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no close votes while there is festival of love?
Maybe I should announce the Scalar Type Hints 2 RFC today, as a sort of Christmas gift to PHP? :p
Or maybe on New Year's Day. To represent a new approach for a new year. To symbolise the future of PHP.
Only if you wrap it in that awfully cheesy marketing line.
Friends, colleagues, internals subscribers,
Today is a momentous day. Today is a day that shall not be forgotten, that shall be in the history books for years to come.
Today we step forward into a new and glorious world, a world of universal typing, a world of high performance and error checking. Today we step into the new age, a new age called "PHP 7", a new age of scalar type hinting.
Friends, let us rejoice. For on this day we shall finally add goddamn type hints for scalar types. Except for resources because they suck and we should switch to classes already.
Also, parse cast operators properly. And some other little things like that.
But yeah, a new world! Of scalar type hints! Woop!
You made an rfc?
(that'd be the best (and also most pretentious) internals email ever, right?)
@nikita2206 I have a draft one: wiki.php.net/rfc/scalar_type_hints
@AndreaFaulds It would be welcomed I think ;)
Hah. It might be.
I remember the last time this came up.
Honestly I don't really care already about semantics (will it cast implicitly or will it throw an error), I just want goddamn typed arguments
I know, right?
For my newest project I'm just putting hints everywhere in comments and waiting for the day I can remove the /* */
This RFC shall not go so gently into that good night! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
class GameState
    private /* Game */ $game;
    private /* string */ $roomName;
    private /* Room */ $room;
    public function addOptions(array/*<string, string*/ $roomNames) {
        $this->options = $roomNames;
        return $this;
@PaulCrovella Do you HATE PHP? Do you want to DESTROY all that we have worked to build?
    public function hasRoom(/* string */ $roomName) /* : bool */ {
        return isset($this->rooms[$roomName]);
@AndreaFaulds that's a neat way of hinting actually, I have never seen it. Too bad phpdoc was already standardized
@nikita2206 I hate PHPDoc. I hate docblocks. Anything but them.
@AndreaFaulds I have a prediction as to what will happen with this RFC
@NikiC :
> The dispatch() method returns an array those first element contains a status code
those is not really correct in there
You meant whose ?
in fastroute readme. Not really felt like PRing for that one
@PeeHaa I don't know
Isn't "whose" something about people?
@NikiC I don't imagine it's positive ^^
We need @AndreaFaulds professional opinion on that
yeah agreed
^ context
Second paragraph
To whose or not to whose
Or "of which the first element contains".
@AndreaFaulds We've adopted you as the local English expert
@NikiC Ah :)
So what is thy judgment?
Oh, "those" is wrong there, yeah.
English doesn't use that in relative clauses, I think...
And what @Danack said is the right one, yeah?
@NikiC What he said is correct, but "whose first element contains a status code" reads a whole lot better :p
whose or 'of which' would both be okay.....'of which' is more formal.
@AndreaFaulds Ah, so whose is also okay?
brb back people. Going to visit my brother. I expect a resolution when I get back
@NikiC You could say "an array whose first element contains a status code", I can't think of another way to phrase it which doesn't sound odd
@Ja͢ck What do you mean? People wouldn't let you remove it?
I mean "an array of which the first element contains a status code" doesn't sound right...
@AndreaFaulds ok :)
Maybe "an array, which has a status code as its first element"
"Zunehmend wird "whose" auch (besonders im Schrift-Engl.) in Bezug auf Sachen verwendet, um das gewöhnlich nachgestellte schwerfällige of which zu vermeiden:"
Argh, now it's me consulting dictionaries... too many complicated German words :p
What were you going for there anyway? It sounds like you wanted a possessive form of "tbat" and thought that would be "those".
Or it's a weird t/w typo, but that's not possible on QWERTY nor QWERTZ
@AndreaFaulds Probably had whose in mind and wrote those ^^
"He has fixed a price than which less will not be accepted."
Sounds totally odd to me
Doesn't sound right to me either
"He has a fixed price less than which will not be accepted." sounds closer to being right, but maybe a word missing.
It may have sounded right a couple hundred years ago
"He has a fixed price anything less than which will not be accepted." sounds right
It was an example on the page I was just reading ^^
For correct usage ^^
@PaulCrovella yes, that's often the case. Grammar books seem to teach English from the 19th century
nice save
The rules of formal written English are stuck in the 1800s, for some reason. Actual spoken English, i.e. English proper, has changed quite a bit...
and some rules are completely made up
all the rules are completely made up
You can split infinitives and always have been able to. People who say you can't are just wishing English was like Latin
latin is a nice language
@PaulCrovella No, some come from how English is actually used, others are inventions by people who care too much about how people speak
@AndreaFaulds There are two major camps: English as formally defined and English as is spoken.
I personally prefer the former but can at least understand why people may like the latter.
Every English-as-a-second-language learner wants to learn English as it is spoken, but they'd be much better off learning it as it is defined.
Can I type hint for an object by reference, passed in by Auryn injector, and any changes will work as expected?
@LeviMorrison There isn't a single formal definition anyway, there's just weird conventions various people have come with.
@AndreaFaulds Well, some are descriptive of usage, yes. But even those were effectively made up by the people doin' the usageing ;)
@LeviMorrison I don't really agree... then they end up thinking a lot of very common English features are incorrect English. They aren't. :(
Why are they correct?
Because the only reasonable definition of "correct" is whether it is correct to the majority of native speakers.
Anything else is completely arbitrary.
"understood by masses" does not equate with correct, absolutely not.
Understood and considered correct are not one and the same.
Native English speakers can understand broken English, but they know that it is broken
They have a very good sense of what is grammatical and ungrammatical
@AndreaFaulds totally :D
"Want go house" may make sense (the meaning is quite clear), but it's ungrammatical, and wouldn't be uttered by a native speaker.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hehe. I made it on meta again :) - No hat for that :/
In the study of language, description, or descriptive linguistics, is the work of objectively analyzing and describing how language is spoken (or how it was spoken in the past) by a group of people in a speech community. All scholarly research in linguistics is descriptive; like all other sciences, its aim is to observe the linguistic world as it is, without the bias of preconceived ideas about how it ought to be. Modern descriptive linguistics is based on a structural approach to language, as exemplified in the work of Leonard Bloomfield and others. Linguistic description is often contrasted with...
Unless it was "Want Go, House?" - as offering the good doctor the board game while the two of you are sorting through an old bin of them
@PaulCrovella hah
@AndreaFaulds But I know certain subgroups that would not know why "I be goin' to the store" is incorrect.
As in, native English speaking subgroups who are adults.
@LeviMorrison It's not necessarily incorrect to all English speakers, as it may be correct in their dialect.
See, and that's what I really wish we'd look to avoid as a global English speaking community.
Dialects are not a good thing.
For better or worse English is the standard for international communication.
Dialects are an inevitable thing, not one which can be avoided. We should celebrate linguistic diversity, not try to stamp it out.
Fragmenting that at scale has horrible consequences.
@LeviMorrison The English that is relevant for "international communication" is not the English used by native speakers
@NikiC That too
Dialect doesn't necessarily present a problem in communication anyway
People are very good at adapting to deal with who they're speaking to
I house several English learning people from Saudi Arabia, and am expecting another from China. I'm going to disagree.
@AndreaFaulds modern linguistics argues that there is no such thing as broken English
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not at all.
You better tell that to my professor then.
There can be broken English. It's just that what a lot of people consider to be broken is not, in fact, broken.
Dialects are not broken English. English that isn't the written standard isn't broken English.
"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?" probably is
There is no reason standard, a language is merely the way people use it.
Right, sure, but there are such things as slip-ups
Native speakers can and do make errors occasionally
@BenjaminGruenbaum Isn't that exactly what @Andrea has been saying previously?
Your broken English isn't another person's, it's quite possible that what you consider perfect English is considered to be bad form by others.
Sure. So you judge it by what the majority of speakers think, usually.
@NikiC ah, not sure, I joined without context to let hakre know he was mentioned on meta.
Make errors often enough and they cease being errors. It's a matter of saturation. Consider what's happened to the word "literally" in recent years.
(Which breaks my heart.)
I really wish we'd attempt to educate people on that one, yeah.
literally quote on quote
The thing is that in 20 years it won't matter. If people keep using it "wrong" it will eventually cease being wrong.
It essentially already has ceased being wrong. Some of us are just hold-outs.
Don't get me started on people's snobbery about "literally"
Everyone who thinks the word has been redefined is literally wrong
I'd like to learn more about it and understand it better.
I mean literally.
The other day I learned I've used the word "decimate" incorrectly for my whole life.
@LeviMorrison You haven't used it incorrectly, the meaning has changed.
@LeviMorrison Well, the word kinda says it...
Yes, it originally meant kill 1 in 10.
It doesn't now.
No, that's the thing.
It didn't mean to kill one in ten.
But literally is just the usual adverb exaggeration.
Yeah, a lot of words are like that.
It just means to take the tenth part of something.
@LeviMorrison Ah, right. Still.
@LeviMorrison doesn't it mean to kill one of ten as punishment?
Decimation (Latin: decimatio; decem = "ten") was a form of military discipline used by senior commanders in the Roman Army to punish units or large groups guilty of capital offences such as mutiny or desertion. The word decimation is derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth". The procedure was a pragmatic, yet vicious, attempt to balance the need to punish serious offences with the practicalities of dealing with a large group of offenders. == Procedure == A cohort (roughly 480 soldiers) selected for punishment by decimation was divided into groups of ten; each group drew lots (sortition)...
Roman army sounds pretty early usage to me.
People use "really", "actually", "honestly" etc. exactly the same way
@AndreaFaulds Nobody thinks the word has been redefined. It's gained another acceptable use - one which we hate. :)
@PaulCrovella It's not a new use. And a lot of people think the word has been redefined.
Literally every adverb meaning something like "in fact" is used this way sometimes.
I've made a conscious effort to use "really" less.
Now, it's also true that some people use "literally" to mean "figuratively", but that's a different and, as far as I can see, unrelated matter.
It's such a silly adverb in my opinion.
Objectively bad ideas
@LeviMorrison But is it actually?
"I really don't like this" <- it's just being leveraged for emphasis. Its real meaning is lost.
@LeviMorrison really?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Really really.
@LeviMorrison really really really?
What can you leverage for emphasis without losing its real meaning? I mean, really?
@LeviMorrison So? Language isn't fixed. Language changes. Get over it.
If you introduce a new word which means "really really", it will be used to exaggerate.
@AndreaFaulds I didn't say people shouldn't use it less. Quit judging me, loose lip.
@LeviMorrison You're still complaining :p
And you're complaining about complaining. Can't win any way ya cut it.
Yeah, you loose lip.
Take that.
He sure showed you.
What a wonderful conversation for Christmas morning!
I believe the proper English for that is: BOOYAH
@PaulCrovella Using PHP is a good example.
@AndreaFaulds exaggeratedly exaggerate.
@AndreaFaulds I think you just lost the argument.
@AndreaFaulds I had that thought, too, but IMHO it really doesn't make it ;)
A lot of our proposals are to make the language more strict ^^
if statement is literally causing unwanted <? before DOCTYPE, any ideas ? #laravel
however if i just remove the if then prints fine
this is the function pastebin.com/Z2y2HLnA
@LeviMorrison No no, using PHP is in itself an error :p
@Muhammet No it isn't.
do you have any ideas ?
makes no sense
lol =] Happy holidays
I'd hazard a guess there's a <? in your view.
tried saving with different utf-8 with/out bom
i cleared my view, there is single <? standing there :)
grep for <? in your codebase
Honestly, I dunno, you haven't given us enough info. I'm off to play CS.
ok :), i don't know what else i should give :))
I'm in the kitchen doing some cooking.
I wonder what the odds are that a RSA public key would contain the text "java.math.BigInteger"
@NikiC \o/
I'm trying to implement stackoverflow.com/a/11369679/3692125. I want to know how to use this once I'm already inside the class (to create other classes)? $factory wouldn't be available inside the class... so what's the proper procedure there?
I'm writing a text adventure in PHP:
@AndreaFaulds lolwtf @ adventure call
@AndreaFaulds if it's a text adventure, why has it htdocs? shouldn't it be CLI?
posted on December 25, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by stclaus */

or a text adventure that works with HTTP verbs and request line and so on
> POST /red-door HTTP/1.0
> open

< 404 Not Found
< red-door was not found
If I'm using factory to create classes, what should I do if I want to create more classes inside those classes too?
what do you mean? according to what you say the factory creates the classes.
@hakre $factory = new MyFactory(); ....$classA = $factory->create ('ClassA'); ... but how would I use $factory inside ClassA?
@hakre Even better using custom verbs \o/
for example, if I want ClassA to create another class... how would that go?
yay, more people who have nothing to do on x-mas. =oD
o/ @crypticツ
@user3692125 as your factory creates classA already, and classA needs the factory itself, it could inject the dependency as the dependency is itself and known: $this.
@PeeHaa yay. the textadventure http server ^^
my friend just told me this morning his grandma confessed to not knowing who their real grandpa is, and who she said was their grandpa was a lie and that she was basically a whore back in her day. Friend's mom ripped up the only picture she had of her fake dad and threw it in her face. Sometimes it's nice living alone and away from family.
wow @crypticツ
I found out when I was 16 that my dad had been married before, and also that the reason my mom does not speak to her sister is that my dad had an affair with her. #MurricanThings
@crypticツ....sorry to hear that
#FirstWorldProblem oh wait... :P
@hakre it's an online text adventure
@PeeHaa hm?
@AndreaFaulds That linked youtube thing in the repo readme
Yes. It's great.
There are several others.
@hakre ..... so the classA would need a variable to hold dependency injection and constructors of classA would include initializing them, right?
Is there a reason PHP release cycle does not have a similar thing like Ubuntu with it's LTS releases?
@crypticツ where are you from?
@crypticツ Sounds terrible to having to keep maintaining old crap
it'd be more realistic in terms of having people migrate
@user3692125 this would be one way to do, yes.
if classA needs the facrtory, it has to ask for it with it's constructor.
@Ocramius Doctrine has a final constructor for Types. Why
@hakre yes....but I hope such propagation does not have issues
@user3692125 US of A
@crypticツ me too
@Jimbo Because otherwise quite a few people using Doctrine are so stupid that they would overload classes to do 'clever' stuff, that actually is very dumb.
@Danack I need to register types automatically via ::addType, so I'm trying to loop around the type files in a directory and have this do it for me.
I can't create the objects to get their name and other properties
and I'm not about to add statics to my code to do that, although the types technically are static...
(the type are enums)
JSON property names word separator, underscore, hyphen, dot, camelcase?
> Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.
Well done Derick!
@PeeHaa let me close that for you </sarcasm>
@crypticツ camelCase for consistency with PHP/JS code
I used to use underscores, bad idea, the inconsistency...
PHP...consistent =oP
@Jimbo because types are flyweight. Any attempt to apply DI or overrides to types is stupid and shall be avoided.
And yes, they will stay static for now: every non-static use of DBAL types that I've seen (so far) is an abuse
@Ocramius That wasn't supposed to enter, sorry :P
I've had to extend and put in getName(): return ucfirst(str_replace([__NAMESPACE__, '\\'], '', get_called_class()));
So that the name is the same name as the class, lower case
So I can now loop around the types in my bootstrap and register them
What's your opinion on that?
(I now have a base class EnumType, and any types now extend and provide one $values array for the enum values)
Merry etc...
@Fabor Drunk or GTFO
I'm sober as I'm the driver
Playing trivial pursuit and coding at the same time like a pro
Heh @PeeHaa
(/me not anti social)
I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my families pc
Dual with windows. Created partition but it's not showing on boot menu after I install Ubuntu on it
@Fabor You realize from now on you have to be ready for calls 24/7 right?
@Fabor What does fdisk tell you?
Broke my phone yesterday so nope
Okay, here's all I need to do to create new doctrine enum types:
class LocatorType extends EnumType
     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected $values = ['id', 'name', 'xpath', 'css'];
hi guys, I need help...I have a little website with shoutbox form with method="post". BUT when i send a message and then i refresh page, my browser is asking for “confirm form resubmission”. How I can disable this confirm? I don't want to change method="post" to get.
That's not a php problem
Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) is a web development design pattern that prevents some duplicate form submissions, creating a more intuitive interface for user agents (users). PRG supports bookmarks and the refresh button in a predictable way that does not create duplicate form submissions. == Duplicate form submissions == When a web form is submitted to a server through an HTTP POST request, a web user that attempts to refresh the server response in certain user agents can cause the contents of the original HTTP POST request to be resubmitted, possibly causing undesired results, such as a duplicate web...
@user3692125 everything has issues. but remember: you do it for the positive ones.
I was browsing on web, and I found this post: superuser.com/questions/341792/… ...the second solution: "Use the Post/Redirect/Get method with the HTTP 303 response code" What's that?
@PDKnight Read the Danack's answer
@Danack @VeeeneX Thanks!
@Danack has been productive today... :)
Hell yeah....farming cards.
Am I allowed to do a 3xx redirect before showing a 4xx error page?
I have no idea what I'm looking at, but... yay!(?)
@PeeHaa you're allowed to, but it seems like kind of a dick move
@PeeHaa Mr Random would know.....I think it kind of sounds bad...
"oh hey, look over there - WHERE IT ISN'T"
@PaulCrovella As in? Obfuscating the cause of the error?
yeah thought so
I'm pretty sure @DaveRandom is either passed out or still drinking again. That guy has a serious problem
Oh wait! I can text him with my question! :P
I'm picturing an awkwardly needy web server send a 302 to a 404: Hey, I found your favorite thing that you were looking for it's right over.... I didn't really. I'm sorry. I just wanted you to like me :(
or just an asshole 302 to 403: Found your keys. You can't have them.
oh wait. Found an even better one!
and a 304/402 is basically every iphone upgrade
@PaulCrovella hahahaha
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@NikiC Is there any reason why the route info array returned by Dispatcher::dispatch has numeric keys?
@PeeHaa nope
Shoulda used strings
yes :)
Too late to shoehorn in it? :P
@PeeHaa ah I know why
you're supposed to switch&list
oooh... now there's a combo that'd make sense for you (I didn't even know this status was a thing): 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons followed by a 305 with a wink wink nudge nudge
and list() doesn't work with string keys :(
@NikiC Fair enough
or maybe just stupid, dunno
Meh it ok
I will survive :)
@PeeHaa Maybe
@PaulCrovella lol
@PaulCrovella Is 451 already a standard thing? Symfony's response thingy doesn't have it in it by default
umm... nope. draft
Well going to use it anyhow
> Intended status: Standards Track
Means it is likely to go in right?
No wait that is not right
Damnit they just released an updated proposal this month :(
Hurry up already
Think of it this way, the more people that implement it the more likely it is to succeed.
yay for standard by force \o/
The draft is pretty thin btw :(
vote with your HEAD get it? get it? :D
man, I'm hilarious when sleep deprived
        $this->response->setStatusCode(451, 'Unavailable for Legal Reasons');
There. Now they would have to implement it
"It is possible that certain legal authorities may wish to avoid transparency, and not only demand the restriction of access to certain resources, but also avoid disclosing that the demand was made." - so would you then send a 451 for the 451 message?
Answer copy pasta-ed both (contradicting) answers into one :P
@bwoebi Should I just ping you issues about mysql here or do it slightly more properly?
@Danack just ping
Also, anyone who uses localhost needs to be taken out and slapped.....is there really a need to support it at all ?
@PeeHaa I don't know what to flag that as, vlq won't make any sense without context
but feel free to open an issue if taht's easier to you…
@PaulCrovella flag for mod attention
@Danack why? Especially on smaller systems.
Looking at resolveHost and $this->config->host = "localhost";
Is there ever a need to support localhost instead of or ::1 ?
Yes. self-signed ssl certs
I like it as it's more literal and ::1 feel like magic numbers
Also, what if IPv8 happens?
I'm not being entirely facetious: It's protocol-agnostic
@AndreaFaulds IT'S EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF MORE LITERAL. It's an ambiguous host that fucks things up because you can't tell what it's actually going to do.
@Danack Er, you can tell pretty well what it'll do. Connect to your own machine.
@AndreaFaulds But you can't tell whether it's going to attempt IPv4/IPV6 or which order it's going to do both.
You can with or ::1
@Danack Depends on what you're connecting with, sure. But it's not like IPv6 ::1 works without IPv6 connectivity.
http://[::1]:8000/ works, cool. I feel like I'm living in the future.
@bwoebi what is the preferred capitalisation of Amp-MySQL ?
Off-topic: I just bought my mum a new landline telephone that has 3 handsets. One of the telephones it is going to replace I think is older than everyone in this room ('cept me).
not unless it's rotary
@Danack Amp-Mysql
to capitalize SQL is just too ugly^^
I think you mean
BTW @NikiC the verdict about the list solution. It's ugly... :P

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