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@Ocramius I relicensed it as LGPLv3, not sure why I made it GPLv3 given it's awful for libraries generally. I know some paranoid companies hate LGPLv3, but it's a PHP package, I doubt it'd cause them the slightest bother
It's not Affero GPL, so they don't even have to reveal they're using the source, let alone distribute it
@Andrea thanks for pulling in that direction :)
@Ocramius I am a fan of AGPL, by the way, but it's not something I'd use for a library like this
Oops, I accidentally pushed a LICENSE file which says "LGPL" in one place, and "GPL" in the other two places. The FSF's website specifically warns you not to do that
So I git garbage-collected on my client, deleted the GitHub repo, and recreated it
Just in case.
Though if I'm doing that
deletes GPL version
no wait, fuck
There we go!
1 hour later…
how to remove last comma from string my string is 1,2, i want like 1,2
@madu rtrim($str, ',')
good morning
does @Abe really has such a nice 'stache?
@abe as a self proclaimed front end guy do you have any experience with AngularJS or React
front end frameworks sux @Orangepill :P i only use vanilla dom and vanilla css
@FélixGagnon-Grenier he's a "the walking dead" character
I should have continued after season 1
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i.imgur.com/jN06Lsn.jpg .
I need to catch back up... I haven't seen any of this season
in a week even starts a spin off series
named "fear of the walking dead"
spin off as in regular seasons are over? everyone's dead?
regular seasons are not over
I'm more of fan of Daryl and Michonne
I concur. Daryll's the real badass.
and I like Glenn
can't spoil
while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) {
    if ($visit_bots) {
        if (preg_match('/robot|spider|crawler|curl|^$/i', $row["USER_AGENT"]))
Why the heck is PHP saying that USER_AGENT is undefined index, when doing a var_dump($row["USER_AGENT"]); prints the values from the DB?
can't tell from the above code
@NullPoiиteя o/
Morning, I am new in PHP
Actually what is this line means?
@Orangepill Never mind, turns out some records had values for that field and others did not, so those fields were throwing errors.
rtfm please :)
^^ @NurWafiqa I'd look at the function load.
method sir, method
@FélixGagnon-Grenier sory felix can you explain more?
oh my word. I meant method
$this is a reference to the calling object , and load is method of current class or parent class etc
but generally no, I can't really explain more, as the meaning of read the definition of the load method seems rather clear
load is the method? and how about the language?
now read what load does first,
language is a method on the thing that gets returned by load
cya... i have to go office again :/
Whic means, in Java it will be like this : public String load (language){
Is it same concept as the java code?
cya @NullPoiиteя
i dont think people here do java
is this joomla code?
We lack like everything to be of use. Are you speaking of a framework you are learning? Are you trying to replicate a java program in php? You came across this code line and wonder what it does?
yeah I was wondering about that too @Orangepill but joomla's load method seems to belong to the language itself docs.joomla.org/Loading_extra_language_files
No, I am majoring in Java, however my head of department ask me to understand the php code, so I'm learning
I'd hazard there are more than one line?
yes, actually there are more lines, but I want to know the usage of the syntax, I f I cannot understand the syntax, I cannot understand the code structure
I think CI has a similar loading mechanism.
ok. so basically, what you see is called method chaining. the load() method returns an object, which in turn have a language() method, which receives a string parameter
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Okay..thanks felix
$this in php is a special variable that refers to the current instanciated object scope
you don't want to mess with it
I really wonder what's so wrong about laravel, wordpress, ci and the likes. I've never used any of them even though I hate because peer pressure. I wouldn't really call what I'm coding custom frameworks, as its... probably shitty overall, but what's the big problem and fuss with frameworks? Why would I want to use one at all?
For the most part it's because they are all dirty under the hood. Personally I find frameworks to be very useful is some cases but invariably you get to the point where you are fighting the framework instead of using it.
^ makes sense
And when you get to that point everything else is coupled to the framework so you can't just swap it out without a lot of work.
The adage I have always heard is that "frameworks make the hard stuff easy and the easy stuff damn near impossible"
heh :p
instinctively, I do not want to use wordpress et all, mostly because I fear that anything that would be asked of me that's not exactly like this module or that, would take forever to code and break at the first update
However there must be a way to use an unmodified version of wordpress, with an unmodified template, and produce a long lasting future proof site. I hope.
doubt wordpress will do anything that will result in backwards compatibility issues... If someone has to redo there website because of a BC break they are likely to jump ship off wordpress and more to one of the many other cms that are out there.
If you want to know why you shouldn't use wordpress just do a select statement on their posts table
If you where going to learn a framework I would lean towards Symfony or ZendFramework2. They both are developed as a collection of stand alone components that play well together but can also be used outside of the framework or swapped out in the framework.
@crypticツ o/
thx for the advice @Orangepill
when you need a SQL query with 3+ joins I must suck at databases.
Which things relate together with less than 3 joins?
actually that means you are probably doing it right
I really hope so.
In any event, I'll be going to sleep. Have great times, sirs
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that's the point, queries with less than 3 joins don't exist :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier sleep good
gn @FélixGagnon-Grenier
I see :) thanks for helping me go to sleep without questioning my whole life :p
actually most of my queries are only 2 joins
i was also exaggerating :P
Can't believe this is a thing youtube.com/watch?v=_eanWnL3FtM
@Orangepill lol
why does everyone use PDOStatement::bindparam instead of just passing an associative array to PDOStatement::execute?
^ That's something I wondered about, too.
I see how bindparam can have it's uses ... like in an loop where you are sending different data to a prepared statement multiple times but you never see that.
@Orangepill I use bindValue()
with execute() you bind all the values as PDO::PARAM_STR
Okay... I can get on board with that.
guess since mysql isn't picky if I give it a number as a string I never needed to explicitly set it.
Good morning
anyone with wordpress? I have an issue creating order programmatically
@Dharmik than learn programming :)
@tereško I use bindParam(), they have a small different with bindValue(), if you use bindValue, It sends in that moment (and if you change that variable, does not matter anymore). but bindParam send the variables when you use of execute()
the difference is that bindParam use a reference
@tereško yes, I said the same :-)
Q: how to detect certain number of integrated characters and put a space after them

SajadI have a textarea and want before insert in the database check it for: detecting 20 integrated characters and put a space after twentieth character. Here is an example: $var = 'hello worlddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!'; I want this output: $newvar = 'hello worldddddddddddddddd dddd...

lemme make the tea and then I will check
@tereško "lemme" means "let me" ?
nytimes.com/2015/08/12/upshot/… so as per couple hundreds economist .. there will be recession again in 2016-17
@tereško why you use of "lemme" ? I think let me is easier :-) anyway ok
because that's how I actually talk
@tereško aha, lemme is the accent ! I see
kinda, I think.
I am not entirely sure
Facing issue with Datatable, ajaxed source PHP.


Any help, would be appreciated!
@tereško you told the English is your 4th language, but seems you are expert it it.
it's a result of using internet a lot and listening to a shitload of audiobooks
LOL someone made a remix of Rick Astley's "Never gonna give you up" and Slipknots Raining blood - song here Surprisingly it isn't actually that bad.
@tereško good for you, because I do like you but that is not useful for me :-(
I actually recommend audiobooks as a learning tool, because that way you can start using language "by feel"
posted on August 14, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Félix Piédallu */

@tereško ok
I can give some recommendations :P
anyway .. reading your post now
where is other regulars ? there are really less people here now a days
it's still early
And it's friday.
ok, I don't get it, @Sajad
the values in "the point" section are both the same
@tereško no
the point, want to say:
don't put space in the value of href
but put space in the every 20 consecutive characters else
look, my purpose of this question is this:
I have a textarea named "comment"
I think what you are looking for is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_hyphen instead of space (it's ­ in html)
@tereško hyphen is a CSS property
and does not work on all browsers
god, PHP's documentation format is SO INCONSISTENT
it's almost as bad as the language :(
I don't think you have to support Firefox 2.0 anymore
@tereško FF 2.0 is not important
but do you know what I want exactly ?
I am still trying to figure out. I think you want to prevent assholes from writing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa‌​aaaaaaaaa in your comments, and thus breaking the design
@tereško correct
like ^ ?
actually I asked a question and no one did not answer me, then for solving that question I asked this ! that question is this:
Q: How to create changeable width in fixed layout table?

SajadI have a table containing three <td> cells. The width of the first <td> should depend on the content. the width of the second <td> should be fixed forever. the width of the third <td> should fill the remaining space. Note1: My website is responsive; the width of third <td> should be changed i...

@Sajad SO uses word-wrap: break-word; for that
@Sajad I think you really want .comment { word-break: break-all; } or .comment { word-wrap: break-word; }
good morning
@tereško I used, and worked correctly, but just for chrome !
works on firefox too
which IE version are you having problems with?
@kelunik actually I don't want word-break: break-all;, because it breaks the word of the middle
@tereško no, does not work !
@tereško I have IE 8 and also does not work on it
word-wrap: break-word; will work in ie
@NullPoiиteя I didn't know overflow-wrap was a thing. TIL.
@NullPoiиteя wrong
@Sajad Yeah, word-wrap: break-word is better suited.
basically, in IE8 you have to trigger hasLayout for it to work
@tereško sorry for asking, but what is trigger hasLayout ?
hasLayout is a magical property in IE, which you cannot affect directly
if it's not activated, you will see all sorts of strange bugs, like disappearing text, flickering images and overflowing content
to activate it there are 3 major tricks:
@NullPoiиteя you are right, I think my ff version is very old
@tereško please tell me 3 tricks
cdoepen+crossbrowsertesting is really awesome
1: set `zoom: 1;` on the affected tag (issue: non-standard property)
2: set `position: relative;` (issue: can fuck up other things)
3: set `display: inline-block; display: block;` (issue: really counter-intuitive)
any one of these 3 will trigger hasLayout
@tereško wait please, I will test
though, you probably should start by playing around with IE's developer tools to see
@Abe have you solved your autoboxing/unboxing problem??
Unfortunately none of them does not work, should I use of these property in the <td> ? because I my text is in the <td>
please don't use tables for layout .. it;s not 90s anymore
@tereško stackoverflow uses of <table> for the structure of comments
and there is not any alternative
@Sajad why not do it with css and word-wrap ?
@NullPoiиteя what ?
@Sajad what do you mean?
not in chat
Q: How to create changeable width in fixed layout table?

SajadI have a table containing three <td> cells. The width of the first <td> should depend on the content. the width of the second <td> should be fixed forever. the width of the third <td> should fill the remaining space. Note1: My website is responsive; the width of third <td> should be changed i...

and table can be replaced with div, i can bet on it
@NullPoiиteя div is not good for me: stackoverflow.com/questions/31981418/…
I am having really hard time not going down the rabbit's hole
@Sajad i am done with this
@NullPoiиteя "you are done" means you know what I want OR you can solve that ?
@NullPoiиteя it should be noted that although I marked a answer as my answer, but actually it is not good for all browser, it works just in chrome
I'm gonna give it a little try .. see if I still can do CSS
@tereško tnx
@PeeHaa morning o/
@Sajad i am done means i have done talking about this topic .. lunch time :)
@NullPoiиteя aha ok :-)
@PeeHaa meauring o/
@PeeHaa o/
@NullPoiиteя yeah, display: table ftw. :P
@kelunik IE8
@FlorianMargaine you link is visible :)
@NullPoiиteя it's a video of them being drunk. What's wrong with it?
why @PeeHaa and @DaveRandom singing in that video? :)
because they're drunk, duh
@Sajad almost
@FlorianMargaine ok
@tereško jsfiddle.net/98n3csvj fine. ;-) /cc @Sajad
@kelunik nope
@tereško what's wrong with it? I think that should even work in IE 8.
@kelunik try 10000 points
@tereško You can't have all the nice things if you want to support IE 8. Just choose a reasonable size and use 10k then. Otherwise you will have not that nice effects while switching pages anyway, because the columns will constantly change sizes.
Anyone know why I can't get php variables into a js function in jsfiddle? - jsfiddle.net/9630xxpL
Fortunately, Windows 10 is out, so last two major versions are IE 11 and Edge now. \o/
@kelunik either your layout works or it doesn't, everything in between is pitiful whining
Hi guys, i want to make a script something like this
@tereško It works, if the length of the first cell is known. It's not any different on SO.
but how do I write question numbers on top of buttons?
is using button pics as a background image is okay?
I'm actually contributing to the PHP documentation today. I need some cocaine.
@kelunik there is not "if", when it works
you are just whining now
@kelunik oh thanks ....
@tereško I just don't care about older browsers.
@kelunik then shut up
@Ocramius krokodil might be better suited.
@tereško :-) !
@FlorianMargaine lol
@kelunik also your code has a problem, If a comment has not any vote, the structure will be broken : jsfiddle.net/98n3csvj/1
@FlorianMargaine ha
@PeeHaa do you disagree?
@Sajad Just add a &nbsp; in that case: jsfiddle.net/98n3csvj/2
@tereško It's a perfectly reasonable solution for @Sajad's use case. Who wants to actually read 12412414 instead of 12M anyway?
you did not even understand the problem
@kelunik and If all comment have not any vote number, then I want to remove that space
@tereško maybe he is right, I think the only way is to use the table
@tereško I totally understand the problem, but if you want to support IE 8, you solution will probably be either a table or something like my proposal.
oh .. really?! how did you come to that conclusions?
@kelunik can you please try with table ?
@tereško please stop this discuss ..!
Morning o/
I am actually writing a solution and @kelunik is pissing me off
@FlorianMargaine Not at all :)
@tereško what is mean of 'pissing me off' ?
@Sajad Making him angry / annoyed.
@Epodax aha :-)
@tereško thanks for working on my problem, but please just focus on your work.
@Gordon I know it's weird, but I can recognize youtube IDs
@Sajad first draft: jsfiddle.net/178juqat
@tereško that is cool, but still there is a problem, If a comment has not any vote number, the structure will not be parallel any more
What is better to save parsed Markdown in DB or save it in plain text and then parse it in view ?
I could've done "Lester wrote a PR", but that'd be unrealistic
@FlorianMargaine Are you even trying? :P
@Sajad paralel to what?
@tereško a comment text with vote number paralel to a comment text without vote number
I made what you had asked for in your post
there were pictures
it clearly showed that if there are no points then the whole thing moves to the left
look at your 4 examples
@tereško you are right, but, when that is true that there is not vote number (none of comment has not vote number)
maybe my example (in the my post) is incomplete, I will edit it
Happy Friday, Room 11.
I has made something (not quite finished yet)! Try PHP 7 (nightly builds) in your browser.
@salathe btw, can I login to the docs with my php.net account?
login to where?
the phpdoc editor thingy
@tereško please checkout my update ... here (examples part)
hmm, then I lost my password somewhere :P thx
@Sajad so .. should I take it as you did not read the example? jsfiddle.net/178juqat/2
@Ocramius master.php.net/forgot.php (disclaimer: not sure if that works. second disclaimer: not a friday link)
@salathe ta
anyway, I guess I too misunderstood what you wanted .. oh well, use tables then
@tereško look, I want to always these <a href="#" class="vote-button"></a> be paralel
/me gives up and is hungry
@tereško yes I told I should use of tables. and thanks for your try, good launch :-)
@tereško ;-)
no, you shouldn't use tables, but I don't want to spend another 20 minutes to make a completely different solution
@tereško :-) ! sorry I don't know english very well, for this reason I can not say what I want, anyway thanks, you did what you could
it has nothing to do with english
your "pictures" are misleading
@tereško I know, My examples were bad
just for information, Now you know what I want ? ( I want to know other people when reads my post can figure out ?)
you need to add an example with three comments: no votes, 1 vote, a lot of votes
@tereško aha ok, I will edit
.. though, now that I understand what you want, it seems like a bad idea
@tereško updated (example2)
@tereško {"it" seems like a bad idea}, what is the reference of "it" ?
because, when users will be voting, it will cause the all comments to fidget
because width of "1" is slightly smaller than width of "2"
@tereško yeas. exactly like stackoverflow !
no, because that one vote will make ALL the commends fidget
@tereško does not matter, I just need to biggest widht
@tereško look, I want something like stackoverflow comments structure and responsive !
I understand
@tereško tnx God :-)
I am just saying that this behavior will sometimes look like a bug
@tereško disagree
@tereško in the UI (design) the most important this is parallel being
yes, but when some parts of layout move by one or two pixels, it looks like a bug
especially if the parts are unrelated
@tereško yes, but this is the best case, there is no any better thing.
@Sajad They're using tables btw.
@kelunik yes, I told you thousand times.
for other readers: btw = by thy way

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