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@FlorianMargaine I could agree with something else, but autoloading is too trivial worry
Too bad not seen on the avatars on the right
I agree with PeeHaa - I don't remember I've ever had issues with my code because of autoloader
@PeeHaa don't be afraid, we all hate cats :)
Another argument: that's what libraries are for, externalizing the business logic that doesn't belong to your app. Why should the app care about autoloading?
I might agree, if those "libraries" weren't bundled with the app
@SergeyTelshevsky My whole life is ruined now. I thought we all loved cats and kittens.
comitting any code derivatives + what might be generated from the code must be avoided
That's another matter, the dependency on another system being available when you deploy your app
the dependency must be resolved by a dependency manager
@Leri who said anything about kittens?
that's what they've been developed for
@Leri That's an whole other thing :)
you want a dependency - add it properly
Dev environment vs prod environment are different matters. When you deploy a C app, you deploy the binary, you don't deploy the code and compile on the prod server
yo bitches
sup slut
I can't hear anything at all in my right ear except my own heartbeat. It's kind of distracting.
You should still add the dep to composer.json, but if it's an app, you want the code of the deps in the repo too
@DaveRandom Yo niggaj
@FlorianMargaine And that is something I don't like to do, because I would still have to maintain it only it's 3rd party now
excuses guys
dammit I hate it when OSS project maintainers go on holiday and I have outstanding PRs
How very dare they!
@PeeHaa no, it's the same as having a composer.lock.
I am using laravel 4.2
type: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:81/larvel_exmp/public/users/'+this.value,

success: function($data)
return $username;
Can't get back any error or data
instead If I use the resource routing for another controller then that works fine.
Any Idea please??
@FlorianMargaine Which (if it contains dependencies) is also you would have to maintain
I don't understand
@FlorianMargaine You don't want your deps code in your repository, just the composer.lock
@PeeHaa you mean maintaining the versions of your libraries?
As it currently stands: I have a working autoloader which is stable
@FlorianMargaine Exactly
@kelunik I don't want to depend on packagist.org when I deploy a production app.
@PeeHaa so you'd rather maintain 100 lines of code vs 1 line of config?
It's not one line
if you put it into your repository - it's a part of your project
Hey guys
@FlorianMargaine It's the entire dependency
all that stuff it generates
Morning @Bas
@FlorianMargaine lol
@Bas Nothing much. Discussing the pros/cons of using composer autoloader for my project
Ah okay, just learning some MTA here
As in message transfer agent?
Does anyone have an idea what namespace does in PHP??
Its for the Microsoft Certified Proffesional graduation
@nosille no one
Never heard of hat
It's just Windows 7 stuff.
You mean vista
Does it include knowing minesweeper rules?
@nosille if you have a question, just ask
@nosille - namespace is way to encapsulate items. You can read more on php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.rationale.php
@FlorianMargaine No i'm doing it for Windows 7, it might have different versions?
Windows 7 is basically vista, no feature was added
The interface is much different tho :P
@FlorianMargaine Yes, yes it was. Unless you don't consider "working properly" a feature.
Also there are a bunch of additional win32 APIs in 2008 arch
@FlorianMargaine You keep saying "maintain" as if there is ongoing time and effort spent just for the code to exist. There isn't. Maintenance cost only comes up if/when it needs modification. It doesn't need modification right now, it's working fine - there is no maintenance. If it comes up that it does need modification then considering using composer's autoloader might make sense. All swapping it out now would do is spend time and effort.
@Bas yeah, that and some perf improvement
@DaveRandom ah, didn't know that
@FlorianMargaine Very few people do, since very few people ever work with them :-)
@PaulCrovella I'd agree with you if we were in an enterprise environment. We're in OSS though, and the only worry is that the codebase is the best it can get
But uhm, i had another question about OO PHP, say you have a User class which has a password variable, with a `setPassword()` method. Is it good practice to include bussiness logic inside that setPassword method? Such as:

public function setPassword($password) {

if(strlength($password) < self::MIN_PASSWORD_CHARS) {
throw new Exception();
$this->password = password;
@FlorianMargaine I may accept that technically it might be included in the build artifact, but definitely not comitted
@Bas definitely not
@Bas your object must either keep data or do business
not both
So we gotta do it inside the usage?
@Bas you probably want a PasswordValidator
@Bas User is VO. Logic goes in BOs. Try and maintain a clear separation between the two.
it's very tempting to do stuff like that but it is the wrong place to do it.
also - it's not a good idea to throw a generic exception
Entity ;-)
$user = new User();

if($_GET['password'] > User::MIN_PASSWORD_CHARS) {
} ?
That is beautiful
Is this sarcasm? :P
That is singularity :P
Never heard of that word. lol
But if you would do it via another class, how would the class be instantiated then?
Inside the $user class? Inside the setPasswordmethod?
@DaveRandom What are VO's and what are BO's then?
@FlorianMargaine enterprise vs oss doesn't matter, you're asking someone to spend time doing something right now that adds zero value under the premise that it might, perhaps, maybe save time in the future, neglecting that it can just as easily be swapped out at that future point if it ever does come up.
@Bas using $_GET for passwords is weird
@ErikBaan I know, it was just an example.
@rdlowrey are you around? I think your last amp update broke artax rc5
Deprecated: Amp\ReactorFactory is deprecated and scheduled for removal. Please update code to use the Amp\getReactor() function instead. in D:\wwwroot\gp_dev_patrick\vendor\amphp\amp\lib\ReactorFactory.php on line 16
@Patrick Thx again for the great tutorial you have on github.
@Patrick Thanks for that info, I think I'll have to update some code.
Is namespace in PHP used to select a whole directory with files, from which one can call functions?
No it is used to stop class name classes
@Bas Sorry, "Value Objects" and "Business Objects"
Say for example you use composer, and you import multiple libraries some may have the same class names. So you would have Library1\Class Library2\Class
Then you can of course use use
class Library1\Class { use Library2\Class; }
In general (vast oversimplication) a VO represents a "thing" (e.g. entity in the database like a User or a Customer) and a BO represents a "process" (e.g. how to write an entity to the database). The point is to maintain a separation between the data you are working with and the logic for manipulating that data.
When connect with SSH to a webserver. Is it possible to open a new tab in the terminal with the same connection still open instead of reconnecting again?
[cmd+t] is not a solution.
@DaveRandom Thanks, But where do we instantiate or use the BO's then?
@nosille namespaces have nothing in connection with directories or filesystem structure
@Duikboot no but you can use screen
@zerkms they cluster together related classes
@nosille who "they"?
@zerkms namespaces
@nosille yes. and?
@zerkms what else does it do?
@nosille when I read your profile name. I tend to read it as "nostril".
@HamZa intriguing
@Bas Depends what it is and what it's for. Something that you know you always need will generally be created in the bootstrap, other things that are only required by rarely executed code paths will be created on demand.
@rdlowrey dev-master seems to work.
anyone here playing winterbash?
@nosille no offense intended. I've got this problem with many things :P
@FlorianMargaine already launched?
Oh timezones!
@DaveRandom What about the password validation then?
@HamZa kudos if you manage to decipher what it means
Can we do that while were actually setting the password?
@Bas do it before calling setPassword
@Duikboot Thanks. Did you work through it? Anything you think that could be improved?
@Bas What specifically about it, sorry?
I thinks it's really good. You should start writing some more tutorial imo. :)
@FlorianMargaine Yeah inside a if statement? Something like this?:

$validator = new PasswordValidator();
$result = $validator->isValid($_POST['password'], $hashedPassword);

if ($result->isValid()) {
// password is valid
@DaveRandom Where the validation should be instantiated, should it be inside the usage of setPassword or inside the User class somewhere
@Bas if ($result->isValid()) { $user->setPassword($password); } or something similar
so what are namespaces useful for? Like to have a duplicate of the same class name?
@FlorianMargaine Alright thanks :)
@Duikboot I think I am going to write some guide for programmers working in the 3rd world. On how to avoid some really dangerous employers. :-) Thanks for idea.
@Duikboot I was thinking about that (once this is completely finished). I learned a lot by having to think through everything properly. What topics were you thinking about?
@FlorianMargaine So no instantiations to other classes inside the User class?
@nosille I tried to get a view of your website for clues but it's down
@Patrick no no no. Finish this tutorial first.
@Bas Of course, before doing this you kind of need Request Response abstractions (try slotting in Symfony\HttpFoundation)
@Bas Neither, it doesn't belong in the user instance, it works with a user instance. $validator->setUserPassword($user, $password)
You won't be using superglobals anywhere
@Bas you want no instantiation anywhere but in constructors anyway
@HamZa wouldn't have helped you anyway
The user should not be coupled to any specific business process
@Leri Nice :D
Hmm alright
@Jimbo I'd say You should not be using global state anywhere. Because I have seen lots of devs not using superglobals, however, they have them wrapped in global state, which is even worse.
@Patrick Database implementation, Some webform interaction, Maybe something about deploying with Capistrano?
@Leri Wtf. That actually meant.. of course, I agree
capistrano sucks
So you cant actually check for things inside the class?
@FlorianMargaine I'm not sure where to end it. What topics would you say are missing?
    public final function setPassword($password) {
        $validator = new Validator();
        if($validator->validate($password)) {
            $this->password = $password;
@FlorianMargaine damn you have already 2 secret hats o_o
@Patrick business logic, user management, etc
@HamZa I just subscribed to winterbash...
@Patrick a bit more "real-world", I'd say
@HamZa I don't want to farm hats tbh... but the chameleon is nice, and watching other hats is fun.
me neither.
winterbash2014.stackexchange.com/30-minutes-or-less haha basically asking a crappy question? //cc @PeeHaa
@Jimbo I meant some so called static utility classes that use superglobals underneath and in most cases alter their values. Or I just misunderstood your question here.
@Leri Question?
I don't remember asking a question :-)
@Bas that is a strong dependency (= bad) and why do you need to validate the password?
@Duikboot Actually, not that. I am talking about local employers who literally think developer is some sort of slave.
@ThW This was just an example :) But i suppose for checking if it meets the required password length. What do you mean with strong dependencys?
This includes forcing them to work more than 40 hours per week and salaries are not paid consistently.
These kind of employers aren't too many (at least, in Georgia), however, there're few and have common characteristics.
Oh ok :) I get it.
@Jimbo never mind then. :)
@Bas I would move the check more to the dialog. You're creating the validator and using it, here is not way to inject a different one and you used 'final'.
@Bas by "strong dependency" it means that your User is hard coupled to the password validation implementation. The VO should not be in any way coupled to any business process.
class UserController
    public function setPasswordAction()
        $user = // load user entity
        $this->authManager->setUserPassword($user, $password);
class AuthManager
    public function setUserPassword(User $user, $password)
        $user->password = hash_password($password);
@ThW Inside the usage as i've showed before?
@DaveRandom Alright. thank you :)
what do you mean by user management?
I was thinking I'll just make a very simple blog in the end
Using final prevents you change the behavior in a child implementation. This can be useful, but it mostly isn't.
I'll add some of that into this tutorial I guess. No capistrano though, never used it :)
I just use git hooks to deploy my own stuff
psuedo-code @Bas ^^^
Don't put any logic in a VO
Not even calling logic that's housed somewhere else
final is death - violates Open/Closed :-)
@Patrick for a blog, adding authors for example
@Jimbo unless you use composition?
With permissions
It's a system everybody needs, and it's complex enough to be a real-world example
@Jimbo I got shouted(ish) at for saying that a while ago, in that open/closed is not coupled to inheritance
@FlorianMargaine That's one thing I'm not yet sure how to properly implement. I've been using this for a project of mine but I don't like it tbh.
@Patrick Well composition = has-a while extension = is-a. You still need extension sometimes.
@Patrick yeah, it's a topic I'm not set on.
@DaveRandom I genuinely don't know how to argue against that, too...
@FlorianMargaine But does it make sense to put everything into one tutorial? It might end up becoming a book in the end :P
I am trying to understand MVC a little more. I want to build something but the view seems to go on and on and on! I have about 4 or 5 main views - but 1 or 2 of them have an extended view. And some have an extended 2-3 views. IS this even possible? Can I extend a view like a class? How do I get my controller to handle this
@JustSteveKing Forget about MVC, worry about separation of concerns.
@Jimbo I still haven't landed on an opinion. I have used final for certain things in the past, and there are even some cases where I still think it was the right thing to do. I do still think that final class probably isn't ever appropriate, but final methods are a different story.
@JustSteveKing This tutorial might also be useful
@Patrick yeah but if you don't have a real world example, it's not complete either IMHO... I mean, that's what missing from most tutorials I've read.
nothing wrong with final methods ...
@Patrick Thanks man! Anything is better than nothing atm. I have a loose understanding of it - but never pout anything into practice with it
@FlorianMargaine agreed. But it's hard to draw the line
@Jimbo I do thing that one of the places where is seems like a good idea but isn't is for library internal classes. They are not part of the public API, they are not designed to be extended, and as such there's not much point in declaring them final because GIGO
@DaveRandom IMHO it's not about whether it's clean code or not. It's about providing a way to do it or not. Some code might have a contrived use case for it, and if the language doesn't support it, then it needs workaround
I still don't get it. Open for extension. Extension comes from inheritance
@Patrick This tutorial is just about hacking together an own Arya in my opinion.
@FlorianMargaine Sorry, I may have missed something there, if the language doesn't support what?
I'm sure you're right. "People will use it to write horrible code" is not a good argument against a language feature (most of the time) because people can easily write horrible code without feature X
Final classes. Isn't that the discussion?
@FlorianMargaine Well yes, but we already have them, your comment sounded as if we don't...
We do?
My bad then...
@kelunik how so? just because you use a few of the same components?
This is why I haven't voted on static classes RFC - I wouldn't ever use it but I don't see any reason to deny it to people who want it, since people will do it anyway just without it being enforced.
@FlorianMargaine Yeh, but again there's a good reason you don't know because you don't want it. Neither do I, but I wouldn't argue for removal/not adding it in the first place.
abstract final class is just fucking weird though, I'd have voted against that if that was the vote
I never wanted it because I don't often write OOP code in php tbh...
We think the same anyway
@FlorianMargaine orly? I thought your day job was PHP?
Or you have a procedural codebase?
@DaveRandom drupal
@FlorianMargaine 7?
Old drupal is procedural?
mostly, yes
(to both)
Huh, didn't know that
Still, I guess it's a pretty old project, not that surprising
Sorry people was in a meeting reading back now
d7 supports php 5.2
@DaveRandom yeah. Many bits were transformed to objects, but the architecture was still procedural in d7
@DaveRandom Yea but D8 is means to be reworked completely to be OOP
d8 is changing that
but it's barely in beta...
I have a question and I can't find it properly through google on my search phrase.
I want to send my post data to 2 form action pages.
I was thinking about curl not sure if that will work tho'
Searching phrase: "sending post data to multiple forms php"
@Patrick Probably, I just gave it a quick read and couldn't find any reason to use this instead of Arya.
@kelunik Why use Arya instead of Silex, Slim, Laravel, Symfony, ... ?
@JustSteveKing So I believe, I've heard some fairly flattering things about it. I don't need a CMS for anything so I've never really dug into 8 or older versions
@FlorianMargaine Nonsense. classes === OOP. :-P
Are there any good tutorials about this class rules?
About not putting any logic inside classes etc.
class Application
    public static function run()
        // look ma, I'm doing OOP!
@PeeHaa .. I do not understand Grahams last comment on the issue..
What does it mean? " I meant split of the bits that are genericly useful." The project is already comp with composer as i gisted in last comment
Anyone has an idea on where I need to look further?
@MikeM. Can you elaborate a bit more on what you are trying to do and why you need to send it to two places?
@RonniSkansing He wants to use parts of the project without using the entire thing
Also incoming reply in 3... ;)
As a general rule the answer if going to be one of AJAX or curl on your server to forward some data on
But need to know more about what you are actually trying to do
basicly one registration page send the user info to the register page on my own server to the reseller hosting, so people can trigger a checkbox "Do you want to register for hosting?" if this is triggered aswell the server will automaticly register for the hosting service.
PeeHaa oh as in, split the project into multiple repos and glue it up with composer?
Wow that's the worst way I ever phrased something I need to get done xD
I hope you can understand it.
maybe an interpretive dance would help
@RonniSkansing I think that is what he meant. Not sure how that will work out, but one possible thing for which I can see that being useful is for removing the actual GUI and the information
@PeeHaa imo that is changing context of the bug/suggestion.. Decoupling the code into minor libs in a totally unrelated case (except that it could be glued by composer, in the end)
@RonniSkansing Agreed
@Patrick I've never used Silex, Slim, Laravel, Symfony, ..., but they're not minimal if I'm right.
I am all for decoupling.. not coupling =]
@MikeM. The "register for hosting" checkbox, does it require the user to enter more info on another page or is do you already have the info you need to fulfil that as well?
I already have that info in the registration.
So let's rephrase what I said xD
1) User is filling out the registration page
2) User checks if (s)he wants to be registered

3) Register only for my website

3) Register on my website
4) Send the data to the API registration page

5) Register page done redirect.
@MikeM. You probably want a cURL request from your server to talk to the hosting service then
So if the checkbox is checked you make the registration request for the hosting from your server
@kelunik Then why use a framework at all if you can just use a few components that you like and wire them quickly together? That way you have full control over everything and can tailor things to your specific needs.
Q: Are you using DirectAdmin?
Q2: Is there a way you can add a php login for every package you create instead of using the one of my main servername url? Example: phpmyadmin.myserver.domain.com works
But Can I also user mynewpackage.eu/phpmyadmin or phpmyadmin.mynewpackage.eu ?
@DaveRandom The hosting comes with a post action to the API which handles it, so if I understand it correctly, if I send the data over cURL to that API, it would probably work.
@Patrick Because it already ties together the components we need: router, dependency injection, middlewares.
@MikeM. yes, that's what you want. Remember that submitting an HTML form would take the user to that page (i.e. off your site), but you want to handle the data on your server and keep the user on your site.
Patrick I use Arya, and use it because it internally has the few components I always use, along with Auryn. I used Silex and etc before but never liked the api, and it is more a microframework (no reason to compare with Laravel, Symf..)
So you need to make that second request, you don't want to leave that in the hands of the client
@DaveRandom Indeed That what I thought, the hosting API is still on my own site I just don't have access to it XD
So it wouldn't be much of a problem. :)
but still I want it to be registered on my site first :)
Well letse learn curl then :P
@FlorianMargaine @RonniSkansing @PaulCrovella @zerkms @SergeyTelshevsky others who have anything to say about it ^
It works, it is compatible with composer, so what is the issue?
Hi guys. Does anyone know how to save typing in PhpStorm when you create a class constructor and you want to assign all the parameters to the respective class fields? (e.g. $this->firstName = $firstName; $this->lastName = $lastName; ....) I write it by hand and I can do it quite quickly with autocomplete, yet it seems like a waste of time in a long run.
Nothing like a good discussion BTW about trivial things like an autoloader <3 :-)
@PeeHaa I've added a more succinct version of the argument I've presented here.
yay [=
@MikeM. You might want to look at building an "SDK" for your hosting API - so that your current project can use a component that you can a) share with other applications and b) update independently of your current project. Design an OO interface for the API that would allow to change the way the API works without affecting the code of the applications that consume it.
@PaulCrovella \o/
guys any idea footer isn't showing up on IE 8 on this page expresseasy.test.swipbox.com/register . It is coming on rest of pages.
@DaveRandom Hehe don't insult me, Don't understand half of it XD
I am a beginner -.- :P
@MikeM. Try to think of the code that talks to the API as a totally separate application, which your current site uses to consume the API.
That's better :)
@PeeHaa You don't want to use composer or something? Saw the github post, struggling to make sense of it
Ugh ffs people needto stop using the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" in OSS projects
$this->getResponse()->getHeaderBag()->set('some header'); <- does it break the Law Of Demeter (assume calling from a controller)?
@MikeM. the point is that if you do that then in 6 months when you create another site that wants to be able to creating a registration for hosting, then you can re-use the code that you are writing for the current task by basically copying and pasting it.
@FlorianMargaine No.
@Jimbo TL;DR people want the project to use the composer autoloader instead of the autoloader currently in the project. I want to find out what I gain by doing it
@FlorianMargaine Impossibru
@bad_boy I'm not sure... The header bag is just an object belonging to the response, nothing more... so I don't think we're "reaching through" to get it... Can't you just do $response->headers->set ...?
@PaulCrovella "code quality is terrible, but it works. Leave it like that."
That's basically what this sentence means
@DaveRandom Hmmm ye that's true, let's start off easy :) There is always room for implementation unless it's serious necessary.
Until people are getting paid for it, refactoring code that does the job is just not going to happen
@DaveRandom it's not about time though, people are willing to do it. It's in a discussion of whether we should do something or not.
@FlorianMargaine only if you think the current autoloader is horrible =]
@FlorianMargaine If the code quality is terrible, present that as an argument for the change. This is the first I've heard of it.
@FlorianMargaine Ahh. Well then yes, there's no excuse for that.
@PaulCrovella that wasn't related to this discussion. Just that the argument itself sucks.
I'm sick of hearing it in OSS.
Project works fine, with or without composer, so why force it on?
gdi I've just spotted a bug 4 commits ago in a PR
Now I have to do some epic git-fu before merge :-(
That sucks
@FlorianMargaine it's better than arguing for swapping in a component just because it happens to be your favorite component in the whole wide world, even though the change adds zero value
That I'm sick of hearing in OSS
Branch, reset, apply change, cherry pick commits, force push... The nicest way I've found. Still ugly.
@Jimbo In most cases, it would make sense to access response instance from a controller only. And doesn't ($response->headers) break encapsulation, since $headers property can be altered after instantiation? Like $response->headers = null somewhere?
guys any idea footer isn't showing up on IE 8 on this page expresseasy.test.swipbox.com/register . It is coming on rest of pages.
@bad_boy yes\
and it also bread the code idea of MVC (assuming that that's what you were talking about when you said "controller")
@FlorianMargaine That's what I generally do. Not afraid of history rewrites in PR but yeh, still ugly. In this case the commits have discreet file sets so I could just reset and re-commit but cherry-pick probably easier.
@PaulCrovella I'll answer on the issue when I'll have found the correct way to express my argument :)
Sorry for multiping but there's just no excuse for "prolly"
@bad_boy why is there a getResponse method?
@tereško Since it's not possible to abstract all headers, how would you add some headers, from a controller's action without violating the Law of Demeter? (yeah, I know that controller alters state only)
@DaveRandom yeah... I wish there was a way to redo an earlier commit without going through this hassle
@Patrick No, response is injected directly, getResponse() is just a getter to avoid encapsulation leaks
@bad_boy symfony's http sucks. That's just how it is. I tried to write something better, but it also sucks. I'll write a v2 at some point that actually separates concerns
@bad_boy why would the controller be responsible for adding headers ?
can you point me to the place, where you found that idea ?
Like some rebase where you can rewrite code at x point... Might be doable actually. Any idea git experts?
@tereško ok, where else would you add headers? And yeah, it comes from Symfony2/ZF
in the view
@FlorianMargaine All that would be required would be an optional sha ref for commit --amend, seems like an obvious thing. git already lets you fuck up the history good and proper if you want, that would be a drop in ocean
because view is responsible for producing a response
git commit --amend=<sha>
View consists of two parts: Template and UI logic, so then it belongs in UI logic?
@DaveRandom How do i check for name length (example) in this code: pastebin.com/Gn8CFkk3 because the name is getting instantiated by the constructor
headers are part of the response
ok, got now

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