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god i hate markdown
@Worf I'm not sure. It looks wrong but I'm not sure what's correct.
yeah it's not very clear
ehh, I need more reps. time to bite that bullet and do some rep whoring ;/
@Worf added.
Can anyone help me with this nginx errors imgur.com/9tCV3ko
its taken down my server :(
@StephenWolfe did you modify /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file
maybe a few days ago
I am just looking at it now
@StephenWolfe Are you sure port 80 is available?
@PeeHaa I am not sure how to check port 80
netstat is too long is there a way to scroll through its results?
nginx -t
@StephenWolfe Yes. grep
Filter > scrolling
If you really need to scroll you can pipe it through more instead command | more
Okay one sec while I check the results
So I think its that port 80 issues
failing to bind
open firewall
@StephenWolfe What is using port 80?
Im just trying to work out the syntax for grep and netstat
netstat -tulpn | grep :80
netstat | grep 'what you are looking for'
okay nothing coming back on port 80
@peehaa how about: firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
i did netstat | grep 80
Isn't the firewall a whole other level? @samaYo
@PeeHaa it's worth a try. If he has not allowed http access to port 80, then that might be the problem
I cant seem to SSH in eaither
Getting network time out error when I try to connect over SSH
Are you sure you are looking at the correct ip?
What firewall are you using? iptables?
Also what distro are you on?
i was using fail2ban
just stopped that
centos 7
@PeeHaa centos 7 uses firewall
@samaYo What does that mean? :P
I mean iptables is used for CentOs 6.5 and below. CentOs 7 uses firewalld :)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP
Thats what I set up for ip tables
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j DROP
@samaYo ah
@StephenWolfe first time with CentOs 7?
I have setup plesk on it
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start firewalld
$ firewall-cmd --add-service=http
$ firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
was hoping to have minimal sys admin
Does 7 run on systemd? @samaYo
@StephenWolfe Those are harmless commands, try them.
@PeeHaa system-ctl
So yes
I guess, I just memorized the commands. I have build nginx from src 100 times, I know every command by heart.
Actually, now that I think of it, I have build everything from source except gitlab :)
just trying those comands
@samaYo just rann them it said sucess
Don't forget to restart nginx.
@StephenWolfe for what? Starting nginx?
Just $ service nginx restart will do.
yeah I want to see if I have been using the correct one
@StephenWolfe That was the old one. I just use it before it is simpler
still failing
saying to view the logs
Is the journal message similar or different?
Can't see that damn picture :/
I cant copy and paste the text either :(
@StephenWolfe Are you even able to see the nginx welcome page?
Im getting nothing
I cant even connect to the dam server over SSH
@samaYo nginx doesn't start so no :P:
@StephenWolfe I have a VPS with DigitalOcean and didn't find any reason not to access SSH. You must have done something :)
BTW is there a reason yo want to bind it only on the external address? @StephenWolfe
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
> "didn't find any reason not to access SSH"
wat ?!
If a role the server back a couple of days think it will be okay?
@StephenWolfe my last tip: restart nginx
@samaYo can I hire you lol im soo F***
@tereško to paraphrase: I didn't get any problems with accessing ssh out of the box
@samaYo also .. why the hell one would choose some magical firewalld over iptables ?
especially, since iptables are already running
@StephenWolfe Answer my 2 questions. Are you sure you have the correct ip? And why are you binding to the external address?
@tereško no it's not.
I havent changed the ip , I dont no what the second is
I didn't ask whether you change the ip
And for the second in your nginx config you are binding on the external ip. Why?
Im not sure its what every my sys admin put there or whats default
if you have a sysadmin, then why are you messing with the server ?
Cos hes offline and its gone down
@StephenWolfe You need help :)
@samaYo I know
@StephenWolfe What does your /etc/nginx/nginx.conf look like?
it's three states not just on/off
1 - generate and execute code (development mode)
0 - generate code and jump around at it at runtime
-1 - don't generate any code (zero-cost, production mode)
pastebin it.
@samaYo the browser doesnt like me copy paste i have to screen shot
@StephenWolfe or just cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /var/www/foo.com/nginx :p
It's nasty but, it works as long as you remove the copy afterwards :)
@samaYo I hope you recall that he is not able to run the webserver
@samaYo lol
@StephenWolfe the first step would be to get a solid SSH access to the server
how exactly did you try to establish the connection ?
SSH using auth key
and what was the error ?
no connection
just tried a restart on the VPS and got this
can you ping the IP ?
well , the network seems to be fucked for your droplet
ahh nooo
(I think that's what they called 'em on DO)
think that might be why services couldn't start?
@Worf oh…
@bwoebi maybe php.ini should spend more words on how that interacts with the old assert
@Worf yeah, going to correct that
@StephenWolfe since your nginx is configured by a contused lemming, it tries to bind the the external IP, and since the network is not there, you do not have that IP available .. which is why nginx cannot restart
basically, hook it hack to the net and nginx will work again
@tereško so its the service providers network is down?
but I cannot give you any insights regarding "HOW", because this will be something specific for Digital Ocean
@StephenWolfe not necessary. It might be just that your droplet cannot connect to that network
@tereško okay thank you. I am contacting Digital Ocean
@tereško but how can that happen?
no idea. But I would recommend to reverse all the network related changes that you did
which would also include reversing what ever that "firewalld" command set did
... but I have no idea how to reverse that ... it's on @samaYo to explain now how to reverse that crap
@tereško why?
okay im back into my server
@tereško Are you totally convinced that no one knows a thing except you?
@samaYo did you read imgur.com/4qCppcA ?
the issue is between DO and the droplet
if nothing had been changed to the firewall, it would be reasonable to expect that it would just work again, when issue is fixed
but now, SINCE YOU AGAIN JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS, I certainly cannot say whether it will work or not again
@tereško If you want to know what that crap does, you only have to read about it.
I dont want to know .. and I really don't need to know
@samaYo theses issues where there before we made any firewall changes so it doesnt matter
can you now be 100% sure that it will not interfere with the old setup, @samaYo ?
@tereško yes.
well .. I wouldn't .. then again you seem to think that you are extremely skilled as sysadmin
@StephenWolfe It would be nice to hear back from you, about the result of this problem afterwards. I am betting my money, it has little or nothing to do with what @tereško said.
; Switch whether to compile assertions at all (to have no overhead at run-time)
; -1: Do not compile at all
;  0: Jump over assertion at run-time
;  1: Execute assertions
; Changing from or to a negative value is only possible in php.ini! (For turning assertions on and off at run-time, see assert.active, when zend.assertions = 1)
; Default Value: 1
; Development Value: 1
; Production Value: -1
what I'm going to commit
for zend.assertions
@samaYo I think i will be on here all day till its sorted.
Anyone help me trouble shoot why I cant ping my server?
depends on what you trying to ping
@StephenWolfe Either the network is down or you are pining the wrong ip
@bwoebi What about using a string for the setting, rather than an number which forces people to look up the manual?
can anyone else ping this
first try pinging something in your network with that out of the way
it's pointless
@Danack There's in the comments what it does?
his droplet is not connected to the network
yeap no connection
Would that be a issue on my side or Digital Oceans?
12:44 is from Netherlands (NL) in region Western Europe
canonical name: printedeasy.com
Registered Domain: printedeasy.com

Timed out
Timed out
Timed out
Timed out
Timed out
Their side
@StephenWolfe I usually edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 when that happens.
But that's me.
@StephenWolfe Unless you really fucked up the machine
I havent touched the machine :(
@bwoebi not sure maybe you should wait for joe because there's also assert.exception to add
Than it's on their end
@Worf I had added it?
Magic eight ball tells me a routing issue
@StephenWolfe If you don't have anything important in your VPS, I suggest you start over with fresh re-install
@bwoebi ah you did
I just got an alert saying my server could not be pinged, then i checked the site it was down. But I could connect to plesk, I then restarted the server and now I cant connect to anything.
Just contact didgital ocean and let it fix them. Should be easy fix for them
Or just waking up the sysad.
@StephenWolfe contact DigitalOcean. And don't forget to attach that screenshot.
I have a back up of the server from friday might have to go with that soon just will lose a few files
@tereško done that
Ahh sys admin is online!""""
so wait @bwoebi let me understand. what's the difference between -1 and 0?
2 mins ago, by samaYo
@StephenWolfe If you don't have anything important in your VPS, I suggest you start over with fresh re-install
@Worf Compile-time vs. run-time
for fuck sake, @samaYo , have you ever even worked with any real site !?
in both cases the assertion is not evaluated?
is that a compatibility setting?
@tereško Yeah, thousands actually. What's your point?
@Worf no. default is 1 anyway.
.. ya know, forget it, I am fed up
I have no idea what the point of that mode 0 is
i mean why would i have -1 rather than 0?
because assert.active exists too
@Worf performance in production.
so why 0 exists?
33 secs ago, by bwoebi
I have no idea what the point of that mode 0 is
it must be because of old php5 assert
wait lemme reread the rfc
No, still makes no sense…
@tereško You really need some anger-management sessions mate.
Oh, forget it. You'll probably fight your instructors, on how better to do their job anyway.
@samaYo Tbf telling somebody to nuke their machine because of network issues is... scary
I'd eventually ping Joe @Worf
maybe it's for code analysis or things? opcache?
As said, I have no idea.
IMO zend.assertions should be boolean and assert.active too.
i think the same. looks like you need to ping joe :P
@PeeHaa If it's a proven network related issue that has to do with DigitalOcean, Yes! that would be a horribly advice, if OP, however misconfigured some files and then lost track of things, then it would be OK to start over.
maybe it's for debuggers for to work?
It's all about context :p
@samaYo No it would not
Nobody nukes a (production) machine because of some wrong config
It's like amputating both legs because you have a grown in toenail
@PeeHaa worst analogy ever :)
It's actually not that far off
@PeeHaa Then tell me, how could you possibly know every changes to the original settings I did and then reverse them back? Not to mention the amount of time it takes, if you manage to revert everything, compared to the time it takes to reinstall. All within context that both machines having no important data?
Because you should only do changes when needed instead of blindly stabbing in th dark
.. which brings us back to "jumping to conclusions" again
The course of action should always be a) find out what is wrong b) fix it
You went a) do random stuff b) nuke machine
See the difference in our approaches?
I can already imagine the phone call with sysadmin:

"What happened to the server"
"I deleted it"
"What! Why?"
"It was not connecting to the internet"
The only way you could lose track of config changes is if you don't have a proper backup system. I have rsnapshot backups going back several months, plus gentoo's dispatch-conf rcs backups for my server.
@AllenJB Can you cherrypick things form the snapshot?
@PeeHaa kinda .. you can set it up as a separate VM and then manually go through all of it
It's not a good idea .. it's more along the lines of "cruel and unusual punishment"
@PeeHaa Yup - it just appears as a normal filesystem (rsnapshot uses hard links to avoid duplication of data, while still maintaining the filesystem structure)
@tereško Yeah so you can't :)
@AllenJB k
Didn't know that
I will actually have to look into improving the management of my own VPS
@bwoebi serious: have you guys considered splitting the php.ini in several files (as in apache .conf files) ? there's too much in it. actually i was thinking it shouldn't contain any documentation. maybe just links to the documentation on php.net
@Worf Some distros do it. But we prefer having by default the option of a simple setup.
@Worf Eih, I'm mostly happy about the bit docs when I edit it.
@bwoebi so, it is possible to have includes in php.ini file ?
@tereško No.
only .user.ini (but is different) @tereško would be cool to have includes
But you can set a directory to be searched for .ini's. (At configure-time)
hmm ..
that's basically the same .. if a bit more obfuscated
top 10 of most useless things in php.ini, in random order:
- html_errors = On
> top 10 of most useless functions php, in random order:
;highlight.string = #DD0000
;highlight.comment = #FF9900
;highlight.keyword = #007700
;highlight.default = #0000BB
;highlight.html = #000000
asp_tags = Off
precision = 14
precision is a mystery for me
i have no idea what it does xD
@AllenJB Isn't that to be removed in PHP7?
probably, but PHP7 isn't released yet, so it still counts
It don't make no sense. ^^
guys, do you use output buffering?
i always had it disabled
I always have it disabled by default, but it has its uses in specific circumstances
@iroegbu github.com/J7mbo/Aurex - Nothing special, just more separated and uses more up-to-date components
for example?
@samaYo Got SSH back
@samaYo now trying to get the website live again
@StephenWolfe How? What turned out to be the problem?
btw, congrats :)
@Worf Capturing output to redirect it somewhere else, mainly (templating systems when not outputting to the browser - for email, for example).
@samaYo Not finished yet will let you know once I know lol
There's also cases where you might want to try building output, then either not showing it or showing alternate output if it fails.
@Worf disabled??
Meaning you cannot use ob_*?
Or are we talking about automagically output buffering?
ob_ has nothing to do with "output_buffering"
cc @AllenJB ^
@StephenWolfe Ok, also make sure to find out if the firewall settings I gave you are / aren't helpful to get nginx working fully.
I assumed he meant auto-ob, where it's initially on by default.
the automagic one @PeeHaa
ah :)
it's ok to keep it always disabled, right? :P
Tbh I'm not sure what it does?
@samaYo @tereško @PeeHaa, Thanks guys all back up. The network was just down :(
Is it the flush() thing? @Worf
yes @PeeHaa
ah TIL
@samaYo Just asking my sys admin about them settings
When disabled does it mean that it flushes everything right away?
@StephenWolfe Good, I am sure nginx won't work without running those command. Or, I'll be enlightened today :)
As in implicit_flush?
@samaYo sysadmin says those settings are good
@PeeHaa basically when you echo "something"; content is sent directly to the client
instead when you have a buffer active
Why would you want that?
first echoes are collected
@samaYo but he did say there are no firewall issues with our server so not needed
when buffer is filled flush() gets called automatically
29 secs ago, by PeeHaa
Why would you want that?
i don't want that :D
@StephenWolfe But, if your firewall is on, then you must use that setting right?
but i am a noob
maybe there's a reason for it to exist
@Worf Never use that word in this room again. Someone will confuse you with me :)
@PeeHaa when you have a large response that is generated slowly, sending the first bytes straight away can start the page rendering or just increase speed overall.
2 mins ago, by Stephen Wolfe
@samaYo sysadmin says those settings are good
Possibly of more use in the days of 32k modems.
@Danack Yes but we have flush fo dat
@Danack Ah you old fuck :)
also afaik ie5 required big chunks of data to be rendered
@PeeHaa kids today, with their megabits and sub 100ms ping times...
btw I don't think even makes much difference today - between cgi and nginx there is intelligent buffering anyway.
@samaYo I dont know lol :(
@PeeHaa Have you had gitlab unable to render any CSS problem ?
@StephenWolfe So, now all is working?
I just installed, rebooted and never had to tweak it after that
@samaYo yeah the network came back up, no one knows what it was.
@samaYo 18 hours down time though :( not good
@StephenWolfe Do you have an SLA?
@StephenWolfe That might be a world record
i am cleaning my php.ini. 1 hour spent so far, 600 lines examined, 1300 to go
it's just too big
every extension should have its .ini
and have includes like in apache's .conf s
My server did alert me of the problem within 2 mins, I only checked my emailed 2 hours ago lol
Useless effort is useless
If you do it do it in php-src
@StephenWolfe Was the sysadmin also notified?
@PeeHaa no I am new to this, its my first production VpS
@bwoebi good point
@PeeHaa I have never taken on the whole thing before normally have a back up hosting provider to call
It's the best way to learn (in production) :D
@PeeHaa lol I am worried that is was Digital Oceans fault, and if so I need to some how have a fail over server.
@StephenWolfe Sounds like they had some routing issue. It happens.
@PeeHaa I think the network went down and my server never restarted its services or something. My sys admin said it didnt have an IP
Depending on how critical the application is a failover might be the way to go. But perhaps just better monitoring of both you and your people as well as do is just in order
@PeeHaa yeah I did set up the monitoring just didn't use it lol, luckily its was a day where the website is 0% used.
If have written an app for my own monitoring which goes of with all kinds of bells and whistles if one of the critical machines is down. Hard to miss that :)
@PeeHaa I am using NewRelic to monitor the server seems really user friendly.
@PeeHaa so you are using http://localhost to access gitlab?
I tried with localhost, and it works.
I never accessed it locally. My servers only have a shell
Oh, I thought you used the web gui
I do, but not locally
@PeeHaa also output buffering must be enabled when you have the session extension passing the session id using the url rather than cookies
i also wonder why that feature wasn't removed from php yet
i mean passing the session id in the querystring
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"
arg_separator.output = "&"
arg_separator.input = ";&"
it should always use cookies. php7 would have been a good opportunity to remove that. it's more than a decade that i don't see anyone using that (especially considering it's potentially insecure)
@Danack what do you think? ^
@Worf The whole of the session handling needs to be dumped imo. It's a flaky mess that doesn't do the job properly.
And highly coincidentally, I'm working on that now.
:D great!
hey guys, i've a doubt. Does anyone here who clarify?
@YuvaRaj fyi that seems to be a common grammar error. It would sound better to say "I have a question" rather than doubt. And then, please don't ask to ask
oh sorry
I was working on Mysql before. No i'm learning documentation in parse.com. Since parse.com uses NOSQL, i tried to search to know what's the difference between them. But, i couldn't get it. Can anyone make it simple?
the mysql old extension was removed in php7 or is it still there but disabled
I mean SQL Vs NOSQL. SQL is a relational database where NoSql doesn't ve any relation
If there's no relation, then does a single table has all the deatils?
@YuvaRaj This seems like a decent article: digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/…
looking into it
I just seen that article. "These document stores keep each data, together, as a single collection (i.e. document) in the database. " Does it mean all data dumped into a single table?
Like if posts is a table, then all the entries about the author and everything related to post dumped into a single table?
@YuvaRaj They call them 'documents' rather than tables, and you can store the documents however you like. You don't need to structure them (I believe) - so yes, if you wanted to, you could dump everything into one place.
In a relational model, we just have a single table like a Branch code and name, and we assign branch code to students. So, if we want to modify code, we just change in one table and by ON UPDATE CASCADE everything will be changed in that table right. But, if we dump in one table..that doesn't sound good right?
Yes, it sounds terrible.
I am not the best person to talk to if someone wants to be convinced of the benefits of document stores.
Do you prefer SQL or NOSQL?
why don't you understand the differences first, get the cons and pros then chose for yourself?
The problem is i'm facing diffuculty in understanding the NOSQL
specially about the relation
@YuvaRaj I, also don't understand the differences. But, I don't select someone to choose a tool for me because of that. I am sure, with more effort you can get it as much as anyone else.
Okay thanks @samaYo
nosql for dummies incase you have not seen that one already.

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