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That's what I wanted to do, and it works fine
@NikiC I say to leave it like it is now, with DST active, because the time relative to sunlight is more sensible to me as-is. I get out of work and it is still daylight outside, still time to commute home and do yard work.
@NikiC that's because it's impossible to have bottom-up parsing with real error tolerance on a language like PHP. The other "error less" implementation required some maintenance.
Can't we just have a declare(real_strict=11) where we define the stuff we don't like people doing?
@PeeHaa yes
Beats forking at least
going home
cee ya
I've been thinking about a real "strict" mode, which disables variable-variables, references and a bunch of other nastyness
@ircmaxell That would be so nice. And the nice part is you have already created a way to introduce is so at the very least getting something like this should be 50% less painful
I dunno if it would be nice ...
If so, not as a declare block, yeah? How about an ini setting for that? BC portable yeah yeah, just let me turn on the sauce and write strict.
@ircmaxell please? :3
Death to weird declare thingies!
next person to suggest a language feature dependent on ini settings shall rue the day they decided to make that suggestion
people don't rue enough any more ... there should be more rue ...
We could add an ini settings to activate consistent parameter order for array and string functions!
already giving a concise explanation of what PHP is, is more difficult ...
I make my roux out of flour and butter
@ChrisBaker you will rue this day.
@ChrisBaker RUE IT!!!!
if its hard to explain, it's hard to understand ... why raise barriers, what do we actually get from php having such a mode, and if we need such a mode, why are we using php ...
because it can interact with non-strict code
@JoeWatkins if that's your mindset, then consider this mode to disable all the hard-to-explain PHP functionality ;)
@ChrisBaker wrong type of rue
we have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, say that's enough, it's probably right about now ...
I would have to see it work ...
we don't really need to soft disable references and variables variables, just make the compiler throw an error when they are used seems enough and do it opt in, per file - once we get packages we can make it per package. hummm, looks quite easy to do.
@marcio Apart from the packages bit ^^
@JoeWatkins Actually, as much as I would like a STRICT typed php, I kind of agree with this. At what point does it diverge to become a fork, ala hhvm
@NikiC unwanted ambiguity :D
But I only like this "strict" mode IF it comes as a hole package without any form of granularity.
Is there a list of all the new features implemented in php7?
@samaYo check phpclasses.org
yeah, I read it has a JIT, threads, async i/o, blackjack and hookers ...
sounds awesome, can't wait ...
@JoeWatkins Line numbers, don't forget line numbers! Finally, <?php goto(20); ?> is a reality.
I'm off to do dog things, lataz
btw, one of these days I do want to have the tracing jit discussion
I look forward to it ...
3v4l.org/FKMAR#v540 <-- looks like a bug
@ChrisBaker Look, man, if you've got problems there's no reason to kill yourself
@Machavity I just really enjoyed the architecture of my qbasic projects, and would like to see PHP aspire to be closer to qbasic. Is that so bad? I should be able to make a gorilla throw a banana AND have sensible control flow statements.
huh, there is activity on php-rfc-watch.beberlei.de
and the RFC being voted targets PHP7.0 :/
I thought 7 was closed
it is, maybe Patrick forgot to update the version
@marcio Nope.
He's just such a rebel, he doesn't care about deadlines.
To be fair - if someone working at Zend came up with this idea, it probably would have been committed without anyone even being asked.
how do i get something from post if the data wasnt sent via a form
@LeviMorrison ^ nullable types, rush
normally i could just do $_POST['firstname'], but im just sending a variable this time around and i think im overthinking my problem
@marcio No.
i think i answered my own question, post can only ever be key/value pairs
so i have to structure my variable to accomodate that
@PeeHaa yeah, awesome ^^
$f = chain(
    filter(function($value, $key) {
        return $value['last_name'] === 'Doe';
    key(function($value, $key) {
        return $value['id'];
    map(function($value, $key) {
        return $value['first_name'];
$results = each($records, $f);
It's beautiful… /cc @Danack and @DanLugg
not bad :-)
@LeviMorrison will that be in PHP7?
@MarcelBurkhard I have this in various user-land implementations that would work in PHP 5.5 and higher.
I've solved this same problem three ways now, each a bit different from the others.
wait, wouldn't $f take an array? Not an individual record?
meaning wouldn't you say $results = $f($records)?
Chain only composes the operation; it doesn't do any sort of iteration.
function each($input, callable $pair_operator) {
    foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
        $pair = $pair_operator($value, $key);
        if ($pair) {
            yield $pair->first => $pair->second;
This implementation uses the idea of a Pair object for the key/value pair and is used for various operations.
For example, here's filter:
function filter(callable $filter) {
    return function($value, $key) use($filter) {
        if ($filter($value, $key)) {
            return new Pair($key, $value);
        return null;
@LeviMorrison I like it, but I've still run with:
but you're calling map on $value, $key?
Collection::create($records)->enumerate(new MapEnumerator(function ($value, $key) {
    return $value * 3;
}))->enumerate(new FilterEnumerator(function ($value, $key) {
    return $value % 3 === 0;
}))->aggregate(new SumAggregator());
@ircmaxell The function passed to map takes a $value and $key returns the new $value.
@DanLugg That's so gross lol
Yea, but I've got a wrapper that shorthands it
so chain knows about the values?
 function chain(callable ...$callables) {
    return function ($value, $key) use ($callables) {
        $pair = new Pair($key, $value);
        foreach ($callables as $callable) {
            $pair = $callable($pair->second, $pair->first);
            if ($pair === null) {
                return null;
        return $pair;
that I actually don't like
because it takes well known concepts like map and throws them on their head
@ircmaxell You apparently haven't been using clojure :)
for a reason
One problem with array_map, array_filter, etc is that they always return a new array.
For example, you apply array_filter across the whole input which creates a new array. This new array then gets passed into array_map, etc.
The basic idea of a mapping function is that you take a value of one kind.
@LeviMorrison ... Pair? Can't you just use a single-key-value-pair array?
@bwoebi Yes, and I can also use yield.
or maybe just two values and use the mighty list()?
Regardless of the particular storage system used, the basic idea for them is the same.
You can take these known functions and compose them.
You can take a mapping function and a filtering function and chain them together and apply it across an input.
@Danack Actually, committing stuff without asking is a specialty of this room more than Zend.
@NikiC hmm… :-D hmmm… hmmmmm… :-D
array_map and array_filter compose entire algorithms
There's a world of difference between them.
Notably, array_map and array_filter have to be eager, and the function composition approach I employ above is lazy.
@LeviMorrison which is why I'd rather see one that produces iterators, so they can be chained efficiently
@bwoebi ;)
@ircmaxell Except you are still chaining algorithms instead of functions.
yes, and I consider that a good thing
In the iterator approach you have to use an iterator. In the composition approach you could easily add values to some other kind of collection.
It doesn't have to be an iterator
the original doesn't have to be an iterator
@ircmaxell agree
it just has to be iterable
@ircmaxell No, I'm talking about the output
That chain() function seems rather unclear to me, compared to plain old normal function chaning
github.com/nikic/iter <-- that to me is what I want in a functional library
@NikiC True - I was just a little annoyed by the changes to the resource api for extensions. It seemed to be a nasty BC break that wasn't discussed anywhere.
Consider these two snippets:

function map($input, callable $f) {
    foreach ($input as $value) {
        yield $f($value);

function filter($input, callable $f) {
    foreach ($input as $value) {
        if ($f($value)) {
            yield $value;
Here map and filter are both iterating across inputs, applying some operation, and yield the results.
This is code duplication
can someone point me in the direction of 'advanced php'
if you consider similar tokens code duplication, well, then I can't help you
It's also inefficient (though more efficient than the eager approach, sure)
because all that i've come across seems pretty basic
@ircmaxell I can prove it's duplication by decoupling the operation from the iterating and yielding.
It's not just "similar tokens"
@LeviMorrison why is it inefficient?
hmm, this may sound silly but: how do I manage file paths for my php project? Do I need a define? the problem is that doctrine command line is in a different directory than my public/index.php and so on. They all include a Bootstrap.php
I know solutions to this problem, but what is the best one?
@ircmaxell Dump the ops executed with both approaches and I can guarantee fewer ops in the function composition ones.
(I know fewer ops != more effecient in the general case)
But you still have to do this with the versions you seem to prefer:
map(filter($input, $filter), $map)
It's much nicer to have some form like this:
perhaps, but can we change it from "chain()"? It sounds too much like functional composition when it's really iteration composition
@ircmaxell It sounds like functional composition because it is exactly reverse function composition
but it's function composition with rules and hidden state (which isn't a problem, just make that state explicit)
compose(f, g) -> f(g())
chain(f, g) -> g(f())
@ircmaxell It's exactly the same amount of state as composition.
well, no, because it's not g(f())
it's got other logic inbetween managing the key-value pairs and determining whether to continue or not
@MarcelBurkhard You should only need one bootstrap per 'executable'. Those other bootstraps are probably for tests - not for including in your application. Also using __DIR__ helps: require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
@ircmaxell If you want the same effect in compose you have to do the same thing.
Alternatively you just don't support dropping values.
@LeviMorrison right, but every implementation of compose I've seen really doesn't include any state
if you want that sort of stateful transition, you'd use a monad
actually, that's what feels off about yours
it's basically a monadic transformation without the monad
I'm not saying compose is exactly the mathematical definition. If you want exactly a mathematical definition you can't drop values which is dropping functionality.
You can only transform one input into one output.
There is no option of transforming one input into no output.
I can do that but then it's less useful, and filter is an insanely common operation.
well, with monads you can do that transformation
using the maybe monad
What's funny is you don't see that even with a maybe monad you have to determine if the result is there.
Pair|null is a maybe monad.
@Danack thanks, basically what I was doing, I just forgot the / at the beginning of the string ^^
It's either a Pair with two values or null.
And an operation applies when there is a pair, and doesn't apply when it's null.
This is why I don't get what you are arguing, @ircmaxell.
@LeviMorrison yes
what I'm saying is your hiding that you're really doing a monadic transformation, but presenting it as normal composition
at least that's how I read it at first
I'm not sure where you are getting that idea.
someone using nikic's phpparser around? is there a way to distinguish between use Type as Foo and use function|const Baz as Bar?
there should be a way
o.O use function|const Baz as Bar is valid PHP?
:P @LeviMorrison
i meant the php 5.6 use x syntax :D
this is returned by both "use function / const" and regular "use" pastebin.com/ccK9K4Mv
maybe i need to do something with the lexer? i am using php 7
github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/… looks like it should be supported, but ->type doesn't exist in my dump :|
wait i'm an idiot lol
nvm sorted :D
@ircmaxell I suppose I could take the operator and push the if/else check inside of the operator but that seems worse to me because it moves the if/else check to multiple places.
i'm wondering.... @NikiC which drugs/drinks did you had to assume while you were writing Parser.php? f*ck they are effective! :D
But doing that makes the chain a traditional reverse-order compose.
i have two zvals, i want to concat them $var . " " . $var2; style, whats the easiest api for that?
@Worf Read the first comment ^^
@beberlei concat_function
@NikiC which then does one unnecessary intermediary emalloc…
zval result, tmp, space;
ZVAL_STRING(&space, " ");
concat_function(&tmp, var1, &space);
concat_function(&result, &tmp, var2);
@NikiC you ruined the fun :P remove that comment! :D still even if it's auto generated, you had to write the code to generate it :D
Co-worker cage match! Light or dark colors in yer ide: strawpoll.me/4229868 -- I can't stand dark. I just tried to switch, and the code looks like a mess to me, I literally can't read it.
@bwoebi I assumed he meant generic concat. If $var, $var2 are strings, then the easiest way is strpprintf
@NikiC thanks
@NikiC you mean spprintf? Never heard of strpprintf
@bwoebi strpprintf is like spprintf but returns a zend_string*
@NikiC that is php7 code yes?
no zval
@beberlei yes
Don't ask me how to do it in php 5, I have suppressed that knowledge already :P
@Worf nope, I'm using an existing generator :P
stop ruining my fun! :D
@Worf The actual parser definition is github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/grammar/…
@ircmaxell I guess increasing the complexity of an operator reduces the complexity of the algorithms that uses them. Not sure where the complexity belongs.
function map(callable $f) {
    return function(MaybePair $pair) use($f): MaybePair {
        match ($pair) {
            case null {
                return null;
            case Pair($key, ...) {
                return new Pair($key, $f($pair);
function map(callable $f) {
    return function(Pair $pair) use($f): MaybePair {
        return new Pair($key, $f($pair);
push it into Pair
@ircmaxell Can't push it into a null.
@LeviMorrison that's where you use a MaybePair
I think in PHP a MaybePair won't have operations; it will just be a union of null and Pair.
mother of god @NikiC i tried doing something with raw token_get_all before today and i gave up after 10 minutes :D i can't even imagine doing something like that
@Worf oh… it looks a lot like directly ported from C…
I bet he didn't write that all off his head
it's an actually actually ACTUALLY remarkable work anyway
@LeviMorrison with monads, you'd have a ->bind(callable) method. You pass in the callback, and the maybe decides if to call it or not
@ircmaxell Only if a Monad or a Maybe can have methods.
I don't think that's necessarily true.
I suppose I could define a Pair\bind function that does the same thing externally.
all monads require 2 methods/functions: lift and bind
lift converts a primitive into a monad (a constructor) and bind which takes a function that interacts with primitives and calls it
@ircmaxell To my knowledge that is not a requirement of a monad ;)
It's just an operation that is useful.
And it definitely doesn't have to be a method.
bind(callable) MUST exist, otherwise it's not a monad (there's no value encapsulation)
and a monad without a constructor is useless since it can't have a value
type Maybe  = null | Pair;
That has no methods.
that's not a monad
Null has a constructor with no arguments, therefore there is only one value null.
And Pair has a constructor that accepts two values and returns a Pair.
btw @NikiC i'm creating an api generator thingy that doesn't actually generate anything, works on "live" code. do you think using phpparser will make it (considerably) slower? i will use it to get phpdoc comments of constants and for to resolve use (function|const|)s. for other things reflection should be enough
@ircmaxell The Maybe monad in Haskell has no methods; just operations on the union of Just t | None.
So it depends what you mean.
the bind function is defined on None
as a no-op
so Just t | None is not the same as null | Pair
That doesn't mean None has a method bind.
in how haskell defines methods, yes it does
@Worf the parser can make things considerably slower
depends on how much you use it
basically all files "in the project" will be re-parsed at each page load. with the parser i only need to get phpdocs of constants and use(s);
that sounds pretty slow ^^
iirc parsing symfony (6k files) on php 5 takes 25 seconds. (8 seconds on PHP 7)
still faster than running phpdocumentor/apigen each time :D
if that's the competition, then yeah ^^
will implement a cache eventually :P
@Ocramius are you around?
@ircmaxell Without union types this Monad stuff sucks.
@Ocramius I'm having a weird problem: pastebin.com/RiUP0gLD Looks like doctrine is trying to reflect on a class even though I'm using yaml mappings
abstract class Maybe {

    final static function lift($value): Just {
        return new Just($value);
    final static function None(): None {
        static $none = null;
        if ($none === null) {
            $none = new None();
        return $none;
    abstract function bind(callable $f): Maybe;
final class Just extends Maybe {
    public $value;

    protected function __construct($value) {
        $this->value = $value;

     * @param callable(Maybe): Maybe
    function bind(callable $f): Maybe {
        return $f($this);

final class None extends Maybe {

    protected function __construct() {}

    function bind(callable $f): Maybe {
        return $this;
I think that's the best I can do for type-safety and don't extend me please!
@LeviMorrison why is the parent class which is abstract having a function lift which returns a concrete implementation - Just
@ziGi What part confuses you?
the fact that lift in abstract returns Just which extends Maybe
I mean I guess it's not improper, but why would an abstract class be dependent on a concrete one
or is it just because it is an example
to show that it should work?
Ah. The reason is that the Maybe object is either one of two things: a None or a Just.
@Ocramius I fixed it. I was looking at DefaultFileLocator and it wasn't clear to me that I needed to use ".yml" instead of "ym". I added a PR to doctrine/common to add a small note
hardware RAM errors leading to random kernel panics…
yes, yes they do
it's time
/me has finally got around to playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?
// Configuration array
// @LiamHardyDevelopment

$config = [
'general' => [
'sitename' => 'awesomeness',
'email' => '[email protected]'
'database' => [
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_name',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'pass'

return $config; // It is important that you return this
@AshSimpson how did you come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with it
php told me?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''database'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting ']'
@AshSimpson you forgot a comma after '[email protected]']
@AshSimpson you are missing a coma before the 'database' => stuff
@AshSimpson eval.in/320036
Weird that they don't allow a comma OR a line break. It would look so much cleaner. I've never seen any language support it though. Kind of in ruby with %w
But still not really. LOL
How can I hide ALL errors if something is defined, and SHOW all if it's not defined?
Composer is taking a long time to install 0 dependencies.
can someone just give me a quick answer?
so I don't have to read for 1000000 years
@LeviMorrison fully synchronous I/O ftw
@AshSimpson you'll never be a good programmer
because you are lazy and don't want to learn something
  Problem 1
    - The requested package php could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
  Problem 2
    - The requested package php could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
I already am..
but you expect people to tell you what your problems are
18 years of experience in C# and C++, Of course I'm not...
I'm doing this quick script for someone
wow, you are kind of smug, aren't you
and need to do it quickly.
Well, yeah, I don't have php 7 installed. I can't believe it took 30 seconds for you to figure that out.
I was just asking for a quick answer
@LeviMorrison just composer dump-autoload when you have nothing to install
$debug = true;
if($debug) {
} else {
are you happy?
Is there not a shorter way to do it..
and yes thanks
@ziGi const DEBUG = true; //
what do you mean shorter way?
@marcio yeah, I know
something like
error_reporting(defined("") ? E_ALL : 0);
I wouldn't do it with a constant but with a config
@AshSimpson it's possible, yes
any snipplet?
just a sec
@marcio composer update nothing would probably be quicker, and not generate a silly 'optimised' classmap.
@Danack does dump-autoload "optimize" something? AFAIK you need an option to have the classmap
@ziGi wtf
zigi that does nothing. It has to be dynamic at runtime. Has to write error handler. No way around it.
@marcio optimize genertes a classmap for all psr-0 and psr-4 autoloaders
@marcio possibly actually...
if you already have a classmap autoloader only, then it does nothing
@Fuser97381 he doesn't want to handle the errors, he wants to display them
10 mins ago, by Ash Simpson
How can I hide ALL errors if something is defined, and SHOW all if it's not defined?
@AshSimpson How about just not doing any absolutely braindead things like that?!?
Why is PHP 7 giving me a warning when I divide by 0 when my error reporting is set to 0?
@ziGi because you're using an old build
I am looking at the one here -> 3v4l.org/rkmQq
nowadays it should give you a compile-time fatal error instead
(instead of a compile-time warning)
@NikiC for reasons...

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