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@FlorianMargaine Well, it's a string, for starters. ;)
Hmm... Yes?
@FlorianMargaine because programming languages should not function based on random strings, but instead constructs
@ircmaxell but we're talking about php
@LeviMorrison i think i use covariance (TIL the name) only when i want to simulate generics, say:
use Something as T;
interface BazSomething extends Something {}
interface Foo { setSomething(T $t) : void; getSomething() : T; }
interface FooBar extends Foo { setSomething(T $t) : void; getSomething() : BazSomething }
so it's definitely good enough
additionally, the meaning of "strict" has changed over time, which is not a good thing when building reliable and maintainable applications
The whole point of the string in JS is BC, that thing that PHP loves so much
@ircmaxell and JS only did that because of BC
@ircmaxell huh?
(That was sarcasm, in case you didn't notice.)
@ircmaxell This is very much valid. strict on its own is not very descriptive, and it could potentially be difficult to add new constraints in the future
@DaveRandom declare doesn't break BC though
@DaveRandom precisely
I would expect "use strict"; in PHP to turn on E_STRICT, for example.
@LeviMorrison I also thought that
I think declare(strict_typehints=TRUE); is far more descriptive
But then it's not a type hint...
would declare(strict_types); be an improvement? (Does declare accept that construct?
@AndreaFaulds I suspect "typehints" might cause some to throw up. There has been some fairly valid opposition to the term of late.
But I feel like you already had this discussion with @LeviMorrison
@DaveRandom They're wrong. Python also uses the same term.
@PaulCrovella +1
@PaulCrovella Implies strongly typed vars, which you don't get
I purposefully didn't bring up "type hint" on the last RFC for strict types. I didn't need to: plenty of others don't like this terminology either.
@PaulCrovella It's supposed to be a valid PHP value, so declare(types="strict"); and I don't like that it would imply multiple values
and add an option to declare soft hinting to satisfy everyones code style preferences
@LeviMorrison They're also wrong :P
@Rangad "soft hinting"?
the default behaviour(weak)
Yeah, what Dave said
You still haven't defended "type hint"; you just say "legacy" and pretend that's good enough.
(at least that I can remember)
@Rangad The RFC has that.
Yeah, what Dave said
@LeviMorrison OK, I'll define it.
strictTypes()&&($f=function()use(&$f){call_user_func($f);})(); (means: no strict types or segfault please!)
s/define/defend/g ?
ah, that happens if one just scims through a text and thinks he understood it.
It's just a type declaration, really, but one that is enforced at runtime. Hmm...
@bwoebi lol
Anyway, good night. @AndreaFaulds I like your rfc fwiw
@FlorianMargaine :)
Even though I'm not a fan of "typehint", it's a detail for me tbh
Well, this RFC seems ready enough
Let me unleash the storm...
@AndreaFaulds not funny.
By the way, I think we can call it "type information" (or "type info" for short). This aligns with what we already call things internally (zend_arg_info for example).
i'd make strict type hinting default :P
And now, I, Andrea, shall destroy PHP once and for all! With scalar type hints v0.2!
@LeviMorrison We also call them type hints internally, in some places.
Since at least 5 years ago
@AndreaFaulds It's one of the rare times I'm really happy that language changes need 2/3…
@AndreaFaulds Which is pretty bloody recent as far as PHP's timeline is concerned ^^
@LeviMorrison Maybe earlier.
In any case, "type hint" is bad terminology and we can change it.
I don't know why you kick against the pricks on this one; is it really that hard to call it "type info" or "type declarations" instead?
I know in the past you've said you don't have to defend that choice; they have been called "type hint" so you can call them that too.
Is there a way to debug a parse error?
with your eye holes
Bison likes my changes. The generated parser does not ;(
@LeviMorrison As far as I'm concerned: 1) We always seem to call them type hints, 2) If we're to change that, then there should be an effort where we update the manual and php-src and everything rather than just referring to them differently in new RFCs, and 3) It's more convenient as it distinguishes types and type declarations
@AndreaFaulds Yeah, but by preserving the terminology of "type hint" in your RFC and directly adding it to user-land in the form of declare(type_hint) will prevent me from ever making the change.
That's now a technical BC break.
So please, in the very least, don't call it a type_hint in declare.
@AndreaFaulds just as a point of practicality - do you think not calling them "type hints" will raise as much objection as doing so does?
@LeviMorrison Fair point. But first come up with a better name. Because declare(strict_typehints=TRUE) is more descriptive and less misleading than declare(strict_types=TRUE).
Uhm... how so?
@LeviMorrison Strict types sounds like getting rid of weak typing :p
To be honest, I don't think this approach will pass.
@LeviMorrison :(
For completeness, that's not even necessarily my view (though it is). I just don't feel like Internals will collectively like it.
Not to the tune of 2/3 vote.
Also, I really don't think the casting-style behavior makes any sense for return types.
You can't be responsible for all callers, but you are responsible for what you return. Casting can only hide bugs at best.
@LeviMorrison Yeah :/
On the bright side, you know internals so much better than you did before ^^
The mailing list?
@LeviMorrison well, there are a few cases, like float/int conversion that may make sense...
@ircmaxell I could perhaps be persuaded there.
Over time I've liked C's behavior with regard to int/float conversions less and less.
So... I am not sure. I would lean to 'do not convert'.
@PaulCrovella thanks, got it was missing a %right T_TRIPPLE_ARROW.
@LeviMorrison PHP's int->float and float->int behaviour is relatively sane, though.
Also, function foo(int $a, int $b): int { return $a / $b; } would fail most of the time in strict mode ;)
@AndreaFaulds Oops, I meant php-src
@LeviMorrison Ah, I was wondering if that might be what you meant.
@AndreaFaulds If you mean 'do not convert anything' then yes, it would fail.
@LeviMorrison Right.
I don't really understand why parameter and return type declarations would need to have their behavior linked in the first place. They're only vaguely related.
gmfdi if someone wants to break BC in PHP 7, PLEASE make PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION the default. I just don't have the energy or time to campaign for it.
@DaveRandom I know right
I see we've reached scalar type hinting RFC number 47
@NikiC ^^
@NikiC inb4 a new edition of "Scalar type hinting is harder than you think" with yet another approach
Not really thought through and currently done with the bare minimal implementation (and I'm not the one that should implement it in the end as my c-foo is way low). But would there be a remote chance to get something like this in php `function call() {
echo 'hello world';

$a = () ==> call();; // one of them needs to go.

$a(); // hello world`
@Rangad ...?
@Rangad Oh, short lambda syntax. Yes, various people here would like that. @Sara? ;)
I definitely like @bwoebi's idea of ($a, $b) ~> $a + $b
don't know about the real effort to implement that cleanly (auto capturing). The rest could be done by just modifying the parser I.
and create a closure internally
@ircmaxell I don't like ~
Is there any real conflict with =>? I understand that symbol reuse may make it more difficult to know what it is at a glance, but is there any technical issue with it?
λ should work fine
@LeviMorrison Yes, there is. What if I want an array of functions?
I don't think that's an issue:
@LeviMorrison It is.
    ($x) => $x
^ Is that currently allowed?
@LeviMorrison I think so
…I was not aware. I didn't think we allowed expressions on the left hand side.
I guess I have never seen it used.
Should be. IIRC, it's just: expr T_ARROW expr
That contrived example is a bit silly, but maybe something like: "id-$id" => $val
It is unfortunate that we didn't pick : for associative arrays.
$_SERVER = [ ("HTTP_" . strtr(strtoupper($headername), '-', '_')) => $headervalue ];
@LeviMorrison yes
Eh... a token is a token
@SaraGolemon Sure, but symbol compatibility between languages can be helpful ^^
cough Javascript and its effing commas cough
I tried to fix it
It was rejected :(
@SaraGolemon In that case it wouldn't actually be ambiguous: that expr on the left isn't a valid parameter list ^^
btw, any opinions on: function foo($bar = baz()) { ... }

Basically, arbitrary expressions as initializers? I have an idea how to make it work without being hacky
I do see the point, though.
((Note that HHVM supports this already and I like it more than I thought I would))
@SaraGolemon please don't
heh, why not?
Of all the features for PHP 7 you can think of and you want to push for this? ^^
@SaraGolemon It's too confusing. When will it be executed?
Y u no work on generics?!?!
baz() gets executing if you don't pass a value for $bar, I don't see the confusion :(
@LeviMorrison not until we have return and parameter types...
@SaraGolemon well, do you really want to allow side-effects in parameter list?
@SaraGolemon so you can have side-effects conditional on a parameter's default being used?
This also means named params and param skipping could do... bad things.
@SaraGolemon I like it
Hey @Sara, on a more practical note: have there been any discussions about a different syntax for function signatures as parameter/return types? Something more palatable using the callable keword, perhaps?
@SaraGolemon my thoughts on it… bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60544
function ((function(int,string):int $a): (function():int); <- not really palatable.
function (callable(int,string):int $a): callable():int; <- more palatable, to me at least
semantic satiation strikes again
@LeviMorrison I'd also prefer callable, for the same reason array<int> is better than int[] IMO
function foo(callable(int, string) $f) { ... }
function foo((callable(int, string) : float) $f) { ... }
@AndreaFaulds I don't think you need the extra parenthesis.
To me they just add noise anyway.
I find the entire thing unreadable, but overall yeah...
having typedefs for this would be best
typedef foo_callback = callable(int, string) : int;
function foo(foo_callback $f) { ... }
@AndreaFaulds Functions potentially have side-effects with or without it happening in the argument list. I don't see where that changes anything.
what's the difference between that and:
@SaraGolemon OK, the interaction with named parameters is bad, though
@LeviMorrison I think we disagree on palatability. I don't like the whole new-keywordness of calling them callables instead of functions (which is how they're defined using closures)
function foo($a = null, $b = null) {
    if (!$b) $b = doSomethingWithNastySideEffects();
Yeah the Hack function type syntax is pretty fugly, but I don't think callable is significantly better. Typedefs help, and is how they are usually used at FB, but I think that's a symptom of the absurd syntax more than anything. I always envisioned something more fancy, function foo(int -> string $x) or along those lines. But I haven't though it through very carefully.
@AndreaFaulds Why? A skipped parameter must have a default. I don't see where that interacts with named parameters and how they're computed.
@ircmaxell Your way is more obvious
@JoshWatzman ==> would be nice, somewhat Haskell-esque
function foo((int, string) ==> (foobar) ==> float $f) { ... }
@AndreaFaulds And more verbose, but that's a style difference...
@AndreaFaulds yeah and it works well with the short lambda syntax Hack has as well
@JoshWatzman exactly
@AndreaFaulds The challenge as always is going to be dealing with parser issues; I haven't tried to implement anything like that to see if any (probably more like, how many) parser hacks are necessary
@JoshWatzman None, in this case.
We don't allow brackets anywhere in a function type declaration just now :)
function g((function (int): bool) $func = ($x ==> $x == 123)) {

Totes valid Hack.
@AndreaFaulds cool
@SaraGolemon eww
Btw, have you seen Haskell's syntax here? It's pretty :)
@AndreaFaulds Functions are values, so it makes sense from a theory perspective, but yeah I was surprised it worked and had to ask about it :-P
That's an extreme (and ridiculous) example of course. More typical declarations would hopefully be more in the realm of:

function f(int $val = getVal()) { ... }
Which is much more readable and straight-forward
Oh wait, that's a declaration?
Also, Hack allows expressions as defaults already? o.O
@Andrea Yep
@Andrea We needed it for some DateTime stuff which treats TimeStamp::Current() as a default
@AndreaFaulds Yeah apparently, I wasn't really aware of it, but Sara tells me HHVM has a bunch of machinery to support this.
I never liked the PHP RFC process until I saw what happens when you don't have one, and any bad idea someone has gets in (Hack)
@AndreaFaulds FYI, that was rude.
In case you weren't aware.
Well... that killed the conversation.
@SaraGolemon Sorry... I'm not meaning to criticise your ideas specifically
@AndreaFaulds because you're used to it more
@ircmaxell I guess so.
Maybe this illustration helps:

function greet(string $name = getRandomName()) {
echo "Hello $name\n";

/* versus */

function greet(string $name = null) {
if (func_num_args() < 1) {
$name = getRandomName();
echo "Hello $name\n";

They do the same thing, no new functionality is actually provided and changed. It's just a more concise way of expressing it.
so, would you support arbitrary expressions?
or a limited subset
@ircmaxell Yep. In the parser it's literall expr
Also, I just found out this works, which I'll admit is a bit terrifying:

function foo($greeting, $name, $str = "$greeting $name")...
very cool
though there are some scary usages, overall I think it's powerful enough to be awesome
Note: Only left->right. The parameter used has to come before its use
oh, wait, really?
It's one of those "Here's a gun, mind yer aim..."
that's actually quite awesome, though horrifying
Yes, I am horrified.
so, by extension, would you then add support for property declarations to use arbitrary expressions as well?
(I know it's not the same, it's just a generalization)
@ircmaxell hrmmm.... maybe... Thought the imeplementation of that wouldn't be as simple
just thinking out loud there
Default args actually are bytecodes already, property defaults aren't (neither in PHP nor HHVM)
I wrote a reddit comment on how I feel about weak and strict types: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/2scc0a/rfc_scalar_type_hints_v02/…
right, but you could get creative and not emit bytecodes for them, but instead keep them in a separate table. Though now that I say that out loud that feels really like a bad idea...
well, you'd still need bytecode, but you wouldn't need a "properydeclaration" bytecode
My constructor arg promotion RFC actually did that to a degree.
Default arguments are only in opcodes because argument receiving is in opcodes :p
public function __construct(protected $x) { ...}
literally translated to:

protected $x;
public function __construct($x) {
$this->x = $x;
@Andrea In PHP, yes. And it's not really suitable for arbitrary expressions as-is, but it could be made so.
@ircmaxell Wait... you're /u/stiltononstilts?
@SaraGolemon Me is.
yeah, I would see something like:

class Foo {
    protected $x = bar();
    public function __construct() {...}


class Foo {
    protected $x ;
    private function __preConstruct() {
        $this->x = bar();
    public function __construct() {...}
@SaraGolemon no
Oh, right. @Andrea
Too many messages flying about :p
@Andrea I thought you were TasteSnitchel or something
the only trolling account I have is on IRC, and you can tell it's me because it's registered to my nickserv
@ircmaxell Which wouldn't be terribly hard to implement. Only question is: would we. :)
@SaraGolemon On GitHub. I've changed reddit names many times...
@SaraGolemon nope, because of too many edge cases, like unserialize and the like that would just make the politics of it a nightmare
@ircmaxell Gadz, unserialize... yeah... back away from the keyboard, golemon
@Andrea What is a StiltonOnStilts, anyway. I imagine blue cheese standing on toothpicks...
trying to stand on toothpicks, but sliding down due to it being extra creamy
@SaraGolemon That is.. very nasty. I think I'm going to go take a shower now.
@ircmaxell As blue cheese go, Stilton is on the dry firm side. It could easily stand as a tripod. I think bipedal standing might be out of reach.
Roquefort is what I was thinking of
There's also white stilton, but I prefer to imagine that does not exist.
But she's not RoquefortOnStilts...
@SaraGolemon there's a meme in /r/Scotland of adding "on stilts" to flairs, because of some absurd phrase an irrelevant Scottish politician said
and, well, stilton has "stilt" in it
@AndreaFaulds So, with a flair, you'd be: StiltonOnStilts OnStilts ?
@SaraGolemon hah
The cheese now stands on toothpicks taped end-to-end to other toothpicks
@ircmaxell WebP?!
yup :-)
@Andrea Regarding twitter.com/AndreaFaulds/status/555179561848406016 Hack calls that "num", if you wanted to match naming. :D
We don't have a "Scalar" though, a bit too loose, really
@SaraGolemon I was thinking that with the last RFC :)
Honestly "String" kinda works for "Scalar" in the loose typing world
I'd prefer number though
Not for strict though
also: someone should kill resources for 7
Eh, we can alias number == num. I'm not wedded to either
@ircmaxell Why?
They're like a low-fat version of objects. :D
@ircmaxell I want to but lack the time
@SaraGolemon which is the problem
@SaraGolemon except not low-fat since all of the tools and logic that objects give you are duplicated for every resource
fwiw, I'd actually be quite happy if we killed the resource type
Resource is a vestige of pre-PHP5 times
and I'm not saying to get rid of the user-land resource type, just internal. So internally they would just be a special type of object
Back when objects were arrays with functions. These days they're resources with functions, so no need for the resource type anymore
class Stream extends Resource { } ?
or implements...
something along those lines
though now saying it not sure if it's worth all of that work without going to full objects anyway
I'm having a very weird problem. I have a function, which accepts a parameter, then queries the DB appropriately and then returns results. The function is called from within a for loop.
zend_object_handlers resource_handlers = { read_prop_eff_you, write_prop_eff_you, call_func_eff_you, string_cast { return "resource #x(self::class)"; } ... }
This feels like a 7.1 feature to me, tbh
@SaraGolemon I want a Resource class for BC reasons
yeah, could be
Basically just so is_resource works
@Andrea Nod. No sense breaking old PHP code.
for ($i = 6; $i < 11; $i++)
	print "<dl>";
	switch ($i)
		case 6: /* do stuff */ break;
		case 7: /* do stuff */ break;
		case 8: /* do stuff */ break;
		case 9: /* do stuff */ break;
		case 10: /* do stuff */ break;
	$t = function($i);
        // do something with $t
	print "</dl>";
@SaraGolemon Congratulations, though. I believe that is worse than anything I've encountered in C++!
That code runs till case 8, but then stops working.
"stops working"?
@LeviMorrison As I said, that's a purposely ridiculous example. I would never write that, personally.
@LeviMorrison I wouldn't go that far
And yeah, you've clearly never seen variadic template expansion if you think that's worse than C++ :p
@SaraGolemon Yes I have.
I don't think it's that bad >.<
But still, function decl should be concise and easy to read. big default params don't help readability here.
@bwoebi I agree.
I can't believe this: function($i) works until $i = 8. But once it turns to 9, it fails. The function doesn't return anything. But if I go into the function and hard code 9 into it, it returns the right results from the DB.
I think you guys do that in folly, right? For "type-safe" TaggedPointer<int,float> type behavior?
Remember, I have C++-phobia, a totally real mental condition that definitely wasn't made up by my detractors
So please don't talk about C++ around me :p
@Levi Yeah, and every time we do my head hurts. :p
(Though someone having actual PTSD around C++ is theoretically possible, I suppose. Humans are weird.)
@SaraGolemon in theory it sounds nice, but when reading function decls, my brain just matches for dollar signs to identify the vars…
@bwoebi function foo($bar = baz()) { ... } isn't less readable than function foo($bar = BAZ) { ... } IMO
if you write function foo($bar = $_SESSION["baz"]) … I'm sure I'll be confused as a reader.
@bwoebi shrug
I don't think it's as big of a readability issue as you're making it out to be
I think it's less of an issue than any of the short-lambda syntaxes
IMO, that's what indentation is for:

function foo(
$bar = $_SESSION['baz'],
$bling = 123,
$blong = qux(),
) {
@SaraGolemon I am firmly in the camp of "function signatures should always fit on one line" ^^
@SaraGolemon not a problem with a simple function call. But in reality it'll more look like public function someLongName($with, $some = $this->api->getFoo(), $args = $this->api->getBar()) and then it doesn't really get readable.
@ircmaxell Yeah. While I've gotten used to ==> and love it now, it was initially a bit harder to parse for me
@bwoebi Again, linebreaks fix that.
@LeviMorrison Me too. Also it's awkward when you once do it single-line, then multi-line etc. @Sara
@Levi Style difference, I suppose.
@SaraGolemon Oh, I'm not saying it's bad enough to be against, just that I find the $bar = baz() syntax more readable in general.
We can go round and round citing example and counter-example
We can what?
We can what?
can go round and round
I've had some fun off-by-one typoes lately :)
Fun fact. "HIM" is off-by-one to the right of "GUN"
@SaraGolemon how do you know that? :D
That surely didn't cause a hilarious misunderstanding... surely
@SaraGolemon as said, basically linking it, just not being able to imagine it helping in practice…
@bwoebi At the end of the day, it's sugar. You can certainly get the same effect by using boilerplate in the function.
It's only really in HHVM because I needed it for HNI stubs (which don't have a PHP body to put such boilerplate in)
And it was dirt simple to implement. :p
@SaraGolemon yep. And I'm not persuaded there's enough merit for this sugar to be added.
Well then, it's a good thing I'm not worried about persuading you.
@SaraGolemon I also don't want to be persuaded, just my opinion which was formed by this discussion here.
That much is clear. :)
Anyway… ist's 3:21 a.m. here… good night.
I'm off to grab some balls and shove 'em in my wife's mouth.
^ Any last reviews before I put it to vote?
Nitty gritty stuff? Grammar? Examples?
@LeviMorrison Gimme a sec.
"Prevent unintended return types" suggests it's the return type that's wrong. I assume you meant "Prevent unintentionally returning values of the wrong type"?
> This proposal adds an optional return type declaration to function declarations including closures, functions, generators, interface method declarations and class declarations
You probably mean class method declarations
@LeviMorrison Is covariance for return type existence permitted? Oh wait, I see it is:
class Foo : int {
    public function lolwut();
> This RFC requires a return type to be declared only when a method inherits from a parent method that declares a return type; in all other cases it may be omitted.
function calls are expensive in php why not implement something like the inline keyword in c
@someone Interesting concept, could work. Bear in mind that inlined functions have different semantics though
yap but that could be a huge win, i think it will be a very nice feature
@NikiC For when you're around, does it sound good?
@ircmaxell Sorry? I don't understand?
39 mins ago, by Andrea Faulds
You probably mean class method declarations
Ah, I see now.
> This proposal adds an optional return type declaration to function declarations including closures, functions, generators, and method declarations.
How's that?
@LeviMorrison Now you're repeating "declarations". Just say methods. ^^
Right. ^^
Otherwise, uh, the RFC looks fine :)

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