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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@ircmaxell maybe C initializes it oddly. I still don't know why they wouldn't use a loop to reinitialize? Would that performance really matter?
No, more of the if(0) part...
thats odd
it'll never be true
which was my point
@ircmaxell I can see leaving the code in there if you were unsure, but they didn't even document it if that's the case.
which is my point as well :-D
hrm, I think I see how to refuctor PHP to allow arbitrary keys. But it would require changing the Zend engine to do so...
and it would require cloning a ZVal... (or copying from one to another)
actually, it would be worse than that...
it would be... eiw
So let's see...
@ircmaxell The file is autogenerated, that's why it may sometime contain strange looking stuff
@ircmaxell What do you mean by arbitrary keys, exactly?
1. Change [zend_user_it_get_current_key](lxr.php.net/opengrok/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_interfaces.c#198) to allow returning an arbitrary ZVal type
2. Change [_zend_object_iterator_funcs](lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/…) to return a zval instead of raw key information
3. Change all instances of [get_current_key](lxr.php.net/opengrok/…) to adopt new signature, and return zval instead of raw key
@NikiC vm_execute is autogenerated? I know the tokenizer is, I didn't realize the generator was...
@LeviMorrison I want to return an object as the key to an iterator
(or an array, or whatever)
@ircmaxell Yeah the actual VM definition is in lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h
@ircmaxell So you want to allow anything as a key and not just an int, string ?
@LeviMorrison Not in an array, but in general (iterator namely)
@ircmaxell The problem is that the hash value is returned instead of the object that generated it, isn't it?
@NikiC Ahhh, I see why it became 0...
so it's implementing templates in C? Really weird
@LeviMorrison No, the problem is that get_current_key has string and int keys hard-coded into the signature (where the return code is HASH_KEY_IS_* constant (string or long): int (*get_current_key)(zend_object_iterator *iter, char **str_key, uint *str_key_len, ulong *int_key TSRMLS_DC);
Q: PHP array_key_exists() and SPL ArrayAccess interface: not compatible?

Aron RotteveelI wrote a simple collection class so that I can store my arrays in objects: class App_Collection implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Countable { public $data = array(); public function count() { return count($this->data); } public function offsetExists($offse...

More ArrayAccess madness. I keep finding more and more PHP inconsistencies in it.
So, @LeviMorrison: what do you think about after tackling data structures, tackling object types with auto-boxing...?
so "foo"->length() would be autoboxed as (new SplString("foo"))->length() without actually creating the object...
@ircmaxell I'm not sure about next, but I'd like to incorporate SplTypes into the spl.
And fix some of the oddities. Although I can't remember what they are at the moment.
Unless I can use SplString and SplInt on any platform, then autoboxing is pointless.
In my opinion.
the fact that (new SplInt(1)) + (new SplInt(2)) does not equal SplInt(3)???
@ircmaxell That's probably one of them.
@LeviMorrison No, I mean get them to the point where they are useful and in the core...
@ircmaxell Sounds appealing for sure. :)
right now, since they don't auto-box, they are pretty much pointless for me...
spl_register_autobox_class(SPL_TYPE_INT, 'MyIntBoxer')
So you would allow users to define autoboxes in PHP itself?
@LeviMorrison Well, that's a possible thing to do...
not saying good, because then you would have to do new each time (whereas otherwise it could just be a virtual proxy as is in other languages)
@ircmaxell sounds like a really bad idea
where it behaves like an object, but really isn't
@NikiC but could be ridiculously powerful...
@ircmaxell Have fun with looking up a new API for every project fw aso
@NikiC true true
I think autoboxing is nice, but I don't think we should provide the API to the user.
The abuse out-weighs the use, I think.
Well, I'd at least like to be able to override operators then
In order to autobox things, we may want to create some public interfaces to allow operator overloading.
@ircmaxell We're on the same wavelength :)
@LeviMorrison :-D
yeah, right now, I'm thinking out-loud
You know, if all of our ideas actually make it into the PHP core, we'll be unsung heroes.
But we'll be heroes, at least.
@LeviMorrison if any of them do, I'll be shocked
@ircmaxell lol
do you disagree?
All I know is that our implementations need to be very carefully crafted to have a chance at making it.
Well, yeah
There has to be a lot of reason for it to change. We have to provide enough reason.
@LeviMorrison reason isn't enough, unfortunately
@ircmaxell Politicing (southern phrase, I think) it as well
And that's not enough either...
Also your boxing API will need to deal with PHP's loose typing model properly
I.e. If you do 123->length(), what will happen?
@NikiC Which would be REALLY hard to do
@ircmaxell Otherwise you won't get it in.
I know
It's not like we don't have that only because people were too lazy to implement it
There is actually reasoning behind that ;)
I think getting primitive classes to work and getting them implemented is the first step.
I think we have to leave autoboxing out of the picture for that to happen.
@LeviMorrison small steps
@ircmaxell exactly
So, I don't want to do a tree implementation in PHP. It's not going to be pretty because we can't make the node class private.
Sure you can
@ircmaxell Enlighten me, please.
I can't find it, but you can create an object in C without a class.
@ircmaxell @LeviMorrison I know, I said aim high myself, but you people are aiming too high :P
@NikiC If you never aim high, you will always hit your mark
@ircmaxell Oh I understand that. I mean, I don't want to create an implementation in PHP to show how it works.
I think that's why we have heaps :)
@ircmaxell Does C reeval macro args if they are used multiple times?
@LeviMorrison Ah right
@NikiC huh?
@ircmaxell RETURN_ZVAL(spl_ds_dll_remove_last(), 1, 1) => does spl_ds_dll_remove_last() get reevald every time the arg is used in the macro?
@NikiC can you show me the definition?
and in general, yes it does eval it multiple times (well, not exactly)
the way I think of it is that macros are nothing more than fancy string replacements. So there are no optimizations doen at all. However, that doesn't mean the compiler doesn't optimize
/away for a meal
@ircmaxell I'll save it into a tmp variable then. Or maybe even not use the macro at all, I think I don't really need it
fair enough
yeah RETURN_ZVAL will copy the zval and I could just set the return_value pointer I think (though will need to try)
why don't you want it called every time?
@ircmaxell hm?
why do you want the function cached?
@ircmaxell It's not cached. I only don't want it to be called multiple times on ->pop() ^^
But anyways, solved my issue now, it compiles at least ^^ will try if it works later
@NikiC why would it be called multiple times?
I'm out, later
@ircmaxell I had the same idea recently (though not thought that it could be exploited, just thought it would be interesting to create a worste-possible hashtable)
well, I'm not sure about exploiting it. You'd have to find collisions in the hash function itself, not just mod % collisions
@ircmaxell do not understand
A: Accessing CryptGenRandom from PHP

ircmaxellI have actually implemented an RFC4086 compliant Random Number Generator in PHP. You can see the work at the GitHub Project for PHP-CryptLib. Basically, you specify the "strength" of random number/string that you require. If you need cryptographically secure numbers, select High (but note, thi...

^^ Ass hat. DownVoted me 5 minutes before the graceperiod ended when I would have gotten the bounty. And the comment isn't really valid given the justification of the answer
@ircmaxell Could it be that it's the same guy from internals@?
@NikiC Possible, and if so, he really missed the point
@NikiC Do you know how hashes are used in a hash table?
@ircmaxell Couldn't you simply exploit the table mask in PHP? I.e. create element 0, create element 32, 64, ... (assuming ~32 table mask)
@NikiC Good call, his email was: fsb thefsb org
@NikiC Well, yes. Except after a certain size, PHP will rebuild the table with a bigger mask to make it more efficient
at which point they will no longer be collisions
@ircmaxell somehow I had that suspicion already when reading the question first time ^^
@ircmaxell you will obviously need to add 32 elements if you exploit the 32 table mask
@NikiC I don't think it's 1:1, but it may be
@NikiC If I would have made that connection, I wouldn't have replied
@ircmaxell It's always *2
@ircmaxell hrm
@NikiC right, but is it when n == sizeof(table)?
@ircmaxell could be that I'm off by one, but it doesn't really matter ;)
not really
I could quickly try it out on viper if you like
I want to reply that your posting shows a lack of knowledge about a lot of things to news.php.net/php.internals/57141 but I won't feed the troll. I mean I believe CryptGenRandom like /dev/random can report that the entropy pool is depleted or inadequate. < it doesn't work like that. It blocks until it gets enough entropy to continue, it doesn't tell you how much is left or if it can't...
@ircmaxell :D
@ircmaxell Should we maybe give this another push?
Not to mention that he's under the dilusion that he can get cryptographic security on shared hosts. You can't, because you can't control the underlying OS (which there are many vulnerabilities, and unless they update every single kernel update, it's not CS quality)
@NikiC well, why? What's to be gained...
@ircmaxell It isn't?
äh ptr to prev msg
clicked the wrong one ;)
@ircmaxell I just don't like good answers ending up at +1 ...
hm, now that I moved the dll api out got to fight the memleaks again ^^
I'm confused
I'm probably too ^^
@ircmaxell To be honest I don't quite understand either why it's bad to have CS rnd nbrs in php ^^
using CS numbers when they are not needed depleats the pool of entropy, making the available entropy to true CS needs less...
not to mention DOS vulnerabilities...
@ircmaxell where does the entropy come from?
many many places, some hardware, some software, etc
how fast does it "produce entropy"?
depends on the system. If you have a hardware TRNG (true random number generator), it can usually do it pretty quickly. But those are rare and expensive
is the random number functionality that ivy bridge will offer a TRNG?
It's a TRNG, but a not very good one (it's secure, but not that many bits generated per second)
can i bother anyone with some MVC questions?
@ircmaxell ah okay
@ircmaxell So the main fear is that people will start using the CS generator to create their activation links etc?
@ircmaxell btw I just can't get the hash collisions :(
what do you mean?
the hashtable collisions I mean
I thought that a simple range(0, ($size - 1) * $size, $size); with $size = pow(2, x); would suffice, but it doesn't seem to work
@ircmaxell Do you have an idea why that didn't work out?
I just replied...
I'd have to look at C
but I'm about to jump in the shower
@ircmaxell Argh, I'm so stupig. range() is for values, not for keys, obviously ^^
@ircmaxell Now we're talking: codepad.viper-7.com/MozROe
For 2^15 = 32768 elements it already takes 10 seconds
And for 2^16 I get a Bad Gateway ^^
Anyone interested?
@GeorgeEdison I don't like Apple.
any idea on how to auto fill forms and submit. for example a script which will go to gmail.com, fill in login details and log me in automatically
@NikiC Apple?
What does this have to do with Apple?
@GeorgeEdison First prize is an iPad ^^
Ah, but there are other prizes.
@GeorgeEdison Are you trying to win the library prize? :P
Maybe :)
@GeorgeEdison :D
But even before the contest was announced I was trying to get some additional feedback on it anyway.
It's got a full test suite which you can view here.
(Don't worry that one of the tests failed - that's a known issue.)
@user994144 I could imagine that this violates the Google TOS
@NikiC that was an example... you missed the point
firefox selenium plugin
or any greasemonkey script for that matter but thats more work
how does stackoverflow logs in to your gmail account when you provide email and password
@user994144 It doesn't.
Are you referring to using Google as an OpenID provider?
@NikiC hey.
@Eugene yes
Evening everyone!
@NikiC Talked to my buddy today and on my form rendering problem he suggested, that I should create some global interface, like PDO and create diff. drivers for example smarty and twig. Can't say much about smarty at the moment, but idea sounds good. What do you think?
@Eugene Sounds like much work if you only want to use twig :)
Well if I'm making framework ( sorry for that annoying word :) ), then probably it should be a good approach, no?
@Eugene Probably ;)
why would you make a framework
make modules, not a full stack framework
@Petah Need to. I live to create new bicycles. X)
@NikiC Your new nickname will be Irony since I can't understand when you talk serious and when not XD
Selenium is so much fun for quick automated front end testing
It's a pain to maintain in comparison to behat/mink tests but it gets stuff done so quick :=)
@Eugene I don't know myself :P
@Eugene well, IMHO, you are doing to wrong, make wheels that fit on any bike.
@NikiC, @Petah :)
I've yet to see anyone trying to create a Form API not fail horribly and create something that is much more complicated and painful to use than html
Current python/djano efforts look sort of manageable but still painful
@edorian So you think, that to somehow manage form data and validation and also data and rendering is easier with plain html?
@edorian, yes, you are yet to see my form API
I think should be separate, but compatible. What if I want to use the same validation methods, with out using the rendering methods (e.g. use a pre built HTML form from a designer)
@NikiC lol
PHP is so great like that
(By the way, if I could get some feedback on that post it would be nice. I'm not sure whether it's intelligible currently.)
@Eugene In theory: No way! In practice: I've never seen anything that was worth the trouble. Back in the day there way quickform which was nice until you wanted it do actually do pretty things than it was horrible. Now there is stuff like Zend_Form that just makes me sad when I look at it and the troubles people have doing very very trivial things
@edorian For example? What sort of trivial things we are talking about?
@NikiC It's great as expected
@Eugene Just a random example i found quickly: stackoverflow.com/questions/5882797/… -- Not really a good one but while multitasking the best thing that cam up
@edorian Sorry to disappoint you, but I never intended such approach for working with forms.
Disappoint me? oO?
I'm thinking of all things through thou, not to have at later stage such questions like that one.
Well you where so certain, that all Forms API suck in php :)
17 mins ago, by edorian
I've yet to see anyone trying to create a Form API not fail horribly and create something that is much more complicated and painful to use than html
Sorry, to disappoint you, since at the moment I'm not having such problems as the one who posted question referenced by you.
I didn't say it couldn't be done. I just said I've never seen anything succeed :)
@edorian Exactly. :)
You don't have problems using the API created BY YOU? Now thats... expected
@edorian Well I'm making it holding thought in mind, that I might be not the only one who will use it.
@NikiC did you write that post about the slow arrays?
Yes he did
@edorian @Eugene The form generation code we use look like this pastebin.com/VX5Njwdb
It allows you to mix HTML and PHP and also override the default output using HTML templates
So far a normal fluent api wrapping the tags. Nothing fancy validation, etc.
Not that much gain honestly but also not that much pain
If the implementation is done with multiple objects in the backend and doesn't just always return the " $form "
@edorian The form object returns a component when something like textfield is called. Hence it will return a TextField object. Then most methods on the textfield return itself.
Validation is also done separately
And the output rendered using nested templates so it can be easily customised pastebin.com/TNQcJ51t
It is normally 1 template per class, but each class can contain other objects (i.e. the wrapper contains the label and textfield
And here is an example of validation, just in case you are interested pastebin.com/78HhEgeL
@NikiC Any chance your sample came from 28C3 ?
Because it's quite a nice denial of service attack you demoed there
Thankfully 5.3.next and 5.4 are protected against that
@Petah Hard to say more about it with those snippets. Looks kinda expected (good thing) expect for <?php include __DIR__.'/'.basename(get_class($this)).'.php'; ?> which I find quite scary :)
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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