This choice is probably 10x more important than the whole exception debate for practical purposes
@JoeWatkins not sure
I was a bit skeptical about allowing min=max, but Scott points out that we allow this for mt_rand, rand as well
@NikiC no, I'm considering this version the correct one
that was the point I was asking about just merging
"min=max" is a bit silly, though I'm not so convinced it's strictly bad. In other words, I could go either way
@ircmaxell k, I read that as "this is an unrelated issue, merge as it is now"
@NikiC no. It's an issue.
@ircmaxell I'm not sure either. To me code doing min=max is likely an inappropriately chosen finishing condition.
E.g. if you implement a fisher yates with off-by-one which does one useless swap (with itself) at the end
@ircmaxell so, yeah, I don't know. The main argument for allowing min=max is consistency with the existing random funcs
having to draw a line, I'm tempted to draw it on not allowing min=max, for the sole reason that it's litterally not a random integer in that case
hence the API would lie
yay, there is a new 25k priviledge!
@ircmaxell And I guess it would be easy for us to make it more permissive in the future (rather than the other way around)
@FlorianMargaine "Access to site analytics"
@NikiC right
@ircmaxell hum, you should ask @bwoebi about this. he seemed to be interested in allowing it
yes he did
Be there any one here, either a Medieval Knight or some one with experience with SVN
@NikiC does that mean I need to get 3.5k rep?
@FlorianMargaine yes
wow, just wow
Well, it's not particularly interesting really, but you still need it :P
@ircmaxell which part?
google is 50x more traffic than bing, and 100x more than pretty much anyone else
@Sanjeev You are saying me Idiot. But if you are so brilliant guy then why you don't have solution?People like Ircmaxell told me something which was useful.Thanks to him. I am feeling ashamed of you because of your behavior.
@ircmaxell not much of a surprise, is it?
@NikiC I didn't think it'd be that big of a difference for programmer crowds
yeah, programmer crowds are quite different, e.g. OS market shares. For search engine though...
I've tried ddg for a month or 2.
(that was ~3 months ago)
I figured duckduckgo would be a bit bigger. Or some other anonymized engine
well, I'm back to google.
bing is only good for finding images
hello, everyone. Would like to pass some config data to object via DI. What would you do - pass an array of config data to object constructor or pass an object that can retrieve the data?
who was it that said "never trust a benchmark you didn't fake yourself" ?
@JoeWatkins NikiC, I think
Oct 1 '14 at 20:18, by NikiC
@ircmaxell Never trust a benchmark you didn't fake yourself.
@sitilge an array is less verbose and you need to know which keys it has, i'd go with the object
@MarcelBurkhard yay, thanks
Immutability is not very immutable if not enforced at language level :| https://3v4l.org/h6f7C#v550 #php #phpsadness
@ircmaxell it's already reported, fwiw
Does getTimestamp mutate DateTime? lol
time mutates itself by observing itself <_<

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