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Awww, why can't I do list(&$a) = $array; ? -.-
I just wanted to foreach ($array as list($a, $b, &$c)) { $c = $a * $b; } (example)
But nah, I'll have to reference $array[$key][2] directly…
I want to execute a SELECT query first and then use that return value in an INSERT query. I make use of prepared statements in mysqli. How would I do this best? Oh and i'm not switching to PDO :P
because right now, my INSERT query won't get executed because I get 'Call to a member function stmt_init() on a non-object'. Do i have to prepare them both first and then execute?
and use the same mysqli object
@MarijnvanGool could you provide a sample of your code in a pastebin/gist?
@HamZa have never used any of that before, if you have sec :)
@PaulCrovella I... errr... wat?
is there a nicer way to write this: implode(',', array_fill(0, count($list), '?'));
No, that's precisely what I do, whitespace identical and everything
You can str_repeat and trim() but that sucks
@DaveRandom why?
It might be microscopically more efficient, though
@HamZa Because "construct something wrong and correct it" is not as nice as "construct the right thing in the first place"
@HamZa pastebin.com/dSCbYRsX I pasted all the code that is involved in my problem
(i.e. personal preference)
@DaveRandom I see the logic behind that...
except the BindParameter function..
line 189, that's where i get the non object error, i think that's because i prepare and execute and then do the same thing again
basically, we need PDO::PARAM_ARRAY
I actually have a wrapper that adds that, somewhere
@MarijnvanGool How do you assign a value to _mysqli? That's where the problem is
None of the code you show assigns a value to that property
First comment: try to inject the db instance via the parameter instead of creating every time a new one in the code
Second: your db class is incomplete imho
$dbConfig = parse_ini_file("../dbconfig.ini");
$dbHost = $dbConfig["hostname"];
$dbUser = $dbConfig["username"];
$dbPass = $dbConfig["password"];
$dbName = $dbConfig["dbname"];

// Make a new database connection
$this->_mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName);
Also $fields[$var] = &$$var;????
^ some magic there...
yea I don't know about that, it works, that's why I left it the way it is :P
@HamZa first comment noted, i agree
@tereško the issue is that mysql doesn't support that natively.
well, we could do it in emulated preapares, but then it wouldn't work without.
@bwoebi I did not mean "support postgre arrays"
I meant for binding of WHERE foo IN ( ... )
@tereško I have dicked aruond with source once to add it
yes, I understood very well what you meant…
oh, so it's a mysql thing
@DaveRandom that's who I assign a value to _mysqli
the first statement gets executed perfectly, but a second time it's no longer an object
i guess that's not supported by mysqli? is there a work around for it?
@MarijnvanGool Where?
// Make a new database connection
$this->_mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName);
(as in, where in the code is that executed)
In the constructor for DB?
yea, i changed it to a constructor, it was a function
public function __construct() {
// Try and connect to the database if it hasn't been done before
if (!isset(self::$connection)) {
// Load the configuration and put it in an array
$dbConfig = parse_ini_file("../dbconfig.ini");
$dbHost = $dbConfig["hostname"];
$dbUser = $dbConfig["username"];
$dbPass = $dbConfig["password"];
$dbName = $dbConfig["dbname"];

// Make a new database connection
$this->_mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName);
@bwoebi (I've never actually looked) presumably PDO pre-processes the query string even if emulated prepares are off though? Because MySQL also doesn't support named params, but we support those even in native prepare mode...
Surely it could be implemented at that layer and still support native prepares?
@DaveRandom yes, PDO converts them to ? in mysql mode
@MarijnvanGool Surely that should be if (!isset($this->_mysqli)) {?
forgot that...
That's almost certainly your problem
hmm, true… I'll look at how it'll look in amphp/mysql then maybe add it for PDO too
@bwoebi ...and I've just realised why that won't work - unless you have some way to tell the pre-processor how many elements there will be
Or if you could early-bind the params somehow
@DaveRandom yes, sure, that's why you'd then delay binding until param is bound
but that's an implementation detail
@DaveRandom that should be it i think
where would I be if you were not here ^^
@MarijnvanGool Still in the netherlands :P
@bwoebi There is a PoLA violation there though doing native prepares: I would expect prepare() to explode if there was a e.g. syntax error, something not related to the params, if you do the underlying preparation op (as in the libmysql/mysqlnd prepare op) at the point of execute() - which would realistically be how you would have to do it - then you won't get that error and any try { $db->prepare(); } catch ($e) { /* do not do any other non-idempotent ops */ } would not work as expected
@MarijnvanGool sober?
@DaveRandom true, that doesn't work as well… hmmm…
@AndreaFaulds I like that a lot more than ==>
@bwoebi A different placeholder syntax that informs the query processor how many elements there will be would work (e.g. :15:list and ?15? are both a 15 element list)
That syntax wouldn't conflict with any valid SQL but I concede it's still a bit horrid
:list..15 and ?..15 maybe
still not awesome
I'm from the fantastic and glorious (etc etc) world of .NET and used to profiler applications of different kinds. Are there any PHP profilers with an interface comparable to dotTrace/Ants/YourKit, preferably something that does not require me to change any source code to enable profiling?
Those are "the PHP profilers" really, I'm not aware of anything else (but both of those are quite mature)
There may be some commercial products, but commercial PHP add-ons have historically not really gained popularity, so they tend not to be particularly feature rich because people don't put the dev time in when they don't get ROI
that looks super cool, though I'd rather go with ~> because uniqueness is good when searching code:

class Foo
private $foo;
public function setFoo($newValue) ~> ($this->foo = $newValue)
public function getFoo($newValue) ~> ($this->foo)
I think Sensio Lab's profiler was pretty big lately
@DaveRandom, so xdebug to create snapshots, and some other util for ui? Argh.
@DaveRandom yes still
@SimonSvensson Yeh, some parts of the PHP ecosystem do leave something to be desired
@DaveRandom and yes, i'm sober :( i feel bad..
@SimonSvensson try this blackfire.io/getting-started
@nikita2206, I'm looking at their site, but I'm unable to see a "Download" or "Buy" button anywhere.
@kelunik it looks too much like the rocket from arrays [x => x] and would be hard to search or scan quickly if code has a lot of arrays and short lambdas close to each other :|
@SimonSvensson On the page I linked "Manual install"
otherwise use package manager (they have it in APT or RPM versions)
@marcio ~> would be the next on my list, but I really dislike that ==>
or brew
@nikita2206, blackfire seems to upload all by profiles (and thus also code files) to a central server somewhere? That seems highly incompatible with normal company policies...
@kelunik yea, ==> causes exactly the same issue since the token would be = + => so people quick jumping through array keys "=>" would find short lambdas too xD
@SimonSvensson I think it doesn't upload your code but profile results yeah
@marcio You could just search for " =>".
@kelunik array('key'=>'value')
@kelunik oh that's true, so ==> ends up being less problematic than using => for short lambdas, despite we don't like it.
@FlorianMargaine Sure, but whitespace makes code more readable, so I'll always use ["key" => "value"].
anyway, ~> seems an easy win over both ==> and =>
@AndreaFaulds my god… nooooooooooooo. I want readable classes, not extremely condensed code nobody can read again…
@nikita2206, I looked thru their youtube movie, and they dont actually show any code so the code isnt uploaded. This also means that they can not support line-by-line profiling (showing exact lines that causes cpu-usage or memory allocations). Still, it would have been awesome having that run locally.
@SimonSvensson then your best bet is to search for other xhprof frontends
there are a plenty
@marcio I'm not sure how hard it is to type that on different keyboard layouts.
@SimonSvensson last time this was working for pretty good xhprof.io
It's not line-by-line profiling, it's by-function profiling
you don't need to use it on classes, the short lambdas are good for callbacks because you wouldn't need explicit context imports with "use":

someFunction($a, function($a, $b) use ($c) {
return "blahblah";

Just do:

someFunction($a, ($a, $b) ~> "blahblah");

But yes, I have a feeling people would abuse short lambdas and use it to declare class methods xD

@kelunik good speculation... that requires some research.
it's kinda pointless
@marcio also, php is no erlang
@marcio yeah… no problem with normal Closures being like that… but class methods… no thanks.
anyway, gonna be having first part of job interview in about two hours
@bwoebi It's not "extremely condensed"
@AndreaFaulds one liners are condensed.
especially for named functions/methods
@bwoebi Sure, but it's not overly terse
@tereško good luck
The problem with getters and setters, IMO, is that they are boilerplate that is too verbose
that's not the issue with them.
So if they can be written a bit shorter, without sacrificing readability, I'd be happy
@nikita2206 from the emails I gathered that it's already a foregone conclusion .. the question is whether I would like to work for them
getters and setters are not verbose... the verbose part is using them
the issue is that getters and setters are overused.
@spdionis agree.
@spdionis they're no more or less verbose than properties
@spdionis getters and setters are necessary .. or you end up with methods with a huge complexity
they're necessary and I don't know a better way but the problem still stands that it's verbose
$x->setFoo($y); (15 chars) vs $x->foo = $y; (13 chars)
@tereško that's horrible imo
@tereško Ew
well , the method is used by data mappers, when hydrating domain objects
@tereško blasphemy to PHP…
it's ugly, but extremely useful
PHP clearly just needs more nyan cat
also, please, @spdionis @AndreaFaulds @bwoebi .. I am open to suggestions
the best way to deal with verbosity is using immutable objects and put things in the constructor instead of using setters imo
it's like a hack to something miserable…
@Machavity I like the nyancat PHPUnit results printer
@tereško what's pointless, short lambdas? "also, php is no erlang"... humm, not sure what you meant, don't know a lot about erlang.
@tereško I can understand in a data mappers to hydrate objects... but in my entities? no thanks
YoloPHP uses it
I am open to constructive suggestions
@tereško constructor or reflection?
I used to want property accessors like C#, but actually, I think explicit getter/setter methods are better
mappers should not be factories
and how exactly refections help ?
Smalltalk did it right when it made all properties private
@spdionis that explained nothing
hmm .. well ... actually maybe it did
@tereško well neither should your entities extends a common domain object :)
I will have to sleep on that
@AndreaFaulds you know who did it right? Common Lisp.
@FlorianMargaine I still don't like CL :p
practical suggestions please
@tereško What are you open to suggestions for?
he's saying that CL isn't practical
6 mins ago, by Andrea Faulds
@tereško Ew
6 mins ago, by spdionis
@tereško that's horrible imo
5 mins ago, by bwoebi
@tereško blasphemy to PHP…
If you want to set multiple properties, then the class should support it, I guess?
for hydration (filling in the data from storage) of domain objects by a data mapper
how exactly would it be different from gist.github.com/teresko/4f09e3ed351bcb19d4fe ?
"name" doesnt count
Oh wait, what you're doing there is internal to the class
I'm fine with that
It's rather hacky, but it works
8 mins ago, by tereško
it's ugly, but extremely useful
@tereško that method is acceptable in a data mapper but not in entities. Generally getters and setters are used with entities and they're verbose and that's the problem.
Avoids you doing this:
[ 'foo' => 'setFoo', 'bar' => 'setBar' ][$name]($value)
aw gafd !!~1
Which is the alternative
Safe variant: [ 'foo' => 'setFoo', 'bar' => 'setBar' ][$name]($value) ?? NULL
that must be from yoloPHP
Hah, no
@tereško while still hacky, I think would prefer the mapper setting the values through reflection
$method = [
    'foo' => 'setFoo',
    'bar' => 'setBar'
@Patrick how, do you have any samples to show ?
Immediately dereferencing an array isn't really that bad...
@tereško no. I wanted to create a lib for that a while ago but never got around to do it. I think that's also how doctrine does it
doctrine uses reflections, because it needs to read the magic docblock comments
which arguably could be seen as worse
@tereško I see what you're doing there… but why do you have to set that through setters instead of just direct property access? I'd assume to be able to trust the database… there's no need to revalidate in setters.
@bwoebi because everything that comes out of MariaDB is a string
for example
so yes?
@tereško yeah but I am just talking about the "hydration" part. Just map an array values to the object vars that match the key. With reflection you can make private ones readable
and not every value in NOT NULL datetime field in mysql is a datetime
@tereško PHP math ops work on strings too.
I tend to use setter to do casting/validation
@tereško /me uses int with timestamp instead of datetime…
aslo, why the fuck would I trust the database ?
give me ONE good reason
@bwoebi By the way, I'd like it if we wouldn't silence the A non well formed numeric value encountered message for math ops
@tereško because you are assumed the only one to fill data in the storage… or only things which are assumed to know what they do
There's a problem - trusting the database. Assuming you're building an application with amazing validation etc on the input. You know it'll be fine on the output
@tereško Yeah, those SQL people are all shifty people joined with beady eyes, where trust is less than 100.
@bwoebi that's really really bad strategy and introduces several attack vectors
@bwoebi some do, some don't, and some depend on the underlying value of the string
But you can always access the database from CLI, from another application, whatever
So... should you really be performing the same validation on the way out, as well?
@ircmaxell All math operators work on strings.
@ircmaxell math ops (non bitwise) of pure numeric strings
@AndreaFaulds again, depends on the underlying value
btw, mysql 5.5, 5.6 and mariadb (why generally thought as interchangeable) do not treat numbers and dates the same way
++ additionally supports alphabetic strings, for whatever reason
@tereško only if you aren't able to trust your database…
"01"++ and "abc"++ <- do different things
@ircmaxell Yes. I wanted to get rid of that ages ago
++ is a lone exception though
still, I think saying "PHP math ops work on strings too." is a bit of a misnomer
@bwoebi you should never trust any incoming information
@bwoebi never trust your database
@ircmaxell Yes: they work on any convertable data type ^^
@tereško @Patrick I think that's what Patrick meant by hydrating using reflection: paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1vd7
@ircmaxell oh wait. Why should I then trust the RAM the appliction is fetching data from. Someone might have manipulated it…
@bwoebi that's different, becuase it's always in direct control of the application
different versions of your app (think bugfixes) will change RAM, but they won't change the DB
not to mention the concept of Second-order Injection
@ircmaxell what's that?
My rule that I tell people: Only trust what's hard-coded in your application. If it's not hard-coded, it's input in one-form or another and must be treated as such.
@bwoebi Second-Order SQLi happens when you insert bad data, but you escape it properly. Then you select that data, and use it for another query but don't escape it properly because it seems "trusted"
it happens a lot more than you'd think
@ircmaxell ah okay. Yeah, I know about this, already seen such attacks (though not in my own code…)
@ircmaxell but this is an issue of missing escaping, not an issue of trust or validation.
it's both
yes, you're missing escaping
but you're doing it because you're implicitly trusting what's in the DB
this is why doing htmlspecialchars on input before you store it in the DB is horrific
because you're then requiring yourself to trust your DB
I'm 12 to 7K
I just crossed 82k :-D
but to some degree you just trust your database usually. Like "if there's an user id somewhere, there will be an entry to it in the users table" … (ideally, you should verify, but usually we just assume it's there)
@ircmaxell Gimme 12 ;-)
I'll pay you back, I swear
Actually, I hafta ask a question
@ircmaxell I learned the hard way that you always escape your output, because while one field might be safe now, it may not be in future
@bwoebi you're trusting the referential integrity of your DB (which some would say is a bad idea), that's very different from trusting the data...
By "hard way" I mean "massive CSRF hole I couldn't fix"
@AndreaFaulds s/XSRF/CSRF/
@ircmaxell Ah. My brain went "cross -> X"
Cross-site request forgery, also known as a one-click attack or session riding and abbreviated as CSRF (sometimes pronounced sea-surf) or XSRF, is a type of malicious exploit of a website whereby unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the website trusts. Unlike cross-site scripting (XSS), which exploits the trust a user has for a particular site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser. == History == CSRF vulnerabilities have been known and in some cases exploited since 2001. Because it is carried out from the user's IP address, some website logs might not have...
@ircmaxell well. When I have an int field in the table, I assume I will get an integer back. Or is that already too much trusting the data?
It can also be XSRF, apparently.
@DanLugg I will gladly pay you Tuesday for an upvote today?
@AndreaFaulds the industry standard term tho is CSRF, which is how you'll find it in papers, tutorials, exploit reports, etc
@ircmaxell Yes, I'm aware it's more common, I normally say CSRF.
Though for consistency with XSS, it should probably be XSRF :p
@ircmaxell yes, sigh. I have no problems with being secure, but I'd like to not have to push it to the extreme…
@bwoebi not trusting the data in your databsase isn't "the extreme". It's what's required to actually be secure.
@bwoebi for an example of "not trusting the data in your db": drupal.org/node/28984
@bwoebi You still can't trust a date as INT. Sooner or later a 0 creeps in and then people wonder why stuff is dated 1969
It depends on the database, to an extent
sigh aaaand my totally non offensive meta comment is removed...
Some databases (well-made ones) are designed to verify their integrity, validate incoming data, etc.
Note that I said "some". This doesn't include MySQL. It is designed to ensure disintegrity and mangle or destroy data. ;)
@FlorianMargaine that's outputting. And as always: escape out. No matter what data.
@AndreaFaulds Flat files 4ever!
store data in json files -> no need for database ever
You still need indexing, caching, etc.
Queries are a problem
I was lazy and used flat-file JSON
It was a bad idea
You know what happens when you run out of disk space or memory with flat-file?
that was a joke obviously
You lose much of your existing data and it now won't parse in a normal JSON parser
your file gets corrupted?
@spdionis truncated, to be exact
Wasn't fun...
Does it take too long to get RFC karma requests conceded? I wanted to draft a RFC about github.com/php/php-src/pull/1005 but noticed I can't see the “Create this page” button on wiki.php.net :)
@marcio bug the right people enough and you'll get it
@ThomasDavidPlat that's terrible
you are bypassing a setter
Q: Determining if a closure is static in PHP

Dan LuggA closure defined in PHP can also carry the static modifier. $f = function () { }; $g = static function () { }; The static closure cannot be bound via Closure::bind or Closure::bindTo, and will issue a warning (and, in the case of Closure::bind return null) $g = Closure::bind(static function...

@marcio You could just write it, and get someone else to create the page.....and I think that may have been discussed before.
Blah, there's a similar question, but it's written horribly, so I don't feel bad at all.
You should probably look back to the discussion about introducing namespaces to PHP. I would have been discussed there.
@tereško that is the point. What if you don't want a setter for everything? (id for example)
@Danack I read most of the namespaces discussion. Anyway, a reboot on that discussion could be beneficial since it's been a long time namespaces were introduced.
@Danack could not find any part of the discussion where the possibility was mentioned, do you have a link?
Nope, sorry.
@tereško @Patrick and for properties that you have setters for you could just skip the assignment via reflection
I just saw a lot of useless debate about what delimiter could be used and damn, the candidates were: ":)" "^^" ":::" LOL
that seems extremely hacky
@tereško @ThomasDavidPlat I think the whole process of setting everything after the object has been created is flawed
use Http:)Kernel:)Interfaces:)MessageInterface;
@tereško I think the benefit of it is, that you're not polluting your Domain Objects with logic to set the parameters dynamically.
... and the only minor thing that you sacrifice is "encapsulation"
So it seems that there's no clean way of hydrating objects without accepting any trade-offs?
Jul 27 '14 at 21:28, by Danack
Hello, I have a problem, but I am too lazy to write the question out until some says that they will help me. http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
Also - your problems are not urgent for us.....while people may be willing to help, saying it's urgent doesn't make that more likely...
@ThomasDavidPlat there is if you return a complete object instead of creating an empty object somewhere and then "hydrating" it later
@Patrick which can only be done by it's constructor. If you need to map to attributes that are not settable via it's constructor you'd have a problem again
@Goku I'm trying to wrap my head around something, would it be possible for you to post an example of what you were trying to do......apparently FD_SETSIZE isn't configurable on Linux (at least for the select() function) but PHP may be using it's value somewhere else where it isn't appropriate.
hmmm, to flag, or not to flag
too late.
kick-mute it is
@Patrick well you could overcome this by using a factory (though I don't know to which extent a factory is allowed to alter an objects state after it's creation). @tereško Why are factories considered bad for creating Domain Objects?
4 messages moved to bin
@ThomasDavidPlat that's not what I said
I said that a mapper should not become a facory
SoC 'n' shit
oh sorry. I thought you wrote that, but just looked at the message again.
@tereško I think this is an issue because on one hand we have the public interface of the entity with its getters etc that are used by "client" code. On the other hand we want to persist the entity values, which can be private and not be exposed through a getter. The same problem exists with setters of course.
I think you can somehow mitigate using DAO's but I have always seen it as over-engineering
@tereško the advantage of using reflection is that you don't have to "ruin" the public interface of the entity just for persistence. But then I have never actually implemented it like that
it seems like you make your parameters as private and then you do everything that you can to circumvent the whole thing
So what about the other part I asked? Is a factory allowed to alter the state of an object after it's creation? If yes: What would be the tradeoffs going this way:

Factory is injected into the Mapper. Mapper tells factory to create Domain Object and passes key value pairs. Factory creates, hydrates and returns Domain Object.
Okay I just answered the question by myself.
nevermind :D
@tereško yes I guess that's true. It's definitely not ideal. But from the options that I'm aware of it seems like the best compromise if one wants to stick to DDD.
Would moving ReflectionMethod::isStatic up to ReflectionFunctionAbstract be feasible? I don't know if static is one of the common flags are available to ReflectionFunctionAbstract...

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