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I'm now digging into laravel.io code and wonder where is widely used in lambda's passed to the Schema::create defaults() method defined.
Could anyone point me out?
@LeviMorrison Can we please add dates to release announcement on php.net? E.g. php.net/releases/5_6_3.php
What makes it extra annoying is that there is no "simple" way to go "back" to /releases
@PeeHaa +1
@PeeHaa If the information is available sure.
I think the info is available, because it is available on the /releases page itself, however I am not sure whether that is also linked to the actual announcement
@PeeHaa …how did you get to /releases?
Changed the URL in the addressbar :P
(I can navigate there directly, obviously)
Once you are on the announcement there is no real way to go to releases
Probably because not all announcements are about releases
…how did you get the announcements? I just see archives.
When you go to /releases you see the announcement link. When I google "php 5.6 release" I get the announcement link as the second result
If that is what you meant :P
@PeeHaa …but how did you get to releases?
I didn't because I couldn't. Basically what happened was: I wanted to find out the date of a release so I googled "php 5.6 release" which resulted in the announcement (without the release date) so I had to manually change the url to go to release to find what I was looking for (the release date)
You understand me? :)
evening folks :)
Damnit I seriously need to get above laravel in the trending list of github :(
@PeeHaa ah, I see. I can look into this later.
1 hour later…
@PeeHaa These pages are mostly static, sadly.
Err, I mean the individual release pages are.
i have a baffling question:
Array ( [contentVar] => home ) //data dump
('research' ||(strpos($cellVar,'tech'))): //output triggered
it was working fine yesterday
I could extract a list of dates and update the entries.
found the specific case line:
Good morning folks
checkout my new app github.com/oussamaelgoumri/appRunner it will help you manage your web applications, and access them easily from the browser, please leave me some feedback
posted on December 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by CJRE */

good mornings
@OussamaELGOUMRI I don't understand what that actually does...
I don't know neither. perhaps a bookmark collection of resources on the local webserver?
: Docs, Backlog | Tools: Explain, phpdbg, devdocs.io | Addons: [cv-pls], PHP Manual Linkifier | Snippets: ext/mysql | Reference: QAs
@hakre moin :-)
@PeeHaa Generally not considered a good idea. The status code pertains to the result of the current request, if you get 3xx -> 4xx that should mean that the target resource (i.e. the one you redirected to) was not found, not the original resource
moin moin :)
@OussamaELGOUMRI: Do you might to elaborate a little on your webapp?
@hakre have you ever done much with ext/soap?
@DaveRandom sort of, yes.
what do you want to know?
(just seeing your curse in the starred list on the right ... )
@hakre OK well firstly, I'm sorry, I hope you're gradually recovering, and secondly can you think of a sane way to make a named element that uses an anonymous complex type use a codegen'd class?
I hate that everything is a stdclass, especially the way it handles maxOccurs="unbounded"
@DaveRandom recovering from what? Have I posted something on the internets while drunken I don't remember?
@FlorianMargaine I'm just trying to get a wrapper around the service written so I can close the black box and put my fingers in my ears and shout "la la la la" and try and forget the horror
@hakre using ext/soap
well I merely did what you do: As it's an external dependency I wrapped properly interfaced it.
Indeed, that does seem to be the only way, it just bugs me that since ext/soap can do some proper object hydration I have to do that
Since it adds yet another layer of horrible complexity
But can ext/soap do proper object hydration?
This WSDL sucks as well actually, even for SOAP
@hakre Yeh you can define classes for named types
Well it's all big and complex. It really takes some time to get the head around that. It's just not a little tool that soapy soap.
I even installed this other soap library to give it a test, let me take a look.
There is nusoap, not used it for a long time but I recall it sucked
use the facade pattern!
no, seriously, the real facade pattern
Yeh I know :-P
or what was it... the ugly code layer or something
I probably will eventually, trying to write a closer wrapper atm so that I could actually write a facade over it
Yes, it's somehow sad to use Soap only as transportation layer because it is designed for more.
But I never was confident with the PHP mappings in WSDL mode.
@hakre It was designed?
And the WSDL I had in that project was really big.
So what I did was wrapping the requests I needed and did return my types.
Yes that's what I've been doing, but it just makes the whole thing eeeeeeven sloooooower
Well, SOAP is less for real time. I introduced some caching, even pre-fetching so the application didn't ran on SOAP directly any longer, not even "wrapped".
The thing that really bugs about the service in question is that it doesn't have any form of postback/notification so I have to poll this insanely heavy API at a depressingly short interval just to see if I need to do any actual work :-(
@hakre Absolutely, it's obviously not for "live" data access, that would be insane
The S stands for "S"
Well this is why wrapping remote APIs is generally a good idea. It's not only you need to perhaps wrap because of the types but also because you have other needs and/or the internet can just go down.
The S stands for Shitgoddamnmotherfucking
@DaveRandom: Have you checked for that service if there are alternative protocols next to SOAP to access it?
The one I've done much work with also had just some "REST" which were just HTTP requests and some easier XML.
@hakre It's just depressing. I have other parts of the application that leverage Postgres notification channels so that updates are in actual real time, and then I have some parts where the only place I can get this data is from a SOAP API. That I have to poll. And which returns ~10000 results, when I'm only interested in one, and there's no way to filter them. Or order them.
@hakre According to the service provider, they're "working on it"
And based on past dealing with them, that means "never gonna happen"
yeah, 90% finished.
How to make apache forward the Authorization Header ?
@DaveRandom for the ~10000 results, you perhaps should pre-pull these every 1 min or so as you need it and have it in a form you can easily filter.
@darkyen00 What kind of forward? Proxy or HTTP Redirect?
@hakre when running something like mod_wsgi or hhvm or perhaps laravel kind of projects ?
(aka cgi)
no he means... do you send a 3xx response, or do you just act as a proxy?
@darkyen00 if the SAPI does not support the authentication headers, you can make apache put it in an environment variable. Example is here: github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/1813#issuecomment-1971143
this line: RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
@darkyen00 or better here: github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/3551#issue-3596085 - without the L flag: RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
@hakre I Yeh that's basically what I'm doing. The whole thing does not sit well with me.
@DaveRandom well in the best sense of the word it's a workaround.
a service to service a service.
Yeh I realise there's nothing else I can do
You can give it nice classnames like NotificactionServiceServiceService ;)
What I want is for them to send me a postback when stuff happens at their end, I am leaning on them to add some custom code but I suspect it won't go well
hmm, let me guess: You need to run yourself a SOAP Service so that they can send you notification requests?
Like FetchNotficiationPushResponse action.
No, their platform is designed to be pull-only
Or in other words: their platform sucks
like, really hard
anyway, there is more OASIS has to offer: oasis-open.org/standards In case you need to look for something out of SOAP but just not plain REST. oasis-open.org/standards#odatav4.0 for example.
and yes it sucks when an idea comes to slowdown because an API sucks so badly and there ain't any alternatives. then you'll need to get creative.
Yeh, I suspect I'm basically going to end up making a local copy of the remote DB based on the SOAP schema
or a subset for the notifications. best do it in small iterations so that you can find out fast if this solves something for you or not.
Hi guys, for handling user delete could POST be better than GET ?
I somehow made the mistake in my project to first draw a big plan (well not really a mistake) and then when getting to the caching to build too much into it in the first variant.
@hakre Oh yeh, I'm not going to try and do something like that in one go :-P
Somewhere than I read it's important to keep caching stupid and that helped a lot :)
@Leri morning
@Muhammet If that's REST api then http DELETE. If you mean something else, clarify.
I have quite a lot of stupid to go round, not sure I need to cache it
@hakre doesnt seem to work
Authorization:Bearer 34p5gNXMctGP0RmEIXJiSqNPRUNCuR2Kuvq4uDIk
^ Browser Says
On the server end i get Access Token Not sent
which is only possible if this header is issing
@Leri I definitely need to read about REST, i don't know much. But if user logged in /delete route will display delete confirmation field which will be POST. Is that ok ?
@Muhammet yep, that's better than GET at least (you can also insert some CSRF protection in there)
Why do people call their documentations APIs ? I'm not talking about the documentation of an API, but in general.
@darkyen00 look at the request the server gets...
@nikita2206 yeah, i am using laravel, so CSRF protection is easy to do
@FlorianMargaine apache gets it- php doesnt
did you do a var_dump($_REQUEST);?
@nosille what does API mean?
Q: mysql - very complex query involving multiple left joins and

user3692125MySQL: The BIG food-box has several parallel lines of 100 inches. Position in the food-box is very important so it's important to keep track of inches. Each compartment of the food-box is decided to be 4 inches so 25 compartments total. User can fill up each line in one-to-one relation meanin...

@FlorianMargaine app programming interface, I don't see the name having anything to do with documentation.
string(47) "Bearer 34p5gNXMctGP0RmEIXJiSqNPRUNCuR2Kuvq4uDIk"
@hakre ^
posted on December 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Codierknecht */

@FlorianMargaine when you need to break a program at some point because otherwise it will modify some data in database and in order to reproduce it again you will have to go to DB and restore everything
It happens and looks exactly like this
You just watch how it burns
I was more talking about the gif itself...
@darkyen00 The application is presumably looking for a HTTP_AUTHORIZATION key (i.e. without the REDIRECT_ prefix)
i got it to work upto a point
where it does give me the Authorization header in getallheaders
but i am still kind of worried
Because i am scared the theleague/oauth2-server forgot to fix something when they completely re-wrote the package
they had a commit in 2.0.something to take care of Apache setting a server variable
now its removed :-x
Go shout at @PhilSturgeon
That's just a piece of general advice, not specific to this problem
@rdlowrey What have you done to Artax!?!
It was perfect, now I'm looking at using it in a fully synchronous context and you're talking to me about promises!
github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/blob/master/src/… - reaches then, getallheaders has the authorization header
It seems odd that an Apache hack would be required at all, I would have expected the header to be forwarded regardless, if it is present
But then Apache does weird shit
Unless it's PHP stripping it because of PHP_AUTH_USER etc
which it shouldn't be doing
i have no clue whats happening
Since Oauth2-server is using Symphony internally
this shouldn't even happen the first place
are you using fpm?
fpm ?
uh -- wow this was longer then i thought
@FlorianMargaine Would that make a difference that you know of?
and the github line can only fail if and only if the function headers->get("Authorization") fails
Well, it's certainly working in that regard
@darkyen00 Does headers->get() use getallheaders, though?
Or does it just derive data from $_SERVER?
no clue-- i don't wanna deep dive in symfony
symfony, not symphony
he's not using fpm anyway
what is fpm
Request::createFromGlobals() <-- name implies it uses superglobals
Christ sake, am i the only one who used this ? on the whole internet to face the wrath of <all the modules i used> ?
ServerBag <-- fabpot sucks at naming things
well, he's french :P
@FlorianMargaine what fix do you recommend ?
I like CookieJar
@darkyen00 hack-but-would-work: $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] : null; at top of bootstrap :-P
@darkyen00 bug @PhilSturgeon on twitter
@DaveRandom :-o i thought that wuld be ugly but oki ^_^
But yeh, seems kind of unlikely there isn't a better solution
I'm surprised this is an issue at all, I guess there must be some weirdness in PHP that causes it not to be there, I think Apache sends the env var as you would expect
I wonder if there's an ini setting...
@darkyen00 it is ugly
@DaveRandom I am surprized why are the people who wrote the oauth2-server
didn't account these..
did they not even test-run on apache ? /my config is bare, like just out of the box !/
> SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0
sounds like a sapi bug...
I wonder how PHP gets that info if Apache doesn't set that env var by default?
@FlorianMargaine Possibly some CGI spec weirdness
not sure how CGI/FCGI defines that the details should be passed
afaik it's "pass all the envs", no?
Yeh but it may define that this is not an env var
it's a request header there anyway :/
@darkyen00 Possibly not tested against Apache/CGI, it's not that common I don't think
Most people just use mod_php
Is there a good reason that you aren't doing that?
ah yeah, cgi hasn't been used in decades...
Well, even Apache/fpm is uncommon
nah, it's used by "experts", me thinks
There's no good reason to fpm with Apache, mod_php is actually better if you are going to use Apache
ofc. you could just get a better web server :-P
It might be worth modifying the CGI/fpm SAPIs to handle this "properly"
Although I'd argue that what they are doing at the moment is technically correct, it's unexpected
ah yeah, nginx/fpm, sorry
@DaveRandom why is it technically correct?
If the env var is not present (which is presumably the case, if setting it explicitly fixes the problem) then it's correct that it doesn't appear in $_SERVER
ah, yeah
but why is the env var not there
@darkyen00 On the server: That means by the webserver service or by your webapplication?
@FlorianMargaine thx.
hmmm, it seems Apache does not pass it to CGI applications
That's still just garbage
It should use getallheaders() and then fall back to $_SERVER
@fabpot Y U NO MAEK SENSE?!?!??!
/me is out for a bit, later
@darkyen00 if you want optimization you don't use apache
so you suggest i remove apache for nginx ?
no. Make it work with mod_php
you'll care about perf when you'll have to...
i.e. not now
when you'll have to care about it, you'll hire some php expert that will advise you to install nginx and fpm
fpm is not faster than mod_php ... just fyi ... they have near as makes no difference the same processing model, fpm doesn't magically make php faster, it integrates with modern setups a little better, tiny little bit, but it also crashes inexplicably all the time ... the stable platform is apache and mod_php, it is the case that nginx serves static content faster than apache in some circumstances but it doesn't magically make php faster ...
ping @Ocramius I'll be transferring this repo to my friend's organization. It will be kept MIT licensed and opensource, but maintained by them. Wanting your OK before I do it.
@JoeWatkins in what circumstances does it crash?
if I could give you any detail, I'd have a chance of fixing it ... turn on logging on a busy site and watch it happen for yourself, my best guess is that signal handling and so its whole infrastructure is not very robust, I've no idea where to start fixing it, the whole thing is a mess ...
mod_php on the other hand has existed and has been working with a stable apache API for well over a decade, perhaps 15 years ...
@JoeWatkins really?
its true that a modern setup should include nginx, but fpm, not so much ...
really ...
so you'd get nginx/mod_php?
everybody compares apache/mod_php vs nginx/fpm...
no comparison of apache/mod_php vs nginx/mod_php
well, I don't even know how to use nginx/mod_php...
mod_php is an apache module...
wait, there's a mod_php for nginx?
that doesn't sound quite right
it's easier to setup is probably the reason, I have no data I can share with you ... nginx supports proxying and passing requests, it's very good at that ... its not nginx that crashes, it's very good, and will give you a nice increase in speed for static content, but it cannot make php faster, it has no means by which to do it ...
@JoeWatkins what would you use behind nginx then?
behind ?
yeah... except fpm, what are the options?
proxy requests for php from nginx to apache/mod_php, have nginx do all the rest ... at a certain point put hardware load balancers in front of nginx because as robust as can be ...
Q: cut text after html a ending tag

zeeksI have a comment system in my website and some users write very long comments, longer than 500 chars and I need to cut it after 200 and add the option "see more". The problem is that users can use <a>test</a> tags and in some cases the limit of 200 chars cuts the tag in the middle , like <a>t or <...

here comes some conjecture ... maybe one day fpm will be as stable as mod_php is, however, I suspect that hindering it's development is the same thing hindering phpdbg's ... it's very difficult to move software forward once in php-src, it's very difficult to get people to agree to the kinds of changes required for fpm to be stable, since the vast majority experience no problem because they are not putting it under comparable pressure to those people who are experiencing problems ...
that's conjecture but supported by facts and experience, we have a different version of phpdbg in krakjoe/phpdbg than is being distributed with php-5.6, and I guess you all were watching over the last few months and know what I'm talking about ...
Morning Folks
Does apache with mod_php spawn new processes for new requests or does it have a pool of ready-to-serve workers?
I have a form which I am submitting using ajax on a button click
@nikita2206 it's called pre-fork in apache-speak, and yes it does have a pool of workers ...
what's happening is because of slow server time, I see "your connection was reset" warnings
then I click "try again" which refreshes the page
again I see "your connection was reset" I refresh again
but in the backend, the form got submitted several times with the same values
I got around 4-5 records in the database
with same values
How to tackle this problem?
moin @NikiC
@JoeWatkins seems like fpm has been making some progress recently thanks to remi
@NikiC maybe we can sneak in enough activity over the next few years, maybe php7, that we can consider fpm stable, but i don't really think that's the way to go about it: I'll bet the people who wrote it had a reason to write it, and so are experiencing the kinds of problems you get under pressure, and if only they could just come along and fix their software ... but they can't because php ... I could be wrong about that, but it's matter of fact that it's cannot be considered as stable as
mod_php, and that there is no way for it to magically improve performance ...
I'm very sure you're wrong about that
fpm, unlike phpdbg is not highly volatile software
I kinda doubt it's being held back by any process issues
maybe maybe ... still remi is keeping his work relatively quiet ... cleverly ...
Anyway, this is the first time I have heard about fpm stability issues, so no idea what the state is there
I think it reasonable to assume that the original authors are operating at a comparable scale to those people experiencing problems, it's reasonable to assume they have had a go at fixing those problems, but we don't see any activity ... I don't think they are unreasonable assumptions, but they are assumptions ...
Wasn't it Badoo guys who wrote FPM initially?
I guess if it works for them they are not going to spend any resources on that
And from what I know it works for them
Q: Mysql return type at the time of special characters

railsboxToday i get a small problem. Problem is releated to MySql,UTF. I am inserting a french word 'éléphant' or any other french words in my database. Database have utf8_general_ci Collation type and table collcation also have same. At the time of getting records. Receiving data is total differ...

@JoeWatkins I'd guess that it's just the usual problem of "random crashes" usually requiring very much time to debug ^^
And nobody who experiences the issues is willing to invest the time
@railsbox maybe your connection with mysql is not utf
yeah basically, but not the kind that I've ever been able to debug far enough to get a solution, they all lead nowhere, I used the word inexplicably to explain how it fails ...
i need an help
in web services
@nikita2206 maybe their infrastructure is tolerant enough that they don't need to do anything, when we're thinking about stability that's what we really considering, how efficiently failure takes place, how we recover from errors under massive load, you can get around such problems with nginx and even better with hardware, but it doesn't solve the problem for the rest of us and doesn't improve the software whatever ...
@Amez i am using $PDO = new PDO($dsn,$username,$pasword,array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
Please help me
moin @RonniSkansing
have you tried calling emergency services ?
@JoeWatkins happy holidays
@tereško hehe
@railsbox that's wrong, the charset should be in DSN
help me friends
@railsboxnew $dsn should be something like "mysql:dbname=mydab;host=;charset=utf8"
bye sorry for the disturbance
@railsbox you should just add the ;charset=utf8 at the end , and you can avoid array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
@JoeWatkins well I'm not justifying anyone
@Amez okay just try
oh .. reddit .. I obviously must be wrong, based on the vots that I have got: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/2q25pm/…
@FlorianMargaine got it working with mod_php
$route[0]: fr-store.local
preg_match('/^http:\/\/(fr-[a-z0-9\.-]*)\/$', $route[0], $site_frr);
anyone sees what's wrong with this?
@FlorianMargaine bonus :P
$site_frr is NULL
check the headers ;-)
yeap :D , hhvm + nginx
ffs I see the problem ._.
@FlorianMargaine you're missing the ending delimiter
@FlorianMargaine regexper.com and you will know
@cHao yeah you mean the / in the string?
@FlorianMargaine yep
@FlorianMargaine yep, what @cHao said. And also as it turns out you don't have to escape dot when in []
@nikita2206 oh? cool
that wasn't it...
@Amez no, that's js regexes
alright found it
there should be a / after the $
You still have one slash at the end to match the path
@FlorianMargaine erm...isn't that what i said? lol
@cHao I thought you were talking about $route[0] missing a slash :P
@FlorianMargaine now try /^http:\/\/(fr-[a-z0-9\.-]*)\/$ in the site given even if it's JS ...
@Amez it may work for this specific case, but don't rely on it
except the flags, a regular expression is the same, js, php, java, c# ..
it's an implementation
it's not the same
@Amez no, it's not. js expressions, for example, don't support lookbehinds, named capture groups, recursion....
yes Ok,
@FlorianMargaine I would call parse_url instead of regexp
happy xmas every1!
@nikita2206 you'd still have to grab the fr-... part somehow
@cHao but he doesn't grab it, he just wants to know if it's there. So strpos would be fine
eh. might as well just say strncasecmp('http://fr-', $url, 10) then :)
But what if https?
Or username in url?
then it's not the url you're looking for.
there are answers on SO that I warmheartly downvote: stackoverflow.com/a/26009748/367456
just because of the attitude.
i'm about 20% sure that usernames in urls aren't technically valid anyway
They are, by standard
"The URI generic syntax for authority also includes a deprecated
userinfo subcomponent ([RFC3986], Section 3.2.1) for including user
authentication information in the URI. Some implementations make use
of the userinfo component for internal configuration of
authentication information, such as within command invocation
options, configuration files, or bookmark lists, even though such
usage might expose a user identifier or password. A sender MUST NOT
generate the userinfo subcomponent (and its "@" delimiter) when an
rfc 7230, §2.7.1
so yeah...not quite invalid, but not far from it either

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