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@PaulCrovella Is this a typo of pharkit? (From context I know it isn't… but that's my first thought.)
@Sara It's not an issue with the symbol table… But with array keys it's annoying. And really… Who likes to always write out array_key_exists($array, 'key')?!?
@bwoebi No, it's a play on "php" and "hack" along with sounding similar (with a mildly Bostonian accent) to "fuck it" when pronounced.
(if a joke is gonna work on multiple levels, at least one should be juvenile)
@PaulCrovella Yeah, I got the origin ;-) This just was my initial thought ^^
@rdlowrey did you actually vote no for the empty variadic? Either @beberlei 's tool is going wrong, or the RFC vote page is borked.
@Danack there is no vote on the doodle just on the watch page, this happens when you vote and remove the vote
1 hour later…
@Danack I did but I deleted my vote in the end because I don't really care that much and I don't want to encourage any reprisal NO votes against my things.
In short: I've been watching too much House of Cards and I'm feeling very political.
/oh - way to make references not be at all subtle google.
@rdlowrey just saw the first episode of the second season ... brutal and most awesome haha
The last scene showing the cufflinks with his initials ... nice touch!
@Ja͢ck Just started season 2?? Your bingeflix skills need work, man.
I've been watching two episodes almost every day.
I downed all of season 3 in two sessions. Watched the second half yesterday.
I considered getting up to answer the door for pizza delivery a failure.
1 hour later…
how to send the whole form
to mail
i have application form
I want to send the whole div
@PaulCrovella Oh wow ... just ... wow!
hey sorry for interrupting. does anyone know: What is the term referred to as a cross-join that returns all the rows in all the tables listed in the query
how to send div to mail
simple, drag 'div' and drop into 'mail'
damn, why have i not heard of irccloud before .. could have saved me so much trouble.
@PhilSturgeon I am now ...
good moaning Joe
yo @Jack
just read through the new context sensitive parser implementation .. looks good :)
didn't read yet
It can be found here.
Who or what is that remus32 fella?
no clue
fecking annoying, bombarded my inbox with those shite comments.
maybe recognize that name
or it could just be that it shares letters with other words I know ... I don''t remember stuff too good ...
Seems to hail from Czech Republic.
Maybe this is him.
perhaps, is odd user name ...
> No patches will be verified until you finish buttoning up your fucking shirt. - admins
good mornings
Hmm, I would expect the red knob on the left.
it's the follow up comments that are funny ...
I don't know who any of these people are
really ??
> someone: you should listen
> Liverpudlian: fight me
that was the funny bit ...
I thought the world was united in their hatred of Piers Morgan
I'm aware of the name... that's about all.
Gary is a football player circa my childhood, was as famous as David Beckam is today, and I've never been a football fan ...
oohh, it's because Piers Morgan said he would get on the electric chair if Arsenal loses ..
there ya go
I'm a true soccer noob
I don't follow it at all, I wish they would decide who is best and leave it there ... I dunno why year after year they all have to play each other again ...
> You sound like a wonderful Christian.
capped it
that was also funny @iroegbu
oh and God is the omnipotent creator of the universe, according to some (evidence pending) ... that's his twitter account, I think ...
> Possibly the lowest of the many lows in his career as a tabloid editor was his 2004 Daily Mirror cover photograph purporting to show British soldiers in Iraq abusing hooded detainees.

Despite widespread criticism that he was putting the lives of British servicemen at risk and acting as a recruiting sergeant for Al Qaeda, Morgan stood by his great scoop, insisting that his revelations were in the public interest.

It subsequently emerged that the photos were a hoax. But even after this had been proved beyond reasonable doubt, Morgan refused to apologise.
that's a good enough reason to dislike Piers Morgan I think ... they have 11 others ...
> ... to show British soldiers in Iraq abusing hooded detainees.
spell check broke?
it looks right to me ?
I'm missing an 'm' in abush.
I need some more coffee
yes, you do :)
is it possible to convert a div into pdf and send it directly to mail?
what's a div?
I think it's a derogatory term for a stupid person @Jack
so you want to convert e.g. "45/78" into pdf? I'm sure that's possible.
we're awful ...
well, mostly you ... I'm pretty great ...
I just got a domain & server host from hostgator
what's the next step before I can actually visit the website?
uploading the website would be an important step
@JoeWatkins I have no idea what you're talking about, Sir.
In fact, I don't have many ideas ...
posted on March 10, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Ponpon202 */

I uploaded an html file to the cpanel file manager, if that's what you mean
i don't know what that means, but it has the word 'upload' in it and that's good.
no doubt
> I don't like the for loop. it has to many parameters.i like the while-- loop.
goto has only one parameter, is not a conditional, loops outathebox by default and doesn't require your stupid {}!
posted on March 10, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MrJ */

I have a stupid (maybe) question, I need to implement server one-to-many clients encrypted messaging in PHP, is it possible to do using only one public/private key pair per client (client:private,server:public)? Or would I need one more pair of keys for each client (client:public;server:private). The request and the response should be both encrypted.
you can generate public key if you have private one
and each public key in practice will have only one corresponding private key
yes, but do I need another pair to encrypt the response?
@SergeyTelshevsky why don't you just use https?
@FlorianMargaine enclosed system I don't have access to, it's in the product requirements
so you have to reinveint your own crypto? :)
not the crypto, I just need to make sure the request and the response are encrypted :)
*request and response body
yeah, so you reinvent your own crypto protocol
you could reinvent https...
@SergeyTelshevsky no, both client ans server can communicate using one pair
@FlorianMargaine the point is each client should have their own keypair assigned
yeah, you would be better off sticking with https
@tereško there is no encryption if you can decrypt with public
@tereško this is exactly what I was asking for, so I can decrypt and encrypt using either one of them
@FlorianMargaine why?
@SergeyTelshevsky it's public. It means anyone can decrypt.
that's the principle of a public key
it's good for signatures, that you want everyone to verify that you signed
but to decrypt? you only want to private key to be able to decrypt
otherwise it's pointless
sooo it's going to be two pairs, right?
what you can do... generate a symmetric encryption key, send it encrypted using the private/public key, and only use this key during the session
... which is basically https
Do I get it right, I generate one key pair, encrypt the symmetric key and send it along with the request, the response get's encrypted with this symmetric key and sent back?
not exactly
the "generate symmetric key" is done only once, not at every request
use https , stop being stubborn
*generate key pair once, generate symmetric key for each request/response?
Ah, are people reinventing https again?
but you're just reimplementing https and doing it wrongly
10 mins ago, by Sergey Telshevsky
@FlorianMargaine enclosed system I don't have access to, it's in the product requirements
just grab an https client and say it works
can't do shit about it :(
as well as
8 mins ago, by Sergey Telshevsky
@FlorianMargaine the point is each client should have their own keypair assigned
use an https lib then
How much does it cost to have cryptographers review a new cryptographic algo?
I'd imagine a few hundred thousand dollars to have experts look at it?
I've had to use date-based + md5 "crypto" for banks
so what's the best way to do this?
morning ...
sarag is on local meetup in a month, yay
@SergeyTelshevsky you are describing SSL. Use HTTPS. Use client certificates if necessary. 15 mins of configuration ending in the best security the modern world has to offer vs. 3+ years of development, ending in a solution that won't be secure.
@DaveRandom do you by any chance have any experience with SAML (v2)?
Or, well, you could design your own application layer protocol if you want to, but encrypt it with SSL
@zerkms other than the fact that I've heard of it, no
I'm guessing you were looking for more than that :-P
Well I was looking of just generic feelings
like - "it's okay" or "painful"
@zerkms Well I know that it looks suspiciously like SOAP, and as such I'd take a fairly confident punt at the latter
But I don't have any actual experience with it so... I don't really have an opinion worth listening to, probably
... but from the research I've made this morning - there are no alternatives
@DaveRandom what about each client having unique key? How can that be implemented?
@SergeyTelshevsky You don't mean a unique key, you mean you want to be able to authenticate them individually (presumably)
Just normal client certificates
@DaveRandom yes, sorry
You issue each client with a unique certificate, you then verify the certification chain and revokation status, and (optionally) match the CN/thumbprint pair against your database and you're done
The exact mechanism for doing this depends on your infrastructure but all HTTPS-capable web servers support it, and PHP supports it natively if you are writing a socket server, as do just about every other language in which you could practically write an SSL-enabled web server
It's actually quite common practice, I've used a few web-based services/portals etc in the past that take this approach
@FlorianMargaine I see, how do I use this certificate using PHP as the client?
The only thing you'll run into is you'll probably want to set up your own CA for issuing the client certs (use a trusted CA for the server cert) otherwise it could get expensive and complex to issue the client certs
@SergeyTelshevsky For streams you use the local_cert context option, for cURL there's an option as well
I think that's what the ctx option is called, it's something like that
@DaveRandom I see, let me ask one more question before I get into this, is there something that should be configured on the servers/clients or everything can be done using userland PHP?
The server will need to be configured, exactly how you'll do this depends on precisely what your stack is and what you want to achieve. The clients just need to present the certificate you issue to them when they connect. The onus of authenticating the certificate lies entirely with the server (obviously - it wouldn't be secure otherwise)
@DaveRandom actually, this allows you to login clients, not to encrypt the communications
@FlorianMargaine yeh well that's the point, otherwise you'd just use straight no-frills HTTPS (see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/22000867#22000867)
yeah but he wants communication encryption.
without using https, because
30 mins ago, by Sergey Telshevsky
10 mins ago, by Sergey Telshevsky
@FlorianMargaine enclosed system I don't have access to, it's in the product requirements
It might be an idea if we start this again, from the beginning, with a complete specification of the requirements.
I suspect this confusion is simply misuse of terminology, though, which is a forgivable mistake since people are forever doing this everywhere (I cannot count the number of times I have seen the phrase "encrypt with md5")
Also: HTTPS and SSL/TLS are not synonymous
@DaveRandom sergey wants to encrypt requests/responses
but for some unknown reason, he doesn't want to use https
@FlorianMargaine Indeed, but he also specified he wanted each client to have a "unique key", and then confirmed that by this he meant he also wanted to be able to uniquely identify (i.e. authenticate) clients based on the parameters of the encrypted connection. This means, in practice, client certificates. Also it's fine not to use HTTPS, as long as he uses TLS or SSH, i.e. an established secure standard for transport-layer security.
Actually that's probably where the word "key" came from, since that's how SSH works
@DaveRandom no he wanted an unique key per client to be able to encrypt/decrypt the response for each client
@FlorianMargaine That equates, in practice, to client-speciifc authentication
except client-specific authentication doesn't encrypt the communications
although in practice, you could
No... they are two distinct requirements :-P
But the solution is to use TLS or SSH with client certs (or keys for SSH) that are known to the server
Which covers both of those requirements
or pgp
oh there, something for @Patrick to discuss
A: what should be logger's position in the parameter list

Robert HarveyLoggers are what we call a "cross-cutting concern." They yield to techniques such as Aspect-Oriented Programming; if you have a way to decorate your classes with an attribute or perform some code weaving, then that is a good way to get logging capabilities while keeping your objects and paramet...

@FlorianMargaine what do you mean?
@Patrick it encourages static methods :P
and actually has a point.
any one is know how to upload file in cakephp ?
what if the static method uses an injected logger?
this way you inject the logger somewhere, allowing you to keep mocking available
/me prefers loggers as decorators
what do you call decorators?
@DaveRandom @FlorianMargaine ok, I'm sorry for all the confusion, let me explain this once again, in a clearer manner, hopefully. I have multiple clients, one server, clients must send encrypted requests to the server, the server should send encrypted responses back. Server should be able to identify the client.
In case someone gets access to the client code/certificate the server should be able to 'ban' this client without affecting other clients while still keeping the other client's encryption methods safe. I don't have any access to configure the server or any of the clients with more than what may be done in PHP scripts.
That is, the exposure of client's certificates should not affect the security of other clients.
@FlorianMargaine new Loggable(new Something) where the Loggable either logs all the calls through __call or wraps concrete methods of the Something- latter version allows for type to be preserved.
@FlorianMargaine Not really. More likely function(s) or trait...
@Gordon Sounds like over-engineering to me.
@Leri one man's overengineering is another's SoC.
@SergeyTelshevsky You can pretty easily implement the "banning" logic in PHP, but you do need to be able to configure the web server to verify client certificates in order to do that (it's only a few line of config). If you don't have access to do that then you're dead in the water and you'll have to just use "regular" HTTPS (i.e. with a server certificate and letting the server handle data encryption) and an alternative authentication mechanism.
Just regular HTTP BASIC auth could be used for authentication and to implement "banning", since the data would already be transmitted with an encrypted connection
And if your server can't do "regular" HTTPS then you simply cannot do anything. Implementing your own encryption mechanism is not an option.
So it's either HTTPS + custom auth or HTTPS + certificates (requires server configuration), right?
with the former being the better
@Gordon Call to function like log, trace or similar is perfect SoC. You can alter implementation pretty easily so coupling is not a problem. While having Logger injected to every class that expects Loggable to be passed that makes new Loggable all over the code is a problem.
So bottom line is: one man's overengineering is another's SoC. is not correct applicable here, imho.
@Leri you dont have it all over the code. you only have it in your DIC which I find preferable to having distracting log calls in the business logic and facilities to inject the logger somehow to all the classes
@SergeyTelshevsky Yes, a small amount of server configuration for client certs - client certs would be the preferred option in terms of flexibility, but also they have added complexity w.r.t. both PHP code and server configuration. But regular HTTP auth over HTTPS would probably suffice for what you are asking for.
It's not a lot of added complexity for client certs, but it does sound like your server configuration constraints prevent you from doing this.
Is it shared hosting or something?
> It would meet one of my big wishes.
@Gordon Your business logic should be tested not logged. :-) You should log critical input, output and maybe critical call stack (i.e. when exception/error happens).
@Leri doesnt change that new LogDecorator(new Something, new Logger)produces more cleanly separated logging than new Something(new Logger)
the only drawback of the Decorator approach is that you might need access to internals of the Something
No, it's a fooking legacy architectured stack no one want's to touch under any circumstance. It most probably supports HTTPS, but I'm not sure they'll allow me to use the same HTTPS authentication for each client (here certificates would fit best as I see it)
@Gordon Yes, it's cleaner but I am saying much different thing here. I say that preferable to both ways is just to have some sort of function that logs.
@DaveRandom but wouldn't public/private keys substitute the certificates well?
@SergeyTelshevsky They are connected. You can't give a client a "key" without issuing it a certificate. At least, that's how SSL/TLS works.
so what are the downsides of HTTPS + RSA key pairs for authentification? Sorry if I ask the same thing over and over again, I just don't see how the certificate is different from a key besides storing meta information
@rdlowrey maybe something for you: stackoverflow.com/questions/28696886/…
is there a tool that can tell me which php versions contain which security vulnerabilites (CVEs or others)? I consider scraping the changelog if nothing like that exists
good evening
@Gordon changelog only tells you when they're found… not when they're introduced.
@bwoebi good enough for me
it's basically just to check against the current version running on a server
@SergeyTelshevsky The keys used for the encryption process are always the server's. While a client certificate would have an associated key pair, it's not actually used to encrypt any data, it's only used to identify and authenticate the client. As such, there's not really any such thing as a "client key" in the context you are referring to.
And since it's effectively only used for authentication, and data transmitted is already encrypted, you can just use regular HTTP auth with a username/password and it will do the same job in an adequately secure manner.
Remember that encryption and authentication are two distinct roles, and two distinct requirements. While TLS has built in mechanisms to support both, you can't perform authentication at the transport layer without the ability to configure the server to do it - but you also don't necessarily need to.
@DaveRandom well, I just discussed this everything with my boss and I'll have to do everything manually. Thank you for your time, Chris, but my soul is doomed to encrypt, decrypt and reimplement everything myself.
@SergeyTelshevsky Are you going to do it? That is a big liability...
@SergeyTelshevsky As long as your boss is aware that's creating a huge amount of work and will result in an insecure solution...
If something gets broken someone might even come after you...
And also, doesn't actually solve any of the problems. You are going to have to either 1) create your own encryption architecture that satisfies your requirements or 2) use an existing encryption architecture (SSL/TLS or SSH) and just end up using the mechanisms discussed here, in a potentially less secure, considerably more fragile and hard to maintain manner.
tbh I'd make your boss sign a piece of paper absolving you of liability when something goes wrong, because it will go wrong.
Mar 5 at 19:32, by ircmaxell
> Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break.
The idea that proprietary software is implicitly more secure is both wrong and dangerous.
If you want to send your boss in here to discuss this, feel free.
@Patrick @DaveRandom I have done my best to convince my boss and I have warned about the consequences this may lead too, so it's not my problem starting from this moment.
By the way it's my boss's boss that's stubborn about it, I won't be wasting any more time on this problem, not mine, not yours :)
@SergeyTelshevsky I would get that on paper before you start working on it...
But I do also accept that some people just cannot be reasoned with, and there comes a point where you have to do what's been asked of you otherwise you won't have a job, and not everyone has the luxury of putting their principles before their employment status. That said, I would seriously consider looking for someone else to work for
But even then... Refusing to do it might be the better way.
@Patrick I won't be responsible for this in any way :)
^ what @DaveRandom said
I have refused things before (but architecture related) and I still have my job
You are the expert, not some pointy haired boss. You are paid for your expertise and they should listen to you, especially on such crucial things.
@Patrick @DaveRandom see.. we all have different situations and can't compare them directly, if I'll refuse to do it, then it'll be a minus for me and some 1-2 years experienced developer will do it :)
@SergeyTelshevsky given those constraints, you'll want to look at a solution using a tried and tested crypto library. You may have to write a negotiation and authentication framework yourself, but actually encrypting the data is something that absolutely must be left to the people who know what they are doing (both the OpenSSL and mcrypt bindings for PHP have things that can help you here).
You'll also probably want to provide an SDK for clients, since oherwise they'd be left in a situation where they'd have to implement this new encryption mechanism themselves, opening up even more holes in the swiss cheese architecture
anyway, we decided this for keys, sending generated on the client one-time generated symmetric key to encrypt and send the response back
(encrypting with AES)
@DaveRandom if I'd had to invent my own encryption algorithm I'd fking refused to do this at all
wow, that code is still semi-PHP4 compatible :-S
any better solutions for RSA?
@SergeyTelshevsky Well, you should definitely prefer mcrypt/OpenSSL if they are available, if only because it will be considerably faster and more resource efficient
You should probably talk to Anthony, but you'll need to go through ^ that conversation again :-P
@DaveRandom I see
that lib came out of pear btw phpseclib.sourceforge.net/pear.htm
tbh when you're getting into "manually" encrypting data you're getting out of an area that I actually know enough about to be helpful
@SergeyTelshevsky Oh yeh I've come across it before and I believe it's functionally very good, the PHP4 remark doesn't make it inherently bad, but it will make it a nightmare for the project maintainers...
Please someone to help me on this:
Q: How could I send a value to MYSQL from a dropdown selection without refresh page and without click the "send" button?

SimoneIn a PHP page I have a simple selection with some values like this: <div class="container"> <section> <select> <option value="" disabled selected>Select an activity</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> ... </select> </section>...

@DaveRandom yes, It' the most maintained and the best looking I could find
@Simone Hook the <select> element's change event and send an XHR to the server
@SergeyTelshevsky regardless, you should focus on mcrypt/OpenSSL-based implementations first. The number of PHP installations with neither of those extensions is not going to be big.
@DaveRandom but mcrypt doesn't support asymmetric encryption IIRC?
@DaveRandom Thanks...but I don't understand the mechanism to store the value into MYSQL
@Simone Then you need to do a basic PHP tutorial first...
look for a PDO tutorial
@DaveRandom so it's openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt?
12 mins ago, by DaveRandom
tbh when you're getting into "manually" encrypting data you're getting out of an area that I actually know enough about to be helpful

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