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hey, @NikiC I ended up agreeing with your questioning about token_get_all() bc break and got one idea. Maybe we can have a second parameter on token_get_all($source, $strict?) that enables syntax check and context sensitiveness. This way, the syntax check would be no longer a BC break but an optional improvement. What do you think?
People using token_get_all() to tokenize partial PHP code or even DSLs close enough to PHP will not have any BC break. And I'm pretty sure most people will adhere the syntax check because I talked to a few people and they seem to want a way to ensure that only valid code is being tokenized in some cases.
writing php extensions with rust -> phpdeveloper.org/news/22553
^ desn't seem like a good idea right now but with some wrappers it could be nicer
@marcio Want to work on enums?
@LeviMorrison there is no way i can use consistently a float as key in a map, right?
@Worf Well... there is kind of.
Use formatter that prints full precision and doesn't use locale-sensitive stuff.
And then store it as a string.
i guess only very big and very small floats may have problems
ah btw, does infinite passes the float typehinting? i didn't try yet
I would assume so.
@Worf I would recommend against this since it is error prone :)
i'll just avoid it entirely
@LeviMorrison My agenda for PHP 7.1 is more related to functional stuff: callable types, functional autoloading, etc. but since you said you will help with the callable types RFC we can exchange some collaborations :)
How's callable types going?
@nikita2206 is working on a proof of concept patch so I didn't bother to start anything yet, I'm waiting to see his initial results
I think he has syntax working for: function foo(callable (): int $f)
I believe he allows omitting a parameter list too (though I personally don't like that): function foo(callable: int $f)
@Ocramius what do you think about having some helper to extract info on what constraint was violated on DML?
Looks like nikita2206 hasn't touched it in a few weeks: github.com/nikita2206/php-src/tree/callable-signature-typehints
> 18 days ago
@LeviMorrison I dunno, omiting the parameter list would be great to avoid verbosity on generic callable typehints, but it also open doors to suggestions about callables where you only care about the return type.
If you don't care about the argument list, how do you expect to call it?
My opinion is that we can allow omitting parameter lists but just in case it's empty.
so foo(callable (): int $f) and foo(callable : int $f) would be equivalents
I still kind of like this syntax:
we can do this, now, right?
function bar(Baz $baz){}
bar(new class implements Baz{ function foo() : int { return 1; } });
function foo(callable $f(): int)
@Worf I think so, yes (dunno if merged into master yet)
yes not merged yet :P it's awesomesauce tho
what's your very personal wishlist for future php? including things that would probably not pass an rfc?
the plan I had in mind before we start to discuss here was to

1. pass callable types RFC
2. pass generic typehints for callable types if step 1 is successful

Because the generics syntax has a change to become a shitstorm.
What do you mean in point 2?
Guys, "pattern matching"
no, doing too much stuff concurrently
@Worf On the not-gonna-happen list: 1. Remove references 2. Arrays have object semantics instead of value semantics
so - pattern matching
and destructuring
step 1 is:

callable someCallable(int $a, $b) : bool;

function someFunction (someCallable $fn) {}

With function auto loading it's already possible to write good code with it, you just need to declare the callable types somewhere :)
what do you mean with object semantics?
@Worf They pass just like objects do. In fact, an array is an object.
@marcio Ah, forward declaring the types?
I think that has less of a chance to pass than just declaring it inline.
yes, and step 2 would be about introducing the generics syntax:

function someFunction(callable(int $a, $b) : bool $callback){}
\o/ I have the lexer/parser stuff for this in place:

enum RenewalAction {
@LeviMorrison i've noticed that an array passed as parameter is never actually copied (unless some modification is done in a later moment) is that it?
@LeviMorrison I really think we should allow declaring the types even if we have the generics syntax passed because sometimes you may want to reuse a callable type in multiple function signatures, like you do with interfaces
function f(array $vals) {
    $vals[] = 3;
$values = [1,2];
f($values); // modified here, I wish
@marcio I understand your concern but I don't think it has as good of a chance to pass as explicitly declaring the type will.
when the whole world moves to immutability - is it a good idea to move the opposite direction?
@zerkms No offense, but that's a strawman argument.
@LeviMorrison why not?
And it was on my never-gonna-happen list :)
@marcio We don't have any kind of forward declare like thing in existence.
pure functions with immutable arguments make everything more transparent
@zerkms That's fine -- I still think we should remove references.
@LeviMorrison why's that better? that would force a copy even if no modification is done inside f()
(that's one I really would push for)
if you wish it to be modified - why don't you just declare it as a reference
You don't get it. I want to completely remove references.
@Worf if it's not modified - it won't be copied
@marcio So… how do you think I should implement enum under the hood?
oh, but that's not forwarding declaring anything. we declare the callable type like we do with an interface:

interface SomeType {};
function fn(SomeType $object){}

// same for callables

callable SomeType():int
function fn(SomeType $callback){}
isn't levi trying to remove that? @zerkms :P pass by value rather than reference
I'm thinking I need to have a class-like thingey.
@Worf even if it's passed by value - it does not mean any memory is physically copied
@LeviMorrison it's just the natural thing to do. The generics syntax for callable types is the foreign concept actually ;)
@marcio I'll think about it.
@zerkms ah, well makes sense now
i am curious
@LeviMorrison cc: maybe @rdlowrey has some input on it too, he is one of the few people that maintain functional libraries :3
@marcio you basically want to introduce "interfaces" for functions?
It's really just the concept that a callable has a specific function signature.
He thinks having the ability to declare that signature with a name would be good -- this is the part I don't know if I like.
@Worf hummm... yes. In other languages it's just part of the type system but in PHP we have this weird brain damaged distinction, but the answer is yes xD
i have created an REST API with several endpoints, to recieve mutliple types of data from my databases for my mobile app. . However, I do not know, if it is the right approach, to include auth/registration (like: register app device, update the app device or delete the app device) routes to the API, or to separate them to another resource (eg. the main website)
@askmatey api.domain.tld/
i need the registration routes to save the user's push api endpoint, bookmarks etc
however, api.domain.tld is also open for public usuage
and the registration routes are an app thingy
" is also open for public usuage" --- what does it mean?
i'Ve written a documentation, so everybody can use the data - with an api key
@LeviMorrison if we want to have real first class functions, the function types should be able to have a name and be reused on declarations. Adding just the generic syntax impedes reuse or only allows reuse of signatures by copy & paste.
@LeviMorrison about enums, the culprit about enums is that they can only be compared against other enums right? How do you intend to do that internally?
@marcio and would you check the signature, how? every time at call time?
@NikiC So I'm brainstorming how I can implement enums. If each value of the enum is an anonymous class that extends the enum this gives me a fair degree of the functionality I would want. However, it wouldn't allow me to switch on the enum values out of the box.
@marcio Only enums of the same type. This won't be too hard.
@Worf yes, it will probably be as dynamic as checking an interface
interface conformity is checked just once
that instead would be checked every time, right?
@Worf Every function call.
I think I didn't understand your question... what you mean by "just once"?
function baz(){
    testCall(function(string $x, int $y) : int{
        return $y+1;

baz(); // twice
basically, the closure will be checked to be usable with testCall() twice, right?
Well, that specific case could probably be checked just once if we cared enough.
hello hacker people... if any ..
at the risk of doing a stupid question: are interfaces checked at runtime too or just at compile time?
i don't know if things like this can effectively affect performances
@marcio Sometimes just compile time, sometimes runtime.
@marcio interface conformity is checked at compile time
how dangerous is to expose database entry ID in html ?
@LeviMorrison sometimes runtime? like? :P
If the interface isn't loaded yet it cannot be done at compile time.
ugh, are we all hacked already. Im sure
@Worf there it is, you have to check things at runtime sometimes, in both cases... why bother?
but once it is checked, no matter if it's at compile time or at runtime, it won't be checked again
@Worf Correct.
we can't really avoid that, unless we obligate people to:

function X implements SomeCallable() {}

and that's out of question
I think that even if callable types is slightly slower than an interface check (assuming it can't be optimized (it probably can)) it's still worth to have it.
nope, was just saying that once you check it the first time, at runtime and without using implements, you don't need to check it again
it's just an implementation detail
I got it... I'll think about it, this seems to be an important bit for the future ^^
say you call MyClass::foo($closure); and works, you know it will work forever, so
$closure->workedFor['MyClass::foo'] = true;
excuse me for my lack of a proper example xD
so next time it gets called for the method MyClass::foo you don't have to check the signature again
@animaacija there is probably no danger, except if you have a security breach
i wonder if closures are compiled statically or if they get compiled each time when they are in a function
3v4l.org/F5JRF nope they get compiled every time
oh you meant to cache the type checks. At first it might sound good but what happens if your cache ends up with too many entries? Soon it will be more expensive to look for it on the cache than to simply do the check again.
well, it's no different from interfaces, no?
deary me
Agreed. But I don't think it's worth it to debate this without doing a real experiment because it's a known unknown and anything I say won't be accurate enough.
3v4l.org/pb8Ea correct example
closures could be static anyway 3v4l.org/pCTuO
i don't know if that would actually improve something :P
@NikiC Actually, it seems you can switch with objects.
It appears to do == though, not ===.
@marcio of course, just doing some blue sky thinking
but since it's that i wouldn't have "interfaces for functions" i'd use a generics like syntax
function test(callable(int $a, string $b) : int $func){} this is what i would expect to write
how would you reuse callable(int $a, string $b) : int ?
Write it out every time.
@Worf sure, if you work with callback based programming you will probably will want to reuse types
i don't see the need of reusability, i'd just write it every time :P
@Worf if you think about this feature just as an specialization of callable typehints it probably won't make sense, but if you really want a better type system it's a requirement to be able to reuse callable types amphp.github.io/amp/#callback-invocation-parameters
I'm not sure reuse is as important as you think.
I also think there will be more pushback to it.
I disagree. It looks like a nobrainer to allow code reuse.
...especially because i freaking hate naming things
@marcio is there any language that provides such kind of "reusability" for functions?
also, if you want a callable type to be part of your library and you don't allow declaration how other people will be able to use it as a dependency?
@zerkms all of them?
like what?
foo :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
in haskell you don't
you always put signature
@marcio by reading how it is used
just like generics
interface Foo{
function baz(Map<String, Baz> $foo);
function baz(MapStringBaz $foo); // i don't need this to understand what to pass in
wow I never expected anyone going against declaration of function types, it's just a well known and useful concept
@marcio so in haskell and scala (which without doubts have amazing type systems) - there is no such thing. What particular language did you refer to when mentioned "all"?
"well known"?
@marcio probably the best thing would be allow both
exactly, the generics syntax is just a complement when you don't need to reuse anything or serve the type as part of your api
@marcio We like the idea of providing it as part of the function declaration, but the idea of naming a function signature… not really.
@marcio so? :-)
Am I ignored? :-D
@zerkms no, I'm typing... :P
guys i want to start with C and implement stupid things in php. how do i start? i don't know anything about C
@Worf I think the most likely to get accepted is inline declaration only.
@Worf :) Step 1: learn C.
easy peasy. what's next? :D
@LeviMorrison have you seen the other thread about arrayof it was chaotic?
(mainly because of generics)
I don't think the idea of a function signature is the same as "generics"
They are definitely not the same. This would be a generic function:
function map<I,O>(Iterable<I> in, callable(I $val): O): Iterable<O> {
for example: you can have some library that has a someLib\array_reducer declared and people can use the array_reducer:

function myuserLandFn(array $data, someLib\array_reducer $callback){}
@zerkms I'm currently reading some scala code here and have no clue about what is going on :(
@marcio well, I thought you have something particular in your mind
since you mentioned "all"
yes, Go has it
my point is that
function myuserLandFn(array $data, callable(string $value) : bool $callback){}
is just as clear
Well, my point was that "all" is too restrictive
And interfaces in go are far from "traditional"
sorry, I might have a different background :)
reading the documentation of myuserLandFn i would know what the callable's signature must be
irregardless of background - "all" means all
@zerkms #pedanticmodeengaged :D
@zerkms I said sorry for the affirmation, because one person all is different from another person vision of all so I should have avoided saying it since I don't know all
in go they are also just type aliases
Well, for me "all" means "all". Not "those 2 languages I've ever worked with"
well, even in go
it's a type alias
@zerkms now that's dicky attitude from your part, you should have stopped while you were right
Well, you mentioned it is in go
while it's not
in go it's a "type alias"
valid go WITHOUT "reusable function signatures"
It doesn't mean you can't reuse it as a type alias
yep, but type alias is just another story
it is not limited by functions
you made no case against having a type declaration at all
because it's not another type
it's alias
it's a preprocessor-like thing
type alias DOES NOT produce new types
(it depends, but in general it does not have to)
And it has nothing to do about being against declaring the callable types.
it does not
I'm not against
I just pointed that 1. it's not everywhere 2. even where you mentioned - it's not what it looks like
I proposed to be able to declare the types to allow code reuse and only response I got was that "I prefer to copy and paste" or from you "I don't know any language that does that"
I did not say that
I just pointed you out that all is not the suitable word
@zerkms haven't we ended with this part yet? I retreated the all twice already (and said sorry twice)
well, not sure what

> or from you "I don't know any language that does that"

then means
I did not say anything even near like that
@zerkms i agree with everything you said but it's time to move on :P
@Worf it's not me who continues with " from you "I don't know any language that does that""
@Worf he is not very interested in moving forward, aparently
and now you're assuming too much again
could you please turn off the "fortune teller" mode?
it's a developers chat
rely on facts, not on assumptions
The bottom line is that I still haven't received any good argument against allowing callable types declaration. Work on a good one and the we can move forward.
should there be any?
I was not against
you are trying to push him in the corner @zerkms and that's not nice
@Worf I don't like when people put words I did not say in my mouth
not sure anyone likes that
13 mins ago, by zerkms
Well, for me "all" means "all". Not "those 2 languages I've ever worked with"
that's why I prefer to move on and focus on the ideas here, not on little personal mistakes.
yep, not 2, but 5
let's just move on guys and be friends
yes please
let's just say marcio was imprecise :D after all he's trying to help
class A            { function x(callable(int $i, string $y)                                 : Baz           $callable) {} }
class B extends A  { function x(callable(int $i, string $y)                                 : BarExtendsBaz $callable) {} }
class C extends A  { function x(callable(int $i, string $y, int $trailingOptionalParam = 3) : Baz           $callable) {} }
@marcio what kind of signature compatibility check you want to perform on such cases?
yes, I'm very imprecise but I'm also a community person and what I said before is still on the table:
3 mins ago, by marcio
The bottom line is that I still haven't received any good argument against allowing callable types declaration. Work on a good one and the we can move forward.
"what kind of signature compatibility" --- that's where covariance/contravariance should come into play
> good argument against allowing callable types declaration

(me) there is no such - (strong (static)) typisation is a good thing
@Worf you want to know how it plays with inheritance... that's a huge PITA question because I was having functional stuff in mind all this time :D
having named callables would make the signature compatibility check easier to perform?
@marcio I'd rather have a general type aliasing mechanism:
@Worf much easier in this case, but it should also work with the generics one.
type Iterable = array | Traversable;
@LeviMorrison please do it :D
type Comparator = callable($a, $b): int;
oh, I see. But how it would work for the callables?

type reducer = function(int $x, int $y) : int
@LeviMorrison I like this ^^
i wonder why callable was worth having, while $array instanceof traversable wasn't
^^ So we can propose callable type signatures as a separate and distinct feature?
yes, seems like a good idea because we keep the RFCs footprint as low as possible
Agreed :)
@Worf Arrays are not objects; they cannot be an instance of anything. Remember how I said arrays should have been objects? :)
I still think introducing a generic syntax will be a shitstorm but anything related to functions will anyway, for PHP (ironically)
@LeviMorrison yes. what a mess :D mind blown
@Worf just take haskell then - algebraic data types out of the box
@Worf we had an idea to put the type on the container array but it breaks if some array item is passed by ref and modified.
another reason to get rid of references then?
that will never happen on PHP, for sure. PHP community is very BC break allergic and I'm not sure if it would be a good idea ^^
i never had to use references, even in the older days, especially because i didn't even understand them :P
i guess it's the same for most people
it's not a huge bc break imho
Removing references would be a rather large BC break.
it would be much easier to have variables with immutable type (as something optional) and then implement the typed array on top of it, but that's unlikely to pass because anything resembling adding more types on PHP always end like the STH debate (it takes years of chaos)
People use references all the time with arrays, for instance.
the only pass by ref i have is function issetor(&$x, $y){}
for instance:

immutable $a = 1;
$a = 'hi'; // error
@JoeWatkins You happen to be online, mate?
How would I go about creating a new anonymous class in the Zend engine?
then the concept of typed arrays could be just array with a bunch of immutable variables inside:
what about instead just wrapping existing types into objects?
$tasks = Task[new Task, new Task];

$tasks[1] = 'hi'; // error
offtopic youtube.com/watch?v=4fZzxMZ9hLU - worth watching :D
one problem with this is that if we make zvals carry information about being immutable or not this would affect every single variable on the engine and I'm not experienced enough to understand if this would be costly.
Dang, it's getting late here. Bye.
@NikiC you was pinged a lot, but don't forget to answer this one chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/22544691#22544691
gn @marcio !
@Worf gn, I'll be thinking about the inheritance question, it will probably be a PITA.
eheh, everything is :D
@marcio Hmm. Do you know how I would make a class final after I've sub-classed it a few times?
what about the nullable parameters guys?
function foo(Bar? $x){}
is still a thing? php7.1?
Uh, that's on hold.
I want to add union types so you would do function foo(Bar|null $x)
with php 7 are native array functions going to work with classes that implement the iterator interface?
\o/ I have created class constants for enums:

enum RenewalAction {

var_dump(RenewalAction::Deny); //int(1)
Now I need to figure out how to make anonymous classes for them instead of an integer.
@LeviMorrison that would be even better. i'd implement the NIL type xD
@Orangepill No.
that blows..
use boxed arrays @Orangepill check levi's ardent library
sorry... was wondering if there was an example of Ardent being used as in a case like usort($myIterator, $myComparer);
If you need to modify an array by reference then Ardent cannot help you :/
php.net/arrayobject @Orangepill you can implement array objects your own using the ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces
and I have done many times... was just looking for a more general solution.
like a usort
what about generics? :P
i wish
usort($myIterator, $myComparer); --- it does not make much sense: iterator should not be able to modify underlying collection (there might be no any collection at all)
I can get that... I guess you would need to ensure there was a finite number of elements (maybe requirement that it implements Countable as well and potentially ArrayAccess) but if it behaves as an array in all other regards I believe that it would be treated as an array for the array functions.
in-place usort is evil anyway
as any other function that modifies its arguments
it has it's place IMO... in the cases where maintaining two copies of an array in memory is impractical but that is kinda an edge case that points at a larger issue.
1 hour later…
@Danack Yes, just point him there.
@PeeHaa I tried making a fiddle of the issua I hadl ast week, bt it keeps crashing, so I gave up.. It works now so I'm happy ^^

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