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good luck (for perl)
it's ok, I have crypto experience
Lisp should be higher up in the list tho ;-)
I should be able to understand Perl :P
I'm not an academic, so I don't see the value in Lisp
(I'm largely self-taught, fwiw)
Are you able to decipher RSA by head?
Because that's what you need for perl
very slowly, sure
sweet-rose.pl :D
spoiler: runs rm -rf /
If it doesn't have --no-preserve-root, it's fine
it might
I haven't braved myself to s/eval/print/ in a while
also shred /dev/sda > rm -rf :P
@ScottArciszewski same, and I meant Common Lisp (i.e. not an academic lisp)
heh :)
I've yet to encounter anyone that uses it
the closest I've come is LDAP queries
@ScottArciszewski well, you have now :P
most of what I do is PHP, shell, Java, C#, and front-end jquery (in that order)
$.post('/some/endpoint', {"data": "value"}, function(response) { /* do stuff */ }); <- all I really ever need lol
Morning, Is it possible to get the ID from this like so?
$projectNumberStmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE featured = 1");
$count = $projectNumberStmt->rowCount(); // THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE THE IDs
$id = rand(0, $count);
well, what I normally do
is first grab the # of rows
then SELECT * FROM blah LIMIT $randomValueHere, 1
whats, 1
the number to return
if you only need to grab 1 random row
if you need more, it gets trickier
But, I want to get a random value from a specific col
maintain an array of past IDs, then add a WHERE id NOT IN (2, 3, 4, 5) (for example)
where 2, 3, 4, and 5 were the previous IDs
if you need a col
then change the SELECT * to SELECT columnName
Can't I just call the IDs?
and then use fetchColumn(0);
the strategy I'm outlining is thus
1. get the number of rows that meet your criteria (featured = 1)
let's say it returns 24000
So: `SELECT * FROM projects WHERE featured = 1`
Call: $id = count(IDs)
Rand: $id
2. generate a random number between 0 and 23999
have your DB give you the count, not PHP
much more efficient
3. "SELECT * FROM projects WHERE featured = 1 LIMIT ".rand(0, 23999).", 1"
that will give you a random single row
then you can grab whatever column you want
or you can edit the query and use PDO's fetchColumn to just grab it directly
SELECT count(id) FROM projects WHERE featured = 1
@JoeWatkins pong
@ScottArciszewski wouldn't it be better to use db's rand?
@ScottArciszewski Thanks!
A: Doing a while / loop to get 10 random results

tereškoPlease, stop using ORDER BY RAND(). Just stop. This operation has complexity of n*log2(n), which means that the time spent on query would grow " entries | time units ------------------------- 10 | 1 /* if this takes 0.001s */ 1'000 | 300 1'000'000 | ...

@NikiC oh thanks, but I think I found what I wanted in your blog post ... looking at apc hashtable copy code for 7 ...
is there anything I should know,,, that isn't obvious ?
Good morning
@JoeWatkins pthreads will fork a process (under the hood), or.. ?
@AlmaDo no
@JoeWatkins Why does it need special copy code?
@JoeWatkins great, hm.. when can I read about that ? :)
because persistent memory needs to be alloc'd for buckets stored in shm
@AlmaDo not sure what you mean
@JoeWatkins I want to read how it deals which concurrency. It does exactly that as I got the idea correctly
@Danack I do. Sorry. /cc @Ocramius
@DaveRandom btw, you might find this interesting: wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds
@AlmaDo I'm still not sure what you mean, it uses threads, posix (kernel level) threads ...
@AlmaDo fork creates a process, and a single process can have multiple threads. pthreads deals with threads, not processes
@JoeWatkins Ah, you mean copy into APC SHM?
@NikiC your blog post is out of date :(
@NikiC yeah
ok, so where can I read about how it uses posix threads?
@JoeWatkins It is, yeah
@JoeWatkins However in PHP 7 I feel like your copy process should be relatively simple. Copy the hashtable structure, copy the pHash+pData (this is one allocation, you'll have to get the base address first) and then go through pData and copy zvals / string keys
@ScottArciszewski I don't think your way worked for me. Thanks though!
@AlmaDo well I haven't written about it, because not much to write, a Thread or Worker is a Posix Thread (1:1)
What I have so far:
$projectNumberStmt = $db->prepare("SELECT id FROM projects WHERE featured = 1");
$count = $projectNumberStmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$id = rand(0, $count);
It's that $count, I'm not sure how to convert that array to a single string
yeah it does look simpler, however, where is pHash or arHash, it's gone ?
fetchAll is a 2D array
use fetchColumn(0);
and make your query SELECT count(id)
@JoeWatkins I'd suggest looking at lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_hash.c#1686. It's very optimized code though, it can be cut down to be much simpler if you don't handle all cases separately
@JoeWatkins ok, got it. Better to try myself - for sure (: So not to be confused by those who claims it forks under the hood
$projectNumberStmt = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM projects WHERE featured = 1");
$count = $projectNumberStmt->fetchColumn(0);
$id = rand(0, $count);
@NikiC good starting place, thanks much
@JoeWatkins Yes, hash is allocated before data now. You can set it using something like HT_SET_DATA_ADDR(new_ht, shm_alloc(HT_SIZE(old_ht)));
Where HT_SIZE already includes both hash and data size
what marks array as immutable for the gc ?
@AlmaDo best proof ever:
@FlorianMargaine Interesting. Would be very interested to see if that ever gets finished, seems like the sort of thing that will end up with a few packages that outright refuse to work, but it's certainly a nice idea
Hello Friends...
florian@debian:~/src/c/pthreads$ grep -rns 'pthread_create' src/
src/object.c:647:                       started = pthread_create(&thread->thread, NULL, pthreads_routine, (void*)thread);
florian@debian:~/src/c/pthreads$ grep -rns 'fork' src/
Some help me
@JoeWatkins There's an IS_ARRAY_IMMUTABLE in the GC_FLAGS
How to linkedin appication in r_fullprofile permission add?
@NikiC but what leads to that ? (I'm assuming I'll have to set that for some reason when copying out of shm?)
@ScottArciszewski Thanks, but that again isn't giving me the IDs from featured, it's giving me the IDs 1,2 (as I've only set two projects to featured = 1). Those IDs are 1 and 3. So what it's doing is just giving me a number of rows, not the actual ID of rows. So I really need the ID 1 and 3, not strlen(1\,3) = 2 kinda thing.
make sure you have your WHERE clause in the second query
@JoeWatkins Opcache sets it. You don't need to do set it
Unless you want to avoid the copy from SHM altogether
@ScottArciszewski pastebin.com/EXWLbPwZ
@NikiC oh okay, gotcha
@JoeWatkins lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/ext/opcache/zend_persist.c#73 This is probably more useful than zend_array_dup
that's closer to what I wanna do, yeah
And it's shorter ^^
@RahulMishra How to LinkedIn application in r_fullprofile permission add?
change your query to
line 5:
"SELECT * FROM projects WHERE featured = 1 LIMIT " . (int) $id . ", 1"
and it will work
the output of rand() isn't an ID
it's an offset
what you're saying is that "there are 20 featured articles out of 10000, we want to grab one of these 20 randomly"
rand() has no concept of your database structure
so calling the variable $id might lead to confusion down the line, too
does this make sense?
@ScottArciszewski Yes thanks, working perfectly now! What was the way to making this more efficient?
@DaveRandom this is getting some traction, the issues are handled one after one. I don't see this being blocked by technical issues, they even figured out how to handle timestamps (via an environment variable). And Debian maintainers are usually not afraid to patch packages.
I have an array with keys 1 to 4. When I use the sort function on the array, as expected, the keys change to 0 to 3. Is there any way of maintaining the 1 to 4 structure while using the sort function?
@Rahul yeah, this method is more efficient with large data sets :)
small data sets, with the DB on a separate server across the world, you might be better off reducing round trips
every optimization is a trade-off
@ScottArciszewski Thanks Scott, you've been an amazing helper!
Ok, @JoeWatkins - do you have a minute? I want to implements this (first, squaring numbers only, to be precise). Am I correct it's possible due to native threading?
Talk abstract - feedback appreciated :-)
^ Can please star? /Danke
@AlmaDo goroutines are not threads though
but semantically, it's the same, yes
yes, that's why I want to do it
in this case - some sort of pipeline
pthreads doesn't have the concept of channels though, so you have to "implement your own" using locks
eh.. ok, I need to read moooooar
@Jay any Idea LinkedIn App in linkedin API?
@GaurangP ?
@bwoebi Can you submit a PR for the liveliness patch?
How to LinkedIn application in r_fullprofile permission add?
You have C99 decls in github.com/php/php-src/compare/… :)
@AlmaDo it's possible
@JoeWatkins great. Now I want to do it. What can I read to help myself? E_GOOGLE_FAILED
parallelizing I/O is a questionable use of pthreads, because underlying streams are poorly (not) prepared
what do you mean poorly or not prepared?
@NikiC few mins
the buffering mechanisms they all use will crash php if you write to the buffer from multiple threads, there is no internal API to introduce synchronization for streams, they were only ever meant to be written from one thread because share nothing ...
then how is it possible? ..
how is what possible ?
5 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
@AlmaDo it's possible
or what did you mean?
you said you wanted to do the square example, that's possible ...
but then I went onto explain that the I/O stuff is questionable ...
yeah, only square (that's why I asked why did you mentioned IO streams)
Go's concurrency primitives make it easy to construct streaming data pipelines that make efficient use of I/O and multiple CPUs
the intro in the go manual ...
got it
and that kind of stuff was never implemented
the problem for me starts here
There's no formal definition of a pipeline in Go
is there anyone, who can help me with this problem ?
Q: How to protect content data with login with PHP?

I love codingI want to protect some web page (html/php file) with username and password, so with a login phase. So I have created this private.php file: <?php session_start(); include 'MyLibrary.php'; $object = new Manager ( $conn ); if ($object->checkPassword ( $_POST ['username'], $_POST ['password']...

So how am I supposed to implement something which I don't understand in full :\
why are you looking to do that ?
I'm not sure how to get in that position ...
@AlmaDo it's basically a FIFO queue, with threads waiting for input, others threads putting stuff in it
@FlorianMargaine ?
(channels, or "pipeline")
@FlorianMargaine that seems closer to a channel
@JoeWatkins because our CTO wants to run new projects on go
and argument is: PHP can not provide pipelines
ah, no
pipelines are built on top of channels
so you need to implement channels first
there's more than one type of channel, that's one of them ...
does he have go programmers ? @AlmaDo
@JoeWatkins yes
@JoeWatkins ooooh :-)
@AlmaDo what's wrong with that? goroutines/channels are more natural in Go, so it makes sense
I'm like - only one who can say something regarding forks/threads and am aware of pthreads, but from out talk you can get my poor level
@FlorianMargaine what's wrong is 50 devs knowing PHP forced to "switch" to go
@AlmaDo well, go is vastly superior to pthreads+php, if there are programmers ready to write, then don't stand in their way, I wouldn't ... I would say a different thing to a team of php programmers, pthreads fills a nice gap, in my opinion, but to run, you should use the shoe designed to be a training shoe, rather than a boot styled like a training shoe ...
@JoeWatkins thank you, that might be really the thing
@AlmaDo devs should know more than one language imho...
@JoeWatkins (:
@FlorianMargaine yeah they should, but go has been with us for 15 minutes ...
@FlorianMargaine they should. But not all of them are happy about that changes. Now, when because of five, fifty must change..
you can hardly blame anyone for not knowing go ...
if 5 of 50 want to work in go, and the rest don't and can't, then the 5 that can should be getting on with making life easy for those that can't ...
why can't those bits of the application that require the kinds of features go provides (and it sounds like such parts exist) be written in go and the rest be php ?
yup, make a microservice
this is what I would do ...
@JoeWatkins CTO is among those 5, so we can't do anything. However, I want to prove that whoever is blames PHP for missing threads support at all - are wrong (pipelines are next step, but as I see, it's not native support of course)
@AlmaDo that said, goroutines are much more performant than php's pthreads.
i.e. don't run more than 10 php's pthreads, but you can run thousands of goroutines in parallel.
@FlorianMargaine well.. go is more performant isn't it?
no, it's not about the language performance, it's about the threading model
@FlorianMargaine not in actual parallel you can't, there are still limits on hardware ...
what's the difference?
pthreads use real OS threads
the threading model in pthreads is 1:1
it's many to one in go
goroutines are green threads, i.e. runtime-managed threads
ok, I see
they are a kind of green thread ...
I almost put "green threads" in quotes
So, despite pthreads can, it actually is not intended to do that kind of work
depends on what is "that kind of work"
computation yeah, but I/O, not so much ... it's possible but would be fragile, in my opinion
How can I achieve something like this with ReflectionMethod and ReflectionClass $Class->before(); $Class->index, but with 1 more thing inside of before method I have $this->var = ''ccc, which doesn't work in method index.
how to use it to it's full potential
DI has a full potential, therefore it's? :P
DI owns a potential? No?
yes, so it's "its potential"
@JoeWatkins your opinion is the most valuable in this topic :)
I'm no british though, so I may be wrong, but it's basically saying "his (DI) potential", except it's an object, so it's "its potential"
I can be wrong, maybe there's someone out there with such vast knowledge on the subject they could do a better job than I could, and it wouldn't be fragile ...
This is DI, that I'm using for it github.com/Aurora-Framework/DI/tree/master/src this is execution code : pastie.org/10275467 controllerClass is string and controllerMethod is string too.
@JoeWatkins at least now, pthreads are there. So there is implementation of this stuff
So sad I can not read about that anywhere
Because my knowledge is just almost zero
the most reliable description of anything is the description found in source code
you could read go's relevant bits I guess ...
And good source code is its own documentation
True. Would not commit for reading understanding go lang sources though
me neither, sounds boring as fuck ...
maybe someone wrote something like it in java, or something not terrible to read ... github searches might yield something you can stand to read
but they might be wrong ...
No, it will be useless in my context
If pthreads can not fully replace goroutines, then I have nothing to say and looks like I'm reading go starters book this weekend (:
its not goroutines you can't replace, someone smart enough can define their own threading model for their application regardless of the model used in pthreads by default ...
that wouldn't even be hard, pools exist, the hard bits would be getting parallel I/O right
$bar = $foo->getBar(); $this->em->persist($bar); Any idea why this is not persisting?
It works with foo but not with bar, no errors
Flush after?
@JoeWatkins do you have in mind something I should read to get into the topic better? (before I started to google that, it won't harm to ask a professional)
@Fabor yeah that's there. It works with a normal entity, but not with a related entity that I get from a getter
nevermind, stupid error on my side (of course)
@FlorianMargaine You pedantic bastards.
Anyone got any thoughts on pastebin.com/tj9MYADs ?
@AlmaDo with regard to what, pools or I/O ? theres documentation for pool, and some examples on github that cover it, or else give it a go, and I/O, not really ...
@DaveRandom When I ever need to do that I am wondering whether I am doing it right
Yeh I was half wondering that as I wrote it
Doesn't negate the fact that I've seen it a few times in the wild though
And we have a whole bunch of stuff that enables people to do crappy stuff
@JoeWatkins no, Pool is pretty ok (I like that abstraction level). I mean - regarding IO, channels, threading model
@DaveRandom You remember an example linky by any chance? :)
@AlmaDo I/O, channels, you'll just have to gain from experience (have a go, no pun intended) ... threading model ... well
here's a simple chunk of code to try to explain it ...
@PeeHaa Not really. I do however have an example that I just wrote and don't feel too bad about (in general, mutability as an extension of something immutable) - github.com/DaveRandom/twitter-api-php/blob/2.0/src/HTTP/… as extension of github.com/DaveRandom/twitter-api-php/blob/2.0/src/HTTP/…
written but not executed because no php5 build available ...
class Routine extends Collectable {
	public function __construct(Closure $closure, ... $args) {
		$this->closure = $closure;
		$this->args = $args;

	public function run() {
		$this->result =

	public function getResult() {
		return $this->result;

	protected $closure;
	protected $args;
	protected $result;

$pool = new Pool(16);
while (@$i++ < 64) {
	$pool->submit(new Routine(function($f) use($i) {
		return $i * $f;
	}, $i * $i));
(see full text)
Can anyone help me with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/31243780/…
you can say that this piece of code has a model of 64:16 or N:N ...
clever scheduling is doable by overriding submit (and using submitTo)
Technically it would be anyway worky
Technically worky - the best kind of worky.
@DaveRandom Hmmmm feels dirty
Imo the two methods shouldn't be protected in the first place
@PeeHaa I know yet at the same time a) protected methods feels much nicer than protected properties (in general and especially in that specific case) b) they are definitely related, it doesn't make a whole bunch of sense to have some place where you can pass an immutable one but not a mutable one and c) the same logic belongs in both (at least for addHeader) and this approach is the DRYest way.
I'd go down the interface road to satisfy typing, except that an interface that will only ever have one implementation seems a bit weird.
I thought about this for quite a while, I'm very much open to suggestions
Well I think part of the problem is that you used inheritance instead of composition
Let me think about it some more
Not disagreeing, just really struggling to see the better way that I'm sure is there somewhere
Yeah I get what you mean
brb beer time :P
Ugh, tell your boss to give me a job
When I have made enough money you are more than welcome to join the force :)
s/the force/the dark side of the force/
Something something Dark Side, something something complete
Although I am pretty sure we would only have time for bike shedding when joining forces instead of delivering products :P
We'll just have to ensure our products are all bike sheds then
Apr 27 at 13:13, by Danack
@Jimbo I need to write a blog post for it - it's on my list of things to do.
@Jimbo can you remember what it was I was meant to be getting back to you about? I can't really find it unless it's this
And or was it the same as that twat on reddit was going on about?
Im looking for a hosting structure for websites we create here in-house.
Is a VPS still a good idea to create multiple website on ?
@Duikboot Yes
@Duikboot as long as you have enough resources allocated why not?
What is the fuzz/buzz around 'cloud'hosting?
It was a new thing 10 years ago?

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