@NikiC I say to leave it like it is now, with DST active, because the time relative to sunlight is more sensible to me as-is. I get out of work and it is still daylight outside, still time to commute home and do yard work.
@NikiC that's because it's impossible to have bottom-up parsing with real error tolerance on a language like PHP. The other "error less" implementation required some maintenance.
@ircmaxell That would be so nice. And the nice part is you have already created a way to introduce is so at the very least getting something like this should be 50% less painful
if its hard to explain, it's hard to understand ... why raise barriers, what do we actually get from php having such a mode, and if we need such a mode, why are we using php ...
we don't really need to soft disable references and variables variables, just make the compiler throw an error when they are used seems enough and do it opt in, per file - once we get packages we can make it per package. hummm, looks quite easy to do.
@Machavity I just really enjoyed the architecture of my qbasic projects, and would like to see PHP aspire to be closer to qbasic. Is that so bad? I should be able to make a gorilla throw a banana AND have sensible control flow statements.
@NikiC True - I was just a little annoyed by the changes to the resource api for extensions. It seemed to be a nasty BC break that wasn't discussed anywhere.
hmm, this may sound silly but: how do I manage file paths for my php project? Do I need a define? the problem is that doctrine command line is in a different directory than my public/index.php and so on. They all include a Bootstrap.php
I know solutions to this problem, but what is the best one?
@MarcelBurkhard You should only need one bootstrap per 'executable'. Those other bootstraps are probably for tests - not for including in your application. Also using __DIR__ helps: require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
I'm not saying compose is exactly the mathematical definition. If you want exactly a mathematical definition you can't drop values which is dropping functionality.
You can only transform one input into one output.
There is no option of transforming one input into no output.
@ircmaxell I suppose I could take the operator and push the if/else check inside of the operator but that seems worse to me because it moves the if/else check to multiple places.
i'm wondering.... @NikiC which drugs/drinks did you had to assume while you were writing Parser.php? f*ck they are effective! :D https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/blob/master/lib/PhpParser/Parser.php
Co-worker cage match! Light or dark colors in yer ide: strawpoll.me/4229868 -- I can't stand dark. I just tried to switch, and the code looks like a mess to me, I literally can't read it.
@ircmaxell I guess increasing the complexity of an operator reduces the complexity of the algorithms that uses them. Not sure where the complexity belongs.
function map(callable $f) {
return function(MaybePair $pair) use($f): MaybePair {
match ($pair) {
case null {
return null;
case Pair($key, ...) {
return new Pair($key, $f($pair);
function map(callable $f) {
return function(Pair $pair) use($f): MaybePair {
return new Pair($key, $f($pair);
mother of god @NikiC i tried doing something with raw token_get_all before today and i gave up after 10 minutes :D i can't even imagine doing something like that
btw @NikiC i'm creating an api generator thingy that doesn't actually generate anything, works on "live" code. do you think using phpparser will make it (considerably) slower? i will use it to get phpdoc comments of constants and for to resolve use (function|const|)s. for other things reflection should be enough
abstract class Maybe {
final static function lift($value): Just {
return new Just($value);
final static function None(): None {
static $none = null;
if ($none === null) {
$none = new None();
return $none;
abstract function bind(callable $f): Maybe;
final class Just extends Maybe {
public $value;
protected function __construct($value) {
$this->value = $value;
* @param callable(Maybe): Maybe
function bind(callable $f): Maybe {
return $f($this);
final class None extends Maybe {
protected function __construct() {}
function bind(callable $f): Maybe {
return $this;
I think that's the best I can do for type-safety and don't extend me please!
@Ocramius I fixed it. I was looking at DefaultFileLocator and it wasn't clear to me that I needed to use ".yml" instead of "ym". I added a PR to doctrine/common to add a small note
Weird that they don't allow a comma OR a line break. It would look so much cleaner. I've never seen any language support it though. Kind of in ruby with %w
Problem 1
- The requested package php could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Problem 2
- The requested package php could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.