@user12688 If you want the result, why not just run the code. And your real question is probably to do with the typo of $valid = TRUE instead of $valid == TRUE
The actual output of someone in a company I worked for writing 'function x () { function y () { return "y"; } return "x"; } echo y();' would either them being fired, or me quitting the company...
if I were hiring, I would go: "give us your SSH public key, clone this private repository, check out the develop branch, fix the security vulnerabilities and/or add a new feature, email us a patch, and let us know if you need help with anything"
you can gather more facts from a small sample of them actually doing the work than any bland generic test can ever give you
did the developer add unit tests to the tests/unit directory without being told to? etc
@tereško a short question: when I allocate 1 GB for a OS on my Vbox, when I close Vbox window, It will be free for my laptop ? or for ever it will be allocated ?
Guys, RapidPHPEditor (rapidphpeditor.com/buy.php) says that by sending an SMS I can buy the software for 4.34 EUR instead of 49.95 EUR. Maybe someone knows what's the catch behind it?
Well, the Privacy Policy say that they would never do that. Though the offer seems too good to be true
Well this is interesting
I tried accessing the same website through a proxy and it doesn't show the offer while when I access from my IP, it shows that the offer is limited to my country
I just randomly discovered it through stackoverflow and that massive discount really interested. Not in a way that "I want to buy it" but "what's the catch?"
I think that they probably silently sign you up for some "special services" that bill you annually. Now that I reread the Privacy Policy it only talked about email and credit cards and no mention of a phone number nor anything related to it
@Orangepill I'm curious what bad could happen if an entity actually referenced a repository?
like specifically
I'm just not seeing it in my head at the moment
It seems the trend is to add a property of "ID" to an aggregate root (ie. Customer has OrderID property). Then some domain service can grab that OrderID and call the repository then turn around and fill in the Customer entity where it needs it. And perhaps any other behaviors needed from Order the domain service can perform for Customer.
I'm trying to see how the unidirectional advantage of using service helps here. I think it has something to do with transactional boundary. Trying to get it clear in my head...
If you look at my page here. Take a look at the first two forms lines. Now click the icon in the top right corner and look at the Trip Name and Description lines and how they don't match the what's in the form.
@Tsea did you try $array = json_decode('[{"name":"Penguins.jpg","featured":"0","category":"0","caption":"","alt_text":"","blog_ide":"ugNQpbo6G7E"}]'); echo $array['name']; ?
When I get the data from my db and it shows up in my form for me to edit it, it gets cut off right before the apostrophe character. So if it should say something like Ben's August Test it will just say Ben
@deadsource does that make sense? I think I do need to escape it
I've got memory problem while executing code it uses to much memory like 500MB, I'm trying to debug it to find out problem, what are best tools for it?
@ircmaxell hey sorry for random google related question but do you happen to know where should I be asking a question related to this: support.google.com/webmasters/answer/63757?
@Machavity I am aware of that. Though I forgot that at the same time c:
It's just that I see double quotes used when there are no variables nor new lines or other things that can be used and that somehow doesn't go well with me...
I wonder what impact rate would have using single quotes instead of doubles on something like a Raspberry Pi. Though I use new lines and color codes so I can't switch to single quotes probably :/
though I should probably write a proper program instead of running a php script as my blog's backup tool :/
If you optimize your web app, start with the browser network tab. You can improve performance a lot if you optimize the resources used by a page. Yslow is a good resource to start with that.
@ThW oh it's not an app, just my blog's backup tool. Though it takes 10 minutes to fully resync all of the data so I was wondering how could I optimize it
I just can't wrap my head around how to properly write the SQL queries I need. We had like a full year on databases, half a year dedicated to SQL and all we did was SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, INNER/LEFT/RIGHT JOIN, ORDER BY, GROUP BY and that's pretty much it
Yeah, I'll use a query like that for creating a temporary table with the new data and then compare it with the existing on the backup database. Though that's the one query I can't think of. I mean I have to compare if it exists, if the "likes" and "source" are updated and update them. Same for new or deleted tags.
Has anyone ever seen Composer refuse to install a dist package, and instead is always trying to use git, which fails as it isn't installed on the server?
Well, I gathered a lot of useful information today. I should probably rest for today and have a go at optimizing my little tool tomorrow. Thank you for your input everyone c:
@ThW Cancel that. 1 beer. It seems packagist doesn't validate the URL you input when adding a new repo....and it's possible for it to setup a project in a way that makes it impossible to setup auto-updating post-push hook on github......setting it to be a https url fixed one of the projects....but another is still borked....