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^^ also my point of view
@Patrick the best option is to use DAO's
@DanLugg My only issue with that is that it means different things to different "ReflectionFunction" instances
@ircmaxell Can you elaborate? new ReflectionFunction(static function () { }) seems to be the same thing.
As far as what "static" means.
@DanLugg public static function is very different from static function () {}
Because one has a class scope? They're both "static", as far as being unbound and unbindable to an instance.
What's the correct way to reply to someone in #php.pecl IRC ?
Further, ReflectionFunctionAbstract already has getClosureScopeClass, so determining between a static closure and a static method should be trivial-ish.
@DanLugg public static function has no concept of binding nor bindability
@ircmaxell of simply
function foo() {
   return self::$param;
@ircmaxell But neither does static function () { }
posted on January 20, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by migg */

... which is the point when I reach for the fireman's axe
@DanLugg one idiotic decision does not justify another
@DanLugg sure it does, even if it's not possible
I'd prefer Closure::isStatic() and Closure::isBindable()
Fair enough ^^
because that use-case only happens with closures, not with any other form of "function"
Is it normal to have 31 properties in one class...? Can't seem to spot any violation of SRP though.
@tereško But that doesn't really circumvent the problem. You still need your setId() on the entity if you want to be able to use getId() on the entity. Or do you mean skip the mappers altogether?
@iroegbu it's there (the SRP viation)
Why do clients always ask for the most crazy requirements?
@ircmaxell I agree here, and with isBindable (though, I'd be equally okay with this on ReflectionFunctionAbstract)
@Patrick I mean that you use DAO to facilitate the data exchange between domain objects and mappers
@DanLugg that's the thing, no other function, callback or callable is bindable, so why put it everywhere if it's false everywhere except a class that could have that method added?
@ircmaxell Well, it'd be false for ReflectionMethod if the reflected method is non-static, and it'd be false for ReflectionFunction if the reflected function isn't a static closure.
@DanLugg isBindable should be false for everything except a closure instance that wasn't static
@ircmaxell Oh, you're suggesting that instance methods shouldn't be rebindable?
why in the world would you do that?
Black magic.
$o = new MyClass();
$f = (new ReflectionMethod($o, 'myMethod'))->getClosure($o)->bindTo(new stdClass());
^^ I'm okay with this not failing.
yeah, no...
but even in that case, it's the closure that's bindable, not the original method
Though, personally, I'd like to see that the getClosure method not require an instance of the specific type and just allow the rebinding there.
@ircmaxell Fair enough, I see you point about sticking it on Closure
I mentioned it before; IMO it'd be nice if all closures were rebindable, because there shouldn't be any side-effects for static (or "static") methods anyways.
wow. I just wanted to dig into DAOs but that's terrible: sitecrafting.com/blog/php-patterns-part-ii
@ThomasDavidPlat No, it's 'enterprisey'.
And if there are side-effects, its because you're invoking black magic, and I'm not particularly fond of breaking peoples wands just because an idiot accidentally killed their hat-rabbit one time.
@DanLugg definitely not arguing
@ThomasDavidPlat it's kinda the case with all of the DDD stuff: it's misunderstood and most of the tutorials are filled with bullshit
oh. Just looked it up. For Java guys Value Objects are something completely different than for other conventional guys
@ircmaxell Would that be possible at this stage? It's really just be lifting the static-closure-rebinding restriction AFAICT.
I'd get rid of the static concept all together
and not sure if it's possible
@ircmaxell +9000
lol, no argument on static removal, but baby steps ;-)
not a single useful php resource on DAOs was found this day :|
@ThomasDavidPlat why are you looking for php resources?
mostly to be able to skip the theory and see the implementation :D But I found some stuff by now (not PHP)
you actually should start by picking up some architecture books and understand the point of that architectural structure
you should understand the point of the whole thing and then try to implement it
even if you find Java example, they might be suspect
For fucks sake; if Closure::bind fails it's supposed to return false, but trying to bind an unbindable closure is apparently not a failure; it just issues a warning and returns a new, unbound closure.
Like, what the actual fuck is that?
which architectural structure are you talking about in particular?
I figured I could at least do:
function is_closure_bindable(Closure $closure)
    return (bool) @Closure::bind($closure, new stdClass());
^^ But a static closure just returns the unbound friggin' closure, and evaluates true.
@ThomasDavidPlat data access objects
you need to understand what problem it is meant to solve, what it should do and how it should interact with dependents .. it's one of those structures which you actually need to know how to use, if you want to apply "Tell, don't ask" approach, @ThomasDavidPlat
@DanLugg return $closure !== @$closure->bindTo(new stdClass);
Even if it returned the same closure, I could at least do @Closure::bind($closure, new stdClass()) !== $closure
@DanLugg bind and then figure out whether it has a binding?
@ircmaxell Nope, it's a new instance.
@DanLugg We can brainstorm it out later. Just need to make sure we support interactions properly.
@ircmaxell inorite?
PHP makes me facepalm daily, but sometimes it does things that makes me want to facepalm the universe.
@LeviMorrison Well ultimately I think @ircmaxell has the best idea with Closure::isBindable.
I mean, that's ... pretty much all that's necessary. Save for making all closures bindable, which would be better-ish.
@tereško thanks :) I find abstracting away the DAL is the hardest thing to wrap my around, in an architectural point of view. I'm a bit into architecture and try to learn as much as I can. But picking up other architectural stuff was way easier.
function is_closure_bindable(Closure $closure)
    return (bool) (new ReflectionFunction(@Closure::bind($closure, new stdClass())))->getClosureThis();
^^ Works... and now I have an @ in my codebase. Thanks Obama PHP.
@DanLugg waaah… I just posted nearly the same as an answer…
@bwoebi lol, s'all good :-)
However, I think I found a corner case.
Or ... no, just PHP being retarded.
@DanLugg definitely not a corner-case then
Apparently if you "unbind" a closure it actually becomes a static closure
@DanLugg no?
class MyClass
    public function myInstanceMethod() { }

(new ReflectionMethod(MyClass::class, 'myInstanceMethod')) // nothing unusual here
    ->getClosure(new MyClass()) // okay, get a bound closure
    ->bindTo(null) // unbind the thing
    ->bindTo(new MyClass()); // rebind the thing? NOPENOPENOPENOPE Warning: Cannot bind an instance to a static closure
But… Closure::bind(Closure::bind($boundClosure, NULL, NULL), new stdclass)
is actually bound.
Because you null the class scope?
@bwoebi True. And also, what the fuck?
@DanLugg Well. Look at @ircmaxell gif…
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
That is completely fucky.
So unless you specify that you want to remove the class scope, it figures "hmm, no instance scope, but we have class scope... so.... STATIC IT IS"
Which IMO is complete nonsense because I can unbind something.
Now, I need a cigarette.
scope without instance makes it static. No scope, no instances keeps it the same
Thanks @bwoebi, accepted
That's ridiculous @ircmaxell.
Oh sitepoint:
> What’s more, this is in line with what HHVM uses, so it’s an added unintended compatibility bonus.
Wasn't a major design goal but certainly not 'unintended'.
Hey, @bwoebi, I've been thinking about sum and union types in PHP lately.
(stuff like Array|Traversable)
From a performance perspective this could potentially be quite a hit.
Unless we do something clever it certainly would be.
why would it be a massive hit?
So, making a static closure is an undoable operation then, because:
$wtf = static function () {}; // static closure ftw wtf bbq

$wtf->bindTo(null, null) // so, this should be unbound altogether as per before
    ->bindTo(new stdClass()); // NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE Warning: Cannot bind an instance to a static closure
@ircmaxell Instead of a zend_string *name for the class, it has to be zend_string **name.
@DanLugg it's not undoable, because it never clears the static flag
Wait, it's worse than that.
Because array doesn't use zend_string *.
@ircmaxell So... it is undoable?
well, you can lazily load the ce and check on that with instanceof function
@DanLugg no
@ircmaxell But you have to have an array of zend_type for each parameter.
@ThomasDavidPlat as I said before, I have not used DAOs in production code, because in most cases it looks like an overkill
@LeviMorrison well, what I mean is that you can build a structure where it won't be that expensive, especially for later calls
You still have to iterate across all of the types each call.
I suspect that alone will not be a trivial performance hit.
This is confusing. But my function now returns predictable results, so IDGAF anymore :-)
Ahhh :) upgrading a server from 5.3 to 5.6 :D #feelsgood
@Fabor Sounds like victory
@LeviMorrison I think it will be smaller than you think
Oh snap, default constructors are currently not passing \o/
What's the hate on default constructors? I see "good" in them, but was there some caveat?
I'm not as opposed to it as you guys are but I don't see the value of it.
As soon as we lose PHP 4 constructors BOOM half the value of them is gone right there, right?
And half of zero is zero ;)
@DanLugg you always need to know the details of the parent class
do you blindly call methods without knowing their arguments or what they do?
@ircmaxell All the time.
becuase that's what "default constructors" is saying is perfectly fine to do
Seriously though, no.
so if you go that far, what's special about constructors? Why not do it for destructors? They are just as dangerous...
The value I see in it, is really a side-effect of the thing; ReflectionClass::getConstructor could always return an object, rather than null :-)
and at that point, clone and serializers are just as dangerous as well to not call the parent
@DanLugg if there's no constructor (nothing to initialize) shouldn't you want to be able to detect that as well?
default ctors are like a hack to take this ugly static coupling between classes (inheritance ... ewwwww) and pretend like it doesn't exist.
Also, how is that different from silently returning null when you reference a non-existent array index?
@ircmaxell No, because IMO no constructor is the same as function __construct() {}
You're just asking for trouble by not telling the programmer they've done something that's incorrect.
It's a terrible idea IMO.
Well, frankly, I'd be okay if it were kludged to make getConstructor always return an object, "default constructors" or not
If I expect the parent constructor to do something but due to refactoring that ctor no longer exists and I don't get any sort of error I could totally screw things up.
Looking at the FAST_ZPP RFC I still like the FAST_ZPP API better: wiki.php.net/rfc/fast_zpp#proposal
I just think it's easier to read and understand.
@LeviMorrison You mean you like it better than the current zpp API?
I kind of do too ... I don't have a problem with keeping both because literally every codebase would break ...
The varargs version gets harder to keep track of with more parameters.
@DanLugg and no destructor is the same as function __destruct() {}, and no clone is...
@ircmaxell Actually, yes.
And counting the args is harder because each single character in the varargs string can have 0, 1 or 2 necessary arguments in the parameter list.
The callable one takes two args, for example.
getConstructor, getDestructor and getCloner (I don't think that's a thing) should all return objects, because they all exist in a manner of speaking.
In the FAST_ZPP API the type of the arg is directly attached to the values receiving the value.
@LeviMorrison I am agree with all. I wish the RFC made some statement about whether or not the existing zpp should be replaced over time (like maybe by PHP8).
@DanLugg actually, no, because __construct() can take arguments, so it's not strictly true either
As it is the RFC just says, "Let's have two APIs forever," and that doesn't seem tenable in the long term.
Let's put up an RFC to deprecate zpp
@ircmaxell Well, you don't know when calling getConstructor if the ReflectionMethod returned will have parameter references or not, so I hardly see the issue with kludging for pseudo-default-constructor/destructor/cloner
@SaraGolemon You'll just get Internals hogwash drama ^^
@SaraGolemon that's step two… who wants to port it?
@bwoebi Not I. :p
At least wait until FAST_ZPP is actually accepted.
I think the keyword there is deprecate
I think we should make a value statement about where we want the API to go in the future.
@DanLugg the problem is we're not just talking reflection
@SaraGolemon damn, I thought you just volunteered :-(
I wish FAST_ZPP was just named ZPP though.
@SaraGolemon I didn't realize you were heading to Benelux, see you there
@ircmaxell I know. I'm okay with not supporting the RFC.
I'm personally talking reflection, mostly.
You know ... to advise developers that going forward there is a plan to remove the existing API and over time they should migrate to the new API.
@ircmaxell Yay! \o/
if you want to make refelectionClass::getConstructor always return an object, I'm game for supporting that
^^ getDestructor similarly, and awesome :-)
becuase it's supposed to be dynamic and polymorphic. But inheritance isn't...
Instead of saying, "someone's got a metric ass ton of work to do because we're killing zpp" :)
@salathe You missed REAL_FAST_ZPP.
I hate writing if ($something = $somethingElse->getSomething()) { }
@DanLugg makes me feel dirty naughty but I still do it sometimes.
In this case the macros don't contain FAST so it's okay. We just name them collectively FAST_ZPP instead of actually sane ZPP impl.
I'm not sure what we had before, but varargs printf style doesn't seem like a good choice. The previous way of parsing args must have been insane or nonexistent.
@rdlowrey Exactly.
I think as a general rule putting adjectives into API names is a bad idea ...
$something = $somethingElse->getSomething(); // $something is reliable and not false or null or 42
SimpleXML, FAST_ZPP, etc.
@DanLugg As an aside, style checkers in other languages suggest wrapping the assignment in parenthesis, even if there are no other expressions.
How about you just name the API and leave the value judgments to the users?
@LeviMorrison Ah, so you can quickly negate it? Or just to isolate it generally?
It's actually just to show that the assignment was intentional, or something.
Plus, some operators don't have obvious associativity and whatnot.
if ($something = /* INTENTIONAL ASSIGNMENT DON'T BE ALARMED */ $somethingElse->getSomething())
Sometimes I do it to avoid nesting or breaking up conditionals :)
"Look, all of my logic fits in this single neatly aligned set of conditionals!"
@LeviMorrison that's exactly this. Well, that's what clang says, at least.
@ircmaxell Is there a way to clear the static flag?
@rdlowrey like if ($cond && $cond2 && $var = $foo) { ... } ?
Because if there is some ass-backward way to ultimately distill all closures down to rebindables then I'm game.
@DanLugg not in user-land
Oh, okay.
@bwoebi yup
I prefer making all functions and methods closures, where some of them are bound by default.
How's that sound, @DanLugg?
@LeviMorrison FAN-TAS-TIC.
@LeviMorrison crazy. That sounds crazy
in other words, perfect for PHP
also: PHPNW is starting to release the talks on youtube, one per day
@LeviMorrison That's how I see all procedures anyway.
so look forward to a bunch of cool talks between now and like April
"new stdClass()" vs "(object) []" -- GO!
if you want to initialize the properties/values, 2nd form.
@DanLugg Option A. Please.
Readability matters.
(object) [] is 2 3 characters shorter, enables quick edit to include default properties, and doesn't require a use stdClass;
@DanLugg option C: $foo = { "abc" => "a", "def" => "b" };
@DanLugg it's less characters to type? OH THE AWESOMENESS </sarcasm>
@AndreaFaulds What were the main arguments against supporting JSON literals?
It's not about number of characters. I can read "new StdClass" but I have to actually think for .0001 seconds to interpret (object) [].
@ircmaxell My criteria!
I didn't follow that one since I was pretty busy at the time.
Readability is not the same thing as brevity
@LeviMorrison "nobody really needs objects since php's associative arrays fill that need"
@rdlowrey i dont no wut u r talking about
That, mostly
The crucial difference: new StdClass tells me what's happening. (object)[] forces me to interpret what's happening.
I'm just starting fires, by the way.
Like most people, I just want to be told what's going on. Don't make me think and interpret ;)
@rdlowrey side-note: it's stdClass not StdClass ;-)
I'm okay with using arrays for everything in JSON literals. I guess people with voting powers don't care about syntactic interop with JSON ^^
@DanLugg /me gets the pitchfork!
@DanLugg no, it's StdClass
Hey guys, classes are case insensitive remember?
I'm pretty sure it's STDclass
@LeviMorrison that was explicitly confirmed. It's a different language, so why be compatible
@DanLugg uggggggh
@ircmaxell O RLY
@ircmaxell I can understand. I just don't agree.
@DanLugg yup, because it satisfies naming conventions
@LeviMorrison I'm not disagreeing with you
JSON is probably the single most important "language" to be compatible with for a web-focused language.
@ircmaxell I wasn't talking about validity, I was talking about names ;-) You can spell mine DAN or DaN or daN, but it's still Dan
@LeviMorrison except, ya know, html
@PaulCrovella I honestly think that's less important that JSON.
@ircmaxell However, I am okay with the case insensitivity, because DOMDocument grinds my gears
HTML is ridiculously accepting of malformed documents, which means basic string interpolation solves this need.
And I typically use DOMDocument as XmlDocument anyway.
And, quite specifically, use DOMXPath as XmlNavigator
Because I'm neurotic.
@DanLugg You're also erotic.
@DaveRandom I am. Oh boy howdy, I am.

The Seduction of Dan Lugg

3 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 3 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by rdlowrey

That's a really good one, @Feeds
I love bookmarks, I made some good ones :-P

We aren't the thankless bunch we've been made out to be.

Oct 26 '14 at 16:42, 3 minutes total – 6 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Oct 26 '14 at 16:47 by Dan Lugg

lol... I love this one /cc @DaveRandom

Dynamite? Because Canada.

May 8 '14 at 12:02, 3 minutes total – 12 messages, 3 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked May 8 '14 at 17:44 by Dan Lugg

lol, dynamite gold.

Levi... we're not proud.

Sep 17 '14 at 0:45, 3 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Sep 17 '14 at 0:48 by Dan Lugg

hi guys, quick Apache Localhost issue. Is there a way to setup apache so that when i print $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] it returns the IP address of my local desktop vs the -- it's fucking up some validation and i'm hella lost
tried using NamedVirtualHost but that doesnt seem to work , so i'm a bit blind
i.e. i need the public IP of my desktop to be in _SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and not
It's displaying because your apache is very likely listening on all IP interfaces. If you want it to display your outward facing IP when accessing it from the same box you need to actually tell apache to listen on that IP address.
But if you do that you'll no longer be able to access it from or localhost.
ah so if i listen on say then i also need to update my Hosts file?
Listen 80 <-- listen on port 80 on all interfaces (including the loopback)
Listen <-- only accessible locally
Listen <-- your lan IP
Listen <-- your public IP
If we're gonna do Closure::isBindable can we also do Closure::createFromCallable(callable $callable) ?
Unrelated, I know. But that's another thing I've always wanted for Christmas.
@rdlowrey hi thanks, i'll try that. Does it matter than i'm on Windows? Shouldnt right?
@Andy well you can, but the hosts file isn't your problem.
as i'm currently getting errors, but just checking the Event Viewer
@Andy No, it doesn't matter; IP addresses work the same way everywhere.
@DanLugg Hey mate.
ref: Hosts. i know, vbut if i have an entry like: www.example.com then i'll need to update that record right?
Question for you.
@Andy But fair warning: if your validation depends on that SERVER_ADDR you're probably doing something inadvisable in the first place.
@LeviMorrison Answer for you.
Rebinding static closures...
(ones that don't have a $this)
Your life will generally be easier if you listen on all interfaces unless you have some good reason not to ...
@rdlowrey no it's API validation from a third party. they need the IP of the server doing the request
What's the value in that, exactly? Binding it to a new static scope? So static:: evaluates to something else?
so it's always broken when doing local, coz it sees as erroneous and i dont want to hard code for obvious reasons
@LeviMorrison Nope, that it should be a no-op (basically)
@LeviMorrison You can do that, IIRC.
@Andy In that case I would say you should set up some sort of debug flag or config object that you initialize at the beginning of your app instead of accessing the superglobal value directly when you need to send that information.
ok, so if i listen on say all my vhosts die. but i think that's due to incorrect <Directory *:80>
@Andy yes, most likely.
Instead of hacking up your server config just decouple your app from the superglobal.
@rdlowrey ref: debug flag, do you mean something as simple as "$_GET['overright-ip']" or something similar
Oh wait, no, you can't.
@Andy No. I mean something like ...
@LeviMorrison I'm darting for a few, but in short: I believe any reference to $this in a function's scope should be rebindable, whether or not it's an instance method or not. To me, an instance method is simply one in which $this is pre-bound.
@rdlowrey good idea, it works on our production and staging so it's only a local issue, but we need something that works on Mac and Windows, argh. Currently we have "development" ini files and the like that are .gitignored so that would prolly work right?
As far as static class scope rebinding, that could be interesting, mind you insane.
afk for a bit.
class Config {
    private $data;
    function __construct(array $data = []) {
        $this->data = $data ?: $_SERVER;
    function getServerAddress() {
        return $this->data['SERVER_ADDRESS'];
^ Just because php bakes terrible superglobals into the language doesn't mean you should use them to access data willy-nilly all over the place.
Pass in the information you need. Don't go looking for it using "worst-practice" superglobals.
@rdlowrey ^ Just because php bakes terrible superglobals into the language doesn't mean you should use them to access data willy-nilly all over the place. Pffft ;)
Because if you asked for what you needed you could just pass in the server address you want to be used instead of hacking up all of your apache config files.
oooops ;) @rdlowrey i hear you, just discussing this now.
As a general rule: don't go searching for information. Ask for it where it's needed. Don't let PHP tempt you into using superglobals. That data should be injected into your code just like any other dependency.
github.com/TazeTSchnitzel/GGON ☜ Just updated my GGON parser for PHP. It's an obscure single project-only JSON-like serialisation format lacking in scalar types other than string.
You might ask why I'd invent a JSON-like serialisation format and not just, well, use JSON
The answer is that JSON doesn't work very well in a language with only two real types: real and string, and which only supports complex data structures like maps by using real handles indistinguishable from normal numbers
Shoulda used DSON
That's even worse than JSON :L
@SaraGolemon what about BSON?
@bwoebi exactly. once I have time I'll write a mail suggesting making it fatal if $this is used in the method and deprecated otherwise
@NikiC I wonder if that actually works
What if someone uses $this->blah(); to call another static method?
@NikiC why not always fatal?
It's a BC headache
well, yeah… it breaks PHP 4 code …
@AndreaFaulds The discussion is only about non-static methods being called statically
Not the reverse
which we anyway will break enough when php 4 style ctors are removed
@NikiC Yes, I know. What I'm talking about applies to PHP 4 code.
@DanLugg You'll be happy to know (or I think you will be) I messaged Internals about closures and potential changes for PHP 7.
Removing static calls from incompatible $this is a BC nightmare...
As is removing PHP 4 constructors

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