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same here what it is
kloxo is like cpanel.
I had installed centos 5 because it is the only version which supports kloxo panel.
please help me with this
That should be a sign to not use kloxo imho
lolz peehaa
why do you want centos why not normal cpanel and mysql database
as cpanel cost $35 a month
@RaviBhalodiya Top tip: learn to use nix instead
great my cpanel comes in bundle with server mine is not dedicated one
@RaviBhalodiya why do you need cpanel? there are a lot of good tutorials for setting up a server
do you help me for setting mysql permissions on cetos 5, is there any tutorial or som...
@RaviBhalodiya Are you using a package manager?
Or build from sauce?
@RaviBhalodiya don't use centos 5... centos is currently on version 7
@Patrick is centos is database
@farooqshaik wat!?
what is centos guys
eery one is not expert in what you talk
i mean cetos
@RaviBhalodiya AFAIK the build script pretty much does that for you
cent os is operating system like linux, windows, android
@farooqshaik you can google things like this
@nikita2206 thanks i dont know that before
I had googled it a lot but coudn't find a way to solve this issue.
bye, will try..
ravi is saying something he didnt find it on google thats why we come here to discuss
I seriously love this meme
yes you are
today i have recieved infringment notice from srilanka cricket board
they are saying i am using thier video in my website a php one ofcourse
but i use youtube embed api . even bing does the same in thier video search thing
it does streams it why i recieved notice not bing
this is bing link bing.com/videos/…
i have said same to them
is it illegal to do it does any one say about it
find a lawyer , you dont need developer there
btw have you checked copyright information ?
i have checked youtube api
lol facepalm
lawyer are you kidding rather if you guys say to take it down i will take down site . i am not making like facebook to find a lawyer
what if some one share thier youtube link on fb and they stream they will sue facebook too lolz
and you would take down a site, just because we say so?!
i will listen to your comments and make decission guys
i have spent man hours my man hours on it not a big deal right. taking down site is easy rather than going to prison
you could simply remove the link to the video if you're that worried and don't want to hire a lawyer...
what do you mean by man hours ?
@NullPoiиteя that's how you measure/estimate work.
man hours means i have spent my time on it nothing much i have invested interms of people or anything
It's hours Man, hallelujah
@farooqshaik lol why are you so scared , its not though serious just replay the notice and make sure you have checked the copyright
@FlorianMargaine its youtube link you can see at the end id= some code its youtube video id i didnt hard coded it . people search for the video and it goes to youtube api fetches the video its not possible to control or few videos
is there any api on youtube to check weather the video is copy right or not @NullPoiиteя
you'd better to afraid of Google ban.
@NullPoiиteя i have replied to notice saying i have used youtube api and its allowed for to embed in youtube url in sites though thier embed code it happen always and even bing guys do the same go and sue them first
@Ocramius thanks you understand what is man hour
@NullPoiиteя i have replied to notice saying i have used youtube api and its allowed for to embed in youtube url in sites though thier embed code it happen always and even bing guys do the same go and sue them first
I love this chat
@sectus why google ban
@farooqshaik man hours are those that are written down on my invoice if you expect me to help for free on closed-source software :P
@farooqshaik come on man api has nothing to do with copyright
how can they ban me they have to take down whole youtube api it self
@Jimbo morning
@NullPoiиteя srilankan guys have uploaded thier video to youtube and youtube is provideing link to embed it under the playback screen . why me blamed youtube should be blamed for it
@farooqshaik btw afaik if its copyright content than google show the warning message if you use it in your website
Hey guys I'm gonna have a few job interviews soon. I'm curious if anybody of you was asked a question that made you leave the interview
it could possible that guy who uploaded video violated the copyright and so is you by using it
@ThomasDavidPlat I have been asked to write code on a whiteboard once
your not catching point even bing video search bring thier videos infront and people can play it on bing search page it self there are millions of videos available i dont even know how many times thier video is searched and played on my site
Or more general. What questions would make you leave an interview immediately?
@PeeHaa okay that one is great :D
@ThomasDavidPlat Do you know how to troubleshoot printers? :P
@PeeHaa absolutely not :D
if bing does it its legal and google search engine does it legal and when i do it its ilegal may be that video is played once or twice on my site and its visible only to them as they are using youtube id at the end of my url
I expect them to just ... ehm ... work
@PeeHaa wanted to let you know progress
@ThomasDavidPlat ask a question and expect him to give exact answer thats in your mind if he doesnot tell him the answer is wrong
@FlorianMargaine Noice \o/
@ThomasDavidPlat developer job ?
still lots to do, but it's getting usable on gmail
@FlorianMargaine oh, plugin?
@Ocramius extension + native application, using nativeMessaging API
Chrome or FF?
@NullPoiиteя yea
Hello All
ah :-\
I have one problem
Only one?
We all have a lot of problems...
and i have searched a lot but i didnt found any solution
no i have only one
thank you
can i start
@ThomasDavidPlat there is nice interview question toptal.com/php just scroll down a bit
@NullPoiиteя thanks I'll have a look
I have no idea how to write something similar for firefox tbh
helo @Prabhash
it works on chromium btw.
@FlorianMargaine @DaveRandom
@farooqshaik , sorry. I am wrong.
@Ocramius it's the thing we talked about, using the keys available in your local gpg
well, just using gpg --clearsign etc
i am confused @sectus
@NullPoiиteя NO:
when user access a site (page) on server or local and if page not found on server or local then it show error like
object not found or page not found
but i wanna show my page instead of this
so the private key is not duplicated
when user access a site (page) on server or local and if page not found on server or local then it show error like
object not found or page not found
but i wanna show my page instead of this page
use default.html
or error.html @Prabhash
it work
whenever there is problem this error page will shows up
wait i am going to try this and let you know the status
it must work thats what happens with my server it always shows up hostgator page when i acess somethign wrong and ask end to edit default.html or error.html i ddint remeber
@Ocramius do you know how to communicate with a native application from a firefox extension?
googling is kinda random...
hope this will solve your one problem @Prabhash(film hero i think a telgu one)
@FlorianMargaine I did that long time ago, but I can't remember how it's done
@FlorianMargaine it's done via XPCOM components
there are some pre-defined ones
Explain the use and purpose of the global keyword in PHP. Provide an example of a case where its use would be appropriate, as well as one where it would not be. That one is great. I hope they'll ask it.
@farooqshaik haahahha
@Ocramius what's that image? you can't assign a method like that or am I missing something?
but doesnt work this for mew
@Prabhash I've got 99 problems but a 404 ain't one
i have joomla installed on my server and when user type page name that doesnt exist in server
@SergeyTelshevsky nope: 3v4l.org/8XUM8
then i want to show my page
@Ocramius when I add fetch="EAGER" to one of my relations, I only get a whitescreen after a while. No errors or anything. It works with all the other relations (and yes error reporting is set correctly). Any idea what that could be?
I'll never use doctrine again :x
@Ocramius what's that image then?
@Ocramius oh. I see, sorry
any have my solution for this
jhumla its loading any page
@Prabhash or page not found error
can i see the url
page not found error
yes wait
check @farooqshaik
@Ocramius let me google that
ugh, C++
mohammediatechnologies.in/sadsadsad see its customized on my server you can customize too
its joomla site
how can i do this
i am searching google to help you its not jhumla its normal html pages
there is extensions.joomla.org/extension/qlue-custom-404 extenstion its claiming
i dont know how to use it if possible try it out
I really appreciate your help in advance@farooqshaik
@Patrick something is wrong with error reporting on your side
ok now i am going to try this
thank you so much @farooqshaik
@Ocramius XPCOM components, and firefox addon in general look like a PITA
@nikita2206 all the other errors show fine (including doctrine)...
what your talking about nikita
@Patrick I mean really, Doctrine doesn't do shit to mess up with you. When I have this kind of weird errors I just use xdebug and go through lines to find the one that is executed just before everything falls
Like, go to your bootstrap file, and go through each line, see what call causes the error. Then refresh the page and go directly inside of this call and do the same thing inside there until you reach the point of failure
s/bootstrap/front controller/
@FlorianMargaine well, you can just use the built-in ones
@FlorianMargaine it looks pretty much like browser.gimmeXpcomThingy('NAME_OF_COMPONENT').doThing()
fairly sure someone already wrote an XPCOM component to run CLI commands or communicate with local daemons
yeah, looks like I'll be able to use nslProcess
I guess I'm just not familiar enough with the whole system. It's kinda confusing right now.
@nikita2206 better call it "bootstrap"
because I get the feeling that "front controller" is more of a concept in java/c# where everything MUST be a class
@tereško I think front controller is usually the index.php file and the single point of access of your app, while bootstrap is.. a bootstrap file where you actually start your app. that way you are pretty safe, if your php files stop to parse or any other problems revealing the public directory contents
"index.php" could contain only
require __DIR__ . '/../applications/bootstrap.php';
yes, it does only this :)
or you may (depending on the setup) define the app it should launch
like define('APP', "frontend"); require(...)
hi all, I just installed DirectAdmin fresh and it works but if i make a new user it says that everything was OK but i dont get mail with the FTP data
any ideas?
its just like mail is not functioning
@Ocramius i told him/her to see question only :)
@SergeyTelshevsky well, actually in my current project it looks like
require __DIR__ . '/../applications/bootstrap.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../applications/api/launcher.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../applications/api/presenter.php';
that's what http://api.site.tld/ opens
how do you load configurations? Like routes, firewalls etc? In bootstrap?
@nikita2206 trace file is 250mb and growing... definitely something wrong here... :D
@Patrick yeah, probably you are going over the memory limit
@iroegbu what "firewalls" ?
@tereško I tend to stick 3,4th lines in the main bootstrap under some mapping array
@tereško like Access Control List
that's done in launcher.php
@PeeHaa you can just walk in :) be aware first day normally is crowded. and look for t-shirts early.
Anyone know if I can setup RabbitMQ like this? So a message is fanout but the circled group only requires one consumer to action it. Or will I have to pop another queue in front of those circled consumers? ping @PaulCrovella
@SecondRikudo Phone's back :D Damn quick fix too. most people wait a month, only two-weeks !
Take better care of it from now on :D
@SecondRikudo Yessir :P You got a case for yours? If so which and screen protector? may have already asked.
@Fabor Yeah, I think I already linked one for you
@nikita2206 47k calls. about 40k of them are doctrine... this is going to be a fun afternoon... :x
Cool. How's the feel?
Like the phone
a.k.a. Awesome
Doesn't really protect the front much though... screen smashing wise.
It's sandstone, like the back of the phone
@Fabor It protrudes a mm or so from the screen
Good Morning People!
oh cool. May get it.
So unless it drops on a corner of a table or something like that, you should be good.
Ive some real developers veteran question :D
Does assoc array items with the same KEY keep in order ?
Is that so hard question?
@animaacija None of us here are real developers veterans. Sorry, it's not a question for us.
I just started to think that they do keep in order
@animaacija also, could you please ask questions in English ?
There can't be two array elements with the same key, try again.
Ouuh. Lieta tāda..
@SecondRikudo r u sure ?
Well you might be right.
@animaacija if you get the answer, why would you ask if the answerer is sure?
@animaacija Yes.
why do you ask in the first place, if you don't test yourself but have doubt in other's answers
It's quite hard to develop, having amnesia... my hard life...
@ircmaxell Oh wow, @Gordon congrats! (A wee bit late, but nevertheless!)
@Fabor where are c2 and c3 getting message from? If c1-c3 are just sharing that first queue I see no problem, it's just a basic work queue fed by an exchange.
well in logics i tested, but i was not sure about assignment operators .. tested &= []= etc.. i got the last record at the key out of my foreach .. so problem - again, as i remember there was possible to get all values out of array at some key.
any way, whats the topic!?
@hakre I need to swag. I just need to meet up with you and drink beer :)
Are any other room 11ers going?
How does cache relate to RAM?
s/I need to/I don't need
@PaulCrovella The exchange is set to fanout presumably? Which means C1-4 will all receiver the message. I need for only one of the C1-3 to receive a message.
Or fanout is wrong.
@SecondRikudo o/
@Naruto \o
@SecondRikudo what you been upto lately?
@Fabor you need only one of c1-c3 to receive messages?
@Fabor I'm not sure I follow. You've got two queues, a fanout exchange is only gonna push two messages. The exchange doesn't care how many consumers are pulling messages off each queue.
@SergeyTelshevsky Basically Pusher sends message to fanout exchange. I need this message to go to C4 and one of C1-3.
@PeeHaa there should be a beer event. it's great :)
I have a question about emails on a webserver. I think a mail I should have received should be in my inbox but it is not.
Is there a way to see if their could be a failure?
I am logged in with SSH in my mail dir currently.
@Duikboot Check the mail log
Also check the mailq
This is in my /mail folder: paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1tG3
When I go into mydomain.be and pick my email adres I see: paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1tG4
Should be in new
But again also check the maillog
Searching for that location for the mail logs.
Nope, no log in that folder -_-
I found a log file with .gz files in it
Probably log rotated
There should also be a logfile and maybe even a logfile.1 which is plain text
1 message moved to bin
I see now a lot of .gz files including my subdomains etc
Im not @ /var/log/ Wich returns : paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1tGv
Hello, can I output some data to user, during PHP's runtime. Something like - percent of progress?
really long crawling, parsing etc .. it might take several minutes for user to get response. mh ?
@Duikboot Probably exim main on reject
emm .. guy'n'gals: is there a way to add a comment to database (not a table) in mysql ?
Of course, as i asked, i got an answer from heaven. But tell me if there is better approach than splitting my runtime process into divisions?
@tereško ? ^o)
@tereško Don't think it's possible
maybe console extension would work ..
@SecondRikudo that's not what I want to hear. Try again.
oh sweet an then my root login is not working anymore -fml-
the create table doc is pretty clear with the comment option
@tereško postgres does it IIRC
@FlorianMargaine there are a lot of stuff out there, someone have written for you. Here we write our own stuff
@tereško Time for a question on Stack Overflow or Database Administrators
I guess
Guys, how to disable a website
on a computer network
@HassanAlthaf .... why?
@SecondRikudo nah man, my bro is watching too much YouTube
And I am running out of Data
He wont stop
@HassanAlthaf Have him pay for data
Dude hes only 11
and my dad pays for it
we got limited data of just 25 GB a month
he spends it all, and I have to suffer
Add an entry in the hosts file of the offending computer
uh, it dont work.
I tried
Like, it is giving problems
It wont save. :/
Still, I will give a try tomorrow
@HassanAlthaf you need to edit it with administrator privileges
yeah i know
Does it need any apache services installed?
Or will it just work?
Ok, cool.
I'll do it tomorrow before he wakes up.
The easiest way (for some reason) is to create a shortcut for Notepad on your desktop, and then right click and Run as Administrator (or change it from Options)
Hopefully he hasn't changed his password.
@HassanAlthaf do you have admin access on the router?
I even tried URL filtering
But I am confused with whitelist and blacklist
blacklist it
Done it
Is that settings right?
It does the job fine on my laptop
But on his laptop, youtube still works
@HassanAlthaf His DNS is cached
use ip filtering
Or maybe he's using it without www and it bypasses it
@SecondRikudo You're a champ. Thats what I thought would've happened.
For me, both www and without www works
Successfully blocks.
I wish I could block all the torrent sites as well. Haha! :)
I'm using Eloquent with some issues regarding the relations. I have a simple HasMany matching the usual tutorial of Blog [has many of] Post. I'm adding a post using $blog->posts()->save($post) but the $blog->posts collection does not reflect this change. Using $blog->posts->add($post) causes maximum function nesting exceptions when calling $blog->toArray(). Any thoughts?
@SimonSvensson #laravel on freenode is the recommended place for such =]
@HassanAlthaf blocking the ports that he is using will probably work (unless he figures out that he can change them)
thats weird.
Calling unset($blog->posts) seems like a really ugly hack to force a new database query to load up-to-date stuff.
Patrick, which ports/
@HassanAlthaf no way to limit bandwidth on your router for certain clients?
@HassanAlthaf, I come from a background of C#/.NET and NHibernate, everything in php/eloquent is weird.
Nope. :/ @Patrick
Is eloquent a language or a framework?
@SimonSvensson use Doctrine
@nikita2206, that would be my next step towards sanity, but this is a 6+ month old code base already started with ugly adaptions to active-record-style already.
By the way, is anyone savvy of Swift's syntax? :D
import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!

    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
        // Insert code here to initialize your application


Wow? that code is lookin good. :)
I need to setup a new website. But it's not that large. It only used +3GB for each mailbox.
I was looking at the smallest package of Digital Ocean: digitalocean.com/pricing Which looks OK to me? Any Cons?
@HassanAlthaf Im sure it's way better than objective-c but only because all in one file
Man @rdlowrey hair grew since his last talk
@Duikboot If you don't get a lot of traffic it looks fine
Man that's one thick beard too.
I think mainly mail transfer... will be the most bandwith.. and 1TBTransfer
is a lot for a simple website.
Dang this Objective-C is sick
i'm not talking about the 1TB data (which is a lot). I'm talking 512MB RAM for everything
@Duikboot 100 GB usually are enough… but if you want to do backups periodically, 100 GB quickly are exceeded…
@Duikboot I got an account there, use the smallest package sometimes, had no problems with it.
What kind of website are u hosting there? Large one?
If you wana refereal code let me know, I think it adds 10$ to the account
Only test development stuff
I usually use the smallest
lol @Fabor I finally found your google chat messgaes :P
Oh those ones. heh loooong.
It's hard to focus on this Coding Securely in PHP when I am too busy staring in to @rdlowrey's eyes.
Guys, whats a closure?
@HassanAlthaf A closure is a scope that encloses another scope
For instance
@HassanAlthaf it's many things: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure
@RonniSkansing Thanks for the offer, when I am deciding to go with Digital Ocean I'll contact you. Thx.
I wanna know this closure:
Boo, this is the PHP room
numbers = [10, 15, 20]
oh yh, its the PHP room
I wish the Swift room was active

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