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Bah, PHP is really making me furious today: marco-pivetta.com/screen/caps/171875.png
Have there been changes in using gmail and phpmailer?I am trying to run some code I used to send mail but am getting an error Password not accepted from server: 534-5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and then try again.
@crypticツ No, you only want to use defineParam() when a parameter name really is unique across your entire application. If you're doing something specific to single class you probably want to use regular injection definitions like this:
class MyClass {
    private $foo;
    private $bar;
    public function __construct(Type $foo, Type $bar) {
        $this->foo = $foo;
        $this->bar = $bar;

$myTypeA = new Type;
$myTypeB = new Type;
$injector->define('MyClass', [':foo' => $myTypeA, ':bar' => $myTypeB]);
morning all.
@Gotalove I think it happens with all email clients with gmail. Sometimes I have to go to accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha and unlock it
I am getting -> Hi Martin,

We recently blocked a sign-in attempt to your Google Account
Isn't there a setting somehwere hidden in gmail that disallows access through standard protocols or was that in some business configuration?
so I set the settings to use for less secure apps
and it still f*d up
heh what a cool little video
nope.nope.nope. Not this time
Not a friday link
This is what am getting now
SMTP -> ERROR: Password not accepted from server: 534-5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and 534-5.7.14 then try again.
I know the password is right though coz I just logged in using it
Did you activate it on the page I gave?
Yes @nikita2206
@Fabor That is cool. Almost makes me want to make a kid.
just kidding.
If only they were part-time.
@Fabor Exactly. Like Girlfriends.
Or even better
^ this is what I need.
@nikita2206 other than enabling imap in gmail and using such a script ->http://www.web-development-blog.com/archives/send-e-mail-messages-via-smtp-wit‌​h-phpmailer-and-gmail/ and enabling php openssl in wamp for localhost is there anything am forgetting?
@Jimbo I'd need a lazy-loading version of that
maybe with internal GC
Oh GC is important here
My problem is girlfriends never understand that I'm already married to work.
@Gotalove I have no idea
Only 50% of my cpu is ever available for those computations.
@rdlowrey Married to work is pretty bad - work doesn't care about you, it's a loveless relationship
@rdlowrey You mean their problem... (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
@Fabor Yes sir!
I'm aware of my failings at this point. I embrace them. I'm like a relationship terrorist.
@rdlowrey oh really?
@bwoebi Why? Do you know someone who's interested in being the future Ex-Mrs. Lowrey? :)
@rdlowrey not sure why there's an Ex- prefix ;-P
Hmm ... how did that get in there? Weird.
@rdlowrey Oh? I always took you for more a Mr and Mr Lowrey kinda guy, especially after the band pic.
Oh snap
@nikita2206 pastie.org/9835312 mind looking at my pastie.Thats the actual code I am testing
Sep 29 '13 at 13:03, by Fabien
You know they say statistically 1 in 3 people are unfaithful. Makes me wonder if it's my girlfriend or my wife...
@Fabor yup
@Fabor heheheheh
@Gotalove I don't know... Try to use TLS instead of ssl although I doubt it will help
when you need front-end stuff for freelancing project where do you find front-end developers?
@Leri India?
@Jimbo Why you put '?'?
FYI the ssl:// stream wrapper will still negotiate the best available TLS protocol if both parties support it. It just also will use the terrifically broken SSL protocols if that's all one party can support. So with ssl:// you're taking on a small possibility that your transfer will be unsafe to potentially support a server who is really putting its users at risk.
so... php-fpm issue... there are 2 procs max. The problem is that the php script makes an http request to localhost. So when 2 scripts, running at the same time, run the request... fpm waits for a script to finish, but they never do...
@Jimbo I don't know. Well, recently I found two local guys and it's PITA to work with them. They simply don't work unless you get to their place, lol
@Gotalove Maybe try port 25? From google: If you tried configuring your SMTP server on port 465 (with SSL) and port 587 (with TLS), but are still having trouble sending mail, try configuring your SMTP to use port 25 (with SSL).
anyone got an idea?
fpm is extremely terrible ...
@FlorianMargaine haha
Basically, I am looking for a reliable source.
why did you set 2 procs limit?
@nikita2206 the problem would be the same at 50 procs limit
ok then use cli
@Leri If you're looking for JS folks specifically the javascript room is a good place to start. I suspect people there will also be quite handy with the usual HTML/CSS things.
@nikita2206 not a bad idea
yeah, FCGI might resolve the problem for you
@rdlowrey Actually, I write js myself. All I need is well structured html/css/js(for responsiveness needs).
@Leri Oh ... well ... I might get shouted down for this but I would just go use some "framework" package like bootstrap or a more lightweight equivalent. I'm too busy to waste time fussing with html/css :)
@nikita2206 @OIS let me try those thanks
@rdlowrey we could never shout at you ...
@JoeWatkins thanks man, your affirmations really mean a lot :)
@JoeWatkins his eyes would charm you into silence? :P
@rdlowrey <3
in all seriousness, I agree ... I hate, with a passion, frontend stuff, anything you look at ... but if the task isn't complex then probably best to just use an off-the-shelf solution like bootstrap to get the job done ... so you can carry on with more interesting things ... produce MVP, if someone isn't happy then they can hire a frontend guy for fancy-ness ...
My OCD always leads to an endless loop of "adjust CSS declaration by one pixel and force refresh." I know better than to get sucked into that stuff at this point.
I was once asked to adjust an animation by 250 thousands of a second .... by a human ... fuck frontend stuff ...
Because refactoring the same class half a hundred times is way more sensible lol. That's my preferred time wasting mechanism lol.
@OIS port 25 error failed to connect to server(0)
@rdlowrey Well, I have never had and most likely won't have time to write html/css even with "frameworks". I just want to have proper mark up for project so I can place it into my presentation layer in 1-2 days. So what you said is a good option if I have time and will to create project-specific template.
Thanks for ideas though.
@rdlowrey the difference is that a human is able to perceive the difference between the class you started with and the one you finished with, a human cannot reliably perceive the difference between 0.75 seconds and 1 second, I'm pretty sure that's just wasting time ...
Anyone an idea how to run phpize without make install?
@Gotalove I'd use Swiftmailer tbh. And I found a stack overflow which sorta explains how to do it. stackoverflow.com/questions/3478906/…
@bwoebi it's in scripts/ src dir
587 with TLS password too let me check it out @OIS
@JoeWatkins sure, then I get:
Cannot find build files at '/usr/local/lib/php/build'. Please check your PHP installation.
@JoeWatkins Brilliant. I am agree with all.
maybe some editing to be done, or maybe pick it apart ? @bwoebi
no way around… sigh
it's 200 lines of bash, I'm sure you can edit it to work ...
I'm sure I have in the past ...
I heard someone on US television describe Obama as the president of the world ... maybe a lil bit of that going on there @FlorianMargaine
@JoeWatkins oO
@FlorianMargaine oO
@JoeWatkins Stop watching MSNBC man...
@JoeWatkins oO
why did I get two oO's ?
different contexts :-)
I genuinely did, bill maher show iirc ... dunno who the guest was ...
@FlorianMargaine Well at least "cashier" is a cool name for an ecommerce thing.
The rest of it ... yeesh.
life, uh, finds a way
lol. I love that reference.
isn't "that's a really pretty name" a line ??
this code is full of static...
bro do you even laravel?
@OIS @nikita2206 I solved it.Google account keeps disabling use less secure account
for apps
@FlorianMargaine WHat to the actual fuck
protected static
The whole thing is full retard... never go full retard.
@JoeWatkins okay, wasn't so hard, but took me 6 mins :x
maybe stick on gist/github, I've have to do that before, is useful ...
@FlorianMargaine a filesystem??? in an invoice??? WTF
yeah... that...
I think what I did was replace local paths with env vars, but I don't remember ... so you could SRC=/path/to/php-src ./phpize
also the fact that it seems to understand DI... and then...
@JoeWatkins It'd be more useful if the bash script conditionally could look in .. or $prefix…
return $system == 'windows' ? '.exe' : '';
I think if someone actually created an ecommerce product using PHP that wasn't the worst thing in the world they could probably corner the market.
Maybe some of us should consider that ...
When I connect to my PC via RDP and listen music, will remote PC give sound outside or only connected host (me) will hear it?
@tereško u there?
@Teomanshipahi I think you have the wrong room
interesting thought, when you leave a room completely empty, but full of hot air, fungus will first accumulate in all corners ... I'm saying those corners are already full of mould, and nobody wants the job of scraping that shit off @rdlowrey
@rdlowrey Marketing seems to be one of the only things that matters when it comes to popularity :(
Does anyone know this code can possibly work github.com/laravel/cashier/blob/master/src/Laravel/Cashier/… ?
@rdlowrey my company is trying to do that...
They create a file in order to put it as a response
and then, before sending this response they remove the file
Ah they read it in memory
It's already in the response ;)
@FlorianMargaine nifty
I was working with Rocket Internet's stack, it has some worse code...
I suspect having to stay on top of all the stupid changes to tax rates would be a real PITA
@rdlowrey they're trying to make it a community thing: github.com/commerceguys/tax/tree/master/resources/tax_type
not much feedback yet afaik though
taxes are something the shop keeper needs to worry about, the developer's responsibility ends at making it something they can configure
@ircmaxell can’t hear you too busy generating invoices
in response to:
Can anyone explain why a class representing an invoice executes shell commands??? This is a classic SRP violation: https://github.com/laravel/cashier/blob/master/src/Laravel/Cashier/Invoice.php#L33-L45
@ircmaxell What an absolute asshole.
Was it a Friday link? Cause I don't have flash player
Hey goys
posted on January 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by balta */

@Jimbo yheah, I'm trying to figure out how to respond to it...
Not a friday link. Cool kid. He open-sources it all in the end so people can expand and have it for free.
I have a little question related to php classes, if i want to use for example a User Class, which will be used to CRUD users, should i throw exceptions inside of it, or in the code i'm going to use it?
@ircmaxell Ask him if he learned how to write php with CodeIgniter
Or something something
@FlorianMargaine The way I'd probably solve it is to either i) use redis as a queue and have a set number of cli scripts (run through supervisord) as the processors or ii) have a separate pool for serving internal requests, that is accessible locally only, through a separate host name.
@Danack the problem is that they want to use the result in the response
@CalEvans the sad part was it was an honest question. And people wonder why some of us don't take @taylorotwell or Laravel seriously...
@Jimbo I am agree with all.
Grade-A Douchebaggery.
@Jimbo temping, but let's not egg people on
That's not community-positive
@FlorianMargaine That's ok. Redis is fast enough to push/pop events between different processes fast enough for the original request to sit and wait for a response. e.g. through:
I got invited to round 2 of the job inteview (the finals)
@Danack oh, I see what you mean
I like how the Otwellians came immediately to star Taylors tweet... sometimes the Laravel Community makes me sad
@RonniSkansing Nice :)
@KevinMGranger He's not community positive
redis.io/commands/BLPOP - this allows a process to sit and wait for data with almost no load.
@Fabor thanks.. I actually got a job last week or something.. but I would rather have this one.. I think
how is your knee btw?
@FlorianMargaine In case of it's use - this is a very simple task runner, github.com/Danack/Imagick-demos/blob/master/src/ImagickDemo/…
Better. Still swelling when I exercise, but at least I am exercising. I just want to be able to squat and I will be good.
@ThomasDavidPlat s/sometimes/the vast majority of the time/
@Danack thanks
@Danack it's the beauty of non-blocking communication. You can wait for results without polling. When there's work to do it will be done. If not, the CPU will idle :)
@FlorianMargaine but why can't you do all the work in the original process?
@Danack This sort of thing always makes me happy :)
@nikita2206 microservices :P
... kidding, but it's basically the idea
@rdlowrey Yeah.....we've discussed this before, but I do love me some Redis.
@FlorianMargaine so you just want to extract some action in a microservice
@Danack redis is great.
@ircmaxell I didn't want to say it out loud lol. I can't be too hard to them. During the time I dealt with Laravel I learned a lot of things and got a better Developer I think.
@nikita2206 it's already extracted. And fpm threading models makes it hard to use without deadlocks
@FlorianMargaine why not implement in the way that it could serve as a microservice AND be embedded in another service as well
redis as queue? sounds like stuff might get overwritten? why not a messagequeue like fx rabbitMQ?
@nikita2206 in this case, probably because they don't even know what the ws is written in
@ircmaxell why not DM @taylorotwell him and ask? This whole public shaming thing on twitter in the programming world is stupid
That's so fucking stupid. Nevermind. Not going to deal with nonsense on a Friday.
1) Because of responses like otnob's, and 2) because it's OPEN SOURCE
@taylorotwell @ircmaxell Such nit picking. I use Laravel because the value it provides my business is hugely superior (cont)
Grammatical pet-peeve: when people use adverbs to add emphasis instead of actually using a good adjective.
btw @FlorianMargaine why is FPM limited to two processes? that doesn't seem a sensible choice.
@Danack it'd be the same if it were limited to 10 processes
Looks like he didn't do much R&D then - good luck when his codebase becomes legacy sooner than expected.
@ircmaxell It's a trade-off of "technical purity" for a nice API for the consumer of the package. I don't see it as a problem.
s/technical purity/technical competence/
@FlorianMargaine did you actually have this kind of problem? I mean, fpm instances can be scaled across as many servers as you want
@nikita2206 yeah
People who suck at things always believe their mistakes are in the realm of theory.
Just add servers?
it's a hosting plan
adding servers is... more expensive
@nikita2206 and anyway, you'll get the problem no matter how many procs if you end up having to scale that much...
@ircmaxell Unless @taylorotwell has actually run into maintainability issues, I don't think it's fair to say it's empirically "bad".
not being able to scale at more than 2 simultaneous users is quite bad tbh...
@FlorianMargaine 10 is also not many.....I think you really want to have the process limit higher than you would ever expect to encounter, and have a "are we overloaded" check in your code to log the fact that you're overloaded, and return a correct (and fast) 503 error rather than having a backlog of requests which time out. The overload check could be done trivially by just counting the number of requests in the redis queue to see if there's a free background worker available.
Yeah, having 2 procs is bad as well)
I mean, 2 procs would let you have at least ~10 concurrent users, right?
No, 2
But 8 could wait
no, more. If there's nothing blocking (i.e. no deadlock), then you shouldn't be limited by the number of procs...
Depends on how long your requests take.
@Ocramius that's unfair… I usually check where the link points to… so not clicking if yt or some url shortener… but ………
Yeah, what is concurrent user in your understanding?
But it's not a good choice, because debugging "server is overloaded in ways we can't see" is bad. Debugging "server is overloaded and we can see that in PHP" is OK.
Cause for me it's users at the same exact moment interacting with your server
@bwoebi never trust a link :P
So for two workers you will have 2 users
But others can wait
@nikita2206 same
@nikita2206 exactly.
TIL Taylor is a dicktwat.
Oh wait that was already established
@ircmaxell it's just a cult.
it's worse than that
@Ocramius A mutual suicide cult?
@ircmaxell @adamwathan i think you’re the one with the emotional attachment bro :)
@ircmaxell yeah, saw that. Makes my blood boil
part of me wants to write a blog post about this
@JoeWatkins Do you know who is going to be migrating it to 7.....and are they going to fix any stuff - because the number of open issues is scary: bugs.php.net/…
and the other part doesn't want to give him the credibility that would provide
@rdlowrey gary strikes again ;-) He never fails to deliver expectations
@ircmaxell I love it when people seriously react like a 5 year old. Just respond with: You are stupid
@PeeHaa I'm not going to stoop to his level
@PeeHaa that's the kindergarten-level we're already spectating to.
though if I was going to reply to him, I would reply to that tweet with "And you're actively harming your community with that attitude"
Is there a way to stop gmail from hiding 'replied to' text - e.g. the bit where it hides the previous email that someone has quoted in their reply?
@Danack I wish.
@ircmaxell @ShawnMcCool you seriously need to reflect on your social skills if you can't see how your question was loaded
@Danack seriously... I really wish. I'm working on an extension that needs all the email text to be able to gpg verify... I can't, without clicking on this little button.
What is a "cursor" in MongoDB? Is it like a query result?
déjà vu
@monstrocity docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/cursors top google result.
@Danack It's still unclear. Is the cursor all the data a query is returning?
I have no fucking idea.
I'm pretty sure a cursor is something like a pointer to a specific position in a set of results.
It suspect it's a daywalker @rdlowrey.
I suspect your mother is a nightwalker. OH SNAP.
☑ Plays well with others
☐ Resorts to ad hominem attacks when confronted
☑ Uses compliment sandwich to let down co-workers easily
/finds nearest A&E with specialist burns unit.
Anyone know any facebook developers here in chat??
still trying to spy on messages?
@iroegbu my facebook page is hacked and i am removed as admin
Any Facebook here?
@AsheshKumar use the Fb help center
probably, but they don't take care of your kind of request.
btw @rdlowrey I upgraded to the latest version of Artax - I think having the \Amp\wait() automatically create a reactor is going to catch people out. Aka it caught me out and I sat wondering why it was not returning, due to forgetting to pass in the already created reactor. Would it not make more sense to have separate functions one where the reactor must be passed in, and the other that will create one for you?
@FlorianMargaine Thats the problem They don't ever reply
/dat trolling.
@Danack Perhaps. I came to the realization that Promise::wait() was ruining everything. Literally. It was a dirty hack that I wish I never created.
@SaraGolemon is here?
@AsheshKumar if someone working at facebook is hanging out here, it's certainly not their job to answer your request.
@rdlowrey that's not cool
@FlorianMargaine is it?
@AsheshKumar goto facebook.com/hacked
@ircmaxell Not sure what you're talking about.
@RonniSkansing Its for Account issues, i am looking for page issues, thanks anyways . i will go and find help at HelpCenter
@rdlowrey mostly what @DejanMarjanovic said, but calling out where people work in response to questions
@AsheshKumar you pages are controlled by the account?
Hey, I have been asked to build a shopping cart with multiple payment options. I cannot do it due to time constaint. Would any of you want to do that instead? I'd forward your contact then. Ping me if interested.
E_TOO_MUCH_FRIDAY_JOVIALITY ... I'll go back to adult mode now.
people have done it in here for me with G questions, and it's really not cool. It puts us in a very awkward spot
@iroegbu Its for Account issues, i am looking for page issues, thanks anyways . i will go and find help at HelpCenter
Now, if it's something very specific around what we work with, then fine
@Gordon yep
@Danack general rule… don't instantiate your own reactor. If you don't really, really know what you do at least…
@nikita2206 should I take you SO email address?
@ircmaxell I get what you're saying. I was being silly but I realize it's a PITA for you guys. Will refrain in the future.
@Gordon I'm not sure what my SO email address is, in any case I guess it's kinda safe to leave my email here [email protected]
@rdlowrey yeah, I know it wasn't meant in malice :-)
@rdlowrey Dammit, I missed it
@nikita2206 doesn't seem to be very safe: view-source:chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11
@ircmaxell However, I was having some problems with my gmail inbox lately. Do you have a few minutes to help? ;)
oh yeah, I have angularjs issues, can you help me @ircmaxell?
@FlorianMargaine oh it's too late to edit \:
>XHTML 1.0 Transitional
oh my
@nikita2206 may I use your real name in the eMail?
@Gordon yeah, of course :)
@Gordon Hey belated congratulations on the new addition to your family :)
I'm kinda not liking the new styling of SO.. my eyes no longer immediately jump to the information I'm after, I have to go looking for it
@PaulCrovella Agreed. Have been like that for a while now on meta but just cannot like it
@rdlowrey thanks :)
o.O I don't often use the main SO site, but they've cleaned up the UI in small, subtle ways.
When did that happen?
@Ocramius gmfdi
ah, lolz
DB recommendation for recording stats? Will only be about 100 rows but total 12,000,000 updates per day.
@Fabor Redis...
Yeah this is #1 on the list
make it #0
we're programmers ffs
Remember kids, you can’t say Artisanal without saying Anal.
and here it begins
"Web developer, and sometime conference speaker. The trolling is my own and not representative of any employers."
Jan 9 at 12:51, by Paul Crovella
I feel like this sums up laravel quite well
@Danack think already done, and dunno ... it is scary ... it's very poor quality ...
Someone there uses ubuntu for php development? Its ok have html folder with 777 permissions? Because if I don't set 777 permissions i get a permission error accessing my html folder. But dont know if its secure have this 777 setting
No, 777 is not okay
don't set 777
Is 644 the usual perms?
I already change for 777 and I dont remember what was before
i will change for 644 to see if i can acess
with 644 i cant acess
You'll have to set the right user / group.
but for example, if I set 755, im saying that root have rwx permission, so if im root in my computer, why i cant have full acess to my folder? Im not understanding that
YOU are not root
unless you logged in as root
777 is not enough. set 999
When you're building a one-off system pragmatism is awesome. When building a distributed platform for others to build on it's dangerous.
@ircmaxell I don't think he's wrong
@NikiC well then
I called out code
not a person
So I intentionally social-shamed that code. Which isn't far from the truth (at all)
that people extend that to shaming Taylor or Laravel is beyond me

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