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captchas are basically something generated by a computer that is hard for the human to solve and trivial for the machine to unsolve.
By definition they are broken
@Sherif Yes however sadly there is no real alternative
@PeeHaa And, no the important parts aren't cut off. reCaptcha actually doesn't verify all of the information in the image. There are two parts. One the machine already has the answer to (which was captured by the OCR software). The second, it actually doesn't know.
That's the entire point of reCaptcha
It's trying to figure out from the human what the computer couldn't.
Oh god. Why do you always want to bitch about little things like that :P god
Just consider for a moment not everybody is an idiot
Who's bitching. I'm explaining something to you.
It will go a long way
Well, if you feel you are an idiot, there's nothing I can do about that. However, don't presume to know what I'm thinking.
It's like everything people say they will have to explain in detail because ptherwise you are going to take it the wrong way
And instead of simple dumping a link to something they have to spend half an hour explaining what they said in their first post
Someone put their gmail password onto 3v4l
No idea what you're rambling on about right now. Gonna go back to the code now.
@Sherif Well perhaps you never mean it like that, but on more occasion than one it sure looks like it
Gah, gif wont upload :p
@PeeHaa Looks can be deceiving and occasions are occasional.
@Sherif That last comment is exactly what I meant. It's like you feel bad if you didn't have the last word about something :P Again probably you don't realize it, but that is imo what it looks like (at least to me and I am in no way representative for everybody at all). Do with this whatever you want.
/rant what isn't really meant as a rant
@PeeHaa pat pat. It's OK. I can tell you're having one of those days :)
@Sherif I agree with @PeeHaa that you look arrogant
not sure if it's voluntary either
There, now everyone is happy
and that's just condescending :/
Cute cat gifs always make everythign better
Everyone needs to just calm down. You guys all get yourselves worked up over nothing. Be happy guys :) Life is good
I can actually live with that
stackoverflow.com/questions/31134218/… … yeah, the high quality questions of SO …
We need more cat gifs in here
@DaveRandom thank you. My work efficiency has decreased by around 80%
@DaveRandom yo
Yeh but 80% of 0 is still 0, so it's not really my fault.
@DaveRandom even dogoverflow.com exists.. This is like a new world opening up to me! \o/
Can anybody help me with this..
Q: Mysql calculate distance between lat/long

Rajendra KhabiyaI am working on a location app and i need to get all locations from my Mysql Location table which have a 5km distance between them. For Ex location table have below entries: id Latitude Longitude 1 22.7499180 75.8950577 2 22.7498474 75.8950653 3 22.7498035 ...

There are literally hundreds of questions dealing with that on the site.
@RajendraKhabiya I have a PHP lib that does that, I used the first/second hit on google for it
I searched but all of them are calculating with a fixed point
and not comparing records itself
Please go through my question once. I hope i have explained it properly
@Amelia Can you please give me url of that
@Amelia 1st hit or gtfo
The way to use google is to keep changing the query until the thing you want is result #1. If it's not result #1 then you search for the wrong thing.
@bwoebi Only 33 down votes? I'm disappointed. Everyone must still be asleep.
@RajendraKhabiya You need to do a bounding coordinate calculation then search between the two points given
Sometimes you need to spend hours changing the keywords until it appears at the top of the page but it's worth it.
github.com/adorabledorks/location (it's not actually finished; I never got around to it)
$location->bounds($midpoint, new Distance(1000 * 5));
@Sherif and still not deleted… I don't get it.
@Amelia Can you please help me with mysql query as i am developing API in node.js
For the actual answer, I might get to it at lunch
@RajendraKhabiya if you know the bounds, it should be simple. I'll draw a picture with freehand red text.
Okay, I got it... thanks a lot for helping me.. ask me anything if you need from me
Thanks guys
Also, that distance library can be used for coordinates on Jupiter. Because why the hell not.
Because Jupiter doesn't really have a surface, that's why the hell not.
I should do all of my unit tests using coordinates on different planets, lol
@DaveRandom the maths is always the same for a spherical object, you just need to give the radius to LocationService
I originally had the greek letters as variables internally with the comment // if anyone reads this, I typed these using alt-gr on a mac for science
@Amelia I didn't say it was mathematically incorrect, only that it's a bit conceptually weird because what do you consider to be the height at which the co-ordinates are applied? On Earth it's easy because there's a clear boundary between the atmosphere and sea-level, on Jupiter it's not so simple because there's a large transitional zone between gas and liquid.
@Sherif this would be a nice way to separate idiots from proper people in SO
There are no proper people on SO
@DaveRandom I'm aware. There's two gateway drugs to science: Space and Dinosaurs. Mine was space :p
I am a proper guy :D
people call me crazy, but they no nothing
@Amelia What about Dinosaurs in space?
@DaveRandom YES.
@DaveRandom they.. hm, exist
I think we need to do the whole Jurassic Park thing, but in space
@ziGi Would it? photomath.net/en
Also, I have yet to find another location library in PHP that lets you deal with anything and everything in miles/km/meters as well as radians/degrees at the same time, so I made this :v
Also, in Jurassic World there's that weird hybrid thing they've supposedly genetically engineered. I don't know about you but to me that seems like the sort of thing that even the craziest super-villain would hear that idea and go "wait a minute, that sounds like it's not going to end well for anybody"
I have this code.When I clicka link in sidebar, it goes to the concerned link and the menu is closed. I want to be opened the link as well as the menu which i have clicked.
@Amelia Miles are stupid, screw that guy
@DaveRandom it was a military contract. They wanted dinosaurs.
First - invent a problem. Second - heroically solve it. Third - ??? Fourth - Profit!
@AlmaDo Shift-enter inserts a newline.
@Amelia cap?
@ziGi are you there?
@JimSteven yes, it lives
I am only helping you because we have similar family name :D
@ziGi so I successfully made the session and it logins automatically
@ziGi :D
@JimSteven I am happy to hear that
@ziGi there is another field in that lets say id=1,agentid=1234,name=Jim
@ziGi is it possible the name from database using the $_SESSION?
@ziGi i can print the agentid using session, but can't print the name
@JimSteven sorry I didn't quite get your question. To clarify, you want to get the id from the database using the $_SESSION id?
@PeeHaa Ja meneer
@ziGi , nope forget the ID :) I can now automatically login because the agentid is in session, but I also want to print the name of that agentid
@ziGI agentid = 1234, name = Jim, i also want to get the name
So I know a developer who uses method names that are currently longer than most objective-c methods.
@JimSteven do something like this $id = $_SESSION['id']; and then make a query to the DB like SELECT username FROM users_table WHERE id = :id where :id is $id
Here's one: public function selectAllInheritedByArgsArrayOrderByAssignmentEndDate($id)
@Amelia cool storry bro/sis but I think it's better to be descriptive than something like function abDoFtSC()
@ziGi ok thanks, I'll try it :D
@Sherif is there anything I can help with, or already resolved?
@Tyrael I think he was looking for Zend karma news.php.net/php.internals/86963 salathe gave him php-src and suggested he go to the mailing list
@ziGi no, it's not better, because they also name their properties like that, and they have a single call ($this->{$property}->{$method}()) that hits the soft-limit on lines when it's much more descriptive to use $this->assignments->getInherited()
@Amelia well chaining in general is not a nice idea too
naming is difficult
@JimSteven are you working OO? If so you could store an object in a session, else you might wanne store an array in your session?
@ziGi Uhh... that's basic dependency injection. This class is a dependency of the calling class :p
@Sherif done
@Trowski ah well look at that. @Tyrael gave you the keys to the castle
@Naruto sir, I'm having difficulties with array because the syntax using sqlsrv differs a lot from mysql in which I know a lot :)
@JimSteven How's it differ? They both use the same syntax for sets.
@Sherif hmm, some parameter errors xD i don't know xD, but I tried to just change mysql_query into sqlsrv_query then i got parameters errors xD
@Sherif but it is okay, for now, so I 'm not trying my luck using array again :D
@JimSteven it wa just a suggestion, array is out of the question, what about objects? ^^
@PeeHaa Hi dude.
Hmm? What does luck have to do with it? Maybe just ask for help with the error you got rather than trying to get lucky?
@Amelia I know what DI is, and I agree that variable variables are not nice and should be avoided
@Naruto @Sherif yes, I am also posting here at stackoverflow :)
me backs away slowly
Damn you @DaveRandom ... now I'm hooked on that catoverflow
time for some food, brb
@Sherif hahaha
@Sherif Muahahahahahaha!!!
My ridiculously circuitous plan is one quarter complete
Step 1) Take over the world. Step 2) Figure what to do with the world.
3) Put world into trash can.
@ziGi hey man, thanks for the help.. I somehow figured it out. I'll be testing it in my aaod if the call flow will do the job :D
@JimSteven no problem guy with similar name to mine
@Sherif Step 2 is easy: eBay
@DaveRandom It's all about the bitcoin baby!
They need to make a bitcoin parody to this
@ziGi hey :D
@ziGi i tested it, but I have a problem haha
tell me Jimmy
@ziGi $query = "SELECT [name] FROM [master].[dbo].[Tbl] WHERE Agent_id
='$_SESSION["agentid"] '"; whitespace error :D
@ziGi is my query possible? i want the current session of the agent to select the name so i can print it
well your query is not really nice since $_SESSION["agentid"] might be empty or not a number at all
but in general this query should work
if you have a proper setup
@ziGi figured it out, switched the "Select to 'Select
@ziGi but would it work?
@ziGi I did = $_SESSION["agentid"] i removed the '' from the $_SESSION[]
@ziGi to clarify, what i did is = $_SESSION["agentid"] instead of = '$_SESSION["agentid"] ' I don't get any error now,
you don't need to ping every single message.
@Danack I think you should
@Danack because
@Danack it's so funny (:
@AlmaDo thinks we should ping him.
@AlmaDo for reasons.
@Danack @Danack @Danack @Danack @Danack @Danack @Danack … because pining is fun. And now edit because :-P
@Fabor what do you think, about reasons?
It's funny when it happens to someone else :P
^^ sorry about that, I'm having some delays because I am deploying at a remote server, it causes my laptop to work slow xD
@Danack okay, 7 pings are now enough :-P
In room 11, if you do not want everyone to do something, you actually should ask everyone to do it
So, if I don't want everyone to give me 10000 €, I get them?
no, it's only for chat
but here you are
/me gives @bwoebi € 10000
charity :D
I can't fetch the Data T_T
@bwoebi echo str_repeat('€', 10000); //enjoy
@AlmaDo In that case I want tens of billions of €. Note that I'll try that on a 32 bit system.
no, bad one
@DaveRandom related to shared memory?^^
@bwoebi easy cake, str_repeat(str_repeat(str_repeat('€', 1000000), 1000000), 1000000) //happy now?
add ony more layer if that's not enough :p
@AlmaDo you forgot that there's a limit on the amount a process can allocate under 32 bit…
Just don't care :p
however, ok .. works everywhere
while(1) echo '€';
^^ yes ^^
that was what I was waiting for :-D
so now you're a infinitely rich man. If you have infinite a little time to wait for your richness
Infinity is, by definition, not time-dependent
what do you mean?
hey can I ask guys?
simple question
yes about PHP
@JimSteven Don't have to ask buddy, just post your question :)
$query = "SELECT * FROM [master].[dbo].[Tbl] WHERE Agent_id ='6578'";
$res = sqlsrv_query($conn,$query);
$cc = $res['name'];
echo $cc
nevermind the $conn, it is for the db connection and it works :D
when i echo $cc, name is not appearing xD
@JimSteven Look at what sqlsrv_query returns in the docs
As well as dump the data it contains
var_dump(); <-- that little tool will solve all the problems you will have in the next 5 years
Scratch that tool will solve any and all problems you will have in your lifetime as a php developer in 99% of the cases ;)
look at this i added it below echo $cc
echo 'Could not connect:';
Look again at the docs of the function
Also look at other related functions in that section of the docs
ok ok thanks :D
@JimSteven You get a resource back I can give you as a hint
> I want list of restaurents, attractions between two places of a google map
"I want X" is not a question. — PeeHaa 2 mins ago
Well played OP well played
hmm, I'll revise my select statement, I'm still not used to sqlsrv, far different from mysql_query haha xD
@JimSteven The issue you are having would be the exact same as when using mysql_query AFAICS
> For SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN and other statements returning resultset, mysql_query() returns a resource on success, or FALSE on error.
> Returns a statement resource on success and FALSE if an error occurred.
Good day guys. I would like to ask for your help regarding sql. Can you please tell me what's the difference between these two statements:
WHERE Country LIKE '%land%'; WHERE Country LIKE '%land';
resource is the keyword here
@Ricardo Do you know what % means?
@Ricardo the second one is missing a second percentage mark
doesn't the first have a second % mark?
im just confused because according to w3schools: "The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City ending with the letter "s": WHERE Country LIKE '%land%';" whereas i'm not sure if you can just type it like this WHERE Country LIKE '%land';
@Ricardo here is a free advice for you: don't trust w3schools
then who will i trust?
@Ricardo link to w3s page please
it seems you read the wrong example for some other description
okay i figured it out
When a file runs and done (end) and shows results in the output, what happens for its variables and his objects? They will be release from the memory?
@stack yes, unless there is a severe bug in php, or if you are using some 'permanent resource' extension.
@Danack aha, just what is permanent resources?
@stack there are extensions that allow things like SQL connections to be left open between requests, to avoid having to re-open them continually. If you aren't explicitly using any of them, you probably don't have to worry about them.
@Danack aha I see, thanks
posted on June 30, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Togepi Crew */

@Danack completely agree on that
I have changed my home page meta tag description but still its not reflecting in google search .. Can anybody tell me why ?
a novel way to dismount a motorcycle, not something I will be trying ...
I want to rad data using web scrape in php. its acces data from aremote site in localhost, but not in live server
@JoeWatkins What, you don't want to cheat death while looking cool?
my PHP version is 5.4
web scrape in php?
@ShivaramMahapatro You should take note that PHP 5.4 will be going EOL soon
but in my local server i am using php version 5.6 and it's working like charm. when i moved that file to live server , it displays nothing. i visite php.net , it shows taht DOMXpath, libxml are supported by php version > 5.0. need help
@AlmaDo This looks like GTA: SA irl
Went to pub for lunch. Now cba with afternoon.
@nikita2206 what's GTA?
@AlmaDo Grand Theft Auto
@DaveRandom I got a 3kg bag of haribo strawbs for my birthday
How many times have you made yourself throw up so far?
you throw up haribo strawbs?
lol. It's bad when you're trying not to eat junk though. Damn things are like cocaine.
@Fabor so you're get along with eating junk? okay..
So what should I do? should i upgrade the php version to 5.6 or due to some other reason .
be a man and install PHP7 to production server
it's hosted by liquid web cloud server hosting.
@PeeHaa to be honest, I still don't understand why methods return false; instead of throwing exceptions, it's so much cleaner
@ziGi there wasn't exception when ext/mysql was out
poor design choices then I guess
@FlorianMargaine I would if I ate 3kg of them...
It'd be worth it
@AlmaDo and what if the developer is female, should she also be a man?
@AlmaDo done
@ziGi You must be new to php :P
@PeeHaa I told you I started using PHP 2 years ago
I was an algorithm and desktop programmer before that so mainly C, C++, Java
@ziGi rule#30
@ziGi True and I am very sorry for you :P
@PeeHaa haha I remember you were joking about it when we met, but I didn't get why :D
I mean what is bad about it?
I just don't like Java very much ;)
@PeeHaa the fact that I have used it doesn't mean I loved it :D
True :D
Sooooo tempted to make a "your mum" comment now but it's so unnecessarily offensive that even I am not going to stoop that low
@DaveRandom Weaksauce
@DaveRandom is still proud of his mum?
@VeeeneX ?
@VeeeneX hmm?
What were you expecting to heppen?
Dat ","
@DaveRandom your mum comment in regards to?
@VeeeneX Which one?
@VeeeneX on echo? yeah, normal PHP syntax.
@VeeeneX lol (:
Ah. Yeah you should totally always use it because it will MAKE YOUR CODE FASTER!
echo $val, "<br>"; Nobody told me what's diffrence between "," and "."?
Both connects strings?
, works on echo only
@VeeeneX One concatenates and the other is a delimiter for expressions
@VeeeneX difference is that . concatenates strings while the comma there is just multiple arguments which are output one by one.
Not sure whether expressions really is the word I was looking for btw, but meh
I think "," also works with Ocramius
Oh nice! Thank you for your answers
no worries
@DaveRandom Add Nikita, PööHüü there… but definitely not me^^
Now I am wondering who "PööHüü" could be :P
@PeeHaa ;-)
I know PööHää and also bwöebei
@AlmaDo let's make it even clearer: PëëHää ;-)
So I know bwöёbi
@AlmaDo No, it's bwöëbï, you ignorant person! :-P
that's just bullsh*t (:
@AlmaDo No, it's bullshït
doh.. umlauts are always reminding me about German in which I need to practice lot more :(
@AlmaDo b̈ül̈l̈s̈ḧïẗ
@DaveRandom b̦̘̦͉̭u̶l̛l͔̫̯̺͙s̶͔̦̥̜̗̠h͈͉̫̬i̡̭͉͓͚̰̳̼t̯̜̳
Glad to see you're teaching your son about Unicode trolling as early as possible
that was soft
lol it gets an ellipsis in the stars list
@DaveRandom ahahahaha
What's the longest time anyone has gone without writting a single line of code?
I am on the 8th day .. and counting ..
@samaYo about 13-14 years after my birth :-P
@FlorianMargaine it's more like regular sh*t. Now, clean it after yourself (:
:24185891 You sir just failed
Indeed I did
Pretty hard, in several ways
@DaveRandom Just like your mother
That's just lame
come on, it's well-known that @PeeHaa is a dick
you posted it too :p
@DaveRandom okay… We really meant your father.
Thank god it is almost friday...
@PeeHaa knock knock..
@DaveRandom soembody is knocking!
That's just me knocking your mother up no.
/ me thinks people in holland do not know knock knock jokes :/
@PeeHaa btw commentar ..
@samaYo We do although we also are afraid for what's coming :P
@samaYo yes
I'm comming to Holland, as a speaker for a PHP conf .. make sure to buy your ticket, first buy first served :D
@Sherif You must be seeing something I'm not, because my profile page doesn't even show up yet.
@Trowski hmm?
@samaYo Is that for real?
@Trowski people.php.net? Probably just not yet synced
but you should have your karma.
@bwoebi Where is he seeing what karma I have?
@PeeHaa haha very funny ..
Was hoping maybe I got some Zend karma :)
@bwoebi yay :)
@bwoebi Ah, cool, thank you! :)
Thank Peter and Ferenc^^
@Trowski but for more complicated patches, ask me, Nikita, Xinchen or Dmitry first.
Also @Trowski … should we change dynamic non-static calls from non-static context to inherit scope?
Thank you @salathe and @Tyrael :)
@bwoebi Right, the protocol is pretty obvious just from looking at how you and Nikita have handled some of the changes you've proposed.
@Trowski (But I still commit too quickly sometimes…^^)
@bwoebi That would be great, but how would you attach scope to the callable?
@Trowski 3v4l.org/qdmNK
basically setting object to Z_OBJ(EX(This))
@bwoebi that looks weird
So it would only work if calling from within another method on the same class, correct?
@Trowski not quite… instanceof check.
@bwoebi Oh, ok, makes sense.
@bwoebi Beat me to it
@LeviMorrison you realize that, when we put a struct into a .c file, we can't access it at all. … only via wrapper functions, which then cannot be inlined?
@Trowski I'm just asking @NikiC for safety here, so that we agree. I'm now off for some time…
@bwoebi Right. Night.
@Trowski night? no, not going to sleep now^^
Who knows ... based on when you're in here I'm pretty sure you don't sleep. :P
I'm awake since 2 a.m. today… will go to bed in 3 hours I think ^^
@Trowski I slept from around 21 or 22 hours to 2 hours tonight ^^
weird sleep cycle, I know :-P

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