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funny thing is i can not output the state of the object with firephp ;)
@ircmaxell rdy for some numbers?
7225.652217865ms PseudoRandomSequence
2011.0559463501ms BS_MersenneTwister
377.62808799744ms mt_rand()
it's using raw bytes
1000000 runs on my macbook
slower, but infinitely more resistant to leaked state, and with a FAR higher period
i tryed to leak the state and it would not let me...
Apparently my Google Cloud Platform disk -512GB- ran out of space
that code scares me.
@LeviMorrison depending on the context where type_decl occurs, it would have been an ambiguity with the & | bitwise operators
I stopped being able to log in via SSH but still had phpMyAdmin which stopped working today
Tbh I prefer cli
@chozilla try bin2hex($state)
@chozilla why?
just because of the exploding firephp ;)
was only inserting 44 million rows into a table
@chozilla that's because it's using raw byte strings including null bytes
@ircmaxell unfortunately I need the ability to resume a random sequence between different php requests. but i think that is possible with the rotating hash as well.
serialize the generator
and done
can't you just bin2hex the state and put it back? and it would run from there?
you could, yes
but just serialize the generator and you don't have to
(it maintains the abstraction better)
i never serialize any classes man...
why not?
i dont know, i never used that. and it "feels" ugly.
@ircmaxell but however, the good thing is that you can have 2,3 or 1000 states initialized and pick from them in the order you choose, and if you change the order your program accesses the distribution, you still end up with the same result if you did not reuse a generator for two or more purposes.
@ircmaxell oh damn. now i know the problem.
@ircmaxell if you change your ranges. for example at one point you only choose between 1 and 3 instead of 1 and 5, every request for a number after that point will result in different values.
because I generate only the minimum number of bytes necessary
but that's easy to fix
hm and then the internal state will have a predictable mutation independent of the requested range?
doesn't matter
yea i know because we are not optimizing for security
@NikiC WTF, why is bitwise math so broken in PHP?
@ircmaxell hm?
running into a weird issue with & and negative numbers
but I would assume the reason is "because signed integers"
@chozilla 3v4l.org/RLpL5 <-- there you go
I like those overflowing INTs... they are so tasty!
@ircmaxell maybe its a bit to late now, but i am not paying you for this :P
@ircmaxell when you always use 8 states of the state for every requested value, would it not make more sense to create 8 states from one on one go?
it's not 8 states
it's 8 bytes from a single state iteration
8 bytes == 64 bits == maximum size of integer
you do mixState() 8-times and so the state changes 8 times per request
huh? no. it's called once per ->int() call (well, assuming the mask isn't triggered)
if $range is an even power of 2, then mixState will only be called a single time
ok now i get it... so you loose your chain when that happens ;)
its a bit like broken utf8 then, when you dont know which signs the bytes belong to. ;)
nevermind that might have been a confusing example (i dont even get what i wanted to say)
... you might not want your state to change on initialization.
though, now that I think about it, generating with different ranges will always be a probem, since we're rejecting some invalid ints
well the question is if an exception should still count as a valid request or not...
would be fun to write tests first and then check the algorithm.
I have to leave now. Lets hope I did not ask to stupid questions.
@chozilla You didn't
@ircmaxell thanks for the new ideas
@NikiC nice, hope to see you guys around.
as a side note: 3440x1440 is really awesome for productivity
I have actually begun to resent working at work, compared to working at home
it seems that I get done shit-tonne more here
@tereško what is that? price? was thinking to get a different setup because i'm not using the second monitor enough
i find rotating my head distracting. i know it's fun, but i still prefer alt+tab than using the second monitor :|
but by the time you get actually to buying stuff, you might look into something that supports gsync/freesync
cool. it would be great for photoshop as well
no idea what gsync is. gaming stuff? i don't play games anymore :D i wish i had the time
I find really linking split-view in editor with this
@Worf yes, gaming stuff
yeah sometimes i wish i have more space for split view or IDE panels
mother of god. €880.90
maybe for xmas xD
I got mine for 780€ .. +5€ for shipping
digitec.ch/img/… this is 680
flatron 34um95-p
those where IPS, iirc, and I am not sure whether it's curved (which would greatly grealy with viewing-angle issues for IPS)
uhm bad viewing angle could be an issue for photoshopping yeah
s/greatly grealy/greatly help
.. lost my train of thought in the middle of a sentence again
I need a website with scroll-to-top implemented
any ideas?
but if serious, the "scroll to top" implementation depends on how the page is actually put together
no, I mean a live site that uses it
@ircmaxell labsoflatvia.com (I am not entirely if it has actually been official launched)
@FlorianMargaine no
@FlorianMargaine lol, that's just nasty
@ircmaxell php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php right bottom corner of your screen :P
Ah, the old black on dark gray UI element.
:D you didn't notice it eh?
it's better than neon blue on gray background (my favorite combination)
@Worf I have noticed it before, but I haven't used it that often.
way of the future: extremetech.com/computing/… (fucking Australia)
you can also type "gg" on your keyboard @Danack
Mousetrap.bind("g g", function() {
$.scrollTo(0, 10);
@Worf or just ctrl/cmd + up
that's slow!
well, there goes that idea
@Worf simulating vim, eh
who is this guy vim everybody talks about
seriously, does it work on windows?
yes, you can set it up on windows (using cygwin, for example)
but why would you want to ?
you have a mouse
because phpstorm turned into poopstorm recently
- Sublime Text 3
- Atom
- Brackets
try one of these
@tereško you don't need cygwin
@FlorianMargaine we, sue me, I'm lazy
and vim is better than ST/atom/brackets, seriously
please, stop trolling
vim is what you use at 3AM, when you need to fix the production server
@tereško spare me the tale. do they have proper autocompletition and automated refactoring (rename methods, class names, move namespaces etc)?
@tereško no, that's vi
@Worf hmm .. autocomplete is restricted to file and no refactoring facilities by default (I will take a quick look at plugins/extensions)
they are nor IDEs, but they have other features
what do you usually use? phpstorm?
you have ctags plugins in ST, so you can have somehow-proper autocompletion
@Worf I mostly use ST3, with some external tools
the "somehow" scares me :D @FlorianMargaine
@Worf it won't be semantic
ah. well then it's not going to work. i'll stick with phpstorm 7 for now
/me has observed that autocomplete encourages shitty naming practices for some people
especially when you have an entire team relaying on it
because you stop caring about names being intuitive and instead rely on finding in the "autocomplete list"
@tereško long names make me want autocomplete though
i have had to rename some classes because of autocomplete. apparently for phpstorm "Foo" in "Bar\Foo\Baz\LOL" is not part of the class name -__- so i had to have "Bar\Foo\Baz\FooLOL"
basically, long names mean that you such at naming shit
like $currentMerchandId or $userDataMapper...
one day i'll be able to rename them
@FlorianMargaine those look like variable names and should not be accessed fomr other files to begin with
@tereško well, I meant autocomplete in general, yes
@tereško even then, I'm not too lazy to quickly apt-get install nano because it installs faster than I figure out how to comfortably scroll in a big document in vi(m)…
ctrl + d
is there anyone ?
are you there ?
Is mixing static and non static methods in a class against any good oop principle? The class can be instanciated using the new keyword, but also calls some methods globally i.e. foo::bar()
@bwoebi hmm?
@samaYo ?
Answer pls
It's not inherently bad. It depends.
On what?
Is the reason also related to Testing? Or there something more?
rather related to coupling
@samaYo If you reverse the question, a class containing only static methos thats a namespace, so the general answer is if any reason for static method those are mixed with non static, all after depends the concrete situation
@cske What situation would be bad in your scenario?
@samaYo I dont't think there is a general answer, i've used and abused static methods many times, if your taste dictates that the code belongs to that class, but does not requires instance variables than use static
@samaYo do you need the static functions?
@RonniSkansing yes
But I need to intialize some valies during object creation
if that makes sense
In class-based programming, the factory method pattern is a creational pattern which uses factory methods to deal with the problem of creating objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. This is done by creating objects via calling a factory method—either specified in an interface and implemented by child classes, or implemented in a base class and optionally overridden by derived classes—rather than by calling a constructor. == Definition == The factory method pattern should not be confused with the more general notion of factories and factory methods. The factory...
@samaYo absoluty makes sense, static initialization blocks from Java
@samaYo It does not make sense to me
@cske thanks but my case is not as simple as that.
@samaYo I belive produce working solution firts, worring about "good oop principles" comes after that
working solution is achieved already :)
@cske I am not sure why you would do that?
@samaYo then get some beer
@RonniSkansing because sometimes refactoring working but bad code to be good working code is faster than getting stuck on decisions that can be changed later.
@cske Now that's some good advice
> You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.
@Danack I mean, "good oop" parctices when we talk about php, not fits easyly. Are we doing type hierarchy or code reuse with things starts with class
"when we talk about php, not fits easyly." - now that's how you troll, people.
@Danack Rules for Java where you don't have code whitout object, works on php ok, but there are easyer (lot less code) solutions in php-s oop, that's what i tought
"good oop" works alongside having functions. The fact that Java lacks pure functions doesn't make it easier to write OOP code; it just hides the fact that some stuff shouldn't be OOP to start with.
just look at symfony2 results here techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r10, 1% vs raw php is ridiculous
@Danack Then if I say : if the problem requires OOP then php is not the language to choose, but in php with objects and classes you can reach much sorter and readable code (without any good oop wich fits for java or c++)

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