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hi guys
hey @taco o/
.... and httpd didn't start again. Anyone have a better Vagrant base box or builder tool other than puPHPet? This is not working out, and frustrating. I haven't manually installed a lamp stack in a long time, do I really have to do this by hand?
@ChrisBaker By hand, uphill, both ways, in the snow.
This is the future! We're supposed to have escalators.
Honestly I've yet to find a pre-packaged dev environment that both worked correctly and wasn't insane to use.
Maybe it's just because I also do sysadmin stuff, but I've never personally had a problem setting up new envs from scratch...
... that and my team has a central dev server instead of doing individual instances, works fine for our case.
@Charles What VCS do you people use?
I don't ever do it. Not that I can't relearn it pretty quick (like riding a bike, I'm sure), it's just that... well, I want to write code. I started messing with this so I can get out of this whole "editing production code" my boss thinks is okay. I don't want to settle for WAMP, either. Vagrant was supposed to be magical. jQuery.VirtualizedServer() kind of thing. It isn't.
@PeeHaa We're on subversion. I kind of want to move to mercurial but the lack of temporary branches makes me sad.
@Charles That would be lovely. We have decommissioned servers, still in the racks, powered off and doing nothing. Yet here I am, wasting 2 days on Vagrant because... no reason. Bah! Bah humbug!
@ChrisBaker I need to get around to giving Vagrant more than a passing glance. All I hear is either amazing wonderous glorious things, or that it's crap.
It seems like it would be cool, with the right starting configuration file. I'm trying to be lazy and not learn all the ins and outs of the config file, so I'm relying on a configuration generator called puPHPet. It is based on another generator called Puppet. It is not amazing or glorious. I'm either going to have to get off my ass and learn this config file so I can make my own, or find a better base box. Or just start with an OS and manually set up the web stack.
If/when you try it, you can safely skip puPHPet, unless you're a masochist.
@ChrisBaker Noted.
wow such nice completion github.com/junegunn/fzf
^ and that thing is really fast
cd **[TAB] on home dir and the fuzzy list was ready instantaneously
yo @tereško
heya folks
good evening every one
I can't run a netbeans php project, I set the framework to symfony2
but when I run it the browser just put 404 error "could not find page", what to do ? I'm running linux mint and copying the project to /var/www doesn't seem to work
@niceman nginx or apache?
tail /var/log/php-version/www-error.somthing
First check error logs
@NikiC Given that we have exceptions in the core in PHP 7, what exception should I throw if you try to write a property to an enum?
it could be from apache also
@sam_io do I replace something with the name of the project ? or what ?
no, you will find an fike where all potential errors are loged
/var/log/php-version doesn't exist !!!
yes it doesn't
look for a php folder
and inside you'll find a file where it should tell u the errors
do the sams for apache
also make sure var/www/ and folders within have atleast 755 chmod perms
well I made chown to /var/www
last but not least, make sure iptables/firrwalld is off (temporarly) and php, apache are running
@sam_io remember when you thought that we were mean to you ?
yeah, time unlocks every mystery @tereško :)
yeah , I think you are getting the grasp on "why"
Hi teresko!
I found apache2 folder but not php, there are three files : error.log access.log and other_vhosts_access.log
I can't figure out what's the problem from tail error.log
except some shared library
@LeviMorrison I'd say a normal EngineException. Which you do by calling zend_error with E_EXCEPTION | E_ERROR.
that it cannot find which is msql.so
@NikiC zend_error(E_EXCEPTION | E_ERROR, "Unable to modify enum values");?
Something like that?
@niceman If that's literally what it says, you've got a typo in your config
mysql or mssql... no msql
hmmm , yes you're right, I'll change that
sorry but I forgot, where is php config file located ?
echo phpinfo();
oh forget that
$ whereis php
@niceman if not startover again and this time follow a better guid on how to run x on y. otherwise, it could take some time to help you fix things.
@hakre halp. I haz wordpress question :)
I got a vagrant box to boot using puPHPet. Certain apache modules just don't play ball, including mod_disk_cache. So in terms of replicating the live environment, it isn't 100%. But at least I've got a 400 response on the webserver, that's half the battle.
@LeviMorrison yep
@ChrisBaker Don't be so sure.
mSQL.. *shudder*
WHat is it?
@ChrisBaker Hey, at least it's a useful error now!
@PeeHaa What's what, mSQL?
@Charles Actually I figured it out by guessing. :/
Back in the late 90s, it was the smallest, lightest SQL engine. It's also complete and utter crap.
@Charles Okay, internet, you win....
I wonder who is actually using that.
First time I have ever seen it I think
@ChrisBaker Hey, that's just as valid as a troubleshooting measure as percussive maintenance is.
@PeeHaa There's an infamous O'Reilly book, "MySQL and mSQL", widely considered one of the worst books they've ever published. That's the only reason I know of it...
I want a foam-rubber neck and head that fits over my monitor, so when stuff isn't working I can literally choke my computer out.
@Charles heh
It could hook in to USB, so if you stabbed it with an ink pen it randomly destroys disk files. You could literally murder your computer, if things get intense.
@sam_io ok , I'll look for tutorial , thanks
@ChrisBaker It'd be more entertaining to play a clip of Homer Simpson choking Bart.
Oooh, different choking voices, customizable like a Garmin. You could get the dying gasps of Australian lady, a British man, Stephan Hawkings, or Bart Simpson,
agh.. windows is horrible to work php in
Q: Hook (or other way) to find out when another plugin is activated / installed

PeeHaaIs there some way to run a function when another plugin is being installed and/or activated? Basically I need something like register_activation_hook only for other plugins. The use case: I want to check for CVE patches on my own server when a plugin is installed / activated. The only thing I...

You have any idea by any chance?
Nope, if I was on a linux box I would put on debug, and step installing/activating a plugin looking for any hook/actions defined
I will give a hunt a try if you do not get any answers to go on
(and I am back on a proper box...)
@PeeHaa You know, I'm not even sure what order WP would load plugins in
@Machavity How is the order related?
ow wow. How come I never found that during my search?
Let me try
OMFG that's it!
<3 @RonniSkansing
A: Hook (or other way) to find out when another plugin is activated / installed

GentlemanMaxI believe you are looking for activated_plugin and deactivated_plugin, see the wordpress documentation: https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/activated_plugin https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/deactivated_plugin

also try out plugins_loaded
yay hidden magic pings :P
@Machavity yeah but the activation hook thing is called after the plugins are loaded :)
@PeeHaa re
@hakre @RonniSkansing and another helpful person already solved it for me. Thanks anyway :)
ah fine to know.
> new error type E_RETHINK_YOUR_LIFE
> A warning for WordPress developers.
So I've allocated an object with zend_objects_new. I have set a default_properties_count of 1 so it has the property storage I need already.
However, I am unsure how to add a property into that space.
At a glance it didn't appear that zend_declare_property_ex used it in any special kind of way.
Wow there is a SE site for enything now craftcms.stackexchange.com
@LeviMorrison dynamically?
@ircmaxell No. NikiC routed me in the right direction over on #php.pecl
I need to use zend_declare_property on the CE instead of what I'm doing.
Well, maybe.
Here's what I'm doing:
enum RenewalAction {
That essentially is going to get translated to this:
final class RenewalAction {
        private $ordinal;
        private function __construct(int $ordinal) {
                $this->ordinal = $ordinal

        const Approve = new RenewalAction(0);
        const Deny = new RenewalAction(1);
So when I compile RenewalAction I need to declare the $ordinal property with zend_declare_property, right?
I mean you could do a virtual property (handle it via read/write handles)
which actually may not be a bad idea, since then you can disable reflection modification...
const char *ordinal = "ordinal";
zval zv;
ZVAL_LONG(&zv, 0);
zend_declare_property(ce, ordinal, strlen(ordinal), &zv, ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE);
Does that look correct?
looks reasonable...
What's the proper function to update an existing HashTable entry?
@LeviMorrison You're looking for zend_declare_property_long :)
@NikiC Thanks; I knew it looked a bit funky :)
=== Total 64173 memory leaks detected === ah yes...
So should I not be using the hashtable functions prefixed with _, such as _zend_hash_update?
@LeviMorrison nope
use the macros without the _
Generally anything prefixed with _ is internal
So what would I use to update a given property without using the write handler?
Finding the correct function to use is where I spend like 90% of my time when writing php-src code.
Looks like maybe zend_hash_update?
@LeviMorrison Why don't you want to use zend_update_property etc?
Because it's not writable.
In an enum declaration everything is basically final and immutable.
lol the more variables I unset() the more leaks I get ^^
So I'm creating the initial definitions. After that you can't write anything. Using the handler will fail.
I see, that sounds reasonable
In that case I would go with ircmaxell's suggestion of using virtual properties
is there a good video on what's new in php 7?
"PHP7 The Movie"
where can i find it at?
Soon in a movie theater near you!
lol i mean with someone going around speaking to the php user groups
Sorry haven't really seen any, but to be honest heven't really looked for it either :)
well, "and XML"...
@FlorianMargaine asynchronous javascript and xml
I mean, we all use json nowadays but..
so ... I was remarking on the perversion that have been going on my iOS project, where I am responsible for API service, when I realized that I was about to pour 12 year old single malt Bushmills on ice-cream strawberry cheesecake
@tereško which tasted better, the cheesecake, the whiskey, or the API?
@LeviMorrison there are a lot of those on the chapter reviews for this book
It starts out pretty simple with stuff we all know but then gets into stuff that I've never messed with that's actually kinda useful to know
getting a flaky connection to meta stackexchange right now
I've gotten this three or four times in the past few minutes
enum RenewalAction {

function foo(RenewalAction $action) {
        switch ($action) {
                case RenewalAction::Deny:
                        echo "deny\n";

                case RenewalAction::Approve:
                        echo "approve\n";

\o/ That's working.
nice :)
@LeviMorrison I haven't seen this sort of PHP before.
That's because I'm implementing it right now.
he is in the making of it me guesses
is that for PHP 7?
@LeviMorrison Wait, you're one of the devs for PHP?
@AustinBurk One of many.
@hakre Maybe. That's all about politics.
Yeah, politics aside here please :)
Hopefully 7.0 or 7.1 but if politics don't play nicely it'll be 8.0.
enum is an interface that contains only const defines :)
@LeviMorrison no idea why it shouldn't be allowed for 7.1...
@bwoebi I add a T_ENUM token which would technically be a BC break.
Will also reserve enum from being used as a class or enum name.
@hakre Well, in this case a final class with a private constructor.
@LeviMorrison Are enums opaque types?
As in..?
in PHP internal are interfaces implemented as classes, too?
or are they integer indexed?
They are instances of an object.

How enums work, roughly

1 hour ago, 2 minutes total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by Levi Morrison

@LeviMorrison what's this ordinal? How do I fetch that?
Oh, I haven't implemented that part but there will be an ordinal() method.
or is this a purely internal thing to be able to compare enum types?
The class will also have a ::values() method to get an array of all the values in definition order.
Ah, you're trying to mirror java enums?
No, not completely.
@LeviMorrison you should allow also strings
@Worf They will probably have a __toString() method, yeah.
It might play poorly with automatic conversions though.
@bwoebi For instance, I don't want valueOf() and I don't want enums to have user-defined methods.
(at least for now)
it would be nice to have a shortened version of real_escape_string in PHP so I don't have $db->real_escape_string($vars) everywhere
you shouldn't need to use it at all .... do you?
@hakre I have to validate user input.
@AustinBurk that was solved like a decade ago
you should be using PDO with prepared statements
@bwoebi I'm basically implementing just enough for certain use-cases. It just so happens that Java enums support them in a way that I can easily mirror.
@LeviMorrison eih, you need valueOf when you want to export/import enum values
@bwoebi It's not necessary: RenewalId::values()[$ordinal] will retrieve it.
@AustinBurk you should validate the user-input before passing it to the database layer.
enum internal representation is not necessary to know from the outside
In the database layer you do the right encoding - if at all - but preferable you just pass parameters as parameter - see parametrized queries.
@LeviMorrison oh okay
but some languages have the getValue() method, and they also allow to define a custom value
But Hack's enums are garbage /cc @Sara :)
So… your enums are zero indexed and provide one method to get the value of an enum and one method to get the instance back from the array?
also java's afaik :D
@bwoebi If you even care about the ordinal. Many uses just use the strongly typed enum.
I'm only one year into PHP and MySQLi has always worked just fine for me. I'm not arguing that PDO isn't a better or more modern solution, but things work nicely the way I've done them so far.
@hakre Thanks! I'll be looking into PDO now. :)
For example, in switches or as a function parameter you don't even care what the value is; just switch on the enum.
@LeviMorrison yeah, the ordinal is just for import/export. For everything else yes, strongly typed.
@AustinBurk also mysqli has prepared statements
@LeviMorrison I just wonder if we should allow $enumInstance == $ordinal
No reason to, in my opinion.
You can convert the ordinal into an enum, or the enum into an ordinal.
PDO seems to be a lot more lengthy of a solution here..
The whole point of enums is for strongly typed enums, at least in my opinion.
No need for this dynamic garbage.
I agree, however do you provide a method to convert from ordinal to enum (think storage)?
@LeviMorrison Sure… strongly typed if you want to compare enums against enums. Just talking about the case where you get an ordinal in… $enum === MyEnum::values()[$ordinal] vs. $enum == $ordinal
8 mins ago, by Levi Morrison
@bwoebi It's not necessary: RenewalId::values()[$ordinal] will retrieve it.
what about the other way around?
ok, SGTM then
You can also compare enums of the same type to each other (as in <, >, etc).
what will happen doing class Foo{ const BAR = MyEnum::BAZ; } ?
@LeviMorrison I wouldn't do that.
@Worf That's something I need to test.
Theoretically it should work.
However, it might not :)
@bwoebi What's your reasoning?
@LeviMorrison You shouldn't rely on the order of values in an Enum.
oh my god
@bwoebi You rely on their positions relative to each other. You define them in a given order, which is the same order you use in comparison.
There's no point in it and just makes people look up the enum "is this before of after that value"
@LeviMorrison What's the reason for ordered enums?
how the heck do you end up logged into somebody else's profile, is there some sort of bad caching going on or...nah, that won't work, I'm not the one setting the session cookie.
what about making it friendly for (lol) future support of enumsets/bitmask operators?
$phperrormask = PHPErrors::ALL ^ PHPError::NOTICE;
(PHPErrors::ALL is an enumset)
@LeviMorrison If you really need that, compare the ordinals… but this seems like bad practice to me.
to the response from my mail on complexity...
@rdlowrey do you have any recommendations for "polyfills" for the newer openssl functions? (like php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-x509-fingerprint.php)
I'm ending up with users complaining that they got logged into someone else's profile :U
I can't set the session cookie for that part of the site myself so I have to contact an external server to get the user ID related to the session cookie I'm presented with.
@LeviMorrison The point of an enum to me is to be an abstract representation of something. For example you have enum Directions { NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EST } … why the hell would you want to rely on order here?!
The abstract representation doesn't have a value. You don't see if it's more or less than some other abstract representation. You just can see if it's identical
storage should use strings imho, not the ordinal offset
@LeviMorrison It's like in maths. You have a few unknown values represented by x and y. You have no idea if repr(y) == repr(x) or repr(y) < repr(x). You just know that repr(x) == repr(x) and repr(y) == repr(y) in every case.
what now?
that very much depends on repr()
i agree with @bwoebi
repr() (representation/value) gives you the value of the passed abstraction
I agree with @bwoebi that enum values should not be </> comparable
Yea, ordinal shouldn't matter unless it was possible to declare that it was (like golang.org/ref/spec#Iota)
@Rican7 that's about constants and this is something else…
sure, except Go's iota is designed to work in an enum-like manner
$enum->getName() // string 'NORTH'
Directions::getByName('NORTH'); // say from storage
and maybe
$enum->getFullName() // 'MyNS\Baz\Directions::NORTH'
enum('MyNS\Baz\Directions::NORTH') // works like the constant() function
i need help in codeigniter :)
I need some sleep
wow :D
It's actually more work to disallow <, >. It's also sometimes useful.
Aaaaand fan"mail" :)
Power tripping moron — Cassandra 45 mins ago
@PeeHaa talking to herself?
Apparently :)
yeah my thoughts exactly :P
@Danack Did I write something wrong?
@HamZa That photo is obviously stolen - belgeinfo.com/kim-kardashian-eye-color-11522-2013
I don't follow celebrities :)
It's not that, it's just that people who are that shit at coding, tend to also be shit at taking photos. That's a professional photo using a light box or other diffuser to give a nice effect.
You can tell by the flash reflection being not a point source in the eyes, and the way there is no single point of reflection on the skin..
I see...
lol inspector ackroyd
> Jack of all trades, master of some
I'm done for today people. Have a good one o/
@LeviMorrison Just always return false… that's what happens currently when comparing objects via < or >
(standard object behavior)
@bwoebi That's not actually what happens when comparing objects.
Maybe when comparing objects of different types.
php > $a = (object)[false];
php > $b = (object)[null];
php > var_dump($a < $b);
php > var_dump($a > $b);
@LeviMorrison Same object type… is always false.
Just a second and I'll demonstrate a different behavior.

class RenewalAction {
	private $ordinal;
	function __construct($i) {
		$this->ordinal = $i;

$a = new RenewalAction(0);
$b = new RenewalAction(1);

var_dump($a < $b); //true
var_dump($a > $b); //false

var_dump($b < $a); //false
var_dump($b > $a); //true
Oh, my example was bogus because I used null and false which are equal in loose comparison…
@LeviMorrison but you just need to overload compare_objects to prevent this.
It's not hard.
Sure, it's not hard.
It's just harder :)
There is still a lot of work to be done on both the RFC and the implementation. However, here is the RFC for Enumerated Types if you care to track it. Please don't share this link anywhere yet.
@LeviMorrison So you're saying I shouldn't star that message and then post the link to /r/php?
@LeviMorrison Presumably they would only be allowed to be declared at the top level? e.g. no private to a class enums?
@Danack No, that would depend on nested class support first.
Enums as I've implemented them is just syntactic sugar over classes with some added semantics. To be fair, it gets rid of quite a bit of boilerplate. You also can't create new objects for class constants in user-land (I am still not sure what side-effects I've caused by doing it in core).
I still have to make sure it works with opcache too; might be an issue.
@LeviMorrison that may be worth specifying, just to avoid confusion. Also, the RFC /email to internals might need to address why it doesn't support, er, 'value enums', aka the planets example from here

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