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i was wondering. why do we need to force a class method signature to be written exactly as in the abstract counterpart one?
for example:
interface A{ function x(Foo $x, Baz $y) : Bar; }
class AA implements A{ function x($x, $y) {} } // no need to write Foo, Baz and Bar. i know it's going to be them. i've already specified that in the interface declaration
i'm saying omitting redundant details, not having incompatible signatures
can't think of problems that could cause atm
@Worf Figuring out the requirements through reflection would suck.
When contract is changed this will break.
@Danack you could make it auto-extending
@bwoebi fair enough
...which shifts the burden onto the human from the computer.
@Danack ?
If you read just class AA implements A{ function x($x, $y) {} } the human doing the reading now needs to go to check A to see if it has any types defined for the parameters.
yeah valid point. i guess i'm too dependent from my IDE :P
If a $_GET doesn't exist, is it set to null or will it throw an error?
try it? :P when you access any array key/offset that doesn't exist in php you get an error
$_GET['optional'] = isset($_GET['optional']) ? $_GET['optional'] : 'any default value you want';
$_GET['optional'] = $_GET['optional'] ?? 'any default value you want'; // I <3 PHP7
@NikiC I'm trying the switch compilation
function lex($string) {
    $length = strlen($string);
    $tokens = [];
    $c = '';
    $cl = 0;
    $b = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $c .= $string[$i];
state1: switch ($c) {
	case '/': $tokens[] = ['/', $b.$c];$b=$c='';$cl=0; goto next;
	case 'if': $tokens[] = ['T_IF', $b.$c];$b=$c='';$cl=0; goto next;
	case 'function': $tokens[] = ['T_FUNCTION', $b.$c];$b=$c='';$cl=0; goto next;
	case 'de': $b .= $c; if (++$i<$length) {$c=$string[$i];$cl = 1;}else{$c='';$cl=0;} goto state7;
generated from
$radix = new Radix;
$radix->add(new Radix("/"), "/");
$radix->add(new Radix("T_IF"), "if");
$radix->add(new Radix("T_FUNCTION"), "function");
$radix->add(new Radix("T_DEFAULT"), "default");
$radix->add(new Radix("T_DEBUGGER"), "debugger");

$number = new Radix("T_NUMBER");
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $number->add($number, (string) $i);
    $radix->add($number, (string) $i);
@ircmaxell looks promising :-)
nice and quick as well
REALLY quick
I'm looking for router files for an experiment I'm doing. If you have any non-trivial route lists they can share, let me know.
php 7 too?
haven't tried on 7
it's not installed on this machine
@ircmaxell very cool
@ircmaxell if you do, please try github.com/php/php-src/pull/1048 … seems like a real case where this PR would make a difference. If the difference is significant enough, I think I'll continue on trying to do opcache support too.
definitely will do
so right now, I'm building those radix's by hand. I will generate them, to get a much bigger set of states
and then I'll test your PR
if I can do what I think I can do from here, I may try to create a faster fastroute
lightspeedroute :-D
@Danack still it could be allowed (even if not suggested) omitting redundant signature details. imagine idk function __toString() : string
(that was a bad example. but yolo)
unless you are a cat
@Worf yolst?
yolt == you only live twice
and yolst == you only live seven times
... unless you are a cat!
@Worf a cat doesn't live more often than seven times?
i recently found out that like german cats live 9 lives, while italians only live 7
@Worf I'm living most time in Germany currently… but always thought our cats only would have 7 lives?
yeah sorry, it's in the US they have 9 :D
ah ^^
> According to a myth in many cultures, cats have multiple lives. In many countries, they are believed to have nine lives, but in Italy, Germany, Greece, and some Spanish-speaking regions, they are said to have seven lives,[233] while in Turkish and Arabic traditions, the number of lives is six.[234] The myth is attributed to the natural suppleness and swiftness cats exhibit to escape life-threatening situations.
reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/34zp6j/… oooh nice … maybe @rdlowrey hasn't seen yet?
I am trying to decide whether to blog, or to build this out to be a library...
@ircmaxell please do both, but first the latter
so here's what I'm thinking: generate a lexer and parser from a list of routes, then compile them into a pair of functions which parse the content into an end array
the beauty is that the radix structure is memory efficient enough to be executed directly. So if it's not cached, can just build and execute the radix. If it is cached, compile to a pair of loops/switches
@bwoebi They're talking about Symfony style events - where too much message passing gets turned into events because fuck being able to debug programs.
@Danack I have no idea what you mean with Symfony style… I'd have called it React style ^^
@ircmaxell how efficient is it?
[compared to the preg_* and the prefix tree?]
@bwoebi so the Trie based approach is about 10x faster than a single preg_match. The Radix approach is 3x faster than preg_match, but uses orders of magnitude less memory than Trie
how comes Radix is slower than Trie?
it makes a bunch of un-necessary comparisons
because the switch? yeah… then let's see when you apply my PR :-)
also Trie never backtracks (since size is 1), however Radix backtracks every time there's a default
no, because of we have a radix with 2 children: "f" and "barbaz", and a default (any other character), it'll need to backtrack every 6 characters to the default
ah okay
tho that may be fixable
can someone please help me?
Q: Why the file/files selected by user using Filepicker is/are not getting uploaded to the server in following scenario?

PHPNutI'm using Filepicker to make the user select files of his/her choice. The Filepicker implementation code is as follows : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script src="http://api.filepicker.io/v1/filepicker...

@Worf ha. ha. ha. ha. … well… It makes sense.
… but it only makes sense when we are considering that we're writing PHP
if that was a php problem, we'd be using the best language in the world. but maybe you guys are interested to notice things that you might have missed, so i just link them to you :D
for example, what happens if i do: waitforit
@Worf don't ping me. I agree that this should work.
well that works
no idea why though…
3v4l.org/W3PSP it seems to just accept everything
no return type is actually forced
not sure why it doesn't work with __toString and Exception…
ah you mean why it doesn't behave like the iterator example
maybe in the new BaseException the return type of __toString was hardcoded to be "undefined"?
C looks like aramaic to me. i am very good at understanding pretty much every <ins>high level</ins> language, but not C
@Worf you mean… Assembly looks more understandable than C?
Travis based debugging … ^^
when you can't locally reproduce but the tests consistently fail on travis…
stackoverflow.com/questions/29595391/… (pls edit in accepted answer if valid)
hmm, I think I'll go full-AOP next week
for a large scale project...
2 hours later…
and good morning
@SergeyTelshevsky wat :X
a composer for composer! we need dat shi!
Hi all
Someone please help me in my issue.
Q: Why the file/files selected by user using Filepicker is/are not getting uploaded to the server in following scenario?

PHPNutI'm using Filepicker to make the user select files of his/her choice. The Filepicker implementation code is as follows : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script src="http://api.filepicker.io/v1/filepicker...

I see you still haven't answered Matteo's question (with something other than an "RTFM" response) - which IMO is probably the right answer
how to rename a file which in remote server like x.pdf. if click on that file it will download that file like x.pdf but before saving that file to local host by some one i want rename it if he is using php function.
Your common sense will return soon :) stackoverflow.com/users/285587/your-common-sense
@Patrick you should check out this new package works realllly well for me. I'm even surprised
will give it a try, thanks
@SergeyTelshevsky does it show the params for you?
good morning all
@SergeyTelshevsky oh! almost forgot about him...
@Patrick yeah, it does but only when the cursor's inside the parentheses, you may manually show them with ctrl+shift+space (though it uses new html/css api available from st3 build 3070)
@iroegbu I'd say reading his comments always reminded me of someone
@SergeyTelshevsky ah looks like I haven't updated in a while..
@SergeyTelshevsky for me it only show (function) or (namespace) but no params :(
@Patrick try updating to the latest dev release
what version are you on? I got 3083 now
good morning, woomies
I'm not a woomy :(
Nikita looks different from what I imagined...
@Patrick 3084
@SergeyTelshevsky had to delete the cache, now it works. Thanks :)
I don't know, maybe you have some conflicts?
oh nice :)
didn't test if it shows phpdoc stuff or not
@MaartenBicknese good morning, Maarten :)
@SergeyTelshevsky looks like it does
just checked it out, really nice, I'm thinking of adding a custom css already :)
I've come to realize more and more that everything in IT is about knowing how to learn and where to look for information
99% of IT is google query -> open most appropriate link -> ctrl+f query -> ctrl+c -> ctrl+v
if you're not one of the innovators :)
and that's 1%
that explains why 99% of code is terrible and 99% of programmers appear to be morons.
@SergeyTelshevsky Don't forget to charge for it, otherwise you're just 'that nephew' who can make websites.
No break guys, x-rays were all clear. :P
@rightfold not in every situation. when you think you've came up with something new, most likely somewhere someone already did it that way. anyway, ctrl+c -> ctrl+v means also using someone's packages/libraries
@SergeyTelshevsky yeah, but that leads to spaghetti code
I don't like copying for example, I like to understand ideas and implement on my own
or find a nice library and use it
@ziGi depends how you do it
using a library = copy/paste
@SergeyTelshevsky lol
not exactly
yep, when copy pasting you usually at least see the implementation code
I mean the fact that you download the code is similar, but using a library is usually through the library's API so it's not as messy as copying code from some websites
not many of devs go into internals of implementation
@SergeyTelshevsky it depends how important it is
if you are not interested in optimization and stuff I guess not
e.g. there are nice answers on SO that provide you with a wrapped function and on the other side there are phpclasses.org
so it depends
for example I've seen a lot of people use ORM and there are hundreds to thousand DB requests generated on a single request, because they don't care to understand what's happening under the hood
@ziGi we're not talking about user stupidity :)
Hey I tried committing some files to my git repo and by accident there was a 130MB file left in there. I have it all stuck in "push" can anyone tell me how to remove it?
the work of most of us is just coupling up a few libraries, using some conventions and building up something using components and connecting those
@SergeyTelshevsky well it depends, there is also the domain modeling part and not just CRUD
yep, all you really create is business logic
@ircmaxell At least for the routes, I've been wondering whether it would be worthwhile to do a prefix match (all constant prefixes) and then do further (capturing) matching based on the prefix
@SergeyTelshevsky can you imagine if every time you had to implement everything from scratch?
Worst case that's a match on /, but usually there's a lot of unique constant prefixes
yes, it's called 90's :) at least in my country it was
well PHP was first released in 95
I didn't know what a computer is back then
since I was 5
posted on May 12, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by JoLabrycol */

My dad bought me a PC in 2000 and the cost at that time was 2-3 of his salaries
for a 700MHz CPU and 256MB DDR1 RAM and 20GB HDD
I hope I never meet the guy who wrote the initial version of our application.
@Patrick what's wrong with it?
@ziGi everything
scrape it and rewrite it
That's what we have been doing the last 2 years, part by part :)
right now I am looking at a table with column names with incorrect english like "persons" and some are even german like "grenzregion"
Good, I do the same
@Patrick I feel ya
I asked our CTO why are we using RDBMS but there are no relations and constraints
and he answered by saying "Because I hate relations, that's why I am single"
^ lol
so in a way he's using it as a document based DB
a lot of things are quite denormalized
and all the table names are named tblXX where XX are two capital letters abbreviation for something
and all the fields in those tables are in the format XXfieldName
where XX is coming from the table name
so basically what we did was to generate string constants in our tables classes that contain the names of the fields and the names of the tables
additionally BOOL is not used but -1 and 0 for true and false
so they are also defined in the table classes
it's a sort of an anti-corruption layer
sounds like fun
but that's because the initial application was written in Visual Basic so I can't blame him. I have seen a lot of companies using VBA for coding which is famous. Maybe it used to be famous
@ziGi There are still software houses who specialise in applications build in MS Access
Sounds cool, not.
there are still people using non-OOP PHP
I built a application using MS Access and XML last month... Wasn't large though. Client wanted VB6, my boss saved
@ziGi Yes, including myself. Not everything needs to be OOP... many scripts are often procedures... clue is in the name ;-)
@iroegbu Yeh, I would actually rather use Access than VB6
Although OLE objects are a PITA in Access
it was nightmarish
@daveRandom, OOP is essential if you want to build medium to big applications. It's true that some libraries are just procedures you use, but I believe that the non-OOP libraries have to be migrated to catch up and make their usage more standardized and 'modern'.
@DaveRandom PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
@DaveRandom Oh, that was my job 4 years ago, I loved it so much
I bet you did
especially the users I had to interact with
hi all
need some help for a "little" question
I have to replace some characters by 'character.carriagereturn'
but i should not do this if the character is followed by a number
I use this :
but, if the '.' is followed by a number, it means that there is a decimal number in my $string, which means that I should not insert the carriage return there...
idea someone?
You are not inserting carriage returns either way so there is that
@PeeHaa what do you mean
I'll let you figure that one out yourself
I just don't get your sentence meaning, my english is not that good...
Q: What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?

rob waminalI'm not an expert in PHP programming, but I'm a little confused why I see some code in PHP with string placed in single quotes and sometimes in double quotes. I just know in .NET, or C language, if it is in single quote, that means it is a character, not a string.

ok, but looks like even in my case (even if I'm wrong), it actually works and inserts carriage return... but thx for this
@DaveRandom nikic.github.io/2012/01/09/… for the "speed" part of the answer
PSU was faulty with new machine. Gotta RMA it now.
Speed is a ridiculous consideration
One less keypress.
this seems right : /\.(?![0-9])/
I'm not really into regex but don't you need to supply an 'amount' for the [0-9]. e.g. [0-9]+
tbh idk, but if 1 or more numbers follow the dot, then it's good for me...
If you want "at least 1", then no you don't, you only need to assert that there is one
Does anyone know a good component for Authorisation and Authentication?
what then if I want to replace "anyNumber" followed by "anyLetter" by "anyNumber"."carriage return"."anyLetter"?
/[0-9](?[a-z])/ to find it, then in the replace sequence?
@ziGi something to study or something to use? github.com/ircmaxell/CodeReviewSecurityRepo/tree/master/… authentication
@iroegbu something to use, because currently I use the ones that are in frameworks but I think there must be something better
complete (and update) this one github.com/ircmaxell/CodeReviewSecurityRepo/tree/master/… and use it maybe
no, don't use it... it's too old
well I can, but I was thinking maybe there is something that has some integration with Google, Facebook, Twitter registration\auth
@ziGi you might want to check out github.com/J7mbo/Aurex still in development though or github.com/J7mbo/silex-auth-skeleton it's based on Silex
@Julo0sS /([0-9])([a-z])/i -> $1.$2
add github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib and you have facebook, twitter etc
@iroegbu thank you, Jimbo's work is nice with some exceptions so I guess I can redo some things. Is it ok btw to fork other people's libraries and edit them and use them yourself
From legal perspective, ti depends on the license, right?
what's your /i? you're doing /([0-9] = any number,
followed by : ([a-z])/ any letter. Ok till there, why 'i'? then $1 = ([0-9]) and $2 = ([a-z]) ?
@Julo0sS /i turns off case sensitivity I think
Hey, speak of the devil
Uh oh, what've I done now
nothing, iroegbu was just offering me your silex-auth as a good one
and I was wondering whether it is legal to fork it and edit it to add some features maybe
Oh yeah, it's useful to see how things can be done... feel free to fork use as you like I think the license is for that
I'm still updating it though so you'll see some of the API stuff changing as time goes on, but that's what I put it up there for - do what you like
The thing is I can't see the license here: github.com/J7mbo/silex-auth-skeleton that's why I was wondering
@ziGi There's one here though... github.com/J7mbo/Aurex
^ That's basically the same, just more up-to-date and seperate
yeah, true
Hi guys what's the terminology used for the sort of rewards system stack over flow uses?
@StephenWolfe gamification in general
@PeeHaa great thnaks
It's called business strategy to make people more inclined to use your system
@ziGi I knew it had something to do with game...
For the record: I am kidding
I thought it was game engine, but that wasnt it
@ziGi True though
@DaveRandom I have troubles with your $1, $2... how do I deal with this when I look for a {2,} exp? if I do $2, it gives me back the 2nd found letter, and the 1st disappears...
HI All,
I'm very new to web devl and currently trying to plot real time graphs
I have a csv which keeps on appending new values to columns. I need to display its realtime plot on my web page. Could anyone suggest steps to follow. I found many javascripts on the internet that show up when I google but I'm not understanding how to implement them. Do i need to first create a local server to first test it? I am trying to plot something like this http://canvasjs.com/editor/?id=http://canvasjs.com/example/gallery/dynamic/multiseries_line/ however here, data is coming through function, but my dat
okay fellas,
I here is a weeks work of analytics data from a site I am trying to help a friend with. imgur.com/MteF7lH
The average page size is 2.5MB
Think the total traffic is about .5TB a month.
The sites current hosting is unreliable, mainly getting shut down to high usage.
Does anyone not if this is to big for shared hosting?
Here is a weeks worth*
Well if they keep shutting you down for high usage, it's obviously too big for the service you're currently on. "High usage" could mean any number of things tho (DB load, CPU load, memory usage), so without more details it's hard to comment.
At 2.5M I'd definitely look at reducing the average page size
@AllenJB okay well what about the number of users to a site is that a lot for an ecommerce store?
@AllenJB the site doesn't use any caching ect at the moment its like 5/10 years old.
@StephenWolfe Amazon would say no.
@AllenJB can you recommend any good managed hosting?
Not really. I work with dedicated servers (my personal hosting is a VPS). There's a number of factors you need to consider including cost, location, technologies your site may be using, etc.
anyone could explain me why this :
returns me
@AllenJB I have a VPS but I manage that and I still am struggling a lot with it :D
@AllenJB hence why I want this guy on managed
instead of
@Julo0sS $1 and $2 refer to the first two capture groups, in /([0-9])([a-z])/i that's the digit in $1 and the alpha in $2. If you modified the expression to /([0-9]{2,})([a-z])/i then the digits matched by [0-9]{2,} would be in $1.
@Julo0sS a) no it doesn't and b) you need to put the curly brace repeaters inside the capture groups. As it is you are repeating the groups themselves, not the expression that is being matched inside the group.
@DaveRandom ok thx, found the mistake
I'm trying to convert a string to it's hex equivalent representation. I have come across this fancy solution: stackoverflow.com/a/18506801 . I thought "isn't there a direct way using sprintf only?". I checked out the docs (php.net/sprintf) and it seems that I need to convert the characters to integers (chr()). Your thoughts?
oh wait... Maybe bin2hex() might work :P
@iroegbu whaha, nice to know :D
Ah, the people going for edit marathons and not realising how to format code properly (speaking of, question is also pretty bad)
@MaartenBicknese what's the difference between Technical Lead and Senior Software Dev
@ziGi uh oh. Never thought people would look into me.. Anyway, I used to have a colleague with the same 'rank' as me. So we were both the senior developers. After he left I got two new junior developers to work for me, so my boss figured it was time for a better title.
Seeing we're a company of 12 man it's not a big thing at all.
@Amelia Holy fuck I tried to fix that thing, but it is fubar :|
@PeeHaa I think fubar is an understatement
the new Lavarel framework
"Open: /home/mirjamro/public_html/mr-admin.com/app/filters.php" <- is part of the error message right?
@PeeHaa: I'd just close as unclear what you're asking, as it looks like a literal brainfart into a text box with no actual context. But... I think so?
ah, now I see
I tried editing the thing so I could see what it was about
Closevoted as "WTF are on" unclear
Godddamnit that user seems to be doing crap revisions the entire time
our eyes are grateful
cv-pls it maybe?
PHP; hehehehehe
Just out of interest, when did it become commonplace to handle both a form submission and rendering of the form (if not submitted / not POST) in a single controller action?
@Jimbo That was a major selling point of ZF1
Was a pain to set the form up and then the model, but it would handle all the validation automatically
Does somebody here design compilers?
@Jimbo You mean with an if? I did that even when I was writing my websites as procedural files. I think it's just that people start out that way and then put the same procedural code into classes.
@StephenWolfe Both of those numbers are pretty big. I'm not surprised that shared hosting isn't a good fit for that site, as it's 5 pages per second. I'd also suggest looking at what the site is actually doing, because 2.5MB per page seems more than average.
stackoverflow.com/a/30189841/2224584 anyone care to review this for bugs/errors?
@bwoebi Yeah I saw that. I somewhat agree. When you have a potentially limitless number of named events floating around your applications things get very complicated very quickly. It's one of the reasons I don't do things like that in amp.
@Jimbo I always did it that way, /new-customer shows a form for GET and processes form for POST
@Scott in authenticated decryption, you forgot to extract the ciphertext
or rather, you moved the extraction too far down
@Fab ...
@krakjoe hi Joe - reckon you'll be coming to PHP Hampshire tomorrow? :) http://phphants.co.uk/meetups
fancy it ?
I'm pretty immobile for the next couple of days Joe, otherwise I would've :(
leg is it ?
@Scott That's probably a question better suited for @ircmaxell
@iroegbu Yeah, tutorials show it that way. Not sure it's the best way, makes me think it's doing too much
@JoeWatkins Ankle, not seen the pic?
have not
16 hours ago, by Fabor
Guys, I need your medical opinion on whether I should go to the hospital. This is my ankle right now.
dude, wtf is that
what did you do ?
What happens when you roll your ankle :P I did it playing basketball. As I landed from a jump I landed on someones shoe and it went over.
@Fabor This is humorous right?
@Fabor whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Nothing like an ankle grapefruit to brighten your Tuesday.
@Fabor It looks like you've grabbed the distortion tool in photoshop and just gone braaaaaaap
I think it's pregnant.
lol an ankle baby
looks real painful ...
@Fabor Jesus you are brittle...
@PeeHaa It's the exercise I swear. Someone told me it was good for me.
such swelling might crush cartilage, no ?
must be some of that round ankle making it work, right ?
@Fabor Whoever told you that is a moron :P
@Jimbo no, it's not... router handles that
I went to the MIU and had an x-ray. All is good. Just needs RICE.
@Fabor Have you tried ice instead? :P
Pretty sure I am almost past the teens for number of x-rays in my life.
does MIU mean witchdoctor ?? because I don't think putting rice on it will help ...
@PeeHaa :P
@Fabor If you're not joking, you should be going to hospital, right now...
MIU is Minor Injuries Unit. Already been. Rest Ice Compression Elevation. RICE. Staple of injury recovery.
Ankles are amazingly hard to break.
This is the fifth time I have rolled mine. When the bruising kicks in I'll show you guys another photo :P

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