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@Danack It doesn't support those because that's just nasty.
I would also accept a picture of a kitten captioned with 'y u do this?'
@LeviMorrison what's that __toString there?!
It gives you back the name of the enum value in string form. I need to investigate when it's used in conversions and see if they are problematic.
It will be used e.g. when comparing to an int
I'm not sure about that. Will find out at some point.
If it's problematic then I will just remove the leading __ from it.
Or rename it to name() or something.
IMO that's a task for Reflection
the name of a constant holding an object is not the name of the object… It's the name of the constant holding it.
I'll think about removing it altogether. For now I've renamed it to name().
What value does it give us?
RenewalAction::Approve->name() would give "Approve".
It probably needs to be there. Serializing, or otherwise saving enums would be quite annoying if it was just the numbers.
@LeviMorrison yeah, thanks… you described the how it works. and what's its value?
@Danack serialize() will use a number, why not?
Because they aren't semantically meaningful.
And suck when trying to send the information about what something is set to across an api call.
which is the point.
In API calls the name is more useful (though not required).
(you can always do switches to serialize it and unserialize it)
@Danack A random number is just an abstract representation of something. A string actually isn't that abstract…
@LeviMorrison well, THIS is the reason why Java actually has some methods on enums.
Or just in error messages "The result of the Renewal is 'Deny' and so the renewal is not successful" vs "The result of the Renewal is '0' and so the renewal is not successful".
@bwoebi No it's not.
(well, I assume you meant user-defined methods)
@LeviMorrison well, at least in my experience.
@LeviMorrison Yes
No, user-defined methods do not exist on enums in Java just so you can serialize them.
In fact I rarely see this done.
@LeviMorrison no, on enums I mean. for importing and exporting them into something meaningful
@bwoebi That should not be a property of the enum.
I mean, it's not something the enum should worry about (or any class, really).
I agree. I just say why they're nasty in Java :-D
Serialization/unserialization is a separate responsibility.
yeah, no. Well… They're separate but strongly related
It's clearly separate.
It is easily demonstrated when you need to use two different forms of serialization.
@LeviMorrison interesting thought.
You mean like PHP's built-in serialization, and another one that works?
JSON and XML is an easy example.
In JSON it's probably just a string value; in XML things are never so simple, right?
<enum type="RenewalAction" value="Approve" ordinal="0"/>
^ That is probably a bit too simple for XML, amirite?
@Danack You know that the Renewal wasn't successful… why? because it was deny. You know that it was Deny. Then you can also just write "Deny" literally in the error message.
Yes, because hard coding strings to variable names is never a bad idea.
@Danack That's out of context here…
When you have if ($renewal == Renewal::DENY) { throw new Exception("The result of the Renewal is 'Deny' and so the renewal was not successful"); } … how is it improving the code to have "...'$enum'..." in the string here?
Also… a nice string representation of an enum rarely is the name of the constant… especially because e.g. spaces and underscores, upper/lowercase etc.
It works even after the enum names are changed. Which can be done via code refactoring tools, as all usages are inspectable programmatically. Whereas when it's hard coded in a string, you can't use code refactoring tools.
"a nice string representation " - I don't need a nice representation for debugging messages, but I need something clearer than an ordinal.
@Danack this is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. You might want to change it to Renewal::DENIED, but leave "Deny" in the string msg…
Anyone here used rabbitmq for php?
No, but I recommend it :)
@Danack that's where __debugInfo comes in and can provide that information for you.
So you're saying that __debugInfo should do the same as __toString.....so why not just call it __toString (or name).
and tell you fully qualified name of the constant holding it. and ordinal and
@Danack no???
When I say __debugInfo() I mean var_dump and stacktraces should show you helpful information.
Do you guys think I should have some method for the number of enum values? You can get it by calling count(RenewalAction::values()) but should I provide a method to get it directly?
@LeviMorrison It's dead simple currently. Don't think it's worth it.
@LeviMorrison eih btw. I think you need to change ZEND_CLONE to either reject enums or just return the passed instance.
Yeah. That way === should always work.
You should ensure that there only can exist one single instance of a same enum value during the whole request
@bwoebi It's a logical error to clone an enum so I would favor erroring. What do you think though?
Why this is happening i'm i missing something or this is a bug ?
$data = new VARIANT( [ new VARIANT("test"),
	                   new VARIANT("test 2"),
	                   new VARIANT("test 3")

// if i remove this, i will get different results
$somethingElse = new VARIANT("test 4");

foreach ($data as $value) {
    echo variant_get_type($value);
the output is 018 but if remove $somethingElse i will get 002
$somethingElse does not have to do anything with the loop
@LeviMorrison also, you need to prevent dynamic property setting there
@LeviMorrison I'd just return the same instance. Because when having a function always cloning passed objects to operate on them…
@bwoebi Yes, I am aware.
@CodingInsane We have no way of knowing - presumably it will depend on what the code in variant_get_type is doing.
@LeviMorrison If an enum value is an object… it should behave like objects can. It shouldn't be too special.
@Danack this function is in com_dotnet php extension
Hey, if equally skilled programmers of PHP, Python and Ruby used their best webframeworks, CakePHP, Django and Rails, which one of them would create a blog the fastest?
PHP -- there are so many ready-made blogs already.
Can't really get faster than running through their GUI setup to get database credentials and whatnot.
But if you are restricting it to those frameworks... meh.
Well, have you ever used Django or Rails?
All of them have GUI setup to get database up and running. Django would require some coding but it's only 1 or 2 line of code
I don't understand what you are really asking.
You want to know which language would allow their programmers to be most productive?
That's hard to measure for a variety of reasons.
I mean, I want you to be judgmental and say which one would yield a blog the fastest
Okay. Rails.
Do you mean CakePHP can't do it as fast as Rails?
No, I think the Ruby programmer will be faster than the PHP one.
There's simply less typing in the average case :)
i missed the enum discussion, what was decided? :D
@Worf About what?
everything about it
lol, the work-in-progress is here, but don't share that link anywhere yet please.
ok, let me read :P
@bwoebi As for adding these functions like ordinal(); what do you think would be a good way for approaching that aspect?
looks fine. what about user defined methods?
@Worf Out of scope for this proposal.
ok, fair enough
@LeviMorrison from an internal POV?
@bwoebi Yeah.
It's a totally normal class with it's own ce etc. per enum, just that each enum shares the same method pointer
the only special thing about it will be the object handlers
and how it's managed at compile-time
Try to use the existing mechanisms as much as possible.
There isn't a lot where you need a new type of wheel
Do you mind if I ping you with internals questions over the next few days?
Feel free… not only the next few days ;-)
Would you recommend putting the handlers into a separate file like Zend/zend_enum.h?
@LeviMorrison Yes, put it into a zend_enum.c/h … you always can easily copy paste the code into other files if needed…
@LeviMorrison I think Python can easily beat Ruby, when less typing matters
it makes no sense comparing programming languages that way @EnglishMaster we can only agree that they all suck
@bwoebi What's the difference between zend_object_compare_t and zend_object_compare_zvals_t?
@Worf You don't have to try hard to be "neutral" at this point. The question is about being one-sided. Be evil just for once.
I mean, come on, it's not going to send you straight to hell
not knowing ruby and python i can't tell
@LeviMorrison No idea what the latter is… a quick search of it gave no results in php-src… I see it nowhere called…
Doesn't seem you'd need to care about that one…
If the handler is called is it safe to assume the first object is an enum?
Can you calculate 1,000,000 factorial in PHP?
@LeviMorrison The zend_object_compare_t one?
Ah btw. I now know what's with zend_object_compare_zvals_t
guys any good C guide/tutorial for one having experience in php and js programming?
i really don't want to read "what variables are" :P
@LeviMorrison It's used when it exists… the other operand then may also be of an other type than object.
So when is zend_object_compare_zvals_t used?
@LeviMorrison In case zend_object_compare_zvals_t doesn't exist and both are of type object and have the same compare function, it's called.
so, if your compare function is enum specific, then both operands will be enums.
I see. I assume it compares the address of the handler?
@Worf I really recommend you to start at what variables are. Especially when you always were using a language abstracting memory and stack management away. Most important that variables are now just a typed pointer the underlying memory which are abstracted away by the compiler.
Hi, anyone experienced in mysql?
I'm looking to line break each sentence in a mysql field
@bwoebi I should disallow get_property_ptr_ptr, correct?
@LeviMorrison yep
zend_error(E_EXCEPTION | E_ERROR, "Cannot refer to enum properties by reference");
enum values don't have properties at all?
You can't refer to them by reference.
You could modify it directly
You don't need that check at all? because you anyway can't fetch an enum property?
Well, they have properties at the moment.
They are just private.
yeah, well…
reflection etc.? maybe...
I guess that means you can't get it by reference, I guess.
(since it is private)
@LeviMorrison Also, what exactly does enum refer to? To the class the object is an instance of? Or to the list of objects?
Usually I refer to enum type or enum value to distinguish.
okay thanks
zend_object_handlers zend_enum_object_handlers = {
    0,                                      /* offset */

    zend_object_std_dtor,                   /* free_obj */
    zend_objects_destroy_object,            /* dtor_obj */
    zend_enum_clone_obj,                    /* clone_obj */

    zend_std_read_property,                 /* read_property */
    zend_enum_write_property,               /* write_property */
    zend_std_read_dimension,                /* read_dimension */
    zend_std_write_dimension,               /* write_dimension */
I'm doing something wrong:
> error: ‘zend_std_read_property’ undeclared here (not in a function)
zend_std_read_property, /* read_property */
Ah, they aren't exported.
@LeviMorrison You better have everywhere your own handlers because reflection can also change your private properties…
If anyone does that they should be shot.
Maybe but your PHP will crash nevertheless.
(I can say that because modifying the private properties with reflection will shoot them in the foot)
private properties of the enum will be probably contain immutable zend_string *'s which may crash when replaced by mutable ones and opcache etc.
Bleh, I think I have to make my own anyway.
The std handler functions are not available from this scope.
What I just said... ;-)
eiiih… it's nearly 5 am here… I should goto bed;
:) Good night.
good morning
TIL !$x instanceof X === !($x instanceof X)
Hi. Is there any reason that RegexIterator does not return keys of original iterator?
is there a way to assign a class constant the string value of an ordinal... like one would hope ` const FIELD_SEPARATOR = chr(0x1c);` would do.
@Orangepill , try "\x1c"
@sectus that appears to work ... thanks.
@LeviMorrison u still around?
ooops morning
@Worf Kinda; why?
@LeviMorrison i'm creating a "language" framework like yours (don't ask) at the moment i have two classes for strings, one for generic binary data (ie wraps substr) one for text data (ie wraps mb_substr), the text one extends the byte sequence one
for example i have $byteseq->getBytesCount() and $text->getBytesCount() $text->getCharsCount(). they are immutables. sounds fine so far [?]
I don't think extension is a good idea.
but now I have an issue to solve. what should be the hash code for such classes instances? i have the feeling that Text shouldn't extend Bytes
Correct. Extension is the wrong tool.
Text represents a text irregardless of the encoding, this is the reason i believe
the fact that a byte sequence is also a valid utf-8 text doesn't mean that it represents said text
@bwoebi Which handler handles dynamic properties? The __set type stuff?
Is it just part of the write_property handler?
Well, I think I have a lot of the base stuff working.
I am getting an error:
> Zend/zend_gc.c:146: gc_possible_root: Assertion `((zend_refcounted*)(ref))->u.v.type == 7 || ((zend_refcounted*)(ref))->u.v.type == 8' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
Here's the backtrace:
#0  0x00007ffff653c8d7 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007ffff653e53a in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#2  0x00007ffff653547d in __assert_fail_base () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#3  0x00007ffff6535532 in __assert_fail () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#4  0x00000000008907ec in gc_possible_root (ref=0x7ffff5e586c0)
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_gc.c:146
#5  0x0000000000855ce5 in gc_check_possible_root (z=0x7ffff5e5eca0)
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_gc.h:149
#6  0x0000000000855d85 in i_zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0x7ffff5e5eca0,
Any ideas about what I am doing incorrectly?
(The error happens on shutdown)
Here's a sample input that will trigger it:

enum RenewalAction {
I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll have a fresh brain and can spot the issue tomorrow. Good night!
I'm using joomla and want to get particular field in backend model and no luck with any method that I searched for. So trying to get like this jsfiddle.net/clink/80fw5arf
where I want to get 'menuid'
good moin
good mornigs
@LeviMorrison btw, please don't struct initialize handlers
It's a PITA when the handler API is changed
Instead memcpy the standard handlers and modify the ones you want to change
missed phph last night @Fab, did you go ?
It was last night? -_-
They should do it in Soton so I can be lazy and go.
yeah was last night, they had derick doing a debugging talk ...
I'd have gone, but trying to save pennies for computer, and it costs me £80 to just cross the water ...
The coding love
Finishing a project
I'm having issues with the "$a === $b" operator. The documentation states that "TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type." In my case "$a == $b" evaluates to TRUE, while === is FALSE. An var_dump shows both as identical except that one is of type "object(Carbon\Carbon)#25735" and another "object(Carbon\Carbon)#25716". I read that as they are different instances of the same type and same values. Shouldn't === evaluate to TRUE?
When using the identity operator (===), object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class. (php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.object-comparison.php)
So it behaves in another way if I'm comparing objects? That does not matches what's on php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
@SimonSvensson See the "Comparison with Various Types" table on that page
which also points to the same page I previously posted
@JoeWatkins Damn £80. Debugging talk would've been up your alley too.
Blargh! Meh! (etc. etc.) Can I reduce the "same instance" rule to a "compatible type" rule? Is there a magical method (__strictEquals?) that I could implement on this DateTime-type that could solve this?
@SimonSvensson No.
@SimonSvensson you could go through __toString
There's an $a->eq($b) overload that works, except that it won't work for $a === null.
... somebody slap me. I've been totally ignoring the ==, but it does exactly what I want for objects. "Two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and values, and are instances of the same class."
I'll throw this on to the ever increasing pile of burning hate I have for the inconsistent api/framework/whatnot.
it's usually difficult to point out the obvious
So... $obj == $obj does not type-juggling, but what about $obj == 'test'? Will $obj->__toString() be called?
@SimonSvensson jep
Q: A PHP User System

Hassan AlthafThis PHP User System was built with MySQLi and I also used Composer. I'm planning to improve this, and add more stuff and release it as a sort of a module for Composer. User.php (Controller File in the src/Controller) folder. <?php namespace Application\Controllers; use Http\Request; use Http\...

A User has nothing to do with the Request and Response
You have to think contextually too
A User doesn't even have access to the Database
You would build a User given the information from the Database, if one exists. If you're creating one, you would populate the User and then via a DataMapper map the contents of the User to the Database.
(I say would, because you don't have to, but you'll find it immensely useful ;))
that might be too much for him to take without examples, maybe
I know it sounds like jargon, the words may help though :-) (eventually)
show him the silex-auth-skeleton - it's properly done, he can proceed from there
@iroegbu Currently re-writing that, it's so much better now. Called Aurex. Will put it up soon. It has tests!!
where is it? Public yet?
@Jimbo is it using igorw/yolo?
@FlorianMargaine Nope
It's basically Silex on Steroids
@iroegbu Not yet, just writing tests, when done will get travis set up and then will put on github
Everything loaded into Silex is via Modules now. So it's a plugin architecture...
So there's an AurynModule that basically sets up Auryn with the framework. Everyone should be able to just put their own modules in for what they need
It's all yaml I hope
Hey ! can you tell me the best way to migrate my code from zend framework 1 to zend framework 2 ?
Go straight to zend framework 3
are you doing away with pimple all together?
@FlorianMargaine Of course ;-) But it's cached now, so memcached
@iroegbu No it's still on top of Pimple unfortunately, that's how silex works
@Florian Margaine Thanks , but can you tell me the best way ?
@AhmedZiani what's the best way to eat a slice of pizza?
It's not that much different tbh, just nicer... bit faster because it's not creating all the Repositories when they're not needed. Just more organised and up-to-date versions of everything
@Patrick i mean if you have a good tutorial
@Patrick start with the small side
and tested
Are classes and objects the hardest part of php?
I agree, then you can leave the edges when you're full
@Katherina classes and objects exist in many languages. They're more a way of coding than a 'thing'.
As for whether learning about them is harder, I believe so, but some people find it easier to learn OOP methodologies.
As for should you focus on learning them, yes.
But that's just my opinion :P
I am doing the course on codeacedemy, i've been learning php for 5 months now (Student) but now I have to learn how to use classes and objects OOP stuff. Quite hard
with the $this->
5 months and only now hit oop? :|
It basically comes and goes with understanding. One day something clicks and you understand a little more.
Yup @JaakKütt I know, its lame. my school is lame.
I've been coding for many years and I still don't really understand a lot of OOP.
@Jimbo interesting... when will it be done?
@iroegbu Week or so, depends on how much time I get to do it
@Katherina Read this guys blog. A lot of his stuff is useful. Should help a little.
Thanks @Fabor
Though keep in mind the date of such posts. And as a tip for you as you're new. Almost all of the tutorials/blogs have misinformation at the beginner/intermediate level. They can teach bad principles and lazy code. So just because site A says it's true, doesn't usually make it so.
blog examples might be too basic to get the full picture of why you should run with oop, imo learn the basic syntax and go straight to reading design patterns ^^
Agree. It takes time.
Well maybe not so much the Design Patterns part but single blog being too basic.
what would be the middle ground? reading framework source codes? :D
Oh definitely not for me. I combine libraries. I'm just saying that starting OOP can be tough, throwing in a DP when it's not easily understood could be tougher. I feel in order to learn DP you need to encounter the problem they solve first.
@JaakKütt If you want to learn bad practices, sure, go ahead
@Patrick the second part was more of a joke, tho would still be interested in the middle ground part
@Fabor "to learn" a DP yes, "to learn from" DP about objects and their usage, not so sure previously encountering is a must?
@JaakKütt focus on the principles behind it, like separation of concerns. otherwise you'll just end up with procedural code in classes
@Katherina another nice read: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. You would start with that one after you understand what OOP is tho
Does anyone "understand what OOP is"?
Gordon: a system composed entirely of magic and sorcery
If you pluralise it maybe.
@Gordon: Alan Kay (the guy who coined the term) has a clear idea on it, it's just that his idea is very different from everyone else's: c2.com/cgi/wiki?AlanKaysDefinitionOfObjectOriented
I like to think that I am quite good at OOP given that I have read a number of books on the topic, incl. POEAA, Refactoring, CleanCode and Applying UML and patterns but when I look at my code, I am not so sure anymore.
@JoeriSebrechts true
the core principle is message passing, something distinctly not present in most OOP implementations
@Gordon It's when you run your code and it deletes everything in the DB. OOP.
@JoeriSebrechts yes, I know.
I've always liked the quote of his: "I invented the term object-oriented, and I can tell you that C++ wasn't what I had in mind"
i feel that indeed the way C++, Java, PHP etc... implement OOP is suboptimal
I still have the Smalltalk book on my wishlist
I am just afraid that when I read it, I will get totally frustrated :D
Paul Graham also once wrote in an essay about the superiority of lisp that design patterns are missing language features. I'm intrigued by this notion of design patterns being a language smell.
Peter Norvig did a study and found that 16 of 23 studied design patterns are substantially simpler or unnecessary in lisp. Which makes me wonder why I keep writing PHP instead of lisp :)
@Gordon that's the usual "theory vs practice" issue
So... resource (Case insensitive, in all scopes) is now reserved for class/interface/trait names. Damnit.
> Showing 10,117,052 available code results
I'm tempted to tableflip, because now there is literally zero chance of a production app I work on ever using PHP7, period
@Amelia Yeah, it's annoying, but a lot of those aren't valid, but also the problem can be fixed by refactoring tools automatically.
@Danack if it was case-sensitive, i'd be pretty happy, but it's case insensitive and in any scope. It breaks public interfaces used by libraries, for literally no reason
Anyways, time to go drown myself in apple iced tea :p
Also I should have narrowed that down, but now: github.com/… is a thing and there's 70k+ things on github using class Resource
@Amelia still not valid results: "class ResourceModel extends model{}"
aka github search sucks.
In fact the vast majority of them seem to be Doctrine related and unaffected by the resource now being a keyword (judging by going to page 50, github.com/…)
Yes, github search does indeed suck.
@LeviMorrison yes, write_property handler. the std_write_property handler calls zend_class_entry.__set.
@LeviMorrison I can't tell you without code
Hi everybody
I am building a small crawler and I have a general question about "architecture" or "design"
I have build classes to make http request, to analyze the response, detect errors and so on
I have a main webclient class which I use to get a page, submit a form etc
the thing is, I want to save some "procedures", that are going to be repeated
like getting the login page, logging in, getting a special page in the dashboard, then getting another one etc
I am wondering if I should create another class to have those "procedures" inside methods
Hi everyone
Q: PHP script stopped unexpectedly without error

JayThis script is executed by job scheduler Azkaban every day and have been working fine for more than a week now. But yesterday it failed meritoriously. No exception was thrown, no fatal error and no error log entry. I am inserting a count of records processed to database from destruct function th...

if any one has had such an issue please offer some advice :-)
@IamZesh Whatever you pick don't think you need "MVC"
@PeeHaa ok, why is that?
Because you don't actually implement MVC and it only diverts you from your actual goal
@PeeHaa ok thank you. What would you advice then? Because I feel like create a class could be like more oop but in the other hand it looks like there is no real need for a class there because it's just a succession of webclient method calls in specific orders
What I would do (and have done in the past) YMMV is create the things needed under \Project\Service\ServiceName and have all the logic needed in several classes
@Jay not sure if it might be your case but if your system does any file based caching then maybe check the inode count on your server
I thought I had a public repo for things like that @IamZesh, but sadly I don't see it on github so probably never open sourced it
@JaakKütt Thanks i will check that
@PeeHaa So create a web service for each automated task so to speak, right?
@Jay This isn't an answer - but the word 'meritoriously' probably doesn't mean what you intended to say, perhaps 'unexpectedly' ?
No the service is for example "Facebook" and under the facebook namespace you would have all the logic required to do whatever you want to do like: \Project\Service\Facebook\Auth and \Project\Service\Facebook\Dashboard etc
Wow I have no idea whatsoever where this is coming from...
> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in
@Jay Something that runs PHP jobs has the capability of stopping the job without it being logged by PHP. You're probably going to need to look at the Azkaban logs to see what it did...
I even commented out the line :|
/me inserts magicguy meme
@PeeHaa unclosed heredoc?
Nope. The offending line is: // $links['settings'] = $this->template->render('/settings-link.phtml', ['id' => 'hotpatcher']);
The lines before that are:
    var_dump($this->template->render('/settings-link.phtml', ['id' => 'hotpatcher']));
@Danack changed to unexpectedly :-)
@PeeHaa ah ok, but then you would use the services directly in the app, right? By this I mean that I would not be using the webclient class like before but use the services instead, which them selves will use the web client
Yes exactly
The webclient is a dependency of those classes
@PeeHaa This has whitespace after the END; - 3v4l.org/mRsKP
My complete method is:
    public function addSettingsLink(array $links)
        var_dump($this->template->render('/settings-link.phtml', ['id' => 'hotpatcher']));
        //$links['settings'] = $this->template->render('/settings-link.phtml', ['id' => 'hotpatcher']);

        return $links;
Let me hexdump the thing because this makes no sense
@Danack I have already looked at azkaban log file and in azkaban execution history. It just shows me that the job failed
The error isn't in that bit
@PeeHaa ok, I understand. I'm not very familiar with services, I've seen a bit of them in some tutorials but I'm not sure I understand how to implement it myself. Is it the same as a Web Service? Or is it referrring to the service design pattern?
Nope. Hexdump agrees
@IamZesh It is just a name I gave it. By service in this case I mean the website you are trying to crawl
Hmmmm removed the entire method body and now I get the error on a whole other method :P
@PeeHaa why don't give us the whole contents of your file?
morning everyone
@PeeHaa Ok thank you for explaining me that. So basically I would have say a Facebook namespace and inside various classes like login, logout, getMessage
I can if you feel like pointing out my stupidity @nikita2206
@PeeHaa I just have nothing to do :P
We're always up for that!
@PeeHaa and then it's those classes that I would be manipulating in the scripts as I need them
ow wow
found it
WTF stupid syntax highlighting failed on me hard
line 86 I think
dat backtick
Dat moment when gists have better syntax highlighting than your text editor :|
Thanks all :P
@IamZesh yes
As per my usual recommendation, PHPStorm made everything below be green...

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