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Took some time to dig this out re exceptions: marc.info/?t=119263748000001&r=1&w=2
is there a way to backup a database after logged into mysql root?
@AndreaFaulds strict is the only one that actually provides a useful feature imo.....
@Danack Weak is still useful from a documentation perspective and even for error-checking purposes. It'll catch things before an explicit cast might mangle them
For example:
Any really thorough free online PHP PDO MySQL courses?
function foo(int $a, int $b) { return $a + $b; } foo([], 2); // error
function foo($a, $b) { return $a + $b; } foo([], 2); // no error
@AndreaFaulds doesn't sound too bad. Pseudo-types like number(float, int) or numeric (float, int, well formed string) could be useful then to satisfy the other camp
@Jimbo is mysqldump works within mysql shell?
function foo(int $a, int $b) { return $a + $b; } foo(12, 12.5); // error
@Jimbo i want to dump databases after logged into mysql console
function foo(int $a, numeric $b) { return $a + $b; } foo(12, 12.5); // no error
@GeoffreyHale You hardly need to know all the ins and outs of PDo
@Rangad it was an example of where the weak typing approach throws an error, not the strict one
yes, I just wanted to clarify my statement about strict + pseudo ;)
If it's just for documentation, it's really not much benefit over comment based documentation.
@AndreaFaulds Any really thorough free online MySQL course? I've been using MySQL for a decade but I'm sure I'm just scraping the surface of what it can do. Something that would cover settings and best practices for database creation, table creation and value types, relationships, and advanced querying including joins and beyond.
@m6w6 What would you rate the chances of people being accepting of exception for constructors now if it was brought up on internals?
@Danack Yes, but it's also a runtime error, is the point
@Danack: rephrase, please :)
ex: i want to run backup commands while left side has "mysql>"
mysql> show databases;
like that, mysql> "command to dump ...."
@m6w6 It's a bit nuts having some constructors returning null. That conversation you linked to was quite a while ago. If someone proposed standardising on "constructors either succeed or throw exception, and never return null", is there any chance it would be agreed to ?
NULL == new Foo() is not acceptable
@GeoffreyHale You probably want this book: shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920022343.do
Which constructors return NULL actually?
They should be fixed IMO.
@m6w6 beyond not acceptable... that's horrific
@m6w6 The one's I'm looking at are: Collator, IntlDateFormatter, NumberFormatter, ResourceBundle in the intl extension. However judging by the lack of zend_replace_error_handling elsewhere in the extensions directory - I suspect there are lots.
@ircmaxell well... I came from PEAR, where return new PEAR_Error() within constructors was common ;)
@Danack let me take a look
@m6w6 which only worked in PHP4 (which was dumb), but was broken and didn't in PHP5 (thankfully)
@Danack Great, thank you!
yup, learn and improve
I have a legit sql head-scratching problem here: I have two columns that are relational. Somehow, I need to retrieve only those rows from Column1 that don't have a sibling in Column2
I don't know how to do this, would you use "Join"?
@DemCodeLines 'left outer join'
@ircmaxell sometimes I wish I could return a Future there to be yielded which only then returns the object in it…
But how would you check if the row is there or not.
I'd read what 'outer join' does and then understand why it does what you asked.
@Danack Crazy shit, you'd have my support if you bring this up on internals
@bwoebi no. Don't abuse constructors like that. If you have that use-case, use a factory
Seems like @thephpleague will eventually become a framework :) .
Here we go again...
For the rest, there are actually not that much classes in core, so a lack of zend_replace_error_handling() is not significant
@ircmaxell heh… I said sometimes I wish… Didn't say that I'd like if it really were that way.
DateTime throws f.e.
Now back to porting 23k LOC to PHP7...
@m6w6 lot of BC breaks?
extension code, so yes.
ayy lmao
how can I go about updating schematics of lots of databases on different servers at the same time?
does version control cover this?
@jskidd3 What do you expect version control to do?
Why can't anyone on internals read? :(
> In both approaches, the function will always get exactly the argument type it asks for. In the case of strict type-checking, this is done by rejecting incorrectly-typed values. In the case of weak type-checking, this is done by rejecting some values, and converting others. Therefore, the following code will always work, regardless of mode:

> function foobar(int $i) {
> if (!is_int($i)) {
> throw new Exception("Not an integer."); // this will never happen
> }
> }
How could I be clearer...
@Patrick no wait ..
I didn't, I introduced a casting function ...
@AndreaFaulds Could not cast your vote. Error returned by server: :(
@AlmaDo :(
posted on January 15, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by JRich */

@Leri I know what version control is but I don't think it's what I'm looking for... I need to distribute lots of the same version controlled schematic to multiple servers
preferably in a pretty UI or something
@AndreaFaulds accept liberally, produce strictly
In computing, the robustness principle is a general design guideline for software: Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others (often reworded as "Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept"). The principle is also known as Postel's law, after Internet pioneer Jon Postel, who wrote in an early specification of the Transmission Control Protocol that: TCP implementations should follow a general principle of robustness: be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others. In other words, code that sends commands or data to other...
we'll do it live fuck it
@ircmaxell It would make sense to have return types always be strict.
That's the spirit!
s/would make sense/really only makes sense/
weak input, strict return
Hmm, I'll update that section of the RFC
> If return types are added, such as with the Return Type Hinting RFC, scalar type hints should be supported. Unlike parameter types, it would probably not make sense to allow weak type-checking for return types. Allowing weak type-checking for parameter types, but only strict type-checking for return types, would be consistent with the principle of "be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept".
> If we are to reject this principle and allow weak type-checking for return types, then the type-checking mode should depend on where the function is defined, rather than where it is called. This is because returning the wrong type is a problem with the callee, while passing the wrong type is a problem with the caller.
makes sense
@AndreaFaulds Its name is "Return Types", not "Return Type Hinting" ^^
@LeviMorrison :D
Actually, it links to the old URL of that RFC...
Also, quick question:
> Catchable fatal error: Return value of answer() must be an instance of int, integer returned in %s on line %d
^ This is the error dmitry is generating.
I think it is correct because it thinks int is a class.
What do params do?
that's the same as if you pass an interger to public function foo(int $abc)
$ php -r 'function foo(int $abc) {} foo(123);'
PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to foo() must be an instance of int, integer given, called in Command line code on line 1 and defined in Command line code on line 1
Yeah, that's the correct error
We use instance of as a prefix to indicate a class
That, or we say object
I think we're consistent here
Ohi @Sara :)
@AndreaFaulds not allowed in PHP
@Ocramius Sorry, I should stop with my "intuitiveness", "consistency" and "predictability", they just don't fit...
What's the name we are using for consistency when we talk about float/double/reals? We picked float, right?
@AndreaFaulds ;-)
@LeviMorrison Yes, float. See my pull request to make error message names consistent
Integers are int or integer (formerly also long). Floats are float (formerly also double). Strings are string. Booleans are boolean (though we use bool in some parts of the manual).
@SaraGolemon What the hell is this?! 3v4l.org/95WVF ☜ why isn't HHVM throwing an error?
You're officially the resident HHVMer now, so I will ask you about HHVM weirdness :p
FYI the #hhvm channel is usually pretty helpful.
I would really like to drop everything and spend the next two months completely rewriting everything in php to run on top of libuv ... but I just don't have time :(
@LeviMorrison Will try.
I've often got bugs of this kind escalated and fixed quickly by bringing it up in the channel.
@rdlowrey It's a multi-man project anyway.
It'll also be hard to do with how often master is changing right now.
@LeviMorrison well, master isn't changing so much recently. More like local optimizations now.
True. It's most likely a PHP8 thing.
@bwoebi Still cause merge conflicts ^^
This is why I was really hoping for a 5.7 before 7 ...
@LeviMorrison Frequent ones.
TSRMLS_DC removal and the whitespace fix in particular were pretty bad
Some of the parser changes caused conflicts with my parser changes as well.
Aside from interacting with things such as the network and the disk, what other advantages are there to building on top of libuv?
@AndreaFaulds Hrmmm, seems like it should error. I'll take a look...
@SaraGolemon I'm not super-familiar with HHVM internals, but I wonder if someone put the wrong coerce mode thingy on it
@LeviMorrison well for one all the differences across OSs are eliminated because that's handled at the libuv layer. But another benefit is you could have cross-OS signal handling built in without the need for the ugly pcntl extension
Another benefit is you have cross-OS threading support built into libuv as well.
And because libuv has non-blocking support for dispatching work to threads internal php things could shift work to other threads transparently without userland ever knowing about it.
that is a massive, just huge, amount of work ...
I know right ... maybe I should just migrate to Rust where they had the good sense to build on top of libuv from the start :)
I think Julia does the same.
Julia looks nice
I just think the php model of thread/process per primary task (web request) cannot persist into the future. You need a real mechanism for distributed computing and without that I can't imagine a future where the language is relevant.
If Julia actually finds success it has the potential to displace Python for scientific applications, as well as give a better language than C for the Fortran people to move to.
Julia has the idea of foreign references (basically a pointer to an object that exists on some other machine) and it generates the communication code for you. Potentially a big deal.
threads aren't new @rdlowrey, not sure why that would happen suddenly ...
threads only allow you to distribute processing locally, not to remote machines though.
For that you need non-blocking communication.
@rdlowrey Which to be fair is generally sufficient for most web-related activities.
It just makes sense to use the same distribution mechanism for everything instead of one that can only be used locally.
I'm just saying none of this is new ... I agree we could do with a more robust execution model, but becoming irrelevant, I do not see ...
None of the technology is new. It's that the requirements of our applications are changing.
Parallel is no longer good enough. Now we need massively parallel.
Well, to do big kinds of things, anyway.
I gotta disagree, look how far facebook got on php alone, and wikipedia, and a bunch of other massive scale web applications ... there's no point in seeking to solve a problem that nobody really has, and nobody really has these problems ...
If it were sufficient they wouldn't have looked for better solutions.
you can count on your fingers and toes the number of websites that operate at the kind of scale where Zend fails ...
Sure it can be done, just not well, and not cost effectively.
I just like PHP. I want to be able to do things like that in PHP :)
the kind of threading model we would need is hard, really hard, I'm not sure there is anything to gain from it ...
It's only complex because of the (nutball) web SAPI model where you reload your entire application on every request ... My problem is that I don't use the web SAPI. For people who use php as a command line programming language there's plenty to gain. I understand that it's a very small percentage of devs who actually use the language that way, though :/
there are so many road blocks to even thinking about what it would need to really look like ...
that's not really the problem ...
a simple higher level abstraction than the one we have now solves the problem of the web sapi, but that's barely even a problem ...
What are you thinking of as the major roadblock?
I'm trying to find words ...
To be clear, I'm not suggesting introducing threading in userland at all.
I know
be clearer, what exactly are you suggesting ?
when you say massively parallel, the kind of model we would need to achieve that is the kind that go has, are we on the same page ?
Yeah, basically.
@rdlowrey's new look
whether it's just internals able to dispatch to other threads, or some equiv. go-routine, zend would need to look the same ....
@AndreaFaulds Consensus is "Fixed in trunk". rand() {And many other parts of the math extension} was only recently converted from IDL to HNI. IDL was crappy when it came to proper type conversions and appropriate warnings.

TL;DR version: Yeah it was broken in 3.4 and earlier, but it got fixed a month ago.
@JoeWatkins Well I'm not saying PHP needs to manage the details of coordinating that kind of parallelism ... just that by building in non-blocking communication it would be possible for people to implement that themselves in userland.
@SaraGolemon Ahh, I see.
@SaraGolemon You say "math extension", did you guys split ext/standard up into its modules? :)
hello, can we use pretty url in localhost ?
no, only ugly for localhost :-)
when you implement commented interface, is comment automagically inherited from it? (can't test)
@AndreaFaulds No, sorry. It's grouped with standard, but it's in a separate source file (similar to how PHP organizes standard) so in my mind it's more like a sub-extension.
@SaraGolemon Ah, right. ext/standard is more like a collection of extensions than a single extension. Luckily we have a modules system so it's not too unruly
I have intl similarly "divided but not really"
'cause like.... so many functions/classes/constants/oh my
ext/standard is "add a function for ALL THE THINGS!!!"
Including things only useful to very small segments of humanity. Like Hebrew text direction flipping when not using Unicode...
Speaking of, I miss landonize()
It was literally: function landonize($text) { return file_get_contents("http://landonize.it/?q=" . urlencode($text)); }
But as a C function
What was that site? Doesn't exist any more it appears
It just mangled text to make it look like a 3 year old write it with a pen made out of ear wax
Note the date of the commit, btw
I almost miss Sterling
And James
"Almost"? Were they pains?
@SaraGolemon Any visual example?
> Add the landonize() and landonize_url() functions which provide a secure
alternative to the sha1() and sha1_file() functions.
> visited 1337 days, 11 consecutive
Related, not.
@AndreaFaulds Everyone is a pain on some level.
@SaraGolemon This is true :)
@DejanMarjanovic l33t
Almost beat @ircmaxell in consecutive... wait.
@AndreaFaulds Like, I'm a MASSIVE PITA.
I retract my mohawk
Gorten mugen duenos bias mood gorning ivpryet
@DejanMarjanovic Nah, sorry. Looks like the internet has almost completely forgotten about landonizing.
@DejanMarjanovic No - very annoyingly for classes that implement the interface via __call.
@Jimbo it's your fault.
@Danack Oh, shoo'. so class UberCool implements UberCoolInterface {} will bork?
@SaraGolemon First thing I've checked... the internet ^^
Wanted to rip it off...
@DejanMarjanovic For the methods that are implemented in the class, the comments around methods should be inherited. It just doesn't work for any comments on the class.
@Danack Without @inheritdoc mumbo jumbo?
@DejanMarjanovic Yep.....I don't think inherit is ever needed....
Ohh, apparently it can be used when you want to include the parent comment, but also other stuff in a child.
@DejanMarjanovic This link has a visual sample ☝︎
"I am not a barbarian, I shave my ass regularly!" --Sterling Hughes 2001
Oo oO
@AndreaFaulds Urrrm, eih, how do I say this... no :-P A visual example of landonized (whatchamacallit) subject :-P
@AndreaFaulds Unfortunately, no back-end for it anymore :(
@SaraGolemon Add it as a feature to Hack. Secretly.
@AndreaFaulds Sadly, the number of people who would get the joke could be counted on a single hand.
> f4c3b00k.com -- Demo of Hack's landonize() super important function
@SaraGolemon Sara Golemon's nostalgia is a good enough reason, right?
Also, wow, it's scary that PHP is more than 20 years old...
@AndreaFaulds No, we don't implement every bad idea someone comes up with. :p
Thank you @Danack mate. GJ on Imagemagick stuff :-)
It's older than me!
@SaraGolemon ;)
hmm, is there an array function for this shiet?
... How old /are/ you?
@DejanMarjanovic We really ought to do a new release ..... before 7.
@SaraGolemon 18. Soon to be 19. I'm not actually that much younger than PHP :p
@Ocramius array_map()
@AndreaFaulds Wow.... ough
ouch, too
@SaraGolemon yeah, no, was looking for array_combine_shiet_something()
@AndreaFaulds stop making me feel like a moron :P
@SaraGolemon Is that from making PHP feel old, or you?
@Ocramius we're too dumb for current age... at least I is :-P
I was older than you are now when PHP was released.
I agree. These kiddos are just one level too much.
Ah, that would explain how she has the energy to write so many RFCs ;)
@Machavity It's not energy, merely stupidity.
Now gimmie a minute to put my teeth in this here jar. It's 11am, time to get down to Denny's for the Grand Slam Buffet.
@AndreaFaulds it's energy, you'll see it fading away when you're almost 30 :P
Also, any free time I do have is probably stolen from vastly more important things than the future of PHP
@Ocramius You can get there faster if you have kids
Speaking of free time.... Are we gonna get you down to FOSDEM/Benelux or not?
@Ocramius you could probably do some fancy stuff with merging / array_keys and the like, but it would probably be less clear
@Machavity not planning to, it doesn't fit in my waterfall pipeline
@SaraGolemon I don't think that would be realistic
@Sara is one of those people that remembers websites that are not even in web archive.
Possible? Maybe. A good idea? At this late stage, I'd rather not...
@KevinMGranger yeah, trying to figure out something, eh
Like google.standford.edu ?
Yeah, that's how old I am.
@SaraGolemon What is this I don't even
18 isn't terribly old but I'm starting to understand that nostalgia people feel for past decades. I can remember 2005+ pretty well.
((When you were 8))
@SaraGolemon all the best things get better with age ...
Remember when eBay looked like it was from the 90s? Oh wait, that was last year.
except tumours ... I guess ...
Oh, @Joe :D
@DejanMarjanovic The first time I used google, google.com didn't exist. It was a project on the Stanford University campus.
Before they got kicked out
@SaraGolemon I take it you remember TheFacebook?
Before he got kicked out? :-P
@AndreaFaulds Not as a user, actually. I didn't attend university.
@SaraGolemon Ah, alright
@DejanMarjanovic No, Google were kicked out, sort of, IIRC
But when they opened it to the public I signed up to reserve my username :)
@AndreaFaulds Ah yes. The good ol days. When there was no Stack Overflow and you had to get your coding questions answered by reading people's blogs.
More like they left preemptively. You can't run a business on university resources, and they wanted to make lots of money,.
I literally cannot remember what happened on Monday, and had to look at clock to find out day today ...
Back then it wasn't Google, anyway
It was 𝐆 𝐨 𝐨 𝐠 𝐥 𝐞 !
@Joe awesome blog post is awesome, I'll use it as a reference.
I did that on Monday, but I only know that because it says it on the screen ...
When I got to test center to take on ZCE 5.5, the operator said, "Oh, I didn't know PHP was still in use..."... instant FUUUUU.
In my defence, I got free voucher.
She should have told you "Sorry, we're all out of 5.5 tests. Hafta use this 5.6 one here..."
@DejanMarjanovic visited 1708 days, 1705 consecutive yeah...
@AndreaFaulds I do
@ircmaxell :o
So, guys, you know what'll be funny?
When there's a power/Internet outage where Anthony lives
I was an EDU user during one of the early openings (not the initial school, but)
and 1705 drops to 0
is it a penguin ?
@AndreaFaulds Wordpress 5.0?
@AndreaFaulds .. that made me feel old
@AndreaFaulds that happened. It was hurricane Sandy. Without power for 7 days. Still managed to do it
@ircmaxell You're determined...
@JoeWatkins Disregard everything I said earlier. I can do what I want to do with PHP exactly as it is right now ... there are just more hoops to jump through.
gonna go to darkest part of island and mess about with telescope/camera ... comet lovejoy is visible for the next few nights, then disappears for 8 thousand years .... point stuff at sky, should have green aura/tail ... lata ...
I was thinking about it and ... the pendulum of my mind has swung back to the side of "I can just use C extensions to do what I need and that's enough"

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