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/me hits the reverse button
That's it. Show's over. Move along!
ha! i'm a double agent! i now have all your scalar hints
Damn woman you are fast
@ircmaxell gg
@ircmaxell now make someone RM who will reject it for 7.0 :-D
@ircmaxell fyi: starred. Not because I'm happy it passed, but … drama over.
Congrats @ircmaxell!
And congrats PHP!
Thank you so much @ircmaxell and @Andrea!
Oh! Of course! Thank you @Andrea!
...and the wiki falls over
where is my "STH, I was there"
Looks like PHP is officially dead now :D
@RafaelDohms "STH… and I voted NO!" :-)
New post on phpwtf.org: declare(strict_types=1);
(Too soon?)
@marcio long live java
finally! now i can migrate all my java code to PHP adn TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
@RafaelDohms nope - no annotations :-)
@ircmaxell: congratulations :)
thank you
Can we all get on with writing code now?…
honestly, this feels like such a hollow victory... :-(
wow, the shit storm is over forever
@marcio haha ... you don't believe that, do you? ^^
@marcio the Twitterstorm will now begin
@NikiC it's over forever while I believe in it :D
I still think it was a fundamental mistake to introduce that duality. But well.
Now for the strict_types=1 vs strict_types=true war. (And I want my bike shed to be rainbow coloured!)
alright, time to submit my static typing rfc...too soon?
Can someone start a crowd fund somewhere so I can donate Anthony beer money.
@ThW Nor generics.
is now the correct time to say that i think declare will fail miserably? we should just have avoided STH...
lol, holy shit
@ircmaxell i'll forward you an RFC for Annotations if you would be so kind as to publish it under your name :evil:
to be honest, the declare() bit is my least favorite part about it (as I think it is for a lot of people), but if this allows us to have strict typing AND loose typing, then I'm in.
@RafaelDohms no problem, will do
@Rican7 what's a better alternative
@ircmaxell haha, if I knew one I would have already suggested it ;)
ok, when we can have this nice thing? :D
@ircmaxell No declare, and weak type-checking mode. Obviously. :D
Can we add significant whitespace next?
@salathe ok, I'll remove the declare option
@ircmaxell You're my hero— oh, you're not serious :(
yay, my little experiment succeeded
this is good
@Patrick so @NikiC had the idea of weak hinting if you use spaces, strict if you use tabs. Since C devs use tabs mostly, and PHP devs use spaces mostly. And if you use both, you get rand() types
@Andrea thank you for your help, innovation and for paving the way
@ircmaxell Actually it's the other way around, because professionals use spaces and want strict types
@ircmaxell :-)
@NikiC Oh, shit, sorry
@ircmaxell No. You had a clean attitude. You leaded us through all the shitty politics, this wouldn't be possible without your intervention. We have a point of reference even though the overall process needs to be more discussed now. And, ofc, thanks to @Andrea.
and newbies who can't configure their editor use tabs and want weak types
I am sure my categorizations are 100% accurate :P
old PHP core devs use tabs
and they like weak types
@NikiC well... now I know which category I fit into.
@Andrea so yeah, that totally fits as well
@Andrea now if you tell me your experiment was to quit so I would get back involved, I will personally fly to Scotland, find you and.. well... let's put it this way...
... buy you ice cream
oh shit he figured it out... ABORT ABORT
@ircmaxell no no no, that was not the experiment
@ircmaxell … and thank her infinite times?
the experiment was the patch for dual mode
@bwoebi of course! lovingly, with an axe.
@Andrea good.
@Andrea axe is too quick. and painless. I prefer a spoon
@Andrea Oh… I thought @ircmaxell were actually happy to get involved again.
@Andrea Not to put a damper on things, but we don't know if it's succeeded yet. Wait 5 years first :)
@LeviMorrison it succeeded in that it got into PHP
now, let's talk voting rights....
Anyone here an NPath complexity geek?
@Andrea I will give you that :)
@Andrea Commit log, or it didn't happen.
i'm kidding!
@ircmaxell this going to help recki?
Now, I need a 50% vote whether we should remove the strict part from that proposal.
@Rican7 sup?
@salathe heh
@RafaelDohms new drama
@bwoebi removing it in 7.1?
@RafaelDohms Ah, we need to retroactively declare this vote invalid, because of illegitimate votes
@bwoebi But, that would affect the language so needs 2/3 majority!
@ircmaxell no. In 7.0. An extraordinary RFC.
By the way
Just use weak types everywhere; create off-line type checker like Hack and gradually don't use the weak part anymore.
There may be some spots I forgot to change the error level for in the STH patch
I think I changed all of them
Supposedly ternary statements have a higher complexity than normal `if/else`?

But it may be worth checking.
@salathe Nah, it doesn't affect the language… it only prevents something to be added :-D
@NikiC why I don't doubt someone will try? :3
@bwoebi Ah, so no RFC necessary then! :)
@Rican7 no, they have the same complexity
@Rican7 No, but they have always an else
@salathe Oh… from that perspective… interesting :-D
Just revert half of the commit… :-D
You'd think that PHP would fix up its RFC and voting process after this debacle.
It won't.
@ircmaxell that's exactly what I thought. I mean, they're the same thing, really. Its just "sugar"
@NikiC of course, we need to revert every RFC and patch back to the first one, so essentially go back to 5.3
and start fresh..
@bwoebi just make the change with the commit log of "typo fix" and no-one will notice :)
@ircmaxell there's this too: stackoverflow.com/questions/24197973/…
@salathe Sounds like a plan!
haha, just noticed your comment :P
@salathe But better let Dmitry do it.
@bwoebi hehe, that's definitely a plan! :)
Enough of the fun…^^
@Rican7 it's a bug
It's definitely a bug
that's what I thought
I have it excluded in a PHPMD ruleset with a comment mentioning the bug
but did you see the pdepend guy's comment?
Java counts it higher due to a bug
dear god
too many bugs
@Andrea just what we need, more self-richeous brogrammers telling us what we're doing wrong
@ircmaxell I think the discussion might be interesting
PHP is one of few languages with optional typing
congrats everyone and thanks to those involved
@NikiC I asked you before for some languages having lax Generics. I'd like to understand how they solved it.
I really hope that the other RFCs still on-going don't get left by the wayside now. :(
@salathe It'll maybe last for a few days, but not more.
@bwoebi You misunderstood. They don't have lax generics, they just use aggressive type inference
@NikiC for example...?
If you have Vector v; v.push(1); the language can figure out by itself that this is a Vector<int> and doesn't need the programmer to tell it
@salathe how did you manage to vote after the voting was closed?
@marcio I didn't.
Now that PHP has scalar type hints, I guess my testing branch of PictoSwap that I used to try out type hints can be merged in at some point :D
@NikiC Ah okay. Yeah, that's fine. I hope to only specify full the Generics in return types.
@salathe ok, perhaps it's a rfc-watch JS bug.
@marcio I see 35 mins ago on salathe and then 33 mins ago for closing
@bwoebi it's the different here, js bug, nvmind.
yea, try and refresh
ok F5 and the box updated
I'd have preferred if STH finished a month earlier. Then we could at least introduce union types for 7.0 too. I'll miss them :-/
ok now to go vote on the other RFC's
ok, so who's ready to work on annotations for 7.1?
@ircmaxell I strongly hope you didn't mean that seriously?
why not?
how about function autoloading?
I want Generics
like... really bad
@marcio that was the other RFC I didn't have time to finish for 7, it's almost done though
but that's just me
So many features, so little time...
@ircmaxell oh great news // cc @rdlowrey
@bwoebi actually, I was serious
@marcio github.com/ircmaxell/php-src/compare/function-autoloading-7 <-- needs some tweaks and one or two features, but mostly there
/me is off. Later
/me takes a look
@ircmaxell I don't believe in that level of meta-programming…
I see what people do with the annotations. And I'm sorry, but it actually makes me less productive. Or just brings things at levels where they just don't scale. [Especially ORMs now.]
@bwoebi I'm only talking about the metadata part, not pythonic decorators or anything like that (auto-annotation-bs)
@ircmaxell Ugh, surely you have seen the abominations created by the Java community with annotations?
@LeviMorrison ok s/annotation/attribute/
@ircmaxell yeah...
(this is why safe casts should have passed)
@ircmaxell I think this is doing premature optimization. It's nice for really low-level things like C, but not for PHP.
In these cases I can be reasonably certain that no data will be lost and it doesn't matter much if it is, but yes
@Andrea Specifically this should probably be done when setting $segment->from_x: (int)$segment->from_x (not when accessing it)
@bwoebi it's attaching metadata to the class/method. that's an optimization?
@bwoebi i beg to differ... but annotations is even more dividing then STH
@LeviMorrison No it shouldn't
@RafaelDohms I don't think it is
Gd doesn't support subpixel positioning
@Andrea Then casting it to an int is a bit wild and crazy then :)
However, the JS canvas does
Many of the key PHP devs don't have a problem with annotations
The source data is from the JS canvas. The data will be played back in the browser with the JS canvas
So long as they just hold data.
This is just for the preview image
I should probably have done (int)round(), but whatever
@RafaelDohms the problem is with the runtime behavior of it
but I digress, I really must run
@NikiC maybe... but userland is a jungle.. i know i did quite a few annotations talks.. i got all the jokes you can imagine
This is a good time to finish up PolyCast for safe casting.
It is a good time to do that.
Should I namespace the functions under theodorejb\polycast ? It might be harder to use in PHP < 5.6
@TheodoreBrown Namespace them
@ircmaxell At least what I see for hack, is.
The main use is for 7
and soon enough 5.6 will be in wide use I think
@Andrea Yeah, and PHP 7 has group use which makes using them even easier.
also, this means the names aren't reserved if the Safe Casting Functions RFC is revived later
@TheodoreBrown yep!
@TheodoreBrown namespace yes, but why not initials? tjb is a lot easier than theodorejb
@Danack I want to be consistent with the Composer dependency.
silly me, we did not need STH, IDE's do it all twitter.com/mindplaydk/status/577587504435589120
well we don't need TH at all
we just need to force every PHP dev to use the same IDE!
/me goes write a new RFC for default IDE
declare(ide=phpstorm); // cause life is too short for oracle
declare(ide=ZendStudio); // because we built PHP and you will do as we say
Halo, Who have WordPress testing environment? And how did you setup yours (Cloud, Local etc)?
@BrianS I don't have a specific WordPress testing environment - but almost everyone uses vagrantup.com to setup testing environments.
@Danack Thanks, sound promising
> I work on multiple projects for multiple clients - some have great
> code base, some have a bad one. Different typing contexts in different
> projects isn't going to help anything at all - it will only bring a
> mental overhead.

So you would have voted no on namespaces?
^ Pierre Joye ^^
@BrianS Vagrant ftw
So, @Tyrael are you the right person to hassle about Pecl account applications?
@eyeLoveFiddle The only possible answer is for someone to just write the code for you. That site is not a code writing service.
so don't even ask for the psudocode?
do outlines always have things like [1]?
it's for an open development group for nonprofits
Last task of the day: understanding why people want to make resource reserved(?). The rfc isn't very detailed about that. Is resource really a good idea as a type hint?
Because it's confusing.

function foo(resource $bar) { }

Does not take a resource as an argument. It takes an object.
'expects parameter 1 to be resource, resource given'
Yeah, that makes some sense
On the other hand, I feel that the BC break of reserving resource may be unproportional to the benefit of having avoiding a slightly weird error message
yes, but looking around here this bc break (disallowing resource as class name) is worse than any other introduced in php7 so far. If it applies to namespaced classes as well(Store\Blub\Resource)?
@Rangad yes, it would apply to them as well
@ircmaxell What's your tee shirt size? I want to send you a present.
STHv5 #neverForget http://t.co/eF0tkoYnSW
the php logo should be in flames with a little java logo crashing into it
@Sara where is the buy now link?
@Danack I think I'll do a kickstartr
Is it just me or does this feel like a "ding-dong the wicked witch is dead" kind of a moment?
@rdlowrey the witch isn't dead, her flying monkeys are just napping
+500 internet points for the first person with photographic evidence of a "108 > 48" tattoo. #php7 #NeverForget
Also: R.I.P. @beberlei's crazy RFC app web traffic
at 250 each, that'd be redeemable for a double
@rdlowrey 108 < 48 … You just need to redefine < sign.
I finally have got my new box to usable state
@Sara 2xl :-)
@JoshWatzman is doing a good job. Currently in his talk :-)
@FredEmmott Meh - we've lived with it so far. And there are no plans to ever expose resources to userland (I hope) so it's a quite valid question as to why they're being reserved.
@rdlowrey yay :D
@Rangad It's not a BC break
It's a bap on the nose with a newspaper saying "Why on Earth did you call your class 'Resource'? That's a dumb idea. You should fix your code before we decide to take this functionality away from you."
Calling it a BC break is histrionic.
I didn't even know there was an is_resource() method, fwiw
and yes, I coded Resource classes in REST frameworks, because that's what they're called ;-)
@Sara technically, it's a BC break. PHP reserves some keywords like the ones beginning with __ or the classes in the PHP namespace
@Florian Does old code still run? Yes? Then it's not a BC break.
It remains compatible, backward
@Sara if the old code has a class named Resource, then it doesn't run anymore :P
@Florian Incorrect.
And there's not many synonyms for resource.
@Florian Thank you for making assumptions without reading any context.
@Sara (side note: you can click on the arrow at the right of the message to "reply" to it)
@Sara ha. That may be possible :D
I know, but ain't noone got time for mice
@Sara I don't understand:
> This RFC does not fully reserve them as keywords; it only prohibits their usage as class, interface and trait names.
Which word?
"This" refers to a definite article
Florian wrote: "if the old code has a class named Resource, then it doesn't run anymore"
2 mins ago, by Sara
@Florian Incorrect.
"RFC" is an ackronym meaning "Request for Comments"
But if some code has a class named Resource, and that is no longer allowed - how is Florian's statement incorrect?
@Danack It is no longer /formally/ allowed
Using it becomes a contract violation
That doesn't mean PHP won't run it anymore

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