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@Ocramius yep, but too complicated for this task. Simply retrieved the other side of relation and set null to whatever is needed. Thanks :-)
fair enuff, happy coding :)
Now this is something you don't read everyday on SO:
I like the idea behind DICSS, just not sure JS is a good idea to deliver it :P
lol dat google result:
> Can I use diccs in my back-end? · Issue #7 · letsgetrandy ...
Badly chosen acronym is bad
@PeeHaa lol troll, revisit Q :)
@bwoebi To be frank, SimpleXml is garbage.
However, I'll concede on null in this case.
@CSᵠ :)
That thing (including the comment) is just perfect :P
@LeviMorrison I see, we're on the same side :-)
I'll concede because I don't want to fix it :)
(Not even fix the test for it)
@PeeHaa added answer :P
i need to make a select statement that if condition return no results , so it should execute another query

select username from users where id =(query1)

i want if query1 return null , so execute another query id=(query2)
is that possible
@bwoebi Ugh, may not deprecate it.
Look at this test: ext/standard/tests/array/count_recursive.phpt
We have some of the worst tests ever.
DICSS.putIn('body', 'margin: 0');
I lolled @CSᵠ
well... it's in the docs...
that's the most DICSS I know, hope it helps him :P
Ugh, this is bad too: ext/standard/tests/array/count_variation1.phpt
@CSᵠ lol it even has an add on called COCSS
and a wrapper, and more :)
@LeviMorrison What exactly is the issue there?
There are more than 70 test cases in one file…
(70 is a bit exaggerated but way too many)
@LeviMorrison I just can tell you… better 500 distributed over 10 files than 500 files nobody finds anything anymore…
There are obvious places to break it up.
echo "\n-- Testing error conditions --";
var_dump( count() );  // No. of args = 0
var_dump( count(array(), COUNT_NORMAL, 100) );  // No. of args > expected

/* Testing Invalid type arguments */
var_dump( count("string", ABCD) );
var_dump( count(100, "string") );
var_dump( count(array(), "") );
All of those could go into a different file.
echo "\n-- Testing count() on arrays containing references --\n";
$arr = array(1, array("a", "b", "c"));
$arr[2] = &$arr[1];

$mode_arr = array( COUNT_NORMAL, COUNT_RECURSIVE, 0, 1, -1, -1.45, 2, TRUE,
                   FALSE, NULL);
for( $i =0; $i < count( $mode_arr ); $i++) {
  echo "For mode '$mode_arr[$i]' count is => ";
  var_dump(count($arr, $mode_arr[$i]));
Yeah, well.
@LeviMorrison my question just was, why did you say "Ugh, may not deprecate it"?
I don't want to work with those files.
Which lines, exactly, should have the warning?
It's too difficult to know.
you write on line %d?
No, not that part. I mean when there are 100 lines of expected output and you have 13 deprecated error messages to put in, where do you put them?
(I guess I could turn off E_DEPRECATED for the tests, lol)
@LeviMorrison Run the test and c&p the output… ^^
Or even better… just split the tests up, Levi…
This was supposed to be dead simple… >.<
hahahaha :-D The most simple things are usually not as simple as they appear :>
(Things are just so complicated so that nobody even has the idea of changing things ^^)
@bwoebi I'm looking through count_recursive.php... there are a lot of duplicated tests.
2 hours later…
can someone tell me just how to print the value of an array?
i have all ready tried like 10 different things
array_keys prints out the first value, i need the second vlaue
need an array at a particular index
John C.: the name of the second key in the array?
@Danack They were using String as a classname? That's just asking for trouble lol
nvm i got it
Good morning guys
1 hour later…
> PHP documentation tells that you have to use stream_context_create when authentication is needed with file_get_contents() - link
I want to point sub domain with main domain.
I don't want to put all the sub-domain code on main domain.
I have domain name like "WWW.example.com" and a sub-domain like sub-domain.example.com. Then i want that domain WWW.example.com use sub-domain.example.com code and folder. and URL should have main domain URL like WWW.example.com. Is this possible in Ht-access if yes then how i can do this.
@PuzzledBoy just point your www domain to the same server as your subdomain, create a host for your www domain then point the doc root to the same folder as your subdomain.
i dont think you need htaccess for this, unless what you want is a redirect..
@Danack Hello, I know about this issue, especially because I'm working a lot on performance for AOP and method invocation. However, I found a nice strategy to do that: creating a classes via traits. Main method is defined in several traits and concrete class is composed from the abstract class+optimized trait. Personally, I don't like traits, but for performance needs, this can be efficient solution.
@Ocramius yes, I'm here )) Is it possible to change my chat nick? I'm not sure, that I was asked somewhere which nick I want to use...
posted on March 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Minauthor */

what's a good persistent php demo editor (except 3v4l.org)
Q: Is there a PHP Sandbox, something like JSFiddle is to JS?

Jiew MengIs there a PHP Sandbox, something like JSFiddle is to JS?

@Gordon codepad.viper-7.com has lost some old code before... ideone a good bet?
The term "loss" depends on how valuable a piece of php code really is in the first place ;-)
@CSᵠ iirc the php version on that is low
Hmm, does 3v4l have an option whereby you can pick the version of php to run code on? That would be really helpful
it runs it by default on all, and caches
Sometimes I just want to run something on a very recent version of php without requiring 100+ versions to run.
eval.in :) thanks 5.5.14 as of now
you call that very recent? ;p
hey.. it's still supported at least :)
SELECT tranjectionId,date_format(transDate,'%d-%m-%Y') AS transDate,motiAmount,
                         FROM  tranjection,party,item
                       WHERE party.partyId =  tranjection.partyId
                       AND item.itemId =  tranjection.itemId
                         AND tranjection.partyId = ".$partyId."
The following is my SELECT query I want with ORDER BY with transType = 'R' and after that with transdate in ascending order. Through that query i can get transType = 'I' record properly but after that it does not displays in proper sequence.
@user1866385 use a pastebin. and this is not php
good mornings
also... tranjection.partyId = ".$partyId."
don't do this... bind your parameters
tranjection.partyId = " . (int)$partyId . " -- can be safe if it's an int
not advisable tho
Hello Ladies and gentlemen, I am wondering if someone could tell me.. I have to create my own CMS for a school project, kinda limited and lame cms, need to be able to add users, images, WYSIWYG editor, Edit posts etc.. is this difficult to make? How many hours ~ do you think this should take for a junior/beginner php programmer?
unless you need to code from scratch the WYSIWYG editor, it's basic, not at all difficult
good meurning
I think I can use some plugin or something @CSᵠ
> Please note that the above is only an informal description of the [file-]format. It is not a definitive guide for how the format should be interpreted by parsers. It has not been tested whether the [...] parser in the [reference implementation] parses exactly as according to the above.
Then why write it at all? -.-
@HaltlolXD a month or something
Really? I am doomed.
@HaltlolXD what else are you allowed to use other than your own code for?
I can use anything I want, as long as I can explain all the code
and proof that I understand what it does
They gave me till 10/04/2015
@HaltlolXD happy coding!
Hmm... the no framework tutorial to get a grid to built this on, some pre-knowledge and some fancy ui work, it's definitly doable. But if you want something that stands out ... it's not that much time tbh
Thanks lol,
Will code the login today
@HaltlolXD no. First, plan out the whole project. Break the project in tasks, as small as possible, and estimate each task, on a planning. This will let you know where you are during the project, know how long each task should be, and will let you know when you're running late.
Oh, that sounds quite good
I've done that before, the problem is, I can't really estimate how much time I will spend on every task
I always encounters some issues ;)
make your best guess, then triple it
@PaulCrovella 126
@FlorianMargaine that's wasteful
mornin @Joe
@FlorianMargaine the assumption is that requirements will change during the development. some features will get dropped. some others added. priorities will change. that's why you dont plan out the whole project with small tasks but only the stuff you are going to tackle first. the remainder can stay rough sketches until you decide to queue them up for development.
@Gordon he's having a 10-days project
oh. I didnt catch that. then go ahead :)
@HaltlolXD my tutorial is pretty much the start of a CMS. Might be useful. But I did not yet cover any admin parts. But still, should give you a decent base to develop on.
monday ... yuk ...
tell me about it
that's the whole story ...
i.imgur.com/rpUtWsG.png <= made me lawlz (^_^)
@SergeyTelshevsky No some kind of spelling test.
hands up if you have a dog ?
Thank you @patrick
is someone else getting frustrated when you have like 20 errors or is this a girl thing..
sometimes I feel I want to throw my keyboard out the window.
with a name like @Patrick, we can assume he knows very little about what is and what is not a girl thing ...
@HaltlolXD sometime's I don't
"I once knew a girl named Patrick", said nobody, ever :D
I wasn't asking particulary for Patrick ;')
oh okay
@JoeWatkins who knows in these times of plastical surgery
if there were no errors, there would be nothing to fix, nothing to do ... errors make the world go round ...
errors makes me frustrated. all I know
yeah, bugs and errors are our bread and butter
@JoeWatkins daft punk did it pretty well :P
the update elves were busy over the weekend, rebooting ...
grrrrr keyboard layout reset again ...
@JoeWatkins \0/
Does 2 dogs count? (^_^)
@MikeM. breed(s) ?
@JoeWatkins English Bulldog and Border Collie
how much walking do you do daily ?
@JoeWatkins English Bulldog not much 1 street out 3x a day
Border collie well let me google map for a second.
I didn't get the last bit (auto corrected ?)
which one
from the english bulldog or the border?
> Border collie well let me google map for a second.
I dunno what that means ...
@JoeWatkins could you have a look at this ? gist.github.com/nyamsprod/baf606633a43c27d6ed5 I'm asking for feedback before pushing this as a real RFC
I need to google map to know what distance I walk with him once a day :-)
oh I see
dang it I failed :-P
try 2
@nyamsprod what am I looking for ?
I'm trying to make the SplFileObject work with PHP streams functions
I see that, but are you asking for my opinion on the idea, or for my opinion on the correctness of that document ?
I walk 1x 10km with my border collie and 1x together with the english bulldog.
both it's possible :) . It's my first draft so I may have missed something
The rest of the time if it's sunny they have access to the backyard.
@MikeM. that's pretty far, how long does that take you, the 10km one ? I reckon about 2 hours ?
about 1,5-2 hours indeed.
ever considered a treadmill ?
and then he lays down for 5 minutes and wants to get outside again (-_-)
That's stupid xD
I also train him outside :-)
@nyamsprod well at a glance, if inclusive of infile be inclusive of upload file too, I forget the option ...
correction, the fully correct length of my route is 8,5 km
I'm not sure about the idea though, and I'm not sure how internals will react ... you will probably be met with "but we are dropping resources for objects anyway", which people have been saying for a year now, but nobody actually done it ...
Part 1: https://www.google.nl/maps/dir/Wouter+Knijffstraat,+Bergen+op+Zoom,+Nederland/Moeregrebstraat,+4611+Bergen+op+Zoom/@51.4927868,4.2897948,15z/am=t/data=!4m29!4m28!1m20!1m1!1s0x47c412d449401dbb:0xf7268290c1e2dcd9!2m2!1d4.3087851!2d51.4750413!3m4!1m2!1d4.3136635!2d51.4884405!3s0x47c4132e1c87147d:0x289a55a7608335d3!3m4!1m2!1d4.2922385!2d51.4950587!3s0x47c46cc6790a22e5:0xe932a913e59ee398!3m4!1m2!1d4.2875133!2d51.4943835!3s0x47c46cc3fd0d441d:0x86762d38b05c75bb!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c46cc1e691570f:0x238b6f17fd614727!2m2!1d4.2827381!2d51.4956539!3e2
Good morning
@AlmaDo Good Morning.
moin @Alma
how is it going?
well, it might be stupid ... I got a jack russell for my birthday ... misses is working full time and I'm lonely, haven't been on my own all day for 10 years ... great company ...
however, he has the energy of 40,000 children
@JoeWatkins Never ever take a border collie then :-)
Believe me he wants to walk all day long :-P
@nyamsprod As per the feature request, I'd prefer a way to get the stream resource... but that's just my opinion
yeah he's not good with other dogs at all, so won't be getting anymore, and wouldn't want a big one anyway ...
hey, I'm working 14 hours a day ;)
Border collies aren't that big :-)
@JoeWatkins Yes I heard about the drop of resources in favor of classes but in the meantime userland code are left with patch and hacks that don't solve all the problems. I have the case with the League\Csv package for instance
Old English Mastiffs are :-)
ok, less. 3 hours of them are my German courses
We had one but he died (;_;)
@salathe getting the resource can lead to have a SplFileObject in unstable state if one user uses fclose on it., for me that's a major drawback
I have a five year old in the house, so won't have any animals I can't kill with one punch, to be brutally honest .... I'm actually pretty nervous around big dogs ... by nervous I mean scared, and by big, I mean over knee height ...
@JoeWatkins Man, if I ever gonna have another big dog. I invite you to come and get rid of the scareyness.
They are most likely nicer than the small ones
@nyamsprod then that's a bug that needs fixing.
@MikeM. My brother recently had to put his dog down for attacking one of his kids, so this fear is not completely irrational I think.
Our old english mastiff, looked really scared but 120kg of muscles yet jumping behind you shaking because a chiuaua barks.
@Ja͢ck Dogs are never the same.
well I can get along with a big dog, but I'm not as strong as some dogs, that's scary, even if the thing is licking you and being nice, if it decided to attack someone I couldn't stop it easily ...
People get scared of other dogs when something happened with one dog, that's just wrong....
Wrong, perhaps .. understandable, yes.
@JoeWatkins that's why I don't make friends with "big" guys... :P
it's not really that, they are pack animals bred for hunting and other such activities, they have much more muscle than I do, they can move faster, they have formidable teeth, these are just facts you can observe about dogs before ever having had one ...
And even through I am not scared meeting a new big dog always creates excitement with me, yet I can bring that down if needed :-)
however if a dog is angry or starts attack, I either try to calm them down and if they really attack I know the exact spot where to place my feet to get rid of the attacking dog.
and with getting rid of it I mean actually kill him with one kick.
Well, good for you :)
It's cruel but if it is needed then it's needed.
Whatever I would do, there's always a considerable chance of it backfiring lol
@salathe how would you restrict a stream resource not to be closed by fclose ? IMHO the resource pointer should remain protected
@nyamsprod I wouldn't
yeah it definitely is required when it's required ... I'm just not as confident that I can be aggressive toward something with many times my own strength, and a natural set of weapons meant for killing animals just like me ...
@Ja͢ck Killing the dog is never the first option, but if it threatning to get out of hand, it's to risky.
You know the saying, a heavily fighting dog fight till one of them dies.
As someone who has trained martial arts for almost a decade, I would still bet on an angry big dog vs me...
in those worst cases, it always seems that the owners have waited too long, or let the dog live and do more damage than is necessary
{I put heavily there because people can confuse fighting and playing/putting others in their place}
Our border can fight but he wouldn't do it out of nothing.
I taught him to bark and bite/attack on command.
Just for safety for himself and ourselves if ever needed.
I've read this over the weekend, it still seems counter intuitive to me ...
and he doesn't need encouragement to bark at dogs, or anything ...
@Patrick Believe me even a child can win vs an angry dog.
well this is hard to believe, my 5 year old is terrified of the tiny dog when it barks ...
@JoeWatkins That's not what I meant like that. You shall not be scared (terrified of dogs ofc).
Untrained dogs are very dangerous to have around... if you can't train them properly don't keep them
The trick aswell is not to run away.
@MikeM. No I don't believe you.
@iroegbu That's false :-)
(I grew up with dogs)
@Patrick Same as me, and I train with my own dogs.
you can tell a five year old that .... you could tell a five year old the location of a barrel of sweets and they would not hear you when they are scared ...
moin @DaveRandom
@Patrick, we also had various breeds.
Big, small, heavy, strong...
I used to train for others aswell.
just as helping hands for neighbours if needed.
@iroegbu he's really well trained, he sat on the lap of a pensioner for the last 5 years, him barking at everything was the desired behaviour ...
@MikeM. you would bet on a child going against this thing?
@Patrick That's not what I said, I said if the child is not scared/terrified
Yes, even these dogs can be put down with 1 kick.
Maybe not a 5 year old.
@MikeM. do you know how hard it is to kick a moving target? ...
Unfortunately I do.
Where do you kick a dog to kill it?..
@salathe nose
@JoeWatkins don't let that dog near your kids... that dog is untrained
@iroegbu he responds pretty well to command, including "stop" ... he barks at stuff that approaches the house
@iroegbu So if a dog barks at everything he's untrained?
@PeeHaa does that work for humans too?
@salathe IIRC if you do it correctly yes
no it doesnt
@salathe Salathe yes, but there is another spot in the side of the dog, near back legs.
(for humans at least)
@MikeM. no, not that. Sitting on someone's lap is a bad sign. Dogs are park animals, he needs to know his place in the family.
@Patrick Oh really? Ever heard about the nose bone shooting upwards...?
@iroegbu That doesn't need to be a bad sign.
@MikeM. the nose is not a bone. it's a common myth. But it's way too weak to penetrate the skull
Our old english mastiff does that because we allowed him to.
that's my point, he shouldn't be allowed to
I had a GS, he dare not touch someone without my permission
@Patrick Well I didn't know that.
@Patrick "Now, about that five-point-palm exploding-heart technique..?" lol
@iroegbu It isn't a particular bad thing to allow it, as long as the dog knows when it is allowed and when not.
@iroegbu he's not sitting on anyone's lap now, it's pretty common for old people to have a lapdog to keep them company for the last few years of their life, which is what he was ... I'll read more about it though ...
@JoeWatkins Haha ye, I remember the time my grandma had a chihuahua, always sitting on her lap.
leerburg.com/dominac2.htm you might find some articles here useful
She was a bad girl, when the mail guy came and opened the door, the dog was hanging in their pants (^_^)
hilarious to see tho'xD
"This article is being written for dog owners who believe they have a problem with aggression or poor behavior with their family dog." <= If they have a problem with "aggression or poor behaviour" with their dog, then they basicly have a problem with their selves :-)
and to be honest I kind of love when the dog is a big miss-behaving :-)
not like super miss-behaving but like being a bit naughty.
not with kids around... I'll kill it or send it away
@iroegbu I am not meaning like biting and stuff.
But like not listening
If I say sit and he jumps up when he knows he has to sit and act like "Did I do something wrong?" -> English Bulldog.
if it's not listening today, one day it'll start biting
iroegbu, do you even read everything, I wasn't finished with my sentence :-(
I am not saying all the time, but sometimes when you're playing around and be a bit naughty like that.
I understand you... you are talking about a dog that doesn't know the instructions. I'm talking about strange dogs that you really don't understand
I like it.
" you are talking about a dog that doesn't know the instructions.", tadaa
You didn't read everything
"when he knows he has to sit"
if he know he has to sit, then he should sit.
Long story short though, keep untrained dogs away from your kids
@iroegbu "I am not saying all the time, but sometimes when you're playing around"
When you're playing it's obvious that they can miss-behave a bit as they are full of excitement, no matter what. Yes he has to listen but NO they don't always do when you're playfull.
It's comon logic.
What would a child be like if you're going to the playground and they are having fun.
They would be like "No I don't want to go home" and if you ask it again they can actually do what you ask.
is it because the child is un-familiar with with what "let's go home" means? I wouldn't call it like that because he/she is in the excitement state...
I am not saying it's good, I am neither saying it's bad at some point.
It's not really harmfull at that point, yet you need to be aware there are lessons to be taught and when you're serieus that he/she has to listen. if you get what I mean.
well I see the logic, but I'm not sure the reasoning skills of a dog, even a really smart one, are comparable to those of a child, even a really stupid one ... and I can't afford a naughty dog in any circumstance, so think it better not to play games that give him the chance to disobey ...
@JoeWatkins That's at the end always the opinion and goal of their own owner. I also speak out of my opinion what's why I say "I don't mind if they miss-behave a bit at times"
do you have any kids around ? young ones ?
My mothers friend comes daily to our house for coffee and talking with her kids.
For about 2-3 hours.
no idea how much coffee they take (^_^) probably a lot.
Do my dogs play then, yes.
Do they play near the kids, no.
Do they miss-behave near kids, no.
Did they ever miss-behave near kids against me, yes. but that was only 1 time. when he was about 7months (border)
my reasoning is like this, when there are young kids around, the atmosphere is often going to be playful, kids laugh at absolutely nothing, their body language says they're excited almost all the time they are awake ... with that in mind, i can't afford a dog that thinks it's okay to play in some atmospheres, I cannot rely on a dog to know the difference between them ...
@JoeWatkins Indeed and that's why I stated it's my opinion.
if any one of us gives it a command, it cannot ignore it, ever ... so far it's doing well ...
Each dog-owner has their own goals and commands.
The own likes to say sit the other down {<= most likely used for laying down tho'}
One dog behaves better then the other and each dog owner might be looser or harder for dogs, in the end it goes up to, is the dog dangerous and can it be in the public without worrying.
leerburg.com/kidbites.htm just be very careful
yours are not really uncommon opinions, and I invited the conversation ... it's all good ... maybe in ten years when my kids are much bigger and more confident around dogs, when this one dies I'll get something a bit bigger ... I admire the way a big dog looks, nearly all of them ...
@JoeWatkins In my experience {except for 1 big dog} they were nicer then the smaller one.
but the reason one of the big dogs we had was dangerous because she was sick.
@iroegbu I'll have them read it ... and I'll finish reading it later ... like the list of things not to do, was looking for something like that ...
she only was dangerous for the last 1,5 months tho' althrough she was sick for her whole life.
oh and never ever if you give him food say "take it"
I hope you know that and why
those small dogs are the worse, people pet them and treat them as superiors, with time they start thinking they lead the park
@iroegbu Indeed, sometimes it just looks like the smaller ones knows "He I am getting away with it anyways because I am small and adorable"
well we didn't grab the first dog we came across, we saw several, and spoke to the owners of many ... for a jack russell, he's remarkably calm dog in the house, he's understandably excited when outside, he's never had that save for the last month when he was cared for by friends of the deceased owner, they've started to train him not to pull and behave himself outside
But @JoeWatkins do you understand why ' never ever if you give him food say "take it"'
he barks at stuff when he thinks it is approaching because he was rewarded for that behaviour, it will hopefully go away, but other than that he's really well behaved ...
@MikeM. haven't read about that yet ?
@JoeWatkins When you say "take it" it's a sign that the dog can "own" the object you're telling him to take.
In the end, it may result that when you try to add some food or take away some food, that he may bite and/or bark.
what if nobody has ever said the word "take" to the animal before ? I keep reading that I should use the word "Yes" and "no", but this seems like an assumption that I have taught them these words, or that they have some inate understanding of the english language, which seems really crazy to me ... so which is it ?
I'm doing it but it feels silly ...
what if the dog is german ...
Basicly the commands he is taught to use, you'd have to use.
or you retrain him :-)
this in particular won't come up, he's not allowed to take food from humans any more
Hello, i'm currently trying to count all the references from one to another table. The first table is the table for the blog entrys and the 2nd one for the comments, which get a reference to the blog entry, when created.
Shouldn't this count all the references for each blog entry?

$query = $dbz->query("select id, title, text, creationDate, creationTime from entry order by creationTime DESC, creationTime DESC");
$entries = $query->fetchAll();

for($i = 0; $i <= count($entries); $i++)
    $comQuery = $dbz->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comment WHERE comment.Blog_ID = :id");
However, What I meant with it {I am just using english for it but it can be anything in the own language} When you say "take it" against the dog to the object you actually give him the possibilty to claim the object.
Like when you give him food in his tray but the tray is moving and you want to put the tray back on it's possition. Yet you always said "Go get it" or "Take it" then it may turn out he barks or bites in your hand because he claimed that object and you aren't allowed to take it.
it doesn't have to, but there is a big oppurtunity that it may happen...
SELECT e.id, e.title, e.text, e.creationDate, e.creationTime, Count(c.Blog_ID) AS numComments
FROM entry e
LEFT JOIN comment c ON c.Blog_ID = e.id
ORDER BY e.creationDate DESC, e.creationTime DESC
I wonder if 7 is going to be adopted any faster than 5 was when 4 was the version in mainstream use ...
it's looking pretty sweet ...
What about PHP 6?
never got to mainstream use ...
History does not bode well (see also: Python, Perl)
@JoeWatkins Wordpress crowd? Will take a long time. Framework crowd? Probably pretty quick
I'm very aware that we are in a minority ... we will all swap pretty quickly because shiny things ... but even still, if I'm a sysadmin deciding what to install on my already strained network that we are trying to squeeze every cent from then I cannot ignore the gains in performance 7 has made, 5 never had that over 4 ...
is wordpress broken ?
it's included in benchmarks (and testing suite for windows iirc), right ?
@JoeWatkins When it isn't cough cough
It's going to be the people who are stuck on 5.<=3 who are going to take a really long time, the migration path from 5.4+ is (relatively) painless. The biggest pain for those on older versions is getting their code 5.4 compliant, after that it's a much smaller list of wtf BC breaks
no I mean wordpress will run on 7, right ?
@JoeWatkins probably...
Well since its used as a benchmark, it probably should
@DaveRandom yeah that's probably true ...
@JoeWatkins it's more that the people who have wordpress sites are not programmers/won't care about updating
@DaveRandom lol no, benchmark results are so good because it fatals at startup :P
no but the sysadmins working for whoever is paying for the hardware to host a gagillion sites must care I think
@NikiC heh, sounds about right :-P
oh so it's broken @NikiC ?
@DaveRandom I've seen people doing that a few times ...
I'm pretty sure I've seen some "Wow HHVM is 10x faster than PHP" benchmarks where they were testing fatal error vs working site
> It set the server on fire, but it did it really quickly - that's what matters
@DaveRandom Was it in the functionality description that it would? if so, that's the only thing that matters :-) It did what it was described (^_^)
hello guys.

I want to implement a feature in laravel: when someone logged in a system then this user will logout from another system. something like wordpress
@DaveRandom The query is not getting all blog entrys, just 3 of 5 actually.
@JitendraTyagi so what's keeping you from doing that?
on another note, wordpress and laravel in the same question? gets popcorn
@Patrick I want to implement the feature of session out. But regards to that I meant that if somebody is logging in with a particular set of credentials and on any other system somebody else has already logged in with the same credentials then the user who already has logged in should go terminated. I hope that I am able to explain what actually I am looking for!
@JitendraTyagi I got it limited for a particular part for using IP and Useragent.
If either one of them fails, the user logouts
hello, everyone, is it possible to make cURL request to www.facebook.com/
@JitendraTyagi Then go implement it. Nobody here will write the code for you (unless you pay them). If you get stuck somewhere, show your code and ask a question...
@sabbir try it out
@Patrick I am not asking for the code. I just want to know that if you have any example or links regards to that
@Patrick, yeah, I will. I just want to know is it possible or not. I once try on google.com and I failed
@Proton Ahh right sorry, try GROUP BY e.id instead of GROUP BY c.Blog_ID
@lisachenko You're suggesting reducing the complexity of some code, by introducing traits?
@sabbir how could it not be possible?
@JitendraTyagi sounds pretty simple. just go implement it... there isn't a tutorial for every little thing that could be programmed

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