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actually I noticed someone else making something similar, one of those own-brand things in PC World, it was horrible, but better than nothing ...
wait, you don't use a mouse at all?
I've been using mx518 (and it's earlier models) for years. they are great
no, just trackpad built into keyboard ...
@DaveRandom lol, before I found the snug-fits I was all like, "These things are like freakin extra-large socks ... how does anyone use them???"
well you say that, but I never miss the mouse, don't have to search for it and can operate it with my little finger ...
chasing a mouse around a desk all day is no fun at all ...
@rdlowrey That must be one of the toughest marketing gigs around
it sounds fun
well I grew up with computer games, I can't get used to trackpads and usually take a mouse with me when I take the laptop somewhere
@Patrick same
I'm used to using trackpads, my issue with them is that 99% of them seem to be broken
I used to merc people with the mouse in CS 1.6 ... 180 JUMPING 1337 HEADSHOT
I also don't like wireless mouses, I had one when I was traveling and I spent at least half and hour a day searching for it. My mouse needs to be on a leash :D
I totally failed a class my last semester as an undergrad because I would play CS all night and oversleep my alarm.
@rdlowrey awp quickscope on d2 long... good times
low-gravity scoutzknivez was the best
I could never get the hang of quick scoping :(
Not much quick scoping on CS.
@rdlowrey were you the kinda guy to run CS on 800x600 to have less pixels?
I once got the whole enemy team with quickscopes in a 5v5. Still proud of it almost 10 years later... I probably still have that demo somewhere... :D
@FlorianMargaine 640x480 or gtfo
But how many of you have a counter-strike montage on youtube?
@FlorianMargaine lol no I never went that far
@Fabor back in the day we did not call them montage
/me returns to this new thing that's all the rage called "having a life"
true story
@DaveRandom ha! gaaaaaay
@DaveRandom Touchpad of MacBook (Air|Pro|) are really great :-)
@rdlowrey So... come join me on Destiny -_- the new life-vaccum
I just sometimes wonder if the fastest you can set as pointer speed on trackpad is really fast enough…^^
Hmm ... I'm digging the gmail inbox thing.
@rdlowrey I tried it for a long while but it takes so long to load. Too much JS.
I dunno, the old one took forever to load too so I'm used to it
Checker Plus for gMail chrome extension works well enough for me.
@Fabor source made me quit cs (after 1.6 started to fizzle out)
I mostly surfed in CSS anyway.
I didn't hit my FPS stride till MW2. Which I was sadly good at.
boy are you screwed in UK
I didn't mind source -- the nade physics were a little strange compared to 1.6 but otherwise it was fine. It was just a different game.
> Only personal vehicles with odd-numbered license plates will be allowed on the road.
Damn, Paris.
what's an odd number?
I think 4, 6, 8, 9 and 0 are odd, since they have holes in them
22€ if you drive in Paris with an even number and cops catch you.
@rdlowrey Getting used to it, gradually. Over the last couple of months I've found myself drifting more and more towards the Inbox app than the Gmail app on my phone, still using mainly Gmail on desktop though
Seriously that surf video is so trippy. The guys who run those courses are insane.
@Fabor what the hell is that?
a bug in CSS?
A feature :)
If you hold in to the direction of the slope it naturally propels forward if it's a downwards slope.
And so surfing was born
That's an extreme map in the video though. The surfer would've sunk some serious hours in to nailing runs like that.
"You're not making Dubstep better, you're making Linkin Park worse!"
lol. I like the music. There's a Katy Perry dubstep remix at the end which I really like
Music in this video is amazing. Long video so feel free to just listen if you like the first song. (not dubstep)
Quick question, if you are migrating a user database and the passwords are encrypted using a salt key. Is/Should/Are you able to decrypt these passwords and use them in a new system?
password should not be decryptable
they should be hashed
its a one way thing =]
cool just checking
But it requires that the password is hashed not encrypted [=
as its a eCommerce site built in open cart 1.4.2 or something really old and it needs to be migrated to a new DB but they changed the way they encrypt
Internals so quiet…
@StephenWolfe not encrypt =]
Sorry hashed
update php and use password_hash(..)
also, OpenCart is a disaster
my condolences
Users would have to reset their passwords yeah?
thats the best way?
dunno what the best way is..
Oh well they can have the passwords reset links sent out :D
Did a migration the other day and the site was about 10 years old and didnt have and password hashing lol
the best way is to add a column to know if the hash is the old one or the new one, and use both hashing algorithms, and when the user connects, migrate the password.
(i.e. check the hash using the old algorithm, if it passes, generate the hash using the new algorithm, and update the flag in the db.)
@FlorianMargaine how about verify via new method, if it fails, use the fallback.. if it used the fallback, update the code to the new hash.. at some point remove the fallback, uses who have not migrated are forced to use a email reset
@RonniSkansing how do you know who hasn't migrated?
I see but this is open cart would that not mean rewriting the auth code?
no idea how opencart works
and according to everyone here, it's a PITA anyway
posted on March 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by aba */

that would actually make a good question on programmers.se
"how to migrate passwords to the new hashing algo"
then ask/answer it
the laziness is strong in me
@FlorianMargaine dupe
Not sure about programmers. Maybe I have seen it on security
@RonniSkansing thats exactly how I did it with our sf app
its hassle free for users
@RonniSkansing the problem with that is collisions. What if the old method collides by accident?
instead, I suggest to loop over your DB and store "old_" . password_hash($old, PASSWORD_DEFAULT). Then, in verification, if substr($hash, 0, 4) === "old_", strip off the prefix, and pre-hash the password with your old method. Then if it validates, update the hash.
@ircmaxell you mean old and new hash being the same? unlikely given that we are probably talking sth like an old md5 or sha password versus a bcrypted one.
@Gordon no, I mean where the provided password is valid in a context it wasn't intended to be valid in
no idea what you mean
basically, running 2 algorithm checks when only 1 is possible to succeed is bad IMHO, and a flag should be included to check which to do.
i still dont see the problem. you do the new one first. only if it fails, you do the second and if successful upgrade the hash to the first. that works like a charm.
still strongly don't like it
I know "theoretically it should work", but that's not the approach to security I like to take
I'm sure if I had correctly understood tereško's answer on models in MVC $this->UserModel = $this->ModelFactory->create("\App\Model\User"); -> This Should be in services?
hey all
ircmaxell uh.. I had not considered that kind of trickery.. good catch
"user" is not a model
it is only an entity which is part of the model
but, yes, the manipulation of entities (usually: domain objects) should happen in services
@DaveRandom if they tweak our SNR is there a period of adjustment where the line is less stable or anything? Or is it a case of once it's changed the effect is immediate and there's no time frame to wait to see the true result?
@NikiC hey, so RE your concerns about scope. 3v4l.org/QLFoJ/rfc#rfc-anonymous_classes, this will be taken care of by nested classes
@NikiC is that acceptable? It's not gonna cause too much death, as things that dont work in 7.0 will start to work in 7.1.
hi @RonniSkansing
yay 3 monitors
@RonniSkansing i need a help
hi @RonniSkansing
@RonniSkansing i need a help
How's things with your FrontFrontSuperController? :D
hihi .. =] Hoping to put it to use some day.. Do not think there is anymore to do with it.. followed PeeHaa's advice and set scrutinizer up and .. yea. I think it's done
How is life with 3 monitors?
Oh it's nice, I actually use 3 monitors at work for quite a while now
and two at home (one being 1440p) and I was to lazy to hook the third one up (it was replaced by the 1440p) but now I did it :P
Sounds good. I am only at 2 monitors
Would not mind a third one [=
well it helps a bit
@santosh you said you need help, but what kinda help do you need?
but two monitors would work aswell
i need help in preg_match statement
Formulate a full question =]
Screen 1 (left, 1080p): Room11, Google search/Stackoverflow
Screen 2 (center, 1440p): Two eclipse windows next to each other
Screen 3 (right, 1080p): Browser output (localhost), and putty and cmder
I think a single 1440p with virtual monitors could be more effective but im lazy
my all data in the in one html page but i want to data i only javascript $(document).ready(function(){ ......} this function
@MarcelBurkhard Eww, Eclipse
Hello Guys.. Is there any way in laravel to delete a session by session id ?
@RonniSkansing my page link is m.lowes.com/pd/…
@santosh your question is not readable, I am not even close to understanding what you are trying to solve or what you have done to solve it. I might be able to help you where you are stuck.. but that requires that you can formulate it as a question that is understandable.
@PhilSturgeon yeah, good enough for me
JitendraTyagi what do you mean by session ID? laravel.com/docs/5.0/session as I read you, just $session->flush()
@Machavity I saw that one coming
truth is I didn't like PHPStorm
@RonniSkansing i want to destroy a session by session id.. I have id of current session
@RonniSkansing i want to price of m.lowes.com/pd/… above link.but price in javascript tag.
javascript tag like this foramat above page $(document).ready(function(){
Lowes = window.Lowes || {};...........................}
@JitendraTyagi but each user has their own session, when you flush, it destroy the session of the user... why are you using a id?
@santosh still not readable... what have you done to solve it?
@RonniSkansing : I want to implement the feature of session out. But regards to that I meant that if somebody is logging in with a particular set of credentials and on any other system somebody else has already logged in with the same credentials then the user who already has logged in should go terminated.
JitendraTyagi so am I guessing you are saving the session in the database?
my session is default by saving in storage
Oh.. saving in storage?
Laravel storage folder .
But i have another table that keeps data of logged in user with their session id.
Does Laravel persist the user session into files in a storage folder by default?
oh I see .. "file - sessions will be stored in storage/framework/sessions."
and you can not identify the session by the name of the file?
@RonniSkansing i have all data one html page.using preg_match statement i want only javascript tag data. but javascript tag like this foramat in above html page .$(document).ready(function(){
Lowes = window.Lowes || {};...........................}
@santosh I can not help you
I do not understand what you are saying.. There is too big a language barrier
@JitendraTyagi check if whatever you are using is implementing the SessionHandlerInterface
it has a public function destroy($sessionId) {}
No definition available while attempting to provision typeless non-concrete parameter Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup(paths)
it's an auryn exception
\o/ congratulations!
You got an error message!
What's the type of the variable for the constructor? Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup(paths)
(I'm guessing it doesn't have one, which is the issue. You need to configure it yourself; it can't be determined automatically)
wait I found something, I think I just need to set something for the optional parameters
after that I'll try defining the type
ok didn't help ^^
@LeviMorrison array
well it's actually not even a constructor, $injector->delegate('Doctrine\ORM\Configuration', 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup::createYAMLMetadataConfiguration');
@MarcelBurkhard 'paths' - is the thing it doesn't know.
and how do I solve it?
I have this: $injector->define('Doctrine\ORM\Configuration', [
':paths' => array(__DIR__.'../src/Resources/config/doctrine/')
Probably with $injector->delegate('Doctrine\ORM\Configuration', 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup::createYAMLMetadataConfiguration', [':paths' => $whateverPathsIsMeantToBe]);
well it seems to work that way (I have a totally different error message now ^^)
thanks :)
@MarcelBurkhard I'm guessing as the constructor isn't called by Auryn, it doesn't know that that variable needs to be passed to the delegate function.
ok It expects $whateverPathsIsMeantToBe to be a Class Name in the delegate function
If you prefix the key with a colon, it understands it to be a value to be used.
oh ffs I forgot the colon
@MarcelBurkhard might be easier if you use a factory (just make a closure) to create what you need (an entity manager I guess?)
@Patrick just got it now
(I think)
It runs at least, now I need to make a class that actually uses a entity manager and see what happens
yaml? runs away
you'd rather have me use annotations? :P
we went with them at work. but only because we hate yaml even more
and what would you use, php?
@MarcelBurkhard How about just using an array?
that's what I meant with "php"
after reserving a lot of things wiki.php.net/rfc/reserve_more_types_in_php_7 please tell me that keywords will be case sensitive will it be ?
btw. in case anyone cares, my fixed Dependencies.php pastebin.com/5YS5FVdV
this is what happens when you have someone who doesn't understand a problem tries to solve it: github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/14024#issuecomment-85154148
If anyone knows how to get in touch with @justinrainbow we need this merged and tagged to use #composer with #php7: https://github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema/pull/136
This needs retweeting @PhilSturgeon @ircmaxell - or anyone else who has lots of twitter followers.
@Danack Yeah, that's the issue with your project having dependencies on other libs with a low BUS factor…
tbh we could just fork the project - but I always think that is a last resort.
@bwoebi That is not a bus factor issue. The code is perfectly reasonable and could be taken over by almost anyone.
mb_strlen($knownString, '8bit'); wtf?
It's just that forking and almost certainly splitting something is not good.
@Danack It's not in sense that nobody understands code, but that no maintainer is reachable
@Ocramius If there's no progress within 24hours - do you fancy being an official forker of github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema ?
It's a widely used enough project that Zend ought to be interested in supporting their own version if you're not interested.
I'd suggest the league
I'd suggest Go PHP "7" :P
Maybe try contacting him through his company grateful.ventures/team
protected function handleNamespaces(array $stmts) : array

Fatal error: Return value of PhpParser\ParserAbstract::handleNamespaces() must be of the type array, array returned
No idea, probably some bug in typehint implementation
Judging from the code in that method, it's probably a missing ZVAL_DEREF...
yeah, that makes sense
you're returning by reference, right?
also: yuck to references
No, but I am returning a reference
hm, I thought I had test cases for that...
not making keywords case sensitive is just sad you will keep having problems in the future when new keywords are introduced. removing calls to strtolower is even faster
Yay :)
I'm uncertain to which circumstance the type error is owed, as it stubbornly resists reproduction in simpler cases :/
@salathe great!
@NikiC can you step into it in GDB to see the state when it errors?
@salathe now do a PR to composer to update version …
> A user of an API should have to know as little as possible about other APIs to effectively use it.
^^ does that make sense?
I managed to get an EntityManager with Auryn Provider but I can't mock the damn thing with phpunit: Fatal error: Call to protected Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::__construct() from context 'PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator' in phar://C:/Dev/Stuff/phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects/Framework/MockObject/Generator.‌​php on line 288
Do I need to use Mockery now?
@ircmaxell yes - and as suspected, it chokes on the reference, but I don't see why only does in that particular case :/
is there a reference pointing to a reference?
I need a really good, succinct example of a law of demeter violation
@ircmaxell nope
@ircmaxell and @MarcelBurkhard Things that need access to Doctrine Repositories shouldn't need to know about the doctrine Entity manager.
not succinct enough
@Danack umm.. but I can't save entities with a repository, can I?
I always used it like $entityManager->persist($entity);
@MarcelBurkhard apparently so...I thought you could save entities through the repositories.
unfortunately not
doesn't have to be something special, maybe like 2 domain objects or smth? :D
I would like to see how one handles database interaction without an orm cleanly
@ircmaxell ah, I got it
@NikiC Oh?
@ircmaxell happens only if the reference has refcount 1
as SEPARATE_ZVAL won't occur in that case...
(And the fact it even attempts to separate is also wrong ... should never happen for arrays)
function &foo(): array {
    $a = [1, 2, 3];
    $b = &$a;
    return $b;
^^ that doesn't fail
function test() : array {
    $array = [];
    $ref =& $array;
    return $array;

^-- that's my testcase
(no by-ref return)
that fails
Also, learned a new debugging trick today: Put "foo"[0]; before the statement you want to debug
because no other code will use a FETCH_DIM_R_CONST_CONST, so you can easily break on what you want
you would have a bad time breaking on VERIFY_RETURN for code that makes heavy use of return types ^^
Does anyone know anything about centos?
yeah, that makes sense. At least when debugging production-scale systems
what's the correct PHP7 behavior? 3v4l.org/oJni9
master is going fatal in this case:

Fatal error: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, cannot access private method testing\foo::priv() in /home/marcio/P/php/Zend/tests/call_user_func_001.php on line 22
not sure if it's a bug or the test needs to be updated.
@MarcelBurkhard you can get EntityManager in repository if you call getEntityManager /cc @Danack
@marcio that's correct
it's because engine exceptions turn it into an exception
@ircmaxell the new behavior? ah, ok :)
@marcio Yes, because uncaught engine exceptions will result in a fatal error.
ok, clarified.
anyone want to review a blog post?
@ircmaxell on what topic?
1 message moved to bin
Maybe it's just to late, but isn't there a way to check if I could advance the array cursor without advancing it? Or do I have to do if next() !== false prev() ?
evening people. why does 3333333333 % 3 return -1 on a 64 bit php? :-\
It shouldn't
@FrontpageExpert no it doesn't
@ircmaxell Regarding "Limiting Tradeoffs Developers Need To Make" section … So, you basically say, it's better to provide not enough options than too many? I agree. Also adding options is much cheaper than removing them later.
@ircmaxell i'm on windows ts yesterdays php 7 snap vc11
@bwoebi yes
Maybe you should add that point about BC there too
yeah, good idea
PHP_INT_MAX is: 9223372036854775807 :|
echo "\n";
echo 3333333333 % 3;

works fine on linux tho, must be windows' fault then?
looks like it
looks like it would be a bug in the windows compiler if it is: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#198
can you var_dump instead?
@ircmaxell After having read the whole… I don't disagree at any point… Just giving you a thought: This class is an internal API… and everywhere where we fetch that class, we need the exact same prologue (C&P). So instead of pushing the responsibility into an interface, that's exactly what a factory function is for.
@FrontpageExpert your example works for me as expected
@bwoebi what do you mean?
@Rangad i'm using apache lounge binaries, yesterdays' php7 ts vc11 64bit, if that matters
int(-1) @ircmaxell
@Danack this message and "@Danack Yeah, that's the issue with your project having dependencies on other libs with a low BUS factor…" makes me think the League would be a good home for JSON Schema
@FrontpageExpert I just compiled current master with vc11 64bit using --disable-all --enable-cli [--enable-debug] and got 0 on 3333333333 % 3; as expected
i downloaded the compiled php from windows.php.net
@Rangad thread safe?
@ircmaxell php-src\x64\Release_TS>php -i | find "Thread"
Thread Safety => enabled
then there you go
I have no idea
@FrontpageExpert try var_dump(3333333333);
Is this where all the cool kids hang?
@FrontpageExpert The vc11 ts x64 build from here is what you are using, right? windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/master/rf01071f
@BenRamsey maybe… ;-)
How do I change my display name?
/me is bloody pissed at phpclasses
@BenRamsey welcome! (I believe it's in your profile on main site)
php -r "var_dump(3333333333 % 3);
duh... (x86 built, so expected) but that earlier was x64?
@ircmaxell I mean… when you convert to LoD compatible, you usually also need to duplicate object fetching logic then everywhere where you access the class via the service locator. The point is that such code should be moved to a factory function.
@bwoebi no
@bwoebi very much no
@bwoebi so much no
I wonder if you misunderstood me…
anyway, afk for a few min…
you usually also need to duplicate object fetching logic <-- not if you're using dependency injection (which you should be)
@Rangad yes iirc
@ircmaxell float(3333333333) lol
you are sure that you are on the x64 built?
@FrontpageExpert so you're not on a 64 bit build then
how the hell is that var_dump(PHP_INT_MAX) is int(9223372036854775807) then :|
hang on a tick
could you run php -i | find "Arch"
System Windows NT WORKSTATION 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1) AMD64
Build Date Mar 18 2015 07:34:24
Compiler MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012)
Architecture x64
could it be some extension?
extension = php_mysqli.dll
extension = php_fileinfo.dll
extension = php_intl.dll
extension = php_mbstring.dll
extension = php_gd2.dll
extension = php_curl.dll
extension = php_pdo_mysql.dll
zend_extension = php_xdebug.dll
I don't see how that's possible, going through the code in the lexer that does the conversion
any integer that is bigger than a 32 bit integer is actually a float, except php_int_max. but i don't see why would that be different
@NikiC I'm down to 23 failures with Intel C Compiler on RHEL (last week there were 32).
I may try looking into the overflow/unpack one, as it seems to be the root issue for several tests.
@FrontpageExpert because it's not parsed
it looks like MAX_LENGTH_OF_LONG is wrong (though the source code says it's right). That's the only way it's lexed to that incorrect value: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_language_scanner.l#1608
Oh. It took a while, but the display name change took effect.
@FrontpageExpert can you do var_dump(token_get_all("<?php 3333333333;"))
Hmm… why is this expecting to fail? ext/standard/tests/file/bug41655_1.phpt
I checked out and built in /tmp... it assumed that the build is outside of /tmp
array(3) {
  array(3) {
    string(6) "<?php "
  array(3) {
    string(10) "3333333333"
  string(1) ";"
@FrontpageExpert now, var_dump(token_name(307));
@FrontpageExpert 307?
string(9) "T_LNUMBER"
@marcio i don't know what that means
@FrontpageExpert it's the token identifier, T_LNUMBER is right
wait, what?
this is REALLY weird
anyway guys i'm heading to bed, i'm KO. ping me if you want me to run more tests / if you have news
@ircmaxell i always get into the weirdest bugs
wow having zend_error_noreturn calls on the scanner is really a PITA
@ircmaxell Oh, I totally agree. I'm just talking of the case where you use a service locator.
@bwoebi so replace explicit global coupling with spooky-action-at-a-distance
no thanks :-X
Hmm… you're right. But I anyway am on your side that DI is in every case a million times better.
@FrontpageExpert it looks like what you're claiming is happening is not possible due to the code flow. Unless you're using something like Zend Optimizer, or something's pre-processing the AST converting the long into a double
@ircmaxell i'm not using anything like that, just apache and that specific dll downloaded from windows.php.net
i'm not even using xdebug because the dll wasn't bundled for php7
so it didn't load
what else could it be?
yeah, I'm not saying it's not happening, I'm just saying it looks like it shouldn't be
if you want me to perform more tests let me know how
gn for now, thanks for checking tho :P
@bwoebi update: I managed to use the parser on the ext/tokenizer but the result was really bad as token_get_all started to complain about invalid code (BC break) and using the bison error recovery just on token_get_all is really not a good idea. So I'm sticking to the token stream post processing, it offered no BC breaks and worked as expected.
@marcio eih… nah… that's really not a good idea to involve bison there.
yup, I just made it to be really sure this could be safely discarded
the port is ready, I'm just adding more tests now.
@marcio Is there an active PR with your current work?
@bwoebi github.com/php/php-src/pull/1158 still need to push latest commits + the test suite
not interested in test suite for now… just want to see your impl
let me see what can be pushed right now

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