I've updated my relatively "vanilla" PHP 5 RPMs to 5.3.9 on oss.oracle.com/projects/php. They are built for Oracle Linux 5.7 (and RHEL 5.7). I've included the OCI8 extension for Oracle DB, of course. The various MySQL extension are there and use the mysqlnd driver, so installation doesn't require any client-side MySQL libraries. Note the PHP 5.3.9 RPMs are for testing only. For production u…
That's PHP syntax, not MySQL syntax. It allows you to interpolate complex expressions in a double-quoted string. So in your example, the array index $listing['cityname'] will be evaluated, and its value used in your query.
It has nothing to do with SQL whatsoever.
By the way, that's a gaping SQ...
Are people expecting us to rip irrelevant examples from the manual and dump them into our php answers even if they don't help the OP or the OP has kindly provided an example for us now?
@BoltClock Could you please delete the comments on stackoverflow.com/q/8028957/385378? We hijacked that question into a reference question and the comments are irrelevant now ;)
@ChristianSciberras just realised the example code that i wrote works perfectly. Im not sure what exactly i was doing in the actual code. Thanks for making me check again :)
Okay, so I got the data to display. but.. problem. All of the columns are displaying.. I need only 1 to display in a div...
I'm reading, just not daily. I just don't have time. I'm trying to learn by force. I have to try this for a client. and it's actually working out. I just need to understand it more
Read about each function / language construct you use in a code snippet until you understand how it works together. That's the only way. If you start with large code-example this is complex. So start easy with some little "hello world" example.
I've been doing that. A matter of fact, a friend showed me line by line how to submit the form, enter into a database, displaying it. He sent me the files and I searched what each line mean't. So yeah
I don't even copy paste. I type it all just to get the hang of it
Hello guys! very fast&easy question, if i have a php array like $datos = array('url' => $result['url'], 'description' => $result['description']); How can i push a new pair of values like 'new string' => $aGenericVar
You might think that our framework is already pretty solid and you are probably right. But let's see how we can improve it nonetheless. Right now, all our examples use procedural code, but remember that controllers can be any valid PHP callbacks. Let's convert our controller to a proper class: class LeapYearController { public function indexAction($request) { if (is_lea…
It wasn't until after I re-opened I realised that stackoverflow.com/questions/8028957 is shaping up to be a canonical question for this type of problem
If you folks are doing this, please can you make sure you add a comment explaining why you're closing older questions as dupes of new ones where the new one is a canonical reference. Otherwise we'll end up with a heap of flags. Better still would be to maybe leave the older questions open. Closing older questions as dupe of a new canonical can also have the side effect of attracting downvotes by folks who don't bother to compare the dates.
@OmeidHerat - it does happen, but we have to be careful and not end up with an answer such as Andrew Moore's which specifically addresses the OP's problem (session) doesn't end up looking out of place
Merge tends to be used where an OP asks the same question repeatedly and there have been multiple answers across all the repeat questions
Just be careful and don't go hunting out old questions to close as dupes of a newly created/newish/newer canonical reference. By all means close newer questions.
@Kev should i open a feature request on meta about a notice telling me that im going to close an older question with a newer one? notice could also ask for a reason why im going to close it although its older.
@Kev not a new close reason, but just some sort of notice/warning when using the regular close as dup option
@Kev on a sidenote, not sure if Tim told you, but i abandoned the debugging/profiling digest. there is simply too many topics to be covered with too many answers scattered. i felt it was impossible to create a meaningful digest for that.
@Gordon wrt to that last one, I think Jeff didn't think his answer through. There is a discussion on meta about mergers...which I am trying to find...and the opinion, I sorta remember, was that both questions need to be bang on identical
@NikiC well....it causes a lot of confusion for the OP of the older question because it's a "close hit" against them when they were possibly the original asker of that sort of question...and...
@Kev It sure would be really convenient to not close them, because there are about 500 duplicates of that question and casting all those close votes takes time. But I think from a helpfullness point of view it would make more sense to dupe them.
@NikiC ...without any explanation in the comments as to why this happened, i.e. it's not immediately clear the newer question is a canonical, then you get folks who like to downvote dupe askers trolling along and unfairly downvoting the older question.
@Kev I don't think it's unfair. As I said, there are about 500 dupes of that question and only a single one of those 500 is the "original" asker that would be treated unfairly. For me that's measurement error, honestly.
@NikiC yes I know there's hundreds of dupes, but the question above that was closed was asked from the view point of it happening when working with session objects and OP may not be aware of the relationship between using session and headers.
googling for that yields ample results. the main issue with those is that the OPs dont understand where they output stuff before their call to header() and that's fix my code questions and those are discouraged anyway
@Kev The error message will still lead him to the solution. btw, we could extend marios answer into listing the functions which are subject to that error.
crash kurs in sourcecode browsing: goto lxr.php.net/opengrok/xref/PHP_TRUNK ; type "PHP_FUNCTION header" into the search ; follow the link without the ; at the end
@NikiC my naive assumption was that php has some sort of native approach how it modified headers internally and so I figured I could search for that in the source
@OmeidHerat @NikiC is compiling a list of all PHP functions that output headers. I assume he's writing an answer to a Cannot Send Header Information canonical
How about introducing canonical-question to StackOverflow in order to make it easier to identify them?
The general idea is to have either moderators designate individual canonicals and/or auto tag those questions which have been given most often as a possible duplicate. This would allow us to l...
@NikiC i really wouldnt want the tag to be taggable by everyone to prevent it becoming abused and/or watered down in functionality, but let's ask them for their opinion.
How would you check if Array A is a subset of Array B ? I can use array_diff to look for an empty 'relative complements' of B in A but that is not fun specially that I have to do it recursively.
Kent Beck has a nice side note in "Implementation Patterns": "(Projects with little or no maintenance should use a very different set of implementation patterns from those presented in the remainder of this book.)"
@ircmaxell People call everything that somehow looks like a csv a csv. Maybe you wouldn't call the tab case csv anymore, but the semicolon case definitely.
Wikipedia agrees that csv using semicolons are common in germany (as , is used as the decimal point)
@NikiC I was sure that was what you meant, but I try to make it a point to articulate that I do not hate people. When I raise my kids, I hope to avoid telling them they are bad, but rather what they did was naughty. Some part of me thinks it will make a difference. I'm just trying to get into the habit.
@LeviMorrison that sounds like a good idea. you are ok, but what you just did wasnt. nice, ill adopt it. although i think i already have that mindset. i'd rather could adopt children to live it in practise.
It is a practical comment, no doubt, but I've never seen anyone advocate mixing the singleton and injection patterns besides myself. I thought I was the only crazy one!
I try to keep my view to myself because it only starts fights.
@Greg No problem :) Of course, it does apply it directly to the array, so if you want to preserve the original you have to make a copy first.
Has anyone seen PDO or mysqli convert empty strings to nulls when you've told it not to? I wonder if I've found a bug or if there's something I'm not seeing.
@ircmaxell @edorian @Gordon @salathe @NikiC Do you guys think that anyone would complain if I changed the documentation of functions to use camelCase? Such as strToLower?
Ok, let's go over a few points here
What you have in $salt is not a salt. It's deterministic (meaning that there is no randomness in there at all). If you want a salt, use either mcrypt_create_iv($size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM) or some other source of actual random entropy. The point is that it s...
@LeviMorrison yes, im so used to the functions being the way they are that i would immediately change them back to lowercase. also iirc a lot of these map directly to their c equivalents
@Gordon I understand the value of leaving as their C equivalents. However, I really don't think PHP should maintain that stance forever. I could create a PHP processor in a language other than C, and it would be fine. It's just that no one has ever created another popular processor for PHP, so the one in place is the de facto standard.
Roadsend is completely worthless. As is Quercus. Haven't tried Phalanger. HipHop and their Jit are nice, but it's not really PHP since you can't use a fair number of dynamic language features...
If I got a grant to build a language engine, I'd build something statically typed, and my functions would have REAL overloading, and functions would have to declare what they returned.
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that a LinkedList is really just an array that's optimized for inserting elements in the middle (rather than at the ends)... (at least with respect to uses in high level languages)
so sure, accessing by offset is slow, but if you need to access by offset, use an array...
@ircmaxell My point is that you should be able to do anything using either manipulation at the ends, or manipulation while iterating. I don't see value for ArrayAccess.
I'm still not convinced by the way :P With linked lists offset access - apart from being slow - also has lots of strange behavior. E.g. unset($list[7]); var_dump($list[7]);. It's just so unintuitive that this outputs something.
@NikiC I think that's actually intuitive. Because you wouldn't actually call unset() most of the time, you'd do $list->removeItem(7), after which there's still a 7th item