@Anfurny I haven't gotten anything formal yet but my point of contact at the company informed me they are planning on giving me an offer, just ironing out the details at this point.
i am using following code
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
//Select the parent node
$categories =$xpath->query('//span[@class="refinementLink"]/ancestor::a/li/ul');
I'm trying to add a simple border to all the table cells in a table.
It's important that my markup remains simple for some other functionality i have in place to work.
Lets say I style tds like this:
$('td').css('border', '1px solid #000');
this ends up as my result:
<td style="bord...
I just got ANOTHER downvote. While my answer is not the best, I still don't believe it's incorrect. I don't want to bring up the subject again. I just mentioned it because people who still downvote something that is -2 when the only other answer is +11 interest me. I wish I knew who it was.
Also, i tried to remove the answer long ago. However, because it is accepted, I can't :/
I guess I can flag it.
@NikiC Ah, noticed it was NickC, not NikiC who was somewhat involved. My bad.
I am stuck with a strategic issue as to how should I compare the Similarity of Texts typed by the Candidates with the Standard Paragraph which I had given them to Type(in the form of Hard Copy, though the same copy is also stored in the MySQL database). My dilemma is that, whether I would use the Levensthein Distance Algorithm in PHP or in MySQL directly itself so that the performance issue is optimized.
hey guys plz help i am having 5.2.17 version of php and i have this function $test = array("0"=>"360° Revolving"); print_r(json_encode($test)); output ["360\u00b0 Revolving"] but its not printing 360° Revolving plz help
This is the code for adding mails to mailchimp's list:
<link href="http://cdn-images.mailchimp.com/embedcode/slim-081711.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
/* Add...
I did PHP coding using an XML file whose source code I copied manually, it looks like
<title type='text'>content I've extracted</title>
<content type='text'>content I've extracted</content>
Now everything is done and when I generate the content by PHP coding and when I ...
@pbvamsi your question cannot be answered in its current form. please clarify the question and show the code used to generate the XML in the first place.
> The C++ room is a kind of anarchic democracy, and it's intentionally prone to subjective feelings.
They justify it by saying it's a Lounge. . .
> Posting a link in the chat to a proper formulated question at Stack Overflow might actually give you better results from the chat users. Note, however, that showing up just to dump a link to your question and not to participate in discussions (called drive-by linking) is frowned upon. (In fact, regulars might be offended enough to actually downvote the question just to discourage you from doing that again.)
@Gordon While it doesn't actually answer his question, I have eliminated all sorts of errors simply by using DomDocument to handle my IO. Otherwise I wouldn't suggest something crazy.
Sigh. . . I don't really feel like discussing this. To sum it up: I have had a LOT of issues with PHP in XML, all of which have been solved by following the code I used.
@Gordon It's from a comment on PHP.net that I've seen others encounter.
@Gordon My comment of "I don't really feel like discussing this" means "I don't want to hear your comments right now." I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm tired and I really think your points are useless. Edit my answer if you want, I don't care.
setting the user agent is good advice but its not a cure for all errors the OP might encounter there. and the user agent you copied from the comment is not even rfc conforming which might make some server reject it and produce yet another error
@LeviMorrison besides if you wanted to help him, you could just have told him in the chat instead of supplying an answer to something that wasnt even asked
@NikiC I referred to 'comments on the accepted post should likely be delete' which is my post, but I really meant to say 'comments on the other post'. If they delete my post, the comments are gone anyway. That wasn't what I meant :/
@LeviMorrison manual says: If magic_quotes_runtime is enabled, most functions that return data from any sort of external source including databases and text files will have quotes escaped with a backslash.
@LeviMorrison and it lists fgets among the functions
So. . . He retrieves file the external file with fgets. It will have extra slashes. He then writes it with the slashes. He then fgets it again, what happens with magic quotes? Are they slashed once again, or does it handle that case just fine?
@NikiC you might want to add a note that it doesnt work for SimpleXmlElement attributes since that is the usually the UseCase when people are asking for @ on objects.
@ircmaxell I mean like to the ML. I'm not yet sure whether I should send it now or after 5.4. Not sure whether it's critical enough to land in code freeze ;)
Submit it anyway, and let the maintainers decide (I'd say submit it as a patch to 5.3 and trunk, and include a 5.4 patch in case they want to include it)
@LeviMorrison given the short time answers stay on the first tag results that's way too long imo. most questions are long gone from the first page after 24 hours already. and then no one will answer them anymore.
@Gordon Right, but accepting it doesn't make go away any faster. Plus, I am an avid editor of my posts, and editing brings it back to the front of some pages.
IF something actually fixes a problem I accept it. On SO that's pretty easy to determine so I accept as soon as something works if it doesn't have any trade offs I don't like
After what I read/understand REST is not a standard or technology it is a way of structuring the web application you make to take advantage of what the protocol is capable of. Before I go any further is this right?
Using this:
function nonce($str,$expires){
return sha1(date('Y-m-d H:i',ceil(time()/$expires)*$expires).$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].$salt.$str);
Let's say I initialize my session_id after I log in, also generating a thumbprint, like this:
So, when you make a web application you could add all sorts of parameters and ids etc. such as: http://localhost/my-webapp?id=1&action=delete ....for instance. However the HTTP protocol has four verbs (GET, UPDATE, DELETE and POST) which nobody used. Instead of making the URL above you could take the advantage of the fact that HTTP has these and make the URL above cleaner.
@AlexandreDieulot cv-pls its just a convention we use in this chat when we want to request closevotes to a question. it is short for "closevote please". cv-ring is just a funny name we gave to it.
@Pjotr it means you put current state of the application into the representation so a client consuming your api can autodiscover the available state transitions. this is the HATEOAS part
@ircmaxell ntfs 1) An abreviation for Not Too F*cking Smart 2.) Not Too F*cking Safe and 3.) Not The F*cking Same … oh, and also some filesystems, yeah … booooooring.
HATEOAS, an abbreviation for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, is a constraint of the REST application architecture that distinguishes it from most other network application architectures. The principle is that a client interacts with a network application entirely through hypermedia provided dynamically by application servers. A REST client needs no prior knowledge about how to interact with any particular application or server beyond a generic understanding of hypermedia. Contrast this with e.g. a service-oriented architecture (SOA), where clients and servers interact through...
A REST client enters a REST application through a simple fixed URL. All future actions the client may take are discovered within resource representations returned from the server. The media types used for these representations, and the link relations they may contain, are standardized. The client transitions through application states by selecting from the links within a representation or by manipulating the representation in other ways afforded by its media type. In this way, RESTful interaction is driven by hypermedia, rather than out-of-band information.[1]
@LittleTreeX Yes, it is a link to a gist explaining that. Another person asked, I hope to keep this link relevant to the site so we don't have to explain everytime somebody asks
@LittleTreeX I'm not sure that it has the most bad questions but it probably ranks high up there. But, I think there's just a lot of bad information on PHP in general on the Internet and not just SO.
Hardest part of learning PHP, in my opinion, is discerning the bad information from the good.
Using mysql_ is just a huge pet peeve of mine. I just don't get it, its so old and so not good and I see so many seemingly new projects using it. I can't stand it, it honestly sends a shiver down my spine every time I see a question using mysql_
sadly, on a site i did as volunteer work for a local dog rescue I may have used it. I'll have to check my code. I was very green then though (it's been a while). It's not a major application, but if there are problems with it, then I will clean it up.
@Pjotr if you dont have an HTML5 capable browser and no silverlight download the video on the right hand side as wmv. its a rather lengthy video and develops slowly but it explains the basic concepts.
Actually, edit by PUT is only true if you are PUTing the new resource in its entirety. Partial modifications should use POST. That's my understanding of PUT.
# What is 'cv-ring' and 'cv-pls'
In the Stack Overflow [PHP chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php) you may notice that the regulars use a tag called `cv-ring` and `cv-pls`. These tags are used only in the chat room to communicate with other users that a question or answer may need more votes to be closed. You see, PHP has a lot of inferior quality and duplicative information on Stack Overflow. We feel that these questions bring down the site and make it harder to find good information, particularly about PHP. By closing and merging these questions as appropriate you'll find the information you need quicker.
`cv-ring` is just a 'funny name' we give to the process and `cv-pls` is simply an in-chat tag that communicates "Hey, this question may be of inferior quality. Check it out and, if you feel appropriate, cast a close vote."
There's been a question on [meta.stackoverflow.com](http://www.meta.stackoverflow.com) that [asks whether the community should vote-to-close in this way](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/120275/is-asking-others-for-a-close-vote-appropriate/120278#120278) if you feel the need to provide feedback. If you have a problem with the process or notice abuse please post something on meta or talk to us in chat. This process is meant to *help the community* but can easily start *hurting the community* and that is not our intent. I hope this clears up a little more about what `cv-ring` and `cv-pls` means.