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@ircmaxell That's a lot of data
I wanted to fill out a table with 1 000 000 record, but its slow as hell
10 minute run and ~ 30 000 record inserted into
Anyone have a good resource for checking if a domain is registered in PHP?
@appl3r Found that but not seeing much by way of how-to docs, installation guides, etc
there are host headers "powered by" that programming languages put on by default
asp.net does this and i took it off
I untar'ed it but I'm not sure what to do next
Q: Hiding PHP's X-Powered-By header

alexI know in PHP, it sends the X-Powered-By header to have the PHP version. I also know by appending some checksums, you can get access to PHP's credits, and some random images (more info here). I also know in php.ini you can turn expose_php = off. But here is something I have done on a few sites...

seems like you could examine response in curl
9 hours later…
@tereško I simply didn't wanted to penetrate his mind with numbers of this size. MySQL can handler those too, obviously.
morning @edorian
You said MySql and that reminded me of something. I've played around a little with the 5.6 memcached API that mysql ships
And for our use case (hight concurrent writes) one MySql outperformed the 3 memcached servers we have by... a lot.
Even so it stores everything on disk
And strange
that's cool
when's the "official" 5.6 release date?
Something misconfigured on the memcache part? Because it somehow seems hard to believe
I wouldn't have tried it but I was told by $peopleThatActuallyHaveAClueAboutMySql that InnoDb just is better optimized for concurrent writes
memcached has a server wide / global write lock meaning you can only have one write at once. Which usually doesn't matter all that much but for us it's an issue
@edorian uh, okay. yes innodb has row level locking
So if you do many insertions InnoDB might really be faster...
"sebastianbergmann added edorian to sebastianbergmann/phpunit-mock-objects 16 minutes ago" :)
edorian commented 21 minutes ago

Tested with 3.6 and master. Can you please pull this @sebastianbergmann ?
I think it was his way of saying "Do it yourself"
@BenjaminBrizzi Oracle doesn't announce release dates
@edorian What does Oracle have to do with MySQL?
@BenjaminBrizzi Oracle owns MySQL
Really??? Crap I didn't know that ><
Sun bought MySQL-AB, Oracle bough Sun
I thought it was held by a foundation similar to Apache.
> We had joy, we had fun and then Oracle bought Sun
Same for netbeans and hudson
Yeah, they own pretty much everything now...
And Java, and anything remotely connected to Java
Didn't oracle say that the new "offical" version is OpenJDK and that they stop developing their own Java implementation?
(Not to say that they don't 'own' it in some way)
I guess I missed that but seeing on how many patents they probably have around Java from the Sun acquisition they'll probably keep a close eye on it.
Given that pretty much their whole stack depends on Java it would be stupid for them to not do that
Happy Pre New Year!
ui a pre new year
Do Americans/Europeans usually go to work on the first of Jan?
Companies here usually have a bit of a religious ceremony or such like. Lot of bleary eyed people about
Don't know about the rest of Europe but for us Germans "New Year" is a national holiday
Same in France
But since it's a sunday it doesn't change much.
In France you're not allowed to work on sundays.
@JohnP as long as government officially doesn't declare 1st Jan as a no-work-day, companies do not care.
here, that is.
Yeah, same deal here. (Exception for being a doctor and so on ofc)
Where are you from @JohnP?
I live in Sri Lanka
Estonia iirc? Oh i meant Asko
Isn't @JohnP the one from sri lanka?
Same thing :p
yup :)
@BenjaminBrizzi same thing?
Oh you were faster than me :P
@edorian yes.
Most companies usually have a half day
J/k, it's probably pretty much the opposite...
Food incoming. Later :)
enjoy :)
@edorian just had breakfast
what the hell is "st." inbetween names on some people?
Food habits have been completely shot to pieces because of the season. Too many get togethers and parties making regular eating difficult
(im retarded, i know)
@Asko Saint
is that like part of the real name or just something to make a difference between people with same names?
@Asko Give an example...?
Daniel St. Jules
Read as Daniel Saint Jules
Hmmm.... yeah I guess it's Saint.
Weird to spell it like that though
so .. daniel holy-person jules?
Wikipedia gave me (.st is the Internet country code top-level domain)
The alternative being "street", Daniel Street James doesn't make much more sense :P
Well, if I google first-name saint last-name then it will find names with ".st" and will not recommend my spelling, so I guess that must be the right one.
however I have no idea what the hell does it actually mean
It's the smallest of things that make you wonder like a crazy person.
Usually, the middle name is a saint name. Although having 'st.' in there itself is much rarer. It's probably a family name rather than the middle name
In your case his last name is probably Saint James
All right.
Which is also the name of a brand of rum :)
I'm going to go now and show off my brand new knowledge because I'm just that awesome.
Usually, the middle name is a saint name. Although having 'st.' in there itself is much rarer. It's probably a family name rather than the middle name
hmm, messages seem to be appearing twice for me :/
So... any TinTin fans here? Watched the movie yesterday, loved it!
Good to hear. Heard lots of positive things about it so far
Great movie. And it's not a direct copy of the book. It's an adaptation of about 3 stories. They've done it quite nicely.
Anyone have any experience with Twig?
@Asko yes
Some. Never ran into major issues and since I've worked with djano it was pretty much the same
Good, so, Twig says that "Argument 2 passed to Twig_Environment::render() must be an array", however I passed a class. Is there a way to pass a class or does it MUST BE an array?
and if .. would something like $pass_arr = (array) file_get_contents('file'); work?
file containing an array
the second argument is the "context"
The context is the variables you can use in the template
So if you pass array('var1' => 1, 'var2' => 2) you can use the var1 and var2 variables in the template
so if I want functions .. I have to do something like array('var' => function(){ return something; }); ?
You can register functions using ->addFunction() on the environment
@Asko About adding filters and functions look at the extending twig section twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/advanced.html#filters
"$twig->addFunction('functionName', new Twig_Function_Function('someFunction'));"
yeah was already reading about it
and that functionName can also be $class->function() correct?
uh, not really
If you want to call class methods you can just pass the class in the context ;)
and call the method using class.function()
yes, but I added the class into context whereas it expects it to be an array
I think I'm being retarded again so I go with the simple array containing functions
array('class' => $class) ?
will experiment
how would I go about passing variables to a function for example I have $theme->posts($limit); which I get to twig using {{theme.posts}}, but is there a way to do something like {{theme.posts limit="5"}} ?
excellent. got everything the way I wanted, thank you is more than delivered.
It seems the plot lib doesn't find a scaling and than uses the smallest possible calling the line 0.0000000 just to make sure
is amused
@NikiC I have one tiny-tiny problem left, which probably (like everything) is caused by my lack of skill to communicate with PHP. See pastie.org/3084590 and pastie.org/3084594
it doesn't print / echo the get.post_title
however it does return an array like pastie.org/3084605
@Asko I don't quite get the code. It looks like it's fetching only the first row doesn'it it?
As a test yet
problem is, it doesn't print anything
Is get.posts a property or a member now?
get.posts is array('get' => $theme) and $theme is new theme;
a function, in a class
i renamed it to get so it would make more sense
could you maybe set the strict_variables option to true? So you get errors if a variable is not defined
I used error_reporting(E_STRICT);
I got something!
i did {% if item.post_title is defined %} yay {% else %} boo {% endif %}
And it printed boo boo boo boo boo boo boo
Got it
problem was in my logics
@Asko That's not enough, to get variable errors from twig you need to pass 'strict_variable' => true in the options ;)
I did a while loop which ended up in giving LIMIT times LIMIT arrays
while($row = $query->fetch_object()){
$arr[] = $row;
return $arr;
that fixed it.
btw, that's a reason why I use PDO, not mysqli. One can just write $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) there, which fetches all rows into an array. Or even easier rest return $stmt which will act as if it were an array ;)
@Asko it should be error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT);
yeah .. it's a bit counterintuitive
@NikiC Yeah. I should transfer, too. @tereško thanks.
I need a Linux guru ><
I'm stuck in dependency hell, I think
I need to install mysql-devel on my CentOS x86_64 box.
yum install mysql-devel ?
should install all dependencies with it.
wait wait
But it needs the openssl package.
Currently openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5_5.7.i686 is installed for some reason
And I get a conflict trying to install openssl-0.9.8e-20.el5.x86_64
and I can't remove the i686 version as it has A LOT of dependencies...
Tried yum update openssl first?
Same error
Transaction Check Error:
file /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt from install of openssl-0.9.8e-20.el5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5_5.7.i686
file /usr/share/man/man1/ca.1ssl.gz from install of openssl-0.9.8e-20.el5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5_5.7.i686
file /usr/share/man/man1/req.1ssl.gz from install of openssl-0.9.8e-20.el5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5_5.7.i686
file /usr/share/man/man1/x509.1ssl.gz from install of openssl-0.9.8e-20.el5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package openssl-0.9.8e-12.
Found a forum thread with the same problem
It has the [SOLVED] tag so i'll look into that ^^
@tereško Wow, I just saw you giving a serious explanation to somebody without insulting him. Progress ;)
maybe you should see doctor about this .. because there was no "explanation" in that sentence
oh ..
Evening guys!
How's everyone doing?
hi Eugene
Doing fine here, how about yourself?
@Eugene afternoon
@Oldskool No so bad either.
@NikiC Well, time diff. :)
"The article was written by a 17 year old programmer that is trying to act like he's got 20 years PHP experience...

I doubt he's even worked with factories before, let alone singletons.." crap
Your 17?
They found you out :p
@NikiC , the jig is up , they have found out the truth
yeah my cover blew up
this is why trying to explain something on reddit is somewhat pointless
@tereško But it has some interesting things too. E.g. I just learned that one really shouldn't mix ammonia and sodium hypochlorid ^^
Good Morning
@NikiC: LSB only affects calls within the class itself. that's not true.
@ircmaxell It isn't?
@NikiC No, so let's define a class
class Foo {
    public function bar() {
        echo get_called_class();
class Bar extends Foo {}

Bar::bar(); // bar
What I tried to say it that it will not remove the coupling. It'll solve the fundamental inheritance issue that static methods had before, but it won't solve the coupling.
Agree, but it's not about calls within itself, it's about preserving static inheritance tree as called
But it will only affect how calls using self/static:: work within the class, won't it?
@NikiC and get_called_class()
and it doesn't affect self:: at all
@ircmaxell Yes.
@ircmaxell You know what I mean ;) It affects self in the way of self being not static ^^
@NikiC right
any one know zencart?
I guess my answer isn't good enough
A: Accessing CryptGenRandom from PHP

ircmaxellI have actually implemented an RFC4086 compliant Random Number Generator in PHP. You can see the work at the GitHub Project for PHP-CryptLib. Basically, you specify the "strength" of random number/string that you require. If you need cryptographically secure numbers, select High (but note, thi...

@ircmaxell Why?
@ircmaxell Ah, only +2 with bounty, I understand. Probably it's just that little people care about that topic ;)
yeah, even the OP hasn't shown back up since the post
I had an answer earlier where the OP came back and gave an answer that my answer helped solve the problem
Ahh, I may get it yet (automatically)
The answer must be given after the bounty was started
The answer must have a score of at least +2
@CharlesSprayberry link?
A: Experiencing strange behaviour with cakephp

Charles SprayberryWell, looking at your error message it appears that a couple things are happening here that should be fixed: The view for ChokateController::index() was not found. Ensure that you have an index.ctp file in /app/views/chokate/. The HtmlHelper object likely isn't being added to the view beca...

Flagged as NAA
It's forgivable for a 80 rep guy
People using cake can't be expected to read faqs
@edorian This is why I semi-regret having so many Cake related answers
@edorian It is, I was gonna make a comment on his answer but he's low-rep and I don't wanna come off as rep-whoring
I'm just being pointlessly mean. It's not like php programmers are held in high regard anyways
@CharlesSprayberry nah... You know better, it doesn't bring you down, it means you realized the errors in your ways (j/k obviously)
@edorian most
@edorian Yea, but at the same time if you play with crap and teach others how to play in crap better you might get a little associated with, well, crap.
Nah, it gives you perspective
@ircmaxell Name one PHP Programmer that is considered when talking about people like fowler or UB
(I'm a software developer not a php programmer, yeah, yeah. I was talking about general perception)
@edorian ummmm....
point taken
Then again fowler isn't a "Java Programmer" or a "lisp programmer" ether so my argument isn't really working out but if it made the point :)
Well, name one person notable for PHP development that is in the same class (or regarded as such)
Yeah that sounds nicer
and I can't think of one
@CharlesSprayberry Well, got you 2 +1's, and deleted the other answer
@ircmaxell I saw that, while I don't necessarily care about a lot of rep I don't mind it either
Well, it helps make it worth while helping
@ircmaxell You people aren't?
on a related note 16 points to go for silver.
@NikiC I don't consider myself anywhere near the same class as Fowler and Martin...
I think you'd have a hard time comparing anybody to those guys, regardless of language, without naming off some really "iconic" people in programming.
Well, that's my point
I mean, Fowler alone has twice as much software experience than PHP's entire life. Not exactly apples to oranges.
@CharlesSprayberry How old is PHP anyways?
@NikiC 1995
@ircmaxell Initial or PHP 3?
0.32608 Rasmus
@NikiC 1
@ircmaxell Ah, okay. I wouldn't consider that PHP though ;)
@NikiC It was named PHP
@ircmaxell Yeah, but it didn't resemble modern PHP at all. It was written in HTML comments ^^
@NikiC Well I don't consider anything before Python 4 a proper language ether but it worked well enough before that :)
Rasmus himself says PHP is "hackish"
What can you do from there ><
@edorian There is already Python 4?
@NikiC No :)
@edorian ummm. I see what you did there
@edorian Ah, now I get it :P
Jul 4 at 14:19, by salathe
PHP sucks.
@BenjaminBrizzi For context, that message has 13 stars and salathe is a PHP core dev ;)
If PHP developers say that PHP sucks it's different ;) They mean a different type of "sucks" than those people flaming about it.
Randome wikiquote:
- Rasmus Lerdorf
I'm not a real programmer. I throw together things until it works then I move on. The real programmers will say "Yeah it works but you're leaking memory everywhere. Perhaps we should fix that." I’ll just restart Apache every 10 requests.
@NikiC Agree
Damn, today was such an unproductive day...
Somehow I managed to browse reddit the whole day :(
Heh, that was my day yesterday...
Today I reinstalled a bunch of stuff my colleague broke yesterday
@NikiC It's better to meditate then to sit around and do nothing?
do people use python anymore? for large web applications?
I've some friends that to medium sized stuff with python and well.. It powers around one fourth to one third of google
But I can't point to "one big site"
Yes, more than ever @anonymouslyanonymous
Most popular web framework is Django
But for everything that is between wordpress/drupal and a big scaling web application there is a lot of Django stuff
It's a little quicker, more flexible and breaks later than RoR (I'd say)
Woah, wait a tick...
Warning: Illegal type returned from MultiArray::key() in
I can't return an array from Iterator::key()?
i did the basics of python loops db connection and stuff....a small list of what i should know to move to django?
You'll learn along the way I'd say
@ircmaxell Return type hinting!
@ircmaxell For scalars!!1eleven
any way to write python along with html code
i hate writing print content-type text/html
print html
print body
and so on...
@ircmaxell Who would you want to do that óÒ?
@anonymouslyanonymous Thankfully that language never allowed the abomination that is mixing html with language code :)
@NikiC So here's what I'm trying to do, I want to flatten a multiple dimensional array to:
    array('level1', 'level2', 'level3') => 'value',
    array('level1', 'level2', 'level3') => 'value',
    array('level1', 'level2') => 'value',
You do know that for normal arrays keys can't be arrays?
@anonymouslyanonymous Django's beginner tutorial is pretty well done.
    'level1' => array(
        'level2' => array(
            'level3' => 'value',
            'level3' => 'value',
        'level2' => 'value',
You should know a bit about MVC and about how Python apps interact with Apache
@NikiC yes. Which is why I'm building it as an iterator, but key() won't let me return an array (which I thought was 100% possible, as that's the point of an iterator and ArrayAccess, that I can determine the semantics of the operation)...
@anonymouslyanonymous As opposed to php, your Python code will not be in the htdocs directory
@anonymouslyanonymous Django works with Apache's mod_rewrite to fetch the correct Django controller which in turn calls the model and view data (this is a simplification)
@ircmaxell if you want compound keys you have to use php.net/manual/en/class.splobjectstorage.php
@Gordon which can't take an array as a key. So I'd have to wrap my arrays in arrayObjects first
wow, that's DUMB
@ircmaxell CompoundKey sounds like an object to me anyway
@ircmaxell That's what Map will be for ^^
@ircmaxell I think I'll implement stack, queue and list using a dll. Only the latter really needs it, but it would be good for a simple toArray implementation and the overhead really isn't so big in the large picture (80 vs 88 bytes per element)
thats still a whopping 10% :)
Yeah, agree. In fact, you could create an internal DLL implementation which is used by all three (that way, all you do is change the public API to the appropriate need)
@ircmaxell yeah, that's what i'd do (SPL currently does that too btw)
Yeah, I figured
I would have liked an as efficient as possible implementation, but that one pointer doesn't hurt much ^^
Honestly, if you're THAT concerned about additional memory overhead, you're in the wrong language by far
I don't get it. Twig's documentation clearly says "You can also load and render the template in one fell swoop:

echo $twig->render('index.html', array('the' => 'variables', 'go' => 'here'));" whereas if I try, it will output a string "index.html" instead of rendering the file.
@ircmaxell No, I'm not concerned. I only like to always choose the most efficient implementation ^^
Well, the best possible one in this case is the easiest to maintain (and least duplicated) which points to a DLL
@ircmaxell yes, that's why I'm doing that eventually ^^
So now that I've done nothing all day I hope I'll get at least that done now
bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45684 I am thinking of submitting a patch, but I'm afraid...
@ircmaxell Why?
Well, I'm searching for uses, and the return code is pretty rampant...
and it could have some weird repercussions
that, and I can't find the usages of it
btw did you cleanup get merged?
I'm not sure that I understand C's static keyword
@ircmaxell Yeah, I had that problem too ;)
@NikiC I did at one point, but I would just need to be reminded
Can anyone explain why SplObjectStorage is in spl_observer.c???
@ircmaxell probably only the author can
Woah, very weird
So, $objStorage[$obj] = 'additionalData';
foreach ($objStorage as $key => $val) {
    $key === int(index);
    $value === $obj
@ircmaxell I don't understand what you are trying to say.
So, in Array access, the object is the key, and the value is arbitrary. Yet in iteration, the "index" (an integer) is the key, and the object is the value
oh, I see
which is really awkward since I would expect to get back obj => data
are you completely sure?
@ircmaxell btw, there are lots of reasons my HashSet class does not use SplObjectStorage internally :)
it's one ugly dog I can tell you that :P
@ircmaxell @NikiC @anyoneElse Any objections to renaming 'lib' to 'src'? I'm not sure it really matters except maybe to this Onion thing.
SplObjectStorage is such a piece of garbage. Defined in spl_observer.c, it can't use scalar keys, iteration keys and values are backwards, is very clunky when used as a set, and its name is really dumb.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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