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04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

hey all
how would you name a link mysql table
for example i have 2 tables
users and strategies
how would i name the link table to link the two of them together?
is there any naming convention?
thank you
@ircmaxell is there a need for the _?
I use it to distinguish the different relationships. You could do userToStrategy, but I think the _to_ makes things nicer and easier to parse...
@ircmaxell ehhh'
@ircmaxell one more Q. can i also have user_to_strategies?
(one to many)?
@NikiC , "oh look, another stupid blog post telling me, that I ( php developer for 8 years ) am doing it wrong, lol"
@tereško but you are
@Neal perhaps, but I would argue that even 1:m appears as m:m to the table (since neither is unique)...
@ircmaxell true true
I don't know if it's true or not, but whatever
@ircmaxell :-P
@ircmaxell , it would be so nice if people would not dismiss it as just someone flaming
@tereško well, it's not so much about right vs wrong, but better vs not as good
but when i look at php communities , it is a really hopeless sight
ehh ... fak programming , i gonna go an play Civ4 .. for 12hours or so
@tereško nice solution.
@tereško edit the curse out before someone else flags it...
will this do ?
perfect. I don't care, but I don't want to see you getting flagged needlessly
@tereško lol
i think there is an automatic flagging for badwords
not flagging at least
"frell" .. geeks will know from where that one comes
@tereško same with frak :-P
@ircmaxell It doesn't do all that much anymore. / just works on Windows without any path translation
@edorian which is what I said ;-)
4 hours ago, by ircmaxell
PHP translates paths properly for you automagically
And i was trying to point out that it doesn't
it does work on windows natively?
never knew that
yeah. You can use / everywhere on windows
And from every language, small C programm with C:/foo\bar/baz.txt works fine
Not sure if XP but works on $newer
And how care about 11 year old software
Now that's what I call an uber-slow website
It's being slashdotted as we speak, so no, it's not that slow (all things considered)
Yeah and it's really boring
It's only drama because it is penny arcade and their friends made a big fuzz about it
"p.p.s. Welcome to the internet, bitch. That’s how I roll." mwhahaha
I think oceanmarketing died along with it's 503.
@ircmaxell fun
Nope. Chuck Testa
"He might as well have said that his much-awaited product was made with using parts left over from Chernobyl and orphan child labor, at a UNICEF convention." best comment ever (about the oceaenmarketing PR thing on slashdot)
the guy is making a lot of money on a product without competition. I don't see how this bad PR would kill his product unless someone tries to compete with a similar one...
They have pretty much 100% 1 start ratings at Amazon
Oh wow.
I never saw something like that
Sucks for the guy who actually invented the controller. I read on reddit (i think) that he actually is a pretty cool guy who invented it for handicapped kids.
Just read your post about STUPID too Niki.
But now you have to explain me how to create a factory to replace my singleton ;)
does someone know how is the chat coded?
Q: What technologies were used to build the chat?

Bill PaetzkeI realize there is a similar, broader question here. But the answer is old and does not include the chat technology. Let me know (even if they completely rolled their own). Thanks! I am most interested in how they implemented Comet (aka HTTP push) it in .NET.

@edorian What are the good articles on replacing singletons that one could give to @BenjaminBrizzi?
A: What's Alternative to Singleton

FrankSThe Google Testing blog has a series of entries about avoiding Singleton (in order to create testable code). Maybe this can help you: Using dependency injection to avoid singletons Singletons are Pathological Liars Root Cause of Singletons Where have all the Singletons Gone? The last article ...

I got this off the reddit thread.
But I'll wait until I'm at work to read all of it ;)
also reading up on Dependency Injection
but it seems like a good way to make your constructors bloated with parameters
if I have to add a database object, a logging object, etc... at each object initialization
wow, polling for the chat?
I tried a chat like that years ago and it just killed my db
too many request in a minute
(or too many db connection actually)
youtube.com/watch?v=-FRm3VPhseI & for the last one static_considered_harmful /cc @NikiC @BenjaminBrizzi
thx @edorian
@edorian óÒ You are full of links ^^
I starred your comments. Not sure what it does exactly but I hope it means I'll be able to find them again later :)
@BenjaminBrizzi If your class accepts too many things in the constructor it is normally a sign of your class simply doing too much (=> God Object) and it may be time to split it up in different parts :)
It puts them on the right in the chat
You won't find them all that much later that way
ok i'll mail them to myself then ><
the old school way
ah, oldschool
you read my mind :P
@edorian Who is that Misko? He seems to have written pretty much about that ^^
Misko is / (was?) a testing engineer at google that wrote a lot of amazing testing stuff around 2008-2009 and made great tech talk videos
One of the earlier productive clean code people too
@edorian "… works as an Agile Coach at Google where he is responsible for coaching Googlers to maintain the high level of automated testing culture." looks like "is"
If i have a function like say "thing_start()" inside which there is foreach(){ and then a function "thing_stop()" inside which endforeach;, will it work if I do thing_start(); -- data -- thing_stop(); ?
logically not, because it will display as error if foreach isn't ended ..
ah, i'm going insane.
PHP functions are not like C macros ;)
I just need understand how to create some good way for user to template stuff
like {loop} {/loop}
@Asko Have you considered using an existing templateing library like Twig?
no, I have not.
@Asko You might want to ;)
damn it looks nice
I personally use Smarty. Don't think there's a lot of difference between the 2.
@BenjaminBrizzi Twig basically is a more modern Smarty ;)
Twig is the smarty of this decade
Ok. The main gripe I have about Smarty is that it adds about 150 files to your project ><
(i might be exagerating a bit)
@NikiC I'm looking for the most lightweight one, so what do you think about github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php
IF you are looking for something very slim look for something that uses php as the template language
If you want extra syntax and auto escaping and stuff really consider twig
@BenjaminBrizzi Twig probably adds even more ^^ But you don't need to worry about that much, it's not like many files hurt your app or something ;)
Yeah, I gave Mustache a try once. Might give it another shot.
Yeah but my boss finds it messy :p
@edorian Based on conversation from this morning code now (1) no longer has __construct in interface (2) top-level namespace for framework code is SprayFire instead of libs and (3) any log path can be set and isn't restricted to something the framework sets
Gratz :)
My php coding standard generator is now istable for PHPMD and in early alpha for PHPCS. Feedback welcome
hy guys, which one is slower in a MySQL db?
Have 1000+ database (each user has his own db)
or use 1 db with few tables but with tons of record?
@appl3r , single database
or , in a large scale implementation , multi-headed master-slave system with failovers and memcache/nosql buffer
so is it a good idea to let every user to have their on db ?
no , it is an extremely stupid idea
Q: Database Design for multiple users site

jl.I am required to work on a php project that requires the database to cater to multiple users. Generally, the idea is similar to what they have for carbonmade or basecamp, or even wordpress mu. They cater to multiple users, whom are also owners of their accounts. And if they were to cancel/termina...

having the same problem
what is the scale of your application ?
@edorian Interesting (apart from me not using both tools ^^)
its my thesis (for a final exam in my school),
i have to prepare it for many users
more than 1000+
sorry for my english btw
@appl3r That's not much ;) MySQL can easily handle tables with millions of entries
what would your 1k+ users do with separate database ?
A user after login should make:
his own page - text
can upload documents and stuff
and i want to strore the uploaded images in sql
@NikiC , and RDDMSs like Postgre and Oracle can even handles tables with hundreds of million entries =P
but i liked the idea of the separate dbes
@appl3r , sounds like a simple site with user profile and few custom documents per user
i do not see the point in assigning a separate DB to each user
so, i shouldnt make it difficult ?
@appl3r You should never make it difficult
and i dont rly know the limits of sql server though
3 mins ago, by tereško
what would your 1k+ users do with separate database ?
you still have not answered that one
what they would do?
Directly, nothing.
I just wanted to store there stuff in separate databases.
and this way, importing and exporting (saving) is easier too
and what will happen when you want to list all entries created by users in past week ?
how will you query such information ?
making and admin page is somewhat difficult with this way
how would you query the list of currently online users ?
unless each of your users is creating an online shop, i see no point in creating a separate database for each of them
@NikiC It's more me playing around and showing people that creating their OWN coding standard is easier than figuring out what the darn PEAR or ZEND standards actually MEAN when one uses them
@NikiC And well.. once you start with CI there is, imho, no way around having a proper phpcs.xml, phpmd.xml one might be able to skip though :)
i still have not evolved to the level where i can use ( or , honestly, even understand) CI
So, a simple MySQL server can manage tables with 4000-5000 records easily ?
@appl3r You could probably throw a couple zeros on to that
i thought it would slow down a bit
my bad
If you have a lot of JOINS it likely will
But 4k-5k is not a lot of records, even with a lot of JOINS
ok, thanks guys
@appl3r simple mysql server can manage tables with 4000000-5000000 records easily
if you know how to use indexes
@tereško tack on at least 3 0's to that...
it's mysql .. i have my doubts
I have used tables with literally hundreds of billions of rows on decent server hardware
a simple server can handle at least billions, as long as it's setup right, and you're not doing anything stupid with it
.. and then the schema goes tits up .. on friday
never had that happen
though you might contest that it was already covered under "not doing anything stupid" clause
04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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