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this seems to me like a lazy approach
@beberlei Apparently you can just revert anything you don't like, because consensus.
If anyone's used Behat\Mink before - did you have to do anything special to get CSS selectors to work or should NodeElement::find('css', $selector); just work?
Man, I keep parsing "zpp" as "Zend++" and get frightened.
@Jimbo No nothing special as far as I remember.
@Charles lol :o
@Charles hehehe
@ThW Weird, trying to find any 'a' element on the google search page and... nothing
@rdlowrey noob
php7 will have tls alpn support for clients and servers ... and the openssl lib required for that functionality is currently still in beta :)
There is some unintended humor in that, I think.
PHP ... your go-to tool for bleeding edge crypto.
@rdlowrey woot!
PHP, out-cryptoing-openssl since 2015
@rdlowrey what's alpn support?
well, for the record, I'm still using openssl to do it ... but 1.0.2 is currently in beta3
@NikiC It's a TLS extension that lets you negotiate an application protocol as part of the TLS handshake.
It's required for encrypted http2.0
ah nice
So clients and servers can agree to use h2 during the TLS handshake instead of having to send HTTP/1.1 upgrade request/response back and forth.
Saves a lot of TCP roundtrips and makes TLS connections less costly from a time-to-first-byte perspective.
I am bothered. You can't rm -rf ext/* and compile. Feels icky that core depends on exts
I'm going to try to add support for OCSP stapling in clients at least. May not get to server-side support for that (and if I did there would only be one person in the world trying to use it anyway).
Guys is it necessary to use Date Format in phpmyadmin? What if we use varchar instead of Date Format for storing Date, will that cause any issue?
yes it will bite you in the ass when you wan't to query the database by date
why would you use varchar?
@YourFriend If the dates are stored as strings, you won't be able to perform comparisons or range queries
What Marcel said, plus you then need extra logic on insert to check the date
Actually that phpmyadmin is not allowing me to store date in desired format. Also it puts extra 20 in front of the date. So I used varchar as a work around.
hey, just another background check, who is Marc Bennewitz? He is proposing news.php.net/php.internals/83600, which is almost the same thing I'm proposing on wiki.php.net/rfc/strict_argcount/83600.
@AllenJB well said :)
Mocha Question: I got it running in the browser for one test.js file, but is there a way to include hundreds of tests automatically? I'm guessing some sort of concat might do
I have 174 tests so far on this project and counting
Don't want to add them manually
? I think the mocha question goes to the js room =]
oops, I'm in both. Sorry guys
YourFriend do not use varchar for storing date =] what did you mean by "phpmyadmin is not allowing me to store date in desired format." Are you sure it is phpmyadmin that is not allowing X format and are you sure that you are the one to say which format it should save the data? [= (or does the db save in a format(s), and you need to insert using that)
I am trying to save date in this format dd-mm-yy but when I do that . It shows data in this format yy-mm-dd in phpmyadmin
I am using php function Date('d-m-y')
but in phpmyadmin it shows something like 2013-09-15
yes [= but did you consider if mysql uses a specific format for a date column?
@YourFriend don't worry about the representation, its just phpmyadmin making assumption about your locale
mysql always saves in Y-m-d H:i:s, you should use just that.
@beberlei I heard that too
@Ronni yes it uses this format, YY-MM-DD
@taco why you send me that? ^^
Great.. so.. when you retrieve you data, you can reformat it =]
but it looks ugly in phpmyadmin ^_^
1 min ago, by Marcel Burkhard
@YourFriend don't worry about the representation, its just phpmyadmin making assumption about your locale
lol, but why do you care about how it looks in phpmyadmin?
mysql> select now();
| now()               |
| 2015-02-23 21:30:21 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
hmmm after so much googling, I think this is the right situation what you guys are proposing. As there is no other solution available
should I start complaining how it looks in mysql cli ?
Actually when I send this data using php (23-09-15) it will save it like this (2023-09-15). It adds 20 by itself.
@MarcelBurkhard, I sent you that because if you use VARCHAR, you can't do selects like what's shown there without extra logic.
@RonniSkansing select now()\G
@FlorianMargaine awesome
thanks for the protip
@taco I'm not using varchar
@RonniSkansing \G is usable for every query
do a select with multiple columns, it's pretty nice
@Danack Know if auryn's ::share can be used by-reference?
.....why you do that?
[= yea just tried on multi column, great
@Danack Passing around an instance of Selenium webdriver - so when one object uses it to go to a page and do some stuff, then another object wants to use it to do it's own stuff
Obviously the first class will make a change to the session, but the second one needs to continue from where it left off
@Jimbo It's an object, they're passed as object references - so they'll share an instance.
@Danack Thanks man, guess I'm tired -.-
Cool - I thought you meant passing around things like strings as references, so you can do funky things like change the value of a temp path during run time...
does anybody have a minute to take a look at my question? I'm stumped on it, and really could use some assitance
Q: lastInsertId() causes program to crash

Mark Hillso I have this function below. At the very bottom I am returning $this->conn->lastInsertId(). If i'm not mistaken this should be correct. FILE #1 public function insertData($table, $qty, $data){ $errors = ""; ...

@MarkHill "I don't have access to the error logs," - that is not a good way to try to do anything. WHY can't you get access to the error logs?
I'm not an administrator
@MarkHill cowboy debugging: did you var_dump($putSomeVaribleHere); die; on every single line and make sure you know that the content of each variable is exactly as expected?
uuggggh just got word from the "garage" about my car's technical eximination
I fucking hate cars
@PeeHaa sorry to hear about your cars ill condition
@PeeHaa LOL, he winks!
@PeeHaa insta-star
@RonniSkansing I've done just about every bit of debugging I can think of. This literally occurs only if I try to print something after I run my insertData method, or try to print the insert data method
@RonniSkansing It is reaaaly borderline fuck that shit I'm selling it and ugggghhh ok fix the thing
@PeeHaa Bahaha
Defuck is flagging that?
mark hill...
lol @flags for fucks
@PeeHaa get a bike =p
@marcio hmm… that actually breaks some logic with debug_backtrace() using the "superfluous" args some stack levels deeper…
@RonniSkansing I hate manually riding anything :P
@PeeHaa dude, scooter
@MarkHill did you cowbow debug it like I asked?
oh bollocks I think I actually flagged for moderator, sorry!
@RonniSkansing do you have any ideas on what can be done?
Oh, it's not the same flag troll that hit us last week. At least I don't see him in the user's list.
Guys guys guys.
@Flagger, if the word "fuck" offends you, probably time to hit the X in the corner
Must be genesis.
@rlemon I am self employed. So have to "scoot" through the entire country (although tiny) is a PITA
Oh crap, we've got both JavaScript and C++ guys in here.
And a Perl girl!
Decided to come over to a decent language then?
@PeeHaa but you'll look so hip!
@PeeHaa you need to get the romance back in your car relationship..
so you feel every penny is well spend
I just installed jenkins and php plugin and all those php command line tools (Code_Sniffer LOC etc)
@bwoebi I haven't worked on yield* further - I think we're past the deadline anyway, right?
now what the fuck is build.xml?
@RonniSkansing I think the next time anything no matter how small breaks it will be a divorce
@RonniSkansing that didn't do much for me. All it did was confirm that my hypothesis that its only affected by the print statement
@bwoebi I consider that to be an advantage...
@bwoebi hi Bob, I never used debug_backtrace()... can you share a 3v4l that would break with the patch?
@Jimbo Nah, just came to say here that PHP is improving.
@NikiC hmm… as long as vote begins before deadline… we're not clear on this ;-)
@PeeHaa lol.. sometimes it better to go seperate ways
@RonniSkansing I found @PeeHaa in the news btw: telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2000899/…
@райтфолд so is js!!!!
@NikiC how's it going with PHP 7?
anyone familiar with jenkins?
@Jimbo lol your people
instead of fake classes, now we get to use fake classes! js++
@marcio I'd have to search where I've seen that awful piece of code… I just remember to have seen it…
@PeeHaa Ikr -.-
@райтфолд It's coming along nicely if you discount all the trolling about scalar typehints ;)
@ronni how to make connection using mysql command line?
Jimbo heh.. object sexuals [= love is everywhere .. I can do nothing but smile at something like that..
@NikiC Get rid of scalars. :P
oh hey
@YourFriend google it come on!
what's up PHP room?
@Marcel have done that
@YourFriend I just hit mysql -u username -p in my terminal
Actually I am already inside mysql
hey @Puppy
it is showing like this mysql>
@bwoebi ok, I can wait ;) yuck, just saw the manuals... who uses that thing?
not like this shell>
@YourFriend show databases;
apparently, the Lounge is going to invade here
I'd take cover if I were you
and use Databasename;
@marcio people not realizing how scary their code is…
I for one welcome our new c++ overlords.
oh wait
@Puppy We have a secret weapon against invasion know. It's called kickban :) (not that I ever used it)
@ronni it's not working, I will try something else hang on
you're supposed to welcome us when we become your overlords, not like 20 years later
Hello @Puppy!
what's going on here :p
@NikiC Dude, now it's not a secret. You've totally spoiled it.
@marcio Ah, yeah… I now found it… by the time I didn't know of func_get_args() yet, I used $bt = debug_backtrace(); $args = $bt[0]["args"];
you wanker.
I was looking forward to my surprise party!
now it just won't be so special anymore.
seriously is there literally nobody who can help at the moment, I can't even google this issue because I have no idea what type of error it is
there is indeed literally nobody, ever, who could possibly help you.
@puppy you don't event know what I'm talking about
come on, other Loungers, am I carrying on a one-man invasion here?
Yup, it's a lost cause.
@Puppy seems like it
@MarkHill Are you implying that I'm incapable of reading the transcript?
@bwoebi O_o I ... dunno.... what... to do... about it.
because it seems to me that you're trying to connect to mysql through the command line or something and failed to read the tutorial
@Puppy sure
I give up on this whole invasion business
I'm doing all the work
would you like to earn some rep and help me out?
/stuff goes here/. The rest is left as an exercise to the OP. — Marc B 2 mins ago
lol no
@Puppy Hey - I only just got here!
do I look like I must construct additional pylons earn more rep?
Yes .. rep looks much important =]
@bwoebi nah, ok, so you can basically fix your code and use func_get_args instead right? I'll just add it to the BC break list, it seems very localized too.
@Puppy It's an interesting problem IMO. Seriously though, answer me this, what causes a page to 404 when you try and print the value returned by a function
I don't need any more rep from the PHP room - I've been drip-feeding a vampire since yesterday.
@MarkHill India
Welcome strangers! :)
user image
it's not an interesting problem, and fortunately, I haven't done hookers and blow PHP since my second year of university
@salathe needs moar elephpants.
be that as it may it's still tricky
and it's pissing me off
perhaps if you have a teeny brain
@rdlowrey Have you seen a stampede of elephpants?… :(
@salathe Ahh.. the Lounge is full of such friendly, furry creatures.
@ronni okay i have resolved it, I had to type those things in cmd not in mysql command line
@MartinJames That sums us up. A giant box full of warmth and cuddles.
@YourFriend lol
Send more friends please [=
@marcio yeah, it's not code which still is online… just saying
and I in particular am famed for my friendliness and welcoming attitude
@Puppy really?
@bwoebi or maybe I could make the implementation aware of debug_backtrace. But not sure if this kind of code should be supported.
why, you may ask any person who ever asked me for help with a random problem
@marcio no, you cannot. especially when using debug_backtrace()[$n]["args"] with $n > 0
you were not warm and friendly to me
lies and slander!
I know
@MarkHill tell your administrator that they either need to give you access to the logs or they can fix issues themselves.
I'm going to sue you right now.
@Puppy Actually I'm wondering right now what the heck has happened to you ... last time around you weren't so nice :)
C:\windows>SELECT language FROM Languages WHERE type=static;
@NikiC Shut up.
@NikiC It's a facade pattern.
/me waiting for my first jenkins build to fail
@Puppy That's more like it!
it actually worked ...
@Puppy Hello I am a PR rep for Mark he has released the following statement "Puppy is warm and friendly, I was completely intoxicated the night of the event in which I made said comments about his warm and friendliness. He is indeed warm and friendly and all should bow before him and worship his greatness" Our firm hopes this retraction statement is statisfactory
@NikiC Who is that @Puppy?
@bwoebi Careful - it bites back.
I suddenly regret my Zend++ joke from a few hours ago.
@Danack I have forward my code to my DBA with the follow subject line "Solve for Daily Cookie"
@bwoebi Formerly known as DeadMG
@MarkHill I'll forward your statement to my lawyers and we'll consider dropping the amount by, like, five percent.
@MartinJames feed him a bit of steel…
@Puppy lol
@bwoebi oh, this is like func_get_args() on another function? hummm, that thing shouldn't be abused this way. It also seems like a very localized BCB. Quick heuristics on github.com/… revealed no occurrences
what if we offer a deal where we can provide you with unlimited Tacos
why is there only 24h in a day
@MarkHill Should hold out for pepperoni pizza.
@MartinJames clearly you have never been in an intense psuedo legal battle with @Puppy before. Clearly he will make these negoiations difficult
also do you have a minute to look at my issue I'm having
Anyway, enough of the PHP -drive-by trolling. The pubs are open.
@MartinJames Enjoy
@MarkHill I'll consider your offer, but I actually cannot consume tacos.
@PeeHaa I would, normally, but I have to go support the darts team at the Vaults, (mildew central). There is VERY average Bass, and no sane alternative.
@marcio yep
btw I finally found a way to refactor that old code from work .. or atleast do new code in a new standard. I will just replace the frontal controller.. setup a new index.php, stick in a router and anything not found, just dispatch it to the old frameworks front router (the old index file).. this way all new code can be written without any of the old framework mess and the old code can be refactored out bit by bit
So, I deleted everything in ext/ except standard, and patched things up to just strftime instead of php_format_date. Resulting cli binary is 3mb slimmer (before and after configured with --disable-all --enable-debug)
Oh, also had to remove browsercap.c and head.c
@Puppy why not? That is sad, also I figured out my error, it wasn't even PHP related. Like a noob I forgot that my return type on my Ajax call was JSON, so when I echoed it back the success function would catch it and redirect to the undefined page that I hadn't set up yet.
@bwoebi I updated the RFC, thanks for the warning about this :)
@RonniSkansing That's what my current company wants to do... symfony 1 atm, we'll go to symfony 2/3 and forward stuff not in the new one to the old one
why is font style not rendered correctly using bootstrap while viewing in php local server ?
@Jimbo do you think it will work? atm I have not picked out any framework or anything, basicly just thinking about stuffing in index.php with a composer autoload and bootstrap which loads nikics fastRoute and the Not found requires the old framework frontal route
testing Francois's patch... You can't compile it without disabling phar, because the phar code fatal errors due to the new type rules
@RonniSkansing I don't see why not, as long as you have a plan to slowly migrate the legacy stuff over. Problem is massive overhead because it's effectively doing the work of two frameworks
@ircmaxell Just put yours to vote already
@ronni man it's showing the phpmyadmin version of date. The changed one.
@ircmaxell won't even loose my time then. I've been working with the other patch, that offers strict mode, enabled and it's been a pleasure!
@marcio AWESOME!
@Leigh Wednesday, need to respect the 1-week rule :-D
nice, can't wait for their vote to fail by default
@Jimbo well I hope I can get the company in, as it is now, it is really legacy Yii 1 filled with statics and what not, impossible (for me atleast) to do unit tests.. I can see that I would be maintaining 2 applications.. where one should be slowsly fading and the other increasing.. but atleast I can do unit tests .. The overhead of checking if the route exists I think is minimal.. when are your company going to start doing it?
I think it might be a year or something before I can really put a big fire under this ...
@RonniSkansing If you put in some work out-of-hours and show them a prototype of it actually working, that'd be good. Within the next few months or so they're wanting me to design / architect the whole next solution
Jimbo I surely will. Did you show them a prototype that lead them to opting in on the solution?
array-to-string is in voting.
@RonniSkansing No, purely theoretical at this point. Next step for me is proving it can work, so a bit of r&d really
@Jimbo cool =] let me know how it goes.. I know that I will try when I can find some time, to build a small demo for the company.. so far it is the only way I have been able to figure, to make a real refactor out of the Yii
and gn this time [=
@RonniSkansing Cool, will do, will be interesting anyway, gn
Ppl remember this?
That's it. I quit. Tomorrow I'm going to retract all of my RFCs, and wish PHP a good life. I can't deal with this any more... #cya
Let's roll some dice and get some bets going, who's next!?
lol, didn't read the date
@Jimbo I'm next, I hope
@ircmaxell :-(
our test suite is SOOOOOO SLOW
@marcio he at least does some good work
5000/9545 so far
@ircmaxell He does, and then is incredibly wrong about some things and incredibly vocal in his wrongness. Which is not unlike the conversation about the timezone RFC earlier.
Did I hear test suite? Made something that doesn't require humans to code any more to write regression tests... :P
Who is he?
@ircmaxell yeah, but he was the only toxic interaction I had so far on the mailing lists, he made me quit a topic.
@marcio of course, not arguing
however, there are others who are just as toxic (more so in many cases) and contribute far less
Number of tests : 13653              9008
Tests skipped   : 4645 ( 34.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  697 (  5.1%) (  7.7%)
Expected fail   :   32 (  0.2%) (  0.4%)
Tests passed    : 8279 ( 60.6%) ( 91.9%)
Time taken      :  954 seconds
@RonniSkansing I am using that thing called strtotime() to convert phpmyadmin date into my desired format
@bwoebi he also has the horrifying habit of cut|edit important parts of citations and infiltrate false filthy intentions on other people responses and make the references in disrespectful ways. And you only notice this if you care to read the original response. It's not an isolated attitude, he does it all the time.
Was he ever publicly called out on this?
@bwoebi How would phrase that complaint?
@bwoebi when he did this towards me (on first interaction) I responded and abandoned the thread, but I've been watching this behavior for a long time before actually participating on the list.
Not saying that he doesn't do it...I have seen it....it's just really hard to phrase that behaviour in a way that doesn't like being peevish.
Exactly, it's a subtle abusive behavior people prefer to ignore most of the time.
@Zeev you could include Francois in the RFC authors... he heavily participated and even wrote the patch.

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